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河北省沧州市盐山中学2018学年度高二上学期英语期中考试试题 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。‎ 试卷满分150分,时间120分钟。‎ 注意事项:‎ ‎1.开始答卷前,考生务必将自己的学校、班级、姓名和准考证号填写清楚。‎ ‎2.将答案填在相应的答题卡内,在试题卷上作答无效。‎ 第I卷 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)‎ 做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转 涂到答题卡上。‎ 第一节(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳 选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读 下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 ‎ 1. What is the woman doing now?‎ A. Preparing for a test. B. Playing a game. C . Watching a program.‎ ‎2. How did the woman reach the concert?‎ A. By car. B. By subway. C. By bike.‎ ‎3. How old is Jenny now?‎ A. 15. B. 20. C. 22.‎ ‎4. How does the woman feel?‎ A. The holidays passed quickly for her.‎ B. She’s surprised to hear what the man said.‎ C. The man already told her about the holiday.‎ ‎5. What is probably the man’s job?‎ A. He is a dancer. B. He is a manager. C. He is a salesman. ‎ 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) ‎ 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选 ‎ 项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 ‎ 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。‎ 6. What will the woman want to find a bank for?‎ A.Keep some money. B. Change her money. C. Borrow some money.‎ ‎7. Where is the post office?‎ A. Next to the big church. ‎ B. Near the big new shopping center. ‎ C. In the big new shopping center.‎ 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。‎ ‎8 What did the woman do in the summer holidays?‎ A. She worked at a restaurant. ‎ B. She attended some classes. ‎ C. She traveled around the world.‎ ‎9. What can we learn from the conversation?‎ A. The woman works at a good company.‎ B. The man would rather get a degree than work.‎ C. The woman won’t go to school.‎ 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。‎ 10. What does the new house impress the woman’s family most?‎ A. It’s in the middle the city. B. It's near a park. C. It’s near the man’s house.‎ 11. When will the woman move into her new house?‎ A. This weekend. B. Next week. C .Next month 12. How do you find the man?‎ A. He is helpful. B. He is grateful. C. He is cheerful 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。‎ 13. Why does the woman invite the man?‎ A. The man needs to lose weight.‎ B. The man should refresh himself.‎ C. The man is too excited to sleep.‎ 10. How did the man feel at first?‎ A. Excited. B. Angry. C. Nervous.‎ ‎15. How often will the speakers go to the gym?‎ A. Every day. B. Twice a week C. Three times a week ‎16. What’s probably the relationship between the speakers?‎ A. Colleagues. B. Coach and player. C. Doctor and patient.‎ 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。‎ 17. What do you disagree with about Shakespeare and Company?‎ A. It read books to children.‎ B. It prepared beds for writers.‎ C. It lent books.‎ 18. What do we know about Mr. Whitman?‎ A. He was Ms. Beach‘s boss.‎ B. He worked at Ms. Beach’s bookstore.‎ C. He has followed Ms. Beach’s ways.‎ 19. Why was Ms. Beach's business closed?‎ A. She joined the army.‎ B. The German made her give it up.‎ C. Her business went from bad to worse.‎ 20. When did Mr. Whitman change the name of his bookstore to Shakespeare and Company?‎ A. In 1911. B. In 1951. C. In 1964.‎ 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A ‎“I can’t live without my mobile phone!” is what I often hear people say as they talk about ‎ how mobiles have become an essential part of their lives.‎ The so common sight of heads bent, eyes staring at mobile screens and fingers busy tapping away repeats itself across major cities around the world. Whenever there is a moment to spare while on the train, taxi or waiting in a queue, people busy themselves with their mobile phones. ‎ Some people believe our unhealthy obsession(着迷) with mobile phones is destroying how we appreciate the little things in life or miss the moments that matter. The truth is that technology overall should be seen as just a tool to improve our lives.‎ Mobile phones have certainly had a great influence on our lives, but I truly believe it is for the better.‎ It’s changed the way we communicate, whether for work or play. We are now less constrained(限制)by time and geographical location. With my mobile phone, I can dial into conference calls while stuck in a traffic jam, or reply to urgent e-mails while on the go. I can send a text message or share photos and videos with friends who aren’t living in the same country. My phone calendar keeps my life organized, and even Facebook, Twitter, and instant messaging are now accessible from mobile phones!‎ The mobile revolution isn’t just changing the lives of urbanities (都市人) like myself. I know of a young Bangladeshi woman named Shompa Akhter who is crazy about fashion and design. She dreamt about starting her own business and she did just that, opening a shop in Kushtia featuring her own creations. Dealing with supplies in different towns was a problem for Shompa --- purchase orders had to either be hand delivered or mailed out to supplies. Shompa also found it tough publicizing her business to potential customers outside her town. But once she learnt to operate the mobile phone, she was addicted. The 25-year-old businesswoman now stays in touch easily with her suppliers. Mobile e-mail is a blessing in her life.‎ Who would have thought that mobility could bring about such enormous change? It shouldn’t really be a surprise though.‎ ‎21. In the first two paragraphs, the author wants to show ___________. ‎ A. mobile phones make people communicate less B. mobile phones make people’s life more enjoyable C. people’s health is greatly affected by mobile phones D. people become addicted to mobile phones in daily life ‎22. What’s the author’s attitude towards mobile phones? .‎ A. Doubtful B. Supportive C. Critical D. Uninterested ‎23. Paragraph 5 is mainly about__________.‎ A. The disadvantages of mobile phones B. New changes in Information Age C. The advantages of mobile phones D. The author’s personal experiences ‎24. How is the text mainly developed? ‎ A. By inferring. B. By analyzing causes.‎ C. By giving examples. D. By comparing different ideas.‎ B Are you learning a foreign 1anguage? Do you find it challenging to learn a foreign language? However, there are a few tips you can use in order to earn a top grade as well as actually use the skills you've learned.‎ One of the most important and basic lessons in dealing with a foreign language is to learn and understand each concept and lesson before moving on to the next one. If you don’t understand one concept but move on to the next chapter anyway, you're less likely to understand the new material. ‎ ‎ Learning a new language is not only an academic tool,but can help you in your everyday life as well. Being good at another language can help you communicate with other people, aid you when traveling to foreign countries, and even make your resume look better.‎ ‎ And it is important to learn correct pronunciation as soon as possible for poor pronunciation can be hard to break. Native speakers of the language as well as others fluent in the language you are 1earning will appreciate your efforts to learn correct pronunciation. ‎ ‎ Gather outside materials such as books, study guides, books on tape, and travel books to aid you in learning the language. Your textbooks can't possibly teach you everything you need to know, so seeking out—side sources is generally a good rule of thumb to keep in mind.‎ ‎ A significant motivator in learning a foreign language is traveling to the country where the language is spoken. That way,you can see firsthand how the language is used, learn the culture, and meet native speakers of the language. Native speakers appreciate sincere attempts of others who take the time to learn their language.‎ ‎ Seek out native speakers of your new language in your school or neighborhood. They can help you with many skills, including pronunciation, and they can provide immediate feedback on your progress.‎ 25. This passage is written to __________.‎ A. explain why learning a foreign language is challenging B. tell us the importance of learning foreign 1anguages C. tell us some ways of earning a top grade D. give us some tips on learning foreign languages 26. What's the best subtitle(副标题) of Paragraph 3?‎ A. Think beyond academic tool. B. Learn each concept.‎ B. Plan a trip to use your skills. D. Consider a language as an academic tool.‎ 25. We can learn from the passage that __________.‎ A. textbooks are not good for us when 1earning a foreign language B. ‎1earning pronunciation well from the very beginning is very important C. poor pronunciation can be easy to break with the help of native speakers D. seeking too many outside sources will be more harmful than beneficial C Next time you hear a funny joke you’d better not laugh too hard. According to a paper published by the British Medical Journal, laughter isn’t always the best medicine. Sometimes it can even be harmful. Professor Robin Ferner from the University‎ of ‎Birmingham, one of the authors of the study, found that bad things could happen to people who laughed too much. He says: “We found people with heartbeat problems which had stopped their heart, we found people who had fainted(昏倒), and we found people who’d dislocated their jaws or burst their lungs.”‎ It seems that laughing can be no laughing matter. But it’s not all doom and gloom. Professor Ferner says there are benefits to laughing when you want to lose weight, for example. Yes, that’s right: laugh and be slimmer! Professor Ferner explains that: “You use energy when you laugh, you move your diaphragm(横膈膜), you expand your lungs, and both those things can be helpful.”‎ According to the research, laughing for a quarter of an hour can burn up to 40 calories, and if you laughed all day you’d use up about 2,000 calories, which is what most people consume in a day. But don’t do that or you might end up with a painful jaw. Ouch! Or you might find people looking at you in a funny way.‎ But I don’t want to finish this article leaving you feeling desperate. Laughter comes naturally for most of us. Babies begin to laugh at around 3-6 months. So give in to your sense of humour and keep smiling. Life is short anyway.‎ ‎28. Laughing too much may cause the following harmful results EXCEPT_________.‎ A. heart stop B. diaphragm movement C. lung burst D. jaw dislocation ‎29. The underlined phrase “doom and gloom” in Paragraph 2 probably means_______.‎ A. hopeless B. funny C. painful D. nervous ‎30. How many calories can you use if you laugh for half a day?‎ A. About 40. B. About 1,000. C. About 2,000. D. About 2,040.‎ ‎31. What is the author’s attitude towards laughing in the last paragraph?‎ ‎ A. Uninterested. B. Disapproving. C. Worried. D. Favorable.‎ D In my life I've been told that teamwork is golden. There is no “i” in “team”. And for many years it is true. Living alone gets a bad rap (受到责备) in our society. But I've found that living alone can be a positive experience.‎ I'm not the first person to notice the appeal of being our own roommate—31 million people are living alone in the U.S.‎, making up 28 percent of the total population, according to a survey. In NYC, the number jumps to 1 in 2.Comparing that number to the 9 percent of people who lived alone in 1950, we know we have a trend on our hands.‎ In my opinion, many people are afraid of being totally alone. But I've learned to really enjoy my own company.When I first started living alone, I found that I could go anywhere without using my voice.Sometimes I would stop at a grocery store and buy something I didn't need just to test that I could say “thank you” to the cashier. But then I discovered something far easier—I started talking to myself.‎ Living alone isn't the same thing as living lonely. When I'm feeling a need for communication, I reach out for it.Or I can pick up the phone to call my family or those roommates. When the time is right, I hope to live with a partner and even raise children. In the meantime, it's just me and me.‎ 32. From the text we know the author________.‎ A. refuses teamwork B. suffers loneliness C. is the first person to value living alone D. experiences living alone positively ‎33. What's Paragraph 2 mainly about?‎ A. The trend in 1950. ‎ B. The appeal of having no roommate.‎ C. The way of being our own roommate.‎ D. The rising number of people living alone.‎ ‎34. Why did the author sometimes buy what he didn't need?‎ A. To see whether he could speak. B. To discover something new.‎ C. To show he was wealthy. D. To enjoy others' company.‎ ‎35. By saying the underlined sentence,the author means________.‎ A. he can tell exactly “alone” from “lonely”‎ B. he feels it necessary to live in a family C. he doesn't feel lonely though living alone D. he sometimes communicates with others 第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)‎ ‎ What Teenagers Can Do To Earn More Respect As teenagers continue to grow and develop into young adults, the transition(过渡) into adulthood has begun. With so many physical and emotional changes going on, certain manners are often forgotten and other adult traits(特点) are not yet accepted as a way of life. 36 By doing the following things, you will earn more respect.‎ Contribute to the household At the very least, clean up after yourself. As a teenager, you are old enough to clean up after yourself. When you make a mess, clean it up. 37 All chores that you do help to reduce the load of the person who did them before. Now that you’re old enough and capable, why shouldn’t you contribute to the household? 38 ‎ Be responsible ‎ 39 Whether they are basic things, like brushing your teeth or doing your homework , or more involved chores that contribute to the household, simply fulfill your responsibilities on time. When adults know that they can rely on you, their trust and respect for you will increase.‎ Solve more of your own problem without asking for help Instead of taking the easy approach and asking for help, make an effort to solve your problems on your own first. The “easy way ” is only easy for you, but it is an extra task for the ‎ person from whom you are seeking help. Seek help only after you have make an honest effort to solve your own problems. 40 When you become a good problem solver, you increase your valve to the community.‎ A. Everyone has certain responsibilities.‎ B. By being aware of these manners and traits, you can manage them sooner.‎ C. The people doing the chores before will greatly appreciate the help.‎ D. This includes. But is not limited to, your dishes and your room.‎ E. It will make your life more pleasant.‎ F. Depending on the problem, 15 minutes of effort is usually a good guideline.‎ G. When speaking to a group, speak loud enough.‎ 第三部分:语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ ‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ I was nine when I arrived at the Children's Home in Nashua‎, ‎New Hampshire. I failed third grade that year, and barely 41 it through a second time, and had squeaked through (侥幸通过) fourth grade by the time I reached Pauline Jambard's fifth-grade class at Charlotte Avenue Elementary School.‎ I was 42 I wasn't as intelligent as the other kids. 43 , Ms. Jambard took an instant liking to me. Of all the 44 in school, reading was my favorite. She would tell me, ”Terry, you 45 reading. If you can understand what you're reading, you'll be 46 than most kids.” After I read all the books in our program, I started reading the classroom's set of Encyclopedia Britannica (《不列颠百科全书》). And gradually I started to really 47 school life.‎ That 48 , our school threw a Christmas party for family and community members. My brother and I had no family to 49 . I still remember looking up and seeing Ms.Jambard walk through the front door and 50 she was there to see me. I was deeply moved. That was the 51 Christmas of my life!‎ After I graduated from Ms.Jambard's class, my brother and I 52 , and I lost all touch ‎ with my teacher. Years later, I was on a business trip and had to drive through Nashua. I took a chance and ‎53 Charlotte Avenue Elementary School. I was walking toward her 54 when she came out into the hallway and said, “Terry!” It was as if I had 55 left!I was in seventh heaven on my flight home.‎ We have stayed in 56 , and I call Ms. Jambard at least once a year. Because of the __57__she instilled (灌输) in me, I went on to have a __58__career in engineering. I don't know if Ms.Jambard realizes how much she 59 me, but I'll never forget her 60 and faith in me.‎ 41. A. ordered B. arranged C. made D. demanded 42. A. glad B. convinced C. lucky D. satisfied 43. A. However B. Therefore C. Otherwise D. Besides ‎44 . A. ideas B. examples C. facts D. subjects ‎45 A. stop B. forget C. keep D. start 46. A. prettier B. smarter C. braver D. stronger 47. A. like B. ignore C. fear D. choose 48. A. December B. November C. October D. September 49. A.bother B. thank C. visit D. invite 50. A.hoping B. guessing C. doubting D. realizing 51. A.longest B. quietest C. happiest D. busiest 52. A.moved B. reunited C. waited D. wandered 53. A.closed down B. dropped by C. looked down D.passed by 54. A.hospital B. office C. home D. shop 55. A.sometimes B. always C. forever D. never 56. A.danger B. need C. trouble D. touch 57. A.confidence B. shame C. sympathy D. passion 58. A.brief B. successful C. risky D. relaxing 59. A.loved B. hurt C. helped D. missed 60. A.politeness B.appearance C. kindness D. ability 第II卷 第二节(共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ Brighton is the 61 (health) city in Britain with the highest level of personal trainers, yoga clubs and health food stores, according to a survey related on Friday.‎ The survey,   62  looks at 19 statistics covering health,    63   (fit)and environment, says Brighton has the highest number of residents   64    (eat) at least five kinds of fruit and vegetables a day. The survey,   65    (conduct) for the Sky Travel channel, has compared 15 cities across the UK. It says Brighton residents live  66  an average age of 78 years old. They are twice as likely   67     (walk) or cycle to work as the people living in other parts of Britain. ‎ In  68  (compare)with the national average, Brighton has nearly a third more health food stores and personal trainers than    69  in any other city in Britain. It has twice many yoga clubs, and the level of fat residents is below the national average. ‎ Meanwhile,   70 survey also finds that Brighton residents have the best levels of cholesterol (胆固醇) and blood pressure in Britain. ‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 假如英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌的以下作文。文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ Life is complicated. We can’t avoid anything annoy or stressful. However, what is of great importance is that we should keep a good state of mind.‎ An experience never fades from my memory. With a vital exam drawing near, I felt such nervous that I even couldn’t eat or sleep, thus make me very sleepy in class. Seeing this, my teacher comes to my help. With her aid, I adjusted myself and felt confidence again. In the meantime, a detailed plan was made go over my lessons. In the end, I managed to pass the exam.‎ It was a good state of mind which helped me get through the exam. A good state of mind is what it takes to realize our goal. Whenever your emotion is out of the control, just keep in mind ‎ that only with possessing a good state of mind can you attain success.‎ 第二节:书面表达(满分25分)‎ 假定你是李华,从小喜爱大熊猫,一直通过有关网站关注三年前在美国圣迭哥动物园出生的大熊猫“苏琳”和她的母亲“白云”。现在苏琳即将三岁。请根据以下要点给动物园工作人员写一封信:‎ ‎1.自我介绍;‎ ‎2.祝贺苏琳生日;‎ ‎3.感谢工作人员;‎ ‎4.索取苏琳三岁生日照。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎ 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;‎ ‎ 3.开头语已为你写好。‎ Dear Sir/Madam,‎ ‎ Greetings from China! ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Yours truly,‎ ‎ Li Hua 英语试题答案 一卷 ‎1-5 ACBAB 6-10 BCABB 11-15 BABBC 16-20AACBC ‎21-24 DBCC 25-27 DAB 28-31 BABD 32-35 DDAC 36-40 BDCAF ‎41-45 CBADC 46-50 BAADD 51-55 CABBD 56-60 DABCC 二卷 语法填空 61. healthiest 62. which 63. fitness 64. eating 65. conducted ‎ ‎66. to 67. to walk 68. comparison 69. those 70. the 短文改错(共10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 1. annoy – annoying 2. However – Therefore 3. such – so 4. make – making ‎ 5. comes – came 6. confidence – confident 7. go – to go 8. which – that ‎ ‎9. the 去掉 10. with - by 书面表达 Dear Sir/Madam,‎ Greetings from China!‎ I’m Li Hua ,a student in Sinchuan.I’ve been a panda lover since I was a child.About three years ago I was delighted to learn that Baiyun gave birth to her daughter Sulin and I’ve been watching her grow on your website.Now she’s going to be three .I’d like to wish her a happy birthday and to express my thanks to you for your hard work ,because of which Sulin and her parents are living a happy and healthy life in the US.‎ By the way ,could I have a photo of Sulin taken on her third birthday? Thank you very much in advance.‎ Yours truly,‎ ‎ Li Hua

