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‎2018届二轮复习 非谓语动词:with复合结构和独立主结构 With复合结构 With + 复合结构”又称为“with结构”,在句中表状态或说明背景情况,常做伴随,方式,原因,条件等状语。具体结构如下:‎ ‎1. with+宾语+名词 He died with his daughter yet a schoolgirl.他去世时,女儿还是个小学生。‎ ‎2. With + 名词 + 介词短语 ‎ She said good-bye with tears in her eyes. 她含着眼泪说了声再见。 He was asleep with his head on his arms. 他头枕着胳膊睡着了。 ‎ ‎3.with + 名词 + 形容词 (强调名词的特性或状态)‎ He often sleeps with the windows open.他常开着窗睡觉。 Don’t speak with your mouth full.不要满嘴巴食物说话。‎ ‎4. With + 名词 + 副词 He stood before his teacher with his head down.他低着头站在老师面前。 He was lying on the bed with all his clothes on.他和衣躺在床上。 ‎ ‎5. With + 名词 + -ed 分词 (强调名词是 -ed分词动作的承受者或动作已经发生)‎ He sat there with his eyes closed.他闭目坐在那儿。 All the afternoon he worked with the door locked.‎ 整个下午他都锁着门在房里工作。‎ ‎6. with + 名词 + -ing分词(强调名词是 -ing分词的动作的发出者或某动作,状态正在进行)‎ He fell asleep with the lamp burning.他没熄灯就睡着了。 I won’t be able to go on holiday with my mother being ill.‎ 因为妈妈有病,我无法去度假。 ‎ ‎7. with + 名词 + to do (不定式动作尚未发生)‎ I can’t go out with all these clothes to wash.要洗这些衣服,我无法出去了。 With so many people to help us, we are sure to finish it in time.‎ 有这么多人帮忙,我们一定能按时完成 独立主格结构 英语中,独立主格结构的形式是:名词或代词跟形容词、副词、介词短语、非谓语动词连在一起,构成独立主格结构。独立主格结构在句子中作状语,表示时间、原因、条件和伴随等情况。‎ ‎1. 名词 / 代词 + 不定式。如:‎ A house to be built, we must save every cent. 由于要建一座房子,我们必须节省每一分钱。‎ Now here is Li Lei, Wei Fang to come tomorrow. 现在李蕾来了,魏方明天到。‎ ‎2. 名词 / 代词 + -ing分词。如:‎ The bus coming here soon, we should get everything ready. 汽车很快就要来了,我们应该把一切事情准备好。‎ Mother being ill, Li Lei was very worried. 母亲病了,李蕾非常焦急。‎ ‎3. 名词 / 代词 + 动词的过去分词。如:‎ His cup broken, he used his bowl instead. 茶杯破了,他就用碗来代替。‎ ‎4. 名词 / 代词 + 形容词。如:‎ The ground muddy, we should be careful. 地面泞泥,我们应该小心。‎ ‎5. 名词 / 代词 + 副词。如:‎ The class over, we all went out to play. 下课后,我们都出去玩。‎ ‎6. 名词 / 代词 + 介词短语。如(from www.hxen.com):‎ Glasses in his hand, he asked where his glasses were. 手里拿着眼镜,他问他的眼镜哪去了。 ‎ With 结构练习 练习1 选择最佳答案 ‎  1)With nothing_______to burn,the fire became weak and finally died out.‎ ‎  A.leaving          B.left  C.leave               D.to leave ‎  2)The girl sat there quite silent and still with her eyes_______on the wall.‎ ‎  A.fixing          B.fixed C.to be fixing        D.to be fixed ‎  3)I live in the house with its door_________to the south.(这里with结构作定语)‎ ‎  A.facing         B.faces C.faced        D.being faced ‎  4)They pretended to be working hard all night with their lights____.‎ A.burn           B.burnt C.burning          D.to burn 练习2:用with复合结构完成下列句子 ‎  1)____________________(有很多工作要做),I couldn't go to see the doctor.‎ ‎  2)She sat____________________(低着头)。‎ ‎  3)The day was bright______________.(微风吹拂)‎ ‎  4)_________________________,(心存梦想)he went to Hollywood.‎ 练习3:把下列句子中的划线部分改写成with复合结构。‎ ‎  1)Because our lessons were over,we went to play football.‎ ‎  _____________________________.‎ ‎  2)The children came running towards us and held some flowers in their hands.‎ ‎  _____________________________.‎ ‎  3)My mother is ill,so I won't be able to go on holiday.‎ ‎  _____________________________.‎ ‎  4)An exam will be held tomorrow,so I couldn't go to the cinema tonight.‎ ‎_____________________________.‎ 独立结构练习 ‎1. ______ no bus, we had to walk home. ‎ A. There was B. There being C. Because there being ‎2. ____, I'll go there with you tomorrow afternoon. ‎ A. Time permits B. If time permitting C. Time permitting D. Time's permitting ‎3. _____, we all went home happily. ‎ A. Goodbye was said B. Goodbye had been said ‎ C. Goodbye said D. When goodbye said ‎ ‎4. _____, we all went swimming in high spirits. ‎ A. It being fine weather B. It fine weather ‎ C. It was fine weather D. It being a fine weather ‎ ‎5. ____, the bus started at once. ‎ A. The signal was given B. The signal giving ‎ C. The signal given D. When the signal given ‎ ‎6. She stood there, _____ from her cheeks. ‎ A. tears' rolling down B. tears rolled down ‎ C. with tears rolled down D. tears rolling down ‎7. ____, the leaves are turning green. ‎ A. When spring coming on B. Spring coming on ‎ C. Spring came on D. Spring being come on ‎8. _____, I had to buy a new one. ‎ A. My dictionary losing B. My dictionary having been lost C. My dictionary had been lost D. Because my dictionary lost ‎9. I used to sleep with the window _____. ‎ A. opened B. open C. opening D to open ‎10. ____, the hunter went into the forest. ‎ A. A gun on shoulder B. A gun was on his shoulder C. Gun on shoulder D. A gun being on shoulder

