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www.ks5u.com 一、阅读理解(2*15 = 30)‎ ‎ A ‎ About five years ago I started at a new school when my family moved to Iowa. I was just a little excited, but I worried I would never fit in with (适应) the other sixth graders. ‎ Lucy, a girl in my class, who I thought was not ready for change, didn’t like me from the start. In fact, I was sure she hated me. I could tell she thought I was a fool. ‎ My teacher made us sit by each other for the last term. Lucy was surprised that I didn’t wear makeup (化妆). I didn’t exactly look like the coolest girl. But, I kept smiling at her, though she rolled her eyes, and I kept telling her she looked beautiful, even when she was angry. ‎ Finally, Lucy let me talk to her, even in sight of her “cool” friends. She started telling me how beautiful I looked. I still remember that first time when she smiled at me saying that, and I smiled right back, telling her thanks. Lucy invited me over to her house for a party, and talked to me all the time instead of her other friends. ‎ I may move to Arizona after that, but I will never forget Lucy. She was a great friend. I still smiled at Lucy when she made fun of me. I’m not stupid, I didn’t think she was right in doing those things, but I still put up with (忍受) it. And we became great friends.‎ About two weeks ago, I read a sentence by Abraham Lincoln: “Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?” Immediately, I smiled, thinking of Lucy. ‎ ‎1. When the author started at a new school in Iowa, she worried ________.‎ A. she was not ready for change at all B. she looked stupid when asking questions C. she didn’t look like the coolest girl in her class D. she couldn’t get along well with her classmates ‎2. How did the author change Lucy’s attitude towards her?‎ A. By wearing makeup.‎ B. By keeping smiling at Lucy.‎ C. By wearing beautiful clothes.‎ D. By sitting beside Lucy in class.‎ ‎3. From Paragraph 5, we know the author thought ________.‎ A. it was right of her to suffer when making friends B. it was a waste of time to make friends with Lucy C. it was foolish of her to smile at Lucy all the time ‎ D. it was a shameful thing to put up with what Lucy did ‎4. What is the main idea of this passage?‎ A. Kindness can beat any enemy.‎ B. Friendship needs to be cared for.‎ C. Making friends means losing enemies.‎ D. Patience is important in making friends.‎ B ‎ Jenny,‎ I often think if I am as important to you as you are to me.‎ We had an unhappy time yesterday. I really felt sad after it and almost apologized (道歉) to you. However, you could still laugh and talk with others like nothing had happened. I suddenly realized that I was not that important to you. You didn’t even realize that I was angry and sad. What’s more, you even forgot my birthday this year.‎ Goodbye, my friend. I have closed my feelings toward you. It is to say goodbye, my friend. But it is meaningless (无意义的) for us to be friends any longer.‎ Lucy Dear Lucy,‎ I’m sorry that I hurt you so much yesterday. But here is something I really need to tell you. I never thought the quarrel we had yesterday was as serious as you thought. I just felt tired and didn’t feel like going shopping. Susan and Lily are also my good friends. I couldn’t pretend (假装) not seeing them when they passed by. I also couldn’t let them know I was blue because of the quarrel. I didn’t want them to feel sad just because I was sad. I’m your best friend, but I don’t want to be your only friend. I don’t want to be with you all the time because sometimes I need to have my own time. I want to spend some time with my other friends and my brother. Please try to make more friends. You will feel much happier if you have more friends. And remember, I’m your best friend forever!‎ Jenny ‎5. What’s the purpose of Lucy’s letter?‎ A. To ask Jenny if she means much to her.‎ B. To ask Jenny not to be friends with Susan or Lily.‎ C. To tell Jenny she doesn’t want to be friends with her any longer.‎ D. To tell Jenny that she is really sorry for what happened yesterday.‎ ‎6. In the letter, Jenny suggests Lucy should ________.‎ A. leave her alone ‎ B. make more friends C. spend more time with her family D. make friends with Susan and Lily ‎ ‎7. According to the passage, if we say someone is blue, we mean he/she is________.‎ A. sad B. excited C. kind D. happy ‎8. After reading Jenny’s letter, we learn that ________.‎ A. Lucy is Jenny’s only friend ‎ B. Jenny and Lucy are both students C. a friend in need is a friend indeed D. Lucy doesn’t know how to keep friendship C Friendships can be difficult—because often people aren’t as honest and open as they should be. Sometimes, people finally get hurt.‎ Most problems with friendships come up because people are just too selfish (自私的) to care about the things that their friends need. They care about their own needs much more, which makes it hard for friendships to work. However, being selfish is part of human nature. A person is put together in order to take care of themselves and their own needs, not necessarily those needs of other people. ‎ The best thing to remember when you are a friend to anyone is that you need to treat (对待) your friends the same way that you’d like to be treated. This is wonderful advice for a friendship, because it is really the only way to make sure that you are giving your friends everything you would want to be given in a friendship. Whenever you have a question about how you should treat a friend, it is easy to find an answer simply by asking yourself what you would like your friend to do for you, if he or ‎ she was in your shoes. ‎ Even if you’re always thinking about how you’d like to be treated, and your friends are too, there are problems that come up from time to time in each friendship, and it is important to understand how to deal with (处理) these problems so that you can build stronger and healthier friendships. It is important to know how to deal with these friend problems so that you can keep your friends and make new ones. ‎ ‎9. This passage mainly talks about ________.‎ A. the problems of friendship B. the importance of friendship C. the advantages of friendship D. the disadvantages of friendship ‎10. According to the writer, problems with friendship may appear when one is ________.‎ A. open B. kind ‎ C. honest D. selfish ‎11. According to the passage, the first and most important thing to be other people’s friend is ____.‎ A. not to hurt your friends’ feelings ‎ B. to treat your friend as you’d like to be C. to give your friends whatever you have D. not to think of your own need any more ‎12. What’s the purpose of understanding how to deal with friendship problems?‎ A. To have a happy life.‎ B. To be treated the way you want.‎ C. To get a new friend more quickly. ‎ D. To build stronger and healthier friendships.‎ D Friendship Day in India falls on the first Sunday of August every year. It is celebrated with many activities. ‎ Young people in India spend the day with their closest friends and have fun together. Most teenagers in India plan a movie or have a meal with their friends. Many friends may go on a drive to tourist places or ‎ make a plan for camping. Some friends go to the supermarket to do some shopping. On Friendship Day, most stores offer lower prices for customers and it is the perfect day to buy something for friends. ‎ Some friends go to parties that are organized by many restaurants in order to attract teenagers. Such parties are very enjoyable. You can get food at a cheaper price. Some friends just decide to meet up at someone’s home and talk about their happy time. The time good friends spend sitting together and talking over a cup of coffee is great. ‎ Long-distance friends call up each other on this day and wish each other with warm feelings. Some of them even plan to meet up on this special day. Yet some others plan a surprising visit just to see their friends cry out excitedly!‎ ‎13. Which of the following is the most popular way Indian teenagers celebrate Friendship Day? A. Traveling with friends. B. Seeing a film with friends. C. Dancing with friends. D. Going shopping with friends. 14. How many ways are discussed in Paragraph 3 that friends spend Friendship Day together? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five. 15. The underlined phrase “a surprising visit” in Paragraph 4 refers to “_______”. A. a visit to a friend who hasn’t expected it ‎ B. a visit to a friend who lives in a far place C. a visit to a friend who tries to avoid it D. a visit to a friend who has dreamed of it for a long time 七选五:(2*5 = 10))‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ ‎ How to Make Friends Good friendship has many benefits. __16__ But for many of us it is difficult and requires courage. Below are some helpful suggestions on how to make and keep friends.‎ ‎1. Start a conversation.‎ Starting a conversation is an important step in making new friends. __17__ You can always start the conversation. Being able to make small talk is a very useful skill.‎ ‎2. __18__‎ Choosing friends with common interests is important in building friendship as these interests would always bring you and your friends together. Hanging out will always be a pleasant experience.‎ ‎3. Let it grow.‎ It is a good thing to stay in touch. However, try not to press your new friend with calls, messages or visits as this would likely wear him or her out and finally you may lose your friend. __19__ ‎ ‎4. Enjoy your friendship.‎ The best way to enjoy your friendship is to allow your friends to be themselves. Try not to change them from who they are to what you want them to be. __20__ ‎ A. Be cheerful.‎ B. Do things together.‎ C. Do not wait to be spoken to.‎ D. Making new friends comes easy for some people.‎ E. For a friendship to develop you need to stay in touch.‎ F. The best friendships are the ones that grow naturally.‎ G. Become the kind of friend you want your friend to be to you.‎ 二、完形填空(1.5 * 20 = 30)‎ The friendship between us lasts forever. Mary Allen was my best friend—__21__ a sister. We did __22__ together, piano lessons, movies, swimming, horseback riding, and __23__.‎ When I was 13, my family moved. Mary and I kept in __24__ through letters, and we saw __25__ on special places—like my wedding (婚礼) and __26__. Soon we were busy __27__ children and moving to new homes, and we wrote less __28__. One day a card that I __29__ came back stamped “Address Unknown”. I had no __30__ how to find Mary.‎ Over the years, I thought of Mary often. I wanted to __31__ stories of my children and then grandchildren. I needed to share my sorrow when my brother and then my mother died. There was an __32__ place in my heart that only a __33__ like Mary could fill.‎ One day I was reading a newspaper __34__ I noticed a picture of a young woman who looked a lot like Mary and whose last name was Wagman—Mary’s married 35. “There must be thousands of Wagmans,” I thought, but I wrote to her __36__.‎ She called as soon as she got my letter. “Mrs Tobin!” she said __37__, “Mary ‎ Allen Wagman is my mother.” Minutes later I heard a voice that I __38__ at once, even after 50 years. We laughed and cried and asked about each other’s lives.‎ Now the empty place in my heart is __39__, and there’s one thing that Mary and I know __40__: we won’t lose each other again!‎ ‎21. A. as B. so C. namely D. like ‎22. A. everything B. nothing C. nowhere D. everywhere ‎23. A. such B. much C. so on D. many ‎24. A. secret B. touch C. friend D. pace ‎25. A. other B. others C. another D. each other ‎26. A. Mary’s B. her C. Mary D. their ‎27. A. for B. in C. at D. with ‎28. A. often B. possibly C. hard D. hardly ‎29. A. gave B. took C. sent D. missed ‎30. A. doubt B. idea C. question D. wonder ‎31. A. read B. share C. find D. discover ‎32. A. eager B. equal C. empty D. enough ‎33. A. friend B. man C. woman D. boy ‎34. A. while B. since C. once D. when ‎35. A. age B. name C. address D. family ‎36. A. anyway B. however C. instead D. so ‎37. A. sadly B. quietly C. excitedly D. coldly ‎38. A. realized B. accepted C. received D. recognized ‎39. A. cleared B. filled C. fixed D. cleaned ‎40. A. for sure B. on purpose C. by chance D. in a way 三、单句语法填空(1.5 *10 = 15)‎ ‎41. Sorry, I can’t read the ________ (express) on her face. I don’t know how to please her.‎ ‎42. I didn’t go downstairs the window had to be shut. ‎ ‎43. Visitors are requested not ________ (touch) the pictures in the museum.‎ ‎44. A road goes ________ (straight) from the school to our village.‎ ‎45. —Tom, you are late again.‎ ‎—Yes, that’s ________ my bike broke down on the way.‎ 46. It was in the street I met my headteacher yesterday afternoon.‎ 47. While________ (walk) along the road, Mr. Smith met one of his old friends.‎ 48. You’d better set ________ all the key points while they are fresh in your mind.‎ 49. Most teachers are greatly concerned the growth of their students. ‎ 50. Ten minutes has been made full use of ________ (study) the problem.‎ 四、单句改错(1 *10 =10)‎ ‎51. This is the first time we had seen a film in the cinema together as a family.‎ ‎52. They have talked with each other through video but they have never talked with each other face by face.‎ ‎53. Tiring and short of breath, Andy and Ruby were the first to reach the top of Mount Tai.‎ ‎54. It’s no use to crying over spilt milk.‎ ‎55. He has suffered from a serious heart attack 3 years ago, but now he is all right.‎ ‎56. I said it was wrong to do that but he didn’t agree to my opinion.‎ ‎57. It’s going to be some time before I recover of my knee injury.‎ ‎58. Believe it or not, there is no such a thing as standard English. ‎ ‎59. They are enjoying the film Love Ladder basing on a true love story at present; please wait a minute.‎ ‎60. They are so busy that they have no time to do any sports, as if they need to do so.‎ 五.书面表达(25分))‎ 假如你是李华,你的美国笔友 David 即将来中国旅游。这是他第一次来中国旅行,不知道要做些什么准备,因此写信向你求助。请你根据以下要点给他写一封信:‎ ‎1.表示欢迎;2.建议准备事项;3.表示祝愿。 ‎ 注意:‎ 1. 词数 80 词左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 ‎ Dear David,‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2019-2020学年第一学期高一年级第一次考试 英语科目答案 A篇【答案】‎ ‎1.D 2. B 3. A 4. C B篇【答案】‎ ‎1.C 2. B 3. A 4. D C篇【答案】‎ ‎1. A 2. D 3. B 4. D D篇【答案】‎ 1. B 2. A 3. A ‎7选5【答案】‎ ‎1.D 2.C 3.B 4.F 5.G 完形填空【答案】‎ ‎1-5 DACBD 6-10 ADACB 11-15 BCADB 16-20 ACDBA 语法填空:‎ 1. Expression 2. Until ‎ 3. To touch 4. Straight 5. Because 6. That 7. Walking 8. Down 9. About ‎ 10. To study ‎ 单句改错:‎ 1. Had-have 2. By-to 3. Tired 4. to 删掉 5. Has删掉 6. To-with 1. Of-from 2. a删掉 3. Basing-based 4. As-even ‎ 书面表达参考答案:‎ Dear David,‎ I'm delighted to learn you are coming to China. It's my pleasure to give you some advice on how to prepare your journey.‎ First, I suggest you learn some Chinese words and expressions for daily communication, which will bring you convenience when travelling. Second, it will be wonderful if you can do some research to have a better understanding of Chinese culture and customs. Finally, planning ahead by booking a sightseeing tour is a great way to make your trip more enjoyable.‎ I hope my suggestions will be helpful to you. May you have an unforgettable experience in China.‎ Yours, ‎ Li Hua

