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专题 01 名词(高考押题) 2017 年高考英语考纲解读与热点难点突破 一、填空 1.Don't wait for an ________ (apologize).“Many times the person who hurt you may never think of apologizing,” says Dr.Luskin. 1.apology 句意:不要等待道歉。拉斯科说: “多次伤害你的人也许从来就不会考 虑道歉。”不定冠词 an 后须用名词形式,根据 apologize 可知答案填 apology。 2.Like many popular restaurants in Paris,________(reserve)are hard to get at Dave,so I wasn't surprised to find a complete sign hanging over the red door. 3.He pushed and pulled with all his ________(strong)to move it. 3.strength 句意:他用力地推拉将它(石头)移走。分析句子结构可知,with 后面接 名词,故填 strength。 4.He asked ________(permit)to introduce his friend,whose name was Mr Wickham, and who had apparently arrived recently from London. 4.permission 句意:他请求允许介绍他的朋友,他的朋友威克姆先生,显然是最 近从伦敦来的。根据句子结构可知,此处动词 ask 后面须用名词,故填 permission。 5 . Experts hope the whole society pay more attention to the mental health of ________(adolescent). 5.adolescents 句意:专家们希望全社会都来关心青少年的心理健康。根据句意可 知,此处泛指“青少年”,用复数表示泛指,故填 adolescents。 6. Girls are luckier than boys;they have more flexible ________(choose)than boys. 6.choices 句意:女孩比男孩要幸运些,她们比男孩有更灵活的选择。前面 flexible 是形容词,后面须接名词;choice 此处应为可数名词,意味着多种选择,故填 choices。 7.I have a strong ________(believe)that one day Chinese students can buy these tickets, too. 7.belief 句意:我坚信有朝一日中国学生也会购买这些票。空白处前面有 a strong 修饰,说明空白处须填可数名词单数。 8.So I asked her why she sat there in ________(silent). 8.silence 句意:因此我问她为什么坐在那里沉默不语。in silence“沉默”,是固定 用法。 9.About 20 percent of ________(baby)feel nervous when they see strangers. 9.babies 句意:约百分之二十的婴儿见到陌生人会感到紧张。baby 是可数名词, 前面有百分数修饰,故用复数形式。] 10. There was never a time when I had not called him and he did not call me right back within a couple of ________(hour). 10.hours 句意:当我给他打电话,如果他没接的话,他都会在几小时内回电话。 可数名词 hour 前有 a couple of 修饰,故用复数形式。 二、语法填空 Humans like to live and work in groups.Language is the “cement”(胶合剂)__1__ holds these groups together.Language is part of culture.Culture,in this __2__(sensitive),means all those customs , skills , and attitudes that are part of the behaviors of a __3__(particularly)group. What you think __4__ what you want in life are all affected by the culture of the group in which you __5__(raise).Groups of people live in different ways.They may have different skills,organizations,and art forms.Their family life may be completely different from yours. Human beings are inventive animals.They can decide to change their cultures in order to meet various __6__(situation).Of all living things,human beings are the __7__(clever).They can choose to live in many __8__(environmental)and in a wide variety of ways.Only human beings can choose where and how they want to live and then improve the physical environment to help __9__(they)realize these choices. Acquiring the wisdom to make wise choices __10__(be)the lasting challenge of being human. 1.that/which 空后的定语从句中缺少主语,先行词是表示物的名词,故填 that/which。 2.sense 根据前面的介词及指示代词 this 可知此处用名词单数。 3.particular 空后是名词,空前是冠词,应用形容词。故填 particular。 4.and 根据前后句的关系判断填 and。 5.are raised 根据语境应用一般现在时,you 是 raise 的动作承受者。故填 are raised。 6.situations 根据空前的 various“各种各样的”,应用名词复数形式。故填 situations。 7.cleverest/most clever 根据空前的 of 短语,表示范围,应用形容词的最高级。故 填 cleverest/most clever。 8.environments 根据前面的 many 可知,空格处须填名词的复数形式,故填 environments。 9.themselves 根据前文的主语 they 判断填反身代词 themselves。 10.is 该句的主语是动名词短语,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,故填 is。 三、短文改错 It is known that in many parts of our country , there are still many children in poverty.Their family are too poor to afford school things and clothes on account not having enough money.Worst still,there are still many children who suffer hungry.Schoolmates, please hold out your helping hand to join in us.How you can do is to donate a pencil,a book, a quilt or some clothes to our loving care supermarket in our school.It means little to you, and this small action of warm will mean a lot to the needed. Offering your love to them,and they will not be worried about the school things or suffer hunger.As the saying goes,“The fragrance always stay in the hand that gives the rose.” It is known that in many parts of our country , there are still many children in poverty.Their family families are too poor to afford school things and clothes on account ∧ of not having enough money. Worst Worse still , there are still many children who suffer hungry hunger .Schoolmates,please hold out your helping hand to join us. How What you can do is to donate a pencil,a book,a quilt or some clothes to our loving care supermarket in our school.It means little to you,and but this small action of warm warmth will mean a lot to the needed. Offering Offer your love to them,and they will not be worried about the school things or suffer hunger.As the saying goes,“The fragrance always stay stays in the hand that gives the rose.” 4.根据句意及动词 suffer 的搭配要求可知,suffer 后须用名词作宾语。 5.句意:同学们,请伸出援助之手,加入我们吧。join sb.“加入到某人中,和某人一 起”;join in“参加(活动)”。 6.句意:你能做的就是捐献一支铅笔、一本书、一床被子或者一些衣服给我们学校 的爱心超市。what 可作 do 的宾语,how 是疑问副词,不能作宾语。 7.句意:这对你来说微不足道,但是这个温暖的小行动对需要的人来说意义很大。 前后为对比,表示转折,应用 but 连接。 8.根据前面的介词 of 可知,后面需用名词,而不能用形容词,action of warmth“温 暖的行动”。 9.句意:把你的爱心给了他们,他们既不用担心学习用品也不遭受饥饿啦。这里是 祈使句,应用动词原形开头。 10.句意:予人玫瑰,手留余香。fragrance 是单数,其后谓语动词应用第三人称单 数。

