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模拟组合练(一) Ⅰ.阅读理解 A (2018 山西高三一模,A) British Museum Located in Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DG, the British Museum houses a vast collection of world art and artifacts and is free to all visitors. The British Museum’s remarkable collection spans over two million years of human history and culture, and it has more than 7 million objects, so it would probably take a week to see everything. Over 6 million visitors every year experience the collection, including world-famous objects such as the Rosetta Stone and Egyptian mummies. Admission and opening times Free, open daily 10:00 to 17:30. Open until 20:30 on Fridays, except Good Friday. Closed on 24, 25 and 26 December and 1 January. Large luggage, suitcases and cabin baggage For everyone’s safety, all bags, packages and personal items may be searched before entry. Wheeled cases and large items of luggage are not allowed in the British Museum for safety and security reasons. Storage for luggage is available at major rail stations, including Euston, King’s Cross and Charing Cross. Membership Membership allows you to discover 2 million years of human history with free unlimited entry to special exhibitions, an exclusive discount offer on magazine subscription and many more benefits. Individual membership:£74 Under 26 membership:£54 Young friends(aged 8—15):£25 Shops The museum has four shops where you can buy books, souvenirs, and family gifts. 1.When can you visit the British Museum? A.At 9:00 on Friday. B.At 12:00 on Monday. C.On Christmas Day. D.On Good Friday. 2.Where can visitors store their large luggage? A.At major train stations. B.At some crossings. C.In the hall of the Museum. D.At the entrance to the Museum. 3.If two friends aged 14 and 18 apply for membership of the Museum, how much should they pay? A.£25. B.£79. C.£50. D.£148. B (2017 辽宁锦州一模) Now it seems that technology could be changing our homes. A project conducted by Johann Siau, has built on the university’s InterHome project, to create a home that supervises weak or elderly people living at home. “We’ve developed a wristband(手环) type device(装置),” said Johann Siau, “which monitors the condition of an elderly person. It collects data of a person, to see if the person has fallen or is away from where he/she is supposed to be. It connects an elderly person with an assisted living type device with the InterHome. The assisted living project is part of the development of a smart house. The house stores the usage patterns of the person living there and can use as little energy as possible. The project introduces the assisted-living idea to care for the elderly. It’s very important that these technologies are there to help and support rather than replacing any of the existing services.” The InterHome is not just a type or a vehicle for research; it’s a study tool to help students from different scientific backgrounds learn about and develop technology. The InterHome combines the latest broadband technology, mobile data and communication. Researchers and students make sure all the technology works together. Students get experience by developing new hardware and software themselves. It requires a variety of skills from electronic engineers, computer students, design students and so on. “The present plan we’re working on is a smart home project in Watford with some commercial companies,” said Johann Siau. “We are looking at how a smart home can provide extra valuable services.” 4.The main purpose of this article is to    . A.describe a new project to develop a smart home for the elderly B.describe a new platform for students to develop new technology C.show how future buildings will change elderly people’s way of life D.introduce a new kind of technology to help people enjoy a better life 5.The underlined word “supervises” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to    . A.lifts B.oversees C.supports D.comforts 6.According to the article, the InterHome project    . A.calls for students to care for old people B.does all the work the existing services do C.develops houses that mainly aim to save energy D.provides better care and services for the elderly 7.What can we learn about the InterHome project from the article? A.It is a collection of many existing technologies. B.It is just a platform to help students to do research work. C.It is a smart home project developed by different companies. D.It allows students to put into use and try out what they have learned. Ⅱ.完形填空 (2018 安徽安庆一中高三三模) During the Nov. 11 shopping event, many people tend to buy more than they need because of sales and promotion or just a plain urge. But what normally 1  the shopping spree (疯狂购物) is not  2  but regret. That’s because many people just buy things to fill the  3  in their hearts, but accumulating things actually  4  the burden in their minds. The concept of Danshari may provide a(n) 5  to the problem. Danshari is based on three Chinese characters, duan she li, 6  refusal, disposal (清除) and separation. It promotes the idea of getting rid of  7  things and separating oneself from the drive to own  8  possessions. There are two basic rules that  9  whether you should keep something—the relationship between you and the item under  10  as well as the timing. So before you  11  your payment password for something, ask yourself two questions: Do I  12  it now? Does it suit me? Danshari encourages you not only to 13  yourself things, but to give up the unreasonable desire associated with owning them. Nowadays, people need to learn to   14  their daily lives. Buy only the necessities and  15  items, regularly  16  things you don’t need any more, then you’ll get freedom in your heart. However, it doesn’t mean that you should 17  your desire and live a less interesting life. Instead, you should  18  yourself rather than material goods. Through  19  what to buy and what to get rid of, you can see a deeper reflection of yourself, 20  learning to make wise decisions about more important things. 1.A.prevents B.follows C.starts D.promotes 2.A.expectation B.wealth C.satisfaction D.relief 3.A.emptiness B.need C.silence D.space 4.A.measures B.covers C.relieves D.indicates 5.A.limit B.alternative C.solution D.introduction 6.A.meaning B.abolishing C.violating D.predicting 7.A.updated B.temporary C.used D.unnecessary 8.A.private B.material C.valuable D.popular 9.A.prove B.permit C.decide D.affect 10.A.guarantee B.consideration C.control D.discussion 11.A.change B.create C.provide D.enter 12.A.need B.try C.want D.match 13.A.deny B.prepare C.spare D.serve 14.A.fix B.risk C.enrich D.simplify 15.A.special B.cheap C.suitable D.optional 16.A.discover B.recycle C.update D.abandon 17.A.fuel B.identify C.kill D.balance 18.A.reflect on B.focus on C.give up D.cheer up 19.A.choosing B.avoiding C.comparing D.mentioning 20.A.rather B.otherwise C.therefore D.still 词汇 阅读理解 A 1.located adj.坐落在,位于 2.remarkable adj.显著的,异 常的 阅读理解 B 1.monitor vt.监控 2.build on 在……的基础上发展 完形填空 1.tend v. 趋向;走向;往往会 2.accumulate v.积累;逐渐增 长 句型 阅读理解 A The museum has four shops where you can buy books, souvenirs, and family gifts.(where 引导定语从句) 这家博物馆有四家商店,在那里你能够购买书籍、纪念品和给家人的礼物。 阅读理解 B Now it seems that technology could be changing our homes.(it seems that...好像……) 现在科技好像正在改变我们的家。 完形填空 That’s because many people just buy things to fill the emptiness in their hearts, but accumulating things actually indicates the burden in their minds.(that’s because...那是因 为……) 那是因为许多人买东西仅仅是为了填充他们内心的空虚, 但是积聚东西 实际上表明了他们思想的负担。 你的收获 词汇: 句型: 答案全解全析 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A [语篇解读] 本文为应用文。作者向人们介绍了大英博物馆的位置、 规模、开放时间以及参观者应注意的其他事项。 1.B 事实细节题。本题题干意为“你可以在什么时间参观大英博物 馆?”。根据 “Free, open daily 10:00 to17:30.”可知,周一 12:00 符合开馆 时间,故答案为 B 项。根据“Admission and opening times”中的“Free, open daily 10:00 to 17:30.”及“Open until 20:30 on Fridays...”可知周五的开馆 时间是:10:00 至 20:30,故排除 A 项(周五 9 点);根据“Closed on 24, 25 and 26 December and 1 January.” 可知,在圣诞节那天,该博物馆闭馆,故 排除 C 项;根据“Open until 20:30 on Fridays, except Good Friday.”可知, 除了 Good Friday——耶稣受难日(复活节前的星期五)之外,每周五都 开馆,故排除 D 项(On Good Friday.)。 2.A 事实细节题。本题题干意为“游客可以将他们的大件行李保存在 哪里?”。根据“Large luggage, suitcases and cabin baggage”部分中的 “Storage for luggage is available at major rail stations, including Euston, King’s Cross and Charing Cross.”可知,游客可将大件行李存放在 major rail stations,故答案为 A 项。 3.B 事实细节题。本题题干意为“如果 14 岁和 18 岁的两个朋友想申 请成为该博物馆的会员,他们应该支付多少钱?”。根据“Membership”部 分中的“Young friends(aged 8—15):£25”可知,14 岁的那位朋友需支付 £25;根据“Under 26 membership:£54”可知,18 岁的那位朋友需支付 £54。因此他们共需要支付£79(£25+£54=£79)。故答案为 B 项。 B [语篇解读] 本文主要描述了为创建智能家居而研制的一款新的设 计,它可以照看生活在家中的虚弱或年迈的人。 4.A 写作意图题。根据文章第一段中 A project conducted by Johann Siau, has built on the university’s InterHome project, to create a home that supervises weak or elderly people living at home.并结合全文内容可 知本文主要描述了一款可以监管生活在家中的虚弱或年迈老年人的 设计。 5.B 词义猜测题。根据文章第二段中 which monitors the condition of an elderly person 中的 monitors 并结合画线词后的 weak or elderly 可 知画线词意为“监管”,故 B 项正确。 6.D 细节理解题。根据文章第二段中 The project introduces the assisted-living idea to care for the elderly. 可知这个项目主要是为老年 人提供更好的照顾和服务。 7.D 细节理解题。根据文章第三段中 The InterHome is not just a type or a vehicle for research;it’s a study tool to help students from different scientific backgrounds learn about and develop technology.可知该项目 可以帮助学生运用所学的科学知识。 Ⅱ.完形填空 [语篇解读] 本文主要讲了在“双十一”时,人们往往疯狂地在网上购物。 疯狂购物过后,随之而来的并不是满足感,而是后悔。因为许多人买东 西,仅仅是为了填充他们内心的空虚。但是,逐渐积累的东西实际上表 明了他们思想的负担。“断舍离”的想法可能为这个问题提供了解决方 法。通过选择买什么和丢掉什么,你可以看到一个更深层次的自己,然 后学会对更重要的事情做出明智的决定。 1.B 根据下文 but regret 可知一般跟在疯狂购物之后的不是满足感 而是后悔。prevent 阻止;follow 跟随,接着是;start 开始;promote 提升。 2.C 解析见上题。expectation 期盼;wealth 财富;satisfaction 满意;relief 安慰。 3.A 此处是说那是因为许多人买东西仅仅是为了填充他们内心的空 虚。emptiness 空虚;need 需要;silence 沉默;space 空间。 4.D 但是,积聚东西实际上表明了他们思想的负担。measure 测 量;cover 覆盖;relieve 解除;indicate 表明。 5.C 根据下文可知,“断舍离”的想法可能为这个问题提供了解决方法。 limit 限制;alternative 可供替代的选择;solution 解决办法;introduction 介绍。 6.A 下文是对 Danshari 含义的解释:拒绝、清除和分离。mean 意思 是;abolish 废除;violate 违背(法律、协议等);predict 预测。 7.D 根据第三段中的 Buy only the necessities 可知,它推动了这样的 观点:摆脱不必要的东西,使自己从拥有物质财富的欲望中分离出来。 update 更新;temporary 暂时的;used 使用过的;unnecessary 不必要的。 8.B 解析见上题。private 私人的;material 物质的;valuable 有价值 的;popular 流行的。 9.C 此处指有两个基本的原则决定你是否应该保留一些东西。prove 证明;permit 允许;decide 决定;affect 影响。 10.B 此处指你和这件商品的关系在考虑中。under consideration 在考 虑之中。 11.D 根据常识可知,此处指的是在输入你的付款密码买东西之前,问 你自己两个问题。change 改变;create 创造;provide 提供;enter 进入。 12.A 句意:我现在需要它吗?need 需要;try 尝试;want 需要(主语为 物);match 匹配。 13.A 根据上文可知“断舍离”不仅鼓励你自己节制(购买东西),而且还 鼓励你放弃想要拥有它们的欲望。deny 节制,克制,拒绝接受;prepare 准备;spare 留出,匀出;serve 招待。 14.D 此处指当今人们需要学会简化他们的日常生活。fix 固定;risk 冒……的危险;enrich 充实,使丰富;simplify 简化。 15.C 根据上文 Do I  12 it now?Does it suit me?可知仅仅买有必 要的和适当的物品。special 特别的;cheap 便宜的;suitable 适当 的;optional 可选择的。 16.D 根据下文 then you’ll get freedom in your heart 可推断此处意思 为经常放弃你不再需要的东西。discover 发现;recycle 再利用;update 更新;abandon 放弃。 17.C 句意:然而,那并不意味着你应该扼杀你的欲望,过一种无趣的 生活。fuel 加强;identify 识别;kill 扼杀;balance 使平衡。 18.B 句意:相反,你应该关注你自己,而不是物质的东西。reflect on 考 虑;focus on 关注;give up 放弃;cheer up(使)变得更高兴。 19.A 通过选择买什么和放弃什么,你可以看到一个更深层次的自己。 choose 选择;avoid 避免;compare 比较;mention 提到。 20.C 因此,学会在更重要的事情上做出明智的决定。rather 宁 愿;otherwise 否则;therefore 因此;still 仍然。

