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Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia 一、语基必备知识 ‎ (一)重点词汇——分类记忆 Ⅰ.阅读词汇——在不认识的词汇前划√‎ sandstorm n.     campaign n.‎ forecast vt. mask n.‎ atmosphere n. chemical n.‎ garbage n. melt vi.‎ coastal adj. evidence n.‎ urgent adj. scary adj.‎ Ⅱ.核心词汇——写其形 ‎1.mass adj.     大量的;大规模的 ‎ ‎2.process n. 进程;过程 ‎3.citizen n. 公民;市民 ‎4.absolutely adv. 绝对地;完全地 Ⅲ.拓展词汇——通其变 ‎1.fright n. 害怕;恐惧→frightening adj.吓人的;可怕的→frighten vt.使害怕→frightened adj.害怕的 ‎2.dust n.沙尘;灰尘→dusty adj.满是灰尘的 ‎3.strong adj.坚强的;强壮的→ strength n.力量;力气→strengthen vt.加强→strongly adv.强有力地;坚强地 ‎4.cycle vi.骑自行车;循环→cyclist n.骑自行车的人→ recycle v.重新利用;再循环 ‎5.environment n.环境→environmental adj.环境的 ‎6.pollute vt.污染→pollution n.污染 ‎7.concern n.& v.关心,担心;影响,涉及→concerned adj.关心的;担心的→ concerning prep.关于;涉及 ‎8.major adj.主要的;多数的→majority n.大多数,多数 ‎9.complain vi.抱怨;发牢骚→complaint n.抱怨 ‎10.protect v.保护→protection n.保护 ‎1.“可怕的”形容词小结 20‎ ‎①frightening     吓人的 ‎②scary 恐怖的 ‎③terrible 可怕的 ‎④horrible 恐怖的 ‎⑤terrifying 令人惊恐的 ‎2.前缀fore表示“前面,预先”‎ ‎①forecast v.     预报 ‎②foretell v. 预言 ‎③foresee v. 预见 ‎④forehead n. 前额 ‎⑤foreword n. 前言 ‎3.后缀th名词集锦 ‎①strength     力量 ‎②length 长度 ‎③warmth 温暖 ‎④truth 真理 ‎⑤youth 青春 ‎ (二)重点短语——记牢用活 ‎1.cut__down        砍倒;削减 ‎2.be__caught__in 突然遭遇(风暴等)‎ ‎3.one__after__another 一个接一个地 ‎4.have__a__bad__effect__on 对……有坏影响 ‎5.take__in 吸收 ‎6.give__out 放出;发出 ‎7.in__a__nutshell 简言之;概括地讲 ‎8.look__through 浏览;仔细检查 ‎1.in a nutshell同义短语小聚 ‎①in a word       总之 ‎②all in all 总之 ‎③in short 总之 ‎④in brief 总之 ‎⑤in general 总体来说 20‎ ‎2.由one after another想到的 ‎①one by one        一个接一个地 ‎②one after the other 相继地;一个接一个地 ‎③from one ...to another 一个又一个 ‎④one another 互相 ‎⑤one and all 全都 ‎ (三)重点句式——背熟巧用 句型公式 教材原句 句型1:so ... that ...引导结果状语从句 ‎ They are often so__thick__that you cannot see the sun, and the wind is sometimes strong enough to move sand dunes.‎ 沙尘常常弥漫以至于你连太阳都看不见,风力有时强到可以移动沙丘。‎ 句型2:“make it+adj./n.+to do...”结构,it作形式宾语,不定式是真正的宾语 ‎ The storms sometimes continue all day and traffic moves very slowly because the thick dust makes__it__difficult__to__see.‎ 暴风有时持续一整天,车辆开得很慢,因为浓浓的尘埃降低了能见度。‎ 句型3:if引导省略的状语从句 ‎ The garbage is then taken away and, if__possible,__recycled.‎ 然后垃圾被运走,如果可能的话,予以回收利用。‎ 二、语境强化训练 Ⅰ.语境填词——根据提示写出该词的适当形式 A.根据汉语提示写出下列单词 ‎1.The weatherman has forecast(预报) that it will stay hot for another 5 days.‎ ‎2.(2018·浙江卷6月)Friedman points out that the green economy is a chance to keep American strength(实力;优势).‎ ‎3.The company is starting a new advertising campaign(活动) to attract new customers to its stores. ‎ ‎4.Economic development is both consistent with and contradictory to environment(环境).‎ ‎5.In life and work, many of us have used emoticons(表情符号) to send positive atmosphere(气氛) or soften statements.‎ 20‎ B.根据所给单词写出适当形式 ‎6.Cycling is an absolutely(absolute) energysaving means of transportation.‎ ‎7.It’s time to have lunch, so I think there surely are masses(mass) of people in the dining room.‎ ‎8.They tend to buy cheap processed(process) foods like canned chicken and hamburger.‎ ‎9.To keep healthy, Professor Johnson took up cycling(cycle) as a kind of exercise after he retired.‎ ‎10.With no one to turn to in such a frightening(frighten)situation, she felt very helpless. ‎ Ⅱ.语境品词——写出加黑词汇在语境中的意义 ‎1.(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)The polar bear is found in the Arctic Circle and some big land masses as far south as Newfoundland.块;堆 ‎2.(2019·浙江卷6月) When the children are walking or cycling to school on dark mornings, car drivers can easily see them. 骑自行车 ‎3.(2019·全国卷Ⅱ) More than that, how should you stay motivated to achieve the goal? First, you need to evaluate yourself, your values, your strengths, your weaknesses, your achievements, your desires, etc. 优点;长处 ‎4.(2019·全国卷Ⅲ) If there is truly a concern about a professor’s professionalism or ability, be sure to use online course evaluations to calmly offer your comments. 担心;忧虑 Ⅲ.选词成篇 cut down; one after another; take in; give out; in a nutshell; put... into...‎ It’s generally agreed that trees do a lot of good to the environment. They 1.take__in carbon dioxide and 2.give__out oxygen. 3.In__a__nutshell,__if we keep on 4.cutting__down trees, disasters like sandstorms are likely to come 5.one__after__another.‎ be caught in; have a bad effect on; take away; look through; as a result of; wake up to Nowadays the number of electric bikes is rising rapidly, which 6.has__a__bad__effect__on the road safety. Often we 7.are__caught__in the traffic jam 8.as__a__result__of electric bike drivers not obeying traffic rules. And if we 9.look__through newspapers, we can often see accidents caused by electric bikes.‎ Ⅳ.完成语段 20‎ We had planned to go outing , but 1.the__rain__was__so__heavy__that__we__had__to__abandon__the__previous__plan(雨那么大,以致我们只得放弃先前的计划). Unfortunately, the rain lasted two days, 2.making__it__impossible__for__us__to__go__out(使得我们不可能出行). However, 3.if__possible(如果可能的话), we will go for a picnic next weekend.‎ ‎ strength n.[U]力量,体力;[C]长处,强项 ‎ [基础练习]——单句语法填空 ‎①(湖北卷)To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their strengths(strong) and weaknesses.‎ ‎②(2018·全国卷Ⅰ) To avoid knee pain, you can run on soft surfaces, do exercises to__strengthen(strength) your leg muscles(肌肉), avoid hills and get good running shoes.‎ ‎③(四川卷)Summer makes me full of energy and I feel I have the strength to__do(do) the most difficult thing in my life.‎ ‎[能力提升]——完成句子 ‎④(浙江卷)练中国功夫不但能增强体质,还能培养一个人的性情。‎ Practising Chinese kungfu can not only build__up__one’s__strength,__but also develop one’s character.‎ ‎ ‎(1)have the strength to do   有做……的力气/‎ ‎ 意志力 build up one’s strength 增强体质 ‎(2)strong adj. 坚强的;强壮的 ‎(3)strengthen vt. 加强  ‎ ‎[佳句背诵] Though I didn’t have the strength to climb any further, I finally got to the top of the mountain with all my strength because my father encouraged me all the time. 虽然我没有力气爬得再高,但是我终于用尽全力爬上山顶,因为我父亲一直鼓励我。‎ ‎[词块助记]‎ gather one’s strength    积蓄力量 physical strength 体力 ‎ 20‎ strength of will 意志力 strengthen our friendship 巩固我们的友谊 ‎ concerned adj.关心的;担心的,有关的 ‎[基础练习]——单句语法填空 ‎①a. (2018·全国卷Ⅱ) It does point out that many parents still limit electronic reading, mainly due to concerns about/for increased screen time.‎ b.As we all know, parents focus their attention on their children’s study, because it is concerned with/in their future.‎ ‎②Concerned(concern) about the health of her son, Mrs. Jackson went to the school to visit him every week.‎ ‎③a.(2018·全国卷Ⅰ)I’d like to share with you some information concerning(concern) Chinese table manners.‎ b.He asked several questions concerned(concern) with the future of the company.‎ ‎[能力提升]——词汇升级 ‎④(普通表达)In my opinion, you can have a better understanding of the Spring Festival through the activities. (2017·浙江卷11月)‎ ‎(高级表达)__As__far__as__I__am__concerned,__ you can have a better understanding of the Spring Festival through the activities. ‎ ‎ ‎(1)be concerned about/for  关心;挂念 be concerned with/in 与……有关;参与;牵涉到 as/so far as...be concerned 就……而言 ‎(2)concern n.& v. 关心;担心;与……有关 show/express one’s concern about/for ...‎ ‎ 对……表示关心/担心 ‎(3)concerning prep. 有关;涉及  ‎ ‎[佳句背诵] The accident is not concerned with him. You needn’t be concerned about/for him.‎ 这场意外事故和他没有关系,你不必担心他。‎ ‎[名师点津] concerned 用作形容词时意为“担忧的;关心的”;用作后置定语时意为“相关的;有关的”。另外concerning 用作介词时意为“关于;对于”。‎ ‎[词块助记]‎ a major concern for teenagers 20‎ ‎         青少年关注的一个主要问题 all individuals concerned 所有相关人员 ‎ complain vi.抱怨;发牢骚;诉说;控诉 ‎[基础练习]——单句语法填空 ‎①(2018·天津卷) The students began complaining about/of how cold it would be.‎ ‎②In time of difficulty, what we need is not complaint(complain) to each other but understanding of each other.‎ ‎[能力提升]——完成句子 ‎③一些高中学生抱怨他们没有时间阅读,因为他们有太多的家庭作业要做。‎ Some of the senior students complained__that__they__had__no__time__to__read because they had too much homework to do.‎ ‎ ‎(1)complain (to sb.) of/about (doing) sth.‎ ‎      (向某人)投诉/抱怨(做)某事 complain (to sb.) that... (向某人)抱怨……‎ ‎(2)complaint n. 抱怨,牢骚,投诉 make a complaint to sb. about/of sth.‎ ‎ 向某人抱怨某事  ‎ ‎[佳句背诵] He complained to me that he had done everything with all his strength, but failed to pass the tests. ‎ 他向我抱怨他已经尽全力做了一切, 但是还是考试不及格。‎ ‎ cut down 砍倒;削减,缩小(尺寸、数量或数目)‎ ‎[一词多义]——写出下列句中cut down的含义 ‎①(湖北卷)The community college has to cut down on staff to save money. 裁减 ‎②With more and more forests cut down, some animals are in danger of dying out.砍倒 ‎③We need to cut the article down to 1,000 words.缩减 ‎[能力提升]——完成句子 ‎④(湖南卷)我当时正跟玛格丽特说话,杰克森打断了我们。‎ I was just talking to Margaret when Jackson cut__in.‎ cut in     插嘴;打断 cut off 切掉;切断;(常用于被动语 20‎ 态)使隔绝 cut up 切碎  ‎ ‎[佳句背诵] As is known to us, smoking is harmful to our health.You’d better quit smoking or at least cut down the amount of smoking. ‎ 众所周知,吸烟对我们的健康有害,你最好戒烟或者至少减少吸烟量。‎ ‎ take in 摄入;吸收;收留;包括;包含;理解;领会;欺骗 ‎ ‎[一词多义]——写出下列句中take in的含义 ‎①(湖北卷)It was several minutes before I took in what he was saying.理解;领会 ‎②(辽宁卷)Don’t be taken in by products promising to make you lose weight quickly.欺骗 ‎③(四川卷)The more fat you take in before bedtime,the greater burden you will put on your body at night.摄入 ‎④Her lecture took in all the recent developments in the subject.包括;包含 take off     起飞;(事业)成功;脱下;请假 take on 呈现;雇用;承担 take over 接收;接管 take up 占据;开始从事  ‎ ‎[佳句背诵] Plants naturally take in carbon dioxide and cut down air pollution. ‎ 植物天生吸收二氧化碳,减少大气污染。‎ ‎ give out 发出(光、热、声音、气体等);分发;发表;用完;耗尽;筋疲力尽;宣布;发布 ‎[一词多义]——写出下列句中give out的含义 ‎①Just as I approached the town, my legs finally gave out.筋疲力尽 ‎②(山东卷)What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has given out?用完;耗尽 ‎③The fire can be compared with the sun, and both all give out light and warm up.发出 ‎④(福建卷)The news of the mayor’s coming to our school for a visit was given out on the radio yesterday.宣布;发布 ‎[能力提升]——完成句子 ‎⑤(2019·浙江卷6月) For legal reasons, most restaurants have a policy against giving__away(捐赠) food waste. ‎ 20‎ give in (to)    让步;投降;上交 give away 捐赠;分发;颁发(奖品);泄露(秘密)‎ give back 归还;使恢复 give up 投降;放弃 give off 释放出;发出(气味、光、热等)  ‎ ‎[名师点津] 表示“用光,用尽”时,give out, run out是不及物动词短语,不可用于被动语态,也不接宾语,主语往往是物。use up, run out of是及物动词短语,有被动语态,主语往往是人。‎ if引导省略的状语从句 ‎(教材原句)The garbage is then taken away and, if possible, recycled.‎ 然后垃圾被运走,如果可能的话,予以回收利用。‎ ‎[基础练习]——单句语法填空 ‎①(江苏卷)It sounds like something is wrong with the car’s engine. If so,__we’d better take it to the garage immediately.‎ ‎②a.Though working(work) day and night, he still could not make enough money to pay off his debts.‎ b.When completed(complete), the museum will be open to the public in 2022.‎ ‎[能力提升]——完成句子 ‎③If the food tastes nice, I’ll go to buy some more;if__not(如果不是这样的话), I won’t go.‎ ‎④My father suggests that I should take some notes if__necessary(如果有必要的话) while listening to the teachers in class.‎ ‎ ‎(1)在if,when,while,once,whether,unless,though等引导的从句中如果含有系动词be的某种形式,从句的主语与主句主语一致或从句的主语是it时,从句的主语和系动词be可以省略。  ‎ ‎(2)if构成的其他省略形式: if any如果有的话;if necessary 如果需要的话;if so如果是这样的话; if ever 如果曾经有的话; if not如果不这样的话。‎ ‎[佳句背诵] If possible, we should bridge the cultural differences and bring more Chinese literature to British readers.  如果可能的话,我们应该弥合文化分歧,将更多中国文学作品带给英国的读者。‎ 20‎ 维度一 在空白处填入括号内单词的正确形式 ‎1.There is convincing evidence(evident) that listening to loud music can do great harm to our hearing.‎ ‎2.(2017·天津卷)The idea that the government would take over driverless cars and treat them as a public good would get absolutely(absolute) nowhere here.‎ ‎3.Your smile is one of the strongest tools that make it possible for you to__meet(meet) new people. ‎ ‎4.I’d rather read than watch TV now because I think the programs seem to__be__getting(get) worse all the time.‎ ‎5.Being__caught(catch) in a heavy traffic jam is quite an unpleasant experience.‎ 维度二 在空白处填入1个适当的单词 ‎1.—Did you take in the speech the visiting scholar made yesterday?‎ ‎—Not really. He spoke with an Australian accent and a bit too fast for me.‎ ‎2.After covering fifty miles or so, his legs gave out and he had to take a rest.‎ ‎3.The top leaders of the two countries are holding talks in a friendly atmosphere.‎ ‎4.Having adjusted themselves to Earth’s gravity upon landing for about 50 minutes, the three astronauts came out of the return capsule one after another.‎ ‎5.So loudly did he speak that every people in the next room could hear him.‎ 维度三 派生词练习 ‎1.He always complained about his job.His friends ignored his complaint.(complain)‎ ‎2.We strongly feel that many factors determine whether we can succeed in our life and careers, including a strong body and a good personality.Knowing our strength is also very important.But the most important is to strengthen the ties with the people around us.(strength)‎ ‎3.The public have shown great concern about the food safety, because it concerns the people’s health.It is hoped that the authorities concerned can really do something about the issue concerning the public health.(concern)‎ ‎4.The frightening scene frightened the boy.He felt frightened but he tried to hide his fright.(fright)‎ 20‎ ‎5.Lacking proper protection against cold, we try to make a fire to protect us from the cold night.(protect)‎ 维度四 完成句子/句型转换/一句多译 ‎1.首先,就我而言,我已经为考试做好了准备。‎ To begin with, as__far__as__I__am__concerned,__I have made preparations for the examination. ‎ ‎2.新技术使以更低的成本更快地生产产品成为可能。‎ New technologies have__made__it__possible__to__turn__out new products faster and at a lower cost.‎ ‎3.作为教练,他知道自己的队员与对手相比有什么优势和劣势。‎ As a coach, he knows what__strengths__and__weaknesses__his__athletes__have against their rivals.‎ ‎4.Unless it is necessary, you’d better not refer to the dictionary.‎ ‎→Unless__necessary,__you’d better not refer to the dictionary.‎ ‎5.人们向我抱怨得不到足够的信息。‎ ‎①People__complain__to__me__that__they__can’t__get__enough__information. (complain)‎ ‎②People__make__a__complaint__to__me__that__they__can’t__get__enough__information. (complaint)‎ 提能一 语段填空(短文中黑体部分为本模块核心知识点,请补全短文,并背诵体会黑体部分用法)‎ With people’s 1.cutting(cut) down trees, desertification has been threatening us. In the past years, sandstorms 2.have__increased(increase). When 3.caught(catch) in a sandstorm, you can’t help 4.but cough, so you have to wear a mask to protect yourself from the storm, 5.if possible. We have to admit that the major reason why the environment is polluted is that we just focus on the development of economy. The factories pour chemicals into the rivers and give 6.off waste gases into the air. When people take in the harmful gases, they will fall ill. It’s true that most of us are 7.concerned(concern) about the environmental protection. But it’s no use 8.complaining(complain) about the present 9.urgent(urgency) situation. We must take action immediately with all our 10.strength(strong).‎ 提能二 话题写作(用本模块词汇、句式和语法知识写满分作文)‎ 假设你是李华,你市某出版社向全市中学生征文,‎ 20‎ 征文题目是“Water”。请你按以下写作要点写一篇英语短文。①缺乏淡水的影响因素;②解决问题的措施。‎ ‎1.补全要点句(黑体部分请用本模块所学词汇)‎ ‎①缺乏淡水对人类、动物和植物的存活有坏影响。‎ Lack of fresh water is having__a__bad__effect__on__the__survival of human beings, animals and plants.‎ ‎②依我看,一个主要的因素导致了这个问题。‎ As__far__as__I’m__concerned,__one major__factor contributes to the problem.‎ ‎③随着工业的发展,工厂排放出许多废物以致水被污染。‎ With the development of industry, factories give__out__so__many__wastes__that__water__is__polluted.‎ ‎④为解决这个问题,急需采取几个措施。‎ To solve the problem,it__is__urgent__that several measures (should) be taken.‎ ‎⑤我们必须帮助大众意识到节约淡水的重要性并关心水资源。‎ We must help the public wake__up__to the importance of saving fresh water and become__concerned__about water resources.‎ ‎⑥如果可能的话,不仅要制定更严格的法律保护有限的淡水资源,而且有必要采取新的方法循环利用用过的水。‎ If__possible,__stricter laws not only should be established to protect the limited fresh water resources but also it’s necessary to adopt new methods to__recycle__used__water.‎ ‎⑦我相信我们有力量通过采取这些措施来解决这个问题。‎ I’m fully confident that we have__the__strength__to__solve__the__problem by taking these measures.‎ ‎2.升级平淡句 ‎⑧用倒装句升级句⑥‎ If__possible,__not__only__should__stricter__laws__be__established__to__protect__the__limited__fresh__water__resources__but____it’s__also__necessary__to__adopt__new__methods__to__recycle__used__water.‎ ‎3.衔接成美文(注意用适当的过渡衔接词汇:to begin with, in a nutshell)‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 20‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ One possible version:‎ Water Lack of fresh water is having a bad effect on the survival of human beings, animals and plants. As far as I’m concerned, one major factor contributes to the problem. With the development of industry, factories give out so many wastes that water is polluted. To solve the problem, it is urgent that several measures (should) be taken.‎ To begin with, we must help the public wake up to the importance of saving fresh water and become concerned about water resources. If possible, not only should stricter laws be established to protect the limited fresh water resources but it’s also necessary to adopt new methods to recycle used water.‎ In a nutshell, I’m fully confident that we have the strength to solve the problem by taking these measures.‎ ‎ (建议用时:35分钟)‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A ‎(2020·长沙统一模拟)‎ When she first started learning about the climate change from one of her elders, Fawn Sharp was invited on a helicopter flight over the Olympic Mountains to survey the Mount Anderson glacier. But the glacier was gone, melted by the warming climate. Sharp had a deep sense of loss when she discovered the glacier wasn’t there anymore.‎ Loss is a growing issue for people working and living on the front lines of climate change. And that gave Jennifer Wren Atkinson, a fulltime lecturer at the University of Washington Bothell, US, an idea for a class.‎ This term, she taught students on the Bothell campus about the emotional burdens of environmental studies. She used the experiences of Native American tribes(部落), scientists and activists, and asked her 24 students to face the reality that there 20‎ ‎ is no easy fix—that “this is such an intractable problem that they’re going to be dealing with it for the rest of their lives.”‎ Student Cody Dillon used to be a climate science skeptic(怀疑论者). Then he did his own reading and research, and changed his mind.‎ Dillon wasn’t going into environmental work—he was a computerscience major. Yet, the potential for a worldwide environmental catastrophe seemed so real to him five years ago that he quit his job and became a fulltime volunteer for an environmental group that worked on restoration(恢复) projects.‎ Six months into the work, he decided that Atkinson’s class was just what he was looking for—a place where he could discuss his concerns about a changing climate.‎ Atkinson said she hoped the class helped her students prepare themselves for the amount of environmental loss that will happen over their lifetimes.‎ ‎“We are already changing the planet—so many species are going to be lost, displaced or massively impacted,” she said. “The future isn’t going to be what they imagined.”‎ ‎【解题导语】 Fawn Sharp通过一次搭乘直升机飞行的经历认识到了冰川融化的严重性,同时Jennifer Wren Atkinson给学生开设了课程,教学生如何面对气候变化,她的课程让很多学生关注环境问题。‎ ‎1.Why did the author mention the case of Fawn Sharp?‎ A.To lay a basis for Fawn Sharp’s further research.‎ B.To prove Fawn Sharp’s work is similar to Atkinson’s.‎ C.To lead into the issue of loss caused by climate change.‎ D.To show scientists’ concern about the Mount Anderson glacier.‎ C 解析:推理判断题。通读第一段可知,Fawn Sharp在一次直升机飞行中意识到气候变化导致了冰川融化;由此可推知,作者在第一段中提及Fawn Sharp的例子是为了引出下文气候变化导致环境问题的话题,故选C。‎ ‎2.What’s the main purpose of Atkinson’s class?‎ A.To explore how different people deal with climate change.‎ B.To get students more concerned about the environmental issue.‎ C.To find solutions to the environmental issue of Olympic Mountains.‎ D.To teach students how to conduct research about environment.‎ B 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“she taught students...the emotional burdens of environmental studies...and asked her 24 students to face the reality that there ‎ 20‎ is no easy fix—that ‘this is such an intractable problem that they’re going to be dealing with it for the rest of their lives.’”可知,她给学生讲环境研究的情感压力,她让她的24个学生面对没有简单的解决方法这个事实——这是“一个如此困难的问题以至于学生们将用他们的余生来解决它。”由此可知,Atkinson的课程目的是让学生们更加关注环境问题,故选B。‎ ‎3.Which of the following words best explains “intractable” underlined in Paragraph 3?‎ A.Simple. B.Difficult.‎ C.Common. D.Interesting.‎ B 解析:词义猜测题。根据上文可知,Atkinson用美洲土著部落、科学家以及积极分子们的经历让她的24个学生面对没有简单的解决方法这个事实,并结合该句“this is such an intractable problem that they’re going to be dealing with it for the rest of their lives”可知,这是一个如此困难的问题以至于学生们将用他们的余生来解决它,故选B。‎ ‎4.How did Atkinson’s class influence Dillon?‎ A.It made him work as a parttime volunteer for restoration projects.‎ B.It made him realize a planetwide climate disaster would happen.‎ C.It encouraged him to be more involved in environmental protection.‎ D.It discouraged him to work on restoration projects for the environment.‎ C 解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第三段“Six months into the work...discuss his concerns about a changing climate.”可知,Dillon在环保组织做了六个月志愿者之后,他认为在Atkinson的课堂上他可以讨论他对气候变化的担忧;由此可推知,Atkinson的课程鼓励Dillon参与环境保护,故选C。‎ B ‎(2020·湖北武昌区调研)‎ Historians and archaeologists have defined periods of human history for centuries by the technologies or materials that made the greatest impact on society. This includes the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age. But what age are we in now? That question can be answered with one word for some researchers: Plastics.‎ ‎“Plastic has redefined our material culture and the artifacts we leave 20‎ ‎ behind. It will be found in stratified(分层的) layers in our trash deposits(沉积层).” That’s according to John Marston, an archaeologist.‎ The wide variety of synthetic polymers(合成聚合物) would not exist if it weren’t for human action. About six billion tons of plastics have been made and spread around the planet. They have been spread from forests to oceans ever since the first plastic polymers were invented.‎ Plastics are one of the most significant changes that humans have made to the Earth’s makeup. Most plastics don’t easily degrade. This only adds to the problem. Recycling isn’t an adequate solution. Not all types of plastic are easily recyclable. And there are only a few recycling plants that can process all varieties of plastic.‎ According to Debra Winter, writer for The Atlantic, this means that many of the materials thrown into recycling bins can cross the planet several times before they are processed. They are made into rugs, sweaters, or they are used to make other bottles. Millions of tons of plastics are recycled every year, but millions more end up in landfills or the ocean. The problem has reached the point where it’s possible that in just a few decades there might be more plastic in the world’s oceans than fishes.‎ ‎“Plastics have a supposed lifespan of over 500 years, so it’s safe to say that every plastic bottle you have used exists somewhere on this planet, in some form or another,” Winter writes.‎ The damage may already be done. It may be too late for human populations worldwide to change their plastic using ways. So the Plastic Age might soon take its place next to the Bronze Age and the Iron Age in the history of human civilization.‎ ‎【解题导语】 在我们所处的时代,塑料给我们的生活带来了很大便利,但是也给环境造成了巨大损害。‎ ‎5.Why do people call our age the Plastic Age?‎ A.Because plastics are not naturally made.‎ B.Because humans create plastics.‎ C.Because plastics influence the world greatly.‎ D.Because historians and archaeologists think so.‎ C 解析:推理判断题。根据第一段第一句可知,历史学家和考古学家是通过对社会造成最大影响的技术或材料来界定人类历史时期的,由此可推知,我们称现在这个时代为塑料时代的原因是塑料极大地影响了世界,故C项正确。‎ 20‎ ‎6.According to the passage, how are most plastics dealt with currently?‎ A.They are recycled.‎ B.They are degraded.‎ C.They are thrown away.‎ D.They are made into bottles.‎ C 解析:细节理解题。根据第五段中的“Millions of tons of plastics are recycled every year, but millions more end up in landfills or the ocean.”可知,每年数百万吨的塑料垃圾被回收,但是更多的塑料垃圾最终被扔到垃圾场或海洋中了,故C项正确。‎ ‎7.What is the author’s attitude to the Plastic Age?‎ A.Negative. B.Ambiguous.‎ C.Favorable. D.Unconcerned.‎ A 解析:观点态度题。根据全文内容可知,作者在文章中描述了塑料垃圾对社会的巨大的负面影响,尤其在最后一段中作者提到,塑料垃圾对社会可能已经造成了损害,世界各地的人们改变使用塑料的方式可能太晚了。由此可推知,作者对塑料时代持消极态度。故A项正确。‎ ‎8.What is the main idea of this passage?‎ A.Plastics have ruined our environment.‎ B.We must stop using plastics altogether.‎ C.Human beings are in the Plastic Age.‎ D.Plastics are significant to human development.‎ C 解析:主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲述的是我们人类现在处于塑料时代并解释了我们这个时代被称为塑料时代的原因,由此可推知,C项最符合文意。‎ Ⅱ.七选五 ‎(2020·石家庄高三一模)Three in five people in the UK hold a library card. For some, libraries are a shelter from the stresses of daytoday life. 1.________ If you’re considering joining your local library, now is the time to do so. And if you need any more encouragement, here are several reasons why you should.‎ Most libraries in the UK allow members of the general public to come and go as they like. 2.________ You can also take out a library card and borrow books for free, although you will inevitably face a fine for late returns.‎ ‎3.________ Imagine just how many books you have at your fingertips with a library card. There are lots of modern ones, as well as original ones, and you can continue to expand your learning and vocabulary all the time. It’s a priceless experience, especially for kids, and also a great way to level the educational 20‎ ‎ playing field.‎ Libraries develop with times. They have changed greatly since decades ago. 4.________ Some libraries have apps so you can see when your books are due back and even reserve books in some cases. There are also libraries which let you access books in digital formats on your mobile device—pretty cool.‎ Libraries are one of very few spaces left in towns and cities where members of the public can come together and actually be and feel like a community. They have noticeboards to offer services like exercise classes or learning centres. 5.________‎ A.Libraries help people learn.‎ B.Libraries help educate the kids.‎ C.They create a great sense of community.‎ D.You can go in, settle down and read a book without being charged a penny.‎ E.Most libraries now have computers and allow people to borrow CDs and DVDs.‎ F.Libraries help us save money as we’re borrowing books rather than buying them.‎ G.For others, particularly the homeless and people in poverty, a lifeline to the world.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了加入图书馆的原因。图书馆是人们减压的好场所,在那里人们还可以免费学习文化知识。图书馆随着时代发展,创造了一种社区意识。‎ ‎1.G 解析:根据空前一句“For some, libraries are a shelter from the stresses of daytoday life.”可知,对一些人来说,图书馆是躲避日常生活压力的庇护所;据此可推知,空处应与此对应,介绍其他人对图书馆的看法,故G项符合语境。‎ ‎2.D 解析:根据空后一句“You can also take out a library card and borrow books for free, although you will inevitably face a fine for late returns.”可知,你也可以拿出借书证免费借书,不过如果逾期还书,你将不可避免地面临罚款;据此可推知,空处应是介绍在图书馆免费读书的情况,故D项符合语境,衔接上下文。且D项中的“You can”与空后一句中的“You can also”相呼应。‎ ‎3.A 解析:根据空处所在位置可知,空处为该段的主题句;结合对本段的整体理解,尤其是该段第三句“There are lots of modern ones, as well as original ones, and you can continue to expand your learning and vocabulary all the time.”可知,通过阅读,你可以一直拓展你的学习,扩大你的词汇量;据此可知,该段主要说明了图书馆可以帮助人学习,故A项正确。‎ 20‎ ‎4.E 解析:根据本段的主题句“Libraries develop with times.”和空后的“Some libraries have apps”可知,空处应是介绍现如今的图书馆利用现代技术设备的情况,故E项与此处匹配。‎ ‎5.C 解析:根据该段第一句“Libraries are one of very few spaces left in towns and cities where members of the public can come together and actually be and feel like a community.”可知,图书馆能让公众聚集起来成为一个社区;结合空处位置可知,空处总结该段,即图书馆创造了一种社区意识,故C项正确。‎ Ⅲ.语法填空 ‎(2020·江西三校联考)Vegetarianism(素食主义) is becoming one rising trend in the UK, as more people are deciding not 1.____________(eat) meat and animal products. Vegetarians are people who don’t eat meat, while vegans are people who don’t eat or use any animal products at all. These lifestyles 2.____________(become) more wellknown in the UK. 3.____________ are Britons cutting their meat? Many are unhappy about the poor treatment of animals and the effects of meat and fish production 4.____________ the environment. 5.____________(worry) about food safety and foodborne illnesses, such as mad cow disease, have also played a part. Others choose to change their eating habits in order to become 6.____________(healthy). According to the Vegetarian Society, a meatfree diet can help reduce 7.____________ risk of certain cancers, as well as heart disease and high blood pressure.‎ Organic farming is 8.____________ rising trend that is appearing in the UK. Many people are rejecting genetically modified (转基因的) food and want their food to be 9.____________(organic) produced. Organic farmers use very few or no chemicals. Organic meat 10.____________(produce) without the use of drugs.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文主要介绍了英国正在流行的两大趋势,即素食主义和有机农业。‎ ‎1.to eat 解析:考查非谓语动词。此处为固定搭配decide not to do sth.“决定不做某事”,故用不定式作宾语。‎ ‎2.are becoming 解析:考查动词的时态和主谓一致。与上文“Vegetarianism(素食主义) is becoming one rising trend in the UK”呼应可知,此处用现在进行时,表示现在的一种趋势,且与句子主语的复数形式保持一致,故用are becoming。‎ ‎3.Why 解析:考查疑问副词。与语境中的问号呼应,并结合下文的内容可推知,此处表示对原因的疑问,故用特殊疑问词Why。‎ ‎4.on 解析:考查介词。effect on sb./sth.意为“对某人/某(事)物有影响”,为固定搭配,故用介词on。‎ ‎5.Worries 解析:考查名词的单复数。worry为可数名词时,意为“令人担忧的事”,‎ 20‎ 且根据语境及该句中的have可知,此处用名词的复数形式作主语。‎ ‎6.healthier 解析:考查形容词的比较级。句意:为了变得更健康,其他一些人选择改变他们的饮食习惯。此处包含一个比较的概念,故用形容词比较级形式作become的表语。‎ ‎7.the 解析:考查冠词。risk被介词短语of certain cancers修饰,表示特指,故用定冠词the修饰。‎ ‎8.another 解析:考查限定词。与上文“Vegetarianism(素食主义) is becoming one rising trend in the UK”呼应可知,此处表示另外一种兴起的趋势,故用限定词another修饰名词trend,表示“再一,另一”。‎ ‎9.organically 解析:考查副词。修饰动词用副词,故用副词organically修饰动词produced。‎ ‎10.is produced 解析:考查动词的时态和语态。分析句子结构可知,produce与句子主语Organic meat是被动关系,且表示客观叙述,故用其一般现在时的被动语态形式。‎ 20‎

