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课时作业 十一  模块2 Unit 3 Amazing people1 ‎ 建议时间 / 40分钟 ‎                    ‎ 基础检测 Ⅰ.词形转换 ‎1.It's    (desire) that all the humans be treated equally.  ‎ ‎2.I sent a letter of     (apply) last week, but I haven't received a reply so far.  ‎ ‎3.Children are often full of    (curious) and they take great interest in everything.  ‎ ‎4.The accident caused a large number of    (death).  ‎ ‎5.He thought about all of the    (survive) shows he had watched on TV.  ‎ Ⅱ.单句填空 ‎6.I listened to a report about the Tiaoyu Tao last weekend and that was the first time I     (hear) about the subject.  ‎ ‎7.If only he    (lie) quietly as the doctor instructed, he wouldn't suffer so much now.  ‎ ‎8.I    (hope) to send him a gift to congratulate him on his marriage, but I didn't manage it.  ‎ ‎9.As each man I contacted recounted painful details, I felt as though I were talking with my father. Not only were they similar in appearance, but they    (experience) the same things.  ‎ ‎10.By the end of last week, nearly 80 per cent of the work    (finish).  ‎ Ⅲ.短语填空 look up to, pay off, come across, in control of, result in ‎11.He managed to        Sparrow's debts.  ‎ ‎12.We should        him as an example of devotion to duty.  ‎ ‎13.Nobody knows who is        the club.  ‎ ‎14.The other day I        my former colleague in the department store.  ‎ ‎15.The Beijing flood, which began in July 2012,          huge damage to the city of Beijing.  ‎ Ⅳ.句型训练 ‎16.     you really value is    what you have       what you miss. (主语从句,not…but) ‎ 你真正珍惜的往往不是你所拥有的,而是你所失去的。‎ ‎17.I guess I could come to try it for a while,            .  ‎ 不过我想我可以来试着玩会儿。‎ ‎18.            the project will be completed before October. (主语从句) ‎ 这项工程确定将在10月份之前完成。‎ ‎19.She took a taxi to the airport,        the plane        . (不定式作状语) ‎ 她坐出租车去了机场,不料发现飞机已经起飞了。‎ ‎20.        Tom     invites you to the party? (强调句式) ‎ 是汤姆邀请你来参加这次聚会的吗?‎ 能力提升 Ⅴ.阅读理解 词数:373  主题:科学家  文体:记叙文 Marie Tharp was born in Ypsilanti, Michigan on July 30, 1920, into a mapping family. Her father William Edgar Tharp, was a soil surveyor for the United States Department of Agriculture, and the Tharps went to wherever his work took him. Ms Tharp once said that by the time she graduated from high school, she had attended two dozen public schools across the country.‎ She received a bachelor's degree in English and music from Ohio University in 1943, followed the next year by a master's degree in geology from the University of Michigan. While working as a geologist for an oil company in Oklahoma, Ms Tharp earned a degree in mathematics from the University of Tulsa in 1948. That year, she joined Columbia University's geology department as a research assistant to the well-known scientist Maurice Ewing. Bruce C.Heezen, who went on to become a leading geologist and oceanographer, was a graduate student there, and he and Ms Tharp would share their professional and personal lives for the next three decades.‎ Before the mid-20th century, little was known about the ocean bottom. In 1949, Mr Ewing and his team started a quest to map the sea floor using sonar soundings (声呐探测). Because a research ship was considered no fit place for a woman, Ms Tharp, working with pen and ruler, plotted the data back in Palisades. With Mr Heezen, Ms Tharp compiled the first comprehensive map of the entire ocean bottom, shedding light on a hidden world of huge cracks and valleys, and volcanic ranges stretching for thousands of miles. It was published in 1977.‎ In his book The Mapmakers, John Noble Wilford, a science reporter, described their achievement this way: “Like other pioneering maps, the one by Heezen and Tharp is not complete and not always completely accurate. It is, however, one of the most remarkable achievements in modern cartography(制图学). It is the summary of more than a century of oceanographic effort.” ‎ Ms Tharp's work in plotting the ocean's bottom would also help gain acceptance for the theory of continental drift (大陆漂移), still an unpopular theory when she and Mr Heezen began their cooperation in the late 1940s.‎ ‎21. What do we learn about the Tharp family?‎ A.They loved travelling. ‎ B.They moved too often.‎ C.They were quite wealthy. ‎ D.They farmed for a living.‎ ‎22. When did Ms Tharp start to work with Heezen?‎ A.In 1943. B.In 1944. ‎ C.In 1948. D.In 1949.‎ ‎23. What does the author say about the map in Paragraph 3?‎ A.It was completed on a research ship.‎ B.It went against the theory of continental drift.‎ C.It was aimed at protecting natural habitats on the sea floor.‎ D.It was based on Ewing and his team's studies.‎ ‎24. How did Wilford look at the map?‎ A.He admired it. ‎ B.He tolerated it.‎ C.He was cautious about it. ‎ D.He was doubtful about it.‎ Ⅵ.完形填空 词数:295  主题:化解危机 文体:记叙文 Even though we are probably not aware of it, on our path through life, we are setting goals all the time. However, many things will not only depend on how firmly we set a goal, but how  25  we act in achieving it.  ‎ A story shows how smart acting can turn a seemingly  26  crisis (危机) into a(n)  27 . During Roosevelt's third campaign for president, millions of folders with the president's campaign speech were  28 . People who had no chance to see and hear Roosevelt live would be able to  29  it, hopefully like it and  30  him. Of course, Roosevelt's picture was on the front page. Too  31  no one had noticed that under the picture was a tiny but  32  name, George Moffet, who had taken the picture.  ‎ By law, Moffet would have had to be asked for the right to  33  this picture. As the campaign managers had  34  to do so, the choices looked hard: either to burn the millions of folders, 35 losing the campaign, and pay the high price to print new folders with a  36  picture, or to ask Moffet for belated permission. Both choices seemed  37 .What could they do? ‎ It was the campaign boss George Perkins who  38  the tables. He sent a telegram to Moffet with a great  39  telling him that Mr Roosevelt's campaign team was planning to print millions of folders with Mr Roosevelt's  40 . It would for sure be a great  41  for the photo studio to use a picture taken by Moffet. How much would he be willing to  42  for using it? ‎ Moffet said he would pay $250. Roosevelt's campaign boss  43 . So, the hard problem was solved wisely. The  44 ? Think of things in different ways.  ‎ ‎25. A.quickly B.carefully C.bravely D.wisely ‎26. A.national B.terrible C.immediate D.personal ‎27. A.game B.challenge C.change D.opportunity ‎28. A.designed B.collected C.printed D.ruined ‎29. A.read B.admire C.watch D.keep ‎30. A.wait for B.work for C.vote for D.stand for ‎31. A.bad B.late C.hard D.strange ‎32. A.obvious B.important C.wonderful D.frightening ‎33. A.use B.draw C.shoot D.show ‎34. A.decided B.refused C.failed D.regretted ‎35. A.enjoying B.risking C.finishing D.considering ‎36. A.popular B.clear C.common D.different ‎37. A.expensive B.possible C.amusing D.helpful ‎38. A.set B.turned C.cleaned D.booked ‎39. A.letter B.plan C.offer D.success ‎40. A.name B.story C.report D.image ‎41. A.advertisement B.management C.achievement D.development ‎42. A.ask B.save C.pay D.charge ‎43. A.accepted B.ignored C.argued D.admitted ‎44. A.power B.excuse C.result D.key Ⅶ.语法填空 Although Socrates (苏格拉底) was poor all his life, he never asked his pupils to pay for their lessons. He taught 45.    the love of wisdom, not for money. And 46.    he had to say was always new and worth hearing. All his pupils loved him. ‎ But his unusual ways of teaching and his demand that students always ask questions made him some 47.    (danger) enemies. The rulers did not want to be questioned. So they 48.    (false) accused Socrates of teaching young men bad things and 49.    (lead) them to ignore religion. In fact Socrates was a very religious man. His enemies had him 50.    (arrest), and he was sentenced to death by poisoning. ‎ During the 30 days before he was put to death, his friends and pupils 51.    (allow) to visit him in his prison. They were astonished to find that 52.    was calm and cheerful. He had no fear of dying. When the deadly poison was finally brought to Socrates, his friends were in 53.    (tear), but Socrates seemed to be the 54.    (brave) man in the room. He raised the cup and drank it as if it were a glass of banquet wine. ‎ 课时作业(十一)‎ Ⅰ.1.desired/desirable 2.application 3.curiosity ‎4.deaths 5. survival Ⅱ.6.had heard 7.had lain 8.had hoped ‎9.had experienced/experienced 10.had been finished ‎ Ⅲ.11. pay off 12.look up to 13.in control of ‎14.came across 15.resulted in Ⅳ.16.What; not; but ‎17.though ‎18.It's certain that ‎19.only to find; had taken off ‎20.Is it; who Ⅴ.【文章大意】 本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了美国著名女科学家Marie Tharp的故事。‎ ‎21.B 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Her father William Edgar Tharp, was a soil surveyor for the United States Department of Agriculture, and the Tharps went to wherever his work took him. Ms Tharp once said that by the time she graduated from high school, she had attended two dozen public schools across the country.”可推知,由于Marie Tharp父亲的工作的关系,她的家庭需要经常搬家,故选B。‎ ‎22.C 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“While working as a geologist for an oil company in Oklahoma, Ms Tharp earned a degree in mathematics from the University of Tulsa in 1948.”和对本段的整体理解可知,Tharp 和 Heezen是从1948年开始一起共事的,故选C。‎ ‎23.D 推理判断题。根据第三段第二句“In 1949, Mr Ewing and his team started a quest to map the sea floor using sonar soundings (声呐探测).”和对本段的整体理解可推知,Tharp所绘制的海底地图是基于Ewing和他的团队的研究而形成的,故选D。‎ ‎24.A 推理判断题。根据第四段Wilford 的描述“‘…It is, however, one of the most remarkable achievements in modern cartography(制图学)…’”可推知,Wilford对这样的地图给予了高度评价,故选A。‎ Ⅵ.【文章大意】 本文是一篇记叙文,主要通过罗斯福竞选活动中发生的一件事说明了一个道理,即要实现目标有时需要有随机应变、处理突发事件的能力。‎ ‎25.D 根据下文“A story shows how smart acting can turn a seemingly…crisis (危机) into a(n)…”和“So, the hard problem was solved wisely.”可知,此处指巧妙地应对。故选D。quickly迅速地;carefully小心地;bravely勇敢地;wisely聪明地,智慧地。‎ ‎26.B 根据下文所讲的竞选故事可知,如果处理不当,有可能需要花费巨额的资金,说明当时的情况确实是很糟糕的,故选B。national国家的;terrible可怕的,极其严重的;immediate立刻的,马上的;personal个人的。‎ ‎27.D 根据下文“So, the hard problem was solved wisely.”可知,巧妙应对,危机会变成良机,故选D。game游戏;challenge挑战;change变化;opportunity机会。‎ ‎28.C 根据空处语境可知,宣传册已经印刷,故选C。design设计;collect收集;print印刷;ruin毁掉。‎ ‎29.A 印发宣传册让那些没机会看到和聆听罗斯福演讲的选民可以读到他的演讲,故选A。read阅读;admire钦佩;watch观看;keep保持。‎ ‎30.C 根据语境“…hopefully like it…”可知,竞选团队希望选民会喜欢罗斯福的演讲,进而投票选他,故选C。wait for等待;work for为……而工作;vote for投票;stand for代表。‎ ‎31.A 根据下文事态的进展可知,糟糕的是,没人注意到照片下方还有名字,故选A。bad坏的;late晚的,迟的;hard艰难的;strange奇怪的,陌生的。‎ ‎32.B 根据下文“By law, Moffet would have had to be asked for the right to…this picture.”可知,摄影师的授权很重要,所以这个名字虽小,但相当重要(important),故选B。obvious明显的;important重要的;wonderful极好的,精彩的;frightening令人害怕的。‎ ‎33.A 根据语境中的“By law”和“right”可知,要使用照片,得经过摄影师授权,故选A。use使用;draw拉,画;shoot射击;show展示,显示。‎ ‎34.C 根据语境“…the choices looked hard…”可推知,竞选主管没有去征求摄影师的授权,故选C。decide决定;refuse拒绝;fail失败;regret后悔。‎ ‎35.B 很明显,目前只有两个选择,要么烧掉宣传册,冒着竞选失败的风险,花高价重新印宣传册,要么得到授权,故选B。enjoy喜欢,享受;risk冒险;finish完成;consider考虑,认为。‎ ‎36.D 根据语境“…print new folders…”可知,一种选择就是冒着竞选失败的危险,换另一张不同的照片,支付昂贵的印刷费用,故选D。popular流行;clear清楚的;common共同的;different不同的。‎ ‎37.A 根据空处的语境以及上文“…pay the high price…”可知,这两种选择的代价都很大,故选A。expensive昂贵的;possible可能的;amusing搞笑的;helpful有帮助的。‎ ‎38.B 根据下文George Perkins的做法可知,是他扭转了局面,故选B。turn the tables意为“扭转局面”。set设置;turn转动;clean弄干净;book预订。‎ ‎39.C George Perkins告诉摄影师他可以借罗斯福的竞选宣传册来做广告宣传自己,这是一个很有价值的提议,故选C。letter信,字母;plan计划;offer提议;success成功。‎ ‎40.D 根据语境可知,宣传册上要印罗斯福的照片,故选D。name名字;story故事;report报道;image形象。‎ ‎41.A 数以百万计的印着Moffet拍摄的罗斯福的照片的宣传册被印刷,本身就是一种对其工作室的宣传,故选A。advertisement广告;management管理;achievement成就;development发展。‎ ‎42.C 根据下文“Moffet said he would pay $250.”可知,George Perkins告诉Moffet这是一个非常好的为自己做广告的机会,并问Moffet如果宣传册上用他拍的照片,他愿出价多少,故选C。ask问;save节省,拯救;pay付钱;charge收费。‎ ‎43.A 根据上文可知,Moffet答应出250美元,George Perkins表示接受,这样难题就解决了,故选A。accept接受;ignore忽略;argue争论;admit承认。‎ ‎44.D 根据上文的小故事可知,难题得到解决的关键是换一个角度思考问题,故选D。power力量,权力;excuse借口;result结果;key钥匙,关键。‎ Ⅶ.【文章大意】 本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了著名哲学家苏格拉底的故事。‎ ‎45.for 考查介词。for the love of…意为“因为对……爱”,语境中的“…not for money.”也是提示。‎ ‎46.what 考查连词。what引导主语从句,在从句中作宾语,表示物的概念。‎ ‎47.dangerous 考查词形转换。修饰名词的词一般是形容词,故用形容词dangerous修饰名词enemies,在句子中作定语。‎ ‎48.falsely 考查词形转换。副词修饰动词、副词、形容词或者整个句子,在句子中作状语,故用副词falsely修饰动词accused。‎ ‎49.leading 考查非谓语动词。根据语境and提示可知,此处与teaching并列,故用动名词leading作介词of的宾语。‎ ‎50.arrested 考查非谓语动词。have sb done意为“使某人被……”。arrest和him构成被动关系,故用过去分词作宾语补足语。‎ ‎51.were allowed 考查动词的时态和语态。allow和句子主语his friends and pupils构成逻辑上的被动关系,根据语境“…he was put to death…”可知,事情发生在过去,故用一般过去时的被动语态。‎ ‎52.he 考查代词。根据语境中的was提示可知,此处缺少主语,且表示人,和上文中的him呼应,故用主格代词he。‎ ‎53.tears 考查名词复数。固定词组搭配in tears意为“流泪”,故用名词复数tears。‎ ‎54.bravest 考查形容词最高级。根据空前的the可知,此处用形容词最高级形式,修饰名词man,在句子中作定语。‎

