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2019 届二轮 复习特殊句式 目 录 CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 基本结构 强调对象 句式变化 主谓一致 5 强调 not until… 6 相似结构辨析 强调句型结构 It is/was …who/that… 01 --Who broke the window? Is it you, Xiaoming? --It was not I who broke the window. It was Kangkang. 翻译:桂林是广西的省会吗 ? 不是的,南宁才是广西的省会城市。 --Is Guilin the capital of Guangxi? --No. It is Nanning that is the capital of Guangxi. 强调对象 谓语不能被强调,其他成分都可以 02 强调主语 It was I who met Jay Chou in Hongkong last month. 强调宾语 It was Jay Chou who I met in Hongkong last moth. 强调状语 It was in Hongkong that I met Jay Chou last month. 强调谓语 ? I did meet Jay Chou in Hongkong last month. 01 02 03 04 I met Jay Chou in Hongkong last month. 句式变化 陈述 否定 一般疑问 特殊疑问 03 陈述句式 It is August that she likes, not Jay Chou. 否定句式 It is not Jay Chou but August that she likes. 一般疑问 Is it August (or Jay Chou) that she likes? 特殊疑问 Who is it that she likes, August or Jay Chou? 01 02 03 04 The singer she likes best is August, not Jay Chou. 汉译英: 1. 让他伤心的是她说话的方式,而不是她所说的话。 It was the way that she spoke that made him upset, not what she said. 2. 究竟是什么让你对手机如此入迷啊? What is it that makes you so addicted to the mobile phone? 3. 我真不明白是什么让你对手机如此入迷。 I wonder what it is that makes you so addicted to the mobile phone. 4. 你是在深圳上的幼儿园吗? Was it in Shenzhen that you went to kindergarten? 主谓一致 强调主语时和主语在人称和数上保持一致 04 It is I who am wrong. It isn’t just children that play such games. It is my brother , not I that _______studying at the college. It is you that /who are wrong. is It is the boy students of Class Two who ____ playing football on the playground. are 强调 not until… 熟记句型 05 强调 not until He didn’t arrive until midnight. not 和 until 组合 强调 It was not until midnight that he arrived. 提炼 句型 It is/was not until… that… The teacher didn’t stop his lesson until the bell rang. It was not until the bell rang that the teacher stopped his lesson. I didn’t realize what trouble he was in until yesterday. It was not until yesterday that I realized what trouble he was in. 用强调句型改写下列句子: 相似结构辨析 形式主语 状语从句 定语从句 06 It was a pity that you didn’t attend the party last night. It was late afternoon when we got there. It was late in the afternoon that we got there. 强调句型判断技巧 把 it is/was 和 that 去掉,句子依然完整。 --- Tell us when on earth you began to have this strange idea. --- It was during my stay in Vienna ____ I was a ttending an international conference. A, when B, where C, that D, which It was during my stay in Vienna when I was attending an international conference that I had this strange idea. 1. --- Was it in 1969_____ the American astronaut succeeded_____ landing on the moon﹖   --- Quite right.   A. when; on B. that; on   C. when; in D. that; in Consolidation 2. It was_____ he said _____ disappointed me. A. what; that B. that; that C. what; what D. that; what 3. _____ is no possibility ______ Bob can win the first prize in the match. A. There; whether B. It; that C. There; that D. It; whether 4.--Where was ____ you picked up the wallet﹖   --Just near the school gate. A. it B. it that C. the place D. the place that 5. I must find out why ____ so many students made the same mistake. A. is it that B. was it which C. it is what D. it was that 6. __ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language. A. There B. It   C. That D. This 7. Our classroom is very clean. Do you know who __ cleaned it﹖ A. was it that   B. it was that    C. was it who D. he was 8. Is it in the factory __ you visited last week __ this kind of car is made﹖ A. /; that B. where ; when C. where ; that D. /; when 9. It was _____ 1920 __ regular radio broadcasts began. A. until; when B. not until; when C. until; that D. not until; that 10. It is ten years _____ Miss Gao returned to China. A. that B. when C. since D. as 11. It will be three years _____ we get together again. A. that B. when C. since D. before 总结 Summary 1 2 3 4 基本结构 强调对象 句式变化 主谓一致 5 强调 not until… 6 相似结构辨析

