高中英语必修2教案:The Olympic Games-period1学案

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高中英语必修2教案:The Olympic Games-period1学案

Period 1‎ Pre-class task: about vocabulary of item in the Olympic Games Step 1 Word Game:‎ Part 1: Each group get 4 words to guess. one points for each. ‎ Part 2: The quickest to match the word correctly can get 2 points for his/ her group, but if the answer is wrong, ‎ ‎1 points will be lost. ‎ shot put 击剑 discus throw 摔跤 ‎ javelin throw 悬挂式滑翔 Marathon 冰球 Canoeing 举重 ice hockey 马拉松 ‎ Weightlifting 划独木舟 ‎ Wrestling 铁饼 ‎ fencing 推铅球 ‎ hang-gliding 标枪 Part 3: The quickest to guess the word correctly can get 2 points for his/ her group, but if the answer is wrong, ‎ ‎1 points will be lost. ‎ Rings, high bar, side horse(鞍马), vaulting horse(跳马), double bar, free exercises Step 2 Warming up Talk about when ,where, and anything you know about the Olympics according to the pictures given.‎ ‎1. get Ss to talk about pictures ‎ Teacher can give one example ‎2. let 2 Ss share their understanding of the pictures and act it out for the class Step 3. Speaking Activity 1 ( Warming up p17)‎ Page 49 Now turn to page 49 and look at exx.1&2‎ ‎1.Read through the words and fill in the form ‎2.Work in pairs and make a simple dialogue using the information in the form by asking:‎ ‎•Do you know which sports are usually part of the Winter Olympics?‎ ‎•Which sports are played between team?‎ ‎•In which sports are Chinese athletes the best?‎ ‎3.Pairs to act it out Step 4 Speaking Activity 2‎ ‎ Teacher help the Ss to talk about their hobbies(about sports) by teaching them some expression.‎ 1. show some useful express ‎ asking about ‎ Giving answer, advice, and making decision ‎ Taking about hobbies:‎ ‎1)Which sport do you like best?‎ ‎ What’s your favorite sport?‎ Giving answer, and making decision:‎ ‎1)I prefer…(to)…/ I like …(best).‎ ‎2)I (don’t) like (because)…‎ ‎ What are your hobbies?‎ ‎ Which do you prefer, ..or..?‎ ‎ Are you interested in …?‎ ‎2)Why do you like…?/What do you learn from…‎ ‎3)How do you become good at them?‎ ‎4)Can you tell me sth. about them?‎ ‎3)I (don’t) think…(it’s because)…‎ ‎4)I’m sure that…‎ ‎5)I’m not sure whether…‎ ‎6)there is no doubt…‎ ‎7)Don’t you think that…?‎ 1. explain them if necessary.‎ 2. give some words of sports for Ss to talk with their partner.‎ 3. act it out Step 6 Homework ‎1.Find out the fact in Warming up to the number given to you (it’ll be checked tomorrow)‎ ‎2.Finish Exx.1-4 on p11-12‎ ‎3.Go over the new words.‎

