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Unit 4 Earthquakes 一、厚积薄发 ‎1. 立刻,马上____________; __________; ___________; _____________;___________‎ ‎2. 爆裂;爆发 __________其过去式与过去分词为:_________; __________‎ burst in 闯入;插话 burst open推开;突然打开;裂开 burst into…闯入;突然…… burst out doing…突然……‎ The door_____________ and Tom ran into the room.‎ Claire looked as if she were about to ____________ tears.‎ Suddenly, the group _________laughter. =Suddenly, the group _________ laughing.‎ I'm sorry to _____________ on you like this.‎ ‎3. 民族;国家___________ national ____________ international ____________‎ ‎4.污垢;泥土___________/___________ 脏的__________ /__________‎ ‎5. 苦难;痛苦_____________ 遭受;忍受 vi&vt._________ suffer from__________________‎ 我父亲有高血压。My father________ _________high blood pressure.‎ 那时他们吃了不少苦。They suffered _____ ________ __________ in those days.‎ ‎6. 极度的___________ in the extreme:极度;极端;非常 extremely _____________‎ ‎(1) 这段旅行将会是及其危险的。The journey would be dangerous _____ _____ ____________. = The journey would be _______________ dangerous. ‎ ‎(2)她发现找工作及其困难。______________________________________________‎ ‎7. 轨道;足迹;痕迹_________ ‎ ‎8. 无用的;无效的;无益的_________ 无希望的;绝望的________ 无家可归的_________ ‎ 不细心的;马虎的___________ breathless _____________ priceless__________‎ ‎9. 使震惊,震动;休克,打击v&n _________ shocked __________ 令人震惊的_________‎ ‎(1) 他仍然处于休克状态。He’s still in a state of _____________. ‎ ‎(2)他去世的消息令我们震惊。 ‎ The news of his death ___________us. The news of his death was ___________ to us. ‎ We were ______ at the news of his death. The news of his death was ___ ______to us. ‎ ‎10. 救援,营救v & n_____________ rescue sb. from someplace ______________________‎ come to one’s rescue ____________rescue workers / boats / helicopters ___________‎ 他从失火的建筑物内救出了三个孩子。___________________________________‎ A lifeboat came to the young boy’s rescue. _______________________________‎ I didn’t know anybody at the party, but the hostess came to my rescue (= helped me out of a difficult situation) by introducing me to a few people.‎ ‎11. 使陷入困境;陷阱__________ 12. 埋葬;掩埋;隐藏 ___________‎ ‎13. 矿;矿山 _________ 矿工___________ 14.记者 ___________ / _____________‎ ‎15. 损失;损害v & n ________________ damages n. ________________‎ ‎16. 使惊吓;吓唬___________ 受惊的;害怕的______________ 令人恐惧的___________‎ ‎★用frighten的正确形式填空。‎ Sorry, I didn’t mean to ____________ you. ‎ Her father had an awful temper and she was always _____________ of him It was the most _____________ experience of my life.‎ He drove at a speed which ___________ Lara to death.‎ She’s ______________ of walking home alone in the dark. ‎ Going into hospital can be very _____________ for a child.‎ ‎17. 祝贺;贺词(pl.) n.______________; congratulations (to sb). on sth. _______________‎ 其动词为________因某事祝贺某__________ celebration ________celebrate sth. _____‎ ‎(1) 祝贺你喜结良缘! ‎ Congratulations on your happy marriage! = ________ you _____ your happy marriage!.‎ ‎(2)用congratulate和celebrate的适当形式填空。‎ The party was in ___________ of Mother's silver wedding.‎ She _________me warmly on my exam results.‎ ‎__________ on your exam results! We held a party to __________our success.‎ ‎★18. 裁判员,法官;判断;判决______________ 根据……判断_________sb./ sth.____‎ You should never judge a person by their looks.‎ 你不能根据封面来评价一本书。You can't _________ a book _____ its cover.‎ 他是赛马会上的裁判员之一。He was one of the ___________ at the horse race. ‎ 从她最后一封信看,他们过得很好。_____her last letter, they are having a wonderful time.‎ ‎19. 表示;表达__________ expression ________________ 20. 骑自行车的人___________‎ 二、课文经典例句背诵。‎ ‎1. 老鼠跑出田地四处寻找藏身的地方。Mice ran out of the fields, _______ ____ places to hide.‎ ‎★ 用括号中动词的适当形式填空。‎ ‎(1) “We can’t go out in this weather”, said Bob, ___________ out of the window. (look)‎ ‎(2) ________ (see) these pictures, I couldn’t help remembering my childhood.‎ ‎ (3) ________ (Not, know) his telephone number, she couldn’t get in touch with him.‎ ‎2. 但是,该城市的几百万居民,几乎没有把这些事情当回事,当天晚上照常入睡了。‎ But the one million people of the city, ________ _______ _______ _____ these events, were ________ as usual that night.‎ ‎3. 看上去世界末日到了。 It seemed_______ _______ the world was _______ _____ _______.‎ ‎(1) as if/ though好像…;后接句子时根据语义确定是否用虚拟语气。‎ ‎★仿写句子 It kooks as if it is going to rain. ‎ 看上去好像她很不安。________________________________________ ‎ He talks as if he knew everything!‎ 他表现起来就好像什么事情都没发生似的。He behaved ______________________. ‎ 她对待Tom就好像Tom是她的亲生孩子一样。She treats Tom ___________________.‎ ‎(2) at an end ___________ at the end of…__________________ by the end of__________‎ ‎ in the end _______ come to an end________ put…to an end/put an end to…_________‎ ★ 选词填空The meeting finally _______. ‎ The war was finally ___________________.‎ Let’s ____________________ these rumors once and for all.‎ He tried various jobs and______________ became an accountant.‎ My companion waited for me _________________ the street.‎ We have learned four units ____________________ this week.‎ ‎4. 三分之二的人再地震中伤亡。_____ _____ of them died or ____ during the earthquake.‎ ‎(1) 三分之一______ 五分之三_________百分之一______百分之二十________‎ 分数或百分数做主语,其谓语动词的单复数取决于去后所跟的名词。‎ Two thirds of the food __________ run out. (has/have)‎ Two third of the students ___________(come/ comes) from the countryside.‎ ‎(2)词义辨析 injure/ hurt/ wound hurt为一般用语,指精神和肉体上的伤害,特指伴有疼痛的肉体伤害;wound一般指外伤或战斗中所受的枪伤、刀伤、剑伤等;injure指意外或事故中受伤,但侧重容貌或机能等的损坏。另外,hurt可作不及物动词,表示“疼、难受”,其他两词均不能。‎ ‎★选词填空My chest __________ when I make a deep breath, doctor.‎ The enemy fired and ___________ some of our soldiers.‎ John fell down from the tree and __________ his back. ‎ ‎5. 几千个家庭毁灭了,很多孩子沦落为孤儿。 Thousands of families were killed and many children ____________________________________.‎ ‎★练习leave + n.+ adj. /adv/ prep / v-ing / ed使…..;让…… ‎ ‎(1)他三岁时母亲死了,丢下他成了孤儿 At the age of three his mother died, leaving him _____________. ‎ ‎(2) 他总是让窗子开着,无论天多么冷。‎ He always leaves the windows ____, however cold it is.‎ ‎(3) 他走时故意让灯亮着。He left the light_____ on purpose when he left.‎ ‎(4) 他的父母都上班去了,留下他一个人在家里。‎ Both of his parents went to work, leaving him _______________ alone.‎ ‎(5) 不要让她在外边雨里等。Don’t leave her _____________ outside in the rain. ‎ ‎(6)不要把今天的工作拖到明天。Don’t leave the work _____________ today.‎ ‎(7) 她的丈夫进城打工,让她照顾孩子。‎ Her husband went to work in the city, leaving her _________________ the children.‎ ‎6. 井里满是沙子而不是水。Sand now filled the wells_________ _____ water.‎ He gave it to me instead of John. =He didn't give the money to John, but he gave it to me instead.‎ You didn’t pick up your keys. you probably picked up my keys instead. = You probably picked up my keys instead of yours. ‎ ★ 练习 Tom didn't study law. Instead, he decided to become an actor. = ‎ Tom decided to become an actor ___________ _______studying law We had dinner in the garden instead of in the house. = ‎ We didn’t have dinner in the house, but ________ we had dinner in the garden.‎ ‎7. 并非所有的希望都丧失了。__________ hope was __________ lost.‎ 此句也可改为:_________ ________ hope was lost.‎ ‎★练习:我并不全认识他们。__________________________________‎ 这两本书我并不都喜欢。_________________________________________‎ 在我们班并非每个人都喜欢足球。__________________________________‎ ‎★思考:他们我都不认识。____________________________________‎ 这两本书我都不喜欢。_____________________________________‎ 我们班没有人喜欢足球。__________________________________‎ ‎8. 军队组成小队,将受困的人挖出来,掩埋死者。The army organized teams to ______ _____those who were ________ and to bury _______ ________dead. ‎ ‎★复数性“the+形容词”表示一类具有某种特征或特性的人时,通常表示复数意义,若用作主语,谓语要用复数。“the+形容词”若表示抽象概念,则表示单数意义,用作主语时,谓语要用单数。‎ ‎★练习 (1) 富者愈富,贫者愈贫。 ____________ get richer and_________ get poorer. ‎ ‎(2) 用担架把受伤的人抬走了。______________ were carried away on stretchers. ‎ ‎(3) 老年人比年轻人更容易感冒。___________ are more likely to catch cold than the young. ‎ ‎(4) 未知的东西总是一种令人害怕的东西___________is always something to be feared. ‎ 答案:‎ 一、厚积薄发 ‎1. immediately; at once; right now; right away; in no time; without delay等 ‎2. 爆裂;爆发burst其过去式与过去分词为:burst; burst The door burst open and Tom ran into the room.‎ Claire looked as if she were about to burst into tears.‎ Suddenly, the group burst into laughter. Suddenly, the group burst out laughing.‎ I'm sorry to burst in on you like this.‎ ‎3. nation; 国家的;民族的;国际的 ‎4. dirt/ dust; dirty/dusty ‎★5. 苦难;痛苦suffering遭受;忍受 vi&vt suffer suffer from因…而受罪 My father suffers (from) high blood pressure. They suffered a great deal in those days.‎ ‎★6. 极度的extreme; in the extreme:极度;极端;非常 extremely极端;非常 ‎(1) The journey would be dangerous in the extreme. The journey would be extremely dangerous.‎ ‎(2) She found it extremely difficult to get a job.‎ ‎7. track 8. useless; hopeless; homeless; careless; 呼吸困难的;喘不过气来的;无价的,宝贵的 ‎★9. 使震惊,震动;休克,打击v&n shock; shocked震惊的;令人震惊的shocking ‎ (1) He’s still in a state of shock. (2) The news of his death shocked us.‎ The news of his death was shocking to us. We were shocked at the news of his death.‎ The news of his death was a shock to us. ‎ ‎10. rescue 把某人从……救出来; 过来拯救或帮助某人;救援队/ 救生艇/ 救援直升机 He rescued three children from the burning building. 一个救生艇过来救援这个孩子。‎ ‎11.trap ‎ ‎12. bury ‎13.mine; miner ‎ ‎14.reporter; journalist;‎ ‎15. damage; damages n.损害赔偿金 ‎16. frighten; frightened; frightening Sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you. ‎ Her father had an awful temper and she was always frightened of him It was the most frightening experience of my life.‎ He drove at a speed which frightened Lara to death.‎ She’s frightened of walking home alone in the dark. ‎ Going into hospital can be very frightening for a child.‎ ‎17. 祝贺;贺词(pl.) n. congratulation; congratulations (to sb). on sth. 因某事祝贺某;其动词为congratulate; congratulate sb. on sth. celebration 庆祝celebrate sth.庆祝有纪念意义的事情 ‎(1) Congratulate you on your happy marriage!.‎ ‎(2)The party was in celebration of Mother's silver wedding.‎ She congratulated me warmly on my exam results.‎ Congratulations on your exam results!‎ We held a party to celebrate our success.‎ ‎★18. 裁判员,法官;判断;判决judge 根据……判断judge sb./ sth. by / from…‎ You can't judge a book by its cover. He was one of the judges at the horse race. ‎ Judging by her last letter, they are having a wonderful time.‎ ‎19. 表示;表达express; expression 表情;表示;表达 20. 骑自行车的人cyclist 二、课文经典例句背诵。‎ ‎1. Mice ran out of the fields, looking for places to hide.‎ ‎(1) “We can’t go out in this weather”, said Bob, looking out of the window.‎ ‎(2) Seeing these pictures, I couldn’t help remembering my childhood.‎ ‎(3) Not knowing his telephone number, she couldn’t get in touch with him.‎ ‎2. But the one million people of the city, who thought little of these events, were asleep as usual that night.‎ ‎3. It seemed as if the world was at an end.‎ ‎(1) It looks as is she is very upset. ‎ He behaved as if nothing had happened. ‎ She treats Tom as if he were her own child.‎ ‎(2) at an end 结束;终结at the end of…在……的尽头;末期by the end of截止到…底 ‎ in the end 最后,终于 come to an end结束 put…to an end/put an end to…结束……‎ The meeting came to an end. The war was finally at an end.‎ Let’s put an end to these rumors once and for all.‎ He tried various jobs and in the end became an accountant.‎ My companion waited for me at the end of the street.‎ We have learned four units by the end of this week.‎ ‎4. Two thirds of them died or injured during the earthquake.‎ ‎(1) 三分之一one third五分之三three fifths百分之一one percent百分之二十twenty percent Two thirds of the food has run out. (has/have)‎ Two third of the students come from the countryside.‎ ‎(2) My chest hurts when I make a deep breath, doctor.‎ The enemy fired and wounded some of our soldiers.‎ John fell down from the tree and injured his back. ‎ ‎5. Thousands of families were killed and many children were left without parents.‎ ‎(1)At the age of three his mother died, leaving him an orphan. ‎ ‎(2) He always leaves the windows open, however cold it is.‎ ‎(3) He left the light on on purpose when he left.‎ ‎(4) Both of his parents went to work, leaving him alone at home.‎ ‎(5) Don’t leave her waiting outside in the rain. ‎ ‎(6) Don’t leave the work unfinished today.‎ ‎(7) Her husband went to work in the city, leaving her to take care of the children.‎ ‎6. Sand now filled the wells instead of water.‎ Tom decided to become an actor instead of studying law We didn’t have dinner in the house, but instead we had dinner in the garden.‎ ‎7. 并非所有的希望都丧失了。All hope was not lost.‎ Not all hope was lost.‎ ‎★练习:I don't know all of them. I don't like both of the books. ‎ Not every student goes to the farm on Sundays. Not everyone in our class likes football. ‎ ‎★思考:I know none of them. I like neither of the books. ‎ No one/ Nobody in our class likes football.‎ ‎8. The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead. ‎ ‎★练习 (1) The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. ‎ ‎(2) The injured were carried away on stretchers. ‎ ‎(3) The old are more likely to catch cold than the young. ‎ ‎(4) The unknown is always something to be feared. ‎

