2018版高考英语(北师大版)大一轮复习教师文档讲义:Book 7 Unit 20New Frontiers

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2018版高考英语(北师大版)大一轮复习教师文档讲义:Book 7 Unit 20New Frontiers

话题词汇 ‎1.affection n.喜爱 ‎2.alarmed adj.惊恐的 ‎3.digital adj.数字的;数码的 ‎4.desire v.渴望;想要 ‎5.breakthrough n.突破 ‎6.advanced adj.先进的;高级的 ‎7.experiment with用……做实验 ‎8.test out试验 ‎9.dream about/of梦想;梦到 ‎10.with the rapid development of随着……的快速发展 话题佳作 美国好莱坞的一些科幻大片中有一些在未来社会机器人想要统治地球并征服人类的情节,请你根据下面要点提供的信息用英语写一篇100词左右的文章谈谈你对这个问题的看法。‎ 要点:‎ ‎1.描述这些情节;‎ ‎2.你的看法:你认为机器人不可能统治地球;‎ ‎3.原因:(1)机器人没有感情,没有思想;(2)虽然能够完成一些人类无法完成的工作,但也是在人类的控制下进行的。‎ 佳作欣赏 In some science fiction blockbusters filmed by Hollywood in America,the robot is described as a kind of machine which wants to control humans and rule the earth in the society of the future.In my opinion,it is impossible for the robot to rule the earth.Firstly the robot is only a kind of machine which has neither thoughts nor feelings.Thus it will not have its own wish or dream at all.Secondly,although the robot can do some work that humans can not do,it is working under the control of humans.That is to say,it is not able to do anything by itself.Thus,the robot will never control the earth.That is just a kind of science fiction.‎ 名师点睛 本文结构清晰,开篇用凝练的句子描述了现象,接下来表明了作者的观点,然后从两个方面围绕论点进行了论证,最后用简洁有力的句子再次表明观点。文章中使用了较为丰富的词汇,灵活地运用了定语从句、让步状语从句等复合句式,简单句与复杂句交替使用,并成功地使用了分词等非谓语动词。另外,衔接词的使用使得整篇文章过渡自然,结构严谨。‎ Ⅰ.写作必记单词 ‎1.mass n.质量;物质; adj.大量的 ‎2.technical adj.技术上的 technique n.技术,技巧 technology n.工艺;技术 ‎3.latter n.后者 ‎4.shortly adv.不久;很快 short adj.短的;矮的 ‎5.download vt.下载 ‎6.update vt.更新 ‎7.assess vt.评估;评价 ‎8.present vt.主持(电视或广播节目);呈现 ‎9.dilemma n.困境,进退两难的窘境 ‎10.donate vt.捐赠;赠送 donation n.捐赠 ‎ ‎11.meanwhile adv.同时 ‎12.cure vt.治愈 curable adj.可治愈的 ‎13.permit vt.许可,允许;n.许可证;通行证 permission n.允许,许可 ‎14.press vt.按;压 ‎15.poison n.毒药;毒物;v.毒害 poisonous adj.有毒的 poisoning n.中毒 ‎16.declare vt.宣告;宣布 Ⅱ.阅读识记单词 ‎17.assist vt.帮助;协助 assistant n.助手 assistance n.援助;帮助 ‎18.enterprise n.企业;事业 ‎19.handy adj.方便使用的 hand n.手;指针;vt.传递,交给 ‎20.stain n.污迹,污点 ‎21.worn adj.磨损的 ‎22.starvation n.饥饿 starve vi.挨饿 ‎23.welfare n.福利 ‎24.conflict n.争执;冲突 ‎25.equality n.平等 equal n.匹敌;相等的事物;adj.平等的;相等的;胜任的;等于;比得上 equally adv.平等地;相等地;公平地 ‎26.specialist n.专家 special adj.特别的;专门的 ‎27.official n.官员 ‎28.rescue vt.&n.拯救,救援 ‎29.original adj.起初的;最早的 origin n.起源;开端 ‎30.instructor n.指导者;教练 instruct v.教;指导 ‎31.procedure n.步骤;程序 ‎32.correspond vi.通信;符合 ‎33.split vi.分开;分离 ‎34.exploration n.探测;探险 ‎35.phenomenon n.现象 ‎36.permanent adj.长久的,永久的 语境活用 [用所给词的正确形式填空]‎ ‎1.If Mr.Dewey had been present,he would have offered any possible assistance(assist) to the people there.(2014·湖南)‎ ‎2.I’ll come after the meeting if time permits(permission).‎ ‎3.A good toolbox is a handy(hand) thing to have in the house.‎ ‎4.It can uncover laws of nature,cure(curable) diseases,make bombs,and help bridges to stand up.(2015·湖北)‎ ‎5.“Technically(technical),I think what they’re proposing is possible,” physicist Daniel Bonn said.(2015·四川)‎ ‎6.Fortunately,Natalie’s family escaped to Brooklyn shortly(short) before the city’s bridges closed.(2016·北京)‎ ‎7.Lead poisoning(poisonous)has proved more difficult to deal with.(2016·北京)‎ ‎8.The two groups remembered the information equally(equality)well.(2015·安徽)‎ ‎9.Her mother is an eye specialist(special).‎ ‎10.But some materials slow and scatter light,bouncing it away from its original(origin) path.‎ ‎(2015·北京)‎ ‎1.look into调查,了解;朝……的里面看 ‎2.click into点击进入 ‎3.carry out 开展;执行 ‎4.get at sth.发现或查明某物 ‎5.take over接管,接收 ‎6.give away泄露(秘密)‎ ‎7.in advance预先 ‎8.wrestle with sth.努力解决难以处理的事情 ‎9.nothing like完全不像 ‎10.by mistake错误地 ‎11.drop off下降;入睡 ‎12.due to 由于;因为 ‎13.rather than而不是 ‎14.in conclusion总之 ‎15.in addition 另外 语境活用 [运用上述短语完成片段]‎ Li Jun 1.took over(接管) a big company from his father several years ago.Now he is 2.carrying out(开展) a project to 3.wrestle with(努力解决) some difficulties he has caused 4.by mistake(错误地).In order not to 5.give away(泄露) the secret,he held a meeting to make a plan 6.in advance(预先).He is 7.nothing like(完全不像) what he was before.‎ ‎1.“by+时间点”与完成时连用 By the year 2015,the clothing industry will have produced new types of material that will remain stainless no matter what you spill on them.‎ 到2015年,服装行业将生产出各种新型布料,无论你将什么东西洒在上面都不会留下污渍。‎ 仿写 等他们到这里时,我们将会完成工作。‎ By the time they get there,we will have finished the work.‎ ‎2.make+it+形容词+真正宾语 By the year 2030,development in biochemistry and medical science will have made it theoretically possible for us to live for at least 150 years.‎ 到2030年,生物化学和医学的发展将能够在理论上使人类寿命延长到至少150岁。‎ 仿写 是风俗文化而不是语言使他很难适应国外的新环境。(2014·福建)‎ It was the culture,rather than the language,that made it hard for him to adapt to the new environment abroad.‎ ‎3.There is no doubt about.../that...‎ There is no doubt about it.‎ 关于这一点是毫无疑问的。‎ 仿写 毫无疑问你能和他们很好地相处。(2014·天津)‎ There is no doubt that you can get along well with them.‎ ‎4.would have done...‎ Without the breakthroughs of these pioneers in science and technology,whether lucky or planned,the world as we know it today would have been a completely different place.‎ 要是没有先驱们在科技上的这些尖端突破,不管这些突破是侥幸的还是计划之中的,今天我们所知道的世界就会是一个完全不同的地方。‎ 仿写 若不是你留的便条,我就忘记关门了。‎ But for the note you left,I would have forgotten to close the door.‎ ‎ assist v.帮助;协助;援助 ‎(1)You will be required to assist Mrs Smith in preparing a report.‎ 你将要协助史密斯夫人准备一份报告。(牛津词典)‎ ‎(2)He can walk only with the assistance of sticks.‎ 他只能靠一副拐杖走路。‎ ‎(3)She is an assistant teacher in our school.‎ 她是我们学校的助理教员。‎ ‎(1)assist sb.with sth.帮助某人某事 assist sb.to do/in doing sth.帮助某人做某事 ‎(2)assistance n.援助,帮助;辅助设备 with the assistance of在……的帮助下 come/go to one’s assistance来/去帮助某人 ‎(3)assistant n.助手,助理,助教;adj.辅助的;助理的;有帮助的 基础知识训练——[单句语法填空]‎ ‎(1)Despite his cries no one came to his assistance(assist).‎ ‎(2)The teacher decided to assist me with my English study.‎ ‎(3)He worked as an assistant to Mr.Ming.‎ ‎(4)The public is urgently requested to assist police in tracing this man.‎ 写作能力提升——[一句多译]‎ ‎(5)我遇到困难时,他好心地来帮助我。‎ ‎①When I was in difficulty he kindly came to my assistance.(assistance)‎ ‎②When I was in difficulty he kindly came to assist me.(assist)‎ ‎ conflict n.冲突,矛盾,斗争;争执 v.冲突;抵触,相左 ‎(1)What is lacking today is the conflict between adolescent’s desire for autonomy and their ‎ understanding of an unsafe world.‎ 今天所缺乏的是青少年的自主性愿望和他们对不安全世界的理解之间的冲突。(2016·北京)‎ ‎(2)She often comes into conflict with her motherinlaw.‎ 她经常与婆婆发生矛盾。‎ ‎(3)She found herself in conflict with her parents over her future career.‎ 她发现自己在将来择业的问题上与父母存在着分歧。‎ come into conflict with和……冲突(动作) (be) in conflict with和……冲突(状态) conflict with与……发生冲突(动作) 基础知识训练——[单句语法填空]‎ ‎(1)John often comes into conflict with his boss.‎ ‎(2)His words are in conflict with his deeds.‎ 写作能力提升——[一句多译]‎ ‎(3)她经常因为钱与丈夫发生冲突。‎ ‎①She often comes into conflict with her husband over money.(conflict n.)‎ ‎②She often conflicts with her husband over money.(conflict v.)‎ ‎ rescue v.& n.营救;拯救;救援 ‎(1)Now,electric shock training and medical treatment are helping to rescue these big birds.‎ 现在,电击训练和医疗救治正帮助拯救这些大鸟。(2016·北京)‎ ‎(2)The little girl was rescued from a burning building.‎ 小女孩被从着火的楼房里救了出来。‎ rescue sb./sth.from sth.从……中营救……‎ go/come to one’s rescue去/来救某人 rescue workers救援人员 基础知识训练——[单句语法填空]‎ ‎(1)All the visitors were rescued from the burning hostel and the two injured were saved by doctors from a nearby hospital.‎ ‎(2)After getting lost in a storm,a member of the navy team was rescued(rescue) four days later.‎ ‎(3)We were about to close down the business,but the bank came to our rescue with a huge loan.‎ 写作能力提升——[句式升级]‎ ‎(4)After he rescued the drowning boy to the bank,he left without being noticed.(用现在分词短语作状语改写)‎ Having rescued the drowning boy to the bank,he left without being noticed.‎ ‎ donate vt.捐赠;赠送;捐献(器官)‎ ‎(1)Volunteers came with carloads of donated clothing and toys.‎ 志愿者带着数车捐赠的衣服和玩具来了。(2016·北京)‎ ‎(2)He frequently donates large sums to charity.‎ 他常常向慈善机构捐赠大笔钱款。‎ ‎(3)She turned her nose up at my small donation.‎ 她嫌我的捐赠微薄而嗤之以鼻。‎ ‎(1)donate sth.to...把某物捐献给……‎ ‎(2)donation n.捐款;捐赠(物)‎ make/give/present a donation to向……捐赠 ‎(3)donated adj.捐赠的 基础知识训练——[单句语法填空]‎ ‎(1)We are collecting donations(donate) for the relief fund.‎ ‎(2)All donated(donate) blood is tested for HIV and other infections.‎ ‎(3)Over 90% of the goods in the charity shops are donated(donate) by the public.‎ ‎(4)He donated thousands of pounds to charity.‎ 写作能力提升——[一句多译]‎ ‎(5)她捐了五千美元给儿童医院。‎ ‎①She donated 5,000 to the Children’s Hospital.(donate)‎ ‎②She made a donation of 5,000 to the Children’s Hospital.(donation)‎ ‎ meanwhile adv.同时;与此同时;在此期间(=meantime)‎ ‎(1)Meanwhile,I will regard it as my duty to help keep our environment clean and healthy.‎ 同时,我将把保持我们的环境整洁健康作为我的职责。‎ ‎(2)In the meanwhile,I’ll visit an old friend of mine.‎ 与此同时,我将去拜访我的一位老朋友。‎ ‎(3)We need some new curtains,but these will do for the meanwhile.‎ 我们需要一些新的窗帘,但这些暂时还可以用。‎ in the meanwhile/meantime在此期间 for the meanwhile一会儿;暂时 基础知识训练——[完成句子]‎ ‎(1)I had to wait an extra hour so I wrote letters (in the) meanwhile/meantime(在此期间).‎ ‎(2)I was doing my homework,and (in the) meanwhile/meantime(同时) my mother was cooking.‎ 写作能力提升——[一句多译]‎ ‎(3)我做作业的同时,我的老师正在备课。‎ ‎①I was doing my homework and (in the) meanwhile/meantime my teacher was preparing lessons.‎ ‎②I was doing my homework and at the same time my teacher was preparing lessons.‎ ‎③I was doing my homework while my teacher was preparing lessons.‎ ‎ cure v.治愈;治好;矫正,改正;解决 n.治疗;疗程;对策 ‎(1)The author’s mother told him to borrow a book in order to help cure him of his reading problem.‎ 作者的母亲让作者去借书,目的是帮助他克服阅读障碍。(2015·天津)‎ ‎(2)Many people believe that prison isn’t a cure for crime.‎ 许多人都相信监禁解决不了犯罪问题。‎ ‎(3)90% of patients can be cured of the disease.‎ ‎90%的病人能治好病。‎ ‎(1)cure sb.of...治愈某人的……;矫正某人的……‎ ‎(2)a cure for...针对……的治疗 名师点拨 类似cure sb.of sth.的短语还有:‎ rob sb.of sth.抢了某人的……‎ rid sb.of sth.去掉某人的……‎ inform sb.of sth.通知某人某事 warn sb.of sth.警告某人某事 suspect sb.of sth.怀疑某人某事 cheat sb.of sth.欺骗某人某事 remind sb.of sth.提醒某人某事 词义辨析 cure,treat ‎(1)cure表示“治愈”,宾语既可以是人,也可以是疾病,有时也表示“矫正;革除”。‎ ‎(2)treat表示“治疗”时,多接人作宾语,强调治疗的动作,并不说明是否治愈。‎ ‎[用cure,treat的正确形式填空]‎ ‎(1)The doctor was treating the girl who suffered from cancer.‎ ‎(2)Who was it that cured the old professor of his cancer?‎ ‎[单句语法填空]‎ ‎(3)He said that he was cured(cure) with this medicine.‎ ‎(4)He was at last cured of the bad habit.‎ ‎(5)They have found a cure for rising prices.‎ ‎ declare v.宣告;宣布;声明;表明;宣称 ‎(1)All the kids declared something they could do away with for saving money to help others.‎ 为了省出钱来去帮助别人,孩子们纷纷宣布自己这周可以舍弃不用的东西。 ‎ ‎(2)The U.N.has declared it to be a safe zone.‎ 联合国已宣布它为安全区。‎ declare...to be...宣布……为……‎ declare war on...向……宣战 declare for/against表示赞成/反对 名师点拨 declare表示“宣称;宣布”,其后的宾语可以是名词、代词,也可以是that从句,但习惯上不能是不定式。‎ 基础知识训练——[单句语法填空]‎ ‎(1)Only a month earlier,Mr.Stenholm had declared for/against the tax cut.‎ ‎(2)It was the year when Britain declared war on Germany.‎ ‎(3)It has been declared already that the contract is illegal.‎ 写作能力提升——[同义句改写]‎ ‎(4)He declared that it was true.(改为简单句)‎ He declared it to be true.‎ ‎ take over接收,接管;继承;支配 ‎(1)Technology is here to help us,but we should not allow it to take over our lives.‎ 技术帮助我们,但是我们不允许它支配我们的生活。‎ ‎(2)Lesley explains possible treatments but you can tell she’s not taking it in.‎ 莱斯利解释了各种可行的疗法,不过,你可以看出来,她并没有领会。‎ take to喜欢;亲近;适应 take in吸收;欺骗;包括在内;收留;领会,理解;观看 take apart拆开,拆卸 take on呈现;雇佣;接受;从事 take out拿出,取出;除去 基础知识训练——[单句语法填空]‎ ‎(1)He began to take to us after that first day and we learned so much about him in that short time period.‎ ‎(2)She was taken on as a trainee.‎ ‎(3)He took the machine apart to clean and oil the parts.‎ ‎(4)When I want to write,I open her mouth and take out the pencils from her stomach.‎ ‎(5)We were taken in by his innocent,boyish looks.‎ 写作能力提升——[句式升级]‎ ‎(6)After the school was taken over by the university,it took on a new look.(用过去分词短语作状语改写)‎ Taken over by the university,the school took on a new look.‎ ‎ latter n.后者;adj.后者的,后面的;晚期的,末期的 ‎[完成句子]‎ ‎(1)I invited Tom and Mary to my birthday party.The former(前者) is 15 years old and the latter(后者) is 14 years old.‎ ‎(2)Of your two examples,I prefer the latter(更喜欢后者).‎ ‎(3)He is getting into the latter years(末期) of his career.‎ 名师点拨 ‎(1)late adj.迟到的;晚的;晚期的;adv.迟;晚 ‎(2)lately adv.近来;最近 ‎(3)later adv.以后;后来 ‎(4)latest adj.最新的;最近的 ‎ dilemma n.困境,进退两难的窘境 ‎[完成句子]‎ ‎(1)在现代都市的发展中,我们往往会陷入困境。‎ In the process of modern urban development,we often find ourselves in a dilemma.‎ ‎(2)她面临左右为难的困境,不知是否接受邀请。‎ She faced a dilemma about whether to accept the invitation or not.‎ ‎(3)经过五年的艰苦工作,他们终于走出了困境。‎ After five years’ hard work,they finally got out of a dilemma.‎ 名师点拨 ‎(be) in a dilemma处于进退两难的境地;face a dilemma面临两难的困境;get out of a dilemma走出困境,在这些短语中不要漏掉不定冠词a。‎ ‎ correspond vi.通信;相符;一致 ‎[单句语法填空]‎ ‎(1)The translation does not quite correspond to the original.‎ ‎(2)I assure you what I do will correspond with/to what I say.‎ ‎(3)His interest in writing came from a long correspondence (correspond) with a close college friend.‎ ‎[完成句子]‎ ‎(4)她母亲去世后她不再与他通信。‎ She stopped corresponding with him after the death of her mother.‎ ‎(5)这些货物与我的订单不符。‎ These goods don’t correspond with/to my order form.‎ ‎(6)她仍与9年前结识的美国朋友们通信。‎ She is still in correspondence with American friends she met nine years ago.‎ 名师点拨 ‎(1)correspond to/with和……一致 correspond with和……通信 ‎(2)correspondence n.往来书信;通信联系;相关,相似 in correspondence with与……有通信联系 ‎(3)corresponding adj.符合的;相应的;相关的 ‎(4)correspondent n.记者;通讯员;通信者 ‎(5)correspond无论作哪个意思均不及物,若表示“与……一致或相称”,其后可接介词to或with;若表示“与……相当或对等”,其后只接介词to,不接with;若表示“与……通信”,其后只接with,不接to。‎ ‎ phenomenon n.现象(pl.phenomena)‎ ‎[单句语法填空]‎ ‎(1)There is a natural phenomenon that scientists call the “greenhouse effect”.‎ ‎(2)Rain and snow are phenomena(phenomenon) of the weather.‎ 名师点拨 phenomenon的复数是phenomena,请注意拼写。‎ ‎ By the year 2015,the clothing industry will have produced new types of material that will remain stainless no matter what you spill on them.‎ 到2015年,服装行业将生产出各种新型布料,无论你将什么东西洒在上面都不会留下污渍。‎ ‎(1)By the time Dale was a senior,he had won every top honor in speech.(2014·江苏)‎ 到戴尔是一个高中生的时候,他在演讲上已赢得了每一项最高荣誉。‎ ‎(2)By next month,Tom will have saved enough to buy a used car.‎ 到下个月,汤姆就会攒够钱买辆二手车了。‎ 教材原句中by the year 2015是“by+时间点”构成的介词短语,表示“到……时候”。这一结构通常用于完成时态的句中作时间状语。‎ ‎(1)by+过去时间点,主语+谓语(过去完成时态)+宾语……‎ ‎(2)by+现在时间点,主语+谓语(现在完成时态)+宾语……‎ ‎(3)by+将来时间点,主语+谓语(将来完成时态)+宾语……‎ ‎(4) 基础知识训练——[单句语法填空]‎ ‎(1)By now,people have realized its importance.‎ ‎(2)When I talked with my grandma on the phone,she sounded weak,but by the time we hung(hang)‎ ‎ up,her voice had been full of life.‎ 写作能力提升——[完成句子]‎ ‎(3)到下学期末,我们将会学到3 000个单词。‎ We will have learned 3,000 words by the end of next term.‎ ‎(4)到上学期末,我们已经学了3 000个单词了。‎ We had learned 3,000 words by the end of last term.‎ ‎ There is no doubt about it.‎ 关于这一点是毫无疑问的。‎ ‎(1)This doesn’t mean we are becoming either more or less intelligent,but there is no doubt that the way we use memory is changing.(2015·安徽)‎ 这并不意味着我们变得更聪明或更不聪明了,但毫无疑问我们利用记忆的方式在改变。‎ ‎(2)There is some doubt whether he is suitable for the job.‎ 他是否能胜任这项工作还有一些疑问。‎ ‎(3)I have no doubt that you’ll succeed.‎ 我肯定你能成功。‎ ‎(1)There is no doubt意为“毫无疑问”,后接that从句或about+名词结构。There is doubt意为“……值得怀疑”,后接whether引导的从句或about+名词结构。‎ ‎(2)doubt v.& n.怀疑;疑问 作动词时,其用法如下:‎ ‎①在否定句和疑问句中,doubt后面接that引导的宾语从句。‎ ‎②在肯定句中,doubt后面一般接whether或if引导的宾语从句。‎ 作名词时,用法如下:‎ ‎①用于肯定句时,一般接whether引导的同位语从句。‎ ‎②用于否定句或疑问句时,一般接that引导的同位语从句。‎ ‎(3)be in doubt犹豫不决 beyond doubt无疑地 基础知识训练——[单句语法填空]‎ ‎(1)I don’t doubt that he can finish the task on time.‎ ‎(2)I doubt if/whether they can swim across the river.‎ ‎(3)There is no doubt that she will come in time.‎ ‎(4)I have some doubt whether he will be elected.‎ ‎(5)When in doubt,we’re here for you.Give us a call.‎ 写作能力提升——[改写句子]‎ ‎(6)There is no doubt that our experiment will succeed.(用“介词+名词”改写)‎ ‎→There is no doubt about the success of our experiment.‎ Ⅰ.教材与语法填空 Over the centuries,masses of people have wondered about the future.Some imagine 1.what the world will be like in the future.Some authors even predict things that have since happened.2.However,for some people,3.thinking(think) about the future is not just for fun.They plan the future of the world for a living,4.who are called futurologists.A seminar will be held at Newcastle University this weekend.Lots of people will attend it with the hope of starting new enterprises 5.based(base) on the 6.predictions(predict) they will hear at the meeting.I clicked into the websites of a few futurologists and learnt some predictions.Here are some:‎ In the next few years,computers will become 7.handier(hand).‎ By the year 2025,no one will die of 8.starvation(starve) because there will be food for everyone.‎ By the year 2030,people 9.can live for at least 150 years.Tiny robots may be sent around the cells of our bodies to assess our health and carry 10.out repairs to keep us healthy.‎ Ⅱ.教材与短文改错 In just 100 years,the world changed complete.Amazed discoveries were made in many ways.Although it is impossible to choose the most important discovery,but it is possible to single out few pioneers of the 20th century.“E=mc2” was born when Albert Einstein is suddenly inspired.Edwin Hubble,an astronomer,discovered small area of mist where were in fact galaxies.Alexander Fleming discovered a natural form of penicillin—a blue mould.The world’s first computer were produced by Eckert,an engineer and Mauchly,a physicist.With these breakthroughs,the world would have been a completely different place.‎ 答案 ‎ In just 100 years,the world changed . discoveries were made in many ways.Although it is impossible to choose the most important discovery,but it is possible to single out few pioneers of the 20th century.“E=mc2” was born when Albert Einstein suddenly inspired.Edwin Hubble,an astronomer,discovered small of mist were in fact galaxies.Alexander Fleming discovered natural form of penicillin—a blue mould.The world’s first computer produced by Eckert,an engineer and Mauchly,a physicist. these breakthroughs,the world would have been a completely different place.‎ Ⅲ.教材与微写作 写作素材(关于灾后救援)‎ ‎1.地震发生后,营救队首先到达了灾区。‎ ‎2.公布损失评估不久后,源源不断的捐款被送到了灾区。‎ ‎3.捐款被用来帮助那些处于饥饿状态的人们。‎ ‎4.这时,每个人都意识到人们之间已经没有了歧视,人人生而平等。‎ ‎5.毫无疑问,人们要面对重建的挑战。‎ 提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达,并且请使用宾语从句,there is no doubt that...等。‎ 连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇60词左右的英语短文)‎ After the earthquake,rescue teams first got to the disasterhit area.Shortly after the declaration of assessment of the great loss,constant donation was sent to the disasterhit area to assist the people in starvation.On this occasion,everyone was aware that there was no discrimination and that everyone was born equal.There was no doubt that people would face the challenge of rebuilding.‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.They have no intention of getting married at present.‎ ‎2.In the meanwhile,I’ll set the table.‎ ‎3.Of the two,the latter wins my favor.(2015·重庆)‎ ‎4.It can be used to update(update) mobile phones.(2014·山东)‎ ‎5.Electrical activity corresponds(correspond) to one’s behavior.(2014·江苏)‎ ‎6.Some people may think that a garden is no more than plants,flowers,patterns and masses(mass) of color.(2016·全国Ⅱ)‎ ‎7.What kind of education can be “meaningful” to young people affected by conflict?‎ ‎(2016·浙江)‎ ‎8.In the picture,we can see a boy in worn(wear) clothes,sitting at a shabby wooden table with a pile of books on it.(2015·福建)‎ ‎9.I’m going to take advantage of this tour to explore(explore) the history of the castle.(2016·天津)‎ ‎10.Such enterprises(enterprise) today are regarded by many middleaged persons as bad for the ‎ heart.(2014·天津)‎ Ⅱ.阅读理解 A ‎(2016·福建泉州南安一中期中)‎ In 1901,H.G.Wells,an English writer,wrote a book describing a trip to the moon.When the explorers landed on the moon,they discovered that the moon was full of underground cities.They expressed their surprise to the “moon people” they met.In turn,the “moon people” expressed their surprise.“Why,” they asked,“are you traveling to outer space when you don’t even use your inner space?”‎ H.G.Wells could only imagine travel to the moon.In 1969,human beings really did land on the moon.People today know that there are no underground cities on the moon.However,the question that the “moon people” asked is still an interesting one.A growing number of scientists are seriously thinking about it.‎ Underground systems are already in place.Many cities have underground car parks.In some cities,such as Tokyo,Seoul and Montreal,there are large underground shopping areas.The “Channel”,a tunnel(隧道) connecting England and France,is now complete.But what about underground cities?Japan’ s Taisei Corporation is designing a network of underground systems,called “Alice Cities.” The designers imagine using surface space for public parks and using underground space for flats,offices,shopping,and so on.A solar dome(太阳能穹顶) would cover the whole city.‎ Supporters of underground development say that building down rather than building up is a good way to use the earth’ s space.The surface,they say,can be used for farms,parks,gardens,and wilderness.H.G.Wells’s “moon people” would agree.Would you?‎ ‎11.The explorers in H.G.Wells’s story were surprised to find that the “moon people” .‎ A.knew so much about the earth B.understood their language C.lived in so many underground cities D.were ahead of them in space technology 答案 C 解析 细节理解题。根据第一段第二、三句“When the explorers landed on the moon,they discovered that the moon was full of underground cities.They expressed their surprise to the ‘moon people’ they met.”可知选C。‎ ‎12.What does the underlined word “it” (Paragraph 2) refer to?‎ A.Using the earth’s inner space.‎ B.Discovering the moon’ s inner space.‎ C.Meeting the “moon people” again.‎ D.Traveling to outer space.‎ 答案 A 解析 代词指代题。根据上下文可知,it指的是第一段中月球人问的这个问题“Why are you traveling to outer space when you don’t even use your inner space?”。‎ ‎13.What sort of underground systems are already here with us?‎ A.Offices,shopping areas,power stations.‎ B.Tunnels,gardens,offices.‎ C.Gardens,car parks,power stations.‎ D.Tunnels,car parks,shopping areas.‎ 答案 D 解析 细节理解题。根据第三段内容可知答案为D。‎ ‎14.What would be the best title for the text?‎ A.Alice Cities—Cities of the Future B.Building Down,Not up C.Enjoy Living Underground D.Space Travel With H.G.Wells ‎ 答案 B 解析 标题归纳题。最后一段点题,在地下修建建筑而不是地上是使用地球空间的好办法,所以最佳题目为B。‎ B ‎(2017·吉林梅河口五中段考)‎ A qualified doctor who rarely practiced but instead devoted his life to writing,he once said:“Medicine is my lawful wife,and literature is my lover.” Russian writer,Anton Pavlovich Chekhov,was a great playwright and one of the masters of the modern short story.‎ When Chekhov entered the Moscow University Medical School in 1879,he started to publish hundreds of comic short stories to support his family.After he graduated,he wrote regularly for a local daily newspaper.‎ As a writer he was extremely fast,often producing a short story in an hour or less.Chekhov’s medical and science experience can be seen through the indifference(冷漠) many of his characters show to tragic events.In 1892,he became a fulltime writer and published some of his most memorable stories.‎ Chekhov often wrote about the sufferings of life in small town Russia.Tragic events control his characters who are filled with feelings of hopelessness and despair.‎ It is often said that nothing happens in Chekhov’s stories and plays.He made up for this with his exciting technique for developing drama within his characters.Chekhov’s work combined the calm attitude of a scientist and doctor with the sensitivity(敏感) of an artist.‎ Some of Chekhov’s works were translated into Chinese as early as the 1940s.One of his famous stories,The Man in a Shell,about a school teacher’s extraordinarily orderly life,was selected as a text for Chinese senior students.‎ 语篇解读 本文介绍了俄罗斯伟大的现代短篇小说家——契诃夫。‎ ‎15.Which of the following is the RIGHT order of the events?‎ a.became a doctor b.became a fulltime writer c.started to publish comic short stories d.wrote regularly for a local daily newspaper e.entered the Moscow University Medical School A.e→c→b→a→d B.e→c→a→d→b ‎ C.d→a→b→c→e D.a→e→d→c→b 答案 B 解析 细节理解题。要求排列事件顺序,可用首尾定位法。第一个事件是“entered the Moscow University Medical School”;最后一个事件是“became a full time writer”,故答案为B。‎ ‎16.Anton Pavlovich Chekhov .‎ A.was once a doctor B.had a lawful lover C.used to be a lawyer D.was an illegal writer 答案 A 解析 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句中的“A qualified doctor who rarely practiced but instead devoted his life to writing...”可知,契诃夫曾经是名医生。故选A。‎ ‎17.In 1880,Chekhov .‎ A.became a fulltime writer B.published his most memorable stories C.studied medicine in Moscow University D.practiced medicine in his hometown 答案 C 解析 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“When Chekhov entered the Moscow University Medical School in 1879”可知契诃夫1879年进入莫斯科大学学医,由此可以判定契诃夫1880年正在大学学医。故选C。‎ ‎18.Which of the following adjectives CAN’T be used to describe Chekhov?‎ A.Sensitive. B.Cool.‎ C.Quickminded. D.Warmhearted.‎ 答案 D 解析 细节理解题。文中讲到了他的品质有:cool,sensitive [calm attitude of a scientist and doctor with the sensitivity(敏感) of an artist],quickminded(extremely fast,often producing a short story in an hour or less),但没有涉及到warmhearted这方面的品质。故选D。‎ Ⅲ.语法填空 ‎(2017·山西长治一中、沂州一中、临汾一中、康杰中学、晋城一中联考)‎ My husband and I were paying a visit 19 my parents in Tucson.We went to a fastfood restaurant for dinner together.My husband went to the counter 20 (order)dishes and I stood with my parents.‎ My dad is 90 years old.He can hardly see very well and walks with a stick.I was scanning the restaurant, 21 (wait)to sit at the first table that was 22 (convenient)than others.A woman who was sitting with her son made eye contact with me and asked me to come to her.With a 23 (puzzle)look on my face,I pointed to myself and said,“Me ?” She 24 (nod)and said,“ Yes,you.”I walked to the table and she said,“Bring your family here.I can finish eating at the counter.My son is in 25 hurry to leave anyway.”My eyes 26 (fill)with tears as she wiped down the table and guided my dad to the seat.‎ I always believe that there are 27 (nature)kind people in this world.This woman has set a good example to her son, 28 is a really lucky guy.‎ ‎19.答案 to 解析 固定搭配:pay a visit to...拜访……,在这里to是介词,故填to。‎ ‎20.答案 to order 解析 动词不定式作目的状语,故填to order。‎ ‎21.答案 waiting 解析 现在分词作伴随状语,故填waiting。‎ ‎22.答案 more convenient 解析 根据后面的than可知用比较级,故填more convenient。‎ ‎23.答案 puzzled 解析 此处指我脸上有一种感到疑惑的表情。此处用过去分词作前置定语,故填puzzled。‎ ‎24.答案 nodded 解析 句意为:她点头说。根据句意可知用一般过去时,故填nodded。‎ ‎25.答案 a 解析 固定词组:in a hurry匆忙地,慌张地,故填a。‎ ‎26.答案 were filled 解析 固定搭配:be filled with被填满,根据句意可知用一般过去时,故填were filled。‎ ‎27.答案 naturally 解析 副词修饰形容词,故填naturally。‎ ‎28.答案 who 解析 在这里her son作先行词,指人,后面的非限制性定语从句缺少引导词,缺少主语,故填who。‎ Ⅳ.短文改错 ‎(2016·广西桂林十八中月考)‎ Li Hua is a senior three student who devote himself to his lessons every day.Last Saturday,as usual,he went to several courses.In the evening,he studies at home until deep into the night.He was too sleepy and tired that he couldn’t work effectively.In Sunday morning,Li Hua was about to study when his father came up and advised him to have a break.Soon they had good idea.They bought a kite which they liked it very much and then the family went to the suburbs where Li Hua enjoyed himself fly the kite.The family had a picnic together but felt very relaxed in the open air.On Monday,Li Hua was energetic and actively in class.He said it was only why he had a better weekend.‎ 答案 ‎ Li Hua is a senior three student who himself to his lessons every day.Last ‎ Saturday,as usual,he went to several courses.In the evening,he at home until deep into the night.He was sleepy and tired that he couldn’t work effectively. Sunday morning,Li Hua was about to study when his father came up and advised him to have a break.Soon they had good idea.They bought a kite which they liked it very much and then the family went to the suburbs where Li Hua enjoyed himself the kite.The family had a picnic together felt very relaxed in the open air.On Monday,Li Hua was energetic and in class.He said it was only he had a better weekend.‎

