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www.ks5u.com ‎2017届高三二轮复习英语精品资料【讲案】‎ 专题4 阅读理解Ⅱ:细节理解题 ‎【构建知识体系】‎ 细节理解题 考点1事实细节题 考点2细节转换与是非判断题 考点3数字计算题 考点4细节排序题 ‎2014-2016年全国高考Ⅰ卷本专题考查分布明细统计 年份 章节 素材话题 体裁 考点分布 主旨大意 细节理解 推理判断 词义猜测 ‎2014‎ 第一节 剑桥科技节的活动通知 应用文 ‎1‎ ‎6‎ ‎6‎ ‎2‎ 旅鸽在美国逐渐减少直至灭绝的过程 记叙文 向驯兽师学习如何集中注意应对选择障碍 议论文 学者对濒危语种进行记录拯救 记叙文 第二节 如何帮助孩子为未来职业做准备 说明文 信息匹配 ‎2015‎ 第一节 关于伦敦运河博物馆每月专题讲座安排的海报 应用文 ‎0‎ ‎9‎ ‎5‎ ‎1‎ 作者离开寒冷的纽约去美国南部度假的感受 记叙文 介绍了在巴黎皮蓬杜艺术中心举办西班牙著名艺术家萨尔瓦多·达利艺术展的情况 记叙文 议论文 法国咖啡馆在现代社会中彰显心理沟通的社会功能,产生了积极的意义。‎ 第二节 重建人际关系中的信任的意义与措施 说明文 信息匹配 ‎2016‎ 第一节 主要介绍了四位著名的女性的基本情况。‎ 说明文 ‎1‎ ‎9‎ ‎4‎ ‎1‎ 主要介绍了社会上很多老年人搬到离子女近的地方居住的一种趋势,同时也建议老人们要做出适合自己的选择。‎ 说明文 文章主要讲述了作者在一次运送造血干细胞途中的一段经历,表现了人们之间的友爱。‎ 记叙文 主要介绍了沉默在不同文化背景下的不同含义。‎ 说明文 第二节 主要介绍了密码的设置方法和破解方法。‎ 说明文 信息匹配 ‎2014-2016年全国高考Ⅱ卷本专题考查分布明细统计 年份 章节 素材话题 体裁 考点分布 主旨大意 细节理解 推理判断 词义猜测 ‎2014‎ A 以一个妻子的口吻讲述了发生在自己丈夫身上的故事。在丈夫丢失了自己所有东西后,陌生人无私的帮助使他们重拾了对他人的信任。‎ 记叙文 ‎1‎ ‎9‎ ‎3‎ ‎2‎ B 以1970年地球日为突破口,讲述了人类对于地球环境的认识—‎ 科普说明文 由无知到保护。借专家之口讲述了美国40年来对环境保护做出的突出贡献。‎ C 美国普遍存在的一种社会现象—对于“aupair(住家保姆) from China”。透过现象揭示了本质—“Learing Chinese is becoming in Amercia”,暗示中国雄狮已经苏醒。‎ 社会文化类 D 地铁提示信息,包括时间、价格、失物招领等,同时也提到了老年人和残疾人需要注意的问题 广告应用类 ‎2015‎ A 我的彩电给我带来的头疼事:花的钱比广告上的多,而且机子是过时的,质量也有问题,最后只能花钱修。‎ 记叙文 ‎1‎ ‎5‎ ‎8‎ ‎1‎ B 减肥除了少吃之外,还和房间有关系:房子要明亮;勇冷色系会减少食欲;放一些舒缓的音乐就餐;用校的碗碟 科普说明文 C 越来越多即将上大学的学生选择“间隔年”。有人认为是好事,因为经过一年的锻炼,学生将会变得更加成熟、更有责任感。但也有人指出这种做法存在弊端,有些学生会因为负担不起大学学费而被迫利用这一年去打工。‎ 社会现象议论类 D 从价格到参观的内容介绍了四个英国的旅游胜地。‎ 广告应用类比 ‎2016‎ A 主要介绍了几个广告的具体内容,涉及音乐、喜剧表演和歌曲等活动的具体安排,如时间、地点等。‎ 应用文 ‎1‎ ‎9‎ ‎3‎ ‎2‎ B 主要讲述了作者在上课的时候通过让学生们拼装玩具,从而发现并鼓励学生们的创造性思维的故事。‎ 记叙文 C 主要介绍了网站BookCrossing.com建立的目的以及它是如何促进人们分享图书的。‎ 说明文 D 主要介绍了Frank用图片使一次失败的南极航海活动重新进入人们的视野,让人们能够了解这次航海的许多信息。‎ 记叙文 ‎2016年全国高考III卷本专题考查分布明细统计 年份 章节 素材话题 体裁 考点分布 主旨大意 细节理解 推理判断 词义猜测 ‎2016‎ A 本文通过广告的形式介绍了几家举行音乐演出的剧场的信息。‎ 应用文 ‎1‎ ‎10‎ ‎2‎ ‎2‎ B 文章通过作家Welty一次与朋友在外面吃饭的经历,讲述了小说中的人物大多都是来自现实生活。‎ 记叙文 C 介绍了苹果节的一些情况。‎ 说明文 D 讨论了新闻传播的规则,以及读者喜欢分享什么样的文章。‎ 议论文 ‎【考纲解读】‎ 考试大纲 要求 考纲解读 要求考生阅读4篇短文,从每题所给的4个选项中选出最佳选项。题材广泛,包括科普、社会、文化、政治、经济等多方面内容。体裁多样,以记叙文、议论文、说明文为主。‎ 考查主旨大意、细节理解、推理判断、词义猜测、篇章结构等题型。‎ 主旨大意题包括精确归纳标题、概括文章大意和总结段落大意,主要考查考生能否分辨主题和细节,是否具备提纲挈领的能力,也就是能否在理解全文的基础上运用概括、判断、归纳、推理等逻辑方法对文章进行高度概括和总结,做这类题目时要高瞻远瞩,不可以以偏概全。‎ ‎【剖析全国高考真题】——预测高考命题方向 ‎ ‎ A You probably know who Marie Curie was, but you may not have heard of Rachel Carson. Of the outstanding ladies listed below, who do you think was the most important woman of the past 100 years?‎ Jane Addams(1860—1935)‎ Anyone who has ever been helped by a social worker has Jane Addams to thank. Addams helped the poor and worked for peace. She encouraged a sense of community(社区) by creating shelters and promoting education and services for people in need. In 1931, Addams became the first American woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize. ‎ Rachel Carson(1907—1964)‎ If it weren't for Rachel Carson, the environmental movement might not exist today. Her popular 1962 book Silent Spring raised awareness of the dangers of pollution and the harmful effects of chemicals on humans and on the world's lakes and oceans. ‎ Sandra Day O'Connor(1930—present)‎ When Sandra Day O'Connor finished third in her class at Stanford Law School, ‎ in 1952, she could not find work at a law firm because she was a woman. She became an Arizona state senator(参议员) and, in 1981, the first woman to join the US Supreme Court. O'Connor gave the deciding vote in many important cases during her 24 years on the top court. ‎ Rosa Parks(1913—2005)‎ On December 1, 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, Rosa Parks would not give up her seat on a bus to a white passenger. Her simple act landed Parks in prison. But it also set off the Montgomery bus boycott. It lasted for more than a year, and kicked off the civilrights movement. “The only tired I was, was tired of giving in,” said Parks.‎ ‎21. What is Jane Addams noted for in history?‎ A.Her social work. ‎ B.Her teaching skills. ‎ C.Her efforts to win a prize. ‎ D.Her community background. ‎ ‎22. What was the reason for O'Connor's being rejected by the law firm?‎ A.Her lack of proper training in law. ‎ B.Her little work experience in court. ‎ C.The discrimination against women. ‎ D.The poor financial conditions. ‎ ‎23. Who made a great contribution to the civilrights movement in the US?‎ A.Jane Addams. B.Rachel Carson. ‎ C.Sandra Day O'Connor. D.Rosa Parks.‎ ‎【文章大意】 本文是一篇说明文。作者主要介绍了四位著名的女性的基本情况。‎ ‎21.A 细节理解题。根据文章中的“Anyone who has ever been helped by a social worker has Jane Addams to thank.Addams helped the poor and worked for peace. She encouraged a sense of community(社区) by creating shelters and promoting education and services for people in need.”可知,她是一位社会工作者,因为她所做的社会工作而获得诺贝尔和平奖。故选A 。‎ ‎ ‎ A What's on?‎ Electric__Underground ‎7:30 pm—1:00 am Free at the Cyclops Theatre Do you know who's playing in your area? We're bringing you an exciting evening of live rock and pop music from the best local bands. Are you interested in becoming a musician and getting a recording contract(合同)? If so, come early to the talk at 7:30 pm by Jules Skye, a successful record producer. He's going to talk about how you can find the right person to produce your music. ‎ Gee__Whizz ‎8:30 pm—10:30 pm Comedy at Kaleidoscope Come and see Gee Whizz perform. He's the funniest standup comedian on the comedy scene. This joyful show will please everyone, from the youngest to the oldest. Gee Whizz really knows how to make you laugh! Our bar is open from 7:00 pm for drinks and snacks(快餐). ‎ Simon's__Workshop ‎5:00 pm—7:30 pm Wednesdays at Victoria Stage This is a good chance for anyone who wants to learn how to do comedy. The workshop looks at every kind of comedy, and practises many different ways of making people laugh. Simon is a comedian and actor who has 10 years' experience of teaching comedy. His workshops are exciting and fun. An evening with Simon will give you the confidence to be funny. ‎ Charlotte__Stone ‎8:00 pm—11:00 pm Pizza World Fine food with beautiful jazz music; this is a great evening out. Charlotte Stone ‎ will perform songs from her new bestselling CD, with James Pickering on the piano. The menu is Italian, with excellent meat and fresh fish, pizzas and pasta(面食). Book early to get a table. Our bar is open all day, and serves cocktails, coffee, beer, and white wine. ‎ ‎1. Who can help you if you want to have your music produced?‎ A. Jules Skye. B. Gee Whizz. ‎ C. Charlotte Stone. D. James Pickering. ‎ ‎2. At which place can people of different ages enjoy a good laugh?‎ A. The Cyclops Theatre. B. Kaleidoscope.‎ C. Victoria Stage. D. Pizza World.‎ ‎3. What do we know about Simon's Workshop?‎ A. It requires membership status. ‎ B. It lasts three hours each time. ‎ C. It is run by a comedy club. ‎ D. It is held every Wednesday. ‎ ‎4. When will Charlotte Stone perform her songs?‎ A. 5:00 pm—7:30 pm. B. 7:30 pm—1:00 am. ‎ C. 8:00 pm—11:00 pm. D. 8:30 pm—10:30 pm. ‎ ‎2.B 细节理解题。根据文章的第二部分中的“He's the funniest standup comedian on the comedy scene. This joyful show will please everyone, from the youngest to the oldest.”可知,他是最滑稽的喜剧演员,因此他的演出会让不同年龄的人都感到快乐。‎ ‎3.D 细节理解题。根据第三部分广告中的“5:00 pm—7:30 pm Wednesdays at Victoria Stage”可知Simon's ‎ Workshop的表演是在每周三下午5:00至7:30之间进行。因此选D。‎ ‎ 4.C 细节理解题。根据第四部分中的“Charlotte__Stone 8:00 pm—11:00 pm Pizza World”可知Charlotte Stone将在晚上8:00至11:00之间演唱她最受欢迎的歌曲。‎ ‎ ‎ A Music Opera at Music Hall: 1243 Elm Street. The season runs June through August, with additional performances in March and September. The Opera honours Enjoy the Arts membership discounts. Phone: 2412742. http://www.cityopera.com. ‎ Chamber Orchestra: The Orchestra plays at Memorial Hall at 1406 Elm Street, which offers several concerts from March through June. Call 7231182 for more information. http:__//www.chamberorch.com.‎ Symphony Orchestra: At Music Hall and Riverbend. For ticket sales, call 3813300. Regular season runs September through May at Music Hall and in summer at Riverbend. http://www.symphony.org/home.asp. ‎ College Conservatory of Music (CCM): Performances are on the main campus(校园) of the university, usually at Patricia Cobbett Theatre. CCM organizes a variety of events, including performances by the wellknown LaSalle Quartet, CCM's Philharmonic Orchestra, and various groups of musicians presenting Baroque through modern music. Students with I.D. cards can attend the events for free. A free schedule of events for each term is available by calling the box office at 5564183. http://www.ccm.uc.edu/events/calendar. ‎ Riverbend Music Theatre: 6295 Kellogg Ave. Large outdoor theatre with the closest seats under cover (price difference). Big name shows all summer long! Phone:2326220. http://www.riverbendmusic.com. ‎ ‎1. Which number should you call if you want to see an opera?‎ A. 2412742. B. 7231182. ‎ C. 3813300. D. 2326220. ‎ ‎2. When can you go to a concert by Chamber Orchestra?‎ A. February. B. May. ‎ C. August. D. November. ‎ ‎3. Where can students go for free performances with their I.D. cards?‎ A. Music Hall. ‎ B. Memorial Hall. ‎ C. Patricia Cobbett Theatre. ‎ D. Riverbend Music Theatre. ‎ ‎4. How is Riverbend Music Theatre different from the other places?‎ A. It has seats in the open air. ‎ B. It gives shows all year round. ‎ C. It offers membership discounts. ‎ D. It presents famous musical works.‎ ‎【文章大意】 这是一篇应用文。本文通过广告的形式介绍了几家举行音乐演出的剧场的信息。‎ ‎1.A 细节理解题。根据第一则广告Opera at Music Hall中“Phone:2412742.”可知,要想看歌剧应拨打电话2412742。‎ ‎2.B 细节理解题。根据第二则广告中的“…which offers several concerts from March through June.”可知,5月份期间可以去听该音乐会。‎ ‎【高考预测】‎ 纵观近几年全国高考试题,预测2017年全国高考试题还会 ‎①Ⅰ卷在选材上继续保持知识性和趣味性,语篇长度适中,题材与体裁广泛,彰显文化特色,重点考查考生快速获取、处理、分析信息的能力。细节理解题占总量的60%左右,难度与上年持平,预计难度系数0.7。‎ ‎②Ⅱ卷文章体裁继续延续记叙文和说明文占主体的局面,另有一篇议论文和一篇广告类说明文。题型以细节理解题为主,推理判断题略有所增加,词义猜测题1题左右。‎ ‎【精讲研法】——课堂讲解突破核心考点 ‎ 考点一 事实细节题 ‎【例1】‎ ‎ ‎ B Grandparents answer a call As a thirdgeneration native of Brownsville, Texas, Mildred Garza never planned to move away. Even when her daughter and son asked her to move to San Antonio to help with their children, she politely refused. Only after a year of friendly discussion did Ms Garza finally say yes. That was four years ago. Today all three generations regard the move as a success, giving them a closer relationship than they would have had in separate cities. ‎ No statistics show the number of grandparents like Garza who are moving closer to the adult children and grandchildren. Yet there is evidence suggesting that the trend is growing. Even President Obama's motherinlaw, Marian Robinson, has agreed to leave Chicago and move into the White House to help care for her granddaughters. According to a study by grandparents.com, 83 per cent of the people said Mrs Robinson's decision will influence grandparents in the American family. Twothirds believe more families will follow the example of Obama's family. ‎ ‎“In the 1960s we were all a little wild and couldn't get away from home far enough or fast enough to prove we could do it on our own,” says Christine Crosby, publisher of Grand, a magazine for grandparents. “We now realize how important family is and how important it is to be near them, especially when you're raising children.”‎ ‎ Moving is not for everyone. Almost every grandparent wants to be with his or her grandchildren and is willing to make sacrifices, but sometimes it is wiser to say no and visit frequently instead. Having your grandchildren far away is hard, especially knowing your adult child is struggling, but giving up the life you know ‎ may be harder.‎ ‎25. Why was Garza's move a success?‎ A.It strengthened her family ties. ‎ B.It improved her living conditions. ‎ C.It enabled her make more friends. ‎ D.It helped her know more new places. ‎ ‎26. What was the reaction of the public to Mrs Robinson's decision?‎ A.17% expressed their support for it. ‎ B.Few people responded sympathetically. ‎ C.83% believed it had a bad influence. ‎ D.The majority thought it was a trend. ‎ ‎27. What did Crosby say about people in the 1960s?‎ A.They were unsure of themselves. ‎ B.They were eager to raise more children. ‎ C.They wanted to live away from their parents. ‎ D.They had little respect for their grandparents. ‎ ‎【文章大意】 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了社会上很多老年人搬到离子女近的地方居住的一种趋势,同时也建议老人们要做出适合自己的选择。‎ ‎25.A 细节理解题。根据首段末句“Today all three generations regard the move as a success, giving them a closer relationship than they would have had in separate cities.”可知,Mildred Garza老人搬到离孩子近的地方居住,这让他们的关系更密切,一家人认为这是一件成功的事情。故选A 。‎ 规律方法1: 如何解决事实细节题?‎ 做事实细节题最基本也最常用的方法是题干定位法。一般在原文中找到相关的句子,然后进行比较和分析,便可确定答案。此类题通常用一些疑问词来提问,或是判断正误。‎ ‎【变式精练】 A ‎ 【辽宁省铁岭市协作体2017届高三上学期第二次联考】‎ ‎ Every year more people recognize that it is wrong to kill wildlife for “sport.” Progress in this direction is slow because shooting is not a sport for watching, and only those few who take part realize the cruelty and destruction.‎ ‎ The number of gunners, however, grows rapidly. Children too young to develop proper judgments through independent thought are led a long way away by their gunning parents. They are subjected to advertisements of gun producers who describe shooting as good for their health and guncarrying as a way of putting redder blood in the veins (血管). They are persuaded by gunner magazines with stories honoring the chase and the kill. In school they view motion pictures which are supposedly meant to teach them how to deal with arms safely but which are actually designed to stimulate (刺激) a desire to own a gun. Wildlife is disappearing because of shooting and because of the loss of wildland habitat (栖息地). Habitat loss will continue with our increasing population, but can we slow the loss of wildlife caused by shooting? There doesn’t seem to be any chance if the serious condition of our birds is not improved.‎ ‎ Wildlife belongs to everyone and not to the gunners alone. Although most people do not shoot, they seem to forgive shooting for sport because they know little or nothing about it. The only answer, then, is to bring the truth about sport shooting to the great majority of people.‎ ‎ Now, it is time to realize that animals have the same right to life as we do and that there is nothing fair or right about a person with a gun shooting the harmless and beautiful creatures. The gunners like to describe what they do as character-building, but we know that to wound an animal and watch it go through the agony of dying can make nobody happy. If, as they would have you believe, gun-carrying and killing improve human-character, then perhaps we should encourage war.‎ ‎21. According to the text, most people do not seem to be against hunting because___________.‎ A. they have little knowledge of it ‎ B. it helps to build human character C. it is too costly to stop killing wildlife ‎ D. they want to keep wildlife under control ‎23. According to the text, the films children watch at school actually__________.‎ A. teach them how to deal with guns safely ‎ B. praise hunting as character-building C. describe hunting as an exercise ‎ D. encourage them to have guns of their own ‎23.D 细节理解题。根据In school they view motion pictures which are supposedly meant to teach them how to deal with arms safely but which are actually designed to stimulate (刺激) a desire to own a gun.事实上在学校,孩子们所看到的电影也刺激着他们拥有一把枪的欲望,故选D。‎ 考点二 细节转换与是非判断题 ‎【例2】I have been consistently opposed to feeding a baby regularly.As a doctor,mother and scientist in child development I believe there is nothing to recommend it,from the baby’s point of view.‎ Mothers,doctors and nurses alike have no idea of where a baby’s blood sugar level lies.All we know is that a low level is harmful to brain development and makes a baby easily annoyed.In this state,the baby is difficult to calm down and sleep is impossible.The baby asks for attention by crying and searching for food with its mouth.‎ It is not just unkind but also dangerous to say a fourhourly feeding schedule will make a baby satisfied.The first of the experts to advocate a strict clockwatching schedule was Dr Frederic Truby King who was against feeding in the night.I’ve never heard anything so ridiculous.Baby feeding shouldn’t follow a ‎ timetable set by the mum.What is important is feeding a baby in the best way,though it may cause some inconvenience in the first few weeks.‎ Well,at last we have copperbottomed research that supports demand feeding and points out the weaknesses of strictly timed feeding.The research finds out that babies who are fed on demand do better at school at age 5,7,11 and 14,than babies fed according to the clock.By the age of 8,their IQ (智商) scores are four to five percent higher than babies fed by a rigid timetable.This research comes from Oxford and Essex University using a sample (样本) of 10,419 children born in the early 1990s,taking account of parental education,family income,a child’s sex and age,the mother’s health and feeding style.These results don’t surprise me.Feeding according to schedule runs the risk of harming the rapidly growing brain by taking no account of sinking blood sugar levels.‎ I hope this research will put an end to advocating strictly timed baby feeding practices ‎ ‎31.According to Paragraph 2,one reason why a baby cries is that it feels________.‎ A.sick B.upset C.sleepy D.hungry ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段的内容,特别是最后一句“The baby asks for attention by crying and searching for food with its mouth.”可知,血糖低对大脑发育有害而且婴儿易躁易怒,在这种情况下,婴儿很难平静入睡,由此判断选D项。‎ ‎32.What does the author think about Dr King?‎ A.He is strict.‎ B.He is unkind.‎ C.He has the wrong idea.‎ D.He sets a timetable for mothers.‎ ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】细节理解题。由第三段中“I’ve never heard anything so ridiculous.”可知,作者认为Dr King的观点是错误的。‎ ‎34.What does the research tell us about feeding a baby on demand?‎ A.The baby will sleep well.‎ B.The baby will have its brain harmed.‎ C.The baby will have a low blood sugar level.‎ D.The baby will grow to be wiser by the age of 8.‎ ‎【答案】D ‎35.The author supports feeding the baby________.‎ A.in the night B.every four hours C.whenever it wants food D.according to its blood sugar level ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】细节理解题。由文章的最后一段可以看出作者明确地表示反对严格定时进食(strictly timed feeding)的方式,而支持根据婴儿的需要喂食(demand feeding)的方式,也就是婴儿只要饿了就喂食的做法。‎ 规律方法2:如何解决细节转换与是非判断题?‎ 细节理解题也叫间接理解题,包括语意转换题、图文转换题和是非判断题。‎ ‎(1)语意转换题,需要将题目信息与原文相关信息进行语意上的转换,两者存在表述上的差异。解答这类题目时可带着问题,有针对性地扫读全文,迅速锁定相关语句,再对相关部分进行分析对比,找出答案。‎ ‎(2)图文转换题,在阅读理解题中,有的图表、图画出现在阅读理解题的正文中。在解答这类题时,可采用“文字锁定法”,找出描述图形中的句段,采用按图寻找答案的方法,按图索骥,图文互相参照、互相验证,便可确定正确答案。‎ ‎(3)是非判断题,采用对号入座法和排除法。对号入座法就是根据关键词返回原文,找出相关内容,从中找出答案。正确答案与原文表述可能有出入,但意思一样,万变不离其宗。排除法,针对是非判断题中的“三错一对”或“三对一错”类试题,要求仔细阅读文章,比较选项与原文的异同,然后做出正确判断。‎ ‎【变式精练】‎ ‎【湖北省荆门市2017届高三元月调考】In one study, college students who had important and reality-based conversations were more content than their peers who changed mere amusing remarks. But don’t deny small talks just yet.‎ Psychologists have long said that connecting with others is important to well-being, but just how much conversation we require is under investigation. In ‎ one study, researchers overheard(偷听) undergraduates for four days, and then cataloged each overheard conversation as either “small talks” (“What do you have done? Popcorn? Yummy!”) or “substantive”(实质性的交流)(“So did they get divorced soon after?”). They found that the second type correlated(相关) with happiness —the happiest students had roughly twice as many substantive talks as the unhappiest ones. Small talks, meanwhile, made up only 10 percent of their conversation, versus almost 30 percent of their conversation among the least content students.‎ But don’t deny small talks just yet. Scientists believe that small talks could promote bonding. Researchers found that a small talk maintains closeness with loved ones after studying ring-tailed lemurs’(环尾弧猴) call-and-response conversations, similar to human small talks. Still, joking with strangers could brighten your morning. In a series of experiments, those bus-takers told to chat with others are reported a more pleasant journey than those told to “enjoy your solitude” or to do whatever they normally would. Small talks can also help us feel connected to our surroundings. People who smiled at, made eye contact with, and briefly spoke with their Starbucks baristas (咖啡师) reported a greater sense of belonging than those who rushed through the transaction.‎ Of course, some of us are better than others at turning small talks into something bigger. All the differences come to what researchers call “a curious mindset”.‎ So go ahead to talk and inquire. Small talks needn’t be idle. And being curious about others’ business isn’t all bad.‎ ‎28. According to the second paragraph, we can know that .‎ ‎ A. we can deny small talks because substantive talks are more important.‎ ‎ B. People who make more small talks are much happier than those making substantive talks.‎ ‎ C. the well-being is built largely due to the percentage of our substantive talks.‎ ‎ D. the least content students have twice the amount of small talks than those content students.‎ ‎29. The benefits of small talks are the following EXCEPT .‎ ‎ A. It can make the bonding between people much closer ‎ B. It can shorten the distance between strangers and make the journey pleasant ‎ C. It makes us feel connected with the surroundings ‎ D. You can get more free cups of coffee from Starbucks baristas 考点三 数字计算题 ‎【例3】 This is What a REAL Silver Dollar Looks Like If you trust in the yen,the euro,and the dollar...stop reading.‎ Because this is a story about the silver coin EVERYBODY wants.‎ You read the headlines.You know that troubled economic times have put global currency on a rollercoaster(过山车) ride.But millions have found a smarter way to build longterm value with highgrade collectable silver.And right now,those people are lining up to secure some of the last 2012 U.S.Mint Silver Eagles,America’s Newest Silver Eagle Dollars.Today,you can graduate to the front of that line.Buy now and you can own these brilliant uncirculated Silver Dollars for only $38.95!‎ You Can’t Afford to Lose Why are we releasing(发行) this silver dollar for such a remarkable price?Because we want to introduce you to what hundreds of thousands of smart collectors and satisfied customers have known since 1984—New York Mint is the place to find the world’s finest highgrade coins.That’s why we’re offering you this Brilliant Uncirculated 2012 U.S.Silver Eagle for as little as $37.45 (plus s/h).‎ Timing is Everything Our advice?Keep this to yourself.Because the more people who know about this offer,the worse it is for you.Demand for Silver Eagles in 2011 broke records.Experts predict that 2012 Silver Eagles may break them all over again.Due to rapid changes in the price of silver,prices may be higher or lower and are subject to(受……影响) change without notice.Supplies are limited.Call immediately to add these Silver ‎ Eagles to your holdings before it’s too late.‎ Offer Limited to 40 per household ‎2012 American Silver Eagle Coin Your cost 1-4 Coins     $38.95 each+s/h ‎     5-9 Coins $38.45 each+s/h ‎     10-19 Coins $37.95 each+s/h ‎     20-40 Coins $37.45 each+s/h Note:$10 s/h(shipping and handling) for each purchase For fastest service,call tollfree 24 hours a day ‎18882017143‎ Offer Code(代码) ASE17704‎ Please mention this code when you call.‎ New York Mint ‎14101 Southcross Drive W.,Dept.ASE17704‎ Burnsville,Minnesota 55337‎ www.NewYorkMint.com ‎(2013·福建,C)‎ ‎65.If you buy six 2012 U.S.Mint Silver Eagles by post,you should pay at least ________.‎ A.$230.7 B.$233.7‎ C.$240.7 D.$243.7‎ ‎【答案】C 规律方法3:如何解决数字计算题?‎ 先理解文章的大意,然后经过对比、分析、计算等就能够得出正确的答案。‎ ‎1、仔细阅读文字说明部分,准确把握图表信息。‎ ‎2、仔细分析题干,抓牢关键词。‎ ‎3、运用数学公式计算,注意巧算。‎ ‎【变式精练】(2013·四川,A) ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎33.How much do you have to pay in total if four of you go together?‎ A.$20. B.$40. C.$60. D.$80.‎ ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】数字计算题。Fee部分提到“buy three get one free”可知共计需要付$60。‎ 考点四 细节排序题 ‎【例4】 ‎ You can’t always predict a heavy rain or remember your umbrella.But designer Mikhail Belyaev doesn’t think that forgetting to check the weather forecast before heading out should result in you getting wet.That’s why he created Lampbrella,a lamp post with its own rainsensing umbrella.‎ The designer says he came up with the idea after watching people get wet on streets in Russia.“Once,I was driving on a central Saint Petersburg street and saw the street lamps lighting up people trying to hide from the rain.I thought it would be appropriate to have a canopy(伞篷)built into a street lamp,” he said.‎ The Lampbrella is a standardlooking street lamp fitted with an umbrella canopy.It has a builtin electric motor which can open or close the umbrella on demand.Sensors(传感器)then ensure that the umbrella offers pedestrians shelter whenever it starts raining.‎ In addition to the rain sensor,there’s also a 360° motion sensor on the fiberglass street lamp which detects whether anyone is using the Lampbrella.After ‎ three minutes of not being used the canopy is closed.‎ According to the designer,the Lampbrella would move at a relatively low speed,so as not to cause harm to the pedestrians.Besides,it would be grounded to protect from possible lightning strike.Each Lampbrella would offer enough shelter for several people.Being installed(安装) at 2 metres off the ground,it would only be a danger for the tallest of pedestrians.‎ While there are no plans to take the Lampbrella into production,Belyaev says he recently introduced his creation to one Moscow Department,and insists his creation could be installed on any street where a lot of people walk but there are no canopies to provide shelter.(2013·山东,C)‎ ‎68.Which of the following shows how the Lampbrella works?‎ A.motor→canopy→sensors ‎ B.sensors→motor→canopy ‎ C.motor→sensors→canopy ‎ D.canopy→motor→sensors ‎【答案】B 规律方法4:如何解决细节排序题?‎ 做此类题目可采用“首尾定位法”,即先找出第一个事件和最后一个事件,这样可以迅速缩小选择范围,从而迅速找到答案。阅读理解的文章如果是记叙文,排序题通常以事件发生的时间为线索;如果是说明文,排序题通常以说明的先后顺序为线索;如果是议论文,排序题通常以逻辑顺序为线索。从近几年高考试题来看,这类试题主要出现在记叙文和说明文中。‎ ‎【变式精练】‎ ‎【山东省枣庄市第三中学2017届高三9月质量检测】 ‎ ‎ Planning to go to a gym? If you are one of those who spent many days planning to join a gym or to attend it regularly, then why not choose some home exercise? Here are some home exercises without equipment.‎ ‎ Jumping jacks ‎ This one is the best home workout without weights which is a great exercise that ‎ will work your hands and legs. Perform this exercise by standing with your feet placed together and arms at your sides. Now tuck in your abs(收腹) and jump by bending in your knees. At the same time, move your feet apart as much as you can and raise your hands to bring in line with your shoulder. While you come back you must be in a starting position, feet together, hands at sides and knees bent. You must land on your heels and again jump.‎ Jogging Jogging is one of the best home exercises without weights. You don’t need to have a lawn or jogging track at home to perform this exercise. There are many benefits of jogging. It will work your entire legs. Moreover, it is a classic cardiovascular(心血管) workout. Make sure you wear jogging footwear even if you are jogging at home to avoid any stress on your feet. Also, you can gradually increase the jogging time and speed.‎ Rotating(旋转) exercise Start by rotating your wrists, clockwise(顺时针地) and anticlockwise. Now, alternately rotate your feet in the same fashion. Now place both your hands on the shoulder and start rotating your shoulder clockwise and anticlockwise. Place an exercise mat and lie flat on your back. Now lift your left leg and rotate it clockwise; do not bend you knees. Now rest the left leg, lift your right leg and rotate it anticlockwise. ‎ It is necessary to set a perfect mood for exercise which will help you stick to the exercise routine and excitement. Make sure you wear proper exercise clothes to perform the workout with ease. Also, putting on your favorite music will make your exercise session more lively. If you get bored with exercises, just dance, after all it’s also one of the best home exercises.‎ ‎3. What is the right order of your body parts during rotation exercise?‎ A. hands—legs---back----legs. B. wrists—hands---feet---shoulders C. wrists---feet---shoulders---legs D. hands---shoulders---knees---legs

