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2020届二轮复习 副词用法考点纵览学案 一、概述 副词是用以修饰动词、形容词、副词以及全句的词,表示时间、地点、程度、方式、条件等含义。 本章从概念入手,进而从概念出发,从形式、意义和功能三个方面给予了副词不同的分类,并附有大量副词实例予以说明,接着分别从构成、作用、位置三个方面予以阐述,最后介绍了相关副词及副词短语的比较,使本章内容更加充实、丰满。章末阐述了本章的核心与精华,给予了应对副词的良策及副词知识网。 本章内容比较整,要注意以概念、分类、构成、作用、位置为纲,结合副词知识网全面学习。 二、定义及分类 1、副词是用以修饰动词、形容词、其他副词以及全句的词,表示时间、地点、程度、方式等条件。 2、副词根据不同的分类标准可分为不同的种类 (1)按形式分类 ①简单副词,如:just、now、well、back、out、in、really、near等。 ②复合副词,如:somehow、anywhere、therefore、whereupon、hereby等。 ③派生副词(多数派生副词带有后缀-ly,这些副词都是在形容词和分词的基础上加后缀-ly而构成的),如:happily、interestingly、excitedly、hopefully等。 (2)按意义分类 ①方式副词,如:quickly、easily、heatly、skillfully、awkwardly等。 ②地点副词,如:here、there、up、away、in、outside、left、west等。 ③时间副词(时间副词可表示确定时间、不定时间、表时间序列或表时间频率),如:today、tomorrow、yesterday、just、recently、already、nowadays、now、first、later、before、always、often、seldom、sometimes等。 ④程度副词,如:very、pretty、too、quite、rather、exceedingly、fairly等。 ⑤态度副词,如:maybe、frankly、probably等。 (3)按功能分类 ①疑问副词,如:when、where、how、why等。 ②连接副词:这类副词用以连接两个句子,类似句子副词,?修饰的也是整个句子,它们所表示的主要关系有以下几种: a、表结果,如:therefore、hence、according等。 b、表添补(即对信息的添加),如:moreover、besides、also等。 c、表对比,如:nevertheless、however等。 d、表条件,如:otherwise。 e、表时间,如:then。 ③关系副词,如:when、where、why等用以引导定语从句(在“从句法”一章的定语从句部分再详细阐述,全面展开)。 ④解释性副词(这类副词用于举例或列举),如:namely、such as、for example等。 ⑤缩合连接副词 英语中除了缩合连接代词外,还有一种缩合连接副词。这种连接副词与一般连接副词不同,具有缩合性(内含关系副词),并在其所引导的名词性从句与主句之间起连接作用的副词,现将一些缩合连接副词的缩合性及其用法举例说明如下: when=the time when如: You don’t know when you are lucky.(when引导宾语从句) where=the place where,如: That’s where Lu Xun once lived.(where引导表语从句) why=the reason why,如: That’s why he didn’t come to class.(表语引导宾语从句) whenever=any time when,如: Whenever it is convenient for you, you can visit me.(whenever引导时间状语从句) wherever=any place where,如: Sit wherever you can listen carefully.(wherever引导地点状语从句) ⑥句子副词,也称评注性副词(这类副词往往和整个句子具有松散的语法关系,而不是用以修饰某个具体的动词),如:fortunately、actually、indeed、evidently、obviously、presumably等。 三、副词的构成 1、大部分副词是派生而来的,即由形容词加上后缀-ly构成。 构成法 举例 一般情况下直接加-ly quick—quickly、bad—badly 以y结尾的词变y为i加ly(但shy—shyly/shily、gay—gayly/gaily、dry—dryly/drily) happy—happily angry—angrily 以-le结尾的词省去-e再加y(但supple—supplely、sole—solely、whole—wholely) noble—nobly、able—ably、single—singly 以-ue结尾的词去掉-e再加-ly,以其他字母(即除l和u)加e结尾的直接加-ly true—truly、due—duly、wide—widely、wise—wisely 以ic结尾的词加-ally economic—economically、tragic—tragically 以ly结尾的词变y为i再加ly manly—manlily、chilly—chillily 以ll结尾的词只加y full—fully、dull—dully 2、有些副词是由介词或地点名词加后缀-ward(s)构成的,表示“向…”,如:upward(s)、downward(s)、backward(s)、forward(s)、northward(s)、rightward(s)、homeward(s)、inward(s)、onward(s)等。 3、有些副词是由名词加后缀-wise构成的表示位置、方向、状态等含义,如:clockwise、sidewise、saleswise、taxwise、lengthwise等。 4、某些副词是由名词构成的,如:daily、weekly、monthly、yearly、nightly、quarterly、fortnightly、leisurely、jolly等,此类词既可作副词,也可作形容词,如: In our daily life, we should be careful all the time.(形容词) He is paid daily in the small shop.(副词) Every week, we will have several weekly reports in our class.(形容词) I went to the library weekly.(副词) He enjoys a jolly life.(形容词) Her heart is jolly good now.(副词) 注意:a、manly、costly等名词+ly构成的词只用作形容词。b、monthly(月刊)、daily(时报)、weekly(周报)、quarterly(季刊)、bimonthly(双月刊)等还可用作名词。 5、有少数副词加后缀-ways、-long、-ling(s)等构成,如:sideways、lengthways、headlong、sidelings等。 6、有些副词是加前缀a-、here-、there-、where-构成的,如:away、ashore、aside、herein、thereby、thereafter、wherein、whereon等。 但有些带有前缀a-的副词同时也可作形容词,如:alike、alone、afoot、aboard、ahead等。 7、可用作副词的名词(有些名词在一些固定词组中,可用作副词作状语),如: ice cold冰冷的 day dream做白日梦 pitch black漆黑的 stone deaf全聋的 dog tired累极的 dirt cheap便宜极了 8、可用作形容词 有些形容词有时可用作副词,如:pretty、right、bright、precious、dead、dark、white、devilish、real、icy、bitter、mighty、amazing、burning。如: bright yellow鲜黄的 dark red深红的 icy cold冰冷的 devilish cold极冷的 real good真好的 dead asleep熟睡 burning hot火热的 mighty nice非常好看 此类用法还经常出现在习惯表达法中 stop cold突然停止 play it cool保持冷静 talk big说大话,吹牛等 9、与介词同形的副词 英语中,大多数介词同时可充当副词,不过,作介词时接宾语,作副词时不可接宾语,如:in、off、beyond、up、about等,这类副词可用作表语、定语、状语、宾语补足语等。如: He is in the classroom.(介词) Please, come in one by one.(副词) He isn’t at home. He is out.(表语) The bird above flies very quickly.(定语) Shall we eat out this night? (状语) The good news keeps him up until two o’clock. 10、两种形式的同根副词 有些副词具有两种形式:一种与形容词同形,一种是形容词加后缀-ly构成的。这两种形式的副词有时含义相同或略有不同(前者一般指具体的东西,后者一般指较抽象的意义),有时意义完全不同。如: (1)deep与deeply ①表示静止的具体深度一般用deep,修饰形容词或动词表示抽象深度则用deeply。如: He dives deep into the water. I think you should think about it deeply. ②在drink deep(痛饮)、work deep into the night(工作到深夜)、go deep into the matter(深入探讨)等词组中不用deeply。 (2)full和fully,如: Stand full on top of the table.(直接地) hit sb. full on the face(正好) He is fully sure that the price will go down soon. (3)bright和brightly,如: The sun shines very bright at noon.(只能同shine连用,并放在shine后面) The flat is decorated brightly.(鲜艳地) (4)clean和cleanly,如: I clean forget to tell you the party.(完全地,十足地) The man is clean out of poverty.(完全地,彻底地) He completed the difficult project cleanly.(顺利地) (5)late和lately,如: I’m sorry but I come late.(迟、晚) He met a lot of old friends lately.(最近) (6)close和closely When I got close to the engine, I felt warmer. The doctor examined my throat closely.(细心地) He can keep a secret closely.(严密地) (7)slow和slowly,如: Slow常和go、drive、walk等动词连用,置于动词之后,其他动词多用slowly。如: The driver drives very slow at rush hour. Sometimes, we should speak slowly to be understood by others. (8)right和rightly,如: Everything went right in his work.(好) We should start out right away.(立即) Walk right to the end of the street.(直接) The story told by him was right the one I read yesterday in the newspaper.(恰好) The student rightly answers the question.(正确地) (9)fair和fairly,如: The two teams play fair.(公正地) He hit me fair on the eye.(恰好地) All the countries must deal with each other fair and square.(公平地) His performance is fairly good.(相当,非常) (10)wide和widely,如: He lies on the grass with his arms wide apart.(宽阔地) Her mouth is wide open.(完全地) The twin boys differ widely in many ways.(很大地) He is a man widely famous.(到处) (11)large和largely,如: All the words are written large in order to be seen clearly.(很大地) Talking large is a bad habit.(夸大地,自夸地) His today’s success is largely due to his great efforts in the past.(主要地) (12)clear和clearly,如: Please keep clear away from the danger.(避开) What he said was clearly a lie.(显然) His bitter experiences often appear clearly in his mind.(清楚地) clear也可表示“清楚地”,但前面有程度副词修饰时,只能用clearly。如: He gave a lecture clear and loud.(正) He gave a lecture very clear and loud.(误) He gave a lecture very clearly and loud.(正) (13)cheap和cheaply,如: He bought the second-hand truck cheap.(便宜地) The coat was cheaply bought.(便宜地) He won the prize cheaply.(easily容易地) 两者之间的区别:cheap和cheaply都可表示“便宜地,廉价地”,但cheap只能用于动词之后,不可用于动词前,并常同sell、buy连用,而cheaply则可用于动词前面或后面。如: You can take a taxi to the post office cheaply.(正) You can take a taxi to the post office cheap.(误) His car was cheaply sold.(正) His car was cheap sold.(误) (14)express和expressly,如: Sending a letter express is very fast.(用快件寄送) I come here express to tell you the good news.(特意地) I told him expressly that he shouldn’t do that.(清楚地) (15)dear和dearly,如: He bought the flat dear.(昂贵地) His mother loves her little son dearly.(深情地) Victory was dearly bought.(昂贵地) I want dearly to meet my old friend.(非常,相当) 注意:a、dear作“昂贵地”解时,是表面意义,常同sell、buy、pay、cost等连用,只能放在动词后面,dearly作“昂贵地”解时,用其比喻意义,大多表抽象含义。b、hold sth dear(cheap)珍视(轻视)某物,这里dear和cheap为形容词。 (16)direct和directly,如: I walk direct to the post office.(径直地) He was refused directly.(直接地) The train will arrive directly.(马上,立刻) 对于这种有两种形式事物副词应注意以下几点: a、要谨记:直接用形容词作副词时,一般表示表面上事物句义含义,而形容词+ly构成的副词一般表示的是深层的抽象含义,这有利于根据句意,准确判断应用哪种形式。 b、在句首或动词前面时,应用带-ly的副词。如: Quickly, he ran to the bus. c、与形容词同形的单个副词不可在强调句中作被强调部分。如: It was clear that the foreigner spoke Chinese.(误) It was clearly that the foreigner spoke Chinese.(正) It was loud and cleat that the foreigner spoke Chinese.(正) d、greatly通常被用来修饰动词,除有时修饰形容词比较级或类似的词,如:superior、inferior、senior等,一般不修饰形容词。如: The plan is greatly good.(误) The plan is very good.(正) My father is greatly senior to me. I greatly agreed with what you said. 四、副词在句中的作用 1、作状语:副词在句中主要作状语,修饰动词、形容词、副词、介词、连词和全句。 ①修饰动词 He finishes his homework quickly and well. ②修饰形容词 The flower is very beautiful. ③修饰副词 He passed the ball very quickly to his partner. ④修饰介词 He is much for the plan. ⑤修饰连词 Just as he came in, the telephone rang. ⑥修饰全句 Unfortunately, he lost his favorite watch. 2、作表语 Time is up. The train is near. The electricity is off. What’s up? The light is still on without anyone in the room. 3、作定语:副词作定语修饰名词,常放在名词后,如: Her experience abroad is good for her English. Only he knew the truth. People here are very kind. The cloud above is so white and beautiful. 4、作介词宾语:某些时间副词可以在by、from、until、since、expect、before、after等后作介词宾语,如: She looked everywhere except here. I didn’t get in touch with her until quite recently. 5、作宾语补足语:作及物动词的宾语补足语或介词with或without的宾语补足语。如: She didn’t allow me in. She was very sad at the bad news, with her head down. 五、位置 1、程度副词的位置 程度副词一般放在被修饰的动词、形容词或副词的前面,但如实义动词前有情态动词或助动词,程度副词应位于情态动词或助动词之后,实义动词之前。如果是be动词,程度副词要放在be动词之后,如:very、rather、too、fairly、so、much、little、awfully、utterly、slightly、extremely、exactly、absolutely、perfectly、quite、deeply、completely、greatly、partly、dreadfully、hardly、scarcely、almost等。 He is very happy to be the winner.(修饰形容词) The cat climbed to the top of the tree so quickly.(修饰副词) I nearly come close to the dangerous animal.(行为动词前) I don’t quite understand your meaning.(助动词和行为动词之间) Until now, I can exactly remember the scene of the serious accident.(情态动词和行为动词之间) The problem is dreadfully difficult for us to understand.(修饰形容词) 注意:a、quite同否定词连用时,位于not前后意义不同,not quite是部分否定表示“不十分…有点不…”,而quite not是全部否定,表示“完全不,非常不”,如: I don’t quite agree with you.(不十分同意,有点不同意) I quite don’t agree with you.(十分不,一点也不) b、副词及被修饰的副词不能同时都以-ly结尾,以避免语音上的不和谐。如: He runs greatly quickly.(误) He runs greatly quick.(正) 2、频率副词的位置 频率副词通常放在行为动词前,当句中有情态动词、助动词或be动词时,则放在这三类词后面,如:often、never、seldom、ever、rarely、sometimes、always、usually、frequently。如: I often go to school by bike.(行为动词前) He has ever been to Beijing.(助动词后) She can never have the courage to face the fact.(情态动词后) The good student is seldom late for school.(be动词之后) 注意:a、由上述可知程度副词和频率副词,如:still、almost、never、already、just等经常放在情态动词、助动词、be动词之后,但有时,这些词也可放在be动词之后,情态动词与助动词之前,表示强调,应重读,被强调的不是这类副词,而是be动词、助动词和情态动词,但在以be动词、助动词和情态动词结尾的句子中这些副词应前置。如: He never can do it. I already have done what I could do. He really is good at math. —He is seldom late. —Yes, he seldom is. b、当程度副词和频率副词在句中同时出现时,通常程度副词放在频率副词前,用以修饰频率副词。如: I quite often go to see my grandpa. 3、方式副词的位置(方式状语一般放在动词后) (1)在“动词+介词+宾语”结构中,方式副词既可放在介词前也可放在宾语后;在“动词+宾语”结构中,方式副词放在宾语后。如: The girl sings well. He can speak a few languages fluently. The man pointed angrily at the woman.或The man pointed at the woman angrily. (2)在“动词+宾语”结构中,如果宾语较长,常把副词置于动词之前,以免造成歧义。如: The terrorists secretly plan to attack the high building.(“计划”是秘密地) The terrorists plan to attack the high building secretly.(“袭击”是秘密地) 方式副词可表示多种含义 (1)方式副词表示状况、状貌,如:beautifully、politely、bravely、gently、loudly、fast、quietly、skillfully、carefully、humbly、graciously、courteously等。如: The man behaves politely. The doctor made an operation on the patient carefully. (2)方式副词表示情感、意愿等,如:happily、sadly、angrily、willingly、proudly、merrily、fervently、deliberately、warmly、heartedly、nervously、coldly、excitedly、bitterly、determinedly等。如: The girl received her birthday present happily. The waiter serves the customers heartedly. (3)方式副词表示方式、手段,如:medically、legally、telegraphically、surgically,如: We should do anything legally. Sometimes the doctors heal the disease medically. 4、连接副词和评注性副词的位置 这两类副词通常位于句首,有时也位于句中或句尾 ①连接副词,如: However, it is a fact. Besides, we should take everything into consideration. Finally, he failed to win the game, however. ②评注性副词表示推断,常见的有rightly、wisely、cleverly、reasonably、justly、sensibly。如: Wisely, he changed his mind. The lady reasonably refused the man’s offer. ③评注性副词表示怀疑或不怀疑,真实或非真实,常见的有obviously、clearly、possibly、likely、maybe、undoubtedly、seemingly、plainly、certainly、definitely、decidedly、actually、formally、essentially、supposedly、naturally等。如: Maybe, what the boy said was true. He is seemingly a foreigner. Such a little boy can’t certainly do this difficult job. ④评注性副词表示情感或方式,常见的有fortunately、unexpectedly、curiously、amusingly、broadly、bluntly、frankly、honestly、seriously、briefly、confidentially、unfortunately、inevitability、incredibly等。如: Frankly, I like English more than math. Inevitably, it will rain in such bad weather. ⑤评注性状语表示方面,常见的有personally、generally、financially、literally、technically、generally speaking、strictly speaking、broadly speaking等,如: Personally, you aren’t fit for the job. Strictly speaking, there are many mistakes in your composition. 应注意,并不只是单个副词才可以作评注性状语,形容词短语、分词短语、介词短语、不定式短语和句子也可作评注性状语,评注性状语通常用逗号同句子隔开。 5、时间副词的位置 时间副词尤其是表示具体时间的副词,一般位于句首或句尾,常见的有:today、tomorrow、finally、early、late、then、recently、lately、soon、now、presently等。如: I’ll attend a meeting tomorrow. He is cleaning the floor now. 6、地点副词的位置 ①地点副词通常位于句尾或句首,常见的有:here、there、abroad、downstairs、upstairs、around、below、near、up、down等。如: He is studying abroad. His mother cooks downstairs. ②以下地点状语连用时,大地方放在最后,一般按照小地点到大地点的排列顺序。如: He lived in a small hotel in Hongqiang district in Shanghai. 7、多个副词的排列顺序 ①地点副词——时间副词 方式副词——时间副词 方式副词——地点副词——时间副词(有时时间副词亦可放在句首)。如: He has studied English well abroad in the past few years. 方式 地点 时间 Yesterday, she danced happily in the party. 时间 方式 地点 I met my aunt in the street on Sunday. 地点 时间 The boy is watching TV excitedly now. 方式 时间 ②具体的——笼统的,小的——大的 The driver came back at twelve o’clock yesterday night. 确切具体时间 笼统时间 The hotel is located in Xingfu street in the centre of the city. 小地点 大地点 ③go、run、drive+地点副词——方式副词——时间副词,如: He went to school quickly after breakfast. 地点 方式 时间 六、相关副词或副词短语用法比较 1、fairly和rather fairly和rather都有“相当,颇”的意思,fairly多用于修饰褒义的形容词或副词,但不能修饰比较级,修饰单个可数名词时,冠词放在fairly前。rather主语用于修饰贬义的形容词或副词,可以修饰原级也可以修饰比较级,修饰单个可数名词时,冠词放在rather后,但当名词前有形容词修饰时,冠词a/an放在rather前后皆可,此外rather还可和too连用,而fairly不可。 John is fairly wise, but Tom is rather stupid. He is a fairly student. (=He is rather a student.) The girl is a fairly good singer. (=The girl is a rather good singer.或The girl is rather a good singer.) The patient felt rather better today than yesterday. It is rather too hot. 2、just和just now ①just表示“恰好,只是,刚才”,不过just与现在完成时连用时才作“刚才”解,与其他时态连用一般不表示“刚才”。如: That’s just the book I want. He is just a common teacher. I have just finished my homework. ②just now用于过去时,意为“刚才”。如: I went to have dinner just now. ③just now与现在时连用时,表示对now而定强调,意为“现在,此刻”。如: I don’t have much money just now. 3、still、yet和already ①yet和still在句中位置不同,yet位于句尾,常用于否定句或疑问句。still位于be动词后或其他动词、形容词和副词前。如: He hasn’t graduated yet. He is still strict with his son. I still remember the days in the childhood. ②already多用在肯定句中,有时可用于疑问句(表惊讶语气)或if条件状语从句中,期望给予肯定回答。 He has already left. Have you made the final decision already? (真没想到) If she hasn’t already understood this point, she will go to ask her teacher. ③从意义上,yet表示“尚,还”,含有期望的含义;still表示“仍然”,带有持续性;already表示“已经”,强调结果。如: Has he arrived yet? He may be successful yet. There’s still chance for us to study hard. ④still和yet还可同be to do连用,强调将来意义,带有否定意义。 The chance to succeed is yet to come.成功的机遇还没到。 The summer is still to come.夏天还没来。 4、hardly、barely、rarely和scarcely 这四个词看似意义相近都表示否定概念,但有些细微处的区别。 ①hardly表示“几乎不,简直不,很难”,往往指能力上有困难。如: He can hardly ride two in his bike. ②rarely表示“难得,不常”,相当于not often。如: She rarely got up before 6 o’clock. ③scarcely往往强调不足,常同enough、sufficient、any等词连用,表示“不太,简直没有”。如: We have scarcely time left, so we must hurry. ④barely与hardly和scarcely意思相近,表示“几乎勉强”。如: He barely has the ability to support his family. I hardly (barely/scarcely) know how to get to the post office. 但如果跟有ever、any、at、all等词,只能用hardly或scarcely,不能用barely。如: There’s hardly any milk left in the icebox. He’s scarcely at all interested in the boring film. 5、such和so ①such后紧跟名词短语,常用以下结构:such + a/an+单数名词,such+复数可数名词,such+不可数名词。当然,三种结构中名词前都可加上适当的形容词加以修饰。so是副词要先接形容词,然后再接a或an,常用以下结构:so+形容词+a/an+单数名词(这种结构中只能用单数名词)。如: How can you make such a (stupid) mistake? We should take an umbrella in such bad weather. There are such nice coats in the shop. He is so good a worker in his factory. ②如果被修饰的是复数名词或不可数名词,就要such,而不能用so。如: They are such beautiful flowers.(正) They are so beautiful flowers.(误) Such pure water must be purified for several times.(正) So pure water must be purified for several times.(误) ③如果名词前有many、much、few、little(表示“少”,若表示“小” 时,应和such连用)等表示数量多少的词,要用so不用such,但such可用于many、much、a few、a little等的后面。如: The boss has so much money. So little milk is left in the bottle. Such a little boy should play the game very well. He has a few such pictures. 6、dead和deadly dead既可作形容词,也可以作副词。作副词表示“完全地、绝对地”,而deadly可以用作副词,表示“非常,极度地”,也可用作形容词表示“致命的,有毒的,有害的”。如: I’m dead sure of it. He is deadly concerned about that. The patient developed a deadly disease. We should try our best to get rid of those deadly habits. 7、especially和specially especially表示“特别,尤其”,specially表示“专门地”。如: The mother especially loves the little son. I come here specially to see you. 8、almost和nearly ①在表示程度或可以衡量的事物时,两者差别不大,只是almost比nearly程度更深。如: He nearly got run over.(几乎) He almost got run over.(差一点) 但若不是表示程度或可衡量的事就只能用almost,不可用nearly。如: The robot is almost human. The man seems almost a beast. ②almost可以同否定的不定代词,如no one、nothing、no、none、nobody等搭配,而nearly则不可,但nearly可被not、pretty修饰,而almost不可。如: Almost none of us are absent from the meeting. The man pretty nearly enters the room without permission. 9、altogether和all together altogether是副词,意为“总之,完全,总共”,all together是个副词性短语,表示“每个…都,全都,无一例外”,在表示“总共”用altogether和all together均可。如: That’s altogether impossible. The flat costs the man two hundred thousand altogether/all together. I finish the papers all together within two hours. 10、too much和much too ①too much可用作形容词修饰不可数名词,作副词修饰动词,作名词短语在句中充当主语或宾语、表语等。 Drinking too much beer is bad for our health. The professor was too much bothered by the noise upstairs. Don’t think too much about your failure. You’ve put in too much of oil. Too much has been done to solve the problem. She talks too much.(too much还可放在句尾修饰动词) ②much too的主体是too,much只起到对too的强调作用,too是副词,所以此结构常用以修饰形容词或副词。如: The lake is much too deep. The thief escaped much too quickly. 11、all but和for all ①all but表示“简直是,几乎”。如: That’s all but a lie. He all but lost his way. ②for all相当于in spite of或with all,引导让步状语短语或从句。如: He will continue to try for all several failures. For all others disagree, I will stick to the point. 12、little用作副词,表示否定含义 ①little可以修饰动词表示“不,没有,很少”等含义。如: It matters little. He little minds it. ②同dream、think、realize、hope、expect等词连用,表示“毫不,完全不”,相当于not at all。如: I little dreamed that he could survive from the deadly disease. He little thought that he would become such a successful boss. ③little还可修饰形容词或副词。如: He is little interested in literature. The boy did little well in the exams. 13、aside和a side ①aside作副词表示“在一边,在旁边”。如: Please put the dirty clothes aside. ②a side是副词短语作状语,表示“方,每一边”。如: There are eight desks a side in our class. 14、over night和overnight ①over night是介词短语,表示“一夜,整夜,在前一夜”,作时间状语。如: I stayed over night in the small hotel. ②overnight不仅可作副词,还可作副词或形容词。副词表示“在夜间,在整个夜里,在一夜之间突然”,动词表示“过夜”,为不及物动词,形容词表示“在夜间的”。如: She packed up all the luggage overnight in order to start out early. As a child, he usually overnighted in his grand man’s family. He became an overnight millionaire. 15、for long和for a long time ①用于肯定句或疑问句中时,只同延续性动词连用,两者表达的含义相同。如: The old man has been dead for a long time (或for long). Will our manager be away for long? (for a long time) ②在否定句中,for long只能同延续性动词连用,for a long time则可以同延续性或非延续性动词连用且表的含义不同。如: He hasn’t lived there for long.他住在那儿的时间不长。 He hasn’t lived there for a long time.他不住那里已经很久了。 I haven’t gone to the theatre for a long time.(go为非延续性动词,不可用long) 注意:要在具体的语言环境中去体会for long和for a long time在意义上的差别。 16、no more和no longer ①no more(not…any more)与no longer(not…any longer)在很多场合下都是可通用的,但no more多用于表示数量及程度,而no longer多表示时间,no more表示时间时,通常指将来或过去将来,表示“将来不再,永远不在”,谓语动词常用将来时态,no longer通常表示现在或过去,一般不用于指将来。如: The lost time will come back no more. I won’t tell a lie any more. He promised that he would waste time no more. The plan is no longer practicable. He was not a student any longer. ②在下面句子中not any more不可改为not any longer。如: He is not any more than a farmer.(not any more than相当于no more than,表示“仅仅”) Jack is not any more satisfied with the result than Tom.(not any more+多音节形容词+than=no+比较级+than,表示“和…一样不…”) ③no more还可表示“也不(相当于neither或nor),再也没有,不更多,死去”等含义。如: If you don’t go to the park, no more will I. I want no more rice. The winter has been no more. 17、for all I know、for all I care和for all that ①for all I know表示“就我所知,就我而言”,相当于as far as know,to my knowledge等,但for all I know结构多用于肯定句,在否定句中要用as far as I know。如: For all I know, he is the eldest writer alive. As far as know, he hasn’t lived here.(不用for all I know) ②for all I care表示否定意义,意为“与我无关,我不在乎”。如: You can disagree with what I said, for all I care. ③for all that表示“尽管如此”。如: He had said sorry to me; for all that I couldn’t forgive him. 18、what with…and what with和what by…and what by 前者表示“一半由于…一半由于”,后者表示“一方面由于…一方面由于”。如: What with hard work and what with her bad health condition, she broke down finally. What by his ability to work and what by a good chance, he was appointed boss of the company. 这种结构中的第二个what with常可省略,with也可换为for或between。 19、let alone、to say the least、not to speak of、to say nothing of和not to mention(say) ①以上几个短语均表示“更不用说”,let alone后可接名词、动名词、谓语动词、过去分词或介词短语等,但to say nothing of和not to mention(say)后只能接名词或动名词。如: He couldn’t speak English, let alone other languages. The baby couldn’t walk, let alone run. He had never met his grandpa, let alone talked with him. The traffic accident had hurt several people, not to mention damaging the car. ②not to say有所不同,表示“虽然不说,姑且不说,虽达不到那种程度”。如: Today is warm, not to say hot. 20、anything like与like anything anything like表示“有点像”与not连用,意为“完全不像”;like anything表示“非常,拼命地”。如: Is he anything like his father? This pen isn’t anything like that one I lost. The thief escaped like anything after stealing something. 21、if ever、if any、if at all和if anything ①if ever常同seldom、few、little、rarely等否定词连用,表示“几乎,即使也”,具有否定意味。如: The man seldom, if ever, did any housework. ②if any为if(there is)any的省略形式,表示“如果有的话,即使有…也”。如: Few men, if any, could be as successful as the manager. ③if at all表示“即使…也”。如: The bad student put little energy into his study, if at all. ④if anything表示“如果说,几乎不,与其说…还不如,至少,正相反等”,if anything通常表示委婉客气或把握不大,在否定结构之后表示“相反”。如: If anything, you should correct your bad temper.(你倒应该…) It is, if anything, a common college.(如果说) He is not rich, if anything, he is so poor.(正相反) He has made, if anything, a little progress.查看更多