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专题二 名词、冠词、代词和数词 考向分析 在高考中,涉及名词的考点主要包括名词复数、名词所有格等;涉及冠词的考点主要包括定冠词和不定冠词的用法,有时在短文改错中会考查零冠词;代词 考点主要包括人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、不定代词等的用法;数词考 点主要包括基数词和序数词的用法。 考点一 名词 单句填空 语境运用 1.(2018课标全国卷Ⅰ)Two of the authors of the review also made a study pub- lished in 2014 that showed a mere five to 10 minutes a day of running reduced the risk of heart disease and early deaths from all  causes     (cause). 考点清单 答案  causes 此处的cause是可数名词,表示“原因”。根据其前的all可知, 应该使用其复数形式,故填causes。 2.(2017课标全国卷Ⅰ)This trend, which was started by the medical community (医学界) as a method of fighting heart disease, has had some unintended side    effects     (effect) such as overweight and heart disease—the very thing the medi- cal community was trying to fight. 答案  effects 根据空格前面的some以及空格后面列举的两个例子“over- weight and heart disease”可知,应用effect的复数形式。 3.(2017课标全国卷Ⅱ)In 1863 the first underground passenger railway in the world opened in London.It ran for just under seven kilometers and allowed peo- ple to avoid terrible  crowds     (crowd) on the roads above as they travelled to and from work. 答案  crowds    根据空格前面的形容词terrible可知此处填名词,crowd表示 “人群”,是可数名词,前面没有限定词,所以用名词的复数形式。 4.The nursery team switches him every few  days     (day) with his sister so that while one is being bottle-fed, the other is with mum—she never suspects. 答案  days every few days表示“每隔几天”,此处应该使用名词的复数形 式days。 单句改错 5.(2019课标全国卷Ⅰ)All the football player on the playground cheered loudly, saying that I had a talent for football.  player→players     答案   player→players 考查名词单复数。句中的player“运动员”为可数 名词,且all之后应用名词复数。all the football players“所有的足球运动 员”。 6.(2019课标全国卷Ⅱ)Since I was a kid, I've considered different job I would like to do.  job→jobs     答案  job→jobs 考查名词单复数。job“工作”,为可数名词,其前的differ- ent表明此处为复数概念,故用job的复数形式,所以将job改为jobs。 7.(2019课标全国卷Ⅲ)I wish to have a chain of cafes in many different city.  city→cities     答案  city→cities 考查名词单复数。根据语境中的many以及city作“城 市”讲时为可数名词可知,此处应用名词复数。 8.(2018课标全国卷Ⅰ)Last winter when I went there again, they had a big sepa- rate house to raise dozens of chicken.  chicken→chickens     答案  chicken→chickens 短语dozens of之后应该使用可数名词chicken “鸡”的复数形式。 9.(2018课标全国卷Ⅱ)After supper, we would play card games of all sort in the sitting room.  sort→sorts     答案  sort→sorts 由前面的all可知应用sort的复数形式;all sorts意为“各种 各样的”。 10.(2018课标全国卷Ⅲ)At that moment, I remembered that my father once said, “The classroom is a place for learning and that includes learning from text- books, and mistake as well.”  mistake→mistakes     答案  mistake→mistakes and连接两个并列成分,前面的textbooks为复数,故 可数名词mistake“错误”也应该用复数mistakes。 11.(2018课标全国卷Ⅱ)When I was little, Friday's night was our family game night.  Friday's→Friday     答案  Friday's→Friday 此处意为“星期五晚上”,应该用Friday而不是表 示所属关系的Friday's。所以要把Friday's改为Friday。 12.(2017课标全国卷Ⅰ)The instructor kept repeating the word, “Speed up!” “Slow down!” “Turn left!”  word→words     答案  word→words 根据后面引号内的内容可知教练一直重复说的话有多 句,故此处应用word的复数形式。     一般情况下 在词尾直接加-s mouth→mouths,house→houses 以-s,-x,-ch,-sh结尾的名词 在词尾加-es glass→glasses,match→matches 以辅音字母+-y结尾的名词 变y为i再加-es country→countries,factory→factories 以元音字母+-y结尾的名词 在词尾直接+-s holiday→holidays,monkey→monkeys 以o结尾的名词 一般在词尾加-s piano→pianos,photo→photos 有些在词尾加-es hero→heroes,potato→potatoes 以-f,-fe结尾的名词 一般要变f或fe为v+-es self→selves,wolf→wolves 少数直接加-s roof→roofs,belief→beliefs   单复数同形 deer, sheep, Chinese, means(方式,方法), series, species 词形变化 man→men, woman→women, child→children, tooth→teeth, foot→feet, mouse→mice 合成名词的复数 将主体名词变为复数:passer-by→passers-by, looker-on→lookers-on 无主体名词时通常在最后一个词后加-s:grown-up→grown-ups, stand-by→stand-bys 名词前有man或woman修饰 man/woman和中心词都要变为复数形式。如:woman doctor→women doctors,man teacher→men teachers。 语法精讲   一般来说,物质名词和抽象名词是不可数的,因此没有复数形式,一般也不能用a或an修饰。通常只用作不可数名词的有: milk, music, homework, housework, weather, news, butter, information, bread, advice, progress, equipment, fun, luggage, luck, work(工作), traffic, furniture, wealth, word(消息), room(空间), man(人类)等。   抽象名词(不可数) 具体化(表达具体的概念时,是可数名词) in surprise惊讶地 a surprise一件令人惊讶的事 achieve success获得成功 a success一个(件)成功的人(事) win honour赢得荣誉 an honour一个(件)引起尊敬的人(事) failure失败 a failure一个(件)失败的人(事) with pleasure乐意 a pleasure一件乐事   -'s所 有格 主要用于表示有生命的人或物的所有关系。(1)一般是名词词尾加-'s。如:John's home约翰的家;(2)以-s或-es结尾的复数名词,只在词尾加-'。如:students' textbooks 学生们的课本;(3)词尾不带-(e)s的复数名词,仍加-'s。如:children's game 孩子们的游戏。 of所 有格 表示无生命的事物的名词通常用of所有格表示所有关系;名词短语或有定语修饰的有生命的名词也常用of所有格。如:the title of the article文章的标题;the name of the girl over there那边那位女孩的名字。 双重 所有 格 双重所有格的构成为:“名词+of+-'s所有格”或“名词+of+名词性物主代词”。表示“其中之一”或“其中一部分”,名词前可用a,any,some,a few,two,this,that,these,those 等修饰,但不能用the。如:a picture of my mother's我母亲(拥有)的一张照片;this little cat of your sister's你妹妹的这只小猫。 考点二 冠词 单句填空 语境运用 1.(2019课标全国卷Ⅰ)Of  the     nineteen recognized polar bear subpopula- tions, three are declining, six are stable, one is increasing, and nine lack enough data. 答案  the 考查冠词。句意:在被认出来的19个北极熊亚群中,有3个数量在 降低,有6个是稳定的,1个在增加,还有9个缺少足够的数据。设空处在本句中 表示特指,故填定冠词the。 2.(2019课标全国卷Ⅱ)When we got a call saying she was short-listed, we thought it was   a      joke. 答案  a 考查冠词。此处表示“我们以为那是一个玩笑”,joke为可数名 词,在此处表示泛指,且joke以辅音音素开头,故填a。 3.(2018课标全国卷Ⅱ)Corn production has jumped nearly 125 percent over     the     past 25 years, while rice has increased only 7 percent. 答案  the 此处特指过去的25年,故用the。 4.(2017课标全国卷Ⅰ)When fat and salt are removed from food, the food tastes as if it is missing something. As   a      result, people will eat more food to try to make up for that something missing. 答案  a 句意:结果,人们会吃更多的食物来努力弥补所缺失的东西。as a result结果。 5.(2017课标全国卷Ⅱ)This included digging up the road, laying the track and then building a strong roof over  the     top. 答案  the 此处表特指,所以用定冠词the修饰名词。 6.(2017课标全国卷Ⅲ)Instead, she is earning £6,500 a day as   a      model in New York. 答案  a model为可数名词,此处表示泛指,故填a。 单句改错 7.(2019课标全国卷Ⅰ)Suddenly football fell just in front of me and almost hit me.  在football前加a     答案  在football前加a 考查冠词。football“足球”是可数名词,且以辅音 音素开头,故需加不定冠词a表示泛指。 8.(2019课标全国卷Ⅲ)Each of my cafes will have a different theme and an unique style.  an→a     答案  an→a 考查冠词。unique以辅音音素开头,故用a。 9.(2018课标全国卷Ⅱ)As the kid, I loved to watch cartoons, but no matter how many times I asked to watch them, my parents would not let me.  the→a     答案  the→a kid在此处表泛指,且kid以辅音音素开头,故用不定冠词a。 10.(2017课标全国卷Ⅰ)I still remember how hard first day was.  first前加the/my     答案  first前加the/my 表示第几天,序数词前要加定冠词the或者用形容词 性物主代词修饰。 11.(2017课标全国卷Ⅱ)They live far from the school, and it takes them about a hour and a half to go to work every day.  第一个a→an/one     答案  第一个a→an/one hour以元音音素开头,且是可数名词,所以用an/one hour and a half表示“一个半小时”。     用在第一次提到或出现的单数可数名词前,泛指某一类人或物中的任何一个。 At that time, I was working in a factory. The factory produces car parts.那时,我在一家工厂工作。那家工厂生产汽车零件。 用于单数可数名词前,泛指一类人或事物,或指同类中的“一个”。 The “Chinese Dream” is a dream to improve people's well-being and a dream of harmony, peace and development.“中国梦”是一个改善民生的梦,是一个和谐、和平、发展的梦。 表示数量“一”,但不强调数量概念;或表示“任何一个”。 Later that morning, Dario suggested that they write a letter to their neighbors and apologize for their playing the piano.那天上午晚些时候,Dario建议他们应该给邻居们写一封信,为他们弹钢琴这件事道歉。 用在表示人名的专有名词前,表示“一个叫 …… 的人” “一个类似 …… 的人” “一部 …… 的作品”。 Brian is gifted in writing music;he is very likely to be a Beethoven. Brian在作曲上极有才华,他很有可能成为一个像贝多芬那样的人。 用于序数词前,表示“又一,再一”。 First impressions are the most lasting. After all, you never get a second chance to make a first impression.第一印象最持久。毕竟,你决不可能再有一个机会给别人留下一个第一印象。 语法精讲     不定冠词可以用于某些具体化的抽象名词前,常考的具体化的抽象名词:success, failure, surprise, pleasure, beauty, pity, danger, comfort, honour等。 Being able to afford a drink would be a comfort in those tough times. 在那些艰苦的时期,能够买得起一杯饮料是一件令人感到欣慰的事。 有些不可数名词如knowledge, understanding等后面加of...时,前面需用不定冠词a/an。have a good knowledge of...“精通 …… ”; have a clear understanding of...“清楚地 了解 …… ”。 If you don't have a good knowledge of English, it's out of the question for you to use it flexibly and fluently. 如果你不精通英语的话,灵活而流利地运用它是不可能的。 固 定 搭 配 all of a sudden突然地;as a matter of fact事实上;at a loss不知所措,困惑;pay a visit to参观,拜访;be/go on a diet节食; give sb. a lift让某人搭便车;have a gift for在 …… 方面有天赋;have a word with与 …… 谈话;make a fool of 愚弄;in a hurry匆忙地;in a way在某种程度上;keep an eye on 留意,留神;make a living谋生;once in a while偶尔;as a result /consequence 因此,结果 定 冠 词   前面已提及的人或物再次被提到时,或谈话双方都知道的人或物前,一般要加定冠词,表特指。 Take your time—it ’ s just a short distance from here to the restaurant.不 要着急,从这里到那家餐馆只有很短的一段距离。 用在被短语或从句修饰的名词前,表特指。 I just heard the bank where Dora works was robbed by a gunman wearing a mask.我刚听说Dora工作的那家银行遭到了一名戴面具的 持枪歹徒抢劫。 用在表示姓氏的复数名词之前,表示一家人或夫妻俩;或用于单数可数名词、形容词或形容词化的过去分词前,表示一类人或物。 Soldiers came to rescue those buried under the ruins, and the government provided food, clothes and shelters for the homeless.士兵们来营救那些被埋在废墟下的人,政府为无家可归者提供食物、衣服和庇护所。 用于表示朝代、年代的名词前,表示“在 …… 朝代/年代”。 It ’ s said that corn was grown a lot in Tibet in the 17th century.据说在十 七世纪的时候玉米在西藏被大量种植。 在形容词或副词的最高级或序数词前或由only, very, same等修饰的名词前面用定冠词the。 As is known to all, the People ’ s Republic of China is the biggest devel- oping country in the world.众所周知,中华人民共和国是世界上最大 的发展中国家。 定 冠 词   用于“by+the+表示计量单位的名词(day/hour/dozen等)”结构中,表示“按 …… 计算”。但size, weight这类名词跟by连用时不加定冠词。 —It ’ s said John will be in a job paying over $60,000 a year.据说,约翰将获得一份年薪超过6万美元的工作。 —Right, he will also get paid by the week.是的,他的工资将按周支付。 用于“动词(hit, strike, pull, take等)+sb.+介词+the+表示身体部位的名词”结构中,其中的the不可用物主代词代替。 hit sb. on the head 打某人的头 pull/take sb. by the hand拉/抓住某人的手 strike sb. on the back打某人的背 用于“the+比较级, the+比较级(越 …… ,越 …… )”结构中。 The more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you will make. 你越小心,你犯的错误就越少。   at the moment此刻,目前;by the way顺便说一下;in the way 阻碍,挡路;go to the cinema/theater去看电影/戏剧;in the distance在远处;in the habit of有 …… 的习惯;make the most/best of 充分利用;not in the least 一点也不;on the contrary与此相反;on the other hand另一方面;the other day 几天之前;to tell (you) the truth(跟你)说实话;to the point中肯,切题;take the place of 代替;for the time being 暂时 零 冠 词   复数名词、不可数名词、抽象名词或物质名词表泛指时,其前不加冠词。 (2018北京卷)Anger seems simple when we are feeling it, but the causes of anger are various.当我们感到愤怒时,愤怒似乎很简单,但愤怒出现的原因却多种多样。 名词前已有this, that, my, your, some, each, no, any 等指示代词、物主代词、不定代词等限定词作定语时不用冠词。 (2018天津卷)Fire extinguishers are located on each floor and in each apartment.灭火器安置在每栋公寓的每个楼层。 表示独一无二的职位、头衔的名词作表语、同位语或补语时,其前通常用零冠词。 Dr. Peter Spence, headmaster of the school, told us, “A fifth of pupils here go on to study at Oxford and Cambridge.”这所学校的校长Peter Spence博士告诉我们说:“这里五分之一的学生都会到牛津大学或者剑桥大学继续学习。” 用于表示无特指意义的季节、月份、日期、星期和三餐的名词及球类、棋类和学科名词前。 Of all the subjects, I like history best because it gives us a useful knowledge of things in the past.在所有科目中,我最喜欢历史,因为我们可以从中了解许多过去的有益的知识。 零 冠 词   系动词turn(变成)后的单数名词作表语不用冠词。 After years of hard work, Tom turned engineer while Mary became a good manager.多年的努力之后,汤姆成了工程师而玛丽成了一名出色的经理。 as/though引导的让步状语从句中,作表语的名词放在句首,名词前不用冠词 Good choice as/though it may be, he has decided to give it up.尽管它可能是一个不错的选择,但他还是决定放弃。   at dawn/dusk/night/noon在黎明/黄昏/夜晚/中午;on/catch fire着火;by mistake错误地;by chance/accident碰巧;in history在历史上;under repair在维修中;hand in hand 手拉手;do harm to对 …… 有害;on purpose故意地;in place在正确的位置;in danger处于危险中;make room for为 …… 让出空间;in return作为回报;at present 目前;ahead of time 提前;in advance 提前;lose heart 灰心;out of control失控   有无冠词意义不同的搭配 at table在吃饭   at the table在桌子旁  at school在上学     at the school在学校 in hospital住院  in the hospital在医院里  in charge of掌管   in the charge of由 …… 掌管 考点三 代词 单句填空 语境运用 1.(2018课标全国卷Ⅰ)Running is cheap, easy and it's always energetic. If you are time poor, you need run for only half the time to get the same benefits as oth- er sports, so perhaps we should all give  it/running     a try. 答案  it/running 句意:如果你时间不充裕,你只需要花费其他运动一半的时 间去跑步便可获得同样的收益,因此或许我们都应该试一试跑步。设空处作 give的宾语,需填名词或代词,因此用it代替上文中的running或直接填running 作宾语。 2.(2018课标全国卷Ⅲ)When the gorillas and I frightened each other, I was just glad to find  them     (they) alive. 答案  them 人称代词作宾语时,要用其宾格。空格前面是动词find,空格处 应用宾格,故填them,指代上文的gorillas。 3.(2017课标全国卷Ⅱ)However, the railway quickly proved to be a great suc- cess and within six months, more than 25,000 people were using   it      every day. 答案  it 本题考查代词。此处指代上文中提到的the railway,需用代词it。 4.On my recent visit, I held a lively three-month-old twin that had been rejected by  its     (it) mother. 答案  its 此处应该使用it的形容词性物主代词its作定语,修饰名词mother。 单句改错 5.(2019课标全国卷Ⅲ)In the cafe, customers will enjoy yourselves in the histor- ical environment that is created for them.  yourselves→themselves     答案  yourselves→themselves 考查反身代词。此处指代的是customers,故 用themselves。 6.(2018课标全国卷Ⅲ)I had done myself homework, but I was shy.  myself→my     答案  myself→my 此处表示我已经完成了我的家庭作业。my是形容词性 物主代词,作 homework的定语。 7.(2017课标全国卷Ⅱ)Mr. and Mrs. Zhang all work in our school.  all→both或去掉all     答案  all→both或删除all 题干提到的是两个人,而all指三者或三者以上的 全都,故把all改为both或删除all。 8.If we go on a trip abroad, we can broaden your view and gain knowledge we cannot get from books.  your→our     答案  your→our    根据前面的主语we可知,此处要用our,表示“我们能够开 阔我们的视野”。 9.It does not cost many, yet we can still learn a lot.  many→much     答案  many→much 此处表示“不需要花费很多钱”,故用much。 10.At first, I thought I knew everything and could make decisions by yourself.  yourself→myself     答案  yourself→myself 根据前面的I可知,此处指“我自己做决定”,故应 用myself。 1.人称代词、物主代词、反身代词 语法精讲 类别 功能 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 人称代词 主格 作主语 I we you you he she it they 宾格 作宾语 me us you you him her it them 物主代词 形容词性 物主代词 作定语 my our your your his her its their 名词性物 主代词 作主语、宾语或 表语 mine ours yours yours his hers / theirs 反身 代词 作宾语、表语或 同位语 myself ourselves yourself yourselves himself herself itself themselves 特别提醒 人称代词的主格多作句子主语;宾格用在及物动词或介词后作宾语,也可作表语或同位语。在口语中,常用人称代词的宾格作表语。特别注意:人称代词指代的数前后要一致。 形容词性物主代词相当于形容词,在句中只能作名词或动名词的前置定语,不能单独使用。名词性物主代词相当于 “形容词性物主代词+名词”,可单独作主语、表语和宾语,也可与of连用作后置定语,但不能单独作定语。 含有反身代词的习惯用语:by oneself单独地,独自地;for oneself亲自,为自己;devote oneself to 致力于;apply oneself to 专心致志于;enjoy oneself 过得愉快;help oneself to 随便吃,随便用;make yourself at home 别拘束;seat oneself 坐下;behave oneself 举止得体;come to oneself恢复知觉,苏醒过来;adapt/adjust oneself to适应;abandon oneself to沉迷于,放纵于;express oneself 表达某人的思想;lose oneself in (=be lost in)迷失;say to oneself心里想;talk to oneself自言自语 2.不定代词 each/every each指“(两者或两者以上的人或物的)每个”,可与of短语搭配;every指“(三者或三者以上的人或物的)每个”,在句中只作定语,不可与of短语搭配。 all/both both表示“两者都”;all 指“(三者或三者以上的人或物的)所有,全部”。 either/neither either表示“(两者中的)任何一个”;neither表示“两者都不”。 none/nothing/ no one/nobody none指人或物,表特指,表示“(三者或三者以上中)无一个,没有一点”,可与of短语连用;nothing指物,表泛指,表示“没有任何东西,没有事”,不与of短语连用;no one/nobody 指人,表泛指,不与of短语连用。 another 泛指“另一个”。 other/others other泛指“另外一些”,只作定语,常与可数名词复数连用;others泛指“其余的人或物”,相当于other+复数名词。 the others/ the other the other特指“(两者之中的)另一个”;the other+可数名词复数=the others few/a few few表示“很少人/事物”;a few表示“有些人/事物”,修饰或指代复数名词。 little/a little little表示“不多的”;a little表示“少量的,一些”,修饰或指代不可数名词。 many/much many表示“许多”,修饰或指代可数名词复数;much表示“许多”,修饰或指代不可数名词。 不定代词 用于习惯 搭配中 nothing but仅仅;只是 anything but 决不  something of 有几分;略微    or something 诸如此类的人或物  every other day 每隔一天 each other (两者)相互 one another (三者或三者以上)相互 one...another...(三者或三者以上)一个 …… 另一个 ……  one...the other...(两者中)一个 …… 另一个 ……  some...others...一些 …… 另一些 …… 特别提醒 部分否定和全部否定 (1)no one, none, nobody, nothing, not...any/either以及“no+名词”都表示全部否定; (2)all, both, everyone/everybody/everything以及“every+名词”与not 连用时,表部分否定; (3)not与总括性副词,如everywhere, always, altogether 等连用时,也表示部分否定。 ◆While I agree with the most of what you said, I don ’ t agree with everything. 尽管我同意你的大部分说法,但并不同意所有的。 ◆She'd lived in London and Manchester, but she liked neither and moved to Cambridge. 她曾在伦敦和曼彻斯特住过,但是两地她都不喜欢,因此她搬到了剑桥。 ◆Even if the answer seemed a little strange, nobody but I doubted it. 尽管这个答案好像有点奇怪,但是除了我之外没人怀疑它(的正确性)。 ◆Niki is always full of ideas, but none is useful to my knowledge. Niki总是会有很多想法,但是据我所知没有一个想法是有用的。 ◆This project requires close teamwork. Nothing will be achieved unless we work well together. 这个项目需要密切的合作。除非我们通力合作,否则将一事无成。 ◆To warm himself, the sailor sat in front of the fire rubbing one bare foot a- gainst the other. 为了暖和自己,那个海员坐在火堆前,两只赤脚互相蹭着。 ◆In some countries, people eat with chopsticks, while in others, knives and forks. 在一些国家,人们用筷子吃饭,而在另外一些国家,人们用刀叉吃饭。 指代前面所提到过的事情、事物、想法等,也可指代不清楚或没必要知道性别的说话对象。还可以指代时 间、地点、距离、天气、季节等。 The employment rate has continued to rise in big cities thanks to the efforts of the local governments to increase it.由于当地政府努力提高就业率,大城市的就业率不断上升。 用作形式主语或形式宾语,代替不定式、动名词或从句 it作形式主语的常用句型: ①It+be+ adj .+for/of sb.+to do ②It is no good/use doing sth. ③It's (well) worth doing... ④It+be+名词词组(a pity/a fact/no wonder/...)+that从句 ⑤It+不及物动词(seem/appear/turn out/occur to sb./...)+that从句 ⑥It+be+过去分词+that从句 ⑦It takes sb. time/money to do sth. it作形式宾语的常用句型: ①主语+think/believe/suppose/consider/feel/make...+it+ adj .+(for/of sb.) to do/that从句 ②主语+think/believe/suppose/consider/feel/make/keep...+it+no use/no good/a waste of time/money/energy...+doing... 3.it的用法 含有it的常考短语或句型 It depends.视情况而定。 Take it easy.别着急。 believe it or not信不信由你 make it获得成功,准时到达 take it for granted that...认为 …… 是理所当然的 as someone puts it像某人所说的那样 When it comes to...当涉及/谈到 …… 含有it的常考短语或句型 It's (high) time that sb. should do/did sth.是某人该做某事的时候了 It's the first/second/...time that sb. have/has done sth.这是某人第一次/二次/ …… 次做某事 It is/has been...since...自从 …… 多久了 It will be/was...before...要过 …… 时间才 …… 强调句型:It is/was+被强调部分+that/who... 4.替代词 it 特指前面提到过的同一个人或物,不带任何修饰语。 We had just rented a car. It looked very old. 我们刚租了一辆车。它看起来很旧。 one 替代上文出现的“a/an+单数可数名词”,表泛指,同类不同物。 Mr. Zhang gave me a very valuable present, one that I have never seen.张先生给了我一件非常有价值的礼物——一件我从来没有见过的礼物。 ones one的复数形式,替代上文出现的复数名词,表泛指,同类不同物。 that 替代上文出现的“the+不可数名词或单数可数名词”,表特指,同类不同物。其后常跟介词短语作后置定语。 In many ways, the education system in the US is not very different from that in the UK. 在许多方面,美国的教育制度与英国的教育制度没有很大差异。 those 替代上文出现的复数名词(尤其是有后置定语时),表特指,同类不同物。 The books on the desk are better than those under the desk.桌子上面的书比桌子下面的书要好。 考点四 数词 单句改错 语境运用 1.(2019课标全国卷Ⅱ)Then, when I was in the five grade, I wanted to be a teacher because I liked my English teacher so much.  five→fifth     答案  five→fifth 考查数词。此处表达的是“我在读五年级时”,应用序数 词作名词grade的定语。故将five改为fifth。 2.(2017课标全国卷Ⅰ)In the summer holiday following my eighteen birthday, I took driving lessons.  eighteen→eighteenth     答案  eighteen→eighteenth 考查数词。此处表示第18个生日,因此使用序 数词。 基 数 词 基数词在句中主要作主语、表语、同位语、宾语和定语。 Thirteen is regarded as an unlucky number in some western countries.在一些西方国家,13被看作是一个不吉利的数字。 hundred, thousand, million, billion等词和of连用时,表示概数,需用复数形式,与具体数字连用时使用单数形式。 Most of the ice has been there for thousands of years.大部分的冰已经在那里数千年了。 逢十的基数词的复数形式可表示年龄,用在“in one's+基数词的复数”结构中。 He began to learn English in his fifties.他在五十多岁时开始学习英语。 逢十的基数词的复数形式可表示年代,用在“in the+基数词的复数或所有格”结构中。 This custom was very common in the 1960s/1960's.这个风俗在20世纪60年代很常见。 语法精讲 序 数 词 序数词在句中主要作主语、表语、宾语和定语,前面一般要加定冠词或物主代词 He celebrated his 18th birthday yesterday. 昨天,他庆祝了他的18岁生日。 序数词可以和不定冠词连用,表示“再一,又一”等含义。 The book is very interesting. I want to read it a second time. 本书非常有意思。我想再读一遍。 序数词一般是由基数词加-th构成。以-y结尾的基数词构成序数词时,先把y变为i,再加-eth。如twentieth, fiftieth。不规则的序数词有以下几个:first, second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth。 技巧点拨 1.如何判断词性及确定名词单复数 (1)根据题干的语法结构,特别是设空处前的限定词判断词性:冠词、代词、 数词、量词、形容词和介词后应接名词形式。 (2)根据句法结构判断词性:如果所填词在句中作主语、宾语、同位语时,一 般用所给词的名词形式。 (3)确定词性为名词后,根据常用的前后缀将所给词转换成适当的形式;然后 再根据名词本身确定可数与不可数。如果名词可数,则需根据其前限定词及 谓语动词的形式来确定名词的单复数形式。 2.冠词解题两步法 (1)判断设空处后的名词是可数名词还是不可数名词。若是可数名词,是单数 还是复数。 (2)根据语境或语法结构确定是泛指还是特指。复数名词或不可数名词表泛 指,其前不加任何冠词;单数可数名词表泛指时其前需要加不定冠词,表特指 时要用定冠词the。 3.如何正确判断代词 (1)通过句子成分确定填什么代词。如果句中缺主语,则可填人称代词主格、 指示代词、不定代词或it;如果缺宾语,则可填人称代词宾格;如果宾语与主语 是指同一人,则应用反身代词。 (2)通过句式结构判断是否填it。 例 I'd appreciate        if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come. 分析 句意:如果你能提前告知我你是否会来,我将不胜感激。I'd appreciate it if...为固定句型,意为“如果 …… ,我将不胜感激”。it在该句型中作形式宾 语,指代下文if从句的内容。

