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—— 名词性从句 2018 届 二轮复习 语法专题突破 一、几种易混的从句的辨别 定语从句、名词性从句和状语从句有时候在形式上很相似,下面给考生提供一些区分的方法: 1 .定语从句与同位语从句 定语从句与前面的名词是修饰与被修饰的关系;而同位语从句是用来说明前面名词的内容的。 that 在定语从句中充当句子成分,可指物或人;而同位语从句中的 that 在从句中不充当任何句子成分,只起连接作用。请比较: (1)The news (that/which) he told us was exciting. ( 定语从句, that/which 在从句中作宾语,还可以被省略 ) (2)The news that our team has won is exciting. ( 同位语从句, that 从句是说明 news 的内容的, that 在从句中不作任何成分,但不能被省略 ) ◆辨析 判断是定语从句还是同位语从句可以用“加词”的方法,即在名词和从句之间加入一个 be 动词,如果句子意思成立,则是同位语从句,否则,则是定语从句。如上面第二句,加上 be 动词后: The news is that our team has won. 句子意思成立,所以是同位语从句。而第一句,加上 be 动词后: The news is that he told us. 意思不成立,因此不是同位语从句。 ◆警示 一般情况下,同位语从句紧跟在它所说明的名词的后面,可是有的时候,为了表达的需要,名词与从句之间被另外一些内容分隔开了,叫做“分隔同位语从句”。对于这类同位语从句,一定要根据句意,找准它所说明的名词。 2 .定语从句与状语从句 请看两组句子: 第一组:区分 such...as... 和 such...that... (1)The new storybook is written in such easy English as beginners can understand. (2)The new storybook is written in such easy English that beginners can understand it. 这两句话只有一词之差,但语法结构大相径庭:第一句是 as 引导的定语从句, as 相当于 that /which( 但不能用 that/ which) ,在从句中作 understand 的宾语。第二句是结果状语从句, that 在从句中不作成分。 结论:当从句缺少句子成分时,用 such...as... ;当从句不缺少句子成分时,用 such...that... 。 第二组:选用 in which, where 填空 (1)He left the key ______ he had been an hour before. (2)He left the place ______ he lived for many years. 分析:第一句只能填 where, where 引导的是地点状语从句,修饰主句中的谓语动词。此处 where 不可换成 in which ,因为 in which 只能引导定语从句,本句中根本就没有先行词 ( 后面的从句不是修饰 key 的 ) 。 第二句填 where 或 in which 。根据句意可知,后面的句子是对名词 place 的修饰,因此此句是定语从句。 ◆ 点拨 判断是用 such...as... 还是用 such...that... 的关键:判断从句是否缺少句子成分。 ◆ 牢记 当涉及 “ 地点 ” 时,判断是定语从句还是状语从句的依据:看句中是否有先行词。 二、 that 与 what 的区别 that 引导名词性从句,在从句中不作任何成分, that 本身无意义,只起连接作用。 what 引导名词性从句时,在从句中可以作主语、宾语、表语等, what 表示 “ …… 的东西或事情 ” 。请比较: What I need is more time.(what 引导主语从句,在从句中作宾语 ) That I need more time to do the work is very clear.(that 引导主语从句,在从句中不作任何成分 ) The village is no longer what it used to be.(what 引导表语从句,在从句中作表语 ) I had no idea what we should do next.(what 引导同位语从句,在从句中作宾语 ) He will tell us what he saw in London.(what 引导宾语从句,在从句中作宾语 ) ◆精析 名词性从句中区分 that 与 what 的关键是:分析句子结构,看从句是否缺少句子成分。如果不缺成分,就用 that ,如果缺少句子成分 ( 主语、宾语、表语等 ) ,且表示 “ …… 的东西或事情 ” 就用 what 。 ◆牢记 宾语从句可以跟在及物动词之后,也可以跟在介词之后。 ◆ 点拨 解题时要设法排除插入语的干扰,将插入语忽略,从而简化句子结构,这样就可以降低解题的难度。 典例  (2011 · 安徽, 33) His writing is so confusing that it's difficult to make out ________it is he is trying to express. A. that          B. how C. who D. what 解析: D 。考查名词性从句。句意:他的书写这么乱,很难弄明白他想要表达什么。 what 引导宾语从句,并在从句中作表语。 三、 who, whoever 与 no matter who 的区别 引导名词性从句,在句中作主语时用 who ,意思是“谁”,含有疑问意味, whoever 意为“无论谁”,不含有疑问意味。 whoever 在引导名词性从句时,相当于 anyone who ,其中 who 引导一个定语从句紧随其后。 另外, whoever 还可以引导让步状语从句,这时 whoever 相当于 no matter who ,但是 no matter who 只能引导让步状语从句。请比较: 1 . Who has taken away my bag is unknown. 谁拿走了我的包还不知道。 ( 若用 whoever 显然句意不通 ) 2 . Whoever breaks the law will be punished. 无论谁违反法律都要受到惩罚。 (whoever 表达的语气强烈 ) 3 . I'm not going to let you in, no matter who you are. = I'm not going to let you in, whoever you are. ( 根据句意“我不会让你进去的,不管你是谁”,后面是一个让步状语从句,故用 no matter who 或者 whoever) ◆链接 wh - ever 既可引导名词性从句,又可引导让步状语从句。引导名词性从句时, whoever = anyone who; whomever = anyone whom; whatever = anything that; whichever = anything/anyone that; whosever = any one whose 。 Whichever he likes will be given to him. = Anything that he likes will be given to him. 无论他想要哪个都可以给他。 You should give the book back to whosever name( = anyone whose name) is on the cover of it. 你该把书还给任何一个他的名字在封面上的人。

