UNIT 1 A LAND OF DIVERSITY(01悦读话题)2018年高考英语一轮复习(人教选修8)

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UNIT 1 A LAND OF DIVERSITY(01悦读话题)2018年高考英语一轮复习(人教选修8)

‎(一)‎ Presidential Turkey Pardons总统赦免火鸡 Thanksgiving in general seems to mystify those not steeped in American traditions, but perhaps no part of that quirky turkey fest seems more bizarre than the annual ceremony during which modern presidents grant an official pardon to a live turkey presented to them by the National Turkey Federation (NTF). Interestingly, there's also been a great deal of confusion among Americans concerning the actual origins of this strange tradition. Although the NTF has been gifting presidents with turkeys annually since 1947, the whole idea of "pardoning" them by sparing them from the stove didn't occur until years later, and even then, when it did occasionally happen, it certainly wasn't with anything as grandiose as a declaration of an official presidential pardon. The first bird to receive a formal stay of execution in the mode of an expressly stated "presidential pardon" wasn't delivered to the Rose Garden until 1989, when then-President George H. W. Bush started this act of official benevolence that's now become an annual American tradition.‎ 对那些不热衷于美国传统节日的人来说,感恩节似乎会让他们感到困惑。但在这场奇怪的火鸡盛会中,最令人费解的莫过于每年总统都会赦免一只由国家火鸡联盟赠送的火鸡。有趣的是,美国人自己也搞不懂美国的一个传统。‎ ‎(二)‎ 美国最危险的七大国家公园 No.1 Precipice Trail, Acadia National Park阿卡迪亚国家公园:‎ The trail is very popular on the East Coast but it's also one of the most dangerous in Acadia National Park. It's not technically difficult but the steep drops and open cliffs make the walk very tricky. Falls are a real concern. A college student died four years ago after slipping. It's not a surprise that people under 5 feet and 2 inches are not recommended to try the hike. Don't evertake your hands off the metal rungs.‎ 这条小路在美国东海岸非常有名,同时也是阿卡迪亚国家公园中最危险的景点之一。这段路走起来并不困难,但陡峭的山势和开阔的悬崖令这段行程颇需技巧。四年前一位大学生便不慎滑入深渊。官方建议身高不足5英尺2英寸(约合157厘米)的游客不要踏上这段小路。这一点不令人感到惊讶。千万不要把手从金属护链上挪开!‎ No. 2 Bright Angel Trail, Grand Canyon, Arizona亚利桑那州大峡谷公园 It's tempting to want to climb from the rim down the river along the Bright Angel Trail, but you have to consider your realistic ability to complete the hike. It's 4,380 feet in altitude and can get scorching hot. This combination can easily lead do severe dehydration and heat exhaustion, and there are about 250 rescue operations a year. One of the better known incidents there was the death of 28-year-old A vik Chakravarty. He climbed in the heat and couldn't handle it. A Preventative Search and Rescue team (PSAR) was created afterwards to help hikers with whatever they may need.‎ 沿Bright Angel Trail一路跨过科罗拉多河欣赏沿途美景令人心生向往,但出发前应问问自己是否有完成旅程的本事。Bright Angel Trail的海拔为4380英尺,沿途酷热难耐,极容易导致脱水和中暑,每年都 No. 3 Vernal Fall, Yosemite National Park约塞米蒂国家公园 Three people died in 2011 after slipping from the top of Vernal Fall. The distance to the river, which is famous for its very dangerous current, is more than 300 feet. That year alone, 17people died in Yosemite National Park, six by falling off waterfalls. According to the book "Off the Wall: Death at Yosemite," the total death toll stands at almost 900.‎ ‎2011年,有三名游客因跌下该瀑布而丧生。瀑布的垂直距离超过300英尺,以其湍急的水流闻名于世。同样在2011年,有17人丧生于约塞米蒂国家公园,其中6人因跌落瀑布而殒命。据《越墙而下:约塞米蒂亡魂录》一书所述,死亡人数几乎达到了900人之多。‎ No.4 Huckleberry Mountain, Glacier National Park冰川国家公园:‎ Beware of bears; they may be everywhere. Experts estimate that there is a bear within a mile radius of every campsite. Sometimes in the spring, several hiking trails are closed for days due to the potential danger of encountering bears hunting for food. Avoid standing around food sources like carcasses and berry bushes.‎ 小心,熊出没!据专家估计,每个宿营点方圆1公里内都生活着一头狗熊。春季的某些时段,一些路段将封闭数天,以免游客遭遇正在觅食的狗熊。在当地游览时要尽量避免靠近动物的尸体或是浆果丛这样的食物来源。‎ No. 5 The Narrows, Zion National Park锡安国家公园 It's easy to hike the park's slot canyons – when it's not raining. If a sudden storm hits the area, don't waste time and find refuge somewhere high. Unexpected and abrupt flash flooding is common year-round.‎ ‎ Hypothermia is also a major concern for hikers. That's what happened to an experienced hiker less than a year and a half ago.‎ 在这座公园窄窄的峡谷中行走容易得很——不过下雨时就不是这样了。如果暴风雨袭来,千万不要浪费时间,直接寻找高地避雨。肆虐的洪水来得总是出乎意料,而且一年到头都极为常见。体温过低同样困扰着那些远足客。而这些都是一名经验丰富的远足客在一年半前的亲身经历。‎ No.6 Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Nevada and Arizona米德湖国家休闲区,内华达州和亚利桑那州 Lake Mead, a manmade reservoir, is popular for unlimited and unrestricted watersports. But with that comes a lot of danger. In 1998, a person died there once a week on average. Most of them perished from a lethal combination of what park rangers call "recklessness and cluelessness." The various causes of death are drownings, boating accidents, and drug overdoses. In 2003, Lake Mead National Recreation Area ranked fourth on the list of the 10most dangerous national parks, according to a survey by a park ranger group.‎ 米德湖是一座人工蓄水池,因无限制无约束的水上运动而广受欢迎。早在1998年,平均每周就有一名游客丧生。公园的管理员称大多数人死于自己致命的"愚蠢和冲动"。游客的死因包括溺水,船难和过度嗑药等。2003年,在一项公园管理员参与的调查中,米德湖国家休闲区在10大最危险的国家公园中位列第四。‎ No. 7 The Maze, Canyonlands National Park峡谷地国家公园 Getting lost here is really easy. Always be sure to have a map, a charged phone, a GPS, and a compass. Anything you need to figure out which way to go is a good idea. The canyons are connected in a way that is truly a labyrinth. You're likely to hit a dead end anywhere you turn. The problem is that even if you can get in touch with people to come and rescue you, they may take days to find you.‎ 在这里非常容易迷路,要确保随身携带着地图,充满电的手机,卫星定位装置和指南针,带上任何能 ‎ ‎

