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专项练习(一)‎ I. Grammar ‎(A)‎ Who would you trust for a weather prediction: a groundhog (土拨鼠) or a tortoise? ‎ Every year on Feb. 2, fans wait for the groundhog (1)______ (know) as Punxsutawney Phil to emerge from hibernation and check for his shadow. (2)______ Phil “sees” his shadow or not could mean the difference between an early spring or six more weeks of winter, according to tradition.‎ But these powers of prediction aren’t exclusive to Phil, apparently, and he’s far from the only animal (3)______ can allegedly sense the coming of warmer weather.‎ In California, locals near the Living Desert Zoo and Gardens in Palm Desert wait for a tortoise — Mojave Maxine — to emerge from her hibernation-like slumber, in order to predict an early spring.‎ However, unlike Groundhog Day, (4)______ folks wait to see what Phil will predict, Mojave reportedly waits for the weather to warm up before she emerges, (5)______ (make) her less of a predictor of spring and more of a signifier, or indicator. ‎ In any case, residents still have fun waiting for Maxine to emerge. The Living Desert Zoo and Gardens runs a contest (6)______ (see) who can most accurately predict when Maxine will come out of hibernation. Students from nearby counties submit entries, and “the first entry received from each county that is (7)______ (close) to the exact day and time wins,” the zoo explains. ‎ ‎(8)______ turns out that spring might already be here, too: Maxine reportedly emerged this year sometime between 8:30 a.m. and 10 a.m. on Jan. 23. But (9)______ California is so far away from Pennsylvania, this information likely won’t affect Punxsutawney Phil’s prediction at all. ‎ It’s also worthy (10)______ (note) that Phil only has an accuracy rate of 39 percent as of 2019. ‎ ‎(B)‎ A Florida man with a rare genetic mutation that leaves him feeling like he’s “walking on glass” landed in the office of TLC’s Dr. Brad Schaeffer, desperately seeking help for (1)______ the doctor described as “the largest feet I’ve ever seen.”‎ Jeffrey Ortega, (2)______ case was featured on Thursday’s episode of My Feet Are Killing Me, was diagnosed with Proteus syndrome, which started (3)______ he was nine months old and has progressively gotten worse. The rare disorder causes an overgrowth of various tissues in the body.‎ In some cases, the condition (4)______ even lead to life-threatening complications, while others only exhibit a few mild symptoms. Treatment varies from patient to patient (5)______ (depend) on the symptoms, but it typically involves multiple procedures to control the overgrowth.‎ ‎“Jeff has a very unique situation,” Schaeffer told viewers. “Proteus syndrome is very rare, and it’s progressive. There’s excessive growth with the bones and the tissues, so what we need to do is just make Jeff (6)______ (terrible), and answer all his questions and try to help him out.” ‎ The syndrome primarily affects Ortega’s feet, with his left foot continually growing. He told Schaeffer that it (7)______ (affect) him not only physically, but mentally as well. It’s also difficult for him to find shoes that will fit his large feet, but walking barefoot could put him at the risk of (8)______ (infect) dangerously. ‎ ‎“It’s not a lot of movement, unfortunately,” he said of his current situation. “I can walk but it feels like I’m walking on glass. It’s very unpleasant.”‎ Ortega told Schaeffer that he had had multiple surgeries on each leg and that he had been told about possible amputation (截肢) by some specialists. However, the doctor, (9)______ said his patient’s feet look “like cauliflower,” disagreed and cited multiple risks, (10)______ continued bone growth after amputation. Schaeffer instead took molds of Ortega’s feet in hopes of creating a shoe that would help him live a more comfortable life. ‎ An emotional Ortega said his new custom shoe “feels like a dream come true.”‎ I. ‎ Vocabulary ‎(A)‎ A. dawn B. charged C. cast D. vision ‎ E. discouraged F. centered G. historical H. witnessed ‎ I. trusted J. force K. instant ‎ ‎ Contemporary worries about the impact of technology are part of a historical pattern. ‎ Faster, cheaper, better — technology is one field many people rely upon to offer a __1__ of a brighter future. But as the 2020s __2__, optimism is in short supply. The new technologies that dominated the past decade seem to be making things worse. Social media were supposed to bring ‎ people together. In the Arab Spring of 2011 they were hailed (赞扬) as a liberating __3__. Today they are better known for invading privacy and undermining democracy. E-commerce, ride-hailing and the gig economy may be convenient, but they are __4__ with underpaying workers and crowding the streets with vehicles. Parents worry that smartphones have turned their children into screen-addicted zombies.‎ The technologies expected to dominate the new decade also seem to __5__ a dark shadow. Artificial intelligence (AI) may well entrench (使根深蒂固) bias and prejudice, threaten your job and shore up authoritarian rulers. 5G is at the heart of the Sino-American trade war. Autonomous cars still do not work, but manage to kill people all the same. Polls show that internet firms are now less __6__ than the banking industry. At the very moment banks are striving to rebrand themselves as tech firms, and internet giants have become the new banks. ‎ Today’s gloomy (忧郁的) mood is __7__ on smartphones and social media, which took off a decade ago. Yet concerns that humanity has taken a technological wrong turn, or that particular technologies might be doing more harm than good, have arisen before. In the 1970s the despondency (沮丧) was prompted by concerns about overpopulation and environmental damage. The 1920s __8__ a backlash (强烈抵制) against cars, which had earlier been seen as a good answer to the pain of horse-drawn vehicles. ‎ In each of these __9__ cases disappointment arose from a mix of unrealized hopes and unforeseen consequences. However, the pessimism can be overdone. Too often people focus on the drawbacks of a new technology while taking its benefits for granted. Worries about screen time should be weighed against the much greater benefits of convenient communication and the __10__ access to information and entertainment that smartphones make possible.‎ ‎ (B)‎ A. prevented B. stubbornly C. banning D. attention ‎ E. ignore F. fortunately G. overlooked H. track ‎ I. extend J. solution K. bowing Climate protests drew millions around the world in September. Many of the Democratic presidential candidates have rolled out ambitious plans to cut carbon while making the economy ‎ greener. And yet a leading cause of climate change remains persistently __1__: clothing.‎ The clothing and footwear industry is responsible for 8 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. Without intervention (干预), the industry’s impact on the climate is on __2__ to increase by almost half by 2030.‎ Clothes are easy to __3__ because they are made far away and have throughout history been made by low-paid laborers. But clothing affects every other environmental problem we care about. A cotton T-shirt requires thousands of gallons of water to make. And when the polyester or nylon clothes get washed, they junk up our oceans with microplastic pollution.‎ But __4__, some clothing companies are waking up to the climate crisis. A growing number of brands are __5__ to grass-roots pressure and consumer surveys that show that sustainability and ethics are top concerns for young shoppers. ‎ But fashion can’t go green by itself. It won’t even make a dent (凹痕) in the problem without international cooperation and mainstream __6__. ‎ The clothing industry, like most industries, is also __7__ reliant on fossil fuels. They’re used to fire up boilers in textile mills, to make the pesticides dumped onto cotton fields and to produce the gobs of chemicals that dye and finish fabrics. Getting clothing off oil will not be easy.‎ Consumers have an important part to play in making fashion sustainable. We can work to __8__ the life of all clothes by switching more of our purchases to secondhand and online resale, renting for special occasions, and repairing clothes instead of throwing them away. ‎ We need activists, journalists, scientists and academics who focus on sustainability to include clothing in their work. And we need government action and innovative policy that addresses the global impact of the stuff we buy. For example, France has passed a bill __9__ the destruction of unsold clothing. ‎ But first we need all people who care about climate change to understand that they’re part of the problem and the __10__, just by wearing clothes.‎ I. Cloze Tomorrow is going to be November 11th, Singles’ Day. The whole country seems to be __1__ ready to celebrate it wholeheartedly, without any official recognition, though. I got a text message from this guy named Alex.‎ ‎“Hey, are you free tomorrow? Why don’t we go out and have some fun together?” My heart ‎ pounded __2__ as I read the message. I sensed that it could be the last time I would get to contribute to this nationwide craze for celebrating, or should I say, lamenting over being __3__.‎ ‎“I think so. I’m free so far. I will let you know if I can’t make it.” I __4__ my reply several times, pondering over every single word so as not to __5__ disclose any sign of excitement as I was always doing, but the rest of the day from then on was all about me being __6__ with endless fantasies about the beginning of a romantic relationship. It surely was the longest November 10th ever.‎ The next morning. Singles’ Day. Standing outside my dorm building, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes to allow the sunshine to gently warm my face. I didn’t look in the mirror, but was __7__ that my face must have been radiant with smiles. Recovering from the temporary blindness the bright sunshine caused me, I found Alex waiting in the distance. After today, I would set myself free and run toward him, with both __8__ wide open. But there I was, walking toward him with __9__ and poise (沉着).‎ We went to the beach together. There were tourists __10__ here and there. We sat next to each other, having random talks from time to time, but our main __11__ was listening to the sound of waves lapping against the shore. I didn’t usually have any problem staying with him and doing nothing, but at that moment, __12__, the lapping of the waves felt boring and “doing nothing” felt utterly awkward.‎ ‎“Mister, please buy a rose for this beautiful lady!” A little boy, with a basket of roses in his hand, interrupted the silence. I could feel my cheeks had __13__ red. ‎ ‎“Yes, this is the moment!” I thought. “He’s gonna do this! It’s a little bit old-fashioned, but who cares! It’s still sweet and romantic to make this whole plan __14__. Hahahaha …” I tried very hard to keep that laughter in my mind. My face must have been twisted in a grin of __15__. It was really tiring because every single cell inside me seemed to be trembling in ecstasy (狂喜). ‎ ‎“Would you be my girlfriend?” He smiled shyly. ‎ ‎1. A. other than B. more than C. less than D. rather than ‎2. A. aggressively B. rhythmically C. fiercely D. hardly ‎ ‎3. A. separate B. married C. loved D. single ‎4. A. revived B. reedited C. remedied D. resent ‎ ‎5. A. reluctantly B. privately C. intentionally D. accidentally ‎6. A. obsessed B. coupled C. burdened D. concerned ‎7. A. conceived B. expected C. convinced D. predicted ‎8. A. eyes B. hands C. arms D. limbs ‎ ‎9. A. frustration B. reluctance C. curiosity D. grace ‎10. A. stuck B. scattered C. floating D. flooding ‎ ‎11. A. task B. mission C. recreation D. assignment ‎ ‎12. A. anyway B. somehow C. nevertheless D. somewhat ‎ ‎13. A. flushed B. remained C. flashed D. dyed ‎ ‎14. A. at once B. in advance C. over time D. on scene ‎ ‎15. A. fear B. understanding C. pride D. excitement ‎ IV Translation ‎1. 我和朋友之间偶尔也会发生争执,但我们会互相理解的。(occur)‎ ‎2. 小明起了床,在屋子里来回踱步,等着电话铃响起。(while)‎ ‎3. 她流露出的自信和善良,给了我很深的印象。(impress)‎ ‎4. 好人好事范围很宽,可以包括向慈善结构捐款,也可以是帮助身边的有需要的人。(rang)‎ KEYS ‎ ‎ 1, known 2. whether 3, that 4, when 5, making 6, to see 7, the closest 8, it 9, although 10 to note ‎ ‎1, what 2, whose 3, when 4, can 5, depending 6, less terrible 7. would affect 8. being infected 9. who 11, which ‎ ‎1. D 2. A 3. J 4. B 5. C 6. I 7. F 8. H 9. G 10. K ‎ ‎1, G 2. H 3. E 4. F 5. K 6. D 7. B 8. I 9. C 10. J ‎ ‎1- 5 BCDBD 6-10 AACDB 11-15 CBABD ‎ ‎1. Disputes occasionally occurred between us, but we would understand each other. ‎ ‎2. Xiao Ming got out of the bed and paced back and forth in the room, waiting for the phone to ring.‎ ‎3. I was impressed by the confidence and kindness (that/which) she had displayed. ‎ ‎4. Good deeds range widely, from donating to a charity to helping people in need who are around you.‎

