高考英语必修1导学案:(Unit2 English around the world the 5th period)

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高考英语必修1导学案:(Unit2 English around the world the 5th period)

The Fifth Period ‎●从容说课 This is the fifth period of this unit.In this part,two items will be dealt with,that is,the words left in the vocabulary,the reading in the workbook.The first item,learning new words left in the vocabulary is to remove the barrier in the following study.And how to let students learn the words with interest is a difficult issue.I think it is better to give students the chance to learn new words by themselves.Let students look up words in the dictionary and then communicate with others in class,which can inspire students.And then let them make up some sentences.The second item is another passage on the subject “English”.It gives students much more information on English.To deal with this passage,7 steps are designed:(1)predict what will be talked (2)listen to find out answers (3)answer questions (4)scanning to fill in a table (5)summary (6)discussion (7)homework ‎●三维目标 ‎1.Knowledge:‎ Learning the rest words in the vocabulary.‎ ‎2.Ability:‎ The understanding of the reading passage.‎ ‎3.Emotion:‎ Guide students how to remember more words as soon as possible.‎ ‎●教学重点 The understanding of the reading passage.‎ ‎●教学难点 ‎(1)How to let students master words.‎ ‎(2)How to let students understand the passage well.‎ ‎●教具准备 cassette recorder;cards with words on them ‎●教学过程 Step 1 Greetings Greet the whole class as usual.‎ Step 2 New words and vocabulary T:Yesterday,I asked you to look up the words left in the vocabulary in the dictionary.Have you been prepared for it?Now,let’s have a game.Let’s divide the whole class into 2 groups.Either group chooses one student as a representative.I’ll show the representative a word or a phrase,she or he should explain it in English.If the group’s members can guess it,your group will win 10 points.Either group has 5 chances.Let’s go!‎ Possible explanation:‎ ‎1.command:(1)v.to tell sb.to do sth. (2)an order ‎2.standard:generally used or accepted as normal ‎ ‎3.play a part in:play a role in ‎4.dialect:a way of speaking that is used only in a particular area ‎5.request:(1)v.to ask sb.to do (2)n.an act of asking for sth. in a polite or formal way ‎6.polite:the opposite of rude ‎7.retell:to tell a story again or in a different form ‎8.accent:a way of saying words that shows what country,region or social class sb. comes from ‎9.recognize:to know who the person is ‎10.eastern:in or from the east of a country or place T:Well done!Now let’s deal with the some of the words and phrases in deal.‎ ‎1.command v.命令,指挥 command sb. to do;command sth.;博得,应得 command that-clause e.g.He commanded his man to retreat.‎ The troops were commanded by Gerneral Haig.‎ The king commanded that she (should) be executed.(建议,命令,要求一类词后从句中用虚拟语气,此类动词有suggest,advise,order,request,require,command,demand...)‎ He commanded the building (should) be torn down.‎ n.命令[C];指挥,控制[U]‎ e.g.Are you refusing to obey my commands?‎ You must obey his command that the building (should) be torn down. ‎ Take command of;be in command;under one’s command;under the command of sb.‎ e.g.She took command of this class after the former manager left.‎ She felt in command of her life.‎ The battleship is under the command of Captain Blake.‎ ‎2.request v.request sth. (from sb.);request sb. to do;request that-clause e.g.You can request a free copy of the leaflet(宣传单).‎ You are requested not to smoke in the restaurant.‎ She requested that no one (should) be told of her decision until the next meeting.‎ n.request (for sth.);request (that)‎ e.g.Requests for visas will be dealt with within 48 hours.‎ Her request that more sweets be served was refused.‎ ‎3.recognize 辨认出;意识到;承认 recognize sb./sth. (by/from sth.) 通过……认出……;‎ recognize sth. (as sth.);把……认作是……‎ recognize that意识到;承认 e.g.I recognized the house from your description.‎ Drugs were not recognized as a problem then.‎ Nobody recognized how urgent the situation was.‎ We recognized that the task was not easy.‎ ‎4.standard n. 规格,标准[C&U]‎ raise/improve/lower standard 提高/降低标准 set (sb.) a standard 给某人定一个标准 e.g.He set himself such a high standard that he often disappoints himself.‎ of high/low standard 具高/低标准的 standards 行为标准,道德标准 a man of high standards 一个道德高尚的人 Step 3 ‎Reading T:We have learnt English for many years.Then in your opinion,what is a very important help to your English study? ‎ S:teachers,books,tapes ...‎ T:Anything else?Is there anything that you can turn to for help when you are confused while learning English?‎ S:I think a dictionary is a great help. ‎ T:Yeah.When we meet across new words we often look them up in a dictionary.What is the most widely-used dictionary in Chinese?‎ S:Xinhua Dictionary.‎ T:Then which one do you think is used widely in English?‎ S:I’m sorry I have no idea.‎ T:It’s Longman Dictionary and the Oxford English Dictionary.Today,we’ll read a passage on the Oxford English Dictionary.Now according to the title,what do you think will be mentioned in the passage?‎ S:I think the writer,the time when was it written,why it was written,how it was written,the feature of the dictionary will be mentioned.‎ T:Now,let’s listen to it to see whether your answer is right.‎ ‎(after listening)‎ T:Do you think that your answer is right?‎ S:I think that it doesn’t mention the feature of the dictionary.‎ T:Yes.Now let’s read it aloud to answer these questions then.‎ ‎①Why was it written?‎ ‎②When did it start to be written?‎ ‎③Who is the writer?‎ ‎④How it was written?‎ S:①To encourage everybody to spell the same.‎ ‎②The idea was raised in 1857.And 22 years later,it began to be written.‎ ‎③Three men worked together on the dictionary:Samuel Johnson,Noah Webster,and James Murray.‎ ‎④It took the three men nearly all of their lives to try to collect words.‎ T:Good job!Then who first began to work on the dictionary?‎ S:Murray.‎ T:Yes.Now let’s read the last paragraph.And then finish the table about notes on James Murray’s life with your partners.‎ ‎(check together)‎ Step 4 Consolidation/discussion T:After reading it,can you say something about Murray?Let’s do a chain reaction.Each student just says one sentence about Murray.‎ T:Do you think it worth so these people’s spending so much time on?Why?Now discuss with your partner and list some reasons.(discuss for about 3 minutes) Now,it’s show time.‎ S:We think that it worth their job.If there were no dictionaries,people would have no rule to ‎ guide them while using the language,which will lead to a mess in English because different people would use different laws to use it.Then there will be more difficulty in understanding one another.With the dictionary,people have a set rule to judge whether their way of using the language is right.‎ Step 5 Summary and homework Today,we have learned the words left in the vocabulary and we’ve got some information on the large English dictionary.After class,please read the words again and again to recite them and try to use them to make up sentences.‎ ‎●板书设计 Unit 2 English around the world ‎ The Fifth Period Words ‎1.command 2.request ‎3.recognize 4.standard Understanding of the passage Guessing Questions ‎●活动与探究 This research is to do research on the concept of the Oxford Dictionary and some other kinds of dictionary in English spoken countries.So students should work in groups to study the items of the Oxford Dictionary and find out the names of other types of dictionary and tell which one is the most popular and what’s the reason.‎ names The most popular one The reason ‎●备课资料 About the Oxford English Dictionary The Oxford English Dictionary is the accepted authority on the evolution of the English language over the last millennium.It is an unsurpassed guide to the meaning,history,and pronunciation of over half a million words,both present and past.It traces the usage of words through 2.5 million quotations from a wide range of international English language sources,from classic literature and specialist periodicals to film scripts and cookery books.‎ The OED covers words from across the English-speaking world,from North America to South Africa,from Australia and New Zealand to the Caribbean.It also offers the best in etymological analysis and in listing of variant spellings,and it shows pronunciation using the International Phonetic Alphabet.‎ As the OED is a historical dictionary,its entry structure is very different from that of a dictionary of current English,in which only present-day senses are covered,and in which the most common meanings or senses are described first.For each word in the OED,the various groupings of senses are dealt with in chronological order according to the quotation evidence,i.e.the senses with the earliest quotations appear first,and the senses which have developed more recently appear further down the entry.In a complex entry with many strands,the development over time can be seen in a structure with several “branches”.‎ The Second Edition of the OED is currently available as a 20-volume print edition,on CD-ROM,and now also online.Updated quarterly with at least 1000 new and revised entries,OED Online offers unparalleled access to the greatest continuing work of scholarship that this century has ‎ produced’ (Newsweek).To find out more about the OED Online,why not follow our free tour?‎ ‎“About the Oxford English Dictionary” invites you to explore the intriguing background and distinctive character of the OED.Here,you will find in-depth articles about the history of the OED,an inside look at the programmes used to enlarge and update the OED entries,little-known facts about its content,and much more.‎

