专题14 阅读理解(命题猜想)-2019年高考英语命题猜想与仿真押题 (解析版)

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专题14 阅读理解(命题猜想)-2019年高考英语命题猜想与仿真押题 (解析版)

‎【命题热点突破一】 直接信息题 直接信息题的选项中多采用原文中的信息进行直接考查。在做题时,考生迅速找到原文中与题干要求相对应的信息,把选项内容与原文内容进行认真对比即可确定答案,常用who,what,when,where,why,how 等提问。此类题目相对简单,只要考生认真细心,得分就会比较容易。‎ 例1、【2018·全国I】阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ A ‎ Washington, D.C. Bicycle Tours Cherry Blossom Bike Tour in Washington, D.C.‎ Duration Tour This small group bike tour is a fantastic way to see a world-famous cherry trees with beautiful flowers of Washington, D.C. Your guide will provide a history lesson about the trees and the famous monuments where they blossom. Reserve your spot before availability — the cherry blossoms—disappear!‎ Washington Capital Monuments Bicycle Tour Duration:3 hours (4 miles)‎ Join a guided bike tour and view some of the most popular monuments in Washington, D.C. Explore the monuments and memorials on the National Mall as your guide shares unique facts and history at each stop. Guided tour includes bike, helmet, cookies and bottled water. ‎ ‎【变式探究】 (2017·天津,C)‎ This month, Germany's transport minister, Alexander Dobrindt, proposed the first set of rules for autonomous vehicles(自主驾驶车辆). They would define the driver's role in such cars and govern how such cars perform in crashes where lives might be lost. ‎ The proposal attempts to deal with what some call the “death valley” of autonomous vehicles: the grey area between semi-autonomous and fully driverless cars that could delay the driverless future.‎ Dobrindt wants three things: that a car always chooses property(财产) damage over personal injury; that it never distinguishes between humans based on age or race; and that if a human removes his or her hands from the driving wheel—to check email, say—the car's maker is responsible if there is a crash.‎ ‎“The change to the road traffic law will permit fully automatic driving,” says Dobrindt. It will put fully driverless cars on an equal legal footing to human drivers, he says.‎ Who is responsible for the operation of such vehicles is not clear among car makers, consumers and lawyers. “The liability(法律责任) issue is the biggest one of them all,” says Natasha Merat at the University of Leeds, UK.‎ An assumption behind UK insurance for driverless cars, introduced earlier this year, insists that a human “be watchful and monitoring the road” at every moment.‎ But that is not what many people have in mind when thinking of driverless cars. “When you say ‘driverless cars’, people expect driverless cars,” Merat says. “You know—no driver.”‎ Because of the confusion, Merat thinks some car makers will wait until vehicles can be fully automated without human operation.‎ Driverless cars may end up being a form of public transport rather than vehicles you own, says Ryan Calo at Stanford University‎, ‎California. That is happening in the UK and Singapore, where government-provided driverless vehicles are being launched.‎ That would go down poorly in the US, however. “The idea that the government would take over driverless cars and treat them as a public good would get absolutely nowhere here,” says Calo.‎ ‎1.What does the phrase “death valley” in Paragraph 2 refer to? ‎ A.A place where cars often break down.‎ B.A case where passing a law is impossible.‎ C.An area where no driving is permitted. ‎ D.A situation where drivers' role is not clear.‎ 解析:考查推理判断。根据下文“the grey area between...the driverless future”对“死亡谷”的解释,可知这里的“死亡谷”指的是:半自动驾驶与完全无人驾驶的汽车之间的这片中间区域(界线不明、难以界定的领域),故应指驾驶员的角色不明朗的情景,D项描述与之吻合。‎ ‎2.The proposal put forward by Dobrindt aims to______.‎ A.stop people from breaking traffic rules B.help promote fully automatic driving C.protect drivers of all ages and races D.prevent serious property damage 解析:考查推理判断。根据第三段提到德国交通部长希望的三件事以及第四段说交通道路法规中关于自主驾驶车辆的这种变化将会允许完全自主驾驶的车辆投入使用(permit fully automatic driving)可知,选B。‎ ‎3.What do consumers think of the operation of driverless cars? ‎ A.It should get the attention of insurance companies.‎ B.It should be the main concern of law makers.‎ C.It should not cause deadly traffic accidents.‎ D.It should involve no human responsibility.‎ 解析:考查推理判断。题干询问消费者(乘客)对于无人驾驶汽车的看法,在谈到谁应承担无人驾驶车辆的责任时,第七段说,当你说无人驾驶车辆的时候,人们以为是没有司机,从这些信息可以推断出,消费者在这种情况下会觉得没有为无人驾驶车辆的安全问题负责的人,故选D。‎ ‎4.Driverless vehicles in public transport see no bright future in ____ ____.‎ A.Singapore  B.the ‎UK C.the US D.‎Germany 解析:考查细节理解。在谈到无人驾驶车辆在各国的前景时,最后两段谈到在英国和新加坡,由政府提供的无人驾驶车辆正在投入使用,但是在美国这种情况就会很糟糕(go down poorly in the US),在这里,认为政府会接管无人驾驶车辆,把它们作为对公众有益的事物,这是完全行不通的(would get absolutely nowhere),由此推断,作者觉得这种无人驾驶车辆在美国没有发展前景。故选C。‎ ‎5.What could be the best title for the passage? ‎ A.Autonomous Driving: Whose Liability?‎ B.Fully Automatic Cars: A New Breakthrough C.Autonomous Vehicles: Driver Removed!‎ D.Driverless Cars: Root of Road Accidents 解析:考查主旨大意。全文把德国交通部长的提议作为引入,讲述了无人驾驶车辆的法律责任的认定,无人驾驶车辆在遇到车祸时首先应该保障的是车辆还是乘客的安全等问题,因此选A。‎ ‎【变式探究】 (2017·全国Ⅰ,C) ‎ Some of the world's most famous musicians recently gathered in Paris and New Orleans to celebrate the first annual International Jazz Day. UNESCO(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) recently set April 30 as a day to raise awareness of jazz music, its significance, and its potential as a unifying(联合) voice across cultures.‎ Despite the celebrations, though, in the U.S. the jazz audience continues to shrink and grow older, and the music has failed to connect with younger generations.‎ It's Jason Moran's job to help change __that__. As the Kennedy‎ ‎Center's artistic adviser for jazz, Moran hopes to widen the audience for jazz, make the music more accessible, and preserve its history and culture.‎ ‎“Jazz seems like it's not really a part of the American appetite,” Moran tells National Public Radio's reporter ‎ Neal Conan. “What I'm hoping to accomplish is that my generation and younger start to reconsider and understand that jazz is not black or white anymore. It's actually colorful, and it's actually digital.”‎ Moran says one of the problems with jazz today is that the entertainment aspect of the music has been lost. “The music can't be presented today the way it was in 1908 or 1958. It has to continue to move, because the way the world works is not the same,” says Moran.‎ Last year, Moran worked on a project that arranged Fats Waller's music for a dance party, “just to kind of put it back in the mind that Waller is dance music as much as it is concert music,” says Moran. “For me, it's the recontextualization. In music, where does the emotion(情感) lie? Are we, as humans, gaining any insight(感悟) on how to talk about ourselves and how something as abstract as a Charlie Parker record gets us into a dialogue about our emotions and our thoughts? Sometimes we lose sight that the music has a wider context,” says Moran, “so I want to continue those dialogues. Those are the things I want to foster.”‎ 文章大意:本文介绍了举办第一届国际爵士乐日的宗旨、当前爵士乐面临的挑战以及如何让爵士乐重新流行的设想。‎ ‎6.Why did UNESCO set April 30 as International Jazz Day? ‎ A.To remember the birth of jazz.‎ B.To protect cultural diversity.‎ C.To encourage people to study music.‎ D.To recognize the value of jazz.‎ ‎7.What does the underlined word “that” in paragraph 3 refer to? ‎ A.Jazz becoming more accessible.‎ B.The production of jazz growing faster.‎ C.Jazz being less popular with the young.‎ D.The jazz audience becoming larger.‎ 解析:考查代词指代。根据语境可知,画线词that指代上段“Despite the celebrations,though,in the U.S.the jazz audience continues to shrink and grow older,and the music has failed to connect with younger generations”的内容,即爵士乐听众的数量减少并且趋于老龄化,不受年轻人喜欢的现状。故选C。‎ ‎8.What can we infer about Moran's opinion on jazz? ‎ A.It will disappear gradually.‎ B.It remains black and white.‎ C.It should keep up with the times.‎ D.It changes every 50 years.‎ 解析:考查推理判断。根据第五段的内容尤其是“It has to continue to move, because the way the world works is not the same”可知,由于时代在改变,人们的娱乐方式已经发生改变,所以爵士乐应该随着时代改变,才能吸引更多的听众。故选C。‎ ‎9.Which of the following can be the best title for the text? ‎ A.Exploring the Future of Jazz B.The Rise and Fall of Jazz C.The Story of a Jazz Musician D.Celebrating the Jazz Day 解析:考查主旨要义。本文介绍了为保护爵士乐,联合国教科文组织设立国际爵士乐日。纵观全文内容尤其是第三至第六段中提到的杰森·莫兰对爵士乐的看法及希望可知,A项“探索爵士乐的未来”作本文标题最佳。‎ ‎【命题热点突破二】语义转换题 根据近几年的高考题来看,高考细节理解题的答案的得出通常需要考生对选项进行一定的处理,即需要将题目信息与原文相关信息进行语意上的转换,两者存在表达上的差异,有时需要进行加工或整理方能得出结论。‎ 例2、【2018·全国II】阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ A Summer Activities Students should read the list with their parents/careers, and select two activities they ‎ would like to do. Forms will be available in school and online for them to indicate their choices and return to school. Before choices are finalised, parents/careers will be asked to ‎ sign to confirm their child’s choices.‎ Activity Description Member of staff Cost Outdoor Adventure Take yourself out of Mr. Clemens ‎£140 ‎ ‎ (OUT)‎ ‎ your comfort zone for a week, discover new personal qualities, and learn new skills. You will be able to take part in a number of activities from canoeing to wild camping on Dartmoor. Learn rock climbing and work as a team, and enjoy the great outdoor environment.‎ WWI Battlefields ‎ and Paris ‎(WBP)‎ On Monday we travel to London. After staying overnight in London, we travel on Day 2 to northern France to visit the World War I battlefields. On Day 3 we cross into Belgium. Thursday sees us make the short journey to Paris where we will visit Disneyland Paris park, staying until late to see the parade and the fireworks. Our final day, Friday, sees us visit central Paris and tour the main sights. ‎ Mrs. Milson ‎£425‎ Crafty Four days of product Mrs. Goode ‎£30‎ Foxes ‎(CRF)‎ ‎ design centred around textiles. Making lovely objects using recycled and made materials. Bags, cushions and decorations...Learn skills and leave with modern and unusual textiles.‎ Potty about Potter ‎(POT)‎ Visit Warner Bros Studio, shop stop to buy picnic, stay overnight in an approved Youth Hostel in Streatley-on -Thames, guided tour of Oxford to see the film locations, picnic lunch outside Oxford’s Christchurch, boating on the River Cherwell through the University Parks, before heading back to Exeter.‎ Miss Drake ‎£150‎ ‎21. Which activity will you choose if you want to go camping?‎ A. OUT. B. WBP. C. CRF. D. POT.‎ ‎22. What will the students do on Tuesday with Mrs. Wilson?‎ A. Travel to London. ‎ B. See a parade and fireworks.‎ C. Tour central Paris.‎ D. Visit the WWI battlefields.‎ ‎23. How long does Potty about Potter last?‎ A. Two days. B. Four days.‎ C. Five days. D. One week.‎ ‎【答案】21. A 22. D 23. A ‎【解析】本文是一篇广告布告类说明文。文中讲述了家长和孩子一起挑选可以参加的活动。文中分别对这些活动的名称,活动内容,活动特色和活动组织工作人员还有活动的价格进行了详细的描述。‎ ‎21. 细节理解题。根据题干中的go camping,我们可以迅速浏览到第一个活动当中的wild camping (野外露营)这个关键信息。故选A。‎ ‎23. 细节理解题。根据题干中的信息Potty about Potter last我们从最后一种活动来寻找答案。关键信息overnight意为“一夜的逗留”。故这个活动是持续两天。故选A。 ‎ ‎【变式探究】(2017·全国Ⅲ,D) ‎ The Intelligent Transport team at Newcastle University have turned an electric car into a mobile laboratory named “DriveLAB” in order to understand the challenges faced by older drivers and to discover where the key stress points are.‎ Research shows that giving up driving is one of the key reasons for a fall in health and well-being among older people, leading to them becoming more isolated(隔绝) and inactive.‎ Led by Professor Phil Blythe, the Newcastle team are developing in-vehicle technologies for older drivers which they hope could help them to continue driving into later life.‎ These include custom-made navigation(导航) tools, night vision systems and intelligent speed adaptations. Phil Blythe explains: “For many older people, particularly those living alone or in the country, driving is important for preserving their independence, giving them the freedom to get out and about without having to rely on others.”‎ ‎“But we all have to accept that as we get older our reactions slow down and this often results in people avoiding any potentially challenging driving conditions and losing confidence in their driving skills. The result is that people stop driving before they really need to.”‎ Dr Amy Guo, the leading researcher on the older driver study, explains: “The DriveLAB is helping us to understand what the key points and difficulties are for older drivers and how we might use technology to address these problems.‎ ‎”For example, most of us would expect older drivers always go slower than everyone else but surprisingly, we found that in ‎30mph zones they struggled to keep at a constant speed and so were more likely to break the speed limit and be at risk of getting fined. We're looking at the benefits of systems which control their speed as a way of preventing that.‎ ‎“We hope that our work will help with technological solutions(解决方案) to ensure that older drivers stay safer behind the wheel.”‎ 文章大意:本文是一篇科普说明文,介绍了智能交通团队建立移动实验室,研究老年人开车存在的问题和难点,帮助老年人安全驾驶。‎ ‎1.What is the purpose of the DriveLAB? ‎ A.To explore new means of transport.‎ B.To design new types of cars.‎ C.To find out older driver's problems.‎ D.To teach people traffic rules.‎ 解析:考查推理判断。根据第一段最后一句中的“in order to understand the challenges faced by older drivers and to discover where the key stress points are”可知,建立实验室的目的是要找出老年人开车有困难的地方,故选C。 ‎ ‎2.Why is driving important for older people according to Phil Blythe? ‎ A.It keeps them independent.‎ B.It helps them save time.‎ C.It builds up their strength.‎ D.It cures their mental illnesses.‎ 解析:考查细节理解。根据第四段中的“For many older people,particularly those living alone or in the country,driving is important for preserving their independence,giving them the freedom to get out and about without having to rely on others”可知,对于老年人来说,开车对保持他们生活的独立性至关重要,故选A。‎ ‎3.What do researchers hope to do for older drivers? ‎ A.Improve their driving skills.‎ B.Develop driver-assist technologies.‎ C.Provide tips on repairing their cars.‎ D.Organize regular physical checkups.‎ 解析:考查推理判断。根据第三段中的“the Newcastle team are developing in—vehicle technologies for older ‎ drivers which they hope could help them to continue driving into later life”可知,研究者正在研发车载式的技术以帮助老年人晚年依然能开车,故选B。‎ ‎4.What is the best title for the text? ‎ A.A new Model Electric Car B.A Solution to Traffic Problems C.Driving Services for Elders D.Keeping Older Drivers on the Road 解析:考查标题判断。本文的关键词是老年人驾车,重点讲述了为了让他们安全驾车所进行的研究。故选D。‎ ‎【变式探究】(2017·天津,A)‎ Suppose you're in a rush, feeling tired, not paying attention to your screen, and you send an email that could get you in trouble.‎ Realisation will probably set in seconds after you've clicked “send”. You freeze in horror and burn with shame.‎ What to do? Here are four common email accidents, and how to recover.‎ Clicking “send” too soon Don't waste your time trying to find out if the receiver has read it yet. Write another email as swiftly as you can and send it with a brief title explaining that this is the correct version and the previous version should be ignored.‎ Writing the wrong name The sooner you notice, the better. Respond quickly and briefly, apologising for your mistake. Keep the tone measured: don't handle it too lightly, as people can be offended, especially if your error suggests a misunderstanding of their culture (i.e. incorrect ordering of Chinese names).‎ Clicking “reply all” unintentionally You accidentally reveal(透露)to the entire company what menu choices you would prefer at the staff Christmas dinner, or what holiday you'd like to take. In this instance, the best solution is to send a quick, light-hearted apology to explain your awkwardness. But it can quickly rise to something worse, when everyone starts hitting “reply all” to join in a long and unpleasant conversation. In this instance, step away from your keyboard to allow everyone to calm down.‎ Sending an offensive message to its subject The most awkward email mistake is usually committed in anger. You write an unkind message about someone, intending to send it to a friend, but accidentally send it to the person you're discussing. In that case, ask to speak in person as soon as possible and say sorry. Explain your frustrations calmly and sensibly—see it as an opportunity to clear up any difficulties you may have with this person.‎ 文章大意:这是一篇应用文。匆忙之中或心不在焉时发送电子邮件出现错误怎么办?比如,邮件还没写好就发送了,把收件人的名字拼写错了,个人邮件被你误发给了所有人,或者把埋怨的邮件误发给了被你吐槽的那个人。本文告诉我们出现这些情况时我们该如何补救。‎ ‎5.After realising an email accident, you are likely to feel____ ____.‎ A.curious       B.tired ‎ C.awful D.funny ‎ ‎6.If you have written the wrong name in an email, it is best to ____ ____.‎ A.apologise in a serious manner B.tell the receiver to ignore the error C.learn to write the name correctly D.send a short notice to everyone 解析:考查细节理解。根据题干中的“written the wrong name”可把答案定位在第五段,该部分提出建议说,此时赶紧给对方发一个简短的回复,为自己的错误道歉(apologising for your mistake),而且要注意道歉pologizingandle it too lightly),这与A项的陈述是一致的’‎ ‎7.What should you do when an unpleasant conversation is started by your “reply all” email? ‎ A.Try offering other choices.‎ B.Avoid further involvement.‎ C.Meet other staff members.‎ D.Make a light-hearted apology.‎ 解析:考查细节理解。根据题干的内容可把答案定位至第六段,这部分提到,如果你不小心点了“回复所有人”,可能有人会就此开始回复不太友好的话,此时你最好离开电脑键盘(step away from your keyboard),以便让大家都冷静下来。这与B项的陈述相吻合,表示“避免继续卷入(这样的对话)”。‎ ‎8.How should you deal with the problem caused by an offensive email? ‎ A.By promising not to offend the receiver again.‎ B.By seeking support from the receiver's friends.‎ C.By as’ing the receiver to control his anger.‎ D.By talking to the receiver face to face.‎ 解析:考查细节理解。根据题干中的“offensive email”可把答案定位在最后一段。这部分提到,在出现冒犯对方的情况时,要尽快亲自向对方道歉。故选D。‎ ‎9.What is the passage mainly about? ‎ A.Defining email errors.‎ B.Reducing email mistakes.‎ C.Handling email accidents.‎ D.Improving email writing.‎ 解析:考查主旨要义。通读全文,尤其是第三段的内容可知,本文主要介绍的是发送电子邮件出现问题时人们该如何面对和补救,因此C项最能概括本文的主题。‎ ‎【特别提醒】‎ 考生在解答文章主旨大意类试题时,常会出现看懂文章却做错题这一现象。因为考生在选择文章主旨大意时,常会犯以偏概全的错误。要避免出现这种错误,考生首先要明白自己懂的是全文的中心思想还是细节,懂的是全部词汇的字面意思还是其蕴含的意义;然后以“三主一问”作为解题思路。“三主”指文章的主题思想、文章的结构主线和关键句的主谓结构。“一问”指根据文章后面所设的问题来发问:此题的考查点是什么?考生一定要读懂题干,这样在阅读文章时才能站得高,看得远,从而知全局。‎ ‎【命题热点突破五】标题归纳题 标题是文章中心思想的精炼表达形式。文章标题既考查考生把握全文主题和理解中心思想的能力,又要求考生在理解全文的基础上能较好地运用概括、归纳、判断等逻辑思维方法对文章的主题和中心进行高度的概括或提炼,并迅速而准确地选择文章的标题。考生在做标题归纳类试题时要注意标题的三个特性,即醒目性、概括性和针对性。‎ 例5、【2018·天津卷】阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ A Fire Prevention Information The University of Adelaide employs a full-time staff of fire prevention professionals. They inspect all campus buildings and test and maintain all sprinkler(喷水灭火装置)systems fire alarms and fire extinguishers (灭火器).‎ ‎ They also provide educational programs or fire safety in the residence hall. Whenever you move to a new area, you should locate the fire alarm pull stations and the two exits nearest your room.‎ Fire Alarms The floors of all campus buildings are equipped with manual(手动的)fire alarm systems which include fire alarm pull stations and pipes. Most are also equipped with automatic fire alarm systems consisting of heat detectors, smoke detectors and sprinklers. For your safety, never tamper with(胡乱摆弄)these systems. False fire alarms are illegal and may lead to imprisonment.‎ Fire Drills A fire drill will be conducted in your residence hall every semester. During a fire drill, please do the following:‎ ‎·Take your room key and ID, close and lock the door to your room.‎ ‎·Exit immediately from the nearest emergency exit do not use a lift.‎ ‎·Meet outside of your residence hall and wait for further instructions.‎ Fire Extinguishers Fire extinguishers are located on each floor and in each apartment. Use a fire extinguisher only if you have been trained to do so. Irresponsible use of a fire extinguisher can create a dangerous situation for other residents and could result in damage to personal property.‎ Misuse of a fire extinguisher will result in fines.‎ Smoke Detector A smoke detector is on the ceiling in your room. Some buildings also have heat detectors on the ceilings. Do the following to ensure the safe operation of your smoke detector:‎ ‎·If your smoke detector is working properly, the red light should be on. If the red light is not blinking(闪动),contact residence hall staff immediately.‎ ‎·Do not cover or block your smoke detector in any way.‎ ‎·If a smoke detector sets off an alarm and there is no fire or smoke, inform your hall staff.‎ ‎36. What is the main duty of the fire prevention professionals?‎ A. To provide part-time jobs for students.‎ B. To lead the students to the nearest exits.‎ C. To check and maintain fire prevention equipment.‎ D. To train teachers to be fire prevention professionals.‎ ‎37. What do the automatic fire alarm systems include?‎ A. Pipes and smoke detectors.‎ B. Smoke detectors and sprinklers.‎ C. Fire alarm pull stations and pipes.‎ D. Sprinklers and fire alarm pull stations ‎38. In a fire drill, the students should ________.‎ A. rush quickly to a lift B. gather at the nearest exit.‎ C. shut the door and leave at once D. wait for instructions in the hall ‎39. What do we know about the use of fire extinguishers?‎ A. Using them wrongly results in punishment.‎ B. Irresponsible use of them can damage them.‎ C. Improper use of them can destroy the apartment.‎ D. Using them without a trainer present is forbidden.‎ ‎40. To ensure the safe operation of the smoke detector, one should_________.‎ A. contact the hall staff regularly B. cover the things that burn easily C. start the smoke detector in a fire D. make certain the red light is working ‎【答案】36. C 37. B 38. C 39. A 40. D ‎【解析】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要从火警、消防训练、灭火器和烟雾探测器的使用等方面介绍了一些防火信息。‎ ‎37. 细节理解题。根据文章Fire Alarms中的句子Most are also equipped with automatic fire alarm systems consisting heat detectors, smoke detectors and sprinklers.可知,火灾自动报警系统由热探测器、烟雾探测器和喷头组成。故选B。‎ ‎38. 细节理解题。根据文章Fire Drills中的句子Take your room key and ID, close and lock the door to your room.和Exit immediately from the nearest emergency exit do not use a lift.可知,在消防演习中,学生锁好门并立即从最近的紧急出口离开。故选C。‎ ‎39. 细节理解题。根据文章Fire Extinguishers中的句子Misuse of a fire extinguisher will result in fines.可知,误用灭火器会导致罚款。故选A。‎ ‎40. 细节理解题。根据文章Smoke Detector中的句子If your smoke detector is working properly, the red light should be on. If the red light is not blinking(闪动),contact residence hall staff immediately.可知,烟雾探测器是否安全运行,看红灯是否闪动。故选D。‎ ‎【变式探究】Your house may have an effect on your figure.Experts say the way you design your home could play a role in whether you pack on the pounds or keep them off.You can make your environment work for you instead of against you.Here are some ways to turn your home into part of your diet plan.‎ Open the curtains and turn up the lights.Dark environments are more likely to encourage overeating,for people are often less self-conscious(难为情) when they’re in poorly lit places—and so more likely to eat lots of food.If your home ‎ doesn’t have enough window light,get more lamps and flood the place with brightness.‎ Mind the colors.Research suggests warm colors fuel our appetites.In one study,people who ate meals in a blue room consumed 33 percent less than those in a yellow or red room.Warm colors like yellow make food appear more appetizing,while cold colors make us feel less hungry.So when it’s time to repaint,go blue.‎ Don’t forget the clock—or the radio.People who eat slowly tend to consume about 70 fewer calories(卡路里) per meal than those who rush through their meals.Begin keeping track of the time,and try to make dinner last at least 30 minutes.And while you’re at it,actually sit down to eat.If you need some help slowing down,turn on relaxing music.It makes you less likely to rush through a meal.‎ Downsize the dishes.Big serving bowls and plates can easily make us fat.We eat about 22 percent more when using a 12-inch plate instead of a 10-inch plate.When we choose a large spoon over a smaller one,total intake(摄入) jumps by 14 percent.And we’ll pour about 30 percent more liquid into a short,wide glass than a tall,skinny glass.‎ ‎8.What can be a suitable title for the text?_______ ‎ A.Is Your House Making You Fat? ‎ B.Ways of Serving Dinner ‎ C.Effects of Self-Consciousness ‎ D.Is Your Home Environment Relaxing? ‎ 解析:标题归纳题。本文主要介绍了墙壁的颜色、房间的亮度、吃饭的速度以及吃饭时使用的器皿大小等都与一个人的身材有关。因此A项“你的房子正让你发胖吗?”最适合做文章标题。B项“提供正餐的方式”,C项 “自我意识的作用”,D项“你家的环境令人放松吗?”,均与本文的主题不符。 ‎ 答案:A ‎【特别提醒】 ‎ 选定标题的四大标准:(1)精——概括文章中心思想的语言要精练;(2)准——注意文章的内涵和外延,作者的观点表达得要准确;(3)统——标题要能统领文章的细节信息;(4)新——标题要新颖,对读者有吸引力,能激发读者的阅读兴趣。 所以选择标题时我们要做到:(1)要在阅读原文的基础上,仔 细考虑所给选项与文章主题是否有密切的联系。(2)看它对文章的概括是否准确,覆盖面是否够广。注意避免下列三种错 误:①概括不够(多表现为以部分代替整体,从而导致范围太小);②过度概括(多表现为人为地扩大范围);③以具体细节替代主旨大意。 ‎ ‎【高考真题解读】‎ ‎【2018·全国I】阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ A ‎ Washington, D.C. Bicycle Tours Cherry Blossom Bike Tour in Washington, D.C.‎ Duration Tour This small group bike tour is a fantastic way to see a world-famous cherry trees with beautiful flowers of Washington, D.C. Your guide will provide a history lesson about the trees and the famous monuments where they blossom. Reserve your spot before availability — the cherry blossoms—disappear!‎ Washington Capital Monuments Bicycle Tour Duration:3 hours (4 miles)‎ Join a guided bike tour and view some of the most popular monuments in Washington, D.C. Explore the monuments and memorials on the National Mall as your guide shares unique facts and history at each stop. Guided tour includes bike, helmet, cookies and bottled water. ‎ A. She enjoys embarrassing her guests. B. She has started a new programme.‎ C. She dislikes working early in the morning. D. She has had a light budget for her family.‎ ‎25. How does Matt Tebbutt help Susanna?‎ A. He buys cooking materials for her. B. He prepares food for her kids.‎ C. He assists her in cooking matters. D. He invites guest families for her.‎ ‎26. What does the author intend to do in paragraph 4?‎ A. Summarize the previous paragraphs. B. Provide some advice for the readers.‎ C. Add some background information. D. Introduce a new topic for discussion.‎ ‎27. What can be a suitable title for the text?‎ A. Keeping Fit by Eating Smart B. Balancing Our Daily Diet C. Making yourself a Perfect Chef D. Cooking Well for Less ‎【答案】24. B 25. C 26. C 27. D ‎【解析】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了一档英国系列电视节目,给观众介绍如何减少食物浪费以及如何以较少的预算做出美味佳肴。‎ ‎24. 细节理解题。根据文章第一段知道Good Morning Britain’s Susanna Reid is used to grilling guests on the sofa every morning, but she is cooking up a storm in her latest role可知,她开辟了一个新的节目。故选B。‎ ‎25. 细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的In Save Money: Good Food, she visits a different home each week and with the help of chef Matt Tebbutt offers top tips on how to reduce food waste, while preparing recipes for under £5 per family a day.可知, Susanna 在Matt Tebbutt的帮助下,提供如何减少食物浪费同时给每日生活费低于5英镑的每个家庭准备食谱。故选C。解题关键词:同义词表达with the help of和help。‎ ‎26. 写作意图题。根据文章第四段中的which gave viewers advice on how to get value from the vast range of health products on the market.可知,Save Money: Good Food节目是Save Money: Good Health节目之后,给观众一些建议:如何从市场上众多的健康产品中获取价值。也就是给这个节目补充背景信息,故选C。‎ ‎27. 主旨要义题。根据文章的整体内容可知,文章作者一直在讲如何用较少的钱做出好的食物。根据文章中的prepare delicious and nutritious meals on a tight budget.(在资金紧张的情况下,准备可口且有营养的饭菜);how to reduce food waste, while preparing recipes for under £5 per family a day. 如何减少食物浪费同时花费低于£5的一个家庭一整天的食谱;how cheaply we can make this food ourselves. 我们自己做这种食物有多便宜;less expensive but still tasty recipes.不贵但仍然可口的食谱。故D项Cooking Well for Less是最佳标题。‎ ‎ ‎ C Languages have been coming and going for thousands of years, but in recent times there has been less coming and a lot more going. When the the world was still populated by hunter-gatherers,small, tightly knit (联系)groups developed their own patterns of speech independent of each other.Some language experts believe that 10,000 years ago, when the world had just five to ten million people, they spoke perhaps 12,000 languages between them.‎ Soon afterwards, many of those people started settling down to become farmers, and their languages too became more settled and fewer in number. In recent centres, trade,industrialisation. the development of the nation-state and the spread of universal compulsory education. Especially glbalisation and better communications in the past few decades,all have caused many Languages to disappear,and dominant languages such as English.Spanish and Chinese are increasingly taking over.‎ At present, the world has about 6 800 languages. The distribution of these languages is hugely uneven. The general rule is that mild zones have relatively few languages. Often spoken by many people while hot. wet zones have lots, often spoken by small numbers.Europe has only around 200 Languages: the Americas about 1,000. Africa 2 400; and Asia and the Pacific perhaps 3,200, of which Papua New Guinea alone accounts for well over 800. The median number (中位数)of speakers is a mere 6.000, which means that half the worlds languages are spoken by fewer people than that.z.x.xk Already well over 400 of the total of, 6,800 languages are close to extinction(消亡), with only a few elderly speakers left. Pick, at random, Busuu in Cameroon (eight remaining speakers),Chiapaneco in Mexico(150). Lipan Apache in the United States(two or three)or Wadjigu in Australia (one, with a question-mark): none of these seems to have much chance of survival.‎ ‎28. What can we infer about languages in huntergatherer times?‎ A. They developed very fast. B. They were large in number.‎ C. They had similar patters. D. They were closely connected ‎29. Which of the following best explains"dominant " underlined in paragraph 2?‎ A. Complex. B. Advanced.‎ C. Powerful. D. Modem.‎ ‎30. How many languages are spoken by less than 6, 000 people at present?‎ A. About 6 800 B. About 3 400‎ C. About 2.400 D. About 1-200‎ ‎31. What is the min idea of the text?‎ A. New languages will be created.‎ B. Peoples lifestyles are reflected in languages C. Human development results in fewer languages D. Geography determines language evolution.‎ ‎【答案】28. B 29. C 30. B 31. C ‎【解析】本文是一篇议论文。文章讲述了随着社会的发展人类语言越来越少及其原因。‎ ‎28. 推理判断题。根据文章第一段中的When the world was still populated by hunter-gatherers, small, tightly knit (联系) groups developed their own patterns of speech independent of each other... when the world had just five to ten million people, they spoke perhaps 12,000 languages between them.可知,当世界以依靠狩猎为生的人居住的时候,小而联系紧密的群落形成了他们彼此之间独立的讲话模式。当世界上的人口数量不到一千万时,语言种类达到了12000种。由此推知,当时的语言种类很多。故选B。‎ ‎30. 细节理解题。根据文章第三段中的At present, the world has about 6,800 languages.和The median number (中位数) of speakers is a mere 6,000, which means that half the world’s languages are spoken by fewer people than that. 可知,目前世界上大约有6800种语言,但是讲的人数少于6000人的占一半即3400。故选B。‎ ‎31. 主旨要义题。根据文章第一段中的主题句Languages have been coming and going for thousands of years, but in recent times there has been less coming and a lot more going.可知,语言的产生和消失进行了几千年,但最近时代语言产生的少,消失的太多。故选C。 ‎ B. See a parade and fireworks.‎ C. Tour central Paris.‎ D. Visit the WWI battlefields.‎ ‎23. How long does Potty about Potter last?‎ A. Two days. B. Four days.‎ C. Five days. D. One week.‎ ‎【答案】21. A 22. D 23. A ‎【解析】本文是一篇广告布告类说明文。文中讲述了家长和孩子一起挑选可以参加的活动。文中分别对这些活动的名称,活动内容,活动特色和活动组织工作人员还有活动的价格进行了详细的描述。‎ ‎23. 细节理解题。根据题干中的信息Potty about Potter last我们从最后一种活动来寻找答案。关键信息overnight意为“一夜的逗留”。故这个活动是持续两天。故选A。‎ ‎ ‎ B Many of us love July because it’s the month when nature’s berries and stone fruits are in abundance. These colourful and sweet jewels form British Columbia’s fields are little powerhouses of nutritional protection.‎ Of the common berries, strawberries are highest in vitamin C, although, because of their seeds, raspberries contain a little more protein (蛋白质), iron and zinc (not that fruits have much protein). Blueberries are particularly high in antioxidants (抗氧化物质). The yellow and orange stone fruits such as peaches are high in the carotenoids we turn into vitamin A and which are antioxidants. As for cherries (樱桃), they are so delicious who cares? However, they are rich in vitamin C.‎ When combined with berries of slices of other fruits, frozen bananas make an excellent base for thick, cooling fruit shakes and low fat “ice cream”. For this purpose, select ripe bananas for freezing as they are much sweeter. Remove the skin and place them in plastic bags or containers and freeze. If you like, a squeeze of fresh lemon juice on the bananas will prevent them turning brown. Frozen bananas will last several weeks, depending on their ripeness and the temperature of the freezer.zx.x.k If you have a juicer, you can simply feed in frozen bananas and some berries or sliced fruit. Out comes a “soft-serve” creamy dessert, to be eaten right away. This makes a fun activity for a children’s party; they love feeding the fruit and frozen bananas into the top of the machine and watching the ice cream come out below.‎ ‎24. What does the author seem to like about cherries?‎ A. They contain protein. B. They are high in vitamin A.‎ C. They have a pleasant taste. D. They are rich in antioxidants.‎ ‎25. Why is fresh lemon juice used in freezing bananas?‎ A. To make them smell better. B. To keep their colour.‎ C. To speed up their ripening. D. To improve their nutrition.‎ ‎26. What is “a juicer” in the last paragraph?‎ A. A dessert. B. A drink.‎ C. A container. D. A machine.‎ ‎27. From which is the text probably taken?‎ A. A biology textbook. B. A health magazine.‎ C. A research paper. D. A travel brochure.‎ ‎【答案】24. C 25. B 26. D 27. B ‎【解析】本文是一篇日常生活类说明文。文中讲述了人们热爱水果丰盛的7月,这时候各种水果营养丰富且含有对人体有益的微量元素,尤其是香蕉。我们可以利用它做一些孩子喜欢的甜点或冰淇淋。‎ ‎24. 细节理解题。题干问的是,作者喜欢樱桃什么。根据第二段中As for cherries (樱桃), they are so delicious who cares?(至于樱桃,因为它们很好吃谁在乎呢?)可知,作者在乎的是它的美味。故选C。‎ ‎25. 细节理解题。根据第三段中的If you like, a squeeze of fresh lemon juice on the bananas will prevent them turning brown.可知,往香蕉上滴新鲜的柠檬汁是为了防止香蕉变成褐色,故新鲜的柠檬汁是被用来保持香蕉的颜色的。故选B。‎ ‎26. 词义猜测题。根据最后一段中they love feeding the fruit and frozen bananas into the top of the machine and watching the ice cream come out below可知,孩子们喜欢把一些水果和冷冻的香蕉放入到这台机器的上部,然后看到冰激凌从下面出来。故可以推出a juicer就是一台机器。故选D。‎ ‎27. 文章出处题。文章首先指出七月是水果盛产的季节,并指出各种水果富含的营养,最后一段指出我们可以用a juicer为孩子们做一些甜点和冰激凌,故最可能是从健康杂志上摘取的文章。A项意为:生物教科书;B项意为:一本健康杂志;C项意为:一篇研究论文;D项意为:一本旅游手册。故选B。‎ C ‎ Teens and younger children are reading a lot less for fun, according to a Common Sense Media report published Monday.‎ ‎ While the decline over the past decade is steep for teen readers, some data in the report shows that reading remains a big part of many children’s lives, and indicates how parents might help encourage more reading.‎ ‎ According to the report’s key findings, “the proportion (比例) who say they ‘hardly ever’ read for fun has gone from 8 percent of 13-year-olds and 9 percent of 17-year-olds in 1984 to 22 percent and 27 percent respectively today.”‎ ‎ The report data shows that pleasure reading levels for younger children, ages 2—8, remain largely the same. But the amount of time spent in reading each session has declined, from closer to an hour or more to closer to a half hour per session.zxx.k ‎ When it comes to technology and reading, the report does little to counsel(建议) parents looking for data about the effect of e-readers and tablets on reading. It does point out that many parents still limit electronic reading, mainly due to concerns about increased screen time.‎ ‎ The most hopeful data shared in the report shows clear evidence of parents serving as examples and important guides for their kids when it comes to reading. Data shows that kids and teens who do read frequently, compared to infrequent readers, have more books in the home, more books purchased for them, parents who read more often, and parents who set aside time for them to read.‎ ‎ As the end of school approaches, and school vacation reading lists loom(逼近) ahead, parents might take this chance to step in and make their own summer reading list and plan a family trip to the library or bookstore.‎ ‎28. What is the Common Sense Media report probably about?‎ A. Children’s reading habits.‎ B. Quality of children’s books.‎ C. Children’s after-class activities.‎ D. Parent-child relationships.‎ ‎29. Where can you find the data that best supports "children are reading a lot less for fun"?‎ A. In paragraph 2. B. In paragraph 3.‎ C. In paragraph 4. D. In paragraph 5.‎ ‎30. Why do many parents limit electronic reading?‎ A. E-books are of poor quality.‎ B. It could be a waste of time.‎ C. It may harm children’s health.‎ D. E-readers are expensive.‎ ‎31. How should parents encourage their children to read more?‎ A. Act as role models for them.‎ B. Ask then to write book reports.‎ C. Set up reading groups for them.‎ D. Talk with their reading class teachers.‎ ‎【答案】28. A 29. B 30. C 31. A ‎28. 推理判断题。题干问的是这篇报道可能是关于什么内容。根据整篇文章,我们可以看出这篇报道讲述了孩子们阅读的乐趣,孩子们阅读的时间,孩子们阅读方式和父母对孩子阅读的影响。A项意为:孩子们的阅读习惯;B项意为:孩子们所读书籍的质量;C项意为:孩子们的课后活动;D项意为:父母与孩子的关系。故选A。‎ ‎29. 推理判断题。根据第三段中的the proportion (比例) who say they ‘hardly ever’ read for fun has gone from 8 percent of 13-year-olds and 9 percent of 17-year-olds in 1984 to 22 percent and 27 percent respectively today.可知,很少为乐趣而阅读的人的比例已经分别从1984年的13岁的8%和17岁的9%上升到现在的22%和27%。也就是说,为乐趣而读书的人越来越少了。故选B。‎ ‎30. 推理判断题。根据倒数第三段最后一句many parents still limit electronic reading, mainly due to concerns about increased screen time可知,许多家长仍然限制电子阅读,主要是由于担心看一些电子屏幕的时间越来越多,也即是担心会伤害孩子们的健康。故选C。‎ ‎31. 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段The most hopeful data shared in the report shows clear evidence of parents serving as examples and important guides for their kids when it comes to reading.可知,有明显的证据表明,父母为孩子们做榜样并为孩子们作重要指导能培养孩子的阅读习惯。也即是说,父母可以通过给孩子们作榜样来鼓励孩子们阅读的。故选A。 ‎ C While famous foreign architects are invited to lead the designs of landmark buildings in China such as the new CCTV tower and the National Center for the Performing Arts, many excellent Chinese architects are making great efforts to take the center stage.‎ Their efforts have been proven fruitful. Wang Shu, a 49-year-old Chinese architect, won the 2012 Pritzker Architecture Prize — which is often referred to as the Nobel Prize in architecture — on February 28. He is the first Chinese citizen to win this award.‎ Wang serves as head of the Architecture Department at the China Academy of Art (CAA). His office is located at the Xiangshan campus(校园) of the university in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. Many buildings on the ‎ campus are his original creations.‎ The style of the campus is quite different from that of most Chinese universities. Many visitors were amazed by the complex architectural space and abundant building types. The curves(曲线) of the buildings perfectly match the rise and fall of hills, forming a unique view.‎ Wang collected more than 7 million abandoned bricks of different ages. He asked the workers to use traditional techniques to make the bricks into walls, roofs and corridors. This creation attracted a lot of attention thanks to its mixture of modern and traditional Chinese elements(元素).‎ Wang’s works show a deep understanding of modern architecture and a good knowledge of traditions. Through such a balance, he had created a new type of Chinese architecture, said Tadao Ando, the winner of the 1995 Pritzker Prize.‎ Wang believes traditions should not be sealed in glass boxes at museums. "That is only evidence that traditions once existed," he said.‎ ‎"Many Chinese people have a misunderstanding of traditions. They think tradition means old things from the past. In fact, tradition also refers to the things that have been developing and that are still being created, " he said.‎ ‎"Today, many Chinese people are learning Western styles and theories rather than focusing on Chinese traditions. Many people tend to talk about traditions without knowing what they really are, " said Wang.‎ The study of traditions should be combined with practice. Otherwise, the recreation of traditions would be artificial and empty, he said.‎ ‎28. Wang’s winning of the prize means that Chinese architects are ___________.‎ A. following the latest world trend B. getting international recognition C. working harder than ever before D. relying on foreign architects ‎29. What impressed visitors to the CAA Xiangshan campus most?‎ A. Its hilly environment.‎ B. Its large size.‎ C. Its unique style.‎ D. Its diverse functions.‎ ‎30. What made Wang’s architectural design a success?‎ A. The mixture of different shapes.‎ B. The balance of East and West.‎ C. The use of popular techniques.‎ D. The harmony of old and new.‎ ‎31. What should we do about Chinese traditions according to Wang?‎ A. Spread them to the world. B. Preserve them at museums.‎ C. Teach them in universities. D. Recreate them in practice.‎ ‎【答案】28. B 29. C 30. D 31. D ‎【解析】这是一篇新闻报道。文章主要报道了中国建筑设计师王澍在其作品中融合中国传统建筑文化,获得了建筑界的诺贝尔奖——普利策奖,这让中国建筑现在得到了国际认可。‎ ‎28. 推理判断题。根据文章第二段的内容可知,王澍获得2012年普利策奖,而普利策奖相当于建筑界的诺贝尔奖,他是第一个获此奖的中国人,故推知中国建筑现在得到了国际认可。故B项正确。‎ ‎29. 细节理解题。根据文章第四段对CAA校园的描述可知,它的设计风格独特,与大多数中国大学的校园很不同,许多游客感对复杂的建筑空间和丰富的建筑类型感到吃惊,故C正确。‎ ‎30. 细节理解题。根据文章第六段1995年普利策奖的获得者Tadao Ando的评语可知,王澍设计的成功之处是把中国传统元素融入现代设计,并保持两者的和谐,故D正确。‎ ‎31. 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段和倒数第三段中In fact, tradition also refers to the things that have been developing and that are still being created可知,传统的研究要与实践相结合,在实践中进行再创造,否则就会是人工的和空的,故D正确。‎ D Adults understand what it feels like to be flooded with objects. Why do we often assume that more is more when it comes to kids and their belongings? The good news is that I can help my own kids learn earlier than I did how to live more with less.‎ I found the pre-holidays a good time to encourage young children to donate less-used things, and it worked. Because of our efforts, our daughter Georgia did decide to donate a large bag of toys to a little girl whose mother was unable to pay for her holiday due to illness. She chose to sell a few larger objects that were less often used when we promised to put the money into her school fund(基金)(our kindergarten daughter is serious about becoming a doctor)‎ For weeks, I've been thinking of bigger, deeper questions: How do we make it a habit for them? And how do ‎ we train ourselves to help them live with, need, and use less? Yesterday, I sat with my son, Shepherd, determined to test my own theory on this. I decided to play with him with only one toy for as long as it would keep his interest. I expected that one toy would keep his attention for about five minutes, ten minutes, max. I chose a red rubber ball-simple, universally available. We passed it, he tried to put it in his mouth, he tried bouncing it, rolling it, sitting on it, throwing it. It was totally, completely enough for him. Before I knew it an hour had passed and it was time to move on to lunch.‎ We both became absorbed in the simplicity of playing together. He had my full attention and I had his. My little experiment to find joy in a single object worked for both of us.‎ ‎32. What do the words “more is more” in paragraph 1 probably mean?‎ A. The more, the better. B. Enough is enough.‎ C. More money, more worries. D. Earn more and spend more.‎ ‎33. What made Georgia agree to sell some of her objects?‎ A. Saving up for her holiday B. Raising money for a poor girl C. Adding the money to her fund D. Giving the money to a sick mother ‎34. Why did the author play the ball with Shepherd?‎ A. To try out an idea B. To show a parent's love C. To train his attention D. To help him start a hobby ‎35. What can be a suitable title for the text?‎ A. Take It or Leave It B. A Lesson from Kids C. Live More with Less D. The Pleasure of Giving ‎【答案】32. A 33. C 34. A 35. C ‎【解析】这是一片夹叙夹议文。文章讲述作者引导孩子主动捐献玩具,并从玩耍简单玩具中获得快乐的做法。‎ ‎34. 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段最后一句My little experiment to find joy in a single object worked for both of us.表明,跟Shepherd玩球是为了测试自己的一种想法是否可行。故选A。‎ ‎35. 主旨大意题。根据文章第一段可知,作者想要教会孩子how to live more with less,而二三段是作者的尝试,故C作标题适合。‎ ‎【2018·浙江卷】阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。‎ A ‎ In 1812, the year Charles Dickens was born, there were 66 novels published in Britain. People had been writing novels for a century—most experts date the first novel to Robinson Crusoe in 1719—‎ but nobody wanted to do it professionally. The steam-powered printing press was still in its early stages; the literacy(识字) rate in England was under 50%. Many works of fiction appeared without the names of the authors, often with something like “By a lady.”Novels, for the most part, were looked upon as silly, immoral, or just plain bad.‎ In 1870, when Dickens died, the world mourned him as its first professional writer and publisher, famous and beloved, who had led an explosion in both the publication of novels and their readership and whose characters — from Oliver Twist to Tiny Tim— were held up as moral touchstones. Today Dickens’ greatness is unchallenged. Removing him from the pantheon(名人堂) of English literature would make about as much sense as the Louvre selling off the Mona Lisa.‎ How did Dickens get to the top? For all the feelings readers attach to stories, literature is a numbers game, and the test of time is extremely difficult to pass. Some 60,000 novels were published during the Victorian age, from 1837 to1901; today a casual reader might be able to name a half-dozen of them. It’s partly true that Dickens’ style of writing attracted audiences ‎ from all walks of life. It’s partly that his writings rode a wave of social, political and scientific progress. But it’s also that he rewrote the culture of literature and put himself at the center. No one will ever know what mix of ‎ talent, ambition, energy and luck made Dickens such a singular writer. But as the 200th anniversary of his birth approaches, it is possible — and important for our own culture—to understand how he made himself a lasting one.‎ ‎21. Which of the following best describes British novels in the 18th century?‎ A. They were difficult to understand.‎ B. They were popular among the rich.‎ C. They were seen as nearly worthless.‎ D. They were written mostly by women.‎ ‎22. Dickens is compared with the Mona Lisa in the text to stress________.‎ A. his reputation in France B. his interest in modern art C. his success in publication D. his importance in literature ‎23. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?‎ A. To remember a great writer.‎ B. To introduce an English novel.‎ C. To encourage studies on culture.‎ D. To promote values of the Victorian age.‎ ‎【答案】21. C 22. D 23. A ‎【解析】本文写于Charles Dickens诞辰200周年前夕,介绍了Charles Dickens在英国小说方面的重要贡献和深远影响。‎ ‎21. 细节理解题。根据第一段对当时情况的描写nobody wanted to do it professionally. The steam-powered printing press was still in its early stages; the literacy(识字)rate in England was under 50%. Many works of fiction appeared without the names of the authors... Novels, for the most part, were looked upon as silly, immoral, or just plain bad.印刷技术落后,人们识字率低,作品上没有作者名字,小说被认为是愚蠢的不正常的,毫无价值可言。故选C。‎ ‎22. 推理判断题。根据第二段Dickens’ greatness is unchallenged.和列举的Charles Dickens小说的影响可知,把他和Mona Lisa相比是为了说明Charles Dickens在英国小说方面的重要性和Mona Lisa在绘画方面的重要性是一样的,故选D。‎ ‎23. 写作意图题。根据文中对Charles Dickens及其作品在英国小说史上重要性的描写,和文章最后But as the 200th anniversary of his birth approaches, it is possible — and important for our own culture—to understand ‎ how he made himself a lasting one.可知本文是写于Charles Dickens诞辰200周年前夕,由此可知作者写本文是为了纪念这位伟大的作家。故选A。‎ B Steven Stein likes to follow garbage trucks. His strange habit makes sense when you consider that he’s an environmental scientist who studies how to reduce litter, including things that fall off garbage trucks as they drive down the road. What is even more interesting is that one of Stein's jobs is defending an industry behind the plastic shopping bags. ‎ Americans use more than 100 billion thin film plastic bags every year. So many end up in tree branches or along highways that a growing number of cities do not allow them at checkouts(收银台) . The bags are prohibited in some 90 cities in California, including Los Angeles. Eyeing these headwinds, plastic-bag makers are hiring scientists like Stein to make the case that their products are not as bad for the planet as most people assume.‎ Among the bag makers' argument: many cities with bans still allow shoppers to purchase paper bags, which are easily recycled but require more energy to produce and transport. And while plastic bags may be ugly to look at, they represent a small percentage of all garbage on the ground today The industry has also taken aim at the product that has appeared as its replacement: reusable shopping bags. The stronger a reusable bag is, the longer its life and the more plastic-bag use it cancels out. However, longer-lasting reusable bags often require more energy to make. One study found that a cotton bag must be used at least 131 times to be better for the planet than plastic.‎ Environmentalists don't dispute(质疑) these points. They hope paper bags will be banned someday too and want shoppers to use the same reusable bags for years.‎ ‎24. What has Steven Stein been hired to do?‎ A. Help increase grocery sales.‎ B. Recycle the waste material.‎ C. Stop things falling off trucks.‎ D. Argue for the use of plastic bags.‎ ‎25. What does the word “headwinds”in paragraph 2 refer to?‎ A. Bans on plastic bags.‎ B. Effects of city development.‎ C. Headaches caused by garbage.‎ D. Plastic bags hung in trees.‎ ‎26. What is a disadvantage of reusable bags according to plastic-bag makers?‎ A. They are quite expensive.‎ B. Replacing them can be difficult.‎ C. They are less strong than plastic bags.‎ D. Producing them requires more energy.‎ ‎27. What is the best title for the text?‎ A. Plastic, Paper or Neither B. Industry, Pollution and Environment C. Recycle or Throw Away D. Garbage Collection and Waste Control ‎【答案】24. D 25. A 26. D 27. A ‎【解析】文章分析了几种购物袋的使用情况,塑料袋造成了环境问题,尽管纸袋容易回收,但生产和运输需要更多的能源,希望消费者使用耐用可重复使用的袋子。‎ ‎25. 词义猜测题。上文介绍在许多美国大城市塑料袋被禁用,看到这种现状,塑料袋生产商雇用Steven Stein等科学家是为了证明他们的产品并不像大多数人想象的那样对地球有害。headwinds“逆风”,此处指塑料袋被禁用的现状,即Bans on plastic bags,故选A。‎ ‎26. 细节理解题。根据第四段However, longer-lasting reusable bags often require more energy to make.可知塑料袋生产商认为生产耐用且能重复使用的袋子需要更多的能量,故选D。 ‎ C There’s a new frontier in 3D printing that’s beginning to come into focus: food. Recent development has made possible machines that print, cook, and serve foods on a mass scale. And the industry isn’t stopping there.‎ Food production With a 3D printer, a cook can print complicated chocolate sculptures and beautiful pieces for decoration on a wedding cake. Not everybody can do that — it takes years of experience, but a printer makes it easy. A restaurant in Spain uses a Foodini to “re-create forms and pieces” of food that are “exactly the same,” freeing cooks to ‎ complete other tasks. In another restaurant, all of the dishes and desserts it serves are 3D-printed,rather than farm to table.‎ Sustainability(可持续性)‎ The global population is expected to grow to 9.6 billion by 2050, and some analysts estimate that food production will need to be raised by 50 percent to maintain current levels. Sustainability is becoming a necessity. 3D food printing could probably contribute to the solution. Some experts believe printers could use hydrocolloids (水解胶体) from plentiful renewables like algae(藻类) and grass to replace the familiar ingredients(烹饪原料). 3D printing can reduce fuel use and emissions. Grocery stores of the future might stock "food" that lasts years on end, freeing up shelf space and reducing transportation and storage requirements.‎ Nutrition Future 3D food printers could make processed food healthier. Hod Lipson, a professor at Columbia University, said, “Food printing could allow consumers to print food with customized nutritional content, like vitamins. So instead of eating a piece of yesterday’s bread from the supermarket, you’d eat something baked just for you on demand.”‎ Challenges Despite recent advancements in 3D food printing, the industry has many challenges to overcome. Currently, most ingredients must be changed to a paste(糊状物) before a printer can use them, and the printing process is quite time-consuming, because ingredients interact with each other in very complex ways. On top of that, most of the 3D food printers now are restricted to dry ingredients, because meat and milk products may easily go bad. Some experts are skeptical about 3D food printers, believing they are better suited for fast food restaurants than homes and high-end restaurants.‎ ‎46. What benefit does 3D printing bring to food production?‎ A. It helps cooks to create new dishes.‎ B. It saves time and effort in cooking.‎ C. It improves the cooking conditions.‎ D. It contributes to restaurant decorations.‎ ‎47. What can we learn about 3D food printing from Paragraphs 3?‎ A. It solves food shortages easily.‎ B. It quickens the transportation of food.‎ C. It needs no space for the storage of food.‎ D. It uses renewable materials as sources of food.‎ ‎48. According to Paragraph 4, 3D-printed food ________.‎ A. is more available to consumers B. can meet individual nutritional needs C. is more tasty than food in supermarkets D. can keep all the nutrition in raw materials ‎49. What is the main factor that prevents 3D food printing from spreading widely?‎ A. The printing process is complicated.‎ B. 3D food printers are too expensive.‎ C. Food materials have to be dry.‎ D. Some experts doubt 3D food printing.‎ ‎50. What could be the best title of the passage?‎ A. 3D Food Printing: Delicious New Technology B. A New Way to Improve 3D Food Printing C. The Challenges for 3D Food Production D. 3D Food Printing: From Farm to Table ‎【答案】46. B 47. D 48. B 49. C 50. A ‎【解析】本文是一篇科普类短文阅读。文章主要介绍了3D打印技术在食物上的应用取得了进展,但目前仍面临着许多方面的挑战。‎ ‎46. 推理判断题。根据文章Food production中叙述了没有经验的人可以用3D打印机做出复杂的巧克力雕塑和美丽的婚礼蛋糕,以及餐厅能够用3D打印出所有的菜肴和甜点,从而可以推断出3D打印的优势是节省了做饭的时间和精力。故选B。‎ ‎47. 细节理解题。根据文章第三段Some experts believe printers could use hydrocolloids (水解胶体) from plentiful renewables like algae(藻类) and grass to replace the familiar ingredients(烹饪原料).可知,3D打印机可以使用可再生材料作为食物来源。故选D。‎ ‎48. 推理判断题。根据文章第四段Food printing could allow consumers to print food with customized nutritional content, like vitamins.(食品打印可以让消费者打印定制营养的食物),从而可以推断出3D打印出来的食物可以满足个人营养需求。故选B。‎ ‎49. 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段most of the 3D food printers now are restricted to dry ingredients, because meat and milk products may easily go bad.可知,阻止3D 打印食物进一步广泛使用的原因是原料必须是干的,含水多的肉和牛奶不能应用于3D打印因为很容易坏。故选C。 ‎ ‎43. 细节理解题。根据文章第三段Federica Bertocchini, co-author of the study, says the worms’ ability to break down their everyday food — beeswax — also allows them to break down plastic.可知,研究结果发现,蠕虫分解日常食物的能力让它们可以分解塑料,也就是说它们可以消费塑料。故选C。‎ ‎44. 细节理解题。根据文章第四段The next step, DeBruyn says, will be to identify the cause of the breakdown. Is it an enzyme produced by the worm itself or by its gut microbes(肠道微生物)?可知,下一步研究是辨清分解的原因,查明这种酶来源于哪里,是虫子自己产生的还是它肠道里的微生物产生的。故选B。‎ ‎45. 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段But she expects using the chemical in some kind of industrial process — not simply "millions of worms thrown on top of the plastic."可以推断出,Bertocchini希望这种化学物质将来能在工业生产中使用,而不是仅仅依靠蠕虫来分解塑料。故选D。‎ ‎46. 写作意图题。根据文章第一段最后一句So far there is no effective way to get rid of it, but a new study suggests an answer may lie in the stomachs of some hungry worms.可知,有一种新的方法被用于分解塑料。再根据最后一段最后一句But she expects using the chemical in some kind of industrial process — not simply "millions of worms thrown on top of the plastic."可知,Bertocchini希望将这种方法推广到工业中。由此可以推知写作意图为介绍一种分解塑料的方法。故选C。‎ D Preparing Cities for Robot Cars The possibility of self-driving robot cars has often seemed like a futurist’s dream, years away from materializing in the real world. Well, the future is apparently now. The California Department of Motor Vehicles began giving permits in April for companies to test truly self-driving cars on public roads. The state also cleared the way for companies to sell or rent out self-driving cars, and for companies to operate driverless taxi services. California, it should be noted, isn’t leading the way here. Companies have been testing their vehicles in cities across the country. It’s hard to predict when driverless cars will be everywhere on our roads. But however long it takes, the technology has the potential to change our transportation systems and our cities, for better or for worse, depending on how the transformation is regulated.‎ While much of the debate so far has been focused on the safety of driverless cars(and rightfully so), policymakers also should be talking about how self-driving vehicles can help reduce traffic jams, cut emissions(排放) and offer more convenient, affordable mobility options. The arrival of driverless vehicles is a chance to make sure that those vehicles are environmentally friendly and more shared.‎ Do we want to copy — or even worsen — the traffic of today with driverless cars? Imagine a future where most adults own individual self-driving vehicles. They tolerate long, slow journeys to and from work on packed highways because they can work, entertain themselves or sleep on the ride, which encourages urban spread. They take their driverless car to an appointment and set the empty vehicle to circle the building to avoid paying for parking. Instead of walking a few blocks to pick up a child or the dry cleaning, they send the self-driving minibus. The convenience even leads fewer people to take public transport — an unwelcome side effect researchers have already found in ride-hailing(叫车) services.‎ A study from the University of California at Davis suggested that replacing petrol-powered private cars worldwide with electric, self-driving and shared systems could reduce carbon emissions from transportation 80% and cut the cost of transportation infrastructure(基础设施) and operations 40% by 2050. Fewer emissions and cheaper travel sound pretty appealing. The first commercially available driverless cars will almost certainly be fielded by ride-hailing services, considering the cost of self-driving technology as well as liability and maintenance issues(责任与维护问题). But driverless car ownership could increase as the prices drop and more people become comfortable with the technology.‎ ‎ Policymakers should start thinking now about how to make sure the appearance of driverless vehicles doesn’t extend the worst aspects of the car-controlled transportation system we have today. The coming technological advancement presents a chance for cities and states to develop transportation systems designed to move more people, and more affordably. The car of the future is coming. We just have to plan for it.‎ ‎47. According to the author, attention should be paid to how driverless cars can __________.‎ A. help deal with transportation-related problems B. provide better services to customers C. cause damage to our environment D. make some people lose jobs ‎48. As for driverless cars, what is the author’s major concern?‎ A. Safety. B. Side effects.‎ C. Affordability. D. Management.‎ ‎49. What does the underlined word "fielded" in Paragraph 4 probably mean?‎ A. Employed. B. Replaced.‎ C. Shared. D. Reduced.‎ ‎50. What is the author’s attitude to the future of self-driving cars?‎ A. Doubtful. B. Positive.‎ C. Disapproving. D. Sympathetic.‎ ‎【答案】47. A 48. D 49. A 50. B ‎【解析】本文为议论文。文章主要讨论有关无人驾驶汽车的发展前景和面临的问题。‎ ‎47. 推理判断题。根据第二段While much of the debate so far has been focused on the safety of driverless cars(and rightfully so), policymakers also should be talking about how self-driving vehicles can help reduce traffic jams, cut emissions(排放) and offer more convenient, affordable mobility options.可知,政策制定者应该讨论无人驾驶车怎么帮助削减交通阻塞,减少尾气排放,提供更方便、更便宜的出行选择,由此可见人们应该多关注无人驾驶车怎么帮助处理与交通有关的问题。故选A。‎ ‎49. 词义猜测题。根据第四段The first commercially available driverless cars will almost certainly be fielded by ride-hailing services, considering the cost of self-driving technology as well as liability and maintenance issues(责任与维护问题).可知,鉴于自主驾驶的费用以及责任和维护问题,无人驾驶车几乎可以肯定将会被打车服务使用。故划线词是“被应用”的意思。A. Employed被应用;B. Replaced被取代;C. Shared被分享;D. Reduced被减少。故选A。‎ ‎50. 观点态度题。根据文章最后一段The coming technological advancement presents a chance for cities and states to develop transportation systems designed to move more people, and more affordably. The car of the future is coming. We just have to plan for it.中的 advancement,move more people, and more affordably.以及plan for it可推知,作者是积极的态度。故选B。‎ ‎【2018·江苏】请认真阅读下列短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并 在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A The Metropolitan Museum of Art ‎1000 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10028‎ ‎211-535-7710 www.metmuseum.org Entrances Fifth Avenue at 82nd Street Hours Open 7 days a week.‎ Sunday-Thursday 10:00-17:30‎ Friday and Saturday 10:00-21:00‎ Closed Thanksgiving Day, December 25,January 1,and the first Monday in May.‎ Admission ‎$25.00 recommended for adults, $12.00 recommended for students, includes the Main Building and The Cloisters(回廊)on the same day; free for children under 12 with an adult.‎ Free with Admission All special exhibitions, as well as films, lectures, guided tours, concerts, gallery talks, and family/children's programs are free with admission.‎ Ask about today's activities at the Great Hall Information Desk.‎ The Cloisters Museum and Gardens The Cloisters museum and gardens is a branch of The Metropolitan Museum of Art devoted to the art and architecture of Europe in the Middle Ages. The extensive collection consists of masterworks in sculpture, colored glass, and precious objects from Europe dating from about the 9th to the 15th century.‎ Hours: Open 7 days a week.‎ March-October 10:00-17:15‎ November-February 10:00-16:45‎ Closed Thanksgiving Day, December 25,and January 1.‎ ‎56. How much may they pay if an 11-year-old girl and her working parents visit the museum?‎ ‎ A. $12. B. $37. C. $ 50. D. $ 62‎ ‎57. The attraction of the Cloisters museum and gardens lies in the fact that ________.‎ ‎ A.it opens all the year round ‎ ‎ B. its collections date from the Middle Ages ‎ C.it has a modern European-style garden ‎ ‎ D.it sells excellent European glass collections ‎【文章大意】本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍了英国艺术博物馆和修道院博物馆的参观指南,包括参观时间、价格、特点等。‎ ‎56.C 细节理解题。根据Admission部分和Free with Admission部分,根据“$25.00 recommended for adults”可知,成人25美元每人;根据“All special exhibitions, as well as films, lectures, guided tours, concerts, gallery talks, and family/children’s programs are free with admission”可知,带孩子的家庭中孩子免费,故C父母及他们11岁的女儿总计付50美元,故选C项。‎ ‎57.B 细节理解题。根据The Cloisters Museum and Gardens部分第一句“The Cloisters museum and gardens is a branch of The Metropolitan Museum of Art devoted to the art and architecture of Europe in the Middle Ages.”可知,修道院博物馆和花园的收藏品来自中世纪欧洲,故选B项。‎ B In the 1760s, Mathurin Roze opened a series of shops that boasted(享有)a special meat soup called consomme. Although the main attraction was the soup, Roze's chain shops also set a new standard for dining out, which helped to establish Roze as the inventor of the modern restaurant.‎ Today, scholars have generated large amounts of instructive research about restaurants. Take visual hints that influence what we eat: diners served themselves about 20 percent more pasta(意大利面食)when their plates matched their food. When a dark-colored cake was served on a black plate rather than a white one, customers recognized it as sweeter and more tasty.‎ Lighting matters, too. When Berlin restaurant customers ate in darkness, they couldn't tell how much they'd had: those given extra-large shares ate more than everyone else, but were none the wiser—they didn’t feel fuller, and they were just as ready for dessert.‎ Time is money, but that principle means different things for different types of restaurants. Unlike fast-food places. fine dining shops prefer customers to stay longer and spend. One way to encourage customers to stay and order that extra round: put on some Mozart(莫扎特).When classical, rather than pop, music was playing, diners spent more. Fast music hurried diners out.‎ Particular scents also have an effect: diners who got the scent of lavender(薰衣草)stayed longer and spent more than those who smelled lemon, or no scent.‎ Meanwhile, things that you might expect to discourage spending—"bad" tables, crowding.‎ high prices — don't necessarily. Diners at bad tables — next to the kitchen door, say — spent nearly as much as others but soon fled. It can be concluded that restaurant keepers need not "be overly concerned about ‘bad' tables," given that they're profitable. As for crowds, a Hong Kong study found that they increased a restaurant's reputation, suggesting great food at fair prices. And doubling a buffet's price led customers to say that its pizza was 11 percent tastier.‎ ‎58. The underlined phrase "none the wiser" in paragraph 3 most probably implies that the ‎ customers were .‎ A. not aware of eating more than usual ‎ B. not willing to share food with others C. not conscious of the food quality ‎ D. not fond of the food provided ‎59. How could a fine dining shop make more profit?‎ A. playing classical music.‎ B. Introducing lemon scent.‎ C. Making the light brighter,‎ D. Using plates of larger size.‎ ‎60. What does the last paragraph talk about?‎ A. Tips to attract more customers.‎ B. Problems restaurants are faced with.‎ C. Ways to improve restaurants' reputation.‎ D. Common misunderstandings about restaurants.‎ ‎【答案】58. A 59. A 60. D ‎【解析】本文为议论文。本文介绍了现代餐馆刺激消费和食欲的几种方法,以及人们对餐厅的一些错误看法。‎ ‎59. 细节理解题。根据第四段中的One way to encourage customers to stay and order that extra round: put on some Mozart(莫扎特)可知,要想让客人呆的时间更长应该播放莫扎特等古典音乐而不是流行音乐。Particular ‎ scents also have an effect: diners who got the scent of lavender(薰衣草)stayed longer and spent more than those who smelled lemon, or no scent.引入薰衣草香而不是柠檬香,而D项文章没有提及,所以用排除方法可以选A。‎ ‎60. 主旨大意题。根据文章最后一段第一句Meanwhile, things that you might expect to discourage spending—"bad" tables, crowding,high prices — don't necessarily.可知,你认为可能会影响人们消费的因素如:不好的桌子,拥挤以及高价等不一定会真影响人们的消费,然后依次举例进行了证明,所以本段主要讲的是人们对于饭店的几个误解,故选D。‎ C If you want to disturb the car industry, you'd better have a few billion dollars: Mom-and-pop carmakers are unlikely to beat the biggest car companies. But in agriculture, small farmers can get the best of the major players. By connecting directly with customers, and by responding quickly to changes in the markets as well as in the ecosystems(生态系统), small farmers can keep one step ahead of the big guys. As the co-founder of the National Young Farmers Coalition (NYFC, 美国青年农会)and a family farmer myself. I have a front-row seat to the innovations among small farmers that are transforming the industry.‎ For example, take the Quick Cut Greens Harvester, a tool developed just a couple of years ago by a young farmer, Jonathan Dysinger, in Tennessee, with a small loan from a local Slow Money group. It enables small-scale farmers to harvest 175 pounds of green vegetables per hour—a huge improvement over harvesting just a few dozen pounds by hand—suddenly making it possible for the little guys to compete with large farms of California. Before the tool came out, small farmers couldn't touch the price per pound offered by California farms. But now, with the combination of a better price point and a generally fresher product, they can stay in business.‎ The sustainable success of small farmers, though, won't happen without fundamental changes to the industry. One crucial factor is secure access to land. Competition from investors. developers, and established large farmers makes owning one's own land unattainable for many new farmers.‎ From 2004 to 2013, agricultural land values doubled, and they continue to rise in many regions.‎ Another challenge for more than a million of the most qualified farm workers and managers is a non-existent path to citizenship — the greatest barrier to building a farm of their own. With farmers over the age of 65 outnumbering(多于)farmers younger than 35 by six to one, and with two-thirds of the nation's farmland in need of a new farmer, we must clear the path for talented people willing to grow the nation's food.‎ There are solutions that could light a path toward a more sustainable and fair farm economy, but farmers can't clumsily put them together before us. We at the NYFC need broad support as we urge Congress to increase ‎ farmland conservation, as we push for immigration reform, and as we seek policies that will ensure the success of a diverse and ambitious next generation of farms from all backgrounds. With a new farm bill to be debated in Congress, consumers must take a stand with young farmers.‎ ‎61. The author mentions car industry at the beginning of the passage to introduce .‎ A. the progress made in car industry ‎ B. a special feature of agriculture C. a trend of development in agriculture ‎ D. the importance of investing in car industry ‎62. What does the author want to illustrate with the example in paragraph 2?‎ A. Loans to small local farmers are necessary.‎ B. Technology is vital for agricultural development.‎ C. Competition between small and big farms is fierce D. Small farmers may gain some advantages over big ones.‎ ‎63. What is the difficulty for those new famers?‎ A. To gain more financial aid.‎ B. To hire good farm managers.‎ C. To have fans of their own.‎ D. To win old farmers’ support.‎ ‎64. What should farmers do for a more sustainable and fair farm economy?‎ A. Seek support beyond NYFC.‎ B. Expand farmland conservation.‎ C. Become members of NYFC.‎ D. Invest more to improve technology.‎ ‎【答案】61. B 62. D 63. C 64. A ‎【解析】本文为说明文。文章作者作为全国青年农民联盟(NYFC)的联合创始人,分析了美国小农场的特点及目前美国小农场所面临的问题,督促国会对某些领域进行改革以支持美国国内小农场的发展 ‎61. 推理判断题。根据文章第一句话If you want to disturb the car industry, you'd better have a few billion dollars: Mom-and-pop carmakers are unlikely to beat the biggest car companies.可知,一般人不可能影响到汽车工业,而根据第二句话的but 可知,农业和工业是不同的,接下来就介绍了农业不同于工业的地方,故B正确。‎ ‎62. 推理判断题。根据文章第二段第二句It enables small-scale farmers to harvest 175 pounds of green vegetables per hour—a huge improvement over harvesting just a few dozen pounds by hand—suddenly making it possible for the little guys to compete with large farms of California.可以,推知新农具使小农场收获绿色蔬菜的效率提高,降低了收获成本,再根据最后一句But now, with the combination of a better price point and a generally fresher product, they can stay in business.,小农场价格与大农场价格接近和小农场产品更新鲜的特点,这使得小农场相对于大农场有了一些相对的优势,故选D。‎ ‎63. 细节理解题。根据文章第四段第一句话Another challenge for more than a million of the most qualified farm workers and managers is a non-existent path to citizenship — the greatest barrier to building a farm of their own.可知,新农民面临的最大挑战是无法获得公民身份,因此不能建设自己的农场,故选C。‎ ‎64. 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段第二句We at the NYFC need broad support as we urge Congress to increase farmland conservation, as we push for immigration reform, and as we seek policies that will ensure the success of a diverse and ambitious next generation of farms from all backgrounds.可知,NYFC需要广泛的支持,包括要求国会增加农田保护,推动移民改革,寻求确保不同背景的新农民的成功的政策等,所以为了保证农业经济的可持续发展农民需要寻求NYFC以外的很多方面的支持。故选A。 上与其他人比较损害他们的自尊心,自信心以及自我发展的能力。故B正确。‎ ‎68. 推理判断题。根据文章第12段However, the research—involving eight groups of 32 children aged 8 to 12—suggested that as they headed toward their teens, they became increasingly anxious online.可知,随着孩子年龄的增长,他们开始渴望上网,再根据13段By the time they started secondary school—at age 11—children were already far more aware of their image online and felt under huge pressure to ensure their posts were popular, the report found.可以推断出,他们的压力源于他们渴望自己的发帖能受欢迎、被认可,由此可见他们渴望得到公众的认可。故选D。‎ ‎69. 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段It’s also hugely important for parents to know which apps their children are using.可以推断出,父母需要了解孩子在使用什么apps,所以应该时刻跟踪了解孩子对于社交app的使用。故选C。‎ ‎70. 主旨大意题。根据文章第一段Children as young as ten are becoming dependent on social media for their sense of self-worth, a major study warned.可知,本文为新闻报道体,文章主要介绍青少年变得越来越依赖社交媒体。再根据全文内容可知文章主要介绍了社交媒体对孩子的影响,故A正确。‎ ‎1、(2017·全国Ⅱ,A)‎ In the coming months, we are bringing together artists from all over the globe, to enjoy speaking Shakespeare's plays in their own language, in our Globe, within the architecture Shakespeare wrote for. Please ‎ come and join us.‎ National Theatre of China Beijing|Chinese This great occasion(盛会)will be the National Theatre of China's first visit to the UK. The company's productions show the new face of 21st century Chinese theatre. This production of Shakespeare's Richard Ⅲ will be directed by the National's Associate Director, Wang Xiaoying.‎ Date & Time:Saturday 28 April, 2.30pm & Sunday 29 April, 1.30pm & 6.30pm Marjanishvili Theatre Tbilisi|Georgian One of the most famous theatres in Georgia, the Marjanishvili, founded in 1928, appears regularly at theatre festivals all over the world. This new production of As You Like It is helmed (指导)by the company's Artistic Director Levan Tsuladze.‎ Date & Time:Friday 18 May, 2.30pm & Saturday 19 May, 7.30pm Deafinitely Theatre London I British Sign Language(BSL)‎ By translating the rich and humourous text of Love's Labour's Lost into the physical language of BSL, Deafinitely Theatre creates a new interpretation of Shakespeare's comedy and aims to build a bridge between deaf and hearing worlds by performing to both groups as one audience.‎ Date & Time: Tuesday 22 May, 2.30pm & Wednesday 23 May, 7.30pm Habima National Theatre Tel Aviv|Hebrew The Habima is the centre of Hebrew-language theatre worldwide. Founded in Moscow after the 1905 revolution, the company eventually settled in Tel Aviv in the late 1920s. Since 1958, they have been recognised as the national theatre of Israel. This production of Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice marks their first visit to the UK.‎ Date & Time:Monday 28 May, 7.30pm & Tuesday 29 May, 7.30pm 文章大意:本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍了全球的艺术家将聚集到一起用他们自己的语言表演莎士比亚的戏剧的相关内容。‎ ‎1.Which play will be performed by the National Theatre of China?‎ A.Richard Ⅲ. B.Love's Labour's Lost.‎ C.As You Like It. D.The Merchant of Venice.‎ 答案:A 解析:考查细节理解。根据题干中的“the National Theatre of China”可将答案定位于National Theatre of China部分中的“Shakespeare's Richard Ⅲ”,故选A项。‎ ‎2.What is special about Deafinitely Theatre?________‎ A.It has two groups of actors. ‎ B.It is the leading theatre in London.‎ C.It performs plays in BSL. ‎ D.It is good at producing comedies.‎ 答案:C 解析:考查细节理解。根据Deafinitely Theatre部分中的“By translating the rich and humorous text of Love's Labour's Lost into the physical language of BSL,Deafinitely Theatre creates a new interpretation of Shakespeare's comedy”可知,Deafinitely Theatre的特别之处就是使用BSL表演戏剧,创造出了一种对莎士比亚喜剧的新的诠释。故选C项。‎ ‎3.When can you see a play in Hebrew?________‎ A.On Saturday 28 April. B.On Sunday 29 April.‎ C.On Tuesday 22 May. D.On Tuesday 29 May.‎ 答案:D 解析:考查细节理解。根据题干中的“Hebrew”可将该题答案定位在最后一部分中。根据最后一部分中的“Date&Time:Monday 28 May, 7.30pm & Tuesday 29 May,7.30pm”可知,故选D项。‎ ‎2.(2017·全国Ⅰ,B)‎ I work with Volunteers for Wildlife, a rescue and education organization at Bailey Arboretum in Locust‎ ‎Valley. Trying to help injured, displaced or sick creatures can be heartbreaking; survival is never certain. However, when it works, it is simply beautiful.‎ I got a rescue call from a woman in Muttontown. She had found a young owl (猫头鹰)on the ground. When I arrived, I saw a 2-to 3-week-old owl. It had already been placed in a carrier for safety.‎ I examined the chick(雏鸟)and it seemed fine. If I could locate the nest, I might have been able to put it back, but no luck. My next work was to construct a nest and anchor it in a tree.‎ The homeowner was very helpful. A wire basket was found. I put some pine branches into the basket to make this nest safe and comfortable. I placed the chick in the nest, and it quickly calmed down.‎ Now all that was needed were the parents, but they were absent. I gave the homeowner a recording of the hunger screams of owl chicks. These advertise the presence of chicks to adults;they might also encourage our chick to start calling as well. I gave the owner as much information as possible and headed home to see what news the night might bring.‎ A nervous night to be sure, but sometimes the spirits of nature smile on us all! The homeowner called to say that the parents had responded to the recordings. I drove over and saw the chick in the nest looking healthy and active. And it was accompanied in the nest by the greatest sight of all—LUNCH ! The parents had done their duty and would probably continue to do so.‎ 文章大意:这是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者作为一个野生动物救助和教育机构的志愿者,成功救助一只猫头鹰雏鸟的经历。‎ ‎4.What is unavoidable in the author's rescue work according to paragraph 1?________‎ A.Efforts made in vain. ‎ B.Getting injured in his work.‎ C.Feeling uncertain about his future.‎ D.Creatures forced out of their homes.‎ 答案:A ‎5.Why was the author called to Muttontown?________‎ A.To rescue a woman. ‎ B.To take care of a woman.‎ C.To look at a baby owl. ‎ D.To cure a young owl.‎ 答案:C 解析:考查细节理解。根据第二段的“I got a rescue call from a woman in Muttontown.She had found a young owl(猫头鹰)on the ground”可知,这位女士给作者打电话是为了让他来看一看一只猫头鹰雏鸟。故选C。‎ ‎6.What made the chick calm down?________‎ A.A new nest. B.Some food.‎ C.A recording. D.Its parents.‎ 答案:A 解析:考查细节理解。根据第四段的“I put some pine branches into the basket to make this nest safe and comfortable...it quickly calmed down”‎ 可知,作者做的鸟巢非常舒服,所以把这只猫头鹰雏鸟放进去后,它很快安静下来。故选A。‎ ‎7.How would the author feel about the outcome of the event?________‎ A.It's unexpected. B.It's beautiful.‎ C.It's humorous. D.It's discouraging.‎ 答案:A 解析:考查推理判断。根据最后一段可知,通过播放猫头鹰雏鸟饥饿时发出的叫声的录音,这只猫头鹰雏鸟最终与它的父母团聚,而且它的父母开始给它喂食,再结合第一段最后一句“However,when it works,it is simply beautiful”可判断,作者付出的努力没有白费,因而结果是美好的。故选B。‎ ‎3. (2017·北京,B)‎ Inspiring young minds!‎ TOKNOW Magazine is a big hit in the world of children's publishing, bringing a unique combination of challenging ideas and good fun to young fans every month.‎ ‎ ‎ Sounds too good to be true?‎ Take a look online—evidence shows that thousands of teachers and parents know a good thing when they see it and recommend TOKNOW to their friends.‎ Happy Birthday All Year!‎ What could be more fun than a gift that keeps coming through the letterbox every month? The first magazine with your gift message will arrive in time for the special day.‎ SUBSCRIBE NOW ‎□Annual Subscription ‎ Europe £55 Rest of World £65‎ ‎□Annual Subscription with Gift Pack Includes a Mammoth Map, a Passport Puzzle Booklet, and Subscription Europe £60 Rest of World £70‎ Refund Policy—the subscription can be cancelled within 28 days and you can get your money back.‎ 文章大意:这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了TOKNOW杂志的内容、订购价格和退订等方面的信息。‎ ‎8.Why is TOKNOW a special magazine?________‎ A.It entertains young parents.‎ B.It provides serious advertisements.‎ C.It publishes popular science fictions.‎ D.It combines fun with complex concepts.‎ 解析:考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“a unique combination of challenging ideas and good fun to young fans every month”可知,TOKNOW杂志的特殊之处在于它将趣味性与有挑战性的、复杂的概念结合起来。故选D。‎ ‎9.What does TOKNOW offer its readers?________‎ A.Online courses.‎ B.Articles on new topics.‎ C.Lectures on a balanced life.‎ D.Reports on scientific discoveries.‎ ‎10.How much should you pay if you make a 12-month subscription to TOKNOW with gift pack from China.________‎ A.£55. B.£60. ‎ C.£65.    D.£70.‎ 解析:考查细节理解。根据Annual Subscription with Gift Pack部分中的“Rest of World £‎70”‎可知,在中国按年订购有礼包的TOKNOW杂志需要£70。故选D。‎ ‎11.Subscribers of TOKNOW would get ________.‎ A.free birthday presents ‎ B.full refund within 28 days C.membership of the TOKNOW club ‎ D.chances to meet the experts in person 解析:考查细节理解。根据文中的“Refund Policy—the subscription can be cancelled within 28 days and you can get your money back”可知,28天之内退订的订购者可以获得全额退款。故选B。‎ ‎4.(2017·浙江,B)‎ Getting less sleep has become a bad habit for most American kids. According to a new survey(调查) by the National Sleep Foundation, 51% of kids aged 10 to 18 go to bed at 10 pm or later on school nights, even though they have to get up early. Last year the Foundation reported that nearly 60% of 7-to 12-year-olds said they felt tired during the day, and 15% said they had fallen asleep at school.‎ How much sleep you need depends a lot on your age. Babies need a lot of rest:most of them sleep about 18 hours a day! Adults need about eight hours. For most school-age children,ten hours is ideal(理想的). But the new National Sleep Foundation survey found that 35% of 10-to 12-year-olds get only seven or eight hours. And guess what almost half of the surveyed kids said they do before bedtime? Watch TV.‎ ‎“More children are going to bed with TVs on, and there are more opportunities (机会)to stay awake, with more homework,the Internet and the phone,” says Dr. Mary Carskadon, a sleep researcher at Brown‎ University Medical ‎School. She says these activities at bedtime can get kids all excited and make it hard for them to calm down and sleep. Other experts say part of the problem is chemical. Changing levels of body chemicals called hormones not only make teenagers’ bodies develop adult characteristics, but also make it hard for teenagers to fall asleep before 11 pm.‎ Because sleepiness is such a problem for teenagers, some school districts have decided to start high school classes later than they used to. Three years ago, schools in Edina,Minnesota, changed the start time from 7:25 am to 8:30 am. Students, parents and teachers are pleased with the results.‎ 文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。文章指出美国孩子睡眠缺乏的问题,列举了不同年龄段的孩子所需的睡眠时间、青少年晚睡的原因以及学校为解决青少年的睡眠问题所采取的措施。‎ ‎12.What is the new National Sleep Foundation survey on?________‎ A.American kids’ sleeping habits.‎ B.Teenagers' sleep-related diseases.’C.Activities to prevent sleeplessness.‎ D.Learning problems and lack of sleep.‎ 解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段列举的一系列数字可知,国家睡眠基金会对一定年龄段孩子的睡眠习惯进行了调查,这也呼应了本段第一句“Getting less sleep has become a bad habit for most American ‎ kids.”,故选A项。‎ ‎13.How many hours of sleep do 11-year-olds need every day?_______‎ A.7 hours.    B.8 hours.‎ C.10 hours.    D.18 hours.‎ 解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段第四句“For most school-age children,ten hours is ideal(理想的).”可知选C项。 或打电话都容易让他们产生兴奋感而不愿意睡觉,故选B项。‎ ‎5.(2017·全国Ⅲ,A)‎ San Francisco‎ Fire Engine ‎Tours ‎__San_Francisco_Winery_Tour__‎ Running:February 1st through April 30th This delicious tour goes through the city on its way to Treasure Island where we will stop at the famous Winery SF.Here you can enjoy 4 pours of some of the best wine San Francisco has to offer. (Included in ticket price)‎ Departing from the Cannery:Tour times upon request Duration (时长): 2 hours Price: $ 90‎ Back_to_the_Fifties_Tour__‎ Running: August 16th through August 31 st This tour transports you back in time to one of San Francisco's most fantastic periods, the 1950s! Enjoy fun history as we take you through San Francisco for a free taste of ice cream.‎ Departing from the Cannery:5:00 pm and 7:30 pm Duration :2 hours Price: $ 90‎ Spooky_Halloween_Tour__‎ Running: October 10th through October 31 st Join us for a ride through the historical Presidio district. Authentic fire gear(服装) is provided for your warmth as our entertainers take you to some of the most thrilling parts of San Francisco.‎ Departing from the Cannery: 6: 30 pm and 8: 30 pm Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes Price: Available upon request ‎_Holiday_Lights_Tour__‎ Running:December 6th through December 23rd This attractive tour takes you to some of San Francisco's most cheerful holiday scenes. Authentic fire gear is provided for your warmth as you get into the holiday spirit.‎ Departing from the Cannery:7:00 pm and 9:00 pm Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes Advance reservations required.‎ 文章大意:本文是一篇应用文,介绍了旧金山的四种消防车之旅。‎ ‎15.Which of the tours is available in March?____ ____‎ A.San Francisco Winery Tour. ‎ B.Back to the Fifties Tour.‎ C.Spooky Halloween Tour. ‎ D.Holiday Lights Tour.‎ ‎16.What can tourists do on Back to the Fifties Tour?________‎ A.Go to Treasure Island. ‎ B.Enjoy the holiday scenes.‎ C.Have free ice cream. ‎ D.Visit the Presidio district.‎ 解析:考查细节理解。第二个项目Back to the Fifties Tour中提到在San Francisco你能免费品尝冰淇淋。而其他选项在这个旅行中没有被提到。故选C。‎ ‎17.What are tourists required to do to go on Holiday Lights Tour?___ ____‎ A.Take some drinks. B.Set off early in the morning.‎ C.Wear warm clothes. D.Make reservations in advance.‎ 解析:考查细节理解。第四个项目Holiday lights Tour的最后一句话提到“Advance reservations required”,由此可知,该旅行需要提前预订。故选D。‎ ‎6、 (2017·天津,C)‎ This month, Germany's transport minister, Alexander Dobrindt, proposed the first set of rules for autonomous vehicles(自主驾驶车辆). They would define the driver's role in such cars and govern how such cars perform in ‎ crashes where lives might be lost. ‎ The proposal attempts to deal with what some call the “death valley” of autonomous vehicles: the grey area between semi-autonomous and fully driverless cars that could delay the driverless future.‎ Dobrindt wants three things: that a car always chooses property(财产) damage over personal injury; that it never distinguishes between humans based on age or race; and that if a human removes his or her hands from the driving wheel—to check email, say—the car's maker is responsible if there is a crash.‎ ‎“The change to the road traffic law will permit fully automatic driving,” says Dobrindt. It will put fully driverless cars on an equal legal footing to human drivers, he says.‎ Who is responsible for the operation of such vehicles is not clear among car makers, consumers and lawyers. “The liability(法律责任) issue is the biggest one of them all,” says Natasha Merat at the University of Leeds, UK.‎ An assumption behind UK insurance for driverless cars, introduced earlier this year, insists that a human “be watchful and monitoring the road” at every moment.‎ But that is not what many people have in mind when thinking of driverless cars. “When you say ‘driverless cars’, people expect driverless cars,” Merat says. “You know—no driver.”‎ Because of the confusion, Merat thinks some car makers will wait until vehicles can be fully automated without human operation.‎ Driverless cars may end up being a form of public transport rather than vehicles you own, says Ryan Calo at Stanford University‎, ‎California. That is happening in the UK and Singapore, where government-provided driverless vehicles are being launched.‎ That would go down poorly in the US, however. “The idea that the government would take over driverless cars and treat them as a public good would get absolutely nowhere here,” says Calo.‎ ‎1.What does the phrase “death valley” in Paragraph 2 refer to? ‎ A.A place where cars often break down.‎ B.A case where passing a law is impossible.‎ C.An area where no driving is permitted. ‎ D.A situation where drivers' role is not clear.‎ 解析:考查推理判断。根据下文“the grey area between...the driverless future”对“死亡谷”的解释,可知这里的“死亡谷”指的是:半自动驾驶与完全无人驾驶的汽车之间的这片中间区域(界线不明、难以界定的领域),故应指驾驶员的角色不明朗的情景,D项描述与之吻合。‎ ‎2.The proposal put forward by Dobrindt aims to______.‎ A.stop people from breaking traffic rules B.help promote fully automatic driving C.protect drivers of all ages and races D.prevent serious property damage 解析:考查推理判断。根据第三段提到德国交通部长希望的三件事以及第四段说交通道路法规中关于自主驾驶车辆的这种变化将会允许完全自主驾驶的车辆投入使用(permit fully automatic driving)可知,选B。‎ ‎3.What do consumers think of the operation of driverless cars? ‎ A.It should get the attention of insurance companies.‎ B.It should be the main concern of law makers.‎ C.It should not cause deadly traffic accidents.‎ D.It should involve no human responsibility.‎ 解析:考查推理判断。题干询问消费者(乘客)对于无人驾驶汽车的看法,在谈到谁应承担无人驾驶车辆的责任时,第七段说,当你说无人驾驶车辆的时候,人们以为是没有司机,从这些信息可以推断出,消费者在这种情况下会觉得没有为无人驾驶车辆的安全问题负责的人,故选D。‎ ‎4.Driverless vehicles in public transport see no bright future in ____ ____.‎ A.Singapore  B.the ‎UK C.the US D.‎Germany 解析:考查细节理解。在谈到无人驾驶车辆在各国的前景时,最后两段谈到在英国和新加坡,由政府提供的无人驾驶车辆正在投入使用,但是在美国这种情况就会很糟糕(go down poorly in the US),在这里,认为政府会接管无人驾驶车辆,把它们作为对公众有益的事物,这是完全行不通的(would get absolutely nowhere),由此推断,作者觉得这种无人驾驶车辆在美国没有发展前景。故选C。‎ ‎5.What could be the best title for the passage? ‎ A.Autonomous Driving: Whose Liability?‎ B.Fully Automatic Cars: A New Breakthrough C.Autonomous Vehicles: Driver Removed!‎ D.Driverless Cars: Root of Road Accidents 解析:考查主旨大意。全文把德国交通部长的提议作为引入,讲述了无人驾驶车辆的法律责任的认定,无人驾驶车辆在遇到车祸时首先应该保障的是车辆还是乘客的安全等问题,因此选A。‎ ‎7. (2017·全国Ⅰ,C) ‎ Some of the world's most famous musicians recently gathered in Paris and New Orleans to celebrate the first ‎ annual International Jazz Day. UNESCO(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) recently set April 30 as a day to raise awareness of jazz music, its significance, and its potential as a unifying(联合) voice across cultures.‎ Despite the celebrations, though, in the U.S. the jazz audience continues to shrink and grow older, and the music has failed to connect with younger generations.‎ It's Jason Moran's job to help change __that__. As the Kennedy‎ ‎Center's artistic adviser for jazz, Moran hopes to widen the audience for jazz, make the music more accessible, and preserve its history and culture.‎ ‎“Jazz seems like it's not really a part of the American appetite,” Moran tells National Public Radio's reporter Neal Conan. “What I'm hoping to accomplish is that my generation and younger start to reconsider and understand that jazz is not black or white anymore. It's actually colorful, and it's actually digital.”‎ Moran says one of the problems with jazz today is that the entertainment aspect of the music has been lost. “The music can't be presented today the way it was in 1908 or 1958. It has to continue to move, because the way the world works is not the same,” says Moran.‎ Last year, Moran worked on a project that arranged Fats Waller's music for a dance party, “just to kind of put it back in the mind that Waller is dance music as much as it is concert music,” says Moran. “For me, it's the recontextualization. In music, where does the emotion(情感) lie? Are we, as humans, gaining any insight(感悟) on how to talk about ourselves and how something as abstract as a Charlie Parker record gets us into a dialogue about our emotions and our thoughts? Sometimes we lose sight that the music has a wider context,” says Moran, “so I want to continue those dialogues. Those are the things I want to foster.”‎ 文章大意:本文介绍了举办第一届国际爵士乐日的宗旨、当前爵士乐面临的挑战以及如何让爵士乐重新流行的设想。‎ ‎6.Why did UNESCO set April 30 as International Jazz Day? ‎ A.To remember the birth of jazz.‎ B.To protect cultural diversity.‎ C.To encourage people to study music.‎ D.To recognize the value of jazz.‎ 解析:考查细节理解。根据第一段的第二句“UNESCO(United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization)recently set April 30 as a day to raise awareness of jazz music,its significance,and its potential as a unifying(联合)voice across cultures”可知,联合国教科文组织近来把‎4月30日设立为国际爵士乐日,旨在增强人们对爵士乐价值的认识,故答案为D。‎ ‎7.What does the underlined word “that” in paragraph 3 refer to? ‎ A.Jazz becoming more accessible.‎ B.The production of jazz growing faster.‎ C.Jazz being less popular with the young.‎ D.The jazz audience becoming larger.‎ 解析:考查代词指代。根据语境可知,画线词that指代上段“Despite the celebrations,though,in the U.S.the jazz audience continues to shrink and grow older,and the music has failed to connect with younger generations”的内容,即爵士乐听众的数量减少并且趋于老龄化,不受年轻人喜欢的现状。故选C。 ‎ ‎11.(2017·天津,A)‎ Suppose you're in a rush, feeling tired, not paying attention to your screen, and you send an email that could get you in trouble.‎ Realisation will probably set in seconds after you've clicked “send”. You freeze in horror and burn with shame.‎ What to do? Here are four common email accidents, and how to recover.‎ Clicking “send” too soon Don't waste your time trying to find out if the receiver has read it yet. Write another email as swiftly as you can and send it with a brief title explaining that this is the correct version and the previous version should be ignored.‎ Writing the wrong name The sooner you notice, the better. Respond quickly and briefly, apologising for your mistake. Keep the tone measured: don't handle it too lightly, as people can be offended, especially if your error suggests a misunderstanding of their culture (i.e. incorrect ordering of Chinese names).‎ Clicking “reply all” unintentionally You accidentally reveal(透露)to the entire company what menu choices you would prefer at the staff Christmas dinner, or what holiday you'd like to take. In this instance, the best solution is to send a quick, light-hearted apology to explain your awkwardness. But it can quickly rise to something worse, when everyone starts hitting “reply all” to join in a long and unpleasant conversation. In this instance, step away from your keyboard to allow everyone to calm down.‎ Sending an offensive message to its subject The most awkward email mistake is usually committed in anger. You write an unkind message about someone,‎ ‎ intending to send it to a friend, but accidentally send it to the person you're discussing. In that case, ask to speak in person as soon as possible and say sorry. Explain your frustrations calmly and sensibly—see it as an opportunity to clear up any difficulties you may have with this person.‎ 文章大意:这是一篇应用文。匆忙之中或心不在焉时发送电子邮件出现错误怎么办?比如,邮件还没写好就发送了,把收件人的名字拼写错了,个人邮件被你误发给了所有人,或者把埋怨的邮件误发给了被你吐槽的那个人。本文告诉我们出现这些情况时我们该如何补救。‎ ‎5.After realising an email accident, you are likely to feel____ ____.‎ A.curious       B.tired ‎ C.awful D.funny ‎ 解析:考查细节理解。根据题干中的“pologizi an email accident”可把答案定位在第二段。该段说,在你点击“发送”数秒钟之后你就会意识到自己的错误,结合下文的“freeze in horror and burn with shame”可知,人们意识到“邮件事故”后,可能会感觉糟糕,因此选C。‎ ‎6.If you have written the wrong name in an email, it is best to ____ ____.‎ A.apologise in a serious manner B.tell the receiver to ignore the error C.learn to write the name correctly D.send a short notice to everyone ‎7.What should you do when an unpleasant conversation is started by your “reply all” email? ‎ A.Try offering other choices.‎ B.Avoid further involvement.‎ C.Meet other staff members.‎ D.Make a light-hearted apology.‎ 解析:考查细节理解。根据题干的内容可把答案定位至第六段,这部分提到,如果你不小心点了“回复所有人”,可能有人会就此开始回复不太友好的话,此时你最好离开电脑键盘(step away from your keyboard),以便让大家都冷静下来。这与B项的陈述相吻合,表示“避免继续卷入(这样的对话)”。‎ ‎8.How should you deal with the problem caused by an offensive email? ‎ A.By promising not to offend the receiver again.‎ B.By seeking support from the receiver's friends.‎ C.By as’ing the receiver to control his anger.‎ D.By talking to the receiver face to face.‎ 解析:考查细节理解。根据题干中的“offensive email”可把答案定位在最后一段。这部分提到,在出现冒犯对方的情况时,要尽快亲自向对方道歉。故选D。‎ ‎9.What is the passage mainly about? ‎ A.Defining email errors.‎ B.Reducing email mistakes.‎ C.Handling email accidents.‎ D.Improving email writing.‎ 解析:考查主旨要义。通读全文,尤其是第三段的内容可知,本文主要介绍的是发送电子邮件出现问题时人们该如何面对和补救,因此C项最能概括本文的主题。‎ ‎12.(2017·浙江,A)‎ Benjamin West, the father of American painting, showed his talent for art when he was only six years of age. But he did not know about brushes before a visitor told him he needed one. In those days, a brush was made from camel's hair. There were no camels nearby. Benjamin decided that cat hair would work instead. He cut some fur from the family cat to make a brush.‎ The brush did not last long. Soon Benjamin needed more fur. Before long, the cat began to look ragged(蓬乱). His father said that the cat must be sick. Benjamin was forced to admit what he had been doing.‎ ‎__The_cat's_lot_was_about_to_improve.__ That year, one of Benjamin's cousins, Mr. Pennington, came to visit. He was impressed with Benjamin's drawings. When he went home, he sent Benjamin a box of paint and some brushes. He also sent six engravings(版画)by an artist. These were the first pictures and first real paint and brushes Benjamin had ever seen. ‎ In 1747,when Benjamin was nine years old,Mr. Pennington returned for another visit .He was amazed at what Benjamin had done with his gift. He asked Benjamin's parents if he might take the boy back to Philadelphia for a visit.‎ ‎ In the city, Mr. Pennington gave Benjamin materials for creating oil paintings. The boy began a landscape (风景) painting. William Williams, a well-known painter, came to see him work. Williams was impressed with Benjamin and gave him two classic books on painting to take home. The books were long and dull. Benjamin could ‎ read only a little, having been a poor student. But he later said, “Those two books were my companions by day, and under my pillow at night.” While it is likely that he understood very little of the books, they were his introduction to classical paintings. The nine-year-old boy decided then that he would be an artist.‎ 文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了美国著名艺术家本杰明·韦斯特是如何开始他的艺术生涯的。‎ ‎1.What is the text mainly about? ‎ A.Benjamin's visit to Philadelphia.‎ B.Williams' influence on Benjamin.‎ C.The beginning of Benjamin's life as an artist.‎ D.The friendship between Benjamin and Pennington.‎ 解析:主旨大意题。文章从本杰明在六岁时自制画笔作画写起,到后来利用专业工具作画,再到知名画家送给本杰明书籍,都是在讲述本杰明是如何一步步走上艺术之路的。故选C。‎ ‎2.What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 3 suggest? ‎ A.The cat would be closely watched.‎ B.The cat would get some medical care.‎ C.Benjamin would leave his home shortly.‎ D.Benjamin would have real brushes soon.‎ 解析:推理判断题。由前文可知,本杰明在没有专业画笔之前是用猫的毛制作画笔的。画线句的字面意思是“猫的命运将会得到改善”。由该段后文可知,本杰明的表兄送给了他专业的颜料和画笔。由此可推知D项与画线句的意思相符。 ‎ ‎3.What did Pennington do to help Benjamin develop his talent? ‎ A.He took him to see painting exhibitions.‎ B.He provided him with painting materials.‎ C.He sent him to a school in Philadelphia.‎ D.He taught him how to make engravings.‎ ‎4.Williams' two books helped Benjamin to ____ ____.‎ A.master the use of paints B.appreciate landscape paintings C.get to know other painters D.make up his mind to be a painter 解析:细节理解题。由文章最后两句“While it is likely that he understood very little of the books,they were his introduction to classical paintings.The nine-year-old boy decided then that he would be an artist.”可知,这两本书是他通往古典绘画的指引,也帮助他下定决心成为一名画家,故选D项。‎

