高考英语必修1导学案:(Unit3 Travel journal the 2nd period)

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高考英语必修1导学案:(Unit3 Travel journal the 2nd period)

The Second Period ‎●从容说课 This is the second period of this unit.First we will do some revision to test how much Ss have grasped during the first period,and it is the time to check the homework on Page 20.To make Ss know exactly how to use these words properly,the teacher will explain some useful phrases and structures to the Ss.To improve Ss’ ability of using the language,the teacher supplements more explanation and exercises and gives them some related homework as consolidation.‎ To prepare for the teaching of the next period,the teacher can also regards Part 2 and Part 3 on Page 21 as homework.‎ ‎●三维目标 ‎1.Knowledge:‎ ‎(1)Learn the following phrases:‎ dream of,persuade sb. (not) to do,cycle along the river,do sth.properly,care about details,change one’s mind,a determined look,be determined to do sth.,at an altitude of,give in.‎ ‎(2)Learn sentence patterns:‎ a.It is ...that...‎ b.Once... ‎ c.Wang Wei can be really stubborn.‎ d.insist that ‎2.Ability:‎ Learn to make sentences,using these phrases and patterns.‎ ‎3.Emotion:‎ Stimulate Ss’ interest in learning English.‎ ‎●教学重点 ‎ ‎(1)the difference between “persuade to do” and “try to persuade to do”.‎ ‎(2)It is ...that...‎ ‎●教学难点 ‎(1)句型It is...that...‎ ‎(2)insist 的用法。‎ ‎●教具准备 Multi-media classroom and other normal teaching tools.‎ ‎●教学过程 Step 1 Greeting Step 2 Revision T:Yesterday we learned some new words referring to topography.Now turn to Page 20 and look at Part 3.Who will read the short passage?‎ S:I really enjoyed my school field trip in geography.We saw so many beautiful things:a glacier that flowed like a river of ice through a canyon that cut the mountains into two parts.We also discovered a river which fell off the mountain and became a wonderful waterfall.This was even more exciting to see than the rapids where the water seemed to boil.Later we followed the river to a quieter plain and finally into a delta and the sea.‎ Step 3 Revision and improvement T:Yesterday we also learned some other new words.Now I’d like to see how many you have grasped.First,would you please turn to Page 20?Let’s look at Part 1. ‎ S:OK.‎ T:If you can complete the sentence,just stand up and read the sentence to the whole class.‎ S:He is so stubborn that no one can persuade him to do anything.‎ T:Can you think of the synonym of “stubborn”?‎ S:strong-minded.‎ T:Yes,of course here we can say “He is so strong-minded that no one can persuade him to do anything.”‎ But look at this sentence “He is so ____________ that even if he knows he is wrong,he will not admit.”‎ Which word can be used here?‎ S:Stubborn.‎ T:Do you think here we can also use strong-minded to replace “stubborn”?‎ S:No.‎ T:Why?‎ S:“Strong-minded” always has a good meaning while “stubborn” sometimes has some bad sense.‎ T:Can any one of you show us two other examples?‎ S:Yes.He is so strong-minded that the terrible weather will not prevent him from getting to the meeting on time.‎ He is too stubborn to take anyone’s advice.‎ T:Good.We should also pay attention to the phrases with “persuade”,such as persuade sb.to do sth.and persuade sb. not to do sth.‎ ‎(1)My father persuaded me to take part in the summer camp.‎ 我爸爸劝我参加夏令营。‎ ‎(2)His mother persuaded him not to take part in the summer camp.‎ 他妈妈劝他不要参加夏令营。‎ Look at Sentence 3,is it right?‎ ‎(3)My father persuaded me to take part in the summer camp,but I didn’t.‎ S:Yes.‎ T:No,it isn’t right.If one’s persuasive action doesn’t work,we mustn’t use “persuade sb. to do”,but use “try to persuade sb.to do” or “advise sb.to do.” So can you correct Sentence 3?‎ S:Yes.We should say:My father tried to persuade me to take part in the summer camp,but I didn’t.‎ My father advised me to take part in the summer camp,but I didn’t.‎ T:We also have “persuade/talk sb. into doing sth.” and “ persuade/talk sb. out of doing sth.” Can you use the two phrases to change Sentence 1 and Sentence 2?‎ S:OK,let me try.Sentence 1 can be turned to “My father persuaded me into taking part in the summer camp.”‎ Sentence 2 can be turned to “His mother persuaded him out of taking part in the summer camp.”‎ T:Good.Now who will read the second sentence?‎ S:A determined person always tries to finish the job,no matter how hard it is.‎ T:What part of speech is the word “determined”?‎ S:It is an adjective.‎ T:Yes,we can say,a determined woman,which means a woman who is strong-minded.‎ We can also use the word as an adverbial;for example,he left for the west to seek his fortune,determined never to return unless he succeeded.‎ S:I know an adjective can also be used as predictive;can the word be used like this?‎ T:Of course,we have “ be determined to do sth.” eg,‎ We are determined to help him out of the difficulty.‎ How can we say “我们决心学好英语”?‎ S:We are determined to learn English well.‎ T:Right.Now the third sentence.‎ S:Once she has made up her mind,nothing will change.‎ T:Do you know the meaning of “once”?‎ S:Yes.“一旦”.‎ T:Can you make several sentences?‎ S1:Once I have money,I will go abroad for further study.‎ S2.Once I will promise you,I will not change my mind.‎ T:Do you find any mistake in his sentence?‎ T:Oh,you can’t.Here “once” leads a clause with conditional sense,so in the clause,we usually use present tense or past tense in place of present future tense or past future tense.Are you clear now?‎ S2:Yes.I should say:Once I promise you,I will not change my mind.‎ S3:Once you understand the rules,you will find these exercises easy to do.‎ T:So far,so good.Who can read Sentence 4?‎ S:Is it proper for us to take off our hats in church?‎ T:Here are several sentences with the word “proper”.Please guess the meanings.‎ Has he got a proper suit for the ceremony?‎ He worked out the maths problems in the proper way,so the teacher gave him full mark.‎ We should behave properly in public.‎ S:The first proper means “suitable”.The second proper means “correct”.‎ T:“Properly” is the adverbial form of “proper”.Sentence 3 means “We should behave in a proper manner”.‎ Now look at Sentence 5.‎ S:He insisted that we find the source of the trouble as soon as possible,Everyone agreed.‎ T:“Insist” is also a very important word.You should remember “ insist on doing sth.”.This phrase means “坚持做某事”.‎ How can we say “我坚持他与我一起去参加舞会”?‎ S:I insist on his going to the ball with me.‎ T:What about “他坚决要求派往西藏”?‎ S:He insisted on being sent to Tibet.‎ T:Right.Now listen to me more carefully.What I will say is more difficult.‎ ‎“Insist” can also be followed by an object clause.If we want to declare a purpose that can not be changed,we usually use subjunctive mood,that is,use “should do” in the clause;if we want to describe a fact,we just use declarative mood.‎ Look at the examples.The sentences we talked about above can be changed like this:‎ I insist that he (should) go to the ball with me.‎ He insisted that he (should) be sent to Tibet.‎ Look at another example:他坚持说他没违法,不该被投进监狱。‎ 前半句他坚持的是一个事实,用陈述语气,后半句表示他坚持不该投进监狱,要用虚拟语气。So the correct sentence should be:He insisted that he didn’t break the law and shouldn’t be put in prison.‎ Similarly,how can we say “他坚持说他没生病,不用送医院”.‎ S:He insisted that he was not ill and shouldn’t be sent to hospital.‎ T:Perfect.Then let’s shift to sentence 6.‎ S:Do you remember every detail of the story you have just read?‎ T:Detail means “细节,琐碎的事”.Whenever we do anything,we should be careful.That means we should care about details.And you had better know the phrase “in detail”,for example,“For fear that I couldn’t understand the maths problem,he explained it to me in detail.” Now,the seventh sentence.‎ S:I wanted to pay the train fare,but my friend insisted.Finally I gave in.‎ T:To pay the train fare means to pay the train ticket.In the previous part,we came across one-way fare,which means ‎ ‎“the money paid for a single ticket”.Please remember these useful phrases:‎ one-way ticket=a singe ticket 单程票 the return ticket 回程票 the round-trip ticket 来回票 Look at these phrases with “give”‎ give up doing 放弃做某事 give in (to sb./sth.) 屈服于 give out 筋疲力尽 give away 捐赠,泄露 Try to complete these sentences:‎ ‎(1)After the long trip,both the men and the horses ____________.‎ ‎(2)Because of his small salary,he had to ____________ his dream trip to Europe.‎ ‎(3)Seeing that he could not persuade me,he had to ____________ my view.‎ ‎(4)He ____________ most of his fortune to the poor.‎ ‎(5)Please keep the secret,don’t ____________ it ____________.‎ S:...‎ Suggested answers.‎ ‎1.gave out 2.gave up 3.gave into ‎4.gave away 5.gave it away T:Now the last sentence.‎ S:She persuaded all of us to cycle to work instead of taking the bus.‎ T:And I’d like you to pay attention to this sentence:Wang Wei can be really stubborn.‎ can表示可能 ‎“Can” is usually used in a negative sentence or a question,for example,‎ ‎(1)A:The student standing there cannot be Wei Fang,for she has gone to Shanghai.‎ B:Then who can it be?‎ A:It must be her twin sister.‎ But here why can “can” be used in narrative sentence?Here “can” 表示一时之可能。 ‎ ‎(2)It is always very warm in South China in winter,but sometimes,is can be very cold.‎ ‎(3)Li Ming is always a lovely boy,but sometimes,he can be troublesome.‎ Step 4 Important structure T:在英语中,为了强调句子的某一部分(通常为主语、宾语或状语),常用“It is/was+被强调部分+that/who...”,当被强调部分指人时,如为主语,可用who,如为宾语则可用whom。如:‎ I saw Tom in the street this morning.‎ 可用强调结构来分别强调句中的主语、宾语、地点状语或时间状语。‎ ‎(1)It was I that/who saw Tom in the street this morning.‎ ‎(2)It was Tom that/whom I saw in the street this morning.‎ ‎(3)It was in the street that(不用where) I saw Tom this morning.‎ ‎(4)It was this morning that (不用when)I met Tom in the street.‎ T:Now turn to Page 18.Look at the seventh line in the second paragraph.Would you translate the sentence“Our journey would begin at an altitude of more than 5000 meters.”‎ S:我们的旅程将从海拔5000 多米处开始。‎ T:Good.Pay attention to the phrase “at an altitude of...” and some similar phrases.‎ ‎(1)at a depth of ‎(2)at a height of ‎(3)at a speed of ‎(4)at a width of ‎(5)at a length of ‎(6)at a distance of Can you make one sentence,using one of them?‎ S1:Let us enjoy the picture on the wall at a distance of 10 meters.‎ S2:The car was driving at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour.‎ S3:The scientists are doing research about animal and plant life at a depth of 3000 meters in the ocean.‎ S4:You can get a wonderful view of the whole city at a height of 3300 meters at the top of the tower.‎ Step 5 Homework Preview Part 2 and Part 3 on Page 21.‎ ‎●板书设计 Unit 3 Travel journal ‎ The Second Period Words & phrases persuade sb. (not) to do persuade sb.into/out of doing Patterns ‎1.insist that sb. should do ‎2.It is/was ... that....‎ do sth.properly,care about details,‎ change one’s mind,be determined to do sth.,at an altitude of ‎●活动与探究 This activity is designed to make Ss check how much they have grasped after the second period by themselves.If the number of “no” reaches 3,that means they should go over the notes and work harder.‎ Can you read the new words?‎ yes no Can you remember the spelling of the new words?‎ yes ‎ no Can you know the phrases in warming-up and Part One?‎ yes no Can you remember the patterns in warming-up and Part One?‎ yes no Can you make sentences using these new words?‎ yes no Can you make sentences using these phrases?‎ yes no Can you make sentences using these patterns?‎ yes no ‎●备课资料 ‎1.It is/was...that强调句型的注意点:‎ ‎(1)当原句的时态为表示现在的各种时态时,用It is...;当原句的时态为表示过去的各种时态时,则用It was...。‎ ‎(2)当被强调的对象指人时,可用who/whom 代替that;但当被强调的是地点、时间、原因、方式等状语时,决不能用where,when,why,how 等来替换。‎ ‎(3)当被强调部分为代词时,如是主语就用代词的主格,如是宾语则用宾格。‎ ‎(4)当被强调部分为原句的主语时,that句中谓语动词应在人称与数上与它保持一致。‎ It was I that/who am your friend.‎ It was him that/whom I met in the street yesterday.‎ It was in the street that I met Tom yesterday.(不可换作where)‎ It was yesterday that I met Tom in the street.(不可换作 when)‎ It was they who/that were wrong.‎ ‎2.may/might/must/can/could 表示猜测的用法 may表示可能性。‎ ‎(1)当表示对目前情况的猜测时,常用may + do/be。‎ He may be Li Ming’s father.‎ 他可能是李明的父亲。‎ ‎(2)当表示对目前正在进行的动作猜测时,常用may + be doing。‎ It’s 12 o’clock.He may be having his lunch.‎ 现在12 点了,他可能在吃饭。‎ ‎(3)当表示对过去发生的动作猜测时,常用may + have done。‎ He didn’t come on time.He may have been caught in the traffic jam.‎ 他没准时来,可能遇到交通阻塞了。‎ 当表示对某种情况的猜测很有把握时,可把may 换成 must,当表示不太有把握时,则换成might。‎ It must have rained last night,for the ground was wet when I opened the door this morning.‎ 昨晚肯定下雨了,因为今晨我开门时地面是湿的。‎ I got up late this morning,I might have turned off the alarm clock and gone to sleep again.‎ 今晨我起晚了,可能我关了闹钟却又睡着了。‎ 在否定句中,则需把may/might/must 换成can’t 或 couldn’t,译成“不可能”;在疑问句中则用can 或 could 替换,译成“有……的可能吗?”。‎ I saw your brother at yesterday’s party,so he couldn’t have been to the concert.‎ 昨晚的晚会上我见到你哥哥了,所以他不可能去了音乐会。‎ A:I saw our headmaster just now.‎ 刚才我见到我们的校长了。‎ B:It can’t be him,for he has gone to Beijing.‎ 不可能是他,他去北京了。 ‎ A:Who can it be?那会是谁呢?‎ B:It must be Mr Wang.He looks exactly like our headmaster.‎ 肯定是王老师,他长得与校长一模一样。‎

