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‎2018-2019学年安徽省阜阳市第三中学高一下学期期末考试英语试题 命题人: ‎ 考生注意:本试题分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷,共11页,七大题。满分150分,考试时间为120分钟。‎ 第Ⅰ卷(100分)‎ 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30分) ‎ ‎ 做题时,请将答案标在试卷上,录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 ‎ 第一节 ‎(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)‎ 听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 ‎ 例:How much is the shirt?‎ A. £ 19.15 . B. £ 9.18. C. £ 9.15. 答案是C。‎ ‎1. What are the speakers talking about?‎ A. Having a birthday party. B. Doing some exercise. C. Getting Lydia a gift. ‎ ‎2. What is the woman going to do?‎ A.Help the man. B. Take a bus. C. Get a camera. ‎ ‎3. What does the woman suggest the man do?‎ A. Tell Kate to stop. B. Call Kate’s friends. C. Stay away from Kate.‎ ‎4. Where does the conversation probably take place?‎ A. In a wine shop. B. In a supermarket. C. In a restaurant.‎ ‎5. What does the woman mean?‎ A. Keep the window closed. B. Go out for fresh air. C. Turn on the fan.‎ 第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)‎ ‎ 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。‎ ‎6. What is the man going to do this summer?‎ A. Teach a course. B. Repair his house. C. Work at a hotel.‎ ‎7. How will the man use the money?‎ A. To hire a gardener. B. To buy books. C. To pay for a boat trip.‎ 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。‎ ‎8. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?‎ A. Schoolmates. B. Colleagues. C. Roommates.‎ ‎9. What does Frank plan to do right after graduation?‎ A. Work as a programmer. B. Travel around the world. C. Start his own business.‎ 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。‎ ‎10. Why does the woman make the call?‎ A. To book a hotel room. B. To ask about the room service. C. To make changes to a reservation.‎ ‎11. When will the woman arrive at the hotel?‎ A. On September 15. B. On September 16. C. On September 23.‎ ‎12. How much will the woman pay for her room per night?‎ A. $179. B. $199. C. $219.‎ 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。‎ ‎13. What is the woman’s plan for Saturday?‎ A. Going shopping. B. Going camping. C. Going boating.‎ ‎14. Where will the woman stay in Keswick?‎ A. In a country inn. B. In a five-star hotel. C. In her aunt’s home.‎ ‎15. What will Gordon do over the weekend?‎ A. Visit his friends. B. Watch DVDs. C. Join the woman.‎ ‎16. What does the woman think of Gordon’s coming weekend?‎ A. Relaxed. B. Boring. C. Busy.‎ 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。‎ ‎17. Who is Wang Ming? '‎ A. A student. B. An employer. C. An engineer.‎ ‎18. What does the speaker say about the college job market this year?‎ A. It’s unpredictable. B. It’s quite stable. C. It’s not optimistic.‎ ‎19. What percentage of student job seekers have found a job by now?‎ A. 20%. B. 22%. C. 50%.‎ ‎20. Why are engineering graduates more likely to accept a job?‎ A. They need more work experience. B. The salary is usually good. C. Their choice is limited.‎ ‎ ‎ 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分) ‎ 第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) ‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和 D)中,选出最佳选项。 ‎ A Put on your sunglasses and enjoy the island, the sun and the blue sea. Malta combines learning English with the Mediterranean way of life: you will have language course and a great holiday at the same time,‎ ‎* Your language course Our school lies in Sliema, only a few meters from the sea, the beach road and cafés. The school is in an old Maltese building. Our teachers use a modern teaching method and you will learn English quickly.‎ Brief information Class size: 10, at most 15‎ Minimum age: 13‎ Language levels: all Internet access: in the Internet cafe ‎ ‎ ‎* The leisure programmes Our school and team leaders organize varied leisure programmes. There will be a welcome party on your first day. You will also take part in beach volleyball, and beach parties. Other activities include: Discos, visit to Popeye Village, Water Park, bowling, cinema, ice skating (different prices).‎ ‎* Accommodation Family You will live in friendly host families that the school has known for years. All families are near the school (20 minutes on foot or by bus).‎ ‎* Supervision Our team of friendly teachers, team leaders and host families will always be there for you. There is also an emergency phone number for parents and students.‎ Dear parents, please note that there are periods of time when your children are unsupervised, for example on the way to school. We are happy to discuss any questions you may have. Please contact us by phone or email.‎ ‎21. What can we learn from the language course?‎ A. There can be at most 15 students in a class.‎ B. It is only for children less than 10 years old.‎ C. Students mainly learn English through the Internet.‎ D. Only teenagers with some basic English can attend the course.‎ ‎22. The passage tells us that the students can go from their host families to school ________.‎ A. by train B. by subway C. on foot D. on a ship ‎23. Which of the following activities are NOT mentioned in the passage?‎ A. Visiting Popeye Village and Water Park.‎ B. Swimming and diving.‎ C. Bowling, cinema and ice skating.‎ D. Beach volleyball and beach parities.‎ B Winslow Homer was a famous American painter. Since Art History class in college, I had always admired his works and I was lucky to see a large exhibition of his works when I was in my early 30s. It was at this event that I bought a print of his painting, “Snap the Whip”. It always hung in my classroom until I retired from teaching.‎ I thought it truly captured the freedom and fun of childhood. In the painting, a group of young boys are playing a game arm in arm on grass ground in front of a farm house. They are jumping and laughing wildly with great joy. One of the boys is falling down to the ground. They are not even wearing shoes!‎ During my last year of teaching, there was a young woman in her first year of teaching right next door to me and we got to be good friends. She had been an art student before taking up education. Her eyes were drawn immediately to this print when she entered my room. So on my last day of teaching, after the students had left, I took the painting off the wall and walked next door and gave it to her.‎ She was really surprised, but very glad to have it. I was delighted that she liked it and all the students she would have would treasure it as much as I had. We found the perfect place for it on one of her walls and hung it together. I was happy that she brought back this wonderful memory for me.‎ ‎24. Why did the author admire the painting “Snap the Whip” so much?‎ A. He had a deep love for children and students.‎ B. It was bought from a famous American painter.‎ C. He appreciated the freedom and fun in the painting.‎ D. It had also drawn the attention of the young woman.‎ ‎25. What is the painting about?‎ A. The nature of children. B. Homeless children.‎ C. Hard-working farmers. D. The pleasure of working.‎ ‎26. What does the underlined word “captured” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?‎ A. Caught. B. Controlled. C. Recognized. D. Influenced.‎ ‎27. How did the author feel when seeing the painting hung in the woman’s room?‎ A. Regretful. B. Pleased. C. Painful. D. Proud.‎ C While the start of a new school year is always exciting, this year was even more so for some elementary school students in Auckland, New Zealand. They became the world’s first kids to be “taught” by a digital teacher, Will. Before you start imagining a human-like robot walking around the classroom, Will is just an avatar(化身) that turns up on the students’ desktop, tablet, or smartphone screen when called.‎ Thanks to a digital camera and microphone, the avatar not only responds to questions the kids may have ,but also picks up non-verbal signals. For example, if a student smiles at Will, he responds by smiling back. This two-way communication not only helps draw the students’ attention, but also allows the program’s developers to monitor their involvement and make changes if needed.‎ Vector’s Chief Digital Officer, Nikhil Ravishankar, believes that Will-like avatars could be a novel way to attract the attention of the next generation. He says, “Using a digital human is a very popular method to deliver new information to people, and I have a lot of hope in this technology as a means to deliver rich and educational experience in the future.” Greg Cross, the Chief Business Officer for Soul Machines, states that kids who have grown up in this digital time adapt to new technology quickly, and he hopes to develop the idea of digital humans in the area of education further.‎ The program, in place since August 2018, has been a great success so far. However, no mater how popular it becomes, Will is unlikely to replace human educators any time soon. For one, the ‎ avatar’s knowledge base is severely limited. But more importantly, even the smartest digital avatars could never predict and react to all the unexpected situations that educators have to deal with on a daily basis. However, it could come in handy as a “personal teacher”, providing kids with one-on-one help on the subjects or even topics.‎ ‎28. What is mentioned about Will in the first paragraph?‎ A. He is a human-like robot teacher.‎ B. He is the first robot teacher in the world.‎ C. He is a digital teacher teaching in a school.‎ D. He will walk across the classroom to you when called.‎ ‎29. In what way does the digital teacher help the students?‎ A. By taking part in discussion. B. By changing teaching methods.‎ C. By communicating with students. D. By monitoring students’ behavior.‎ ‎30. What is Greg Cross’s attitude toward the digital teacher?‎ A. Doubtful. B. Supportive. C. Uncaring. D. Dissatisfied.‎ ‎31. What can be inferred about the digital teacher from the last paragraph?‎ A. It has entered many homes as kids’ private teacher.‎ B. It will teach in class in place of human educators.‎ C. It’s good at handling unexpected situations.‎ D. It remains to be improved.‎ D Life will probably be very different in 2050. First of all, it seems that TV channels will have vanished by 2050. Instead, people will choose a programme from a “menu” and a computer will send the programme directly to the television. By 2050, music, films, programmes, newspapers and books will come to us in the similar way.‎ In many places, agriculture is developing quickly and people are growing fruit and vegetables for export. This uses a lot of water. Therefore, there could be serious shortages of water. Some scientist predict that water could be the cause of wars if we don’t act now.‎ In the future, cars will run on new, clean fuels and they will go very fast. Cars will have computers to control the speed and there won’t be any accidents. Today, many cars have computers that tell drivers exactly where they are. By 2050, the computer will control the car and ‎ drive it to your destination. Also, by 2050, space planes will fly people from Los Angeles to Tokyo in just two hours.‎ Some big companies now prefer to use robots that do not ask for pay rises or go on strike, and work 24 hours a day. They are also easy to control. And they never argue with people. They can be easily used in a variety of places—factories, schools, offices, hospitals, shops and homes.‎ Scientists will have discovered how to control genes. Scientists have already produced clones of animals. By 2050, scientists will be able to produce clones of people and decide how they look and how they behave. Scientists will be able to do these things, but should they?‎ ‎32. Which of the following best explains “vanished” underlined in paragraph 1?‎ A. Settled. B. Spread. C. Decreased. D. Disappeared.‎ ‎33. What does paragraph 4 intend to show?‎ A. Robots can work in different places. B. Robots have much to be improved.‎ C. Robots work for humans for free. D. Robots have many advantages.‎ ‎34. What does the author want to express in the last paragraph?‎ A. He probably disagrees with the idea of human cloning.‎ B. He is looking forward to using of cloning technology.‎ C. The scientists have already discovered how to control genes.‎ D. The scientists will face many difficulties of controlling genes.‎ ‎35. What is the best title for the text?‎ A. High-tech Cars B. Life in the Future C. Is Cloning Really Good? D. Are You Ready for the Future?‎ 第二节 (共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) ‎ 根据短文内容,从选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ It is easy to keep your spirits bright when life is going along smoothly and good news seems to turn up at every turn. It is an entirely different picture when life goes off course or bad news appears. The question then becomes: How do we keep our spirits bright throughout the different stages of life? ____36____.‎ Get Enough Sleep It wasn’t until I became a mother that I realized how important a good night’s sleep truly is. ____37____. Sleep is such an amazing gift to recharge and start.‎ Back to Basics When I feel tired with too much to do, I love to put on my shoes and get outside for a run. ____38____. Getting back to basics can include things like: getting outside, having real conversations with real people, enjoying a meal with a loved one or doing an activity that brings you joy.‎ Time Management If life feels like it is out of control and you can’t keep up, see what happens when you try to manage your time. There are many time management systems out there that can help. Have event reminders on your phone and computer. ____39____. Start your day by writing a list of what you plan to achieve. And sometimes we also need to let go of things that aren’t important.‎ ‎___40___‎ Keeping our deepest desires and dreams alive is the very fuel that keeps our spirits bright. Give yourself the gift of having goals and dreams, and don’t allow fear to have a say in how big your dreams may be.‎ A. Dream Big B. Set an alarm to remind you to leave early C. We can keep your spirits bright anytime D. For this reason, I should never feel tired in the outside E. Try out the following if they sound like a fit for you F. There’s something about nature and fresh air that gets my stress away G. Getting enough pillow time has a way of making us feel more human ‎ ‎ 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ ‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ One day, Jim played basketball in the living room after school. When he was playing in high spirits, his basketball ___41___ a vase off the shelf by accident and the mouth of it knocked off a large piece. What made him more ___42___ was that the vase was rare and valuable. To cover the great ___43___ he caused, he glued the pieces together and put the vase back to its place.‎ While cleaning the vase after work, his mother ___44___ the change on it. At dinnertime, she asked Jim if he ___45___ the vase. Being afraid of punishment, Jim said a wild cat jumped in from the window and knocked the vase off the shell. His mother was quite clear that he was ___46___, for all the windows were closed before she went to work. However, his mother just remained ___47___ and said it was her carelessness not to have the window closed.‎ Before going to bed, Jim’s mother asked him to go to the study. He felt he couldn’t ___48___ the punishment.‎ When he entered the study in fear, his mother’s face appeared no sense of ___49___. Instead, she took a chocolate box out of the drawer and ___50___ one piece to him. “Jim, this chocolate is a reward for you, for you ___51___ a cat that could open the window, with your imagination.” Then, she put another chocolate in his hand. “This chocolate is a reward for your topping ___52___ to restore. You restored with glue, the cracks were filled almost perfectly. ___53___ remember, to restore a vase needs more powerful glue and higher ___54___ skill. Tomorrow, let’s bring the vase to the ___55___ to see how they’ll make it as it was.” With that, his mother took the third chocolate, “The ___56___ chocolate stands for my deep apology to you. As your mother,I shouldn’t have put a vase in a place where it could so ___57___ fall down, especially when there is a boy fond of sports.”‎ ‎“But, Mum, I ...” His mother ___58___ him and said. “My chocolate box has been ___59___, so our talk is over, too. Now, go to bed!” Then she left for her own bedroom. The following days were the same as before. The only ___60___ was that Jim never told a lie since then.‎ ‎41. A. pulled B. hit C. cut D. held ‎42. A. excited B. moved C. tired D. upset ‎43. A. trouble B. injure C. pain D. disease ‎44. A. described B. noticed C. enjoyed D. marked ‎45. A. hid B. saw C. broke D. cleaned ‎46. A. thinking B. explaining C. dreaming D. lying ‎47. A. calm B. shocked C. angry D. silent ‎48. A. decide B. know C. avoid D. receive ‎49. A. cruelty B. surprise C. suffering D. anger ‎50. A. sold B. gave C. returned D. paid ‎51. A. created B. fed C. drew D. saw ‎52. A. time B. ability C. speed D. chance ‎53. A. For B. So C. And D. But ‎54. A. basic B. new C. special D. important ‎55. A. workers B. artists C. teachers D. neighbors ‎56. A. smallest B. most C. best D. last ‎57. A. carelessly B. hurriedly C. easily D. eagerly ‎58. A. drove B. stopped C. forgot D. beat ‎59. A. empty B. light C. beautiful D. full ‎60. A. change B. power C. report D. idea ‎ ‎ 第Ⅱ卷(50分)‎ 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第二节:语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ The Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival is Harbin’s main tourist highlight every year. It ___61___(become) the world’s biggest winter festival so far. ___62___ makes the Harbin festival special are the scale and size of the sculptures and the beautiful lighting. It is bigger than the ones in Japan, Norway, and Canada.‎ At first, mainly the Chinese took part, but now it is an international festival and 63 (compete). As the festival grows, the size of the snow sculptures and ice architecture exhibits keeps ___64___(increase). The work of making these exhibits is ___65___(astonish), and their size and beauty are amazing.‎ The festival is ___66___(official) held from the end of December through February. Opening dates keep changing, and closing dates partly depend 67 the weather. More than 1,000 ice sculptures are on show such as ice lanterns, magical figures and animals that 68 (love) by children. It is mostly an ice world 69 (aim) at kids. There are interesting activities kids may enjoy, like ice skating. If you are planning a Harbin tour, please attend 70 wonderful festival.‎ ‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除: 把多余的词用斜线(﹨)画掉。‎ 修改: 在错的词下画一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; ‎ ‎ 2. 只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ I used to being a shy girl in my primary school. I was weak in English at that time, especially my speaking English, but I was afraid to answer the teacher’s questions in class. After I entered my dream middle school school, something changes. I started to read many interesting English story and my English teacher helped me a lot of. I studied hard in class and practiced by watching English films and listen to English songs in my spare time. Little by little, I found me more and more interesting to learn English, and I could even talk with my classmates fluent in English. At last, I got high grades in English and I had confidence do it better in the future.‎ 第二节:书面表达(满分25分)‎ 假定你是李华,收到美国笔友Tom的来信,他谈到在学习和生活中的一些困扰。请你根据他面临的困扰,给他回一封信,提出相应的建议。‎ 内容要点:1. 面临的困扰(至少两点);2. 相应的建议(至少两条)。‎ 注意:1. 词数100左右:‎ ‎2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎2018—2019学年度第二学期期末考试 高一年级 英语试题 答案 听力理解: ‎ ‎1-5 CBACA 6-10 CBAAC 11-15 BBCAB 16-20 BACAB 阅读理解:‎ ‎21-23 ACB 24-27 CAAB 28-31 CCBD 32-35 DDAB ‎36-40 EGFBA 完形填空:‎ ‎41-45:BDABC 46-50:DACDB 51-55:ABDCB 56-60:DCBAA 语法填空: ‎ ‎61. has become 62. What 63. competition 64. increasing 65. astonishing ‎ ‎66. officially 67. on/upon 68. are loved 69. aimed 70. the 短文改错 第一句 being改成be 第二句 speaking改成spoken;but改成so/and 第三句 changes改成changed 第四句 story改成stories;删除of;listen改成listening 第五句 me改成it 第六句 fluent改成fluently 第七句 do前面加上to 书面表达:‎ Dear Tom,‎ I’m sorry to hear that you have some problems in your life. I’d like to offer you some advice on how to solve the problems. About the study you have mentioned, I suggest that you spend more time and put your heart into it. After all, no pains, no gains. Work hard, and your efforts will pay off in time. As to how to get along well with your classmates, you should remember that kindness is very important. I believe that so long as you are kind to your classmates, you will be able to make friends with them. Lastly, although the Internet is very helpful in finding information, you should not be addicted to it. It is important to make good use of your time to study. I hope that you ‎ will find my advice useful and that everything will be OK. I am looking forward to hearing from you.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua ‎【答案详解】‎ 阅读理解 A篇 ‎【答案】21 A 22. C 23. B ‎【解析】这篇文章是一则广告,介绍了一个为青少年提供的既可以学习英语,又可以度假的地方。‎ ‎【21题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据Class size: 10, at most 15可知,一个班里最多可能有15个学生。故选A。‎ ‎【22题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据Accommodation (住宿) Family You will live in friendly host families that the school has known for years. All families are near the school (20 minutes on foot or by bus).可知,这段话告诉我们,学生从寄宿家庭到学校可以步行。故选C。‎ ‎【23题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据The leisure (休闲) programmes中Our school and team leaders organize varied leisure programmes. There will be a welcome party on your first day. You will also take part in beach volleyball, and beach parties. Other activities include: Discos, visit to Popeye Village, Water Park, bowling, cinema, ice skating (different prices).可知,Swimming and diving没有包括在活动里面。故选B。‎ B篇 ‎【答案】24. C 25. A 26. A 27. B ‎【解析】这是一篇记叙文。本文讲述了作者在Winslow Homer的作品展览中买了一幅画,作者很珍惜它并将它一直挂在教室的墙上,直到退休后送给了一位非常喜欢这幅画的女教师。作者很高兴她能与所有的学生们像他一样喜欢它。‎ ‎【24题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句I thought it truly captured the freedom and fun of childhood.可知,作者认为这幅画真正表现了童年的自由以及快乐。故选C。‎ ‎【25题详解】‎ 主旨大意题。根据文章第二段的描述以及I thought it truly captured the freedom and fun of childhood.可知,这幅画是描绘孩子的天性的。故选A。‎ ‎【26题详解】‎ 词义猜测题。根据第二段第一句I thought it truly captured the freedom and fun of childhood. In the painting, a group of young boys are playing a game arm in arm on grass ground in front of a farm house. They are jumping and laughing wildly with great joy. One of the boys is falling down to the ground. They are not even wearing shoes!可知,这幅画描绘了孩子们爱玩的天性,所以是抓住了童年的自由及快乐。故划线词的意思是“捕捉,抓住”,故选A。‎ ‎【27题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句I was delighted that she liked it and all the students she would have would treasure it as much as I had.可知,作者很高兴她喜欢那幅画,而她和她所有的学生都会珍惜它,就像作者一样,所以作者的心情是高兴的,故选B。‎ C篇 ‎【答案】28. C 29. C 30. B 31. D ‎【解析】本文是一篇说明文,新西兰奥克兰的一所学校用数字老师教课,文章介绍了数字老师的特点和需要改进的地方。‎ ‎【28题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“They became the world’s first kids to be “taught” by a digital teacher, Will.”可知,Will是在奥克兰一所学校教书的数字老师,故C项正确。‎ ‎【29题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“the avatar not only responds to questions the kids may have ,but also picks up non-verbal signals.”可知,Will不仅可以回答学生们的问题,还可以接收非语言信号,再根据“This two-way communication not only helps draw the students’ attention, but also allows the program’s developers to monitor their involvement(参与) and make changes if needed.”可知,这种双向的交流不仅有助于吸引学生注意力还能够让程序研发人员掌握他们的参与情况并做出更改,由此可知,数字老师是通过与学生交流来帮助他们的,故C项正确。‎ ‎【30题详解】‎ 推理判断题。根据第三段中的“Greg Cross, the Chief Business Officer for Soul Machines, states that kids who have grown up in this digital time adapt(适应) to new technology quickly, and he hopes to develop the idea of digital humans in the area of educate further.”可知,Greg Cross 认为,在这个数字时代长大的孩子很快就适应了新技术,他还希望在教育领域进一步发展数字人的理念,由此可知,Greg Cross对数字老师持支持的态度,故B项正确。‎ ‎【31题详解】‎ 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“For one, the avatar’s knowledge base is severely limited. But more importantly, even the smartest digital avatars could never predict and react to all the unexpected situations that educators have to deal with on a daily basis.”可知,数字老师在以下两方面还有不足——知识库有限以及不能处理教学过程中出现的意外情况,由此可知,数字老师仍有待改进,故D项正确。‎ D篇 ‎【答案】32. D 33. D 34. A 35. B ‎【解析】这是一篇说明文。文章作者介绍了可能会与现在大不相同的2050年的生活。‎ ‎【32题详解】‎ 词义猜测题。下文Instead, people will choose a programme from a “menu” and a computer will send the programme directly to the television.说相反,人们将从“菜单”中选择节目,电脑将直接把节目发送到电视上。由此可知,上文First of all, it seems that TV channels will have vanished by 2050.的意思是首先,电视频道似乎将在2050年消失。“vanished”的意思是消失,A. Settled. 解决;B. Spread.传播;C. Decreased.减少;D. Disappeared.消失,故选D。‎ ‎【33题详解】‎ 推理判断题。第四段Some big companies now prefer to use robots that do not ask for pay rises or go on strike, and work 24 hours a day. They are also easy to control. And they never argue with people. They can be easily used in a variety of places—factories, schools, offices, hospitals, shops and homes.说一些大公司现在更喜欢使用机器人,不要求加薪或罢工,一天24小时工作。它们也很容易控制。它们从不和人争论。它们可以很容易地用于各种场所——工厂、学校、办公室、医院、商店和家庭。由此推断出,第四段说明了机器人的诸多好处,故选D。‎ ‎【34题详解】‎ 推理判断题。答案定位在最后一段Scientists will be able to do these things, but should they?‎ ‎(科学家将能够做这些事情,但他们应该做吗?)由此推断出,作者可能不同意克隆人的想法,故选A。‎ ‎【35题详解】‎ 主旨大意题。第一段Life will probably be very different in 2050.‎ 是全文的主题句,结合全文内容,可知这篇文章主要讲了未来的生活,故选B。‎ 七选五 ‎【答案】36. E 37. G 38. F 39. B 40. A ‎【解析】这是一篇说明文。本文介绍了使我们的精神在生命的不同阶段保持光明的几种方法。‎ ‎【36题详解】‎ 根据上句“我们如何使我们的精神在生命的不同阶段保持光明?”下文给出了一些建议,所以此空是一个过渡句,E项“如果它们听起来适合您,请尝试以下建议。”故选E。‎ ‎【37题详解】‎ 根据上句“直到我成了一个妈妈我才意识到晚上好的睡眠真的是多么重要。”再根据空格下句“睡眠是一个惊人的充电和重新启动的礼物。”由此可知,G项“获得足够的睡眠时间可以让我们感觉更人性化。”承上启下。故选G。‎ ‎【38题详解】‎ 根据上句“当我因为太累而感到疲倦时,我喜欢穿上鞋子出去跑步。”,出去跑步会呼吸到新鲜空气和欣赏大自然,所以可以减轻压力。故选F。‎ ‎【39题详解】‎ 根据上文“有很多时间管理系统可以帮助你。在你的电话和电脑上设置活动提醒。”,再根据空格下句“通过写一张你计划实现的清单开始你的一天。”可知,“设定闹钟提醒你早点离开”也是时间管理的一个方法。故选B。‎ ‎【40题详解】‎ 此空是一个小标题。根据下文“保持我们最深的欲望和梦想是生命的燃料,它让我们的精神保持光明。”可知,要有大的梦想。故选A。‎ 完形填空 ‎【解析】本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。Jim在家里情绪高涨的时候,把篮球意外地击中了一个花瓶,把它的嘴把敲掉了一大块。为了弥补他造成的巨大麻烦,他把这些碎片粘在一起,把花瓶放回原处。后来母亲发现了花瓶的异样,他向母亲说谎说不是他干的。母亲没有惩罚他而是自己承认自己疏忽粗心,并用巧克力奖励的办法来教育Jim。母亲没有让Jim承认错误,但是从那以后,吉姆从来没有说过谎。‎ ‎【41题详解】‎ 考查动词。A. pulled拉;B. hit击打;C. cut切割,砍;D. held握住。根据When he was playing in high spirits, his basketball ___1___ a vase off the shelf by accident and the mouth of it knocked ‎ off a large piece.可知,当他情绪高涨的时候,他的篮球意外地击中了一个花瓶,把它的嘴把敲掉了一大块。故选B。‎ ‎【42题详解】‎ 考查形容词。A. excited感到兴奋的;B. moved感动的;C. tired劳累的;D. upset心烦的。根据What made him more ___2___ was that the vase was rare and valuable.可知,让他更沮丧的是这个花瓶很罕见,很珍贵。故选D。‎ ‎【43题详解】‎ 考查名词。A. trouble烦恼;B. injure伤害;C. pain痛苦;D. disease疾病。根据To cover the great ___3___ he caused, he glued the pieces together and put the vase back to its place.可知,为了弥补他造成的巨大麻烦,他把这些碎片粘在一起,把花瓶放回原处。故选A。‎ ‎【44题详解】‎ 考查动词。A. described描述;B. noticed注意到;C. enjoyed享受; D. marked做标记。根据While cleaning the vase after work, his mother ___4___ the change on it.可知,下班后打扫花瓶时,他的母亲注意到上面的变化。故选B。‎ ‎【45题详解】‎ 考查动词。A. hid 躲藏;B. saw看见;C. broke弄坏;D. cleaned打扫。根据At dinnertime, she asked Jim if he ___5___ the vase.可知,吃饭的时候,她问吉姆是否打破了花瓶。故选C。‎ ‎【46题详解】‎ 考查动词。A. thinking想;B. explaining解释;C. dreaming梦想; D. lying躺。根据His mother was quite clear that he was ___6___, for all the windows were closed before she went to work.可知,他的母亲很清楚地知道他在撒谎,因为在她去上班之前,所有的窗户都被关上了。故选D。‎ ‎【47题详解】‎ 考查形容词。A. calm冷静的;B. shocked感到震惊的;C. angry生气的;D. silent沉默的。根据However, his mother just remained ___7___ and said it was her carelessness not to have the window closed.可知,然而,他的母亲只是保持冷静,说是她的粗心大意没有把窗户关上。故选A。‎ ‎【48题详解】‎ 考查动词。A. decide决定;B. know知道;C. avoid避免;D. receive收到。根据He felt he couldn’t ____8___ the punishment.可知,他觉得他无法逃避惩罚。故选C。‎ ‎【49题详解】‎ 考查名词。A. cruelty残酷;B. surprise惊讶;C. suffering痛苦;D. anger生气。根据When he entered the study in fear, his mother’s face appeared no sense of ___9___.可知,当他惊恐地进入书房时,他母亲的脸似乎没有生气。故选D。‎ ‎【50题详解】‎ 考查动词。A. sold卖;B. gave给;C. returned归还;D. paid付款。跟家居Instead, she took a chocolate box out of the drawer and ___10___ one piece to him.可知,相反,她从抽屉里拿出一个巧克力盒子,给了他一块。故选B。‎ ‎【51题详解】‎ 考查动词。A. created创造;B. fed喂养;C. drew绘画;D. saw看见。根据“Jim, this chocolate is a reward for you, for you ___11___ a cat that could open the window, with your imagination.”可知,“吉姆,这巧克力对你是一种奖励,因为你创造了一只可以用你的想象力打开窗户的猫。”故选A。‎ ‎52题详解】‎ 考查名词。A. time时间;B. ability能力;C. speed速度;D. chance机会。根据This chocolate is a reward for your topping___12___ to restore (修复).可知,这种巧克力是对你的恢复能力的奖励。故选B。‎ ‎【53题详解】‎ 考查连词。A. For因为;B. So所以;C. And和;D. But但是。根据You restored with glue, the cracks were filled almost perfectly. ___13___ remember, to restore a vase needs more powerful glue and higher ___14___ skill.可知,你用胶水恢复了,裂缝几乎完全填满了。但要记住,要恢复花瓶需要更强力的胶水和更高的特殊技能。故选D。‎ ‎【54题详解】‎ 考查形容词。A. basic基本的;B. new新的;C. special特殊的;D. important重要的。根据You restored with glue, the cracks were filled almost perfectly. ___13___ remember, to restore a vase needs more powerful glue and higher ___14___ skill.可知,你用胶水恢复了,裂缝几乎完全填满了。但要记住,要恢复花瓶需要更强力的胶水和更高的特殊技能。故选C。‎ ‎【55题详解】‎ 考查名词。 A. workers工人;B. artists艺术家;C. teachers老师; D. neighbors邻居。根据Tomorrow, let’s bring the vase to the ___15___ to see how they’ll make it as it was.‎ 可知,明天,让我们把花瓶带给艺术家们,看看他们是如何做到这一点的。故选B。‎ ‎【56题详解】‎ 考查形容词。A. smallest最小的;B. most最多的;C. best 最好的; D. last最后的。根据The ___16___ chocolate stands for my deep apology (歉意) to you.可知,最后一块巧克力代表我对你的深深的歉意。故选D。‎ ‎【57题详解】‎ 考查副词。A. carelessly粗心地;B. hurriedly匆忙地;C. easily容易地;D. eagerly急切地。根据As your mother,I shouldn’t have put a vase in a place where it could so ___17___ fall down, especially when there is a boy fond of sports.可知,作为你的母亲,我不应该把花瓶放在一个容易掉下来的地方,尤其是在有一个喜欢运动的男孩的时候。故选C。‎ ‎【58题详解】‎ 考查动词。A. drove驾驶;B. stopped停止;C. forgot 忘记;D. beat打败。根据“But, Mum, I ...” His mother ___18___ him and said. “My chocolate box has been ___19___, so our talk is over, too. Now, go to bed!”可知,“但是,妈妈,我……他的母亲拦住了他,说。“我的巧克力盒子已经空了,所以我们的谈话也结束了。”现在,去睡觉!”故选B。‎ ‎【59题详解】‎ 考查形容词。A. empty空的;B. light轻的;C. beautiful美丽的;D. full满的。根据“But, Mum, I ...” His mother ___18___ him and said. “My chocolate box has been ___19___, so our talk is over, too. Now, go to bed!”可知,“但是,妈妈,我……他的母亲拦住了他,说。“我的巧克力盒子已经空了,所以我们的谈话也结束了。”现在,去睡觉!”故选A。‎ ‎【60题详解】‎ 考查名词。 A. change变化;B. power力量;C. report报告;D. idea主意。根据The only ___20___ was that Jim never told a lie since then.可知,唯一的变化是,从那以后,吉姆从来没有说过谎。故选A。‎ 语法填空 ‎【解析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了哈尔滨国际冰雪节。‎ ‎【61题详解】考查时态。句意:到目前为止,它已经成为世界上最大的冬季节日。“so far”表明用现在完成时,故填has become。‎ ‎【62题详解】考查主语从句。句意:哈尔滨冰雪节的特别之处在于冰(雪)雕的规模、大小以及美丽的灯光。此处为主语从句,从句中缺少主语,故填What。‎ ‎【63题详解】考查名词。句意:但现在它是一个国际节日和比赛。此处与international festival并列用名词作表语,故填competition。‎ ‎【64题详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:随着冰雪节的发展,冰(雪)雕和冰(雪)雕建筑展品的规模也不断扩大。keep doing表示“继续、持续”,故填increasing。‎ ‎【65题详解】考查形容词。句意:制作这些展品的工作是惊人的。修饰物用ing结尾的形容词,表示“令人……的”,故填astonishing。‎ ‎【66题详解】考查副词。句意:冰雪节的正式举办时间为12月底至2月。修饰动词held用副词,故填officially。‎ ‎67题详解】考查固定短语。句意:结束日期部分取决于天气。depend on/upon表示“依靠、取决于”,故填on/upon。‎ ‎【68题详解】考查时态语态。句意:展出了如深受孩子们喜爱的冰灯笼、魔法人物以及动物等1000多件冰(雪)雕作品。文章基础时态为一般现在时,ice lanterns, magical figures and animals 与love之间是被动关系,所以用一般现在时的被动语态,故填are loved。‎ ‎【69题详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:它主要是一个面向儿童的冰世界。ice world 与aim之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,表示被动,用过去分词作后置定语,故填aimed。‎ ‎【70题详解】考查冠词。句意:请参加这个美好的节日。此处特指Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival,故填the。‎ 短文改错 ‎【分析】本文作者讲述自己是如何提高英语成绩的。‎ ‎1.考查习惯用法。used to do sth.表示过去经常习惯做某事,而现在不做了。故把第一句 being改成be。‎ ‎2.考查固定结构。句意:那个时候我的英语很弱,尤其是我的英语口语,所以我不敢在课堂上回答老师的问题。spoken English口语英语,故把第二句 speaking改成spoken。‎ ‎3.考查并列连词。句意:那个时候我英语很弱,尤其是我的英语口语,所以我不敢在课堂上回答老师的问题。前后是一种因果关系或递进关系,故把but改成so/and。‎ ‎4.考查时态。句意:当我进入我梦想的中学学校后,事情发生了变化。这里指过去的事,所以句子用一般过去时态,故把第三句 changes改成changed。‎ ‎5.考查名词复数。句意:很多有趣的英语故事。根据many可知后面的名词用复数形式,故把第四句 story改成stories。‎ ‎6.考查固定搭配。句意:我的英语老师帮助我很多。a lot(非常)相当于very much;a lot of ‎(许多)修饰可数名词,故删除of。‎ ‎7.考查固定结构。句意:我在课堂上努力学习,在业余时间通过看英语电影和听英文歌曲来练习。by doing sth.通过做某事,故把listen改成listening。listen和watching是并列关系。‎ ‎8.考查it的用法。句意:逐渐地,我发现越来越多的人在申请学习英语。find+ it+形容词+to do sth.此处it是形式宾语,后面的动词不定式是真正的宾语,故答案为it。‎ ‎9.考查副词。句意:我甚至可以用流利的英语和我的同学交谈。talk是动词,副词修饰动词,故把第六句 fluent改成fluently。‎ ‎10.考查动词不定式。句意:最后,我的英语成绩很好,我有信心在将来做得更好。此处是动词不定式做后置定语,故第七句 do前面加上to。‎ 听力材料 Text 1‎ W: What are we going to get for Lydia’s birthday?‎ M: How about a pair of running shoes?‎ W: You know she hates doing exercise.‎ M: Then I guess we can buy her a birthday cake.‎ Text 2‎ M: Excuse me. Do you have time to help take a picture of us?‎ W: Oh, I’m sorry. I’ve got to catch a bus.‎ M: That’s OK.‎ Text 3‎ M: It really annoys me when Kate calls her friends during office hours.‎ W: If I were you, I would tell her to stop.‎ M: Maybe you’re right. I will talk to her sometime.‎ Text 4‎ M: Here’s the menu, Madame. Would you like something to drink?‎ W: Yes, please. May I see the wine list?‎ M: Certainly. Here you are.‎ Text 5‎ M: We need to have some fresh air. Do you mind my opening the window?‎ W: As a matter of fact, I’m feeling a bit cold.‎ Text 6‎ M: Guess what I’ll be doing this summer?‎ W: What?‎ M: I’m going to work at the Riverside Hotel.‎ W: What exactly will you be doing?‎ M: Let’s see. I’ll be doing some small repairs inside and outside the hotel. I’ll be cutting grass and taking care of the flowers.‎ W: Sounds interesting. What’s the pay?‎ M: Well, uh...about fifteen dollars an hour, five hours a day, and Sunday free.‎ W: That’s good money. What are you going to do with it?‎ M: I’ll pay for the textbooks for next term.‎ Text 7‎ M: Hi, Sue. How’s it going?‎ W: Oh, hi, Frank, just fine. How are your classes?‎ M: Pretty good. I’m glad this is my last term here, though.‎ W: Why is that? I thought you were enjoying school.‎ M: I was. But now I’m getting tired of it. I’m ready for the real world.‎ W: What are you planning to do when you graduate?‎ M: First, I want to get a job as a computer programmer, and then after five years or so, I’d like to start my own business.‎ W: Sounds good. I still have three terms to go until I’m done.‎ M: You’ll make it for sure. Well, see you later.‎ W: Bye!‎ Text 8‎ M: Hello, Milton Hotel Reservations. How may I assist you?‎ W: Hi, I’m calling to make some changes to an existing reservation.‎ M: Certainly. Do you have the reservation number?‎ W: Sure, it’s 219.‎ M: That’s a reservation for Sally Menkel. Is that right?‎ W: Yes, that’s right. I’d like to change the check-in date from September 15 to September 16.‎ M: Certainly. I can make that change for you. Is that the only change?‎ W: No, the check-out date will also change from the 23rd to the 24th.‎ M: No problem. We have you arriving on the 16th of September and leaving the 24th of September — altogether, eight nights. Will there be anything else?‎ W: Yes. Instead of a courtyard room, I’d like a room with a view, preferably on an upper floor.‎ M: I can certainly change that for you, but there will be a change in the room rate. The new rate is $199 per night, instead of the original $179.‎ W: That’s OK. These are all the changes. Thank you very much.‎ M: You’re welcome. Have a nice day!‎ Text 9‎ W: Gordon, I’m going to Keswick in the Lake District this weekend.‎ M: Really?‎ W: Yeah, five of us. Why don’t you join us? We’re getting to Keswick on Friday. Then we’re going boating on Saturday. And on Sunday, we’re going to do some shopping. Then I will take some time to visit my aunt Lucy.‎ M: You’re not going to camp, are you? Isn’t it a bit cold?‎ W: No, we’re not. It is a bit cold. We’re staying in a country inn. It’s not like five-star hotels or anything. But it’s really comfortable.‎ M: Hmm, sounds interesting. You know, it’s the boating that I don’t like.‎ W: Well, what are you up to?‎ M: Sit on my sofa all weekend and watch the DVDs I’ve just bought. And that will be a busy weekend. I may finish watching Friends.‎ W: I don’t know how you can do that all weekend, Gordon. I’d get bored.‎ M: I know, I know. But that’s really what I want to do.‎ Text 10‎ Hello. Welcome to the program. In America, May and June are the traditional months for graduations. A listener in China, Wang Ming, who is about to get an engineering degree, wants to know how American college graduates find jobs. Right now, the answer is: not very easily. A latest study on the college job market showed that employers wanted to hire 22% fewer graduates this year than last. The study also showed that just 20% of those who looked for jobs before ‎ graduation have found one by now. This is compared to half of students who had looked for a job by this time two years ago. But one difference: fewer of this year’s graduates have started to search for jobs. Engineering graduates were more likely to have started their job search already, and to have accepted a job. This is among the best-paid professions for people with just a college degree. On average, engineering majors expect to start at about $62, 000 a year.‎

