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Unit 2 Cloning 单元教案设计 The First Period warming up Aims ‎1. Talk about cloning ‎2. Practice expressing and supporting an opinion Contents Task one: Looking and speaking ‎ In pairs, look at the pictures and discuss which ones are natural clones and which ones are man-made. Explain how they differ. ‎ A. Dolly the sheep B. A strawberry plant ‎ C. Twins D. Identical dogs ‎ Task two: Questions about cloning What is a clone?‎ How is a clone produced?‎ What benefits can humans gain from cloning?‎ What problems may arise when humans are cloned?‎ Task three: Free talk In pairs, discuss what you understand about cloning, then list the questions you want to find out. Share your lists with one another.‎ ‎1. Should we clone human?‎ ‎2. Could cloning replace sex as the means of creating new human life?‎ ‎3. Could a parent clone a child who is dying of a terminal illness?‎ The Second Period Reading Aims:‎ ‎1. Help the Ss to know how to describe cloning and how to catch the details of the text.‎ ‎2. Activate the Ss to show their opinions about the cloning and enable the Ss to write and article on this debate.‎ Contents:‎ Leading in by revision.‎ Task one: Fast reading What is a clone?‎ Show the following.‎ ‎1. Cloning means making a copy of an animal or a plant. (F. exact… another)‎ ‎2. Gardeners can make a lot of money by cloning plants.(T.)‎ ‎3. Cloning animals is as complicated as cloning plants.(F. more than)‎ ‎4. Dolly the sheep was the first successful clone of a mammal. (T.)‎ ‎5. Natural clones happen in animals as well as in plants.(T)‎ Task two: Careful reading Read the text again, try to answer the following questions and find out the main idea of each paragraph .‎ Questions:‎ ‎1. What’s the main idea of the text?‎ ‎2. How many years did the sheep that donated the somatic cell most probably live? ‎ ‎3. Why did the Cloning of Dolly the sheep succeed?‎ ‎4. What does the word ‘straightforward’ mean in the second paragraph?‎ ‎5. What is the writer’s attitude toward cloning in this passage?‎ The main idea of each paragraph:‎ Para. 1 Cloning is a way of making an copy of another animal and plant.‎ Para. 2 Cloning has two major uses.‎ Para. 3 The problems of Dolly.‎ Para. 4 The effect of Dolly.‎ Para. 5 It is forbidden to clone human being.‎ Task three: Notes for debating: Should we use cloning?‎ Argument for cloning:‎ Cloning will be beneficial to humans We could use cloning to cure illnesses.‎ Arguments against cloning:‎ healthy risks form mutation of genes emotional risks against nature risk of abuse of the technology Cloned animals get ill and die quite young;‎ The Third Period Language Points Aims:‎ ‎1. Enable the Ss to grasp the words of cloning.‎ Get the Ss to master some useful expressions.‎ Contents:‎ ‎1. differ v.‎ ‎1) “To be dissimilar or unlike in nature, quality, amount, or form”‎ eg:Ambition differs from greed.‎ ‎2) “To be of a different opinion; disagree”‎ eg:The critic differed with the author on several facts.‎ ‎2. exact adj. “Strictly and completely in accord with fact; not deviating from truth or reality”‎ eg:an exact account; an exact replica; your exact words.‎ ‎3. commercial adj. 1) “Of or relating to commerce” 2) “Engaged in commerce’ ‎ eg:a commercial loan; a commercial attaché; a commercial trucker.‎ ‎4. straightforward adj. 1) “honest’ 2) “easy to understand”‎ eg: a ~ explanation; written in ~ language; a ~ problem in algebra ‎5. procedure n.‎ ‎ 1) ‘A manner of proceeding; a way of performing or effecting something’‎ eg:complained to the manager, and by this procedure got the money back.‎ ‎2) “A series of steps taken to accomplish an end”‎ ‎6. undertake v. ‎ ‎1) “To take upon oneself; decide or agree to do”‎ eg:undertake a task.‎ ‎2) “To pledge or commit (oneself) to’‎ eg:undertake oneself to care for an elderly relative.‎ ‎7. breakthrough n. ‎ ‎1) “An act of overcoming or penetrating an obstacle or restriction.”‎ ‎2) ‘A military offensive that penetrates an enemy's lines of defense’‎ eg: a ~ in cancer research ‎8. disturb v. “break the quiet, calm and peace’‎ eg: She opened the door quietly so as not to disturb the sleeping boy.‎ ‎ Don’t ~ the papers on my desk.‎ ‎9. arbitrary adj. ‎ ‎1) “Determined by chance, whim, or impulse, and not by necessity, reason”‎ eg:stopped at the first motel we passed, an arbitrary choice; arbitrary division of the group into halves.‎ ‎2) “Based on or subject to individual judgment or preference”‎ eg:The diet imposes overall calorie limits, but daily menus are arbitrary.‎ ‎10. altogether adv. ‎ ‎1) “Entirely; completely; utterly”‎ eg:lost the TV picture altogether; an altogether new approach.‎ ‎2) “With all included or counted; all told”‎ eg:There were altogether 20 people at the dinner.‎ ‎11. objection n. “The act of objecting”‎ eg: He has a strong ~ to getting up early.‎ ‎ ~s to the plan will be listened to sympathetically.‎ ‎12. media n. 媒体 eg: The running for president drew the ~’s attention.‎ ‎ Now the press is an useful media.‎ ‎13. moral adj. ‎ 1) ‎“Of or concerned with the judgment of the goodness or badness”‎ eg:moral scrutiny; a moral quandary.‎ ‎2) “Teaching or exhibiting goodness or correctness of character” ‎ eg:a moral lesson.‎ ‎14. accumulate v. “To gather or pile up”‎ eg: By buying ten books every month, he soon ~d a library.‎ ‎ Dust soon ~s if the room is not swept. ‎ ‎15. forbid v. ‎ ‎1) “To command (someone) not to do something”‎ eg:I forbid you to go.‎ ‎2) “To command against the doing or use of (something); prohibit”‎ eg:forbid smoking on trains.‎ The Forth period Learning about language and Using language Aims:‎ Let the Ss know more about the cloning.‎ Improve the students’ listening, reading and writing ability.‎ Contents:‎ Task one: gap filling 1. Complete the sentences using suitable words or phrases from the prevision sections.‎ 2. Rewrite the sentences using words of similar meaning to replace the underlined words.‎ 3. Use the words and phrases below to fill in the passage.‎ Task two: reading and discussing 1. Read the passage and answer the questions.‎ 2. In pairs, discuss which extinct animals described below (which died out less than 10,000 years ago) are worth restoring by means of cloning.‎ a. Auroch (1627) b. Dodo bird (1755)‎ c. Great auk (1844) d. Quagga (1883)‎ Task three: listening and writing 1. Read the statements before listening. Tick those that you hear.‎ 2. Listen to the tape again and then work with a partner to fill in the chart on page 17.‎ 3. Whose idea do you agree with according to the listening materials? Get ready to write a composition. Think about the reasons for your point of view. Use your own ideas as well as those in the text. ‎

