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高三英语试卷 第 1页,共 10页 蚌埠二中 2014—2015 学年第一学期期中考试 高三英语试题 命题人:胡庆平 考试时间:120 分钟 试卷分值:150 分 注意事项::本试卷包含Ⅰ、Ⅱ两卷。第Ⅰ卷为选择题,所有答案必须用 2B 铅笔涂在答 题卡中相应的位置。第Ⅱ卷为非选择题,所有答案必须填在答题卷的相应位置。答案写 在试卷上均无效,不予记分。 第 I 卷(共三部分,满分 115 分) 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中 选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回 答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Which instrument is the woman learning now? A. The violin. B. The keyboard. C. The drums. 2. How many cups of coffee does the woman drink in a week? A. One. B. Three. C. Five. 3. Where are the speakers? A. In a restaurant. B. In a hotel. C. In a supermarket. 4. What is the woman doing? A. Having an interview. B. Taking a computer lesson. C. Looking for an experienced worker. 5. Why has the meeting been put off? A. One of the employees is ill. B. The man has an appointment with a doctor. C. There is a medical examination for all the employees. 第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间 阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话 或独白读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。 6. What does the man think of a cookery book? A. Interesting. B. Useful. C. Boring. 7. What kind of book will the speakers buy for Lucy? A. Painting. B. Sailing. C. Cooking. 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。 8. What are the speakers mainly discussing? A. Where to park the car. B. When to go to the market. C. How to get to the sports stadium. 9. Where will the speakers meet? A. In the market. B. In the camera shop. C. In the sports stadium. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。 高三英语试卷 第 2页,共 10页 10. What is the woman going to do this weekend? A. See a play. B. Watch a match. C. Attend a concert. 11 Why is the man unsure whether he can join the woman? A. He might have to work. B. His parents are visiting. C. He can’t afford the tickets. 12. What does the woman suggest the man do? A. Visit a website. B. Persuade his parents. C. Make a weekend plan. 听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。 13. What happened when Matthew tried to sell his idea to companies? A. He received no replies. B. None of them was interested. C. Some companies wanted to see the game. 14. Where did Matthew borrow money to make his first game? A. From a bank. B. From a businessman. C. From some relatives. 15. How did Matthew get his idea for a second product? A. He watched his sisters playing. B. Some other children told him about it. C. An American company made a suggestion. 16. What does Matthew want to do when he leaves high school? A. Run his own business. B. Continue inventing games. C. Do a course in business. 听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。 17. What is the change of the trip for the listeners today? A. They will visit two towns. B. They will go to a wildlife park. C. They will look around a university. 18. Where will the listeners stop for coffee? A. By a lake. B. On a mountain. C. Near a waterfall. 19. What made the town of Brampton well-known? A. The university. B. The museum. C. The shops. 20. What animals will the listeners see in the wildlife park? A. Monkeys. B. Tigers. C. Lions. 第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第一节 单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 21. Smith asked you to repeat _ phone number second time so that he could set it down. A.the; a B.a; the C.an; a D.the; the 22. He felt very sad that though he worked very _ ___ indeed, he was not able to jump _ ____. A hardly; high B hardly; highly C.hard; high D.hard; highly 23. My meaning didn’t _ ___,so I explained it again. A.get across B.get over C.get through D.get around 24. _ _____, everyone present was amused by his adventure story in Africa. A.Absurd as it might sound B.As it might sound absurd 高三英语试卷 第 3页,共 10页 C.As absurd it might sound D.Absurd as might it sound 25. The boss insisted that every minute ______ made full use of ______ the work well. A.was; doing B.be; to do C.be ; doing D.was ; to do 26. — Can I pay the bill by check? — Sorry, sir. According to the rules of our hotel, the payment ______ be made in cash. A. need B.shall C.will D.can 27. The tourists gathered at________ was once a square, _______ is used as a theme park. A.where; which B.which; what C.what; which D.that; which 28. Currently, some overseas universities are simply selling diplomas to Chinese students________ their academic performance, so China should check on a regular basis. A.on account of B.in addition to C. in relation to D.regardless of 29. Being hungry, I was in search of cake or fruit in the fridge, but found _______. A.everything B. anything C.none D.something. 30. ________the answer, the boy, who asked the question, still stood with his hand ______. A.Given; raised B.Giving; rising C.Given; risen D.Giving, raised 31. Miss Li _______ as a secretary for five years in the company, and now she is general manager of it. A.serves B.has served C. served D.had served 32. Our city has experienced _______this year as it did last year.  A.rain twice as much B.twice as much rain C.as twice much rain D.twice rain as much 33. ______, the players began the game. A.After we had taken our seats B.Taking our seats C.Being taken the seats D.Having taken our seats 34. Education should not be considered to be a(n) ______ in a modern society. A.acquaintance B.privilege C.advantage D.affection 35. — Can I really get a mountain bike as a reward if I win the race? — Absolutely! __________. A.It all depends B.You've got me C.I mean it D. So will you 第二节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入 空白处的最佳选项。 Years ago, if a teenager had some problems in his life, he might go home and write in his diary; now, a teenager with 36 problems might go onto the Internet and write about them in a blog (博客). In many ways, a diary and a blog are very 37 . But what makes blogging different from writing in a(n) 38 diary? The biggest difference is that a blog is much more 39 than a diary. Usually, a teenager treats his diary like a book full of 40 that he does not want to 41 with others. It’s interesting that someone who writes in a blog 42 a diary will probably write nearly the same information. I have a little sister, and sometimes I go online to read her 43 . She 高三英语试卷 第 4页,共 10页 writes about things like waking up early for swimming practice and not studying enough for her chemistry test. 44 I was her age, I wrote about the same things, but 45 in my dairy. Then, after I had finished writing, I would hide my diary in a secret place because I was 46 that my sister might read it. The biggest 47 with blogging is that anyone can read what you write. If I was angry with a friend during high school and wrote something 48 about him in my diary, he would never know. 49 , if my sister ever wrote something bad about a friend, that friend might 50 her blog and get angry. There are also 51 to blogging, of course. If I was feeling sad one day and wrote in my diary, “ Nobody cares about me”, because no one would 52 about it. However, if my sister wrote the same sentence in her blog, her best friends would quickly 53 and tell her how much they 54 _ her. Blogs help people 55 in touch with their friends and know what the people around them are doing. 36. A.interesting B.the same C.difficult D.daily 37. A.simple B.special C.different D. similar 38. A.traditional B.ordinary C.meaningful D.personal 39. A.attractive B.exciting C.public D.quick 40. A.secrets B.puzzles C.ideas D.thoughts 41. A.tell B. publish C.share D.solve 42. A.as well as B.instead of C.except for D.besides 43. A.diary B. blog C.report D.web 44. A.Although B.Since C.Because D. When 45. A.already B. only C.still D.never 46. A.worried B.sad C.glad D. angry 47. A. doubt B.problem C.question D.mistake 48. A.boring B.wrong C.funny D. bad 49. A.So B.Therefore C. However D.Then 50. A.read B.break C.write D. steal 51. A.advantages B.wishes C.shortcomings D. reasons 52. A.care B.think C. know D.ask 53. A.prepare B.begin C.feel D. respond 54. A.miss B. like C.need D.stand 55. A.lose B. leave C. stay D.find 第三部分 阅读理解(共 20 小题,满分 40 分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。 A One Sunday, my family had gathered at my parents’ house to feast upon Mom’s wonderful cooking. During the normal dinner chatter (闲聊), I noticed that my father was slurring (说话含混) his words. No one mentioned this during dinner, but I felt compelled to discuss it with my mother afterward. We decided that there was something seriously wrong and that Dad needed to see the doctor. Mom phoned me two days later. “The doctor found a brain tumor (肿瘤). It’s too large at this point to operate. Maybe they can do something then, but the odds are long.” Even with the treatment, my father’s condition worsened, and the doctor finally informed us that this condition was terminal (晚期的). During one of 高三英语试卷 第 5页,共 10页 his stays in the hospital, we brought our baby daughter Chelsey with us when we visited him. By this time he had great difficulty speaking. I finally figured out that he wanted Chelsey to sit on his stomach so he could make faces at her. Watching the two of them together, I realized I was living an experience that would stay with me forever. Though grateful for the times they could share, I couldn’t shake the feeling of a clock ticking in the background. On the visit to my parents’ home during what we all know was my father’s last days, my mother took Chelsey from my arms and announced, “Your father would like to see you alone for a minute.” I entered the bedroom where my father lay on a rented hospital bed. He appeared even weaker than the day before. “How are you feeling, Dad?” I asked. “Can I do anything for you?” He tried to speak, but he couldn’t make out a word. “I’m sorry, but I can’t understand you,” I said. With great difficulty he said, “I love you.” We don’t learn courage from heroes on the evening news. We learn true courage from watching ordinary people rise above hopeless situations. In many ways my father was a strict, uncommunicative man. He found it difficult to show emotion. The bravest thing I ever saw him do was overcome that barrier to open his heart to his son and family at the end of his life. 56. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A.The writer accompanied his father to a medical examination. B.The writer’s father got worse after the removal of the brain tumor. C.The writer’s father had known about his illness before the writer discovered it. D.The writer was quick to notice the strange condition of his father. 57. What does the underlined sentence “the odds are long” mean? A.It takes a long time for Father to recover. B.There’s little possibility for Father to recover. C.Father needs love and care from his family. D.They need a proper time to operate on Father. 58. The father had never said “I love you” to the writer before because __ ___. A.he was not used to openly showing his emotions B.he was not so attached to the writer C.he thought there was no need to tell the writer D.he believed in strictness and punishment 59. What does the writer attempt to tell us? A.Bravely express your love for your family. B.Don’t wait to see a doctor till it is too late. C.Life is short, so live your life to the fullest. D.We don’t often value health until we lose it. B Name: Off the Beaten Path Cover price:$30.00 Our price:$19.80 The best-selling Reader's Digest travel book has 40% new content including over 200 new sites, over 200 new full-color photographs, and all-new, up-to-date 高三英语试卷 第 6页,共 10页 maps. It focuses on more than 1, 000 of the United States’ most overlooked must-see destinations. Name: Container Gardens by Number Cover price:$ 15.95 Our price:$9.49 A unique book contains 50 easy-to-follow container designs. Each design provides a simple numbered planting plan that shows exactly how to create each display, with an instruction of the finished planter and in-depth plant information. The plans are easy to follow and for any type of living space or garden. Name: Best Weekend Projects Cover price:$ 17.95 Our price:$13.96 Choose from 80 unique ideas to create an extraordinary living space. The projects are practical, as well as attractive, and will improve your home and yard and can be made in a weekend. These 80 well-designed projects are presented in a clear, easy-to-follow style that addresses readers in an accessible, user-friendly tone. Name:l80l Home Remedies(治疗方案) Cover price:$ 40.00 Our price:$ 29.96 Plenty of health complaints can be handled at home. Each and every remedy will be tested by a doctor to make sure it is safe and sound. Dozens of conditions are covered, from headaches, sunburn, bad breath, and blisters (起泡;起疮) to allergies, and hiccups (打嗝). 60. You can most probably read the passage in a ________ . A.newspaper B.medicine booklet C.textbook D.travel guide 61. How much money could you save if you want to buy a travel book? A.$6.46. B.$10. 20. C.$13.96. D.$19.80. 62. Which of the following could help you to deal with common diseases without a doctor? A.Off the Beaten Path. B.Container Gardens by Number. C.Best Weekend Projects. D.1801 Home Remedies. 63. What's the purpose of the passage? A.To advise readers to read more in spare time. B.To advise readers to buy their books. C.To share the pleasure of reading with readers. D.To share his opinion about the books with readers. C A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company (同伴)he keeps. One should always live in the best company, whether it is of books or of men. A good book may be among the best of friends. It is the most patient and cheerful of companions. It always receives us with the same kindness; amusing and instructing us in youth, and comforting us in age. Men often discover their similarity to each other by the common love they have for a book just as two persons sometimes discover a friend by the admiration which both entertain for a third. There is an old proverb, “Love me, love my 高三英语试卷 第 7页,共 10页 dog.” But there is more wisdom in this: “Love my, love my book.” The book is a truer and higher bond(纽带) of union. Men can think, feel, and sympathize with each other through their favorite author. They live in him together, and he in them. A good book is often the best container of a life preserving the best that life could think out; for the world of a man’s life is, for the most part, but the world of his thoughts. Thus the best books are treasuries of good words, the golden thoughts, which become our steady companions and comforters. Books are by far the most lasting products of human effort. Temples and statues decay(腐朽), but good books survive. Time is of no account with great thoughts, which are as fresh today as when they first passed through their author’s minds, ages ago. The great and good do not die, even in this world. Preserved in books, their spirits walked abroad. The book is a living voice. It is an intellect(智者) to which one still listens. 64. The writer introduces the topic of the passage by________. A.comparing good books to good friends in life B.telling his own story of reading good books C.presenting the best thoughts in good books D.describing life experience of great writers 65. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 mean? A.Readers feel sympathy for the author. B.Readers live together with the author. C.Readers are the author’s companions and comforters. D.Readers and the author share the same feeling. 66. which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A.The most important part of a man’s life is his treasures. B.We can learn about the great and good through books. C.Good books help us to know about their authors’ friends. D.Books are often regarded as best containers in our life. 67. The passage mainly tells us that ______. A. one should have some good friends B one should read as many books as possible C. books are the most lasting products of human efforts D. one should keep company with good books D Tourism probably started in Roman times.Rich Romans visited friends and family who were working in another part of the Roman empire.But when the empire broke down, this kind of tourism stopped. In the early 17th century, the idea of the “Grand Tour” was born.Rich young English people sailed across the English Channel(英吉利海峡).They visited the most beautiful and important European cities of the time, including Paris in France, and Rome and Venice(威尼斯)in Italy.Their tours lasted for two to four years, and the tourists stayed a few weeks or months in each city. The “Grand Tour” was an important part of young people’s education—but only for the rich. In the 18th century, tourism began to change.For example, people in the UK started to visit some towns, such as Bath to “take the waters”.They believed 高三英语试卷 第 8页,共 10页 that the water there was good for their health.So large and expensive hotels were built in these towns. In the 19th century, travel became much more popular and faster.When the first railways were built in the 1820s, it was easier for people to travel between towns, so they started to go for holidays by the sea.And some started to have holidays in the countryside as cities became larger, noisier and dirtier. Traveling by sea also became faster and safer when the first steamships were built.People began to travel more to far-away countries. The 20th century saw cars become more and more popular among ordinary people. Planes were made larger, so ticket prices dropped and more people used them. Thus tourism grew.In 1949, Russian journalist Vladimir Raitz started a company called Horizon Holidays.The company organized everything—plane tickets, hotel rooms, even food and tourists paid for it all before they left home. The package tour and modern tourist industry was born. The first travel agency in China was set up as early as 1949.But tourism did not take off until 1978.In 2002, the industry was worth 500 billion Yuan and became an important part of China’s social development. 68. In the early times, the travelers __________. A.all came from Roman B. were very young and strong C.had lots of money D.traveled by boat 69. Which of the following is TRUE? A.In 2002, tourism became a significant part of China’s social development. B.Tourism became faster and safer when the first railways were built in the 18th century. C.More people chose planes for its cheap price. D.The young men learned little from Grand Tour. 70. _________played the most important role in the tourism development. A.Education B.Money C.Transportation D.People’s ideas 71. Modern tourism was born ___________. A. in 1949 B. in Roman times C. in the early 17th century D. in 1978 E Sigmund Freud was one of the first scientists to make serious research of the mind. The mind is the collection of activities based in the brain that involve how we act, think, feel and reason. He used long talks with patients and the study of dreams to search for the causes of mental and emotional problems. He also tried hypnosis(催眠术). He wanted to see whether putting patients into a sleep-like condition would help ease troubled minds. In most cases he found the effects only temporary. Freud worked hard, although what he did might sound easy. His method involved sitting with his patients and listening to them talk. He had them talk about whatever they were thinking. All ideas, thoughts and anything that entered their mind had to be expressed. There could be no holding back because of fear or guilt. Freud believed that all the painful memories of childhood lay buried in the unconscious self. This part of the mind he said contains wishes, desires and experiences too frightening to recognize. He thought that if these memories could somehow be brought into the conscious mind, the patient would again feel the pain. But this time, the person would experience them as an adult. The patient would feel them, be able to examine them and, if successful, finally understand them. Using this way, Freud reasoned, the pain and emotional pressure of the past would be greatly weakened. They would lose their hold over the person's physical health. Soon the patient would get better. 高三英语试卷 第 9页,共 10页 Many of Freud's theories about how the mind works also had strong sexual connections. These included what he saw as the repressed feelings of sons toward their mothers and daughters toward their fathers. If nothing else, Freud's ideas were revolutionary. Some people rejected them. Many others came to accept them. But no one disputes his great influence on the science of mental health. 72. How many methods did Sigmund Freud use to study the mind? A.One. B.Two. C. Four. D.Three. 73. Sigmund Freud’s research was difficult because ______. A.he had to live with people who had troubled minds B.he had to work hard and have patients talk freely C.he had to listen to unhappy stories of different people D.he had to give his patients a sense of security 74. Sigmund Freud held the idea that the painful memories of childhood ______. A.could be forgotten forever B.could become wises and desires C.could have a life-long influence D.could be understood unconsciously 75. If an adult parent feels the memories of childhood painful, the patient would probably ______. A.have a healthier and happier life B.be greatly influenced by them C.have a better understanding of life D.have physical and mental problems 第 II 卷(非选择题 满分 35 分) 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节 任务型读写(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 阅读下面短文,根据所读内容在表格中的空白处填入恰当的单词。注意:每个空格 只填一个单词。 In the professional world, oral communication skills in the workplace, which are the art of using speech to convey information, thoughts and feelings to others, are important for the success of any organizations. The 21st century has been considered to be an era of communication. The way we convey our thoughts is of great importance in building relationships. Inthe workplace, there are employees of diverse cultural and educational backgrounds. This makes team work on a difficult task, but with a clear understanding of the task to be achieved, all members work towards the same goal. Misunderstandings, conflicts and differences in opinions are easily managed when there is a clear flow of communication between team members. With proper communication, a close relationship and trust build among the employees, therefore promoting excellent working conditions. An atmosphere of support and cooperation is promoted by properly conveying expectations ofthe management team to the employees and vice versa (相反的情况). Therefore, developing oral communication skills is important to success in life ahead. How to improve oral communication? In the business world, individuals are expected to be confident about their beliefs and ideas. Therefore, they must include words like “in my opinion”, “as far as I know”. While improving skills on oral communication, people in the workplace must learn the art of listening. In addition, one must also have a positive body language during conversations. A person with a smiling face and positive attitude can raisethe spirits of everyone around him. When we're talking to someone, we must give the other person an opportunity to talk as it improves our listening ability. Communication is an art and it can be improved by working on it constantly. Since it is not an overnight work, one needs to learn it by observing people who are good at it. Title Oral communication skills in the workplace 76____ ____ The art of using speech to convey information, thoughts and feelings to others. Importance ●The way we convey our thoughts plays a major 77__ _ __ in building relationships. ●Understanding the task 78 ____ ___ makes employees work towards the same goal. ●A clear flow of communication can easily 79___ _ __ the misunderstandings, conflicts and differences in opinions. ●Good relationships and trust among the employees built with proper communication can 80 __ __ excellent working conditions. ●Conveying expectations can promote support and cooperation. 81____ ____ to improving oral communication ●Use words like “in my opinion” to show your 82 ___ ___ about your beliefs and ideas. ●Learn to be a good 83 ___ ____ in the workplace. ●Usea84___ ___ body language during conversations. ●Smile and be positive to delight the people around you. ●Give the other person a chance to talk in a conversation. Conclusion Communication can be improved with 85 ___ ____ effort and we should learn from those who are good at it. 第二节 书面表达(满分 25 分) 高三同学面临沉重的升学压力,因此,很多同学课间休息时间也坐在教室里学习, 但效果并不理想。就此,班主任准备开一次班会课,以劝诫这些同学:适当的休息很有 必要。现请你以“The Ten-minute Break between Classes”为题,按以下要求写一篇英 语短文,让这些同学从中受到启发。要点如下: 1. 十分钟的课间休息很有必要; 2. 这段时间学习效果并不理想; 3. 你是如何利用这十分钟休息时间的。 注意:词数 120 字左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。 The Ten-minute Break between Classes Time seems to be so limited for us Senior Three Students.

