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2017-2018学年山东省济南外国语学校高二下学期期中模块考试 英语试题 PAPER 4: LISTENING (做题时间: 40分钟 满分:30分) 答题说明:试卷 4(听力)分为四部分,共 30个小题。第 1、3、4部分需填涂答题卡。第二部分答 案写在答题纸上。涂卡时注意:选项为 E涂 AB;选项为 F涂 AC。 Part 1 You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer (A, B or C).(每个小题 1分,共 8分) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. You hear a teacher talking to some students. What is she doing? A offering to help them correct something B explaining how they could do better C apologizing for something 2 You hear two friends talking about a school trip to a wildlife park. What do they agree about? A how friendly the staff were. B how healthy the animals looked. C how well-organised the place was. 3 You hear a teacher talking to his class about a competition. What is his main piece of advice? A aim to win a prize. B come up with an original topic. C try to have fun while you’re doing it. 4 You hear two friends talking about a football match on television. How does the boy feel about it? A upset that his team didn’t win B disappointed not to have been there C annoyed by some of the referee’s decisions 5 You overhear a girl talking to her elder brother about a local carnival. What is she trying to do? A make sure her brother is going to attend B check that her brother knows the parade route C find out what costume her brother intends to wear 6 You hear two teenage film stars taking part in a radio discussion about their work. How were both their lives affected by stardom? A They were treated as celebrities wherever they went. B They noticed a temporary change in relationships. C It was an effort for them to keep in touch with close friends. 7 You hear a girl talking about playing golf. What is she proud of? A her victory in a major tournament. B beating a family member C a very skilful shot. 8 You hear two teenagers talking about a concert they went to. What do they disagree about? A how much money they needed B which bands were worth listening to C the best place to be to hear the music Part 2 You will hear a student called Amy giving a presentation about her ambition to become a fashion designer. For questions 9-18, complete the sentences. (每个小题 1分,共 10分) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Becoming a fashion designer Amy’s first ambition was to become a , like a member of her family. Amy decided on a career in fashion after being invited to spend a week at a designer’s 9 10 . Amongst the people Amy met at the Fashion Week show, the impressed her most. For one school fashion show, Amy’s outfit was made from materials. Amy gave the name to her costume in the school show. Amy was worried about having to do a while wearing her costume at the show. For a website competition, Amy got inspiration from a she saw in a museum. Amy has to send in what’s called a for the competition. Amy has enjoyed experimenting with the different and fabrics for her competition designs. If Amy’s designs are chosen for the competition, she’ll get what’s called a with experts working in fashion. Part 3 You will hear five teenagers talking about homework. For questions 19-23, choose from the list A-F what each speaker has done to change their homework habits. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.(每个小题 1分,共 5分) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. I’ve tried to improve my reading skills. Speaker 1 B. I now ask people for help. Speaker 2 19 20 18 17 11 12 13 14 15 16 C. I do my least favourite subject first. Speaker 3 D. I no longer find reasons to avoid doing it. Speaker 4 E. I’ve organised myself better. Speaker 5 F. I’ve found a way to improve my memory. Part 4 You will hear an interview with a teenage film-maker called Martina Castelli. For questions 24-30, choose 21 22 23 the best answer (A, B, or C). (每个小题 1分,共 7分) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24 Martina started making films because__________. A she was encouraged to do so by her father. B she enjoyed making up stories. C she learned about it at school. 25 What experience made Martina decide to try to build a career as a film director? A spending time in a real film studio B watching great films from the past C meeting some famous film directors 26 What does Martina say about having several responsibilities when she makes a film? A She can’t afford to pay other people to do some of the work. B She doesn’t have enough time to do everything properly. C She gets satisfaction from doing a variety of jobs. 27 Martina isn’t planning to study film-making because she thinks she wouldn’t __________. A have much in common with the other students. B be able to keep her own individual style. C be taught anything very useful. 28 What does Martina say about the experience of acting in someone else’s film? A It gave her new ideas about directing. B It made her rethink a film script she was writing. C It showed her the value of planning carefully. 29 What advice does Martina have for other teenage film-makers? A Make sure you show respect to other people. B Find out who can help you. C Just be yourself. 30 What does Martina say about using the Internet? A It’s a good source of ideas for new stories. B It discourages people from going to the cinema. C It gives young film-makers opportunities to become known. 试卷 4 答题纸 Paper 4: Listening (做题时间: 40分钟 满分:30分) Part 2(每个小题1分,共10分) 9. ________________________ 10. _______________________ 11. _______________________ 12. _______________________ 13. _______________________ 14. _______________________ 15. _______________________ 16. _______________________ 17. _______________________ 18. ________________________ PAPER 3 USE OF ENGLISH (做题时间: 45分钟 满分:50分) 答题说明:试卷 3(语法结构)分为四部分,42个小题,1-12 小题,考生须填涂答题卡,其余三部 分考生须填写答题纸。 Part 1 For questions 1-12, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. (每个小题 1分,共 12分)There is an example at the beginning (0). Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Example: 0 A. gaining B. reaching C. joining D. getting Answer: B The plastic bottle boat By the age of 30, David Rothschild had already explored a remote jungle in Ecuador and succeeded in (0) reaching both the North and South Poles! During his expeditions, he became aware of the serious (1) of pollution and global warming, and after reading a report about the huge (2) of waste plastic floating around the world’s oceans, he decided to do something to (3) people’s attention to the problem. Rothschild (4) up with the idea of crossing the Pacific Ocean in a special boat. The boat that (5) off from the USA in March 2010 was made almost entirely out of recycled plastic bottles and everything was (6) together with a sticky, organic glue. On the Plastiki, as the boat was called, solar panels and wind turbines (7) electricity to the crew. (8) the unusual materials used in its construction, at various (9) in the journey to Sydney in Australia the Plastiki managed to (10) extreme weather conditions. Along the (11) , Rothschild and his crew did stop at Pacific islands to buy fresh food but at the end of their 16,000-kilometre voyage in Sydney, they said they were happy to be back to living on dry land. Their hope is that the Plastiki will (12) other people to think seriously about re-using waste materials. 1 A. products B. changes C. reactions D. effects 2 A. amount B. rate C. measure D. number 3 A. pull B. carry C. draw D. move 4 A. caught B. came C. kept D. put 5 A .set B. ran C. pulled D. rode 6 A .tied B. included C. held D. combined 7 A. offered B. supplied C. dealt D. produced 8 A. Whereas B. However C. Although D. Despite 9 A. stages B. levels C .parts D. turns 10 A. maintain B .last C .survive D. live 11 A. path B .line C. course D. way 12 A. raise B .inspire C. produce D. impress Part 2 For questions 13-24, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. (每个小题 1分,共 12分)There is an example at the beginning (0). Write your answers IN CAPITALLETTERS on the separate answer sheet. Example: 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our recycled car My school friends and I recently entered an engineering competition for schools. The aim was to build and race a model car that had (0) built out of recycled materials. We didn’t realize (13) a challenge it would become! First of (14) , we used a computer programme to see what our car might look (15) . Then we thought about the kinds of materials that are suitable for recycling and where they are (16) be found. We found a cardboard box that supermarkets keep lettuces (17) and used this as the base with old CDs as the wheels! We had (18) .number of problems, though, (19) as our motor turning out to be (20) small to drive the car along. We nearly gave up completely, but luckily Mr Williams, our teacher, found us an old motor from a broken toy. (21) we finally tested our car, we couldn’t believe how fast it went! On the day of the race, it was great to see the ideas that other students had come (22) with – and amazing when our car had the fastest time of the schools that were (23) part! We were really proud to (24) won! Part 3 For questions 25-34, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. (每个小题 1分,共 10分) There is an example at the beginning (0). Write your answers IN CAPITALLETTERS on the separate answer sheet. Example: 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Join the circus! Have you ever watched a circus show and thought ‘I could do that’? Well, why not join the ‘street entertainers’ circus workshop and give it a go? Circus-skills workshops are both (0) and fun, bringing together people of all ages EDUCATE and backgrounds. Each workshop is led by supportive and (25) ……tutors TALENT who offer training in a range of highly (26) …… circus skills. There are usually ENJOY two or three (27) …… leading each group, and before the workshop starts INSTRUCT they give an (28) ……, so that everyone knows what to expect. INTRODUCE The course includes a wide (29) …… of activities which reflect the different VARY interests and (30) …… of the group members, but each workshop usually REQUIRE starts off with some simple tricks that everyone can master, even the most (31) …… . As everyone’s confidence grows, the tutors introduce more EXPERIENCE equipment and more (32) ……activities. By the end of the session, everyone CHALLENGE has had fun and developed abilities which will be beneficial in everyday life, such as increased (33) …… , balance and self-awareness. CONCENTRATE Sounds good? Well, check your local leisure centre and see if a workshop is coming your way soon! But be quick, because their popularity means you need to make your (34) …… early to be sure of a place. RESERVE Part 4 For questions 35-42, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words including the word given.(每个小题 2分,共 16分)Here is an example (0). Example: 0 School prizes are given out at the end of each year. PLACE School prize-giving ………………………………………at the end of each year. The gap can be filled by the words ‘takes place’, so you write: 0 Write only the missing words IN CAPITALLETTERS on the separate answer sheet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 35 In my country, you have to be 17 years old before you can drive. ALLOWED In my country, you aren’t ……………………………… you’re 17 years old. 36 It’s a pity we stayed at home rather than going out. INSTEAD I wish we ………………………………… staying at home. 37 Somebody stole Tom’s school bag on the train. HAD Tom……………………………………. on the train. 38 Rachel knew that her brother had to be home by 6 o’clock. NECESSARY Rachel knew that ……………………………………her brother to be home by 6 o’clock. 39 The snow was so deep that we couldn’t get to college. SUCH There was …………………………………………………. that we couldn’t get to college. 40 Mike’s father asked Mike to help move the boxes. HAND ‘Would you mind ……………………………… with these boxes?’Mike’s father asked him. 41 John took his bike to the football field because he needed to leave quickly after the match. THAT John took his bike to the football field …………………………leave quickly after the match. 42 The jeans were too expensive for me to buy. ENOUGH I ……………………………………………. money to buy the jeans. 试卷 3 答题纸 Paper 3: Use of English (做题时间: 45分钟 满分:50分) Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 合计 Part 2(每个小题1分,共12分) 13._______ 14.________ 15._______ 16.________ 17._______ 18._______ 19.________ 20._______ 21.________ 22._______ 23._______ 24._______ Part 3(每个小题1分,共10分) 25._______ 26.________ 27._______ 28.________ 29._______ 30. _______ 31.________ 32._______ 33.________ 34._______ Part 4(每个小题2分,共16分) 35 ALLOWED In my country, you aren’t ……………………………………………… you’re 17 years old. 36 INSTEAD I wish we ………………………………………………… staying at home. 37 HAD Tom…………………………………………………………. on the train. 38 NECESSARY Rachel knew that …………………………………………her brother to be home by 6 o’clock. 39 SUCH There was …………………………………………………. that we couldn’t get to college. 40 HAND ‘Would you mind ………………………………… with these boxes?’Mike’s father asked him. 41 THAT John took his bike to the football field …………………………leave quickly after the match. 42 ENOUGH I ………………………………………………………………………. money to buy the jeans. PAPER 1 READING (1 hour) (做题时间 60分钟 满分45分) 答题说明:试卷1(阅读)分为三部分,共30个小题,全部都是选择题,需要填涂答题卡。 选项为E的,涂AB;选项为F涂AC;选项为G涂AD;选项为H涂BC。 Part 1 You are going to read a magazine article about a young singer called Janie Jones. For questions 1-8, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text. Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. (共 8个小题,每个小题 2分,共 16分。) The girl who plans to get to the top of the pop world She’s written songs for famous singers and impressed important people and she’s still only 19. Edward Tanner meets Janie Jones. If there’s one name in pop you’ll be hearing a lot in coming months, it’s Janie Jones. Her recent London gigs have all sold out. And all this by the age of 19, before the release of her first single. With her forthcoming album in the waiting, Janie is like a runaway train. Prior to our meeting, I’m told that Janie is a powerful character, but she’s not on form. She’s got a nasty cold, ‘I’m so sorry, such bad timing,’ she says, with genuine regret. That she insists on continuing our meeting shows that there are no ‘celebrity’ tendencies here, but, instead, a serious attitude to her career. It’s how Janie has got this far. As a child, she was ‘a little show-off’. ‘I was always very bubbly, people always thought I was the funny one.’ Because she was a bit of a tomboy, she tended to come home filthy, with bruised knees and torn clothes. She wasn’t much like her older sisters in this respect or academically – they both shone at school. She explains, ‘at school they expected me to be the same as my sisters. Give me something to draw or an outfit to pick for someone, or hair, make-up, acting, writing a song, I’m fine with it, but anything to do with stuff like maths – it was never my thing.’ She adds confidently that she never based her intelligence on school stuff. She was very good at something, though – singing. So good, in fact, that she was thrown out of the school choir for being too loud. ‘I was in it for a day and some of the parents were moaning that their kids were upset that I was too good. I was 11 and it was my main thing in life. Can you imagine what a let-down it was? I was totally gutted and felt low for weeks after.’ When she was 12, she landed a two-year part in a musical in a London theatre. ‘That was what made me mature really fast because I was having to do school all day and then perform every night and Saturday afternoons too. It struck me that I could do something I was totally into and be paid for it, even if it wasn’t much at that point.’ On Saturday mornings she somehow managed to fit in dance classes too. She says the size of the crowds at her gigs is due to the questions surrounding so many pop singers about the authenticity of their vocals. She, by contrast, is not just a performer but a singer, and everything is live. I know she can sing from the way she bursts into little bits of song throughout our meeting. ‘A lot of people want to see me live to see if it’s real. I’ve spent years training my voice so that when I go to the studio I’m not out of tune. Being live for me is my moment to show what I can do.’ Not every singer is as keen, though – a considerable proportion deceive the public if they can get away with it. How does she cope with the pressure of being tipped for stardom before she’s even released a single? ‘I kind of like it,’ she says. Does she fear that she could lose her real self with the fame that’s expected for her? ‘I don’t have any managers around me. I have friends coming round, eating pizza and talking to me about stuff other than music. That and of course my family will help me keep my feet on the ground.’ Does she have a personal stylist? ‘If someone did my make-up and my hair and dressed me, I would be just like a dummy in a shop window, however great I looked on stage.’ She needn’t worry though, because her personality comes over loud and clear. Her clothes suit her too, although her accessories can be rather eccentric, round her neck she’s wearing a silver cartoon man sleeping – so she remembers to chill out, not that she seems to need reminding. 1 When describing Janie in the first paragraph, the writer reveals__________. A how far he believes her personality has changed recently B how much her commitment to her work impresses him C his concern that she is progressing too fast as a singer D his surprise at the quality of her first recording 2 What does the word ‘tomboy’ in line 20 suggest about young Janie? A She enjoyed acting the fool. B She had a lively personality. C She preferred doing physical activities. D She missed having a brother to play with. 3 What do we learn about Janie’s time at school? A She regretted that she could not follow her sisters’ example. B She worried that her lack of success would affect her later. C She did not feel that she was lacking in ability. D She was not sure that her skills would be valued. 4 Who does ‘gutted’ mean in line 37? A ashamed. B heartbroken. C furious. D relieved. 5 What did Janie realize when she acted in a musical? A Life as a performer would be too demanding. B She could make a living doing something she loved. C She would earn a satisfactory amount acting in musicals. D It would be sad if she had to grow up too soon. 6 How does Janie feel about singing life? A She welcomes the opportunity to do so. B She would be willing to cheat if the occasion required it. C She gets nervous when too many people are watching her. D She feels it suits her voice better than the studio. 7 How does Janie react to the prospect of becoming a star? A She is indifferent to the benefits of fame. B She trusts that the pressure will be minimal. C She is worried that she might lose her long-term friends. D She believes she will cope because she is well supported. 8 When asked about having a personal stylist, Janie reveals_________. A her insistence on doing her own thing B her belief in looking her best for her fans C her delight in following the latest fashion D her interest in designing unusual jewelry Part 2 You are going to read a magazine article about bird-eating fish. Seven sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-H the one which fits each gap (9-15). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. (每个小题2分,共14分) Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fishing for pigeons There are fish-eating birds all over the world. But bird-eating fish? Well, there are a few ... In the northern Spanish city of Zaragoza, a new menace is threatening the city’s pigeons and it comes from the depths of the River Ebro. Every day, birds living on the city’s landmark building, the 17th century Basilica de Pilar, fly down to drink at the base of the columns of the nearby Puente de Piedra bridge. Some never return. The responsibility for this lies with the giant wels catfish. 9 ___ Introduced to the Ebro by German fishermen in the early 1970s, the catfish have begun lying in wait in the waters near the bridge in the last couple of months. When a pigeon stays too long at the water’s edge, a fish leaps up from below and swallows the unsuspecting bird whole. I’d heard about this spectacle in the Spanish media and decided it was worth investigating. 10___ Crowds of them made their way to the bridge each day to witness the unlikely battle between fish and birds. I arrived there on a chilly afternoon. 11___ But as the day went on, more and more passers-by paused to take a quick glance into the depths. I talked to one, named Oscar, who was looking for catfish while taking a quick lunch. He helpfully showed me the stretch of water where the catfish liked to wait around. ‘Ah. I’d had my eye on that bit,’ I said. ‘In fact,’ I added, pointing at something green, ‘I think there’s one there right now.’ Oscar tried not to laugh. ‘That’s a plant. These creatures are a metre and a half long – you can’t mistake one for a plant.’ One self-appointed expert confidently told me that catfish weren’t fish at all but some kind of amphibian. Another know-it-all explained that they only fed in the morning. 12 ___ In fact, they hunt in the evening and at night. An elderly man offered to catch me one from the bridge but I turned his offer down. Finally, at about 5:30 in the afternoon, the shadow cast by the church moved on to the patch of land where the pigeons were drinking. At the same time, a dark shape measuring a good deal more than a metre took up its place in the water close to the birds, who were completely unaware of the danger. By now, an audience had gathered in anticipation of a show – and it didn’t take long. 13 ___ The next bird was not so lucky. For two hours, a crowd of about 50 watched three big catfish feeding. 14 ___ Manuell Alcantara, head of biodiversity at the environmental department of the regional government of Aragon was able to explain. There was nothing new about giant catfish-eating birds, he told me. In other parts of Europe, waterbirds form part of their regular diet. But, he added, the construction of a weir downstream last summer had slowed the flow of water down, allowing the catfish to hang around in one spot. Most people were taking the side of the fishy invaders. 15_ __ One woman was on the pigeons’ side, however, greeting each narrow escape with a shout of triumph. ‘Poor things,’ she said. ‘Nobody likes them.’ A A cheer went up whenever a catfish made a successful attack. B With a sudden splash, a catfish made an unsuccessful dive at a pigeon. C There are fears that catfish are destroying fish supplies on the Ebro. D I found out later that this was completely wrong. E Why, I wondered, had the fish in Zaragoza started behaving this way all of a sudden? F I discovered that the citizens of Zaragoza were fascinated by it all, too. G There were no catfish in sight, however: no pigeons, no crowds, no nothing. H It is native to central and eastern Europe and grows up to 3 metres long. Part 3 You are going to read an article in which four students talk about their teachers. For questions 16-30, choose from the students (A -D). The students may be chosen more than once. (每个小题1分,共15分) Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Which student says their teacher is not praised enough for his work? 16_ __ does not rely on common teaching methods? 17_ __ is criticized for over-simple teaching methods? 18_ __ encourages students to work out the answers for themselves? 19_ __ doesn’t exaggerate the praise he gives? 20_ __ accepts students trying to be amusing in class? 21_ __ keeps his temper with badly-behaved students? 22_ __ provides students with rewarding challenges? 23_ __ is very modest about his qualities? 24_ __ doesn’t mind explaining things more than once? 25_ __ has a talent which is hard to describe? 26_ __ is known for being very strict in lessons? 27_ __ gives the impression that nothing is impossible for him? 28_ __ treats all his students equally? 29_ __ has had his skills formally recognized? 30_ __ My favourite teacher Four students talk about their favourite teachers A Natalie Mr Singh’s famous for his dislike of formality and his brilliant quick-fire jokes. He even puts up with our silly jokes and offers good ones in return most of the time. I’ve never been able to put into words exactly what makes him so good, but it is something like a combination of a love of teaching, a love of his subject and the feeling that he can cope with anything that comes his way. I love the way he speaks plainly; if something is rubbish he’ll tell you it’s rubbish. He never uses many superlatives so you know that ‘quite good’ from him really means something. More than all that though, are the episodes from his own life that he shares with us which have nothing to do with the lesson. B Oliver Mr Wardle believes in what he teaches and it’s so easy to see that. Every lesson he’ll discuss things with us, get us thinking for ourselves, rather than just giving us the solutions to problems. Because of this, he’s definitely not your regular kind of teacher who you normally meet in schools these days. He gets to school early so you can go through work that you’re not sure of with him, and he’s still there and hasn’t kicked you out when it’s time for the school to be locked up. He talks to me about films even though he isn’t a film fan, and goes out of his way to help me out with a project when I’m worried about not finishing it and he probably has other stuff to be doing. And he’s a really great laugh with a never-ending supply of jokes. He never gets angry even when students mess about and try to test his patience and he has time to cheer up any students who are worried. C Nathan It’s rare to find a teacher who doesn’t have any favourites and doesn’t categorise you, and who makes everyone believe they’re as important as anyone else. Mr Thompson certainly ticks this box. When most teachers get irritated if you don’t understand something, he’s always willing to go over it again until you do. He just doesn’t give up on those who seem like ‘lost causes’; there’s no such thing as a student who doesn’t have the potential to do well. Some people say it’s a bit insulting for students of our age to use toy bricks to represent glucose molecules or repeat information he’s written on the board. But it works, it sticks in your head. Most of all he’s totally unaware of how good he is and what we think of him. He doesn’t get the recognition he deserves but he keeps at it! D Dominique At first, I’d never have said Mr Aziz was my favourite teacher. Quite the opposite, in fact. It’s only at the end of my year with him that I’ve had the chance to reflect on his impact upon me. He’s famous for not putting up with any bad behaviour, so pupils are scared when it’s decided they’re in his class. This isn’t him, though. It’s just his teaching style, which, after a few months, rubs off and you can see the person beneath. It’s his Friday morning mental arithmetic quizzes which he’s best known for. We’re all desperate to get good marks to impress him, and he believes in setting up teams for maths games in class so you really want your side to win. Looking back now over the last year, I think he’s probably the only teacher I’ve know who’s made me and my classmates actually put pressure on ourselves, which has prepared us well for the future. I’d like to add that he won a teacher of the year award in my region a few years ago now, when he was chosen from over a hundred entrants. PAPER 2 WRITING (1 hour 20 minutes) 答题说明:试卷 2(写作)分为两部分,考生须完成两篇作文。Part 1是必做作文。Part 2中,考生 须在 2-5 选题中挑选一个,按其要求写作文(注意:选题 5 中又有 2 个选项)。每篇作文满分为 20 分。 (做题时间: 1小时 20分钟 满分:40分) Part 1 Youmust answer this question. Write your answer in 120-150 words in an appropriate style. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 You have received a letter from Anne, a member of a British teenage dance group which is coming to perform at your school. Your English teacher has asked you to reply to the letter. Read Anne’s letter and the notes you have made. Then write a letter to Anne, using all your notes. Write your letter. You must use grammatically correct sentences with accurate spelling and punctuation in a style appropriate for the situation. Part 1:____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Part 2 Write an answer to one of the questions 2-5 in this part. Write your answer in 120-180 words in an appropriate style. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 A new café has just opened near your school. You have been asked to write a review of it for your school’s English magazine. Describe the café, say what kind of food and drink it serves, and whether you would recommend it to students at your school. Write your review. 3 You see this announcement on an English-language website. ARTICLES WANTED What are the most important things for young children to learn? How to make friends? Telling the truth? Or something else? Write us an article saying what things you think are important for young children to learn , and Why? The best articles will be posted on our website Write your article 4 You have been having a discussion in your English class about telling the truth. Now your English teacher has asked you to write the following essay: Do you think it is important to always tell the truth? Write your essay. 5 Answer one of the following two questions based on one of the titles below. (a) Touching the Void by Joe Simpson Your English class has had a discussion about Touching the Void. Now your teacher has given you this essay for homework: What are some of the different feelings Joe has on his way down the mountain? How do these feelings affect his actions?Write your essay. (b)Macbeth by William Shakespeare Your English class has had a discussion about the story of Macbeth. Now your teacher has given you this essay for homework: In the story of Macbeth, what surprised you most and why?Write your essay. Part 2:____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ FCE Test 3 Key 参考答案 高二年级用 Paper 1 Reading (1 hour) (满分 45分) Part 1(每个小题2分,共16分) 1-8 BCCBB ADA Part 2(每个小题2分,共14分) 9-15 HFGDB EA Part 3(每个小题1分,共15分) 16-30 CBCBA ABDCC ADACD Paper 3 Use of English (45 minutes) (满分 50分) Part 1(每个小题1分,共12分) 1-12 BABDB BDCCA CA Part 2(每个小题1分,共12分)[] 13 what 14 all 15 like 16 to 17 in 18 a 19 such 20 too 21 When/As 22 up 23 taking 24 have Part 3(每个小题1分,共10分) 25 talented 26 enjoyable 27 instructors 28 introduction 29 variety 30 requirements 31 inexperienced 32 challenging 33 concentration 34 reservation Part 4(每个小题2分,共16分) 35 allowed to drive |until / before 36 had / ‘d gone out | instead of 37 had his (school) bag | stolen / taken 38 it was necessary | for 39 such | deep snow 40 giving / lending | (me) a hand 41 so / in order that | he could 42 did not have / didn’t have / hadn’t / had not (got) | enough Paper 4 Listening (approximately 40 minutes) (满分 30分) Part 1(每个小题1分,共8分) 1-8 BBCBB BCA Part 2(每个小题1分,共10分) 9 journalist 10 workshop 11 hair(-)dressers 12 recycled 13 Yesterday(‘)s News 14 dance(performance) 15 poster 16 mood(-)board 17 colours/colors 18 master(-)class Part 3(每个小题1分,共5分) 19-23 EFDBA Part 4(每个小题1分,共7分) 24-30 BACBA CC Paper 2 Writing 评分参考标准

