高中英语必修2教案:Cultural relics-词汇讲解学案

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高中英语必修2教案:Cultural relics-词汇讲解学案

Cultural relics-词汇讲解学案 ‎1.rare 稀少的,罕见的;珍贵的;三分熟 辨析:‎ 易混词 辨析 例句 rare 通常指罕见而有价值的事物。‎ He replaced the rare vase with/ by a false one.‎ scare 主要指有用的一般事物,但目前数量不够。‎ Water is scare in the desert.‎ uncommon/unusual 指因不经常发生而值得注意的事物。‎ It’s no longer uncommon/unusual for a girl to take part in the games now.‎ ‎2.valuable adj.有很大价值的,贵重的,有用的;n.贵重物品 This is a valued gift though it is hardly valuable.主观上valued的东西,客观上不一定valuable。‎ ‎3.survive ‎(1)vi.继续生存或存在 e.g. Many strange customs have survived from earlier times.‎ ‎(2)vt.经历某遭遇后幸存;幸免于;从(困境等中)挺过来 He told me only a few soldiers had survived the war.在战争中幸存下来。(survive)‎ ‎(3)vt.比……长寿;比……活得长 e.g. The man survived his sister by three years.‎ ‎4.in search of…‎ 寻找……,在句中常作目的状语或表语。‎ search sth./sp./sb.搜查某物、某处、某人 search for/after寻找,探究 search…for…寻找……‎ search int调查,研究 search out搜查出,探出 search through把……仔细搜寻一遍 search的宾语是搜寻的范围,search for的宾语是搜寻的对象。‎ ‎5.amazing 辨析:‎ 易混词 辨析 例句 amaze ‎“惊愕”;含有惊叹;佩服之意。‎ Fare’s perfect voice amazed me.‎ surprise ‎“惊讶”“出乎意料”;是“吃惊”的普通用词。语气较弱。‎ It surprised me that you sang this song so well.‎ astonish ‎“使十分惊讶”“试大吃一惊”(=surprise sb. very much),语气较强,含难以置信之意。‎ She astonished us by saying she was leaving.‎ shock I was shocked by what had 使“震惊”;多用来指重大的事情使人为之一震,有大为惊讶之意(=surprise sb. greatly),语气最强。‎ ‎ happened.‎ ‎6.select select sb./sth. as…选某人、某物作为…… select sb./sth. from…从……中选出某人、某物 selective 选择性的,有选择的 selected精选的(newly-selected)‎ 辨析:‎ 易混词 辨析 例句 select ‎“精选”;是指从同类事物中的许多东西中仔细辨别后选择,挑选最合适的。‎ I selected some exercises.‎ choose ‎“选择”。是“选择”的最普通的用词。‎ You can choose one from these chalks.‎ pick ‎“挑选”;挑剔和苛刻地选择,多指选有形的东西。‎ Will you help me pick some strawberries?‎ ‎7.desgin v. & n.‎ be designed to do…目的是做……‎ be designed for sb./sth.打算给某人用、打算作某物用 介词for常用于表示用途、对象等,后接名、代或V-ing be designed as sth.打算当作某物 design doing/to do…打算做……‎ make designs for…为……设计 ‎ by design故意地=by intention/on purpose have designs on…企图占有……;对……不怀好心 ‎8.fancy adj. vt. & n.‎ ‎(1)奇特的,花样的,花哨的 e.g. a fancy meal ‎(2)想象,揣测,假想 fancy + that clause以为…… fancy (one’s) doing sth.想象(某人)做某事 fancy sb. (to be)/as…认为某人(是)……‎ ‎(3)n.爱好,喜爱,迷恋 have a fancy that…感到,揣测…… have a fancy for…喜欢……‎ take a fancy to…变得喜欢 take/catch one’s fancy引起某人的喜欢 ‎(4)Fancy your talking like that!‎ fancy常用于表惊叹的句子,意为“没想到,竟然”‎ ‎9.decorate v.‎ ‎(1)装饰,装潢 decorate sth. with.(主动) 用…装饰… ‎ ‎ be decorated with sth.被用某物装饰 with表示所使用的工具或方式 eg:They docorate the Christmas tree with lights.‎ ‎ We see with our eyes and hear with our ears.‎ ‎ Write your names with a pen,not with a pencil.‎ ‎(2)粉刷;油漆;糊墙纸 ‎(3)点缀;装点 ‎(4)授给(某人)勋章或奖章 decorate sb. for sth.‎ ‎10.belong ‎(1)应在(某处)‎ e.g. Where do these cigarettes belong?‎ ‎(2)适应;合得来 e.g. He doesn’t feel as if he belongs here.‎ belong to ‎(1)属于某人,归某人所有 e.g. Who does this golden ring belong to?‎ ‎(2)(事件、比赛等中某人)获胜,最受欢迎 e.g. The film “the Message” belonged to the award ceremony.‎ ‎(3)是俱乐部;组织等的成员 ‎(4)属于 Professor Williams keeps telling his students that the future____ to the well-educated.‎ A. belongs B. is belonged C. is belonging D. will be belonged belong to既无被动形式,也不能用于进行时。to为介词,可跟名词或代词作宾语。‎ 可用于V-ing形式作后置定语 Eg:I don’t know any members belonging to that club.‎ ‎ Diao Yu Island,belonging to China,is off the north coast of Taiwan.‎ ‎11. in return 作为回报,回过来,单独作状语 Eg:I wish I could do something for you in return.‎ I gave him a present.In return,he gave me nothing.‎ He wanted nothing in return.‎ in return for…作为对某事的回报,作为对……的报答;为答谢……;作为……的交换 eg:I bougt him a drink in return for his help.‎ ‎12.consider ‎(1)仔细考虑,细想 consider + n./doing/wh- + to do/that-clause ‎(2)认为;以为;觉得 e.g. He considers it a great honor to give a speech during the meeting.‎ consider + that-clause/(to be/as) + n./adj./宾语+宾补 ‎(3)体谅,考虑到,顾及 You should consider other people before you act.应当考虑到别人(consider)‎ ‎(4)端详;注视 e.g. He stood there, considering the girl.‎ ‎13. at war介词 + 名词(表状态)‎ at peace at breakfast at table at rest at the piano ‎ on show on sale on fire in trouble in danger under discussion under construction ‎14.remove vt.‎ ‎(1)移走;移开;移动;搬开(+from/to)‎ e.g. I removed the box to another desk.‎ ‎(2)除掉,清楚 e.g. I removed the mud from my shoes.‎ ‎(3)脱下(衣服等)‎ e.g. I removed my glasses.‎ ‎(4)把……免职;撤去(+from)‎ e.g. He was removed from the post.‎ ‎15.less than 辨析:‎ 短语 符号 意义 less than ‎<‎ 少于 not less than=at (the) least ‎≥‎ 不少于,至少 no less than ‎=‎ 和……一样,不少于(强调多)‎ more than ‎>‎ 多于;不仅仅 not more than=at (the) most ‎≤‎ 不多于,不超过,至多 no more than ‎=‎ 仅仅(强调少)‎ ‎16. wooden adj.‎ ‎(1)木制的,木头的 ‎(2)木头似的;死板的;呆板的;木纳的 e.g. The act playing the father was too wooden.‎ ‎-en后缀 ‎(1)由……制成(构成的);像……一样的(用在名词后构成形容词)‎ golden, woolen, earthen ‎(2)使;使成为;变得(用于形容词之后构成动词)‎ blacken, sadden, broaden, widen ‎17. doubt have (no) doubt(s) about sth.对某事(不)确信 have no doubt(s) that…相信……‎ have doubt(s) whether…怀疑(是否)……‎ There is no doubt about sth.对某事有把握 There is no doubt that…无疑……,that引导同位语从句。‎ in doubt不肯定的;不确定的 without doubt无疑地;确实地 make no doubt(of…)(对……)毫不怀疑 throw(cast) doubt on(upon)…使(某人)对……产生怀疑 doubt whether…怀疑……‎ doubt sth./sb.怀疑某事、某人 ‎18.worth ‎(1)adj.值得的;相当于……的价值的 e.g. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.‎ ‎ He gave out a suggestion which was not worth considering.不值得考虑的。(worth, consider)‎ a. worth后可接“钱数”或一些名词、动名词,接动名词时可用主动形式表被动意义。‎ b. worth不可用very修饰,可以用well。‎ ‎(2)n.价值;作用;重要性 辨析:‎ 易混词 辨析 例句 worth 指从精神、文化方面产生的价值。‎ The true worth of Shakespeare’s plays can’t be measured by their commercial value to the theater.‎ value 指认为某事、某物是否有用或有重要的价值。‎ 易混词 辨析 worth be worth + n./doing worthy 后常接of being done或to be done或sth.‎ worthwhile 常用结构为:It’s worthwhile to do/doing sth.‎ It is worth considering what makes “convenience” foods so popular, and ____ better ones of your own.‎ A. introduces B. to introduce C. introducing D. introduced ‎19. trial be on trial by trial and error stand trial trial run for sth.(对新事物的)初步试验,试行 ‎20. debate n. & v.‎ 辩论,讨论,争论 under debate a heat/wide-ranging/lively debate debate sth. with sb.‎ debate后不接从句,可接疑问词加不定式结构。‎

