高考英语考点07 动词和动词短语

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高考英语考点07 动词和动词短语

1 考点 07 动词和动词短语 考点详解 高考频度:★★★★★ 英语动词根据其意义和句法作用,可分为实义动词、连系动词、助动词和情态动词四大类。实义动词 又称行为动词,为表示动作或状态的动词,可以单独充当句子的谓语,实义动词有及物动词和不及物动词 两类。英语中的动词短语通常由动词加介词、副词、名词等构成,在句中起动词的作用。高考设题时往往 都是给出四个不同的动词或短语来测试考生在具体语境中对动词短语词意的辨析及其理解和运用能力。 考向一 常用动词辨析 1.advise,persuade,suggest advise 用作及物动词,表示"劝告,忠告,建议",强调提醒或引起注意; persuade 表示"说服",强调劝说成功,主要搭配是:persuade sb.to do sth.说服某人做某事(相当于 persuade sb. into doing sth.);如表示劝说但不一定成功,则使用 try to persuade sb.to do sth.或 advise sb.to do sth.。 suggest 用作及物动词,意为"建议",后接名词、代词、动名词或从句,从句中的谓语用"should+动词原 形",should 可以省略。 2.bring,take,carry,fetch bring"带来,拿来,取来",强调从别处带人或物到说话人所在地。 take"拿走,带走",强调把人或物从说话者身边带走,方向与 bring 相反。 fetch"去拿来,去取来",强调从甲地出发到乙地取物或人后,又回到甲地,相当于 go and bring。 carry"携带,搬运,运送",强调用人力或车辆把人或物从一地运到另一地。 3.win,beat,defeat win 表示"赢得,战胜"时,宾语多是比赛项目等。win sb.则指"赢得人心"。 beat/defeat 意为"打败,击败",其宾语只能是人或由人组成的机构。如:beat sb.打败某人;defeat their team/ the country/the enemy 击败了他们的队/国家/敌人。 beat 多用于表示在比赛或争论中战胜对手; defeat 多用于在战争中打败对手。 4.believe,believe in 2 believe 表示"相信,认为",侧重于相信某人说的话或所做事情的真实性,其后可跟名词、代词、不定式 的复合结构或宾语从句。 believe in 表示"相信,信任,信仰,信奉",其后常接真理、宗教、原则之类的名词。 ☞You should believe in yourself and believe that you will succeed one day. 你应该相信自己,并且相信某天你 将会成功的。 5.book,order 二者都有"订购,预订"之意,但 book 指订各种"票,座位";而 order 指"餐馆订饭、菜,定做衣服, 订货"等,常用结构:place an order for sth. with sb.向某人订购某物。 对比:book a ticket/two seats/a double room 订一张票/两个座位/一个双人间;order four dishes/ lunch 要四个菜 /订好午饭。 ☞He booked a table for four and ordered six dishes. 他订了一张四人桌,并且要了六个菜。 6.choose,select,elect choose 表示"选择,挑选",有时也表示"推选,选举",但一般表示范围很小、普通的选择,没有 elect 正式。 select 表示"(精心地)挑选,选定",具有"精选"之意。 elect 表示"选举",指较大范围的正式的选举。 7.disturb,interrupt disturb 是及物动词,有"打扰,扰乱,使人心神不安"之意。常用短语: disturb the sleeping child/one’s plan/the public peace 打扰睡觉的孩子/打乱计划/扰乱社会治安; be mentally disturbed 精神上受到影响;be disturbed about 对……感到不安。 interrupt 有"打断,打扰"之意,侧重打断。常用短语: interrupt the supplies 中断供应 interrupt one’s speech 打断演讲 8.hurt,injure,wound,harm hurt 是一般用语,指精神或肉体上受到的伤害,有较强烈的"疼痛"意味; injure 比 hurt 更正式,常指意外事故对身体或精神上的"损害,损伤"; wound 主要指外界暴力引起身体创伤,尤指战争中受的刀、枪、剑等伤; harm 指对人的肉体或精神带来伤害,特指伤及一个人或其心态、健康、权利、事业等,使之产生痛苦、损 失或任何不幸遭遇。 9.miss,lose miss 意为"未能赶上(抓住),错过,失去,漏掉"。而 lose 意为"丢失,迷失方向,迷路"。 3 10.fit,be fit for,be fit to,suit fit 用作及物或不及物动词,表示"(衣服等)合适,使合身"; be fit for 是形容词短语,表示"适合的,能胜任的",for 后接名词或动名词; befit to 表示"适合,能胜任",to 是动词不定式符号,后接动词原形。suit 指颜色、款式的"适合",而 fit 指尺寸、大小的"合适"。 11.save,spare save 意为"储蓄,节省",指把钱、时间及其他东西储蓄起来以备将来用,或指节省东西,避免浪费,也 指"救命"。而 spare 意为"省",指细心地省下或节省钱、时间、力气等,常表示省出一部分以留作他用。 12.seat,sit seat 是及物动词,意思是"使坐下",可以接人作宾语,还可以用于被动语态。常见搭配有:seat sb.使某人 坐下;seat oneself 自己坐下;be seated=sit down 坐好。而 sit 是不及物动词,不能带宾语。*网 典例剖析 (2018·新课标 I 卷·完形填空)During my second year at the city college, I was told that the education department was offering a “free” course, called Thinking Chess, for three credits. I 41 the idea of taking the class because, after all, who doesn’t want to 42 a few dollars? 41. A. put forward B. jumped at C. tried out D. turned down 42. A. waste B. earn C. save D. pay 考向二 考查同根介词或副词动词短语的辨析 使用频率较高的这类动词有:call,cut,come,go,get,go,look,put,set,turn,take,pay,pick,make 等。常见的介词或副词有:in,off,out,up,away,for,on,over 等。 1.动词+ away 构成的短语动词有: 4 throw away 扔掉 put away 把……收拾好 give away 捐赠,分发 carry away 运走 run away 潜逃,跑开 go away 走开 2.动词+ for 构成的短语动词有: answer for 负责 provide for 供给 all for 要求 plan for 打算,为……计划 hope for 希望,期待 ask for 索取,寻找 send for 派人去请 go for 努力获取 pay for 偿还,赔偿 3.动词+on 构成的短语动词有: try on 试穿,试验 put on 穿上,上演 have on 穿着,戴着 pull on 穿,戴 hold on 不挂断,坚持,继续 carry on 继续开展,坚持 keep on 继续 go on 继续 get on 上(车) 4.动词+over 构成的短语动词有: come over 过来 hand over 移交 go over 仔细检查,复习 get over 克服,恢复 look over 检查 think over 仔细考虑 take over 接受,接管 hand over 移交 turn over 翻转 5.动词+ up 构成的短语动词有: bring up 抚育,培养 call up 召唤,打电话给 come up 走上前来,长出 cut up 切碎 fix up 修理 give up 放弃;go up 上升,增长 grow up 长大 look up 尊敬,向上看,查寻 make up 虚构,弥补,组成 put up 举起,搭建 set up 建立,创(纪录) pick up 捡起,(开车)接某人,偶然得到 send up 发射 show up 揭露,露面 turn up 出现,把……调高一点 典例剖析 1. (2018·江苏卷·完形填空)Raynor Winn and her husband Moth became homeless due to their wrong investment. Their savings had been___36___ to pay lawyers’ fees. A. drawn up B. used up C. backed up D. kept up 【答案】B 2. (2018·天津卷·单项填空)At first Robert wouldn't let his daughter go diving, but eventually 5 he___________ as she was so confidence about her skills. A. gave in B. dressed up C. broke in D. turned up 【答案】A 3.(2017·江苏卷·完形填空)In his first years of high school, Gabriel would look pityingly at music students, 36(struggling) across the campus with their heavy instrument cases, 37 at school for practice hours 38(before) anyone else had to be there. A. rising up B. coming up C. driving up D. turning up 【答案】D 【解析】考查动词短语。根据" 37 at school for practice hours 38 anyone else"可知,学 习音乐的同学需要比不学音乐的早到学校几个小时,为了练习弹奏乐器。turn up 在"出现",符合语境。 6.动词+out 构成的短语动词有: come out 出来 go out 出去,熄灭 look out 留神,当心 walk out 走出 set out 出发,开始 put out 扑灭,生产 give out 发出,发表 hand out 分发 pick out 挑选 find out 找出,发现 speak out 大声地说 turn out 生产,结果是 get out 出去,离开 carry out 实行,执行 work out 计算出,解决,实行,行得通 bring out 出版 start out 出发,动身。 典例剖析 (2017·江苏卷·单项填空)Working with the medical team in Africa has ____________ the best in her as a doctor. A. held out B. brought out C. picked out D. given out 【答案】B 【解析】考查短语辨析。hold out 坚持;提供机会;伸出手; B. bring out 使显现,阐明,出版;C. pick out 使容易看见,找出精心挑选,认出来;D. give out 用完,停止运行,分发,发出,公布。句意:在非洲同医 6 疗队一起工作已经使她表现出了最好的一面。这里取"使显现"之意,故选 B。 考向三 常见同根动词短语辨析 1.bring bring in 引进,挣得 bring about 引起,导致 bring up 养育,培养,呕吐,提出 bring out 使展现,推出(书等) bring down 降低,使倒下 bring back 把……带回来,使忆起 bring forth 结果,生产,产生 bring forward 提出,提前 bring off 圆满完成(困难之事) 2.break break down 崩溃,瓦解,垮掉,失败,分解 break up 打碎,分解,分开,结束,制止 break through 逾越,突破,冲破 break away(from)挣脱,脱离 break out 爆发 break in 破门而入 break into 进入建筑物以便行窃,突然发出,打扰 break off 折断,中断 3.come come about 发生 come out 结果出来,出版,开花 come across 偶遇,被理解 come true 变为现实 come up 走上前,被提出,走近 come along 一起来 come up with 产生,发现(解决办法等) 4.give give up 放弃 give in 屈服,呈交 give out 用尽,耗尽,分发,公布,发表 give off 发出 give away 颁发,赠送,送掉,捐赠 5.go go against 违背,与……不符,对……不利 go without 勉强维持,凑合 go in for 爱好,参加,从事 go by 过去,依据,按照 go on 继续,发生 go over 复习,仔细审查,走近 go ahead 进行 go through 从头到尾地阅读,经历 go away 走开,外出度假,消失 go for 去取来或接来,争取得到 6.keep 7 keep away(from)使远离 keep back 扣除,保留,隐瞒不讲 keep off 避开 keep on 继续 keep out 挡在外边,请勿靠近 keep up 保持,不低落,持续,继续 keep up with 跟上 keep down 抑制(以防其增长) 7.look look ahead 向前看 look about 环顾 look back 回忆,回顾 look out 当心,找出 look up 向上看,查阅,看望 look down upon 看不起 look through 翻阅 look into 调查,向内看 look after 照看,负责处理 look on 旁观 look forward to 盼望 look round 寻找,边走边看,观光 8.put put back 放回原处,拨回,阻碍,推迟 put down 平定,镇压,记下 put away 将事物放置于惯常保存之处,储蓄 put forward 提出(计划、建议),拨快,提前 put off 延期 put on 穿戴,上映 put out 扑灭,生产 put up 举起,张贴 9.take take in 吸收 take for 误认为 take out 拿出 take down 放下 take up 从事,拿起,占据 take off 飞机起飞,脱下,休假,成功 take by 攻占 take after 像 take along 随身携带 take away 带走,拿走,使离去 take back 收回,退回(所购商品) take charge 负责,掌管 take on 呈现,雇佣 take out 拿出,带……出去 take over 接管,接任 典例剖析 1.(2018·江苏卷·单项填空) Developing the Yangtze River Economic Belt is a systematic project which _______ a clear road map and 8 timetable. A. calls for B. calls on C. calls off D. calls up 【答案】A 【解析】考查动词短语词义辨析及语境理解。句意:发展长江经济带是一项需要清晰的路线图和时间表的 系统工程。A. calls for 需要;B. calls on 号召;C. calls off 取消;D. calls up 使想起。故选 A。 2.The general manager has to retire due to his illness. Who do you think will ________the business? A.take in B. take up C. take on D. take over 【答案】D 10.turn turn back 折回,掉转头 turn away 转身,走开,打发走 turn out 结果是,赶出,生产,制造 turn down 拒绝,调小 turn off 关掉 turn over 翻过来,移交 turn in 上交(作业等),拐入 turn into 变成,翻译 turn on 打开,取决于 turn to 求助于,翻到 turn up 调大,出现 典例剖析 Tom had to______ the invitation to the party last weekend because he was too busy. A. turn in B. turn down C. turn over D. turn to 【答案】B 【解析】句意:上个周汤姆不得不拒绝宴会的邀请,因为他太忙了。turn in 上交; turn down 拒绝; turn over 移交; turn to 求助。根据句意可知选 B。*网 检测训练 题组一 基础过关 9 I.单项填空 1.A sign of a liar is that his eyes are always __________, that’s to say, he doesn’t dare to look into your eyes. A. disagreeing B. wondering C. reflecting D. wandering 2.The government will set up a group to__________ways to improve the people’s living standard. A. run into B. get into C. look into D. break into 3.The visiting president answered journalists’ questions, saying the two countries should seek common ground and __________differences on many problems. A. examine B. explore C. assume D. reserve 4.You might__________deer or horses as you walk through the farmland, where many animals live. A. come up B. come through C. come across D. come over 5.We all__________Wang Yaping as an example of a woman who managed to fulfil her dream. A. look forward to B. look back C. look up to D. look over 6.They kept trying, and their efforts finally __________. A. make it B. paid off C. are made it D. are paid off 7.In Britain today, women__________44% of the workforce, and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work. A. take up B. make up C. pick up D. give up 8.—It’s a good idea. But who’s going to __________the plan? —I think Tom and Mike will. A. carry out B. get through C. take in D. set aside 9.As a student, I want to use my creativity to__________ possible solutions to the problems I meet with. A. explain B. express C. ignore D. explore 10.The policy of reducing the price of bus services provides you with a cheap way to __________. A. get through B. get across C. get over D. get around 10 题组二 体验真题 1. (2017·天津卷·单项填空)Mr. and Mrs. Brown would like to see their daughter ___________, get married, and have kids. A. settled down B. keep off C. get up D. cut in 2. (2017·天津卷·完形填空)I was filled with the fear that I would 28 the same difficulties that beat me before. A. get over B. run into C. look for D. put aside 3. (2017·新课标 1 卷·完形填空)After that, feeling the need to 52 further, I decided to drop in on one of ASL club’s meetings. I only learned how to 53 the alphabet that day. 52. A. exercise B. explore C. express D. explain 53. A. print B. write C. sign D. count 4.(2016·江苏)He did not _________ easily, but was willing to accept any constructive advice for a worthy cause. A. approach B. wrestle C. compromise D. communicate 5.(2016·江苏)Many businesses started up by college students have________ thanks to the comfortable climate for business creation. A. fallen off B. taken off C. turned off D. left off 6.(2016·江苏)Parents should actively urge their children to______ the opportunity to join sports teams. A. gain admission to B. keep track of C. take advantage of D. give rise to 7.(2016·天津)Mary was silent during the early part of the discussion but finally she ____ her opinion on the subject. A. gave voice to B. kept an eye on C. turned a deaf ear of D. set foot on 8.(2016·天津)I’m going to _____ advantage of this tour to explore the history of the castle. A. put B. make 11 C. take D. give 9.(2016·天津)I hate it when she calls me at work—I’m always too busy to _____ a conversation with her. A. carry on B. break into C. turn down D. cut off 10.(2016·浙江)We can achieve a lot when we learn to let our differences unite , rather than _______ us. A. divide B. reject C. control D. abandon 答案解析 题组一基础过关 单项填空 2.C 【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:政府将成立一个组去研究提高人民生活水平的方法。run into"偶 然遇见";get into"进入";look into"调查,研究";break into"闯入"。 3.D 【解析】考查动词辨析。句意:来访的总统在答记者问时说,在许多问题上,两国应当求同存异。examine" 检查";explore"探索":assume"假设";reserve"保留"。 4.C 【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:在穿过农场时,你可能会碰到鹿或马,那儿有很多动物。come up" 出现,到来";come through"安然度过";come across"(偶然)碰见";come over"来访,拜访"。 5.C 【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:王亚平作为一个妇女的典范受到我们所有人的尊敬,她努力实现了 自己的梦想。look up to sb.表示"尊敬某人"。 6.B 【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:他们一直努力,而且他们的努力终于奏效了。make it"成功,到 达",无被动形式,排除 C 项;A 项时态错误;pay off 意为"(计划等)奏效"时,也没有被动形式。 故选 B 项。 12 7.B 【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:如今的英国劳动力中,女性占了 44%,而且近一半的有孩子的母 亲在工作赚钱。make up"构成",符合句意。take up"开始从事(新的工作),占据(一定的时间或空 间)"; pick up"捡起,接收";give up"放弃"。 9.D 【解析】考查动词辨析。explain"解释";express"表达";ignore"忽略";explore"探索"。句意: 作为一名学生,我想用我的创造力去探索可能的方式来解决我遇到的问题。 10.D 【解析】考查动词短语辨析。get through"通过,到达,做完,接通电话,熬过(困难时期等)";get across"(使)被了解";get over"克服,恢复";get around"到处走动,传播"。句意:降低公交服 务价格的政策给你提供了一种便宜的方式去旅游。*网 题组二体验真题 1.A 【解析】句意:布朗先生和夫人想要看到他们的女儿安顿下来,结婚生子。A. 安顿下来;B. 远离; C.起床;D. 插嘴。根据句意,故选 A。 2.B 【解析】根据上文 fear 和下文 the same difficulties that beat me before 可知,我充满了恐惧,害怕遇到 以前打败我的同样的困难。A. 克服,战胜;B. 遇到;C. 寻找;D. 把……放到一边。故选 B。 3.52. B 考查动词辨析。exercise 锻炼;explore 探索;express 表达;explain 解释。句意:在那之后,我感 觉到想要探索更多(关于手语的东西),于是我决定参加 ASL 俱乐部的一次会议。故选 B。 53. C 考查动词辨析。print 打印;write 写;sign 签名,打手语;count 数。句意:那天我只学会了打字 母表的手语。分析语境可知作者第一次参加手语俱乐部的会议,学会的应该是最基本的打字母表的手语。 故选 C。 4.C 【解析】考查动词辨析。动词 approach 靠近,接近;wrestle 摔跤,斗争,努力解决;compromise 妥协; 和解;让步;communicate 交流;句意:他不容易妥协,但是对于正义的事业,他愿意接受任何建设性 的建议。根据句意可知 C 项正确。 5.B 【解析】考查动词短语辨析。fall off 跌落,下降;take off 起飞,成功,受欢迎;turn off 关闭;leave off 停止,中断。句意:由于良好的创业环境,很多大学生创办的生意都很成功。根据句意可知 B 正确。 6.C 【解析】考查短语辨析。动词短语 gain admission to 获准进入;keep track of 记录;take advantage of 利 13 用;give rise to 引起;句意:父母亲应该积极鼓励孩子抓住机会参加体育活动。根据句意可知 C 项正确。 7.A 【解析】句意:玛丽在讨论的前一部分是沉默的,但是最后她说出自己对这个话题的观点。A. 将…… 说出,透露,表明;B. 注意,照看;C.对……充耳不闻;D.踏上。根据语境,故选 A。 10.A 【解析】句意:当我们学会让我们的差异联合起来而不是将我们分离的时候,我们就获得很多。A. 将……分开;B. 拒绝,拒收;C.控制;D.放弃。根据语境,故选 A。

