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Unit3 A taste of English humour单元教案 Period 1 Reading The General Idea of This Period This period includes Warming up,Reading and Comprehending of Unit 3.To elicit the topic of humour,the teacher can get the students to talk about their teachers by asking what kind of teachers they like most.After the students know what they will learn in this unit,the teacher can get them to think what humour is,and then the teacher can show them some video clips,some verbal jokes,funny stories and some pictures for them to appreciate and have them tell the types of English humour,the typical representatives of each kind and if there are Chinese equivalents to types of English humour listed. To understand this reading passage better,the students are required to scan the passage first and try to decide how many parts the reading passage can be divided into and then get the general idea of each part.After that they will read the passage carefully again to find some specific information for the questions.If time is limited,the comprehending part can be given to the students as their homework. Teaching Important & Difficult Points Learn what nonverbal humour is by Charlie Chaplin’s career. How to understand and enjoy English humour. Teaching Methods Scanning to get the general idea of the text. Skimming to understand the passage better. Discussion to help the students understand better what they’ve learned and to use the knowledge they’ve learned in this period. Teaching Aids A tape recorder;a multimedia Three Dimensional Teaching Aims Knowledge and Skills Help the students learn something about some types of English and Chinese humour. Help the students learn how to understand and enjoy English humour. Help the students acquire the ability to use the key words and expressions concerning humour and useful sentence structures. Process and Strategies Help the students to use scanning and skimming methods to improve their reading skills and speed up their reading. Enable the students to talk about English humour. Feelings and Value Through the study of this period the students will be able to appreciate the English humour. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Warming up ‎1.Lead in: T:Hello,boys and girls!We have been here for more than half of a year,and you have got to know your teachers.What do you think of them or what kind of teachers you like most? S:I think all my teachers are kind and friendly to us.They take good care of us.They are not only my teachers but also my good friends. S:In my opinion,they are all learned and helpful,and I have learned much from them. S:I like teachers who are open-minded,cheerful and humourous. T:Good ideas!A humourous teacher can make the classes lively and interesting,and make you nice in class and learn well.Today we are going to learn something about humour. ‎2.Discussion: T:Then what do you think humour is?Now please discuss it in groups and express your own ideas about what humour is. S:Humour,like jokes,can make people laugh. S:Humour is a sense.It’s natural. S:Humour is quality of being amusing;it’s an ability to appreciate something comic or amusing. ‎3.Brainstorming: T:Quite good!You have spoken out your own ideas about humour.Maybe everybody has his/her own taste of humour.Then how many kinds of humour do you know? Ss:Verbal jokes,funny stories,etc. T:Wonderful!You know so much about humour.Some of them are examples of English humour and some are examples of humour in China.Now let’s appreciate the following,and tell what types of humour they are. Policeman:You can’t park here. Driver:Why not? Policeman:Read the sign. Driver:I did.It says,“Fine for parking!” Customer:I say waiter!There are some coins in my soup! Waiter:Well you said you wanted some change in your meals. Mrs Brown:Is your new home a warm one? Mrs Black:It should be.The painter gave it two coats last month. Ss:Verbal jokes. Patient:Doctor,I’ve lost my memory. Doctor:When did it happen? Patient:When did what happen? Doctor:What happened to your ears? Man:I was ironing my shirt when the telephone rang,but instead of picking up the phone,I accidentally picked up the iron and stuck it to my ear. Doctor:Oh Dear!But...what happened to the other ear? Man:The scoundrel called back. Ss:Funny stories. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Ss:They are playing cross talks. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Ss:They are playing sketches. T:Next let’s appreciate the video clips from the Mr.Bean. Ss:Mime and farce.Mr.Bean is quite a good example of mime and farce. T:Now let’s appreciate the video clips from the film called The Gold Rush. Ss:Nonverbal.From the film we can see that Charlie Chaplin was quite good at nonverbal humour. T:Do you think Charlie Chaplin’s eating boiled shoes funny?Why? S:I think it is funny.It makes my mouth watering,especially when it is almost time for lunch and I am very hungry. T:Really,and me too!But we have to come to the reading.‎ Step 2 Reading T:The title of the reading is Nonverbal Humour,the purpose of it is to introduce nonverbal humour.This reading material takes Charlie Chaplin as an example.It tells us what nonverbal humour means;what’s Charlie Chaplin’s style of acting;how he made a sad situation entertaining and so on. Reading task 1 General reading T:Boys and girls,I’d like you to read the passage fast and try to decide how many parts the reading passage can be divided into and then get the general idea of each part with your partners. A few minutes later. T:I see most of you have finished your task.Who would like to tell how many parts the reading passage can be divided into? S:We think there are three parts in this text.The first paragraph is the first part.From the second to the fourth paragraph is the second. T:OK.Are there any different opinions? S:In our opinion,the reading passage can be divided into four parts.The first part is the first paragraph.The second part is the second paragraph.The third and the fourth paragraph is the third part.And the last paragraph is the fourth part. T:Can you tell us the main ideas of the text? S:The first part tells us that not all humour is kind.The second part tells us that some actors can astonish us with the deep feeling they can inspire with us for a character they are playing.The third one tells us something about Charlie Chaplin’s acting style.The last one is a short biography about Charlie Chaplin. T:Sounds reasonable. Reading task 2 Careful reading T:OK,since you have a good understanding of the general idea of this reading passage,I’d like you to read the passage once again and work together with your partners to find out the answers to the following questions. ‎1.Why do people enjoy seeing other people’s bad luck? ‎2.What was Chaplin given a special Oscar for? ‎3.Why did people like The little Tramp?  T:Finished?OK,any volunteers! Suggested answers: ‎1.People enjoy seeing other people’s bad luck,because it makes people more content with/satisfied with their life. ‎2.Chaplin was given a special Oscar for the contributions he made in films. ‎3.People like The little Tramp because it gives people courage to overcome difficulties;because he was always kind even when people were unkind to him,and because he was optimistic.‎ Step 3 Language focus T:So much for the questions and answers.Now look through the passage again and see if you have any language problems. S:I don’t know whether the phrase “content with” has the same meaning with “be satisfied with”? T:Yes,“content” means “satisfied,happy,not wanting more.” For example: ‎1)The old Granny is content to live in the small village alone. ‎2)Are you content with your present salary? S:Mr.Li,in Chinese the three words “particular,especial,special” all mean “特别的”,I’m really confused about them.Will you explain them to us? T:particular“特别的,讲究的,挑剔的”,强调特定的,个别的,与众不同的;special “专门的,特殊的,特别的”,强调的是事物特有的性质、性格或专门的目的、用途;especial “特别的,主要的,突出的”,强调的是重要性,有“优越、好感”之意。 For example:‎ ‎1)There is one particular patient I’d like you to see. ‎2)She is particular about her clothes. ‎3)You will need a special tool to do that. ‎4)I love the country,especially (adv.) in spring. Step 4 Summary T:Today we have learned something about humour,and you have all performed wonderfully to have a good taste of humour. Step 5 Homework T:Now homework for you today!Complete the chart on Page 18,and write a biography for Charlie Chaplin according to the notes you have made. How time flies!It’s time for lunch.You can go and have your delicious lunch,and you don’t need to watch Charlie Chaplin eating boiled shoe to feel full. The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard Unit 3 A taste of English humour Period 1 Warming Up & Reading ‎ ‎1.Warming up ‎1)What is humour? ‎2)The types of humour ‎2.Reading ‎1)General idea of each paragraph ‎2)Questions and answers on the text ‎3)Some notes about Charlie Chaplin’s career ‎3.Language focus Record after Teaching Activities and Research:‎ Collection of English jokes,funny stories or poems You are going to make your own collection of English jokes,funny stories or poems so that all the classmates can enjoy them.Each of you should add either jokes,funny stories or poems you like to it.So you are required to: ‎1.Collect the good funny stories you have written or created. ‎2.Go to the library and read some books or magazines to collect jokes,funny stories or poems you like. ‎3.Go on the Internet to search for jokes,funny stories or poems you like. ‎4.Copy them into English jokes;Fun stories;Fun poems. ‎5.Display them in the class and share them. Reference for teaching Background Information CHARLIE CHAPLIN Charlie Chaplin,who died in 1977,is considered one of the greatest and funniest actors in the history of the cinema.During his lifetime,he acted in 13 films,and he wrote,directed and acted in 69 other films. Chaplin was born in London in 1889 and first acted when he was five years old.At the age of eight,he joined a group of child dancers,and at seventeen he set off to the USA with a group of comedy actors.During a second trip to the USA in 1912,an important film director saw Chaplin acting a very funny part in a play.As a result,Chaplin got his first film part in the States. As early as his second film,Chaplin had developed his own manner of acting,the one that was to become world-famous.He wore a small black hat,very wide trousers,a moustache and carried a stick that he swung in the air as he walked.Even his way of walking down the street and turning a corner could be recognized as his own.In less than three months Chaplin acted in 11 films.In a short while he started directing films himself.During his first year,Chaplin acted in 35 films,many of which he wrote and directed himself. Chaplin’s earliest films were silent films,because the equipment for adding sound to films had not yet been developed.The development of films with sound became a problem for Chaplin,as he was uncertain about making films with dialogue.Instead,he continued to make films without dialogue,but he added music,which he wrote himself.Two of his greatest films,“City Lights” and “Modern Times” were of this kind. Chaplin’s later films,however,were not well received.He made only six films between 1940 and 1966 and only the first of these is still popular today.Chaplin lived the last years of his life in Switzerland,where he was buried in 1977.Before he died,he was honoured in a number of ways for his contributions to the film industry. One of Charlie Chaplin’s most famous films was “The Gold Rush”,which was made in 1925.The film was set in California in the middle of the nineteenth century.At that time,gold was discovered in California and thousands of people rushed there to look for gold,so it became known as “the gold rush”.People said gold could easily be picked up by washing sand from the river in a pan of water.This was known as “panning for gold”. In the film,Chaplin and his friend are in California.So far,they have been unlucky in their search for gold and have no money at all.Chaplin and his friend are caught on the edge of a mountain in a snow storm in a small wooden house.They have nothing to eat.They are so hungry that they cook a pair of shoes,by boiling them,in a pan of water.Chaplin sits down at the table and eats the shoe with a knife and fork,enjoying every mouthful.He makes it seem as if this is one of the most delicious meals that he has ever enjoyed. Language Points:‎ ‎1.A taste of English humour ‎1)taste n.味道;鉴赏力;爱好,嗜好 e.g.The food has an attractive taste. She shows good taste in water-colours. Pop music is liked by many people,but it not to everyone’s taste. ‎2)taste vt.&vi.品尝;link-v.吃(尝)起来…… e.g.I have never tasted snake. When you are ill,you can’t taste properly. The dish tastes delicious. ‎2.What does humour mean? ‎1)mean v. to have sth.as a meaning 意思是 e.g.What does this sentence mean? The flash light means that you must stop. What do you mean by that remark? ‎2)mean v.(mean doing sth.) to intend to indicate 意味着(必须要做某事或导致某种结果)‎ e.g.Being a student means studying hard. In some parts of London,missing a bus means waiting for another hour. ‎3)mean v.(mean to do sth.) to have as a purpose or an intention打算做…… e.g.What do you mean to do with it? I had meant to come over to see you last night,but I had an unexpected visitor. ‎4)be meant for 打算给予;打算作……用 e.g.These rooms are meant for the children’s center  ‎3.Do you find it funny to see someone sliding on a banana skin,bumping into someone else round a corner? find it funny to see someone sliding on a banana skin中,find后面跟复合结构n,用it代替不定式,it作形式宾语,能用于这种结构的词还有feel,think,make,consider等。 e.g.Do you find it easy to solve the problem in this way? I don’t think it possible to master a foreign language without much memory work. Do you consider it necessary to do the experiment once again? We have made it a rule not smoke in the office. ‎4.Perhaps it makes us feel more content with our life because we feel there is someone else worse off than ourselves. ‎1)content n.(often contents) sth.contained in sth.所容纳之物,内容,目录;(often content)the subject matter of a written or spoken work,such as a book,magazine or a speech. e.g.The drawer had been emptied its contents. She hadn’t read the letter and also was unaware of the contents. At the front of book is a table of contents,giving details of what is in the book. The content of your essay is excellent,but it’s not very well expressed. I like the style of her writing but I don’t like the content. ‎2)content adj.satisfied,happy,not wanting more 满意的;满足的 e.g.The old Granny is content to live in the small village alone. Are you content with your present salary? She is quite content to stay at home,looking after her children. ‎3)content v.to make content or satisfied使……满意或满足 e.g.We should never content ourselves with book knowledge only. He contented himself with one piece of cake. ‎4)worse off 是badly off 的比较级形式,in a poor position,esp.financially境况比……更差;better off 是well off 的比较级形势,in a better position境况比……较好 e.g.They are too badly off to have a holiday. We should not complain about being poor—many people were much worse off. I went to his home and found his living condition was worse off than mine. In fact many people are better off than they were five years ago. ‎5.However,some actors can astonish us with the deep feelings they can inspire in us for a character they are playing. however adv.(used to comment on a previously stated fact)although sth.,is was or may be true;nevertheless然而,不过,仍然;no matter how无论如何,不管怎样。 e.g.His first response was to say no.Later,however,he changed his mind. We thought the figures were correct.However,we have discovered some errors. However(No matter how) cold it is,he always goes swimming in winter. You should try to get a good night’s sleep however much work you have to do. However late he is,mother will wait for him to have dinner together. ‎【辨析】 however 和but都可以表示转折,两者在词性和结构用法上是有区别的。 however是连接副词,连接两个分句时,必须另起新句,并用逗号隔开,位置可以位于句中、句首、句末。 but是并列连接词,连接两个并列分句时,只能位于两个句子之间,且其后不能加逗号。‎ ‎6.He became famous for using a particular form of acting,including mime and farce. particular adj.not general or universal单独的,特殊的,一般的;separate and distinct from others of the same group,category,or nature特定的,个别的;worthy of note;exceptional特别的,特殊的,值得注意的,与众不同的 e.g.She has a particular preference for Chinese art. There is one particular patient I’d like you to see. We must pay particular attention to this point. The documents(文件)are of particular importance. ‎【拓展归纳】 in particular 特别地 particularly特别地,特殊地 be particular about...对……挑剔,对……讲究 e.g.He loves science fiction in particular. He likes the country,particularly(especially)in spring. The fashionable lady is particular about her clothes. ‎【辨析】 particular,especial,special particular adj.特别的,讲究的,挑剔的。强调特定的,个别的,与众不同的。 special adj.专门的,特殊的,特别的。强调的是事物特有的性质、性格或专门的目的、用途。 especial adj.特别的,主要的,突出的。强调的是重要性,有“优越、好感”之意。 ‎7.He played a poor and homeless person,who wore large trousers,worn-out shoes and a small round black hat and carried a walking stick. worn-out adj.(of thing)badly damaged and/or no longer useful because it has been used a lot 磨损的,损坏的,穿破的;(of a person)be tired out筋疲力尽的 e.g.These shoes are worn-out. I was worn-out after the long journey. Can we sit down?I’m worn-out. ‎8.Then he cut off the leather top of the shoe,treating it as if it were the finest meat. cut off v.1)to remove sth.from sth.larger by cutting切掉,剪下;to block or get in the way of sth.阻止,切断;2)to stop the supply of sth.to sb.中断,中止;3)to interrupt sb.who is speaking on the telephone by breaking the connection中断,中止;4)to prevent sb./sth.from leaving or reaching a place or communicating with people outside a place隔绝,隔离 e.g.He had his finger cut off in an accident at work. They cut off the enemy’s retreat(撤退). Our water supply has been cut off. We were cut off in the middle of our conversation. She was in Nansha Islands for six months.She felt as if she were cut off from the outside world. ‎【拓展归纳】 cut across 取捷径;抄近路      cut out 剪除;切掉;割掉 cut in 插嘴        cut down 看到;砍伤;砍死 cut back 修剪;减少;削减      cut up 切碎 ‎9.He was in such a hurry that he bumped into/knocked into/came across an old lady. knock into v.to meet unexpected撞上,偶遇 e.g.I knocked into an old friend of mine in the street the other day. He knocked into a lady standing there. ‎【拓展归纳】 knock down 撞倒        knock off 将……撞下 knock against 撞击        knock over 撞翻 knock at/on 敲(门/窗)      knock out of 从……中敲出 Period 2 Learning about Language The General Idea of This Period In this period the students are to do some exercises on the useful words,expressions and structures learned in the reading part.It is to help them use the useful words and expressions from the context.They are also to learn something about the usage of -ing form.To achieve the above aims,that is,the teacher will get the students to work on the exercises individually first and then check the answers together with their partners.While dealing with the usage of -ing form,the teacher will help the students do it as a task.That is,the teacher will first ask the students to find and read some sentences from the text in which the -ing form is used,then ask them to discover the function ‎ of each -ing form,summarize the rules and apply them to the exercises.This is to help the students to learn autonomously and cooperatively. Teaching Important and Difficult Points How to grasp and apply the the usage of -ing form. How to gain the ability to use the key words and expressions from the context. Teaching Methods Autonomous learning,cooperative learning,task-based learning Teaching Aids A multi-media computer and a blackboard. Three Dimensional Teaching Aims Knowledge and Skills Help the students gain the ability to use the useful words and expressions from the context. Help the students learn something about the usage of -ing form. Process and Strategies Necessary explanation to make the students apply the useful words and expressions correctly. Individual work to finish each task. Feelings and Value Get the students to sum up the grammatical rules themselves.Meanwhile,train their ability of appreciating simple jokes in English. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Time for fun T:Nice to see you again.I’m sure each of you has prepared an English joke or funny story for us?Now first share them with your partners,so that everyone has a chance to present your work,and then some volunteers will tell their jokes or stories in class. T:Who would like to tell your English jokes or funny stories?Volunteers! S:I’d like to.My joke is very short.One day the teacher asked the class when Rome was built?Tom answered,“At night”.The teacher felt puzzled and asked,“ Who told you that?”“You did.You said Rome wasn’t built in a day.”answered Tom. T:That’s funny.Another one! S:Let me tell you a funny story.The title of the story is Key to one’s success.It goes like this.One day a father was teaching his son and said,“The keys to your success are keeping your word and cleverness.Once you promise somebody a promise,you must carry it out no matter what will happen.This is called ‘keeping one’s word.’”“What is cleverness?” asked his son.“Cleverness is that you’ll never make such a promise,” the father answered. T:Thank you for your wonderful jokes! Step 2 Discovering useful words and expressions. T:Just now we had great fun telling jokes and stories.Let’s move on to the Discovering useful words and expressions part.I’d like you to do Exercises 1、2 and 3 first individually,as I think they are easy for you to finish them,and then we will check the answers together. A few minutes later. T:Let’s check the answers together. Keys to Exercise 1 on Page 19: Alternative expressions Words and expressions from the text break down food using teeth chew outer covering of a body or plant skin the lower part or point of something bottom be happy and satisfied with;not wanting more content surprise greatlyastonish in every part of throughout special,more than usual particularly someone or something that is not successful failure extremely good outstanding when water is hot enough to turn into gas boil Keys to Exercise 2 on Page 19: ‎1.chew 2.astonishes 3.bottom 4.contented 5.particular 6.throughout 7.failure 8.skin Keys to Exercise 3 on Page 20: Noun Adjective Noun Adjective enjoyment enjoyable difficulty difficult entertainment entertaining cruelty cruel mouth mouthful honesty honest help helpful fortune fortunate T:Finished?You see it is very important to learn to use the useful words and expressions in the given situation.Only in this way can you gain the ability to use them correctly.It is the same with the learning of grammar.So in the next part,while learning the usages of -ing form,you should also learn them by discovering the usages,summarizing the rules and then you can apply them to speaking and writing.Now let’s move on to the next part.‎ Step 3 Discovering useful structures T:First you are to read the text once again quickly to find out the sentences in which the -ing form is used,and try to tell the function of each -ing form. A few minutes later. T:Have you finished your job?OK,let’s read them out. ‎1.Do you find it funny to see someone sliding on a banana skin,bumping into someone else round a corner,or falling down a hole in the road? ‎2.His entertaining silent movies are still popular today. ‎3.His charming character The little Tramp is well known throughout the world. ‎4.That was the problem facing Charlie Chaplin in one of his most famous films The Gold Rush. ‎5.Their job is “panning for gold”. ‎6.Chaplin sits down at the table with his plate and drinking cup. T:From these sentences what can you learn about the -ing form? S:Let me try.From these sentences,we can learn that the -ing form can be used as the attribute,the predicative and the object complement. T:Good!Anything more? S:When an -ing form word is used as the attribute,it is put before the noun,while when an -ing form phrase is used as the attribute,it is put after the noun. T:What a good observation!Another point for you to bear in mind is that when the -ing form is used as the attribute,it may tell the use of the noun or tell the action,character or quality of the noun,and the -ing form attribute can be replaced by an attributive clause.Now let’s consolidate this point by doing Exercise 4 on page 20. T:Well,what does a sleeping boy mean? S:A sleeping boy is a boy who is sleeping. T:What does a drinking cup mean? S:A drinking cup is a cup used for drinking. T:It seems that you have master the usage of the -ing form as attribute.Now,do the same with your partners and finish the rest phrases. T:Now let’s have a competition.Look at Exercise 3 on Page 21.I’d like you to do it in groups. T:This is a very interesting exercise,isn’t it?Let’s learn the usage of -ing form as the object complement.Can you tell the structure of -ing form as the object complement? Ss:The structure is Subject+Predicate+Object+Object complement. T:Yes.The object complement is used to explain what object has done,or doing,or to do.Or we can think that the speaker wants to express his/her meaning more completely.Of course,in this unit we only study the -ing form as the object complement.To grasp it,do Exercise 2 on Page 21. T:OK,now let’s check the answers for this Exercise.Who would like to say your answers out? The teacher can ask 9 students to read the 9 complete sentences to check the answers.If there are some questions,the teacher should give the students some explanations,and make some changes if there are some incorrect answers. T:Well,can you analyze the part of speech of the -ing form in the 9 sentences? S:In the first three sentences the -ing form is used as object complement. T:Right.Have you found the same structure in other sentences? S:Yes.In the fifth,the sixth,the seventh,the eighth and the ninth sentence,the -ing form is also used as the object complement. T:How about the rest? S:In the fourth sentence,the -ing form is used as the attribute. T:Quite right.It is very important to analyze the sentences correctly while learning the usages of the -ing form.And here,I’d like to remind you to pay attention to the verbs that can be followed by the -ing form as the ‎ object complement,such as see,watch,notice,find,observe,and so on. T:Well,now let’s look at Ex 4.Who would like to do this exercise? S:Seeing is believing. S:His job is teaching us physics. S:What he likes is playing chess after supper. S:The news is exciting. S:The film is more interesting than any that I’ve ever seen. T:Very good.All of them are right.In order to make sure that you master the usage of the structure,I’ll give you some more sentences.Now please look at the screen,and try to analyze the usage of the -ing form in these sentences. ‎1.Its full-time job is laying eggs.(Laying eggs is its full-time job.) ‎2.Our greatest happiness is serving the people. ‎3.The film we saw last night is quite moving. ‎4.The music they are playing sounds so exciting. ‎5.What she said was surprising. T:In the first two sentences,the -ing form is used to express a constant action of the subject.In the next three sentences the -ing form is used to show the character or the quality of the subject.Are you clear? Ss:Yes. T:Well,I’ll give you some words that can be used as the predicative to show the character of the subject.They are: charming                surprising interesting  moving        inspiring  disappointing        boring  encouraging       confusing  astonishing        tiring  exciting        frightening Step 4 Summary and homework T:Well,it’s almost time for a break.We have to bring an end to the class.To consolidate what we have learned in this period,I’d like you to do the exercises in the Using words and expressions part and the exercises in the Using structures part as your homework.Yes,if you want to master a grammar item,you must do much practice,and practice makes perfect.See you tomorrow! Ss:See you! The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard Unit 3 A taste of English humour Period 2 Learning about language The usage of the -ing form ‎1)as the attribute ‎2)as the object complement ‎3)as the predicative Record after Teaching Activities and Research ‎ In this period the teacher may offer the students a situation and ask the students make up a story according to the situation given using the -ing form.It seems to be a two-birds-with-one-stone task,which can not only enable the students to apply the -ing form correctly,but can... Reference for teaching Grammar 动词-ing 形式 ‎1.动名词可以在句子中充当定语,表示所修饰名词的用途或使用目的,并且位于所修饰词的前面。可以转换成“for...”的结构。例如:a walking stick=a stick for walking swimming pool         reading room  waiting room        walking stick  dining room        painting shop  washing machine       sleeping car teaching building       working method sleeping bag        drinking cup dancing hall         operating table ‎2.现在分词在句子中也可以充当作定语,表示正在进行的动作、状态、性质、特征。可以转换成定语从句结构或表语结构。例如:a developing country=a country which is developing;the tiring journey=the journey is tiring 注意:单个现在分词作定语放在所修饰名词的前面;分词短语作定语放在所修饰名词的后 a waiting man        a developing country a missing boy        a sleeping child a walking man        a dancing girl a drinking horse        the rising sun the girl wearing a red skirt    the boy playing football the man standing at the school gate  the old man sitting on the sofa the farmers getting in crops     the scientist doing experiment the man chewing his own shoes    a charming character the surprising news        an interesting story  moving deeds         a inspiring leader a disappointing answer       the boring class  encouraging words        confusing choices  astonishing loud sound       the tiring journey  an exciting football match ‎3.动名词可以在句子中充当表语,表示一般性、经常性的动作。这是主语和表语的位置可以互换。例如: Its full-time job is laying eggs.(Laying eggs is its full-time job.) Our greatest happiness is serving the people. Our task is building socialism. ‎4.现在分词在句子中也可以充当表语,表示主语的性质、特征。这是主语和表语的位置不可以互换。例如: The film we saw last night is quite moving. The music they are playing sounds so exciting. What she said was surprising. 常可以作表语的现在分词有: charming         surprising interesting         moving  inspiring         disappointing  boring         encouraging  confusing         astonishing  tiring         exciting frightening  ‎5.现在分词可以在句子中充当宾语补足语,表示正在发生的动作。例如: We watched her crossing the street. He looked around and caught a man putting his hand into the pocket of a passenger. 常跟现在分词作宾语补足语的多是一些使役动词(have,get,send,leave,keep)、感官动词(see,hear,watch,observe,notice,catch,find,listen to,look at,etc.)。 Period 3 Extensive Reading The General Idea of This Period This period includes the reading of English jokes on Page 22 and the reading task AN APRIL FOOL’S JOKE:THE NOODLE HARVEST on Page 59.The reading in Using Language introduces the kind of humour we can laugh at—verbal jokes.They use a “play on words” to be funny.The reading task tells us a good joke told on BBC on April Fool’s day. The two reading passages can be given to the students as extensive reading tasks.They are expected to appreciate and enjoy the fun by studying the English jokes.And next the students are encouraged to involve in a group activity—change the joke into a short play and then act it out.As for the reading task,the students are ‎ expected to go through the questions following the passage first to predicate what the story is about and then skim the passage for the keys to the questions. Teaching Important & Difficult Points How to improve the students’ reading ability. Teaching or Learning Approaches Task-based learning;cooperative learning Teaching Aids A tape recorder A multi-media computer and a blackboard Three Dimensional Teaching Aims Knowledge and Skills Train the students’ reading ability. Extend the students’ information about the variety of theme parks. Process and Strategies Help the students to appreciate the jokes. Feelings and Value Learn the different customs,the style of dress,and above all,the different skills of the Polynesian people in a cultural theme park in Hawaii. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Revision T:Glad to see you,everyone!This is the first period of today.You don’t feel hungry,do you? Ss:No,we don’t,but we feel hungry for more humour. T:OK,be quick!Let’s first check your homework.Look at the screen and fill in the missing words and try to retell the reading passage. Not all the _________ is kind. Some are bad, others can inspire people. Some actors can _________ us with the characters they are playing.Chaplin was such an actor.He became famous for using a _________ form of acting in silent films.The little tramp gives people courage to overcome _________ with his firm _________ and he is always kind even when people are ‎ ‎_________ to him.Chaplin developed his own acting style,the one in one of his most famous films _________ __________ __________,he uses __________ humour to eat a __________ shoe. Chaplin produced,__________ and wrote the movies he __________ in.He was given a special Oscar for his __________ work. He and his movies are __________ by people __________ the world.‎ T:Not all the humour is kind.Some are bad,others can inspire people.Some actors can astonish us with the characters they are playing.Chaplin was such an actor.He became famous for using a particular form of acting in silent films.The little tramp gives people courage to overcome difficulties with his firm determination and he is always kind even when people are unkind to him. S:Now let me go on with the second paragraph.Chaplin developed his own acting style,the one in one of his most famous films The Gold Rush,he uses nonverbal humour to eat a boiled shoe.Chaplin produced,directed and wrote the movies he starred in.He was given a special Oscar for his outstanding work.He and his movies are remembered by people throughout the world. Well done!Now please look at the screen and check the information in the chart yourself. Note on Charlie Chaplin’s career Born ‎1889‎ Died ‎1977‎ Job Actor Type of acting Mime and farce Character ‎“the tramp”,a poor and homeless person Costume Large trousers,worn-out shoes and small round black hat Reason for success Charming,social failure with a determination to overcome difficulties T:You see,it’s a good way to make some notes while reading.It can help you to grasp the general ideas of what you are reading,and if you like,you can also say or write something about what you are reading with the help of the notes after class,and you will see it is not so difficult to do so. Step 2 Reading in Using Language ‎ T:So much for your homework.Just now you said you felt hungry for more humour,didn’t you? Ss:Yes. T:OK,please turn to Page 22 and look at the reading.The reading will satisfy you by introducing the kind of ‎ humour we can laugh at—verbal jokes.They use a “play on words” to be funny.I’d like you to read the three jokes and then match the joke with the explanation.If you like,you may have a discussion.And then we’ll check the answer.OK,read them. T:Have you finished the reading?Are the jokes funny? Ss:Yes,they are very funny.We’ve never found that English jokes so funny. T:What’s the answer? S:The answer is 1 to B,2 to C and 3 to A. T:Good.Now,another joke is waiting for you.Please read the next joke on Page 22.And then finish the questions followed. Three minutes later. T:Now decide which of these two kinds of jokes you like better.Give your reason. S:I find the first kind jokes are easier to understand. S:We must understand the background of the funny story at first,and then we can know what a humour Sherlock Holmes was.I think to understand this kind of jokes needs wisdom to understand.We must know that he was a detective,so he was always thinking of the things such as stealing. T:What you said is reasonable.Now let’s listen to the tape,pay attention to the intonation,and try to bring out the humourous meaning. After listening. T:Now I’d like you to change the joke about Sherlock Holmes into a short play and first act it out in groups of three-Holmes,Watson and a narrator.Try to imitate the intonation so that you can bring out the humourous meaning,and then we will ask some groups to come to the front and act their plays out,and see which group will be the best. Several minutes later. T:Excellent performances!Thank you.Now we’ll go to the reading task,it is a very famous story.It once made fun of many people.Now let’s turn to Page 59.‎ Step 3 Reading task on Page 59 ‎ T:The reading task gives us another joke.The title is An April Fool’s Joke:The Noodle Harvest.I believe that all of us know April Fool’s Day. Ss:Yeah. T:Now,we are going to read the text.What will it tell us? At first,please read the questions below the text;maybe they can give us some details of the text. Give the students one minute to go through the questions. T:OK,what can you get from the questions? S:From the first question,we can guess that the story happened on April Fool’s Day. S:From the second question,we can see that the program Panorama is strange. S:I think that BBC was making a joke with people.We know noodle very much.It’s impossible to grow noodle trees. S:From the last questions I can see that this story gives us a way to treat something around us. T:OK,I think all of your guesses are reasonable.Now let’s read the text and make sure whether your guesses are right.While you are reading,try to find out the answers to the four questions,you may have a discussion to check their answers. Several minutes later. T:Well,have you finished the text? Ss:Yes. T:What’s the answer to the first question? S:On April Fool’s Day,children make fun of each other. T:Right.Why did people believe the program Panorama? S:I think the most important reason is that there were always many serious program on the television.And the Panorama explored problems and progress all over the world.So nobody was surprised when it reported the excellent noodle harvest.If the news was not from such a famous and serious program,nobody would believe it. T:I think so.People would like to believe those who are authority.Any opinions? S:I think there is another important reason.It is that the reporter showed many noodle trees with the farmers pulling noodles off them and putting them into baskets. T:I agree with you.We often say that seeing is believing.Any opinions? S:I think that their cheating was true.It also mentioned two reasons for the good crop:an unusually warm winter and the disappearance of the insect that attacked the noodle crop every year.What’s worse,they still gave some other details to prove the news.If I was hungry then,I would be cheated too. T:Maybe.Well,do you think the advice that the BBC gave people who asked how to grow noodle trees was serious?Give a reason. S:No,it could not be serious as no trees could be grown in this way. T:I agree with you.What would you do to find out whether a story like this was true? S:I think at first you must think whether it is possible to have noodle trees.Noodle doesn’t have any life,how could they be grown? T:You mean that when we hear a story,we should at first think about its nature. S:Yeah. T:Well,do you have any other opinions? S:The reason that there were so many people caught in is that they forgot that day was April Fool’s Day.If they knew this,I believe that they would think whether it was true or false. T:That’s right.If I was not sure whether a story was true or not,I would go the library to check the facts in an encyclopedia or go on the Internet. T:OK,this class is full of joy and thinking.I really should be proud of you,for your good performances and logical thinking.‎ Step 4 Homework ‎ T:So far we have learned much about humour and appreciated many English jokes,and funny stories.So I’d like each of you to prepare one English joke or funny story and tomorrow we will share them in class to make our class more interesting and lovely.Another task as your homework,read the text once again and try to find the sentences in the reading passage where the -ing form is used and tell the function of each -ing form word or phrase.In the next period,we will learn the usage of -ing form.Well,that’s all for today.See you tomorrow. Ss:See you. The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard Unit 3 A taste of English humour Period 3 Extensive reading ‎1.Revision: ‎1)retelling of the text ‎2)a biography of Charlie Chaplin ‎2.English verbal jokes—“play on words”. ‎3.English funny story—Sherlock & Doctor Watson. ‎4.An April Fool’s Joke:The Noodle Harvest. Record after Teaching Activities and Research ‎ The teacher may first offer the students a situation and then encourage them to make up a story using the -ing form.It is a two-birds-with-one-stone task,which can not only make the students consolidate their knowledge about the -ing form,but can train their creative thinking. Reference for Teaching Additional Information English jokes and funny stories To Go to Heaven Sunday School teacher:Hands up all those who want to go to Heaven?Hands up...what about you,Terry?You haven’t got your hand up,don’t you want to go to Heaven? Terry:I can’t.My mum told me to go straight home. When was Rome built Teacher:When was Rome built? Tom:At night. Teacher:Who told you that? Tom:You did.You said Rome wasn’t built in a day. Two Birds ‎ Teacher:Here are two birds,one is a swallow,the other is a sparrow.Now who can tell us which is which? Student:I cannot point out but I know the answer. Teacher:Please tell us. Student:The swallow is beside the sparrow and the sparrow is beside the swallow. A kiss At a dinner party,the speaker,who was the guest of honor,was about to deliver a speech when his wife sitting at the other end of the table,sent him a piece of paper with the word “KISS” scribbled on it. The guest seated next to the speaker said,“Your wife must love you very much,I see her send you a ‘KISS’ before you begin your speech.” The speaker smiled and explained,“You don’t know my wife.The ‘KISS’ she gives me stands for ‘Keep It Short,Stupid.’”  Key to one’s success One day a father was teaching his son and said,“The keys to your success are keeping your word and cleverness.Once you promise somebody a promise,you must carry it out on matter what will happen.This is called ‘keeping one’s word.’” ‎“What is cleverness?”asked his son. ‎“Cleverness is that you’ll never make such a promise,” the father answered. Deadly Email An Illinois lady left the snow-filled streets of Chicago for a vacation in Florida.Her husband was on a business trip and was planning to meet her there the next day. When she reached her hotel,she decided to send her husband a quick e-mail.Unable to find the scrap of paper on which she had written his email address,she did her best to type it in from memory. Unfortunately,she missed one letter and her note was directed instead to an elderly widow,whose husband had passed away only the day before. When the grieving widow checked her e-mail,she took one look at the monitor,let out a piercing scream and fell to the floor in a dead faint.At the sound,her family rushed into the room and saw this note on the screen: DEAREST HONEY:JUST GOT CHECKED IN.EVERYTHING PREPARED FOR YOUR ARRIVAL TOMORROW. P.S.SURE IS HOT DOWN HERE. Only when he’s drunk John and Jessica were on their way home from the bar one night and John got pulled over by the police.The officer told John that he was stopped because his tail light was burned out.John said,“I’m very sorry officer,I didn’t realize it was out,I’ll get it fixed right away.”  Just then Jessica said,“I knew this would happen when I told you two days ago to get that light fixed.”  So the officer asked for John’s license and after looking at it said,“Sir your license has expired.”  And again John apologized and mentioned that he didn’t realize that it had expired and would take care of it first thing in the morning. Jessica said,“I told you a week ago that the state sent you a letter telling you that your license had expired.”  Well by this time,John is a bit upset with his wife contradicting him in front of the officer,and he said in a rather loud voice,“Jessica,will you shut up!”  The officer then leaned over toward Jessica and asked.“Does your husband always talk to you like that?”  Jessica replied,“Only when he’s drunk.” Three drunks Two drunks are walking along.One drunk says to the other,“What a beautiful,night,look at the moon.” The other drunk stops and looks at his drunk friend.“You are wrong,that’s not the moon,that’s the sun.” Both started arguing for a while when they came upon another drunk walking,so they stopped him.“Sir,could you please help settle our argument?Tell us what that thing is up in the sky that’s shining.Is it the moon or the sun?”  The third drunk looked at the sky and then looked at them and said,“Sorry,I don’t live around here.” Period 4 Listening The General Idea of This Period This period consists of listening in the Using Language part,listening and listening task in the Workbook.It intends the training of students’ listening skills—getting general idea and detailed information and grasping the key information to help the students to finish the relative exercises. The teacher should make sure the students read the questions to find out the requirements first.This is to sharpen their attention to get the gist of the text and specific information for questions.While doing the related exercises,the students can work together with their partners on their answers. Teaching Important & Difficult Points Help the students learn how to grasp the general idea and detailed information. How to help the students to improve their listening ability. Teaching Methods Task-based learning;cooperative learning. Teaching Aids A tape recorder,a multi-media computer and a blackboard Three Dimensional Teaching Aims Knowledge and Skills Help the students to improve the skills to listen for general idea and detailed information. Help the students to improve their listening approaches. Process and Strategies Individual work to finish each task. The teacher may play the tape a few more times to make the students hear clearly. Feelings and Value The listening material in this unit is a humourous story.It can bring the students quite a lot of pleasure.Above all,they can learn the common sense that are unfamiliar to others. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Checking homework T:Hello,everyone!Have you finished your homework?Let’s check your homework to see how well you have mastered what we learned in the last period.First check the answers to Exercise 1 on Page 56 with your partner,and then I will give you the suggested answers for you to see if you have got them all right. Suggested answers to Exercise 1 on Page 56: ‎1.badly off;well off ‎2.homeless;hopeless  ‎3.astonishment;astonished;astonishing ‎4.failure;success ‎5.searching;search ‎6.bottom;top T:As Exercise 2,I’d like to ask six of you to come to the front and write down your answers on the blackboard. After the students do that,the teacher will correct the errors that may arise in the answers with the whole class. Suggested answers to Exercise 2 on Page 56: ‎1.The couple are content with their married life. ‎2.All the railway lines in this mountainous area have been cut off because of a snowstorm. ‎3.It was very fortunate that he was picked out for the final of the competition. ‎4.We must try to overcome all difficulties to solve this particular problem. ‎5.His failure astonished us,because he had always been an outstanding student. ‎6.There is a direct train from Germany to France,which can help you save a lot of time. T:Let’s move on to the Using structure part.Exercise 1 is not an easy job for most of you,because you need other knowledge and a good observation,besides what you learned in the last period,so you may have a discussion with your partners. S:Mr.Li,we’ve tried our best,but we are still not sure of some of the answers. T:Well,let’s check the answers together. T:How will you correct the first sentence? S:I think the correct sentence should be I am looking forward to visiting Charlie Chaplin Museum in Switzerland next week. T:Any errors in the second sentence? Ss:No.The sentence is correct. T:What about the third sentence?Anybody can correct it? Ss:Sorry we can’t find the error in it. T:The correct sentence should be That cartoon picture shows Charlie Chaplin watching himself watching in a movie. The next sentence? S:The correct sentence should be Charlie’s nonverbal humour often makes people burst with laughter. T:Quite right.Sentence 5? S:I will correct the sentence like this We are all fond of Charlie’s early films,which we think are more interesting. T:The sixth sentence? S:I’m not sure whether this sentence should be I missed seeing the beginning of the film City Lights the other day. T:You are right.The last two sentences are quite easy.Who would like to tell us the correct sentences? S:Let me try.The correct sentences should be I wouldn’t mind seeing the Gold Rush again with you tonight,and Charlie’s job was entertaining people,wasn’t he? T:Good job.Now,let’s turn to Exercise 2 on Page 57.Who would like to do the first and the second one?Volunteers! S:I’d like to.The student using a computer finds it very enjoyable to surf the Internet as she is so interested in getting news and knowledge that is going on in the world.The girl playing the piano believes it is great fun and the most important thing in her life to play the piano or the guitar. S:Let me do the next two sentences.The girl wearing earphones tell us that it is pleasant for her to listen to music as it not only relaxes her but also makes her feel good.The girl taking pictures says that she likes taking pictures because she likes to record happy memories. S:I’ll finish the last two sentences.The student holding a badminton racket holds the view that playing badminton is not only a good hobby but also good for health.The girl student reading a book points out that reading books is great fun. T:Very good.I believe the answer to each sentence is not only one or two.There must be other answers too.In fact this exercise not only helps us practice the usage of the -ing form as the attribute,it also shows us some other usage of the -ing form.For example in the fifth sentence “playing badminton”is used as the subject.In the fourth sentence “taking picture” is used as the object.As time is limited,we have to stop here,and move on to the listening.‎ Step 2 Listening on Page 23 ‎ T:Let’s listen to a funny story.In the story Mary made some plum jam and left some in the pan.Five days later,her husband came home and poured the jam into the chicken yard.Later Mary came home and found all her chickens were behaving strangely.What do you suppose has happened to the chickens? S:I guess the chickens were all drunken after eating the jam. T:Good guessing!We have two chances to listen to the story,and then you will know if your guessing is right or not.First,please go through Exercises I & 2 to know what are the things we’ll do when we are listening.After that I’ll play the tape for you to finish Exercise l.The second listening is for you to check your answers.After that we will finish Exercise 2.Are you clear? Ss:Yes. T:OK,here we go. After the first listening. T:Congratulations,Peter!Your guessing is right.Let’s check the answers to Exercise 1.The correct answers should ‎ be...? Ss:C;B;B. T:You’ve got them right.Let’s listen to the story again.After that we will finish Exercise 2. After the second listening. T:Do you find this story funny? S:I think the story is very funny;because we often find people drunk,never found chicken will be drunk. S:It sounds interesting that jam can turn into wine within five days! S:I find that the last sentence is really funny.The writer even asked whether anyone knew what to do with drunk chickens. T:Good answers.I think all of you have sense of humour.Now let’s go to Question 2:What do you think of John’s behavior? S:He was careless.He even didn’t think anything,when he poured the jam into the chicken’s garden. S:I think his behavior showed that he treasured food,and also he liked his chickens.And because of this,he let his chickens drunk. T:Your answers are very interesting.‎ Step 3 Listening on Page 55 ‎ T:Now let turn to Page 55,and have another listening.This is another very interesting story about a thief and a man.First I’d like to ask you what you would do if you find a thief in your homes one day? S:I’ll try to frighten him away by making some sound. S:I’ll slide out of the house and call for a policeman. T:It seems that you know what you will do to deal with such incidents. But what will the man do when he finds that a thief in his home? After listening,you will know that.But first let’s read the questions to make sure that you know what should do in this listening.Next,I’ll play the tape for the first time to help you finish Exercise 1.Then play the tape again and help you finish the questions in Exercise 2.After that,we’ll check the answers together.Clear? Ss:Yes. T:OK,let’s start. After the first listening. T:Now you know what the man did when he found a thief in his home!Who would like to tell us the word you hear? Ss:The words we heard are “thief;potatoes;midnight;shirt;spread;and quiet”. T:Are your answers the same with his?Let’s listen to the story once again.After that we will finish the questions in Exercise 2. After the second listening. T:Now you will be given a few minutes to write down your answers,and check them with your partners. T:1.Where did Peter get the potatoes? S:He got the potatoes from his friend. T:2.Why didn’t Peter want to get up when the thief was in his house? S:He thought the thief might have a knife and he did not want to make him angry. T:3.Why couldn’t the thief take away the potatoes? S:He didn’t have a bag to carry the potatoes in. T:4.How did Peter stop the man stealing the potatoes? S:He removed the shirt that the thief had planned to put the potatoes in. T:5.Why was the thief angry? S:He thought the husband had stolen his shirt so he could no longer steal the potatoes. T:6.What do you think Peter did next? Ss:I think he gave the shirt back to the thief as he thought,perhaps,he was also very poor.If not he would not have come to steal potatoes. T:You have really have done a good job in listening!How time flies!It is almost time for a break.We have to leave out the listening task.‎ Step 4 Homework ‎ T:It’s really a pity to leave out the listening task.But you can do it yourselves after class.As for homework,please get ready for the speaking and writing on Page 23. The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard Unit 3 A taste of English humour Period 4 Listening ‎1.Listening on Page 23. Questions: ‎1)Do you find this story funny? ‎2)What do you think of John’s behaviour? ‎2.Listening on Page 55. Questions: ‎1)Where did Peter get the potatoes? ‎2)Why didn’t Peter want to get up when the thief was in his house? ‎3)Why couldn’t the thief take away the potatoes? ‎4)How did Peter stop the man stealing the potatoes? ‎5)Why was the thief angry? ‎6)What do you think Peter did next? Record after Teaching Activities and Research  The students may collect some jokes in English on the Internet after class and try to retell them to their classmates.This activity aims at entertaining the students as well as training their listening ability. Reference for Teaching Learning Tips 强化英语听力8步骤 正确的方法是成功的一半,在训练听力的过程中找到合适的方法也十分重要。以下是几种比较有效的听力训练方法,分别适用于不同水平的同学,希望对大家有益。 一、强力提高法 A:先听一段材料 (难或较难 100~200字)停下来想一想大概意思。 B:再听一遍,把每句话写下来。 C:最后核对一遍。 此方法适用于听力水平中等以上者,时间以一月为一个阶段,每天一次,每次一个小时。二、反复练习法 一段文字(中或难,100字左右),反复听到六遍,每遍听后想一想听不懂的地方。五六遍后仍不懂的地方可以查一查文字资料,然后记之。此法适用于听力中等水平欲扩大听力词汇及习语者。 三、逆向训练法 找一段文字资料 (中到难,100~200字)自己先认真读一遍,解决生词和习语,然后再听磁带。此法适用于听力一般水平急需提高者。 四、带题训练法 听之前先看一看题,带着题去听,1-2遍为宜,每遍听完想一想问题的答案。此法有益于应试训练。 五、阶段训练法 选几个电台的英语广播,如CRI、VOA每个广播由易到难听10天。此法有益于熟悉英语、语调。可做长期训练方法。 六、选择训练法 选择10到20篇短文,10篇对话,包括科技、时政等内容。先用标准发音熟读之,接近会背,然后再听磁带。此法有益于听力水平中等偏下者在短期内提高。 七、习语、短语专项训练法 先背诵20个左右短语或习语,再找出包含这些内容的文字资料,听时主要注意习语、短语的发音和连读。 八、重复作题法 坚持作一个月听力题,每类题型作50个为宜。作完以后看材料,对答案。此法有益于提高作题技巧。 Period 5 Speaking and Writing The General Idea of This Period This period includes speaking and writing,which offers the students an opportunity to develop their comic skills and learn to write humourous stories. Before class,the students are required to prepare a joke or funny story in pairs.In class,the teacher and the ‎ students will have a discussion about what is a good way to tell a joke,and then put these ideas into practice when they tell their own jokes or stories.Before writing the teacher can take the story of Mary and the plums as an example to discuss with the students the structure of a humourous story,the last line (or punch line) to make the story funny,and how to organize the stages in a logical order. Teaching Important & Difficult Points Learn the good way to tell a joke or a funny story. Learn the structure,the last line (or punch line),the logical order of a humourous story,and put them into practice. Teaching Methods Create a specific situation to help students to develop their speaking skills. Practice to improve the students’ writing ability. Teaching Aids A multimedia computer Three Dimensional Teaching Aims Knowledge and Skills Help the students to gain the courage to speak in front of the class. Help the students apply what they have learned in this unit to speaking-telling their funny jokes or stories. Help the students learn to write humourous stories—the structure,the last line (or punch line),the logical order. Process and Strategies The teacher group the students and encourage them to sort out the jokes they collected. Help the students to write a humourous story. Feelings and Value Through the discussion the students may know what they are lacking in;while the writing part will enable the students to experience the joy of success. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Speaking ‎ T:Hello,boys and girls! Ss:Mr.Li! T:Have you prepared some jokes or funny stories? Ss:Yes. T:Very good!I’m eager to listen to your jokes and stories.But first I’d like to ask you if you want to tell your jokes or funny stories successfully,what should you do? S:We should pay attention to our tones and intonation and try to bring out the humourous meaning. S:In my opinion,we should not laugh at our own jokes but allow the others to find it funny. S:I think we should not look too serious,and we can use facial expressions and some actions to help us. S:We may pause in the story when we get to the last line (or punch-line).I think this point is very important,because it can draw the listeners’ attention and help them find the story funny. T:It is not easy to be a comedian.It needs many comic skills,and of course much practice.But we just want to have the great fun,so just put the above ideas into practice while telling your stories.That’s enough.Do you agree with me? Ss:We couldn’t agree with you more. T:Then share your jokes or stories with your partners and ask him or her to give you some advice. ‎(Three minutes later.) T:Now who would like to tell your jokes or stories in front of the class? S:Let me try first.This is a funny story about the great humourist,Mark Twain.One day Mark Twain met a friend at the races in England.His friend came up to him and said:“I have mo money left.I wish you would buy me a ticket back to London.” “ Well,” Mark Twain said,“I only have enough money for myself,but I will tell you what we will do.You can hide under my seat in the train and I will hide you with my legs.” The friend agreed.Mark Twain,however,went to the ticket-office and bought two tickets.When the train pulled out,his friend was safely under the seat.The inspector came around for the tickets.When Mark Twain gave the inspector two tickets,he asked:“Where is the other one?” Looking at the inspector,the humourist said in a loud voice:“That is my friend’s ticket.You see,He is a little strange and likes to ride under the seat.” T:Do you think this story interesting? S:Yes.I never thought that a great writer would help his friend in that way.I also have a funny story I would like to share with you.The story is about two soldiers and a boy walking with a donkey.On the way home,the two soldiers decided to have a few drinks in a bar.Having drunk enough,they came out into the street to look for something funny to do.But it was a very quiet place.Just then they saw a peasant boy coming slowly with a donkey by a rope.So the two soldiers decided to make fun of him.“ Hello”,one of the soldiers said to the boy.“Why does your brother have to have a rope round the neck when he goes for a walk with you?” “To stop him joining the army,”‎ ‎ the boy answered at once. T:Thank you for bringing us moral as well as laughter.That is,you should never make other people uncomfortable,or you will be done as you do to others.‎ Step 2 Writing ‎ T:We Chinese have such a word:“After reading thousands of books,you can write down excellent articles too.” Now let’s have a try to write down our own funny stories to enjoy ourselves.Let’s first take the story Mary and the plums as an example to see how to write a humourous story.Please read the story and try to figure out its structure or outline. Mary Smith looked at her basket of fruit.They were beautiful,ripe plums.There were far too many to eat but they would make lovely jam.She looked for her cookbook and began to take the stones out of the fruit.When she had finished the cooking,she filled all her empty jam jars and left the rest of the jam in the pan.Then she began to make the lunch. Five days later her husband,John,came home from a visit to his parents.He had been traveling a whole day and felt like having a drink and a cake.As he came into the kitchen he saw a pan with what looked like dark red porridge in it.What was it?As he picked it up he smelled it and it seemed to him that it was bad.Mary must have forgotten it.The food she had left in the pan would attract insects!He took the pan and poured all the jam into the chicken yard and cleaned it.Then,feeling comfortable,he began to eat a piece of cake. Later when Mary came home she noticed the chickens were behaving very strangely.They were running around their yard as if they were sick.What was the matter?She went closer to find out.She saw the dark red porridge on the ground and several chickens asleep beside it.As she looked closer at the food she saw a plum stone.She stood up quickly and went straight to the kitchen.Her husband was sitting at the table and the pan was hanging,clean and empty,on the wall.Mary rushed at her husband and pulled him hard.“What’s the matter?” he asked.“It’s a good thing I threw away that porridge.” “But that was my jam!” cried Mary.When they went into the yard,they realized that the hot weather had turned the jam into wine and the chickens were drunk!“Oh,”Mary cried out,“I forgot to put the jam into the fridge.Now what shall we do with the drunken chickens?Does anyone know what to do with drunk chickens?” T:Well,you can have a discussion with your partners about the structure of the story. Two minutes later. T:Who would like to tell us the structure of the story? S:I think the structure of the story is: ‎1.Mary has too many plums to eat. ‎2.She makes some jam with them. ‎3.She does not have enough jars for all the jam so some is left in the pan. ‎4.It is hot. ‎5.The jam has turned into wine in the heat! ‎6.Some days later her husband sees the remains of the jam and throws it out. ‎7.The chickens eat the jam and become drunk. T:What is the last line or punch line that will be the most effective to make the story funny. S:The punch line may be Now what shall we do with the drunken chickens? And it means we often find people drunk,never found chicken will be drunk. T:It seems that you have got to know something about the writing of humourous stories. Now I’ll give you some time to think of a funny situation in your life and then write out your story.While writing,I hope you will first think about the structure or outline of your story and then try to write down your story in a logical order,using the connecting words on page 23,and don’t forget to write out the punch line.Now I will show you another sample writing: Going home.‎ Outline First I had a pain in my foot,and my sister offered to send me home by bicycle.Then she ordered me to sit on the back seat of the bike,and I tried.Next she rode the bike as quickly as she could.Finally,when she got home she found nothing on the back seat of the bicycle. Story My sister is very kind to me.She is always helpful to me.One morning,after class,I hurt my foot.She said:“Sister,it doesn’t matter.Let me sent you home by bike.” First,she ran to borrow a bike.Then she said:“I ride first,and then you take a seat.” She did what she said and I tried to jump to sit on the seat.But somehow,I failed to do so.Next she began to ride the bike as quickly as she could.She is such a person that she is always lost into deep happiness,especially when she is helping others.At that time,even if she had back eyes,she couldn’t see that I was still standing on the ground.“Let’s go!”She cried happily and proudly.You can imagine what I was feeling at that time.She sped up,and soon she disappeared in my sight.Finally,when I walked back home painfully and slowly,she said to me:“Sister,no wonder I said several times that it was time to get down,but no one answered me!” T:Now it’s your turn to write your own funny stories.After class hand in them and I’ll help you to make some necessary changes.And then you will copy your stories and put them into a class collection of stories,so that your classmates can enjoy them.‎ Step 3 Summary and homework ‎ T:I think it is great fun to listen to your funny jokes and stories in this period,and it will be greater fun to read your collection of stories,as you all can find and enjoy humour in your daily life,and of course make other people laugh.I’m sorry to say,perhaps,some of you haven’t finished your stories.It doesn’t matter.You can do it out of class as your homework.Tomorrow we will finish this unit,so you are required to get ready for the dictation of the new words and expressions in this unit. The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard Unit 3 A Taste of English humour Period 5 Speaking & Writing ‎1.Way of telling your jokes or funny stories successfully: ‎1)Pay attention to our tones and intonation. ‎2)Allow others to find it funny. ‎3)Use facial expressions and some actions. ‎4)Pause in the story when we get to the last line (or punch-line). ‎2.Way to write humourous stories: ‎1)Plan the structure or outline of the story. ‎2)Put the story in a logical order. ‎3)Use the effective approach—the punch line. Record after Teaching Activities and Research ‎ The students are encouraged to work in groups telling jokes with each other.Or individuals come to the blackboard to tell a joke,others deciding whether the joke is humourous or not. Reference for teaching Learning Tips 英语书面表达经典句型必背 ‎1.英语作文中常用关联词: 并列关系:and,as well as,also... 递进关系:besides,in addition,moreover,what’s more...  转折关系:but,yet,however,although,otherwise,or,in spite of,despite,instead of,in the end...  时间顺序:while,when,soon after,before,afterward,finally,first,then,next,as soon as ... 比较、对比:like,unlike,on the contrary,on the other hand... 总结:in a word,in general,in short,above all,after all,generally speaking... 进一步阐述:in other words,that is to say,for example,for instance,such as ...  因果关系:as a result,so,thus,therefore... ‎2.常用句式 记事 ‎①At first he didn’t hear anything at all. ‎②But then a sudden knock on the door woke him up. ‎③Following that came a man’s voice,saying,“Come out,or I will break in!” ‎④Several minutes later,he heard someone leave. ‎⑤Finally he got up,opened the door and looked around. 写人 ‎①She is a girl of twelve years old. ‎②She is tall and slim with big eyes and curly hair. ‎③Being kind and helpful,she always enjoys helping others out. ‎④In her spare time,she spends much time listening to music and reading novels. ‎⑤She gets on well with almost anyone and is always welcome wherever she goes. ‎⑥There is a boy crying outside. 介绍某地 ‎①Liaoning Province lies in the northeast of China. ‎②It is rich in many kinds of natural resources,such as coal and petrol. ‎③It has a population of 23 million. ‎④It is terribly cold in winter and very hot in summer there. ‎⑤The people there are friendly and hardworking and their hospitality will never fail to give you a deep impression. ‎⑥Our school covers 2.5 square miles.It lies in the north of the city.The teaching building stands in the front of the school,on its left is the administrative building,and on its right is a football field.After walking across a small bridge we can see our dining-hall.Four students’ dormitory buildings stand in line with a lot of trees around them and a river running by. 通知用语 ‎①Attention,please!/May I have your attention,please! ‎②The sports meet to be held tomorrow is canceled due to the bad weather. ‎③A meeting is to be held in Room 203 at two o’clock tomorrow afternoon. ‎④Please take a pen and notebook with you and be there on time. ‎⑤That’s all,thank you! 写信 ‎①Dear Tom,I’m very glad to receive your letter. ‎②I am fine but very busy recently,learning English. ‎③I have been strictly following the advice given by you in your last letter and have made some progress so far. ‎④Please remember me to your parents. ‎⑤Yours truly,Li Ming. 议论和高级句型 ‎①In my opinion,I prefer traveling by train rather than by plane. ‎②For one thing,a train ticket is much cheaper than a plane ticket. ‎③For another,you can enjoy the beautiful views outside the train window. ‎④Above all,it’s safer traveling on a train than traveling in a plane. ‎⑤In a word,I will always travel by train if I’m not in a great hurry. ‎6.I hold the view that we should wear school uniform all day. ‎7.From this passage we can draw a conclusion that drinking a lot is bad for our health. ‎8.From this diagram we can infer/it can be inferred that in 2008 the number of mobile phones will be twice as big as that now. ‎9.There are 95% of the students who think it is not useful to stay up to study at night because the next day they will feel very tired. ‎10.The fact leads us to believe most of us do get a good result in the NMET this year. ‎11.I am not for/am against/oppose/don’t agree to/object to the idea of building a new highway because of the great cost. ‎12.What I want to emphasize is the fact that they are only children. ‎13.Being a Senior three student,he will never let his parents down(使父母失望). ‎14.Having finished his homework,he went to bed. ‎15.Running,biking and swimming are popular in summer. ‎16.It took us only five yuan to buy this pen.This pen just costs five yuan.I only spent five yuan on/(in) buying this pen.I only paid five yuan for this pen. ‎17.It is said/reported/considered/thought that the more pressure you have,the worse result you will get. Period 6 Assessment The General Idea of This Period This period is to find out how well the students understand English humour—the kinds of humour and the typical representatives of each kind,whether they can use the new words and expressions learned in this unit correctly,so that instruction can be improved.To achieve the above goals the teacher can apply both performance assessment and summative assessment by designing a checklist for students to complete.And this will get the students involved in the assessment so that they focus on the process of learning as well as the results of learning. Teaching Important and Difficult Points Help the students learn to assess whether their knowledge about this topic has increased. Help the students focus on the process of learning as well as the results of learning. Teaching Methods Question-and-answer activity. Pair work and group work to make the students work in class. Teaching and Learning Aids A multimedia A blackboard Three Dimensional Teaching Aims Knowledge and Skills Elevate efficiently the students’ knowledge about English humour. Elevate the students’ ability of using the words and expressions and grammar learned in this unit. Process and Strategies Check up what they have learned in this unit by evaluation and tests. Feelings and Value Through this part the students will surely know what they have mastered and haven’t mastered,and thus work hard to consolidate it. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Greetings T:Good morning,boys and girls! Ss:Good morning! T:So far we have finished this unit which is about...? Ss:It’s about English humour. T:We have had great fun while learning this unit.It seems that our class has become more lively and interesting.Of course we have learned a lot of useful words and expressions,and the -ing form used as the attribute,predicative and object complement.‎ Step 2 Dictation T:Now let’s have a dictation of the new words and expressions as I told you yesterday.I’ll read each word or expression twice.Are you ready?Let’s start. T:Please check your answers with your partners.Please pay much attention to those words or expressions that you didn’t get right. Step 3 Assessment T:Today we are going to see how well you have worked on the words and expressions,the -ing form,and how much you know about English humour.Now answer the following questions to have a self-assessment. 非测试性评价 Checklist ‎1.Do you know different kinds of humour? ‎2.Do you know humour is not always kind? ‎3.Do you know the similarities and differences between English humour and Chinese humour? ‎4.Can you tell some funny stories in English? ‎5.Can you think of a funny situation in your life and then write out your story. ‎6.Can you understand all the new words and expressions in this unit? ‎7.Do you know the function of the -ing form? ‎8.Can you use the -ing form freely and correctly?‎ 测试性评价 Ⅰ.Choose the suitable words from the box below and fill in the blanks in the correct form.‎ astonish depress play do ride amuse bark welcome ‎1.I can’t imagine Billy _________________ a motorbike. ‎2.Did you hear the dog downstairs _________________ for most of the night? ‎3.Frank is very good at telling funny jokes.He can be very _______________. ‎4.You can’t stop me __________ what I want. ‎5.He gave me a __________ hug when he met me at the airport. ‎6.Jim has really learnt very fast.She has made __________ progress. ‎7.It’s been raining all day.This weather is __________ . ‎8.When I came out of the theatre,I noticed a group of children __________ musical instruments across the street. Suggested answers: ‎1.riding 2.barking 3.amusing 4.doing ‎ ‎5.welcoming 6.astonishing 7.depressing8.playing Ⅱ.Fill in each blank with the proper form of the given words in the brackets. ‎1.The _________(miss) boy was last seen playing near the river. ‎2.He had never spent a more ___________ (worry) day. ‎3.Do you know the boy __________ (lie) under the tree? ‎4.The news sounds __________ (encourage). ‎5.Father left early in the morning,leaving me __________ (wonder) what happened. ‎6.He could feel the cold wind ______________ (blow) against his face. ‎7.There is another road ___________ (lead) to the city. ‎8.As all know,China is a ______________ (develop) country,belonging to the third world. ‎9.The picture __________ (hang) on the wall is painted by my nephew. ‎10.The task of this class is _____________ (practise) the idioms. Suggested answers: ‎1.missing 2.worrying 3.lying 4.encouraging 5.wondering 6.blowing 7.leading 8.developing 9.hanging 10.practicing Ⅲ.Multiple choice ‎1.—Are you __________ with your present salary? ‎—Yes,and what’s more our boss is kind to us. A.satisfied      B.content C.satisfying D.both A and B ‎2.We are earning more money.In fact most people are __________ than they were five years ago.‎ A.better off      B.well off C.badly off      D.worse off ‎3.—Why did you come here? ‎—I came here __________ to see you. A.specially       B.especially C.particularly      D.special ‎4.He was in such a hurry that he __________ an old man. ‎ A.came across        B.bumped into C.knocked into        D.both B and C ‎5.The excellent students are __________ to join in the English club. A.elected        B.picked out C.picked        D.picked up ‎6.He was in hospital for six months.He felt as if he was __________ from the outside world. A.cut out        B.cut off C.cut up        D.cut down ‎7.On the way home,he was __________ in a storm.As a result,he developed a cold. A.met        B.hit C.caught        D.kept ‎8.We’ll have to finish the job,__________. A.long it takes however       B.it takes however long C.long however it takes       D.however long it takes ‎9.If you don’t stop working,you will feel __________. A.tiring        B.worn-out C.tired out        D.both B and C ‎10.When a pencil is partly in a glass of water,it looks as if it __________. A.breaks        B.has broken C.were broken      D.had been broken ‎11.The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the ________. A.20 dollars remained       B.20 dollars to remain C.remained 20 dollars       D.remaining 20 dollars ‎12.He looked around and caught a man __________ his hand into the pocket of a passenger. A.put        B.to be putting C.to put        D.putting ‎13.The flower __________ sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.‎ A.to smell        B.smelling C.smelt        D.to be smelt ‎14.There was a terrible noise __________ the sudden burst of light. A.followed        B.following C.to be followed      D.being followed ‎15.Miss Joan’s bad habit is __________ without thorough understanding. A.read         B.being read C.to be read       D.reading 答案与解析: ‎1.D be satisfied with 和be content with 的意思是“对……满意”,satisfying的意思是“令人满意的”。 ‎2.A well off的意思是“境况良好、富裕”;better off是其比较级。 badly off 的意思是“潦倒、穷困”,它的比较级是worse off。 ‎3.A specially的意思是“为某目的特地”;especially的意思是“尤其”;particularly的意思是“特别地”;special是形容词,不能作状语。 ‎4.D bump into 和knock into 的意思是“撞上”;come across 和knock into的意思是“偶然遇见”。 ‎5.B pick out的意思是“挑出,选出”;pick up 意思是“拾起,捡起”;elect的意思是“选举”。 ‎6.B cut out 的意思是“剪除,切掉,割掉”;cut off的意思是“隔绝,隔离”;cut down 的意思是“砍到,砍伤,砍死”;cut up 的意思是“切碎”。 ‎7.C be caught in 的意思是“遇上,被绊住,受阻”。 ‎8.D however为副词,修饰形容词。 ‎9.D worn-out和tired out的意思是“筋疲力尽的,疲惫不堪的”。 ‎10.C as if 后要用虚拟语气,因为是与现在事实相反,故选C。 ‎11.D remaining 此处为现在分词作前置定语。 ‎12.D catch sb.doing ‎ sth.的意思是“撞见某人正在做某事”。动词catch后面可以接现在分词作宾语补足语。 ‎13.B smelling sweet 此处是现在分词短语作后置定语,smell 是连系动词,没有被动语态。 ‎14.B following 为现在分词作后置定语,noise与follow为主动关系,故用现在分词。 ‎15.D reading without thorough understanding为动名词作表语。 The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard Unit 3 A Taste of English humour Period 6 Assessment ‎1.Do you know different kinds of humour? ‎2.Do you know humour is not always kind? ‎3.Do you know the similarities and differences between English humour and Chinese humour? ‎4.Can you tell some funny stories in English? Record after Teaching Activities and Research ‎ The students may find more to consolidate their knowledge in this unit.Meanwhile,they may also find some English jokes to enjoy. Reference for Teaching 高考链接 ‎1. __________ and happy,Tony stood up and accepted the prize. A.Surprising               B.Surprised C.Being surprised        D.To be surprising 赏析:选B。surprised作状语,表示Tony站起来领奖时的心情。一般说来,表示心理状态的动词如surprise,excite,interest等都是及物动词,汉语的意思是“使吃惊”“使激动”“使感兴趣”。因而动词+ing形式表示“令人吃惊”“令人激动”“令人感兴趣”。动词+ed形式表示“感到……的”。 ‎ ‎2. We often provide our child with toy,footballs or basketballs,_________ that children like these things. A.thinking       B.think C.to think       D.thought  赏析:选A。动词+ing形式作状语表示主动和动作正在发生。因为think的逻辑主语是句子的主语,所以要用动词+ing形式作状语。 ‎3. Don’t respond to any e-mails _________ personal information,no matter how official they look. A.searching        B.asking C.requesting       D.questioning  赏析:选C。request意为“请求,恳求,恳请;要求,需要”,常用于委婉地说明自己的需要,有礼貌地正式地向他人出请求,语气比较文雅,往往用于恐怕对方不能答应的场合。在该句在表示不要回复要求个人信息的邮件。search意为“寻找”;ask意为“问”;question意为“询问;讯问;审问”。‎ ‎ 4. Whenever he was asked why he was late for class,he would answer carelessly,always __________ the same thing. A.saying         B.said  C.to say        D.having said 赏析:选A。动词+ing形式表示主动,即其逻辑主语是句子的主语he,表示他总是说同样的话。‎ ‎5. When __________ different cultures,we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities. A.compared         B.being compared  C.comparing        D.having compared 赏析:选C。此处是连词when+分词短语作时间状语,相当于一个状语从句。但分词的主语和主句的主语必须为同一个。此处从句的主语是we,compare这个动作是we主动进行的,应用现在分词表示。 ‎6. ____________ with a difficult situation,Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice. A.To face        B.Having faced C.Faced        D.Facing 赏析:选C。be faced with a difficult situation面临困难形势。动词+ed形式短语faced with a difficult situation作状语。 ‎7. This company was the first __________ portable radios as well as cassette tape recorders in the world. A.producing        B.to produce C.having produced        D.produced 赏析:选B。在表示“顺序”的词,如first,last等后,要用不定式作定语。 ‎8. When the first English settlers arrived in the New World,the Indians _____________ jewellery made of animal bones greeted them warmly. A.wearing        B.to wear C.worn        D.having worn 赏析:选A。wearing作定语表示“正穿着”。不定式作定语通常表示“将(做某事)”。 ‎9. The purpose of new technology is to make life easier,__________ it more difficult. A.not making        B.not make C.not to make       D.nor to make 赏析:选C。动词不定式to make life easier和not to make it more difficult都作is的表语。 ‎10. Reading is an experience quite different from watching TV;there are pictures __________ in your mind instead of before your eyes. A.to form       B.form C.forming       D.having formed 赏析:选C。动词+ing形式作定语表示同时发生的动作。一边读书,一边在脑海里形成画面。不定式作定语常常表示将要发生的事。动词+ing形式的完成式只作状语,不作定语。 ‎11. “We can’t go out in this weather,” said Bob,___________ out of the window.‎ A.looking       B.to look C.looked        D.having looked 赏析:选A。“动词+ing形式”looking表示与谓语同时发生的动作,在句中作伴随状语。表示一边往窗外看,一边说天气原因不能出去。 ‎12. Alice returned from the manager’s office __________ me that the boss wanted to see me at once. A.having told      B.tells C.to tell        D.telling 赏析:选D。现在分词telling...作伴随状语,其动作的执行者是句子的主语Alice。 ‎13. Don’t leave the water __________ while you brush your teeth. A.run        B.running C.being run        D.to run 赏析:选B。leave后接动词+ing形式表示状态,leave the water running使水一直流着。 ‎14. The flowers _________ sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature. A.to smell        B.smelling C.smelt        D.to be smelt 赏析:选B。“动词+ing形式”作定语,与其逻辑主语the flowers之间是主动关系,the flowers smelling sweet闻起来很香的花。 ‎15. The news reporters hurried to the airport,only __________ the film star had left.‎ A.to tell       B.to be told C.telling       D.told 赏析:选B。动词不定式与only连用表示未曾预料的结果。to be told的意思是“被告知”。‎

