2017届高考英语(人教版)一轮教师文档讲义:选修6 unit 3

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2017届高考英语(人教版)一轮教师文档讲义:选修6 unit 3

‎ [话题素材——健康生活]‎ 好词 ‎1.activity n. 活动 ‎2.eager adj. 渴望的;热切的 ‎3.anxiety n. 担忧;焦虑 ‎4.beneficial adj. 有益的;有帮助的 ‎5.energetic adj. 精力旺盛的 ‎6.be fond of 喜欢;喜爱 ‎7.make friends with sb. 和某人交朋友 ‎8.share feelings and ideas with 与……分享感受和观点 ‎9.be keen on 热衷于 ‎10.climb mountains 爬山 ‎11.look back(on) 回忆;回顾 ‎12.help_(sb.)_out 帮助(某人)摆脱困境 ‎13.prefer...to... (比起……来)更喜欢……‎ ‎14.tourist attraction 旅游景点 ‎15.take exercise 锻炼;进行运动 佳句 ‎1.There are a_variety_of afterclass activities in our school, which benefit_us_a_lot.‎ 我们学校有各种各样的课外活动,这些活动对我们很有益。‎ ‎2.We should be kind to one another, which is essential to enjoy_a_harmonious_life.‎ 我们应当彼此友善,这对于享受和谐的生活是绝对重要的。‎ ‎3.We should take_some_measures_to_reduce_the_pressure,_such as doing some sports, listening to music, going outing and so on.‎ 我们可以采取一些措施来减轻压力,如锻炼、听音乐、郊游等。‎ ‎[精美语篇]‎ As we all know smoking does great harm to human beings. More and more people have come to realize how serious this problem is. But they are never bored with it. Some people think it is a kind of fashion, some think it is of great fun and some think smoking can refresh them.‎ However, smoking does cause many illnesses. A lot of people always cough because of smoking. The most serious illness caused by smoking is lung cancer. Meanwhile smoking is a waste of money. Besides, careless smokers may cause dangerous fires.‎ It's high time for smokers to give up smoking.‎ ‎ 高频单词 ‎1.withdrawal (n.) 收回;撤退;戒毒→withdraw (vt.) 收回;撤退 ‎2.mental (adj.) 精神的;智力的→mentally (adv.) 精神地;智力地 ‎3.effect (n.) 结果;效力→effective (adj.) 有效的 ‎4.abnormal (adj.) 畸形的;异常的→normal (adj.) 正常的 ‎5.strengthen (vt.) 加强;巩固;使坚强→strong (adj.) 坚强的;强壮的 ‎6.chemist (n.) 药剂师;化学家→chemistry (n.) 化学→chemical (adj.) 化学的 ‎7.disappointed (adj.) 失望的;沮丧的→disappoint (v.) (使)失望→disappointment (n.) 失望 ‎8.ashamed (adj.) 感到惭愧或羞耻的→shame (n.) 耻辱 ‎9.comprehension (n.) 理解(力)→comprehend (vt.) 理解 ‎10.illegal (adj.) 不合法的→legal (adj.) 合法的 ‎11.survival (n.) 幸存,生存,残存物→survivor (n.) 幸存者→survive (vt.) 幸存 ‎12.judgement (n.) 判断→judge (vt.) 判断 ‎13.embarrassed (adj.) 尴尬的;陷入困境的→embarrass (vt.) (使)尴尬→embarrassment (n.) 尴尬 ‎14.stress (n.) 压力;重音 (vt.) 加压力于;使紧张→stressful (adj.) 产生压力的;紧张的→stressed (adj.) 焦虑不安的 ‎15.adolescent (n.) 青少年 (adj.) 青春期的→adolescence (n.) 青春期 ‎16.addicted (adj.) 入了迷的;上了瘾的→addiction (n.) 沉溺;嗜好→addictive (adj.) 使人上瘾的 ‎17.accustom (vt.) 使习惯于→accustomed (adj.) 惯常的;习惯了的 ‎18.automatic (adj.) 无意识的;自动的→automatically (adv.) 无意识地;自动地 ‎ 重点短语 ‎1.due_to         由于 ‎2.(be)_addicted_to 对……有瘾 ‎3.(be)_accustomed_to 习惯于……‎ ‎4.decide_on 对……作出决定 ‎5.feel_like_(doing) 想要(做)……‎ ‎6.in_spite_of 不顾;不管 ‎7.take_risks/a_risk 冒险 ‎8.get_into 陷入;染上(坏习惯)‎ ‎9.at_risk 处境危险;遭受危险 ‎10.manage_to_do 设法完成 ‎11.stand_for 代表 ‎12.be_ashamed_of/that 因……而羞愧 ‎ 热点句型 ‎1.It seems+adj.+that...“看起来……”‎ It_seems_amazing_that (这看起来令人吃惊) at my age I am still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometres in an afternoon.(教材P18)‎ ‎2.find/consider/feel+it+宾语补足语 Your mother tells me that you started smoking some time ago and now you are finding_it_difficult_to_give_it_up (发现很难把它戒掉).(教材P18)‎ ‎3.as引导的非限制性定语从句 As_you_know (正如你所知道的), if you do the same thing over and over again, you begin to do it automatically.(教材P18)‎ ‎4.It is time to do... “该做……的时间了”‎ When I was taken off the school football team because I was unfit, I knew it_was_time_to_quit_smoking (是该戒烟的时候了).(教材P18)‎ ‎5.“do/does/did+动词原形”表强调;as... as... “同……一样……”‎ I do_hope_so (的确希望如此) because I want you to live as_long_and_healthy_a_life_as_I_have (像我一样活得健康长寿).(教材P18)‎ ‎6.It is... that强调句型 It_is only when the disease has progressed to AIDS that a person begins to look sick.(教材P22)‎ ‎ 教材复现 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ ‎1.A truly healthy person is someone ________ is healthy in both body and mind.‎ 答案:who 先行词为someone,定语从句中缺少主语,故填who。‎ ‎2.I think my long and active life must be due ________ the healthy life I live.‎ 答案:to 句意:我想我之所以长寿且精力充沛,要归功于我的健康生活。due to“由于;归功于”。‎ ‎3.You started smoking some time ago and now you are finding ________ difficult to give it up.‎ 答案:it it在此句中充当形式宾语,真正宾语为to give it up。‎ ‎4.This means that after a while your body becomes accustomed to ________ (have) nicotine in it.‎ 答案:having become accustomed to“习惯于……”,to为介词,故填having。‎ ‎5.It could do terrible damage ________ your heart and lungs.‎ 答案:to do damage to“损害……;破坏……”。‎ ‎6.Neither ________ (know) that my cigarette smoke could affect the health of nonsmokers.‎ 答案:did I know 否定词位于句首应部分倒装。‎ ‎7.________ I did know was ________ my girlfriend thought I smelt terrible.‎ 答案:What; that 第一空为主语从句缺宾语,故填what;第二空为表语从句,不缺句子成分,故填that,且不可省略。‎ ‎8.It is not easy to stop smoking, but millions have managed ________ (quit).‎ 答案:to quit manage to do...“设法做成某事”。‎ ‎9.HIV will damage your immune system so much ________ your body can no longer fight disease.‎ 答案:that so...that...“如此……以致于……”。‎ ‎10.Do some relaxation exercises every time you feel ________ (stress).‎ 答案:stressed 句中缺少表语,且主语为you,故填形容词stressed。‎ ‎1  stress n.压力;重音 vt.加压力于;使紧张 ‎...to stress (P17) 压力 ‎(1)under stress 在压力之下 under the stress of 在……压力下 lay/place/put stress on sth. 强调某事物 ‎(2) stress the importance of 强调……的重要性 ‎(3)stressed adj. 焦虑不安的;心力交瘁的 ‎(4)stressful adj. 有压力的;紧张的 ‎①[2014·湖南高考]As to energy use, the new research from UKERC stresses_the_importance_of the behaviour of building users.‎ 关于能源使用,美国能源研究中心的新研究强调了人们行为举止对于环境的重要性。‎ ‎②[朗文词典]Janet's been under_a_lot_of_stress since her mother's illness.‎ 珍妮特自从她母亲生病以来承受了很大压力。‎ ‎③[牛津词典]She lays_great_stress_on punctuality.‎ 她十分注重守时。‎ ‎④[必背佳句]After a stressful week of work, all the employees were extremely stressed and tired. They complained that few could work efficiently under stress.‎ 在紧张的一周工作之后,所有职工都心力交瘁,很疲惫,他们抱怨说很少有人能够在压力下有效率地工作。‎ ‎2  addicted adj.入迷的;上了瘾的 You see, during adolescence I also smoked and became addicted to cigarettes.(P18)‎ 你知道,在青春期时我也吸烟并且还上了瘾。‎ ‎(1)be/become/get addicted to sth./doing sth.沉溺于……;专心做……‎ ‎(2)addict vt.使沉溺;使上瘾 n.有瘾的人 addict oneself to sth. 某人沉溺于……‎ a work addict 工作狂 ‎(3)addiction n.癖好 ‎①[2015·安徽高考]We are_addicted_to buying new things.‎ 我们对购买新东西上瘾。‎ ‎②[外研②-2]I'm 19 years old and I used to be a_drug_addict.‎ 我19岁了,曾经吸毒成瘾。‎ ‎③[牛津词典]He is now fighting his addiction to alcohol.‎ 他现在正努力戒酒。‎ ‎④[必背佳句]His son addicted_himself_to computer games.‎ 他的儿子沉迷于电脑游戏。‎ ‎3  effect n.结果;影响;效力 When I was young, I didn't know much about the harmful effects of smoking.(P18)‎ 在我年轻的时候,关于吸烟的危害性我知道的并不多。‎ ‎(1)have an effect on/upon 对……有效,对……产生影响 put/bring sth. into effect 实施,实行,使生效 come into effect/take effect(法律、规则或制度)生效;实施 be of no effect 没有效果的;没有影响的 side effect 副作用 ‎(2)effective adj.有效的;起作用的 ‎①[2015·课标全国卷Ⅱ]Your house may have_an_effect_on your figure.‎ 你的房子可能会影响你的身材。‎ ‎②[牛津词典]New controls come_into_effect next month.‎ 下月开始实施新的管制措施。‎ ‎③They decided to put the plan into_effect as soon as possible.‎ 他们决定尽快实施这项计划。‎ ‎④[2015·广东高考]The more I understood fish, the more I became effective at finding and catching them.‎ 我越了解这些鱼的习性,我就越能够有效地发现并捉住它们。‎ ‎4  ashamed adj.感到惭愧或羞耻的 If you weaken and have a cigarette, do not feel ashamed.(P19)‎ 如果你因意志衰弱而又抽烟了,也不要觉得难为情。‎ ‎(1)be/feel ashamed of 因……感到惭愧 be ashamed to_do sth. 耻于做某事 feel/be ashamed for sb. 替某人感到羞愧 ‎(2)……真让人遗憾 真可惜! ‎ ‎①[牛津词典]You should be_ashamed_of yourself for telling such lies.‎ 你撒这种谎应为自己感到羞愧。‎ ‎②[朗文词典]I'm_ashamed_to_admit that I've never read any of his books.‎ 我真不好意思承认,我从来没读过他的书。‎ ‎③[必背佳句]I heard you had your watch stolen. What_a_shame!‎ 我听说你的手表被偷了,真可惜!‎ 易混辨析 ashamed 通常作表语,表示“(人)感到羞耻的;惭愧的”‎ shameful 可作定语或表语,指“(事情或行为本身)可耻;不道德”‎ ‎④用ashamed/shameful填空 a.I'm ________ to say I haven't passed the examination this time.‎ b.It's ________ to steal others' things.‎ 答案:a.ashamed b.shameful ‎5  due adj.欠款的;预定的;到期的 I think my long and active life must be due to the healthy life I live.(P18)‎ 我想我之所以长寿而且精力充沛,要归功于我的健康生活。‎ ‎①[2015·安徽高考]For animals their size, ants have been astonishingly successful, largely due_to their wonderful social behavior.‎ 对于与其体型相仿的动物而言,蚂蚁之所以惊人地成功,很大程度上是由于它们精彩的社会性行为。‎ ‎②[2014·浙江高考]The paper is due next month, and I'm working seven days a week, often long into the night.‎ 文件下个月就要到期了,我现在每周工作七天,还经常加班至深夜。‎ ‎③[2015·陕西高考]She survived because_of a plentiful supply of fresh water.‎ 她能够存活下来是因为有充足的淡水。‎ 过关演练 单句语法填空 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式 ‎1.[2014·浙江高考]Her research found that workers with access to nature at the office—even simple views of trees and flowers—felt their jobs were less ________ (stress) and more satisfying.‎ 答案:stressful 句意:她的一项研究发现在办公室可以接触到自然界的工人们,哪怕只是欣赏到花儿和树木,也会感觉到他们的工作不再那么紧张并且会感到更加满足。stressful“紧张的;压力大的”。‎ ‎2.Her son addicted himself to ________ (smoke), which had a bad effect on his health.‎ 答案:smoking 句意:她的儿子吸烟上瘾,这对他的健康有很坏的影响。addict oneself ‎ to doing/sth.“某人沉溺于……”。‎ ‎3.[2013·重庆高考]Due ________ a weak heart, Nadine Gordimer attended school and university briefly.‎ 答案:to 句意:由于心脏不好,Nadine Gordimer只是短暂地上了学。due to“因为;由于”。‎ ‎4.[2015·湖北高考]Larger transparent animals take ________ (effect) action to reduce light spreading.‎ 答案:effective 句意:更大型的透明动物采取有效行动以减少光的传播。修饰名词action应用形容词形式,故填effective。‎ ‎5.When I was a child, mother laid great stress ________ my proper behavior.‎ 答案:on lay/put/place stress on sth.“强调某事物”。‎ ‎6.[2013·陕西高考]My uncle hasn't been able to quit ________(smoke), but at least he has cut down.‎ 答案:smoking quit后常接名词、代词、动名词作宾语,quit smoking“戒烟”。‎ ‎7.I don't have an appetite these days and don't feel like ________ (eat) anything.‎ 答案:eating feel like doing“想要做某事”。‎ ‎8.People are ________ (ban) from smoking in many public places in England.‎ 答案:banned 空处应填过去分词构成被动语态。句意:在英国许多公共场所禁止吸烟。‎ ‎9.Supposing I didn't come yesterday, would you feel ________ (disappoint)?‎ 答案:disappointed 句意:假设我昨天没来,你会感到失望吗?主语为人,故形容词应填disappointed; disappointing用来修饰物。‎ ‎10.Friendship can deeply affect the physical and ________ (mentally) health of both men and women.‎ 答案:mental 根据and及前面的形容词可知空处也应填形容词。句意:友谊能够深刻影响男人和女人的身心健康。‎ ‎1  (be) accustomed to 习惯于……(表状态)‎ This means that after a while your body becomes accustomed to having nicotine in it.(P18)‎ 这就是说,过一段时间以后,你的身体习惯了香烟里的尼古丁。‎ ‎(1)get/become accustomed to (doing)_sth. 习惯于(做)某事(表动作)‎ ‎(2)accustom vt.使习惯于 accustom sb./oneself to (doing) sth.使某人/自己习惯于……‎ ‎①[2014·上海高考]I'm_accustomed_to_listening to some light music before sleep.‎ 我习惯于睡前听点轻音乐。‎ ‎②[牛津词典]She was a person accustomed_to_having eight hours' sleep a night.‎ 她是那种习惯每晚睡八小时睡眠的人。‎ ‎③It took a while for me to accustom_myself_to all the new rules and regulations.‎ 我过了一段时间才适应所有的新规章制度。‎ ‎2  in spite of 不管;不顾 In spite of all his efforts he failed.(P20)‎ 尽管他做了所有努力,但还是失败了。‎ ‎(1)不管;不顾 ‎(2)in spite of the fact that...(同位语从句)‎ ‎=(al)though+从句 虽然;尽管 ‎①[2014·陕西高考]In_spite_of all these differences, evidence shows that recent life style changes may be affecting French eating habits.‎ 尽管有这些不同,证据仍旧表明最近生活方式的改变有可能正在影响法国人的饮食习惯。‎ ‎②[2014·江西高考]It's unbelievable that Mr Lucas leads a simple life in_spite_of his great wealth.‎ 令人难以置信的是Lucas先生尽管很有钱,却过着那么简朴的生活。‎ ‎③We went out in_spite_of/despite the rain.‎ 尽管天下雨,我们还是出去了。‎ ‎④[必背佳句]In_spite_of_the_fact_that doctors have warned that smoking does harm to health, people still keep on smoking.‎ 尽管医生已经警告吸烟有害健康,人们还是继续吸烟。‎ ‎3  take risks (a risk) 冒险 He felt he had to make up his mind on every step instead of taking risks.(P20)‎ 他觉得他必须下定决心走好每一步而不是去冒险。‎ ‎(1)at risk 处境危险;遭受危险 at the risk of... 冒着……的风险 take/run risks (a risk) to do 冒险做……‎ ‎(2)risk doing... 冒险做……‎ risk one's life to do sth. 冒着生命危险做某事 ‎①[2015·四川高考]Lack of sleep could put the birds' health at_risk.‎ 缺少睡眠可能会使鸟类的健康处于危险中。‎ ‎②[2013·上海高考]Young people may risk_going_deaf if they are exposed to very loud music every day.‎ 年轻人如果每天都暴露于很吵闹的音乐中,他们就会冒耳朵变聋的危险。‎ ‎③[2014·课标全国卷Ⅱ]But Simon decided to risk_his__life and try to lower Joe down the mountain on a rope.‎ 但是西蒙决定冒着生命危险尝试用绳子把乔从山上降落下来。‎ ‎4  get into 陷入;染上(坏习惯)‎ Of course the best way to deal with these drugs is not to get into the habit in the first place! (P20)‎ 当然,对付这些毒品最好的方法首先就是不要染上坏习惯!‎ ‎①[2014·四川高考]I usually managed to find some trouble to get_into.‎ 我通常会设法惹一些麻烦。‎ ‎②[2015·陕西高考]As an outgoing girl, I get_along_well_with my classmates.‎ 作为一个外向的女孩,我和同学们相处很融洽。‎ ‎③How can I get it across to you how important this is?‎ 我怎么做才能让你们理解这件事的重要性?‎ 过关演练 选词填空 become addicted to; decide on; be accustomed to; take risks; get into; in spite of; due to; be ashamed of ‎ ‎1.His son has ________ drugs.‎ 答案:become addicted to ‎2.His grandfather has____________living in the mountains from his childhood. ‎ 答案:been accustomed to ‎3.I have________ buying a bike for my brother's birthday.‎ 答案:decided on ‎4.She ________ having failed in the examination.‎ 答案:was ashamed of ‎5.Tell me in case you ________ trouble.‎ 答案:get into ‎6.________ hot weather, students still practice on the playground.‎ 答案:In spite of ‎7.It was a mistake ________ carelessness.‎ 答案:due to ‎8.Everyone who wants to succeed must ________.‎ 答案:take risks ‎1  I do hope so because I want you to live as_long and healthy a life as I have.(P18)‎ 我的确希望如此,因为我想让你和我一样活得健康长寿。‎ 句中使用了一个比较级结构:as+adj.+a/an+n.+as结构,意为:和……一样……。‎ ‎(1)so+adj.+a/an+n.+that... 如此……以致于……‎ ‎=such+a/an+adj.+n.+that...‎ ‎(2)so+adj.+a/an+n.+as... 和……一样……‎ ‎(3)as+adj.+as... 和……一样……‎ ‎(4)too+adj.+a/an+n.+to do... 太……而不能……‎ 语境助记 ‎①[2015·福建高考]The failure was a big blow to him, but he wasn't discouraged and soon got as_enthusiastic_as ever.‎ 这次失败对他来说是一个很大的打击,但他并没有沮丧,很快就变得像以前一样热情。‎ ‎②[牛津词典]He was not so_quick_a_learner_as his brother.‎ 他学东西不像他哥哥那样快。‎ ‎③This is so_difficult_a_problem_that no one can work it out.=This is such_a_difficult_problem_that no one can work it out.‎ 这道题太难,没有人能解答出来。‎ ‎④It's too_high_a_price for us to pay.‎ 这个价格太高,我们付不起。‎ ‎2  I knew it_was_time_to_quit smoking.(P18)‎ 我知道是我该戒烟的时候了。‎ 语境助记 ‎①[2015·北京高考]It_was_time_to_put the tips he had learned to use.‎ 是时候把他学到的技巧运用起来了。‎ ‎②It's_time_for_dinner. Mother keeps the knives with the forks.‎ 到吃晚饭的时间了,妈妈将刀叉放到一起。‎ ‎③[必背佳句]It's high time that we students worked/should_work even harder at our lessons as the exam is coming nearer.‎ 到了我们学生们更加努力学习的时候了,因为考试越来越临近了。‎ 过关演练 单句语法填空 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式 ‎1.This is ________ difficult a problem for the beginners to solve.‎ 答案:so/too 句意:这个问题对于初学者来说太难解决了。考查so+adj.+a/an+n.结构。也可用too,too+adj.+a/an+n.+to do“太……而不能”。‎ ‎2.The young man hopes to live as simple a life ________ his grandpa.‎ 答案:as as+adj.+a/an+n.+as“和……一样”,句意:这个小伙子希望和他爷爷一样过俭朴的生活。‎ ‎3.It is high time that the children ________ (go) to bed.‎ 答案:went/should go 该句型中that从句中谓语形式为:did/should do,句意:孩子们该上床睡觉了。‎ ‎4.He is ________ experienced an artist to be worried by what the critics say.‎ 答案:too 句意:他是一个经验非常丰富的艺术家,不会为批评家们的议论而担忧。考查too+adj.+a/an+n.+to do结构。‎ ‎5.[2015·北京高考]Then he piled branches on top of himself, like a blanket, to stay as warm ________ he could.‎ 答案:as 句意:他在自己身上堆很多树枝,就像毯子一样,尽可能地来保持温暖。考查as+adj.+as结构。‎ it的用法(1)‎ it作人称代词 ‎1.it的最基本的用法是作代词,主要指刚提到的事物,以避免重复 Xi'an is a beautiful city, isn't it?‎ ‎2.也可以指动物或婴儿(有时也可指未知性别的人)‎ Is this your dog? No, it isn't.‎ it作非人称代词 it有时并不指具体的东西而泛指天气、时间、日期、距离、价值、度量、温度、环境等,称为非人称的it ‎-What's the cost of the Tshirt?‎ ‎-It is 150 yuan.‎ it作形式主语 替代作主语的从句、动词不定式、动名词,而把真正的主语置于句尾 ‎1.代替不定式作主语 ‎(1)It be+adj.+(for sb.) to do sth.‎ 此处的adj.多为描述事件的形容词 It is illegal for a teenager to drive a car without a license.‎ ‎(2)It be+adj.+of sb. to do sth.‎ 此处adj.多为描述人的形容词 It's kind of you to help me with the problem.‎ ‎2.代替动名词作主语 常见句型为:‎ It is no good/use doing 做……是没有好处/没用的 It's worthwhile doing... 做……是值得的 It's useless doing 做……是没用的 It's no use crying (cry) over spilt milk.‎ ‎3.代替主语从句作主语 ‎(1)It is adj.+thatclause 此句型中常见的形容词为:clear, obvious, true, possible, certain等。‎ It's very clear that he is round and tall like a tree.‎ ‎(2)It is v.ed+thatclause ‎=sb./sth. is v.ed to do 此句型中常见的过去分词为:said, reported, learned, believed, thought, known, told, hoped等。‎ It is said (say) that he has gone to Beijing.‎ ‎=He is said to have gone to Beijing.‎ ‎(3)It is+n.+that-clause 此句型中常见名词为:a pity, a shame, an honour, a good thing, a fact, a surprise等。‎ ‎-名师点睛-‎ 此句型中,that后从句常用虚拟语气,即should+动词原形,其中should可省,表示出乎意料。若无此意义时,则无需用虚拟语气。‎ It's a pity that such a thing should happen (happen) in your class.‎ It's a pity that he is (be) ill.‎ it作形式宾语 当复合宾语中的宾语是不定式、动名词、宾语从句时,往往把宾语置于宾补之后,用it作形式宾语,此句型中常见动词有:think, believe, make, find, consider, feel等 I think it no use arguing with them.‎ He made it clear that he was not interested in the subject.‎ 过关演练 单句语法填空 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式 ‎1.[2015·福建高考]________ was considerate of Michael to inform us of his delay in case we got worried.‎ 答案:It 考查It is/was+adj.+of sb. to do sth.句式。‎ ‎2.[2015·浙江高考]Close to the school there was a beautiful park with many trees around ________.‎ 答案:it it指代上文提到的公园。‎ ‎3.[2014·课标全国卷Ⅰ]—Who's that at the door?‎ ‎—________is the milkman.‎ 答案:It 句意:——门口那人是谁?——是送奶工。it在本句中用来指代未知性别的人。‎ ‎4.[2015·浙江高考]How would you like ________ if you were watching your favorite TV program and someone came into the room and just shut it off without asking you?‎ 答案:it 句意:当你在看最喜欢的电视节目时,如果有人进来并未经允许就把电视关掉,你会怎么想?it在此作形式宾语,指代后面if从句的内容。‎ ‎5.It is no use ________ (argue) with him, for he is very stubborn.‎ 答案:arguing 句意:跟他吵是没用的,因为他非常固执。考查It is no use doing...句式,it在此句中作形式主语。‎

