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2019 届二轮复习非谓语动词中可以接 sb to do sth 的动词和短语动词 convince them to join us 常见搭配 助记语块 1 __________________ 建议某人做某事 _______________________ 建议他尝试一下 2 ____________________ 说服某人做某事 ________________________________ 说服我舅舅戒烟 3 ____________________ 说服某人做某事 _______________________ 劝服他们加入我们 advise sb to do sth advise him to have a try persuade sb to do sth persuade my uncle to quit smoking convince sb to do sth 常见搭配 助记语块 4 __________________ 提醒某人做某事 ___________________________ 提醒我参加讲座 5 ____________________ 鼓励某人做某事 _______________________ 鼓励我全力以赴 6 _________________ 激励某人做某事 ___________________ 激励我们继续前行 inspire us to go ahead remind sb to do sth remind me to attend the lecture encourage sb to do sth encourage me to go all out inspire sb to do sth 常见搭配 助记语块 7 _________________ 禁止某人做某事 ________________________ 禁止任何人在此吸烟 8 _____________ 允许某人做某事 __________________________ 允许我作自我介绍 9 _________________ 允许某人做某事 __________________________ 允许她逗留一会 permit her to stay for a while forbid sb to do sth forbid anyone to smoke here allow sb to do allow me to introduce myself permit sb to do sth 常见搭配 助记语块 10 _________________ 接受某人做某事 ________________________ 获准学音乐 11 __________________ 邀请某人做某事 ________________________________ 邀请她加入我们的讨论 12 ________________ 请 / 叫某人做某事 ____________________________ 叫他给我们一些建议 ask him to give us some advice accept sb to do sth be accepted to study music invite sb to do sth invite her to join us in the discussion ask sb to do sth 常见搭配 助记语块 13 ______________ 吩咐某人做某事 ____________________________________ 叮嘱孩子按时上学 14 ________________ 想要某人做某事 _________________________ 想要你来参加讲座 15 ________________ 希望某人做某事 _____________________________ 希望病人很快康复 wish the patient to recover soon tell sb to do sth tell the children to attend school on time want sb to do sth want you to attend the lecture wish sb to do sth 常见搭配 助记语块 16 _________________ 期望某人做某事 _________________________________ 期待你取得更大的进步 17 _________________ 希望某人做某事 _______________________________ 希望他上重点大学 18 ________________ 乞求某人做某事 ____________________ 恳求她帮我们渡过难关 beg her to help us out expect sb to do sth expect you to make greater progress desire sb to do sth desire him to go to a key university beg sb to do sth 常见搭配 助记语块 19 ________________ 敦促某人做某事 ___________________________ 催促他制定一个学习计划 20 ________________ 导致某人做某事 ______________________ 导致她工作勤奋 21 __________________ 使 / 令某人能做某事 _________________________ 使我保持精力充沛 22 _______________ 使 ( 要 ) 某人做某事 _______________________ 让她帮我们 enable me to keep energetic urge sb to do sth urge him to make a study plan cause sb to do sth cause her to work hard enable sb to do sth get her to lend us a hand get sb to do sth 常见搭配 助记语块 23 __________________ 请求某人做某事 _____________________________ 要求乘客保持安静 24 __________________ 要求某人做某事 _________________________ 要求人们排队等候 25 ________________ 强迫某人做某事 ____________________________ 迫使他辍学 26 ________________ 驱使某人做某事 ______________________ 驱使我更加努力学习 force him to drop out of school request sb to do sth request passengers to keep quiet require sb to do sth require people to wait in line force sb to do sth drive me to work harder drive sb to do sth 常见搭配 助记语块 27 ____________________ 命令某人做某事 ____________________________ 命令他马上离开 28 _________________ 命令某人做某事 ____________________________ 命令他马上离开这里 29 _________________ 警告某人做某事 _________________________________ 告诫我远离吸烟 warn me to stay away from smoking command sb to do sth command him to leave in no time order sb to do sth order him to leave here at once warn sb to do sth 常见搭配 助记语块 30 _________________ 打算要某人做某事 ________________________ 打算让他马上开始 / 出发 31 _________________ 打算要某人做某事 _______________________________ 打算让他处理那个问题 32 ___________________ 使某人准备做某事 _____________________________ 使汤姆为上大学做准备 prepare Tom to go to university intend sb to do sth intend him to start at once mean sb to do sth mean him to deal with the problem prepare sb to do sth 常见搭配 助记语块 33 __________________ 选择某人做某事 _______________________ 选她出国 34 ________________ 选举某人做某事 ___________________________ 选汤姆当我们的领导 35 ___________________ 指派某人做某事 _________________________________________ 指派她去机场接客户 appoint her to pick up a customer at the airport choose sb to do sth choose her to go abroad elect sb to do sth elect Tom to act as our leader appoint sb to do sth 常见搭配 助记语块 36 ________________ 讨厌某人做某事 ______________________________________ 讨厌她在我背后说我的坏话 37 ________________ 喜欢某人做某事 ______________________ 喜欢他和我们一起住 38 __________________ 宁愿某人做某事 _______________________ 宁愿我住在学校 prefer me to live at school hate sb to do sth hate her to speak ill of me behind my back like sb to do sth like him to live with us prefer sb to do sth 常见搭配 助记语块 39 _________________ 教某人做某事 ___________________________ 教我们操作机器 40 ________________ 训练某人做某事 _________________________ 训练他们踢足球 41 _________________ 忍受某人做某事 _______________________ 不能忍受他对我撒谎 42 ________________ 留下某人做某事 _____________________________ 留下他们独立思考 can’t bear him to lie to me teach sb to do sth teach us to operate the machine train sb to do sth train them to play football bear sb to do sth leave them to think on their own leave sb to do sth 常见搭配 助记语块 43 ________________ 需要某人做某事 ___________________________ 需要他们和我合作 44 _______________ 付钱给某人做某事 __________________________________ 付钱给他教我弹钢琴 45 __________________ 麻烦某人做某事 ________________________ 劳烦您关一下门 trouble you to shut the door need sb to do sth need them to cooperate with me pay sb to do sth pay him to teach me to play the piano trouble sb to do sth 常见搭配 助记语块 46 ___________________ 承诺某人做某事 ___________________________ 承诺为他买一个玩具 47 _____________________ 想要某人做某事 _________________________________________ 想要你带我游览一下你的家乡 48 _____________________ 依靠某人做某事 ______________________________ 依赖她的父母来帮她 depend on her parents to help her promise sb to do sth promise him to buy him a toy would like sb to do sth would like you to take me around your hometown depend on sb to do sth 常见搭配 助记语块 49 ___________________ 呼吁某人做某事 _________________________________________ 呼吁人人保护环境 50 __________________ 号召某人做某事 _______________________ 号召我们来节能 51 ___________________ 依赖某人做某事 _____________________________ 依靠他作决定 rely on him to make the decision appeal to sb to do sth appeal to everyone to protect the environment call on sb to do sth call on us to save energy rely on sb to do sth 常见搭配 助记语块 52 ___________________ 等候某人做某事 __________________________ 等候火车的到来 53 _________________ 放心让某人做某事 _____________________________ 不放心让她独自出去 54 ___________________ 指望某人做某事 __________________________ 指望你准时到达 trust in you to arrive on time wait for sb to do sth wait for the train to turn up trust sb to do sth cannot trust her to go out alone trust in sb to do sth 常见搭配 助记语块 55 _________________ 使某人做某事 __________________________ 使她想起她母亲 56 __________________ 使某人决定做某事 ______________________________ 那件事使我决定离职。 57 __________________ 强求某人做某事 _____________________________ 缠着他给她买辆新汽车 bother him to buy her a new car move sb to do sth move her to think of her mother decide sb to do sth That decided me to leave my job. bother sb to do sth 常见搭配 助记语块 58 __________________ 发现某人 ___________________________ 发现他患了重病 59 ______________________ 认为某人 _________________________________ 认为这场运动失败了 60 _________________ 发觉 ________________________________ 发觉那箱子里装着银币 find the chest to contain silver coins discover sb to be… discover him to be seriously ill consider sb to do /be… consider the campaign to have failed find…to do /be… 有的动词是不能用不定式作宾补的,但又易受汉语影响而误用。如: hope, suggest, demand, inform, approve, fear, excuse/forgive, refuse, welcome, arrange, congratulate, prevent 。 特别提醒: THANK YOU!

