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‎2018-2019学年黑龙江省牡丹江市第一高级中学高一下学期期末考试英语试题 第I卷 第一部分 单项选择( 共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)‎ 1. With all the money __________, the man had to make a living by begging.‎ A. using up B. used up C. using up of D. given out ‎2. You may rely on __________ that Jennifer will come and help us if we are in trouble.‎ A. it B. that C. which D. this ‎3. My parents don’t mind what job I do _________ I am happy.‎ A. even though B. as soon as C. as long as D. as though ‎4. ---Is Jack on duty today? ---It _____ be him . It’s his turn tomorrow. ‎ A. mustn’t B. won’t C. can’t D. needn’t ‎5. things as they are and you will enjoy every day of your life.‎ A. Take B. To take C. Taking D. Taken ‎ ‎6. At this time tomorrow we__________ over the Atlantic Ocean.‎ ‎ A. will fly B. will be flying C. will be fly D. shall fly ‎ ‎7. We are not permitted ________ in the room.‎ ‎ A. to smoke B. smoking C. to smoking D. in smoking ‎ ‎8. The city was ________ attack during the night.‎ ‎ A. in B. under C. on D. against ‎ ‎9. Continuing violence could ________ the progress towards reform.‎ ‎ A. hold on B. hold out C. hold on to D. hold up ‎ ‎10.Though _____ of the danger, he still went skating on the thin ice.‎ A.warning B.to warn C.warn D.warned ‎11. I saw a familiar face in the crowd, but the name ______ me for the moment.‎ ‎ A. supported B. limited C. escaped D. adapted ‎12. Nowadays, cycling, along with jogging and swimming, ______ as one of the best all-around ‎ forms of exercise.‎ A. regard B. is regarded C. are regarded D. regards ‎13. We all think the book is well worth ________.‎ A. reading B. read C. to be read D. to read ‎14.He was about to leave ______ the telephone rang.‎ ‎ A. while B. as C. whether D. when ‎15.She looks very happy. She_________ the exam.‎ A. can have passed B. should have passed C. must have passed D. could have passed ‎16. He is expected to give us a ______ description of the football match that was broadcast ______ last night.‎ A. live; lively B. live; live C. lively; lively D. lively; live ‎17. _______ the students came from different countries, they got along quite well in the summer camp.‎ A. While B. Unless C. Since D. Until ‎18. ---What do you think of store shopping in the future?‎ ‎ --- Personally, I think it will exist along with home shopping but _________.‎ A. will not replace B. will not be replaced C. will not replacing D. will not being replaced ‎19. The scientists discovered a 4,000-year-old bowl ______ accident.‎ A. on B. to C. in D. by ‎ ‎20. There are ________ things about city life in the future which are not certain.‎ ‎ A. plenty of B. a plenty of C. a great deal of D. many a ‎ 第二部分(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节 阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。‎ ‎ A Basic Study Manual    Hardcover: $ 37.50‎ Future Success depends on the ability to learn. Here are the answers to the questions most ‎ often asked by parents,teachers,business trainers and by students themselves. Read this book and learn:‎ * What the three barriers to study are and what to do about them * What to do if you get tired of a subject you are studying * Twenty-six simple drills to help you learn how to study easily, rapidly and with full understanding Buy and read the Basic Study Manual and use it to dramatically improve your ability to study.‎ Study Skills for Life Hardcover:$31.99‎ L.Ron Hubbard’s study technology for teenagers opens the door to their future success by giving them the ability to study and learn. Fully illustrated(插图)for easy understanding.‎ ‎ Learning How to Learn Hardcover:$24.99‎ The basics of effective study for 8 to 12-year-olds,fully illustrated. Children who read and apply the materials in this book regain their liking for study and their ability to apply this knowledge in life. Get this book for a child you want to see win at his studies!‎ How to Use a Dictionary Picture Book for Children Hardcover:$34.90‎ In spite of billions of dollars spent on “educational research”. Children are not taught the most basic skills of leaning,even the most basic of these:how to use a dictionary. In fact,a search of educational books for children found no book that told them how to use a dictionary or that one should. Written for children 8 to 12-year-olds,this fully illustrated book will teach your child:‎ * How to find words in a dictionary * The different ways that words are used * What the different marks and symbols that are used in a dictionary mean * How to use a dictionary to correctly pronounce words It includes a section for parents and teachers showing you how to use this book with children. Buy this book and give it to your children to unlock their education. What’s more,you’ll just pay 50%for it before September 10, 2019.‎ ‎21.According to the advertisements,the four books are all intended for .‎ A. teachers B. adults C. children D. women ‎22. Some of the four books were illustrated in order to .‎ A. help readers understand them B. persuade readers to buy them C. reduce the cost of them D. make them suitable to different readers ‎23. Which one is the book written for 8 to 12 years old to use a dictionary?‎ ‎ A. Study Skills for Life B. Learning How to Learn ‎ C. How to Use a Dictionary Picture Book for Children D. Basic Study Manual ‎ B My wife and I have always been friendly with the clerks at the local store. I don’t think many people appreciate what a difficult job these clerks have. They work for a little money and I often wonder how they make ends meet.‎ One of the clerks, Charlie, was always wearing his glasses but he didn’t one day. I asked him about it and he said they’d been out of order and that he couldn’t afford a new pair. His family needed money. It was clear that he was having a difficult time.‎ We wanted to help him, so we turned to our own eye doctor for help with a plan. We had his secretary contact him, asking him to come in for an eye exam for free. We told the doctor to let him order whatever glasses he wanted and that we would pay for them. Although Charlie questioned what was going on, the doctor just told him that someone had offered the money for his new glasses. When we went in to pay the bill, the doctor told us he was touched by our idea so that he waived the exam fee and only charged us for half the price of the glasses!‎ It was so wonderful to see Charlie in his new glasses and he enjoyed telling all the regular customers how the gift came about. I’m sure that upon hearing his story, ideas of kindness may have come in the minds of many people.‎ ‎24. Why didn’t the clerk Charlie wear glasses one day?‎ A. It was very warm and fine. B. His glasses were missing.‎ C. His old glasses were broken. D. He forgot to wear his glasses.‎ ‎25. From the passage, we can infer that ______.‎ A. Charlie was a young man with skills B. Charlie knew who paid the money for the new glasses C. Charlie completely accepted the money for the new glasses D. Charlie couldn’t support his family with enough money ‎26. The underlined word “waived” in the third paragraph can be replaced by ______.‎ A. took up   B. gave up     C. cut up     D. put off ‎27. Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?‎ A. Customers’ Gift to an Employee B. A Friendly Clerk — Charlie  ‎ C. The Wonderful Feeling of Helping others           D. An Expensive Pair of Glasses ‎ C ‎ During the last twenty years there has been increasing concern with the quality of the environment. Along with air and water pollutants, noise pollution has been recognized as a serious pollutant. As noise levels have risen, the effects of noise have become more obvious. Noise is defined as “unwanted sound”. Causes of noise pollution include traffic, aircraft, rock bands, barking dogs, television, garbage trucks, and noise from neighbors, voices, alarms, and boats. Studies show that over forty percent of Americans are disturbed at home or lose sleep because of noise pollution.‎ Noise has bad effects on people and the environment. Noise causes hearing loss, interferes (妨碍) with human activities at home and work, and is in various ways dangerous to people’s health and well being. When we think, talk, listen to music, or sleep, we need quiet. Even low levels of noise can be annoying or frustrating. Sudden increases in volume can make sounds annoying. The quieter the background is, the more penetrating a noise can be. Noise can also make instructions or warning unclear, resulting in accidents. Louder noise bursts can cause more problems. Continued stress can lead to high blood pressure, which is the major cause of some diseases. Long exposure to noise levels above eight-five decibels (分贝) can damage inner cells and lead to hearing loss. Noise can result in the uncontrolled fear response and can cause adrenaline (肾上腺素) to be pumped into the bloodstream, the heart rate to quicken, muscles to tense, breathing to increase, and the digestive system to slow down. Local government has the responsibility to fight noise pollution. For example, it can ‎ regulate the speed of trains through their community. On the other hand, a responsible citizen will never make noise pollution wherever he is.‎ ‎28. What does the underlined word “penetrating” in paragraph 4 mean?‎ A.High and exciting B. Clear and comfortable C. Deep and shocking D. Loud and unpleasant ‎29.Which of the following is related to the noise pollution?‎ A. Quickening the digestive system. B. Breathing fast.‎ C. Having low blood pressure. D. Slowing down the heart rate.‎ ‎30. In the last paragraph, the author suggests that _____________.‎ A. individuals and the government should work together to reduce noise pollution B. the government should offer its people better education on noise pollution C. the government should be responsible for fighting noise pollution D. people who make noise pollution should be punished ‎31. What is the text mainly about?‎ A. Bad effects of noise pollution. B. Measurement of noise levels.‎ C. Hearing damage from environmental noise. D. Community reactions to noise.‎ D ‎ Many of us live with a roommate at some stage. Sometimes, there can be problems. Who hasn’t had an argument about whose turn it is to take out the rubbish or who should be the one to clear up after dinner? However, living with another person also comes with many benefits.‎ You know that there’s always someone else around, which can help you feel safer. There is always someone to talk to, so you never feel lonely. Besides these obvious benefits, there are some you may not notice. For example, we’re actually more likely to eat healthier food when living with others.‎ To examine the effect of living alone, Australian university researchers did much research and found that people living alone tended to eat less fresh food, which can have a significant negative effect on long-term health. However, those living with others generally benefited from a more varied diet compared to those living alone.‎ What could explain these findings? The researchers believe the social and cultural roles ‎ played by cooking, food preparation and eating may be important considerations. For example, those living with friends have someone else to go shopping with, and thus are likely to buy higher-quality fresh food regularly.‎ Cooking skills may be another factor. If people living alone find they do not have the knowledge required to prepare a particular dish or cook a certain food,they may fall back on ready-made, less healthy food. However, if they live with at least one other person, they may be able to ask for help.‎ In addition, people living alone can eat whatever they want at any time of the day or night. However, it’s helpful to have someone around who questions your decision to eat frozen pizza at 3 am. In other words, roommates can draw your attention to unhealthy routines.‎ So, if you now live alone and find yourself fighting a losing battle against poor eating habits, why not consider sharing a home with someone else? You could encourage one another on to greater health and well-being.‎ ‎32.The author uses the first paragraph to ______.‎ A.introduce the topic of the text B.remind readers of their roommates C.show the problems of living with others D.recall the experience of sharing a room ‎33.The second paragraph is mainly about _______.‎ A.The reasons for living with others B.the benefits of having a roommate C.the way of dealing with a roommate D.the importance of communicating with others ‎34.The underlined phrase “fall back on” in Paragraph 5 means________.‎ A.hunt for B.cut down on C.depend on D.give up ‎35.What is the main purpose of this text?‎ A.To explain why roommate have arguments. B. To tell readers every coin has two sides.‎ C.To encourage people to have a roommate. D.To persuade people to develop healthy eating habits.‎ 第二节:七选五(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ How can you develop more patience? In this article you will learn some tips to practice more patience in your life.‎ Count from 1 to 10. When you sense that feeling of impatience, you just slowly count from 1‎ ‎ to 10. What this does to you differs from person to person and from time to time. 36 Maybe it suddenly makes you feel patient.‎ Do things more slowly to train your patience. 37 And that is also true with patience. You can just practice it in the most special ways. For example, walk with a toddler(蹒跚学走步的幼儿)and keep up with his/her pace.‎ ‎ 38 Acceptance is a quality that will help you to be patient. If you don’t have control over something, tolerate it! When you give in to the uncontrollable force, you’ll remain calm and tolerant.‎ Have a goal. Having a goal is good for so many things! 39 You do everything you need to do, and you accept everything that is necessary for achieving that end result. You are willing to set a goal because you know it is fully worth your effort.‎ Realize that some things require time. It takes time for a tree to grow out of the seed you have planted. Don’t get disappointed if you can’t immediately obtain the benefits of something. 40 ‎ A. In the end you will run out of patience.‎ B. Without a goal ,nothing is possible.‎ C. You will then know what you are doing it for.‎ D. Accept and tolerate things you cannot control.‎ E. So next time it happens, just try the counting out again. ‎ F. When you practice something, it becomes easier and easier!‎ G. Some things become worthwhile when they take a certain amount of time.‎ 第三部分 英语语言知识运用(共三节,满分60分)‎ 第一节:完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文, 从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白的最佳选项。‎ I was in Houston a few weeks ago, and needed to be back home in Austin by the early morning the next day. So I 41 to leave that evening. _42 , my tire blew out on the way. I 43 a small parking lot. Then I 44 the doors and picked up my phone to call a tow truck(‎ 拖车). Soon a man 45 on my driver’s side window and asked if he could help me. From his 46 and behavior , I knew he was far more 47 to rob than help me, so I 48 refused and told him the tow truck was coming any time. He asked again, but again I gently shook my head. He finally said, “ Madam, you need 49 . A tow truck in Houston will arrive anywhere between 45 minutes and approximately 50 (which I knew was true), and you aren’t going anywhere until you have the tire 51 .”‎ I looked hard, straight into his 52 , and instinctively(凭直觉) saw someone different from the 53 person he appeared to be at first glance. So, against all reasonable 54 , but trusting my instincts, I got out. He looked 55 , but got right to work, trying to find the 56 tire. It took a while 57 it was stored under the van(车厢). ‎ He changed the tire, 58 the seat to its place and said, “Thank you for letting me help you. You gave me a 59 when most people would never open the door to someone like me. Would it be okay if I gave you a hug?” When I recovered, I gave him a giant hug. I left with a new tire and a renewed 60 in human nature. ‎ ‎41. A. wanted B. happened C. hoped D. had ‎42. A. Unfortunately B. Unexpectedly C. Strangely D. Undoubtedly ‎43. A. broke into B. pulled into C. went out D. looked around ‎44. A. opened B. fixed C. broke D. locked ‎45. A. hit B. knocked C. climbed D. checked ‎46. A. words B. appearance C. height D. personality ‎47. A. anxious B. willing C. pleased D. likely ‎48.A. politely B. stubbornly C. repeatedly D. hurriedly ‎49. A. money B. help C. water D. gas ‎50. A. forever B. now C. never D. already ‎51. A. moved B. sold C. balanced D. changed ‎52. A. mind B. head C. eyes D. heart ‎53. A. violent B. intelligent C. reliable D. coldhearted ‎54. A. decisions B. arguments C. judgment D. expectation ‎55. A. disappointed B. surprised C. touched D. depressed ‎56. A. worn B. flat C. spare D. free ‎57. A. since B. but C. so D. once ‎58. A. showed B. left C. held D. returned ‎59. A. job B. gift C. lesson D. chance ‎60. A. delight B. faith C. interest D. pride ‎ 第II卷 第二节:语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ ‎ China, which takes pride in inventions in ancient times, has once again shown its 61 (able) to change the world with its “new four great inventions”: high-speed railways, electronic payments, shared bicycles and online shopping. The “new four great inventions” are all related 62 China’s high-tech innovation(创新), 63 improved the quality of people’s lives. “My wallet is no longer in use. I can buy and eat 64 I want simply with a tap of my phone,” says Lin Long, 65 overseas Chinese student from Cambodia. “ It is 66 (amaze) that even pancake sellers are using AliPay.” ‎ The operating model of bike-sharing is based on satellite navigation system, mobile payment, big data 67 other high technologies. It is 68 (increase) clear that China is innovating and no longer copying Western ideas. China has the 69 (large) mobile use in the world.‎ In terms of the “new four great inventions”, Charlie Dai, principal analyst of American market research company Forrester, said, “These products and services 70 (improve) customer experience so far.”‎ 单词拼写(共10题;每题1分,满分10分)‎ 根据汉语或首字母提示用适当的单词填空。‎ ‎71. Would you do me a f__________(帮忙)?‎ ‎72.The crowd p_________(恐慌) at the sound of guns and they fled in all directions. ‎ 73. It is a known fact that our country is abundant in some natural r________(资源).‎ 74. The little boy b______(弯下腰) down and picked up the coin on the ground.‎ 75. Surgeons have made a great b___________(突破) in the kidney transplantation.‎ 76. She is considered a g_________(慷慨的) lady, for she always helps the poor people.‎ 77. They say that the low- temperature lake is u______(不可能的) to be able to support such large living creatures.‎ 78. Most of the flood v_________(受害者) had to leave all their things behind.‎ 79. As we can see, the prices of vegetables v _______(变化) with season.‎ 80. She was in a good m________(心情) and she was looking forward to her new life.‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文 中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ ‎ 删除:把多余的词用(\)划掉。‎ ‎ 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ A lecture on “English learning” was held the last Friday in our school. The lecture giving by a professor from Peking University lasts from 2:00 to 4:00. He stressed serious the importance of learning English in modern times. Then he shared her learning experience with us. Besides, he introduced some useful ways memorize English words or improve spoken English. After the interested lecture, we asked him for advices on the problems what we had while learning English. We have learned a lot from this lecture.‎ 第二节:书面表达(满分25分)‎ 假定你是李华,你的美国网友Tim向你询问中国高中生暑假的有关情况。请发一封电子邮件向他简单加以介绍。‎ 内容主要包括:‎ ‎1.假期的具体时间(7月20日至8月30日);‎ ‎2.丰富的假期活动(运动、娱乐、学习、参加社会活动等);‎ ‎3.你的暑假计划。‎ 注意:1.词数100个左右;‎ ‎2.可适当增加细节,使行文连贯;‎ ‎3.邮件的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。‎ 参考词汇:social activities社交活动 Dear Tim,‎ I’m glad to receive your letter.______________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Best regards,‎ ‎ Li Hua 牡一中2018级高一学年下学期期末考试 英 语 试 题 答案 单项选择 ‎ ‎1--5 BACCA 6--10 BABDD 11--15 CBADC 16—20 DABDA 阅读理解 ‎ (A) CAC (B) CDBA (C) DBCA (D) ABCC 七选五 EFDCG 完型填空 ‎41--60 DABDB BDABC DCACB CADDB 语法填空 ‎61.ability 62.to 63.which 64.whatever/what 65.an ‎ ‎66.amazing 67.and 68. increasingly 69.largest 70.have improved 单词拼写 71. favor/favour 72. panicked 73.resources 74.bent 75.breakthrough ‎ ‎76.generous 77.unlikely 78. victims 79. vary 80.mood ‎ 短文改错 1. 删the; 2. giving-given; 3. lasts-lasted; 4. serious-seriously; 5. her-his; ‎ ‎6.memorize前加to; 7. or-and; 8.interested-interesting; 9.advices-advice; 10.what-that/which或删掉 作文 Dear Tim,‎ I’m glad to receive your letter. It's a pleasure for me to tell you something about the coming summer vacation.‎ This vacation will start on July 20th, lasting about 40 days. Various activities are waiting for the students. First of all, we will take up some exercise, such as running and playing basketball, to keep us physically strong. Of course, we'll do some reading and see some well-known English films for fun, and for knowledge as well. As senior students ,we have to prepare ourselves for the college entrance examination that is only two years away. Therefore, we must find time to study. If possible, we’ll take part in some social activities so that we can know more about the society.‎ As for me, I’II spend some time staying with my parents, chatting with them and doing some housework because they've done so much for me.‎ What about yours?‎ Best regards,‎ Li Hua

