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‎2019届一轮复习人教版必修3Unit2Healthy eating单元学案 一单元基础训练 一、 单元单词短语回顾 Diet [ˈdaiət] n. 日常饮食vi. 节食 spaghetti  [spəˈgeti] n. 意大利式 细面条 nut  [nʌt] n. 坚果;果仁 muscle  [ˈmʌsəl] n. 肌肉;(食用) 瘦肉 protective  [prəˈtektiv] adj. 给予保 护的;保护的 bean  [bi:n] n. 豆;豆科植物 pea [pi:] n. 豌豆 cucumber  [ˈkju:kʌmbə] n. 黄瓜 eggplant  ['egplɑ:nt] n. 茄子 pepper [ˈpepə] n. 辣椒;辣椒粉 mushroom [ˈmʌʃru:m] n. 蘑菇 peach  [pi:tʃ] n. 桃子 lemon  [ˈlemən] 柠檬 balance  [ˈbæləns] vt. 平衡;权衡 ‎ n. 天平;平衡 balanced diet  [ˈdaiət] 平衡膳食 barbecue  [ˈbɑ:bikju:] vt. & n. 烧烤;烤肉 mutton [ˈmʌtn] n. 羊肉 ‎△kebab  [kə'bɔb]n. (印度)烤腌羊肉串;肉串上的肉块 roast  [rəust] adj. 烤制的 ‎ vt. & vi. 烤;烘;烘烤 ‎ △ stir [stə:] vt. 摇动;搅和 fry  [frai] vt. & vi. 油煎;油炸 ‎ stir-fry vt. 用旺火炒(或煎、煸)‎ ought  [ɔ:t] v. aux. 应当;应该 ought to 应当;应该 bacon [ˈbeikən] n. 熏咸肉;腊肉 △ cola n. 可乐饮料 △ sugary  [ˈʃugə] adj. 含糖的;甜的 △ sign  [sain] n. 牌示;标记;符号 ‎ lose weight [weit] 体重减轻;减肥 slim  [slim] vi. 变细;减肥 adj. 苗条的;纤细的 curiosity [ˌkjuəriˈɔsiti] n. 好奇心 hostess  [ˈhəustis] n.女主人;女主持人 raw [rɔ:] adj. 生的;未加工的 vinegar [ˈvinigə] n. 醋 get away with 被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚 lie [lai] n. 谎话;谎言 vi. 说谎 tell a lie 说谎 customer [ˈkʌstəmə] n. 顾客;消费者 discount  [ˈdiskaunt] n. 折扣 win … back 赢回;重新获得 weakness  [ˈwi:knis]n.缺点;虚弱;弱点 strength  [ˈstreŋθ] n.强项;长处;力量 consult [kənˈsʌlt] vt.咨询;请教;商量 fibre [ˈfaibə] n. 纤维;纤维制品 digest [diˈdʒest ] vi. & vt. 消化 ‎ n. 摘要;概要 ‎△poisonous  [ˈpɔizənəs] adj. 有毒的 carrot  [ˈkærət] n. 胡萝卜 ‎△scurvy [ˈskə:vi] n. 坏血病 ‎△rickets [ˈrikiti] n. 佝偻病 ‎△obesity  [əu'bi:siti] n. 过度肥胖 ‎△vitamin  [ˈvitəmin] n. 维生素 ‎△protein  [ˈprəuti:n] n. 蛋白质 earn one’s living 谋生 debt [det] n. 债;债务 in debt 欠债 glare  [gleə] vi. 怒目而视;闪耀 ‎ n. 怒视;眩目的光 spy [spai] vi. & vt. 窥探;秘密监视 ‎ n. 间谍;侦探 spy on 暗中监视;侦查 limit  [ˈlimit] vt. 限制;限定 ‎ n. 界限;限度 limited adj. 有限的 benefit [ˈbenifit] n. 利益;好处 ‎ vt. & vi. 有益于;有助于;受益 breast  [brest] n. 胸部;乳房 garlic [ˈgɑ:lik] n. 大蒜 sigh  [sai] vi. 叹息;叹气 n. 叹息;叹息声 combine  [ˈbenifit] vt. & vi.(使)联合;(使)结合 cut down 削减;删节 before  [biˈfɔ:] long 不久以后 put on weight 增加体重 ‎△cooperation  [kəuˌɔpəˈreiʃən] n. 合作;协作 ‎△ingredient  [inˈgri:diənt] n. ‎ ‎(烹调用的)材料;原料;成分 ‎△flavour [ˈfleivə] n. (食物的)味道与气味;特性 二、单元重要句式回顾:根据括号内要求翻译句子 ‎1.我再同意你不过了。(否定词+比较级)‎ I_can't_agree_with_you_more.‎ ‎2.老师让他一直站在门外将近一个小时。(have sb. doing)‎ The_teacher_had_him_standing_outside_the_door_for_nearly_an_hour.‎ ‎3.我父母和姐姐中午都不在家吃饭。(neither ... nor ...)‎ Neither_my_parents_nor_my_sister_has_lunch_at_home.‎ ‎4.我本以为你会给我们带来惊喜。(I thought ...)‎ I_thought_you_would_give_us_a_surprise.‎ ‎5.医生建议他节食减肥。(diet)‎ The_doctor_advised_him_to_go_on_a_diet_to_lose_weight.‎ ‎6.她把头埋在枕下,哭了。(分词作状语)‎ She_buried_her_head_under_the_pillow,_crying.‎ ‎7.她看上去很高兴。她肯定通过了驾考。(must have done)‎ She_looks_very_happy._She_must_have_passed_the_driving_test.‎ ‎8.孩子们经常对他们所看到的一切很好奇。(be curious about)‎ Children_are_often_curious_about_everything_they_see.‎ ‎9.我不能容忍(允许)你考试作弊而不受处罚。(get away with)‎ I_won't_have_you_getting_away_with_cheating_in_the_exam.‎ ‎10.难怪她对法庭撒了谎。(lie to)‎ It_is_no_wonder_that_she_lied_to_the_court.‎ 单元综合知识训练 一、 完形填空提速训练 Not many people can say they've been hit by a vehicle, but I can.I rode my bike to my daily __1__ practice in a gym last ‎ summer.I crossed the street as the light __2__; however, a young woman __3__ me with her fancy racing car.Like James Bond in a very __4__ situation, I rolled across the hood (引擎盖) onto the other side of the car.You may wonder __5__ a woman driver could be so careless.The truth is that the woman was on her phone while driving, so her __6__ was clearly drawn away from driving, which caused the accident.‎ After assessing my __7__ and believing that all my bones were undamaged in any way, I __8__ and talked to the woman driver.I could tell she was obviously quite __9__.So was I.After assuring her of my wellbeing, we __10__ ways.‎ ‎__11__ my surprisingly shabby bicycle, I went on my way.I rode into the __12__ 20 minutes late.Upon my arrival, my tennis coach and friends asked me why I was late.Nervously, I __13__ the car accident.Everyone seemed to be far more __14__ than I was.In fact, I __15__ joked, saying that now I know how the squirrels feel after a nice escape.‎ After this __16__, I realize the importance of bike lanes and watching out for pedestrians.‎ Now as I drive, I always __17__ for people on bikes so that they do not __18__ the same fate (命运) that I did.__19__, for all the bikers and runners out there, watch out for cars, as one small mistake could __20__ an unforgivable mistake.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。“我”在骑车去体育馆参加网球训练的途中,被一辆跑车撞到,幸运的是“我”‎ 的骨头没有受伤。通过这起事故,“我”意识到了自行车车道和注意行人的重要性。‎ ‎1.A.football         B.tennis C.volleyball D.badminton 解析:选B 根据第三段第三句中的“my tennis coach”可以判断,“我”骑自行车到体育馆参加网球训练,故B项正确。‎ ‎2.A.permitted B.broke C.appeared D.exploded 解析:选A 根据该句中的“I crossed the street”可知,“我”穿过了街道;根据常识可以判断,此举是在信号灯的允许(permitted)下进行的,故A项符合语境。‎ ‎3.A.passed B.greeted C.hit D.met 解析:选C 根据该句的语境并结合第一段第一句中的“been hit by a vehicle”可知,一位年轻的女士开着跑车撞到了“我”。C项意为“撞击”,符合语境。‎ ‎4.A.romantic B.humorous C.awkward D.dangerous 解析:选D 根据该句语境可知,就像詹姆斯·邦德在非常危险的(dangerous)情况下那样,“我”从引擎盖上滚到了车的另一边。‎ ‎5.A.how B.if C.when D.where 解析:选A 分析该句结构可知,空处在宾语从句中作状语;结合该句语境可知,你可能想知道,一个女司机怎么会如此粗心?how表示“怎么,如何”,故选A。‎ ‎6.A.passion B.attention C.interest D.excitement 解析:选B 根据该句中的“The truth is that the woman was on her phone while driving”可知,这位女士在开车时打电话。据此可以判断,她的注意力(attention)不在开车上。‎ ‎7.A.needs B.behaviors C.injuries D.conclusions 解析:选C 根据该句中的“believing that all my bones were undamaged in any way”可以判断,这是在对“我”的伤势进行评定。C项意为“损伤”,符合语境。‎ ‎8.A.stood up B.walked away C.lay down D.blew up 解析:选A 根据该句中的“believing that all my bones were undamaged”可知,“我”的骨头都没有受伤;据此可以判断,“我”站起身和那位女司机说话。A项意为“站起身”,符合语境。‎ ‎9.A.rude B.cautious C.forgetful D.scared 解析:选D 根据上文可知,“我”被这位女司机开的跑车撞到;据此可以判断,这位女司机很害怕(scared),故D项正确。‎ ‎10.A.parted B.cleared C.explored D.changed 解析:选A 根据该句中的“After assuring her of my wellbeing”可以判断,在让她确信“我”身体没事以后,我们就分开(parted)了。‎ ‎11.A.Turning in B.Picking up C.Putting aside D.Giving away 解析:选B 根据上文可知,“我”被女司机驾驶的跑车撞到;据此可以判断,“我”扶起(Picking up)了“我”的破烂的自行车就上路了。‎ ‎12.A.garage B.parking lot C.gym D.bike store 解析:选C 根据第一段第二句中的“gym”可知,“我”骑车进了体育馆(gym),故选C。‎ ‎13.A.avoided B.ignored C.prevented D.mentioned 解析:选D 根据该段最后一句中的“saying that now I know how the squirrels feel after a nice escape”,并结合该句“Nervously, I __13__ the car accident.”可知,紧张之余,“我”提到(mentioned)了这起事故。‎ ‎14.A.grateful B.inspired C.anxious D.curious 解析:选C 根据前一句可知,“我”提到了这起事故;结合该句“Everyone seemed to be far more __14__ than I was.”可以判断,他们似乎比“我”更加担心(anxious)。‎ ‎15.A.still B.even C.just D.yet 解析:选B 根据空后的“joked, saying that now I know how the squirrels feel after a nice escape”,并结合前一句他们似乎比“我”更加担心的描述可知,事实上,“我”甚至(even)开起了玩笑。‎ ‎16.A.attempt B.sacrifice C.exploration D.accident 解析:选D 根据上下文可知,在这起事故(accident)之后,“我”意识到了自行车车道和密切注意行人的重要性。‎ ‎17.A.look out B.work out C.come out D.set out 解析:选A 根据该句中的“so that they do not __18__ the same fate (命运) that I did”可知,现在“我”开车时总要密切注意(look out)骑自行车的人,这样他们就不会遭受(suffer)与“我”同样的命运。‎ ‎18.A.accept B.deserve C.suffer D.escape 解析:选C 参见上题解析。‎ ‎19.A.Thus B.However C.Otherwise D.Also 解析:选D 根据语境可知,“我”现在开车总要密切注意骑自行车的人,同样(Also),对于所有的骑自行车的人和跑步者,他们应当注意来往车辆,因为一个小错误可能会导致(cause)一个不可原谅的错误。‎ ‎20.A.repeat B.cause C.correct D.realize 解析:选B 参见上题解析。‎ 二、阅读理解提速训练 ‎(2018·舟山中学高三仿真考试)The old Chinese saying “as happy as spending the New Year” might be outdated now in the busy modern world. The Spring Festival is regarded as the most important festival for Chinese people and an occasion for all ‎ family members to get together, like Christmas in the West. But many traditional customs accompanying the Spring Festival, however, have weakened in practice.‎ Setting off fireworks was once the most typical custom of the Spring Festival. People thought the sputtering (爆裂) sound could help drive away evil spirits. However, the activity has been completely or partially forbidden in big cities for years as the government has taken security, noise and pollution factors into consideration.‎ ‎“In recent years, some cities have begun to allow people to light fireworks during limited hours at the Spring Festival, surrendering to (屈从于) public demand. Respecting folk traditions is a gesture of respect toward public opinion,” said Zhou Xing, a folklore researcher.‎ ‎“As people gain more income and it becomes easier to buy daily goods, the New Year holiday is just like any other. After long workdays, many people use the New Year holiday to take a rest, rather than visiting friends and neighbors. The process of making and enjoying the family dinner on Spring Festival Eve is the most important thing. However, many families would like to eat out to save time and energy,” said Li Shunzhi, a resident of Harbin, Heilongjiang.‎ ‎“I enjoy the holidays very much in the countryside. My family has been preparing for the Spring Festival more than two weeks before the holiday, cleaning the house, buying holiday ‎ goods and decorating the house with papercuttings. On New Year's Eve, the whole family stays up to see the New Year in, and in the days to follow, a series of activities such as lion dancing, dragon lantern dancing, lantern festivals and temple fairs will be held. Without the ancient traditions, the holiday is nothing to us,” said Zhang Hui, from Hebei.‎ 语篇解读:本文主要介绍了中国春节的一些传统习俗在逐渐消失的现象以及人们对此现象的不同观点。‎ ‎1.Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage?‎ A.Setting off fireworks has been forbidden in some big cities for years.‎ B.Nowadays, people can light fireworks in some cities at the Spring Festival.‎ C.People believe that the sound of fireworks can drive away evil spirits.‎ D.In the past, setting off fireworks couldn't be seen almost anywhere.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第二段的第一句“Setting off fireworks was once the most typical custom of the Spring Festival.”可知,过去放鞭炮是过春节最典型的传统习俗,应该到处可见,故选D。‎ ‎2.What Li Shunzhi said implies ________.‎ A.what people do during the festival now is different from the past B.people would like to have the family dinner on Spring ‎ Festival Eve C.people prefer to visit friends and neighbors rather than take a rest D.the New Year holiday is just like any other day 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第四段的整体内容可推知,哈尔滨的一位居民所说的这段话是在感慨今昔过年的差异,故选A。‎ ‎3.What can we learn from the last paragraph?‎ A.Zhang Hui often spends two weeks preparing for the Spring Festival.‎ B.Zhang Hui is used to spending the Spring Festival with his family.‎ C.Zhang Hui always takes part in a series of activities after the Spring Festival.‎ D.Zhang Hui lives in the urban area.‎ 解析:选B 推理判断题。根据最后一段的“My family has been preparing for ...”和“On New Year's Eve, the whole family stays up to see ...”以及本段的整体内容可推知,张惠习惯和家人一起过春节,故选B。‎ ‎4.What does the whole passage show?‎ A.The Spring Festival is as lively as before.‎ B.The Spring Festival is outdated now.‎ C.The Spring Festival is losing its qualities.‎ D.The Spring Festival in China is more important than Christmas in the West.‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第一段的最后一句“But many ‎ traditional customs accompanying the Spring Festival, however, have weakened in practice.”, 并结合全文的整体内容可推知,本文主要讲述了中国春节的一些传统习俗在逐渐消失这一现象,故选C。‎ Ⅱ.阅读七选五 ‎(2018·武汉模拟)You know the drill when it comes to losing weight: take in fewer calories and burn more calories.__1__ If you're trying to drop a few pounds fast, these interesting tips will make it easy for you to lose the weight quickly.‎ Eat in front of mirrors and you'll lose weight One study finds that eating in front of mirrors reduces the amount people eat by nearly onethird.Having to look yourself in the eye reflects back some of your own inner standards and goals.__2__‎ Sniff a banana or an apple when you feel hungry ‎__3__ Researchers find that the more frequently people sniff, the less hungry they are and the more weight they lose — an average of 30 pounds each.One theory is that sniffing the food tricks the brain into thinking you're actually eating it.‎ ‎__4__‎ Whether that's a floor, a couple of windows, or your car, a 150pound person will burn about four calories for every minute spent cleaning.Scrub for 30 minutes and you could work off approximately 120 calories, the same number in a halfcup of frozen yogurt.‎ Stare at the color blue There's a good reason you won't see many fastfood restaurants decorated in blue: it helps to control an appetite.So serve up dinner on blue plates, dress in blue while you eat, and cover your table with a blue tablecloth.__5__ Studies find they encourage eating.‎ A.You might feel silly, but it works.‎ B.Therefore, adjust your eating habits.‎ C.Wash something thoroughly once a week.‎ D.That's all it takes to lose as many pounds as possible.‎ E.On the contrary, avoid red, yellow, and orange in your dining areas.‎ F.In other words, it reminds you of why you're trying to lose weight in the first place.‎ G.But you also know that most diets and quick weightloss plans don't work as promised.‎ 语篇解读:本文主要介绍了快速有效减肥的方法。‎ ‎1.选G 根据上文的“You know”及下文的“If you're trying to drop a few pounds fast, these interesting tips will make it easy for you to lose the weight quickly.”可推知,G项“但是,你也知道大部分的节食和快速减肥计划并不像承诺的那样有效”符合语境,所以选G项。‎ ‎2.选F 根据上文的“Having to look yourself in the eye reflects back some of your own inner standards and goals.”可推知,F项中的“why you're trying to lose weight”与上文的 ‎“goals”相对应,所以选F项。‎ ‎3.选A 根据下文的“Researchers find that the more frequently people sniff ... an average of 30 pounds each.”并结合本段小标题“Sniff a banana or an apple when you feel hungry”可推知,A项“你可能觉得(这种行为)可笑,但是它却有效”符合语境,所以选A项。‎ ‎4.选C 空处为本段的小标题,根据本段内容可知,本段主要讲述了清洗一些东西可以消耗大量的卡路里,从而有助于减肥,所以选C项作本段的小标题。‎ ‎5.选E 根据空后一句“Studies find they encourage eating.”并结合本段的小标题“Stare at the color blue”可推知,此处表示与蓝色相比,其他的颜色对食欲的影响,所以选E项。‎ 语法填空 Eating at restaurants hasn't always been known as the best choice for people __1__ are trying to keep a healthy diet. It is __2__ (extreme) hard for people to avoid food that isn't so good for them when dining out. However, you don't have to give __3__ your love of restaurants. There are ways that you can eat healthier food when dining out while you can still enjoy the experience.‎ One method is to take time __4__ (read) the nutrition information. Some restaurants post it on their menus or their website. If you know you're going to visit __5__ certain restaurant, you should check the website first. If no nutrition information __6__ (list), you should check the menu at the ‎ restaurant before you order.‎ Another way is to think about not eating cream or butter sauces. Instead, consider __7__ (choose) a sauce that could add a rich flavour to your food without extra calories (卡路里).‎ All restaurants have water available. Whether it is free __8__ you have to buy it, you should choose to drink water over other drinks like beer or soda, which contains a lot of calories.‎ Eating out doesn't have to be an unhealthy__9__ (decide) as long as you make wise choices. You could still enjoy all of the benefits of dining out and be __10__ (please) with your choices later on.‎ 语篇解读:本文介绍了在外面吃饭时如何健康地饮食。‎ ‎1.who/that 设空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词people 且在从句中作主语,故填who/that。‎ ‎2.extremely 设空处修饰形容词hard,故填副词extremely。‎ ‎3.up give up 意为“放弃,停止”。‎ ‎4.to read take time to do sth. 意为“花时间做某事”。‎ ‎5.a restaurant 是可数名词且在此表泛指,故填a。‎ ‎6.is listed information与list之间是被动关系,且此处表示一般情况,故填is listed。‎ ‎7.choosing consider doing sth. 意为“考虑做某事”。‎ ‎8.or whether ... or ... 意为“不管……还是……”。‎ ‎9.decision 由an unhealthy 可知,此处应填名词decision。‎ ‎10.pleased be pleased with sth. 意为“对某事满意”。‎ 概要写作 ‎(2018·宁波十校联考)阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。‎ A typical lion tamer (驯兽师) in people's mind is an entertainer holding a whip (鞭子) and a chair.The whip gets all of the attention, but it's mostly for show.In reality, it's the chair that does the important work. When a lion tamer holds a chair in front of the lion's face, the lion tries to focus on all four legs of the chair at the same time.With its focus divided,the lion becomes confused and is unsure about what to do next.When faced with so many options, the lion chooses to freeze and wait instead of attacking the man holding the chair.‎ How often do you find yourself in the same position as the lion? How often do you have something you want to achieve (e.g.lose weight, start a business, travel more) — only to end up being confused by all of the options in front of you and never make progress?‎ This upsets me to no end because while all the experts are busy debating about which option is best, the people who want to improve their lives are left confused by all of the conflicting information.The end result is that we feel like we can't focus or that we're focused on the wrong things, and so we take less action, make less progress, and stay the same when we could be improving.‎ It doesn't have to be that way.Anytime you find the world ‎ waving a chair in your face, remember this:All you need to do is focus on one thing.You just need to get started.Starting before you feel ready is one of the habits of successful people.If you have somewhere you want to go, something you want to accomplish, someone you want to become ... take immediate action.If you're clear about where you want to go, the rest of the world will either help you get there or get out of the way.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 参考范文:‎ A tamer uses a whip and a chair to confuse the lion, making it lose its focus. We often find ourselves in a similar situation just like the lion. (要点1) In reality, some experts may offer many options and discuss which option is best when a goal needs to be accomplished, which may make people puzzled. (要点2) However, what you need to do is to focus on your goal and try your best to accomplish it.(要点3)‎

