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蒙阴一中2017-2018学年学优部高二上学期期中模块考试 火箭班英语试题 ‎ 命题人:李因长 2017.11‎ ‎ 第I卷(100分)‎ 第一部分 听力(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎1. What does the woman think of the movie?‎ A. It’s amusing. B. It’s exciting. C. It’s disappointing. ‎ ‎2. How will Susan spend most of her time in France?‎ A. Traveling around. ‎ B. Studying at a school. ‎ C. Looking after her aunt. ‎ ‎3. What are the speakers talking about?‎ A. Going out. ‎ B. Ordering drinks. ‎ C. Preparing for a party. ‎ ‎4. Where are the speakers?‎ A. In a classroom. B. In a library. C. In a bookstore. ‎ ‎5. What is the man going to do?‎ A. Go on the Internet. B. Make a phone call. C. Take a train trip. ‎ 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。‎ ‎6. What is the woman looking for?‎ A. An information office. B. A police station. C. A shoe repair shop. ‎ ‎7. What is the Town Guide according to the man?‎ A. A brochure. B. A newspaper. C. A map.‎ 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。‎ ‎8. What does the man say about the restaurant?‎ A. It’s the biggest one around. ‎ B. It offers many tasty dishes. ‎ C. It’s famous for its seafood. ‎ ‎9. What will the woman probably order?‎ A. Fried fish. B. Roast chicken. C. Beef steak.‎ 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。‎ ‎10. Where will Mr. White be at 11 o’clock?‎ A. At the office. B. At the airport. C. At the restaurant. ‎ ‎11. What will Mr. White probably do at one in the afternoon?‎ A. Receive a guest. B. Have a meeting. C. Read a report. ‎ ‎12. When will Miss Wilson see Mr. White?‎ A. At lunch time. ‎ B. Late in the afternoon. ‎ C. The next morning.‎ 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。‎ ‎13. Why is Bill going to Germany?‎ A. To work on a project. ‎ B. To study German. ‎ C. To start a new company. ‎ ‎14. What did the woman dislike about Germany?‎ A. The weather. B. The food. C. The schools. ‎ ‎15. What does Bill hope to do about his family?‎ A. Bring them to Germany. ‎ B. Leave them in England. ‎ C. Visit them in a few months. ‎ ‎16. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?‎ A. Fellow-travelers. B. Colleagues. C. Classmates. ‎ 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。‎ ‎17. When did it rain last time in Juárez? ‎ A. Three days ago. B. A month ago. C. A year ago. ‎ ‎18. What season is it now in Juárez?‎ A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Autumn. ‎ ‎19. What are the elderly advised to do?‎ A. Take a walk in the afternoon. ‎ B. Keep their homes cool. ‎ C. Drink plenty of water. ‎ ‎20. What is the speaker doing?‎ A. Hosting a radio program. ‎ B. Conducting a seminar. ‎ C. Forecasting the weather. ‎ 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。‎ A The American travel website company Trip Advisor publishes a list of the world's best beaches every year. Today, we are going to explore some of this year's top 10 beaches in the world.‎ ‎1.Baia do Sancho, Brazil It is named as this year's best beach in the world. Its water is calm and clear. Its sand is fine and soft. But getting to Baia do Sancho is not so easy. It is on Fernando de Noronha, a volcanic island more than 300 kilometers off Brazil’s coast. Travelers must take a plane or boat from major cities in northern Brazil to get there. And no more than 420 visitors can be on the island at one time.‎ ‎2.Grace Bay,Turks and Caicos While Baia do Sancho is difficul to get to, Trip Advisor's second-ranked beach could not be much easier for tourists to reach.‎ This beach has impossibly clean and clear waters and pure white sand. Its calm waters make it extremely safe for swimming, snorkeling, or simply floating. Once on land, many visitors enjoy walking-barefoot-for several kilometers on the soft, warm ‎ sand.‎ ‎3.Eagle Beach, Aruba To get to the third-best beach, we head south to the Dutch Caribbean island of Aruba. Like Grace Bay, Eagle Reach has clear, calm waters and soft white sand.‎ It offers visitors a chance to try different water sports, including tubing and jet skiing. Eagle Beach may be best known, however, for its dramatic sunsets. On clear nights, the sky turns red, orange, and purple.‎ ‎4.Playa Paraiso, Cuba The fourth-best beach is Playa Paraiso, an island off of Cuba's southern coast. It has a fun, laid-back restaurant for those who wish to eat and drink. There is little else on the beach. And that is exactly what visitors like about it. People come here for the sugar-like sand and calm waters filled with colorful wildlife.‎ ‎21.Which of the following best describes Baia do Sancho?‎ A.It receives many visitors daily. B.It can only be visited by plane.‎ C.It is near the Brazil's coast. D.It is hard to reach.‎ 22. What may Grace Bay,Turks and Caicos attract tourists? ‎ A. Its clean and safe waters. B.Its quiet bank for hiking. ‎ C.Its dangerous position. D.Its colourful sand.‎ ‎23.What can visitors mainly find on Playa Paraiso,Cuba?‎ A.Colourful waters. B.A fun eating place. ‎ C.Different water sports. D.Nothing on the beach.‎ ‎ B ‎ Universities and colleges in the United States are trying new programs for international students to increase enrollment(入学) and income. Some universities are experimenting with bringing international high school students to their campuses. These programs permit students to complete their high school diploma while earning college credit at the same time.‎ One example of this model is at the University of Southern Maine, or USM. The program is called the "International Academy". The school is expecting its first class of international high school students this fall. Joanna Evans is the director for the academy. The program is officially a "boarding school on a university campus" that serves 11th and 12th grade international high school students only.‎ The students will take classes at the University of Southern Maine to complete their high school diploma. However, because the classes are university-level, the students ‎ will receive college credit at the same time.‎ According to Evans, the students they recruit will have to be very strong. Their course schedule will be the same as taking only advanced placement courses. The goal is that, by the time they complete their high school diploma at the academy, they will be ready to start college as a third-year college student.‎ Their English language skills also must be strong. The Academy looks for students with a minimum Test of English as a Foreign Language, or TOEFL score of 79, or a 6.5 on the International English Testing System, or IELTS. However, there are classes available to provide additional English language training when the students, arrive if they need it.‎ All incoming students at the academy are required to take a college writing class in their first term. If English is not their first language, they will take a class taught by teachers with a background in teaching students who speak English as a foreign language.‎ Although they are only high school students, the expectations are the same as college students." Students need to be ready to take university classes, and that is the deal" Evans said.‎ ‎24.How does the new program "International Academy" benefit students?‎ A.Shortening their time at school. B.Offering free education.‎ C.Supplying free room and board. D.Giving up courses in high school.‎ ‎25.Which of the following can replace the underlined word "recruit" in Paragraph 4?‎ A.refuse B.train C.value D.admit ‎26.Which of the following is an entrance requirement of the students?‎ A.Being very creative. B.High English level. C.High intelligence. D.Wealthy background.‎ ‎27.What are the students of the new program expected to do?‎ A.Have a high level of writing. ‎ B.Build up strong enough bodies. ‎ C.Achieve what college students do. ‎ D.Progress with help of experienced teachers.‎ ‎ C While the U.S. is still debating about getting rid of the penny, Sweden is rapidly moving towards abolishing (废除) currency altogether. Though this may sound radical (过激的), it is a natural evolution in this digital society.‎ Sweden, which was the first European country to introduce banknotes in 1661, has just been working harder to convince its residents that digital payments are a safer alternative(选择) to carrying cash.‎ Over the years, the idea has gained popularity with residents, especially the younger generation that is much more comfortable with technology. Today many banks don’t even have ATMs and some have stopped handling cash altogether!‎ Tickets to ride public buses in most Swedish cities can only be bought via(通过) cell phones. Numerous businesses are also moving towards accepting only digital payments. Even the homeless that sell street paper to make ends meet have to start accepting this mode of payment!‎ But despite its growing popularity, some people don’t like this radical idea. They include the homeless, elderly people as well as those living in rural areas who are still uncomfortable with mobile phones and computers. But the officials are confident that in the very near future, they will be able to convince everyone to use this safe and more cost-effective payment system.‎ Sweden is not the only country trying to abolish paper currency and coins. The movement is rapidly gaining ground in Denmark and Finland as well. In 2014,Israel announced a three-step plan to go cashless and just last week the vendors (小贩) of a popular street in Sydney declared they would stop accepting currency from customers. Whether this phenomenon(现象) spreads remains to be seen. But one thing is for sure—With increasingly advanced payment systems being introduced every day, pulling out cash is rapidly becoming “uncool”.‎ ‎28. What can we infer from Paragraph 3 and 4?‎ A. Many banks in Sweden don’t have ATMs.‎ B. You don’t have to buy tickets when riding buses.‎ C. People don’t give the homeless money but food.‎ D. People can just take cell phones when shopping.‎ ‎29. According to the passage, which information is RIGHT?‎ A. Sweden was the first country to get the idea to abolish currency.‎ B. The younger generation is against the measures.‎ C. Bus fare can only be purchased via cell phones in most Swedish cities.‎ D. Banks in Sweden have stopped dealing with cash completely.‎ ‎30. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?‎ A. An Advanced Country -Sweden B. A Controversial Government Policy C. Sweden to Influence the World’s Cash Payment D. Sweden to Become the World’s First Cashless Society ‎31. Which of the following does this passage belong to?‎ A. Education. B. Economy(经济).‎ C. Travel. D. Insurance.‎ D A new concept vehicle, Pod was introduced by Toyota and Sony at the Tokyo motor show. The car is intended as a four-wheeled friend. It aims to provide affection, sympathy and encouragement. Like a dog welcoming its master, the car sits up, wags its tail and acknowledges its owner’s presence using hydraulics(液压装置) and a multi-colored LED display panel(引擎) across the front.‎ While on the road, the car constantly monitors the driver’s mood(情绪) with pulse and sweat sensors on the joystick(操纵杆). Cameras focused on the eyes keep watch for any sign of drowsiness. If a driver appears to be losing his or her cool, Pod will display warnings, play soft music and blow cold air at the face. Drivers are shaken awake with loud music and a shaking chair.‎ To improve driving skills, pod compares acceleration, braking and steering with the best performance recorded by professionals. It uses this comparison to score drivers, offer advice and rank all Pod owners. Toyota claims that the car will eventually be able to learn its owner’s likes and dislikes by monitoring passenger conversations. If the car hears a favorite song being discussed, it will download the track from the Internet and play it without being asked. It will also recommend restaurants that might suit the driver’s taste and take photographs of passengers when they sound particularly happy.‎ In keep with the moodiness that is the car’s main selling point, Pod expresses a form of road anger. If a driver brakes or swerves(转向) suddenly, the LED panel shows an angry red and the tail rises at the back.‎ Anger is one of the car’s ten “emotional states”. Another is sadness --- a blue front with tear-shaped lights seemingly dropping from headlights --- which appears after a flat tire(轮胎) or when gas is low.‎ ‎“We wanted to show that the cars can be cheerful and entertaining,” said Yasunori Sakamoto, part of the Toyota design team. Mr Sakamoto said Toyota has no plans to put Pod on the market. Sad, really.‎ ‎32. The underlined word “drowsiness” in Paragraph 2 means _________.‎ A. fear             B. boredom          C. excitement         D. sleepiness ‎33. According to the text, Pod can ___________.‎ A. rank the restaurant nearby        B. test the driver’s driving skills C. have a conversation with drivers           D. recommend a song to passengers ‎ ‎34. If the new concept vehicle is running out of gas, __________.‎ A. the Led panel turns red               ‎ B. the tail rises at the back of the car C. the front light turn blue and look like tears ‎ D. the car stops and shake with loud music ‎35. What is the author’s attitude towards Pod?‎ A. Supportive.        B. Doubtful.         ‎ C. Pessimistic(悲观的).        D. Tolerant(容忍的).‎ 第二节 七选五 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) ‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。若选E,涂AB;若选F,涂AC;若选G,涂AD。‎ If anyone had told me three years ago that I would be spending most of my weekends camping. I would have laughed heartily. Campers, in my eyes, were people who enjoyed insect bites, ill-cooked meals, and uncomfortable sleeping bags. They had nothing in common with me. 36 .‎ The friends who introduced me to camping thought that it meant to be a pioneer. 37 We sleep in a tent, cooked over an open fire, and walked a long distance to take the shower and use the bathroom. This brief visit with Mother Nature cost me two days off from work, recovering from a bad case of sunburn and the doctor’s bill for my son’s food poisoning.‎ I was, nevertheless(尽管如此), talked into going on another fun-filled holiday in the wilderness. 38 Instead, we had a pop-up camper with comfortable beds and an air conditioner. My nature-loving friends had remembered to bring all the necessities of life. ‎ ‎ 39 We have done a lot of it since. Recently, we bought a twenty-eight-foot travel trailer(拖车) complete with a bathroom and a built-in TV set. There is a separate bedroom, a modern kitchen with a refrigerator. The trailer even has matching carpet and curtains. ‎ ‎ 40 It must be true that sooner or later, everyone finds his or her way back to ‎ nature. I recommend that you find your way in style.‎ A.This time there was no tent.‎ B.Things are going to be improved.‎ C.The trip they took me on was a rough one.‎ D.I was to learn a lot about camping since then, however.‎ E.I must say that I have certainly come to enjoy camping. ‎ F. After the trip, my family became quite interested in camping.‎ G. There was no shade as the trees were no more than 3 feet tall. ‎ 第三部分:英语知识运用 第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ As we passed the Eaton’s Department store’s window, we stopped as usual to gaze(盯着看) and do our bit of dreaming. My mother set her eyes on a red dress, ___41___ it long.‎ As we continued down the street, mother turned___42___for one more look. “My goodness! They’d display something a person could use!”‎ Christmas was___43___and the red dress was soon forgotten. Mother was not the one who___44___items that were not practical. Father, ___45___ , liked to splurge(放纵)whenever the budget(预算)allowed. He’d get blamed for his occasional splurging, but it was all done with the best___46___.‎ On our last trip to town before Christmas, mother suddenly said in surprise, “Would you just look at that!” She pointed ___47___as Dad drove past Eaton’s.‎ ‎“That big red dress is gone,” she said in ___48___ , “It’s actually gone.” I was certain to feel a bit of yearning(渴望)in her___49___.‎ I’ll never forget that Christmas morning. I watched Mother tearing the paper off a large box that read, “Eaton’s Finest Enamel Dishpan”. “Oh Frank,” she____50____in surprise, “just what I wanted!” Dad was sitting in his chair with a huge___51___on his face.‎ ‎“Only a ___52___wouldn’t give a priceless wife like mine exactly what she wants for Christmas, “Dad laughed and winked(递眼色)at me, confirming his ___53___, and my heart filled with more love for my father than it could hold!‎ Mother opened the___54___ . With trembling hands she touched the elegant material of Big Red.‎ ‎“Oh my goodness!” her eyes were ___55___tears. “Oh Frank. You shouldn’t have” came her weak attempt at ___56___ .‎ ‎“Oh, never mind that! Let’s see if it ___57___ ,” he laughed, helping her put on the wonderful dress. Mother completely ___58___ into another person.‎ I watched surprisedly, ___59___by the happiness in my parents I had ___60___noticed before. “You look beautiful,” my dad whispered to my mom---and she surely did!‎ ‎41. A. having B. keeping C. admiring D. wearing ‎42. A. up B. back C. away D. out ‎43. A. over B. on C. along D. near ‎44. A. wished for B. searched for C. called for D. sent for ‎45. A. besides B. therefore C. however D. also ‎46. A. value B. intention C. chance D. need ‎47. A. strangely B. confidently C. angrily D. excitedly ‎48. A. disbelief B. joy C. discomfort D. interest ‎49. A. dream B. desire C. voice D. view ‎50. A. stopped B. said C. told D. sighed ‎51. A. surprise B. embarrassment C. doubt D. smile ‎52. A. seller B. driver C. man D. fool ‎53. A. secret B. weakness C. kindness D. worry ‎54. A. door B. chain C. box D. letter ‎55. A. held back B. filled with C. occupied with D. squeezed with ‎56. A. blaming B. smiling C. appreciating D. feeling ‎57. A. fits B. attracts C. shines D. opens ‎58. A. looked B. changed C. grew D. made ‎59. A. interested B. fascinated C. puzzled D. doubted ‎60. A. always B. ever C. never D. still ‎ ‎ 第II卷(50分)‎ 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ Nobody wants to be aged, but when it comes to___61___ (visit) cities, most of us want to visit the world’s oldest cities. Luoyang is one of the oldest and most ___62___(attract) cities in the world that I’d like to recommend to you.‎ Luoyang stands out (引人注目)___63___the oldest continually inhabited (持续居住的) city in Asia. The city is considered to be ___64___birthplace of Chinese culture and history as well as being one of the Seven Ancient Capitals of China. There ___65___ (be) no other city in China that has seen so many____66____(dynasty) like Luoyang.‎ With such a long and exciting history, Luoyang has really a lot ___67___ (offer). The longmen Grottoes(龙门石窟), which ___68___(include) in the world Heritage List since 2000, and many historic Buddhist temples___69___ (constant) attract tourists from all over the world. Luoyang is also famous for the White Horse Temple, the earliest Buddhist temple ___70___(build) in China. Are you anxious to visit the city?‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 英语课上,老师要求同桌同学相互修改作文。假设以下小作文为你同桌所写,请你对其进行修改。文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加,删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(^),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。‎ ‎2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ ‎3.必须按答题要求做题,否则不给分。‎ The English Corner in Zhongshan Park is that people go to practise their speaking English. Every Sunday afternoon they gather around, talk to each other in English. Among they are students, teachers, doctors, and so on. I first went to an English Corner when I was in Junior Grade Two. I went there every Sunday and chat with some people in English. In the past three years I had never been absent. I’m sure I’ve made some progresses in my listening and speaking. And I have made much friends there. The English Comer is really good place. I hope that more friends will join in us.‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ 假定你是李华,正在教你的英国朋友Leslie学习汉语。请你写封邮件告知下次上课的计划。内容包括:‎ ‎(1)时间和地点;‎ ‎(2)内容:学习唐诗;‎ ‎(3)课前准备:简要了解唐朝的历史。‎ 注意:‎ ‎1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎2016级火箭班英语试题答案 听力1-5 CACBA 6-10 CABCB 11-15 BCABA 16-20 BCACA 录音原文 Text 1‎ Text 1‎ W: Have you seen the movie “Hangover”? We went to see it last night.‎ M: How was it?‎ W: Jason thought it was extremely amusing, but I was a bit disappointed.‎ Text 2‎ M: Susan, I heard you are going to France. How long will you be staying there?‎ W: A whole year. My aunt lives there. I’m going to do a one-month course at a language school and spend the rest of the time traveling. ‎ Text 3‎ M: Let’s see what drinks you’ve got for the party tonight.‎ W: Everything! Beer, wine, soft drinks like Coke, 7-Up…you name it, I’ve got it! Have you ordered the cake?‎ M: Of course.‎ Text 4‎ M: I don’t have a library card. Do I need one?‎ W: You have to have one only to take books out. You’re okay if you just sit in one of the rooms reading.‎ M: Well then, I’ll just read here. Thank you.‎ Text 5‎ W: I wish I knew the times of the trains to London. But our phone’s out of order.‎ M: Don’t worry, Grandma. I’ll find out for you on the Internet.‎ W: Thank you!‎ Text 6‎ W: Excuse me. I wonder if you could tell me how to find a place to have my shoes mended. I’m new in town.‎ M: Ah, there is a good shop not far from here. Go straight ahead and walk about three blocks. I can’t remember the name of the shop, but you’ll find it. It’s near the police station. By the way, you know about the town guide? It’s a thin book and has all kinds of useful information. You’ll find one in any bookstore.‎ W: Thanks a lot! You’ve been so helpful. Let’s see. Did you say the repair shop was three blocks away from here?‎ M: Exactly. ‎ W: Thanks again. ‎ Text 7‎ M: I’ve been here many times. There are quite a lot of delicious dishes to choose from. What are you thinking of ordering? ‎ W: Well, I haven’t decided yet. What are you going to order?‎ M: I think I’ll have the roast chicken. They really make it well here.‎ W: I had roast chicken yesterday when I ate out with Shelly. ‎ M: Their beef steak is good, too. You can have it served with beans and mushrooms. ‎ W: But I'm not that hungry. Is the fried fish or the seafood salad good?‎ M: Never had them before. Maybe if you get the steak, we could share. ‎ W: That sounds like a good idea.‎ Text 8‎ W: Hello, Mr. White. Do you think it’s possible for us to talk sometime today?‎ M: I’d love to, Miss Wilson, but I’ve got a pretty tight schedule today. I’ve got to finish reading the yearly financial report by 10. Then I have to drive to the airport to pick up an advertiser at 11. After that, I’ll have a meeting with him over lunch. ‎ W: Can I see you after lunch?‎ M: Well, let me see…after lunch, I have to attend a senior staff meeting, which may last about two hours. Can you come at 3? We can talk for an hour before I meet my sales team at 4. ‎ W: I’m afraid an hour is too short. What about tomorrow morning?‎ M: 9 to 11, then. I’ll wait for you at the office. ‎ W: OK, see you then. ‎ Text 9‎ W: Hey, Bill. I hear they’re going to send you to Germany for the new project. ‎ M: Boy, news travels fast around here! I only got the orders a couple of hours ago. Rachel doesn’t even know…‎ W: Oh, no? So, what are you waiting for? When do you plan to tell her?‎ M: Well, she is at work at the moment. She doesn’t finish until 5. I’ll have to wait until tonight now, I suppose. ‎ W: Well, I was posted there before, back in 2008. It’s OK — a bit like England, really. At least the weather is similar, and the people aren’t much different. The only thing ‎ I didn’t like is the food, especially the sausages. What do you intend to do about the family? Are you going to take them with you?‎ M: Well, I’d like to, but I don’t know much about the situation at the moment…you know, about schools and all that. But I hope to move the family out there in a couple of months’ time. I don’t think I want to spend a year and a half out there on my own...I mean, without Rachel and the kids. I mean, I don’t see that much of them now as it is. ‎ W: Yeah. Well, that’s the way it is normally in our company, I suppose. ‎ M: Yeah. Well, we’ll see. Let me pay for the coffee.‎ W: No, no. I’ll pay.‎ Text 10‎ W: Hello, everyone. Welcome to our program. I’m Jenny Jackson. The weather here in Juárez has become unbearable. With no rains for over a year, the city is suffering from unusually hot weather. Some light showers have been forecast since last month, but all of them have been effective in surrounding areas. Summer has not even started yet, but temperatures have reached 40 degrees centigrade in the past three days. And people have been warned not to go out of their homes — not if you walk on foot, at least — between 11 in the morning and 7 in the evening. Little kids and the elderly are the ones who have suffered the most from this extreme heat wave. They must drink water all the time. To help our audience have a better understanding of this extreme weather, we have invited Prof. Torres from University of Mexico to our studio this evening.‎ 阅读理解 21-23DAB 24-27ADBC 28-31DCDB 32-35 DBCA 36. D 37. C 38. A 39. F 40. E 完形填空 ‎41. C 42. B 43. D 44. A 45. C 46. B 47. D 48. A 49. C 50. B 51. D 52. D 53. A 54. C 55. B 56. A 57. A 58. B 59. B 60. C ‎【解析】本文通过大红礼服的故事,让我目瞪口呆地看着父母,我为父母身上闪耀的、以前没有发觉的光辉而着迷。‎ ‎41. C 考查动词。A. having 有; B. keeping 保持; C. admiring 钦佩; D. wearing穿戴。我母亲的眼睛盯在一个红色的裙子上,欣赏了很长时间。现在分词做伴随状态,答案为C。‎ ‎42. B 考查固定搭配。A. turn up 出现,调大; B. turn back 转回,翻回到; C. turn away 避开,转过脸; D. turn out最后是,结果是。我们继续向前走,妈妈转身回头再看一眼。可知答案为B。‎ ‎43. D 考查副词。圣诞节临近,红裙子很快被忘记。答案为D。‎ ‎44. A 考查动词词组。A. wished for 希望得到; B. searched for 寻找; C. called for 要求,需要; D. sent for派人去叫。妈妈不是那种希望得到那些不实用东西的人。答案为A。‎ ‎45. C 考查副词。A. besides 另外,此外; B. therefore 因此; C. however 然而; D. also也。然而只要预算允许父亲喜欢挥霍。答案为C。‎ ‎46. B 考查名词。A. value价值; B. intention意图,目的; C. chance机会; D. need需要。他会怪他偶尔挥霍,但是这一切都是出于好意。答案为B。‎ ‎47. D 考查副词。A. strangely 奇怪地; B. confidently 自信地; C. angrily生气地; D. excitedly兴奋地。妈妈突然惊讶地说,“你只是看看那个吗?” 她兴奋地指着父亲刚刚驶过的伊顿商店。 答案为D。‎ ‎48. A 考查名词。A. disbelief 怀疑,不信; B. joy高兴; C. discomfort 不适,不安; D. interest兴趣。“那条大红裙子没了”,她怀疑地说。答案为A。‎ ‎49. C 考查名词。A. dream 梦想; B. desire 欲望; C. voice声音; D. view视野。从她的声音里我感觉到她有点渴望。可知答案为C。‎ ‎50. B 考查动词。A. stopped 停止; B. said 说; C. told告诉; D. sighed叹息。他惊讶地说。可知答案为B。‎ ‎51. D 考查名词。A. surprise惊讶; B. embarrassment 尴尬; C. doubt 怀疑; D. smile微笑。“我只是想要”,爸爸坐在椅子上,脸上露出大大的微笑。答案为D。‎ ‎52. D 考查名词。A. seller卖方; B. driver 司机; C. man 人; D. fool傻瓜。‎ ‎“我又不是傻子,我应该送给你这个世间少有的老婆真正想要的圣诞礼物,”答案为D。‎ ‎53. A 考查名词。A. secret 秘密; B. weakness弱点; C. kindness善良; D. worry担忧。父亲对我使了个眼色,真的有古怪,我心中对父亲的爱达到了前所未有的程度!根据句意可知答案为A。‎ ‎54. C 考查名词。A. door门; B. chain链子; C. box 盒子; D. letter信。母亲打开盒子,母亲用她颤抖的手触摸着那件用第一流面料制作的大红色礼服。答案为C。‎ ‎55. B 考查动词词组。A. held back阻止,隐瞒; B. filled with 充满; C. occupied with忙于; D. squeezed with挤压。她的眼中充满眼泪。可知答案为B。‎ ‎56. A 考查动词。A. blaming 责备; B. smiling 微笑; C. appreciating鉴赏,感激; D. feeling感觉。“噢,我的天!”母亲叫出声来,眼中噙满了泪水。“噢,弗兰克…你不必…”她无力再责怪父亲。根据句意可知答案为A。‎ ‎57. A 考查动词。A. fits 适合; B. attracts 吸引; C. shines 发光; D. opens打开。“噢,你就别操心了!”父亲说道。“让我们看看是否合身,”他笑道,帮母亲将这件品质一流的礼服套在她的肩上。A项符合题意。‎ ‎58. B 考查动词。A. looked看; B. changed 改变; C. grew成长; D. made制造。根据上文意思,可知母亲完全变成了另一个人。B项符合题意。‎ ‎59. B 考查形容词。A. interested 感兴趣的; B. fascinated 着迷的; C. puzzled 感到疑惑的; D. doubted怀疑的。我目瞪口呆地看着他们,我为父母身上闪耀的、以前没有发觉的光辉而着迷。答案为B。‎ ‎60. C 考查副词。A. always总是; B. ever曾经; C. never从来没有; D. still仍然。我目瞪口呆地看着他们,我为父母身上闪耀的、以前没有发觉的光辉而着迷。答案为C。‎ 语法填空 ‎61. visiting 62. attractive 63. as 64. the ‎ ‎65. is 66. dynasties 67. to offer 68. has been included ‎ ‎69. constantly 70. built ‎【解析】本文是说明文,介绍了古都洛阳。洛阳拥有悠久的、激动人心的历史和诸多名胜古迹。对游客来说,洛阳是一个值得一游的城市。‎ ‎61. 考查状语从句。when it comes to...为固定结构,意为“当提到……时”,to是介词,后跟V-ing。答案:visiting ‎ ‎62. 考查形容词。空处在句中作定语修饰cities,故用形容词attractive“吸引人的”。答案:attractive ‎ ‎63. 考查介词。as在句中意为“作为”。stand out as“作为……而出类拔萃”。答案:as ‎ ‎64. 考查冠词。此处用定冠词,特指中国文化和历史的发源地。答案:the ‎ ‎65. 考查时态及主谓一致。文中客观介绍了洛阳的相关事实,用一般现在时。空格处所在句为There be句型,句中主语为no other city in China,所以be动词用第三人称单数。答案:is ‎ ‎66. 考查名词复数。根据空前的“so many”可知此处用dynasty的复数形式。答案:dynasties ‎ ‎67. 考查非谓语动词。have意为“有”时,后面一般用带to的不定式作定语。答案:to offer ‎ ‎68. 考查时态和语态。句中的时间状语“since 2000”表明空格处用现在完成时态,且which(指代The Longmen Grottoes)与include之间是被动关系,故用被动语态。答案:has been included ‎ ‎69. 考查副词。空处修饰谓语动词,故用副词。答案constantly ‎ ‎70. 考查非谓语动词。establish与所修饰的名词之间有逻辑上的被动关系,且表示一个完成的动作,所以用过去分词作定语。注意:句中the earliest Buddhist temple为同位语,其后为过去分词作定语,不能误认为空处是谓语动词而用was built。答案:built 短文改错 ‎1.第一句 that---where 2. speaking---spoken 3.第二句 talk---talking 4. 第三句they---them ‎5.第五句 chat---chatted 6.第六句 had---have 7. 第七句progresses---progress 8.第八句 much---many ‎9. 第九句在is或really后加上a 10. 第十句去掉join后面的in 书面表达 Dear Leslie,‎ ‎  How are you? I’m happy that you have made some progress in Chinese learning and I’m writing to tell you something about our next lesson.‎ ‎  The lesson will be given from 3 pm to 5 pm on the afternoon of next Tuesday in the classroom 502. In the class, you will mainly learn Tang poetry, which reflects traditional Chinese culture and is deeply loved by Chinese. You can feel the beauty of Chinese by learning Tang Poetry. You’d better make full preparations before class and have a brief understanding of the history of Tang Dynasty, which makes it easy for you to go through the class.‎ ‎  If there is anything that I can help you, please don’t hesitate to tell me. Looking forward to meeting you.‎ ‎ Yours,‎ ‎ Li hua

