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‎2020届二轮复习 书面表达高分必备:‎ ‎1.2 用心锤炼高级词汇 力求语言的生动美 学案 ‎ ‎ ‎2. 用心锤炼高级词汇, 力求语言的生动美 ‎1. 词汇华丽变身:替换常用简单词 ‎(1)动词变身 简单词汇 高级词汇 say, believe, ‎ ‎ think figure, hold the view that, assume that, I am convinced that improve promote, enhance, strengthen never give up stick to it, insist on doing, persist in, adhere to should be supposed to do, It is wise/sensible/ makes sense to do, nothing could be better than. . . , It’s worthwhile to do, deserve doing, find it rewarding and enjoyable to do. . . ‎ like have a passion for, be fond of, fall in love with, have an affection for come approach, around the corner, up-coming make enable, allow thank appreciate, be grateful to, convey my heartfelt help do sb. a favor, go/come to one’s aid, with the assistance of, ‎ ‎ give sb. a hand use gain access to, be accessible to ‎(2)形容词、副词、介词变身 简单词汇 高级词汇 more and ‎ more popular increasingly popular big enormous, tremendous very extremely, remarkably, overwhelmingly, pretty, perfectly famous accomplished, have a high reputation, distinguished ‎ good amazing, unbelievable, incredible bad disgusting, awful, terrible important significant, vital, essential, fundamental, crucial all kinds of a variety of, various, diverse about concerning, relevant, related 输入经典 ‎①On the one hand, too much praise might lead to children’s lack of enthusiasm to explore new things, for they are afraid they won’t meet parents’ expectations. ‎ ‎②Considering the enormous benefits, which we can earn steadily from tennis practice, including preventing us from getting shortsighted and keeping physically healthy, we are lost in training course. ‎ 输出佳句 ‎①The special day allows people to show their love and affection for(对……表达爱和情感) their fathers.  ‎ ‎②It’s advisable/wise(是明智的)for people to use their cell-phones more appropriately/properly(更恰当地).  ‎ ‎③Without sufficient preparation(没有充分准备), you can hardly expect to answer all the questions correctly and obtain satisfactory marks, let alone be admitted into a desirable university(梦想的大学).  ‎ ‎④Tracy said she had already informed Susan of(通知Susan) the change of the appointment.  ‎ ‎⑤People generally thought it impossible for the Chinese team to win the championship in the Rio Olympic Games, but they overcame many hurdles(克服许多障碍) and eventually worked miracles/wonders(最终成功).  ‎ ‎⑥Drama Night is scheduled to (预定)be held on the evening of next Friday in the theatre hall.  ‎ ‎⑦Additionally(此外), having been awarded scholarship twice in our school, I have excellent academic performance(极好的学术成就).  ‎ ‎⑧This phenomenon has become a concern/focus (成为焦点)we must face today because of many serious consequences (许多严重后果)caused by improper use of cell-phones.  ‎ ‎2. 变化所用词的词性 在作文中, 可以通过改变一个词的词性, 使文章富有变化, 让阅卷者感受到考生对词汇各种用法的掌握水平和灵活运用的程度。常见的变化词性的策略有名词变动词、动词变名词、形容词变名词等。‎ ‎(1)名词变动词 People are concerned about the gradual disappearance of the traditional values. ‎ ‎→People are concerned because the traditional values are gradually disappearing. ‎ 传统价值观正在渐渐地消亡, 这让人们很担忧。‎ ‎(2)动词变名词 After watching his performance, I found he could really dance very well. ‎ ‎→After watching his performance, I found him a really good dancer. ‎ 看了他的表演之后, 我发现他跳舞跳得很棒。 ‎ ‎(3)形容词变名词 I wrote a letter to Tom to thank him for his being so kind. ‎ ‎→I wrote a letter to Tom to thank him for his kindness. 我写信给汤姆对他的善良表示感谢。 ‎ ‎3. 善用短语:富有变化, 引人入胜 汉语 高级短语 努力 struggle for=strive for=spare no efforts for 从事 embark on=set about=go in for 在当代 in contemporary society=in present-day society=in this day and age 大量的 a host of=a great number of=a large amount of 更糟糕的是 what’s worse=worse still=to make matters worse 遇见;偶遇 meet=run into=come across=meet with=encounter 依我看 in my opinion=as far as I’m concerned=from my point of view 除了……之外(还有)‎ besides=in addition to=apart from=as well as=along with 一方面, 另一方面 on one hand, on the other hand=for one thing, for another thing 高度评价 think highly of=sing high praise for=think well of 把……考虑在内 take. . . into consideration=take. . . into account 有资格的;有能力的;胜任的 ‎ be fit for=be equal to=be qualified for=be competent in 参加 take part in/participate in 一些如何……的建议 some advice/tips/suggestions on how to. . . ‎ 对……感到紧张 feel nervous/anxious about 克服紧张,‎ erase/overcome/get over ‎ 缓解焦虑 ‎ nervousness/relieve anxiety 树立信心, 对自己有信心 ‎ build up confidence/have confidence in yourself/be confident about yourself 对……有益的 ‎ benefit=be of great benefit=be beneficial to 对……有害的;对……有损害的 ‎ harm=do harm to/do damage to=be harmful to 接触到;有机会使用 access=gain/have access to=be accessible to 对……(不)方便的 be convenient/inconvenient for sb. to do=bring convenience/inconvenience to sb. ‎ 对……有影响/作用 have an effect/influence/impact on. . . /make a difference to sb. ‎ 输入经典 ‎①For example, paper-cutting and Chinese knots are all feasible methods of introducing our culture, which are also more convenient to organize. ‎ ‎②The reasons why I am qualified for the job are as follows. ‎ 输出佳句 ‎①From my point of view(我认为), it’s true that cell-phones bring us lots of benefits and convenience, but only when they’re used more appropriately(恰当地) can they serve us better.  ‎ ‎②All my teachers and classmates sing high praise for my proficiency(高度赞扬我的熟练) in both Chinese and English.  ‎ ‎③Taking all your requirements into account/consideration(考虑到你的全部要求), I firmly believe I’m the right person you’re looking for.  ‎ ‎④As for accommodation, I prefer to live with a local family because I want to improve my English and experience authentic American culture close up(近距离体验真实的美国文化).  ‎ ‎⑤You are optimistic about life and always have confidence, whatever difficulty you may encounter(遇见), which helps you stand out among the classmates. ‎ ‎⑥With the improvement of people’s living standards(随着人们生活水平的改善), cell-phones are flooding into our life.  ‎ ‎⑦We are sorry for any inconvenience that we’ll bring to you(给您带来的不便). Thanks for your understanding.  ‎ ‎⑧Nowadays, the smart phones have found their way to every family and are playing a very important role in our life. They are beneficial to us in many ways. However, they also do harm to us mentally and physically(有害于我们的身心健康).  ‎ ‎⑨In addition, seldom do I have time to keep my parents company, so I decide to help my parents with some housework to release/ease/lessen/reduce their pressure(缓解压力), which I think is of benefit to enhance the relationship(加强关系) between my family members.  ‎ ‎4. 变主动语态为被动语态 考生在写作中习惯使用主动语态, 其实, 如果不知道动作的执行者、 没必要强调执行者或者想要表达更加客观一些的话, 被动语态就是一个很好的选择。例如: ‎ ‎(1)My father gave me a new book on my birthday. ‎ ‎(爸爸在我过生日的时候给了我一本新书。)‎ ‎→I was given a new book(by my father)on my birthday. (间接宾语作了主语)‎ ‎→A new book was given to me(by my father)on my birthday. (直接宾语作了主语)‎ ‎(2)And some world-famous players will be invited to give lessons. ‎ 并且会邀请一些世界著名的球员来上课。‎ ‎(3)Besides, you are expected to bring some nice small gifts. 除此之外, (大家)会期望你带一些小的美好的礼物。‎ ‎(2018·全国卷Ⅲ)‎ ‎  根据所给信息补全短文, 并注意高级词汇的使用。‎ Dear Peter, ‎ I am exceedingly delighted(我非常高兴) to hear from you. You asked me in your last letter about the physical exercise in our school and the following information may give you a rough sketch(给你一个粗略的理解).  ‎ To begin with, a fabulous new stadium has been built up(一座美丽的新体育馆已落成), which has become the new landmark(已成为新的地标) in our school. Moreover, with the stadium set up, a wide range of sports events(各种体育项目) are able to be held, of which ping-pong, football as well as(以及) running competitions enjoy great popularity(越来越受欢迎). As for me, I’m intoxicated with basketball(热爱篮球) since it has been giving me strength to confront the challenges in my life(去迎接生活中的挑战).  ‎ All in all, I sincerely invite(诚挚邀请) you to come to our school and see for yourself.  ‎ Yours, ‎ Li Hua

