上海市奉贤区2021届高三上学期期末考试(一模)(12月)英语试题 Word版含答案

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上海市奉贤区2021届高三上学期期末考试(一模)(12月)英语试题 Word版含答案

1 奉贤区 2021 届高三上学期期末考试(一模) 英语 2020.12 (考试时间 120 分钟,满分 140 分。) I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. Cook and baker. B. Waitress and diner. C. Patient and dentist. D. Tailor and customer. 2. A. $150. B. $200. C. $300. D. $600. 3. A. In a hospital. B. In a nursery. C. In a drugstore. D. In a surgery room. 4. A. Suitable fertilizers. B. Adequate water. C. Rich soil. D. Proper temperature. 5. A. He’s better. B. He’s feeling worse. C. He’s sick in bed. D. He has recovered. 6. A. The boy can ask his sister for help. B. The boy should have worked harder. C. The boy’s sister is cleverer than he is. D. The boy’s sister is doing her homework. 7. A. She prefers attending classes to studying online. B. She feels distracted in an online class. C. She thinks online classes suit her learning style. D. She is easily distracted by other people. 8. A. The dinner is prepared. B. They need another table. C. The tables are not long enough. D. Someone is not coming for dinner. 9. A. The woman believes that the man can give up smoking. B. The man finds it easy to give up smoking. C. The man can’t resist the temptation of smoking. D. The man has convinced the woman that he can give up smoking 10. A. He is solving a math problem. B. He is rewriting the numbers of the report. C. He is trying to make a sound budget. D. He is checking the financial report. Section B Directions: In section B, you will hear two passages and one longer conversation. After each passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions. The passages and conversion will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following questions. 11. A. She wanted her to be a ballet dancer. B. She hated to see her wasting time. C. She used to be a ballet dancer herself. D. She was too busy to look after her. 12. A. After she started teaching English. B. When she moved to New York city. C. Before she left for New Zealand. D. Once she began to live on her own. 13. A. The speaker’s dancing experience. B. The development of salsa dancing. 2 C. The popularity of salsa dancing. D. The reasons why the speaker loves dancing salsa. Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage. 14. A. Merchants were employed to promote products. B. Ad messages were shouted out in public places. C. Production information was included in books. D. Ad signs were put up in towns. 15. A. Repeating the names of goods in ads. B. Adding pictures and expressions in ads. C. Organizing words and expressions carefully in ads. D. Designing posters and slogans for goods in ads. 16. A. The development of advertising. B. The significance of advertising designs. C. The relationship between newspapers advertising and merchants. D. The various ways to make advertisements. Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following questions. 17. A. Worried. B. Thrilled. C. Frustrated. D. Sad. 18. A. Seek advice from senior students. B. Pick up some meaningful hobbies. C. Participate in after-school activities. D. Look into what the school offers. 19. A. Give her help whenever she needs it. B. Find her accommodation on campus. C. Accept her as a transfer student. D. Introduce her to her roommates. 20. A. She has some interests similar to Catherine. B. She has chosen the same major as Catherine. C. She has become friends with Catherine. D. She has just transferred to the school too. II. Grammar and vocabulary Section A Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word. For the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. Children moving from primary to secondary school are ill-equipped to deal with the booming of social media, as it is playing an increasingly important role in their lives, and is exposing them to significant emotional risks, according to a recent report by the Office of the Children’s Commissioner for England. The report shows that many children in year 7 – the first year of secondary school, ____21____ almost everyone in the class will have a phone and be active on social media – feel under pressure to be constantly connected. They kind of ____22____ (worry) about their online image, particularly when they start to follow celebrities on Instagram and other platforms. They are also upset about “sharenting” – when parents post pictures of them on social media without ____23____ (permit) – and show the concern ____24____ their parents won’t listen if they ask them to take pictures down. The report, based on group interviews with 8- to 12-year-olds , shows that ____25____ most social media sites have an official age limit of 13, an ____26____ (estimate) 75% of 10- to 12-year-olds will have a social media account. Some children are almost addicted to “likes”, the report says. Aaron, an 11-year-old in year 7, told researchers, “If I got 150 likes, I’d be like, that’s pretty cool, it means they like you.” Some children described feeling ____27____ (confident) than those they follow on social media. Aimee, also 11, said, “____28____ (compare) yourself with them, you might feel devalued because you’re not very pretty.” Children’s Commissioner for England Anne Longfield is calling on parents and teachers to do more to prepare children for the emotional impact of social media as they get older. “What a child has learnt at primary school 3 does not guarantee he can protect ____29_____ from the risks that social media will present.” “It means a bigger role for schools in making sure children ____30____ (prepare) for the emotional demands of social media. And it means social media companies are supposed to assume more responsibilities.” Longfield said. Section B Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. Cambridge Dictionary’s Word of the Year 2020 Quarantine has been named Word of the Year 2020 by Cambridge Dictionary, a website where editors use data from the website, blogs, and social media to identify and prioritize new additions. On the New Words Blog, ____31____ new additions are posted weekly for readers to cast their votes on whether they feel these words should be added. Surprisingly, “Quarantine” has defeated “lockdown” and “pandemic” to be ____32____ Word of the Year 2020 after data showed it to be one of the most highly searched for on the Cambridge Dictionary. The Cambridge Dictionary editors have also tracked how people were using the word quarantine and discovered a new meaning ____33____: a general period of time in which people are not allowed to leave their homes or travel freely, so that they do not catch or spread a disease. Research shows the word is being used ____34____ to lockdown, particularly in the United States, to refer to a situation in which people stay home to avoid catching the disease. This new ____35____ of quarantine has now been added to the Cambridge Dictionary, and marks a shift from the existing meanings, which relate to ____36____ a person or animal suspected of being infectious. Neither corona virus nor COVID-19 appeared among the words that Cambridge Dictionary users searched for most this year. We believe this indicates that people have been ____37____ confident about what the virus is. Instead, users have been searching for words related to the social and economic impacts of the pandemic, as ____38____ not just by quarantine but by the two runners-up on the shortlist for Word of the Year: lockdown and pandemic itself. This interest in quarantine and other related ____39_____ was reflected not only in our search statistics, but also in visits to this blog. Cambridge Dictionary is the top dictionary website for English learning. The dictionary not only shows how words are used in real-world ____40____ but also gives out their definitions. III. Reading Comprehension Section A Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. Why liars lie: What science tells us about deception We all do it sometimes, even though we know it’s wrong. But here’s the problem with lying: research shows that the more you lie, the easier it gets, and the more likely you are to do it again. “The dangerous thing about lying is that people don’t understand how the act changes us,” said Dan Ariely, a behavioral psychologist at Duke. Psychologists have documented children lying as early as age 2. Some experts even consider lying a ____41____ milestone, like crawling and walking, because it requires complex planning, attention and the ability to see a situation from someone else’s ____42____ to effectively control them. But for most people, lying gets ____43____ as we develop a sense of morality and the ability to self-regulate. A. similarly B. potential C. restricting D. sense E. evidenced F. influential G. crowned H. fairly I. emerging J. terms K. contexts 4 A 2010 study on the frequency of lying in America found that in a given 24-hour period, most adults reported not telling any lies. Almost half the lies recorded in the study could be ____44____ just 5 percent of participants. And most people ____45____ lying when they could, turning to deception only when the truth was troublesome. Harvard cognitive neuroscientist Joshua Greene said, ____46____ , for most of us, lying takes work. In studies, he presented study subjects with a chance to deceive for monetary gain while examining their brains in a functional MRI(核磁共振) machine, which ____47____ blood flow to active parts of the brain. Some people told the truth instinctively. But others ____48____ opted to lie, and they showed ____49____ activity in their frontal parietal (额顶叶) control network, which is involved in difficult or complex thinking. This suggests that they were deciding between truth and ____50____ – and ultimately opting for the latter. For a follow-up analysis, he found that people whose neural reward centers were more active when they won money were also more likely to be among the group of liars – suggesting that lying may have to do with the ____51____ to resist temptation. Scientists don’t really know what prevents all of us from lying all the time. Some believe truth-telling is a social norm we internalize, or a result of conflict in our brains between the things we want and the ___52____ image of ourselves we strive to maintain. But the curious thing about this ____53____ mechanism is that it comes from within. However, external conditions also matter ____54____ when and how often we lie. We are more likely to lie, research shows, when we are able to justify it, when we are ____55____ and exhausted, or when we see others being dishonest. And we are less likely to lie when we have moral reminders or when we think others are watching. 41. A. historical B. developmental C. mental D. psychological 42. A. perspective B. imagination C. experience D. evaluation 43. A. dominated B. preferred C. accepted D. limited 44. A. attributed to B. applied to C. reduced to D. distributed to 45. A. regretted B. avoided C. recognized D. denied 46. A. anyhow B. instead C. indeed D. likewise 47. A. stimulates B. maps C. guides D. assesses 48. A. reasonably B. randomly C. passively D. deliberately 49. A. restored B. failed C. regulated D. increased 50. A. morality B. fantasy C. dishonesty D. reality 51. A. inability B. impulse C. determination D. possibility 52. A. unique B. objective C. positive D. typical 53. A. preventive B. persuasive C. interactive D. decisive 54. A. regardless of B. by means of C. in response to D. in terms of 55. A. delighted B. motivated C. encouraged D. stressed Section B Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read. (A) Dandelions I remember as a young child bringing a bunch of brilliant yellow flowers to my mother. It didn’t matter that the stems felt sticky or that both my parents cursed the presence of these flowers in the lawn. I thought they were beautiful! And there were so many of them! We spent hours picking the flowers and then popping the blossoms off 5 with a snap of our fingers. But the supply of dandelions (蒲公英) never ran out. My father or brothers would chop off all the heads with the lawnmower (割草机) at least once a week, but that didn't stop these hardy wonders. And for those flowers that escaped the honor of being hand-delivered to my mother or the sharp blades of the lawnmower, there was another level of existence. The soft roundness of a dandelion gone to seed caused endless laughter of delight as we unconsciously spread this flower across the yard. As I worked in my garden last week, pulling unwanted weeds out of the space that would become a haven for tomatoes, corn, peas and sunflowers, I again marveled at the flower that some call a weed. And I thought, if only I had the staying power of a dandelion. If only I could stretch my roots so deep and straight that something tugging on my stem couldn’t separate me completely from the source that feeds me life. If only I could come back to face the world with a bright, sunshiny face after someone has run me over with a lawnmower or worse, purposely attacked me in an attempt to destroy me. If only I could spread love and encouragement as freely and fully as this flower spreads seeds of itself. The lawns at my parents' home are now beautiful green blankets. The only patches of color come from well-placed, well-controlled flowerbeds. Chemicals have managed to kill what human interference couldn’t. I hope you and I can be different. I hope that we can stretch our roots deep enough that the strongest poison can't reach our souls. I hope that we can overcome the poisons of anger, fear, hate, criticism and competitiveness. 56. The author’s parents probably viewed the dandelions in the lawn as ________. A. supplies of seeds B. beautiful wonders C. unwanted weeds D. patches of colors 57. What does the author mean by “another level of existence” in paragraph 3? A. The flowers were meant as a joyful gift to her mother. B. The flowers evolved into a stronger species because of frequent mowing. C. The flowers were tough enough to spread new lives themselves. D. The flowers that some called a weed were difficult to pull out. 58. What can we learn from the article? A. The author’s family enjoyed the dandelions as much as she did. B. The author purposefully replaced some dandelions with crops. C. The dandelions were never successfully removed from the lawn. D. The author felt sorry but encouraged by the fate of the dandelions. 59. Through the article, the author mainly wants to ________. A. share the inspirations she gained from the dandelions B. arouse public awareness to pay close attention to the beauty in life C. show the importance of planting dandelions D. express the shame that only she saw the beauty of the dandelion (B) Grand Canyon National Park Located entirely in northern Arizona, the park covers 277 miles of the Colorado River and adjacent uplands. One of the most spectacular examples of erosion anywhere in the world, Grand Canyon is unmatched in the incomparable vistas(远景) it offers to visitors on the rim. Grand Canyon National Park is a World Heritage Site. 6 Park Openings and Closings The Village and Desert View on the South Rim are open all year and park entrances remain open 24 hours a day. North Rim facilities open mid-May and close mid-October. Park entrances remain open 24 hours a day during this time. Hours for visitor centers and businesses vary throughout the year. Park Information The park produces a Pocket Map with a North Rim and South Rim edition that contains a map and information about services, facilities, and park ranger programs. It is available in French, German, Japanese, Italian, Spanish, Korean, and Chinese. A hiking brochure is available for those planning to hike one of the park’s main trails down into Grand Canyon. Obtain publications at entrance stations, visitor centers, or at go.nps.gov/136ojl. Accessibility Many of the facilities at Grand Canyon are historic and built before current accessibility standards were set. The terrain is rugged with narrow, rocky trails and steep cliffs. Visitors using wheelchairs or having visual impairments may need assistance. For more information about accessibility in Grand Canyon National Park, see go.nps.gov/1rtxl2. Park Entrance Fees Fees collected support projects in the park. Admission to the park is $35 per private vehicle; $30 per motorcycle; and $20 per person entering the park via Grand Canyon Railway, park shuttle bus, private rafting trip, walking, or riding a bicycle. The pass can be used for seven days and includes both rims. Pay fees at park entrance stations or at some businesses outside the park. Every year the National Park Service offers entrance fee free days. For complete fee information, including Annual, Active Military, Senior, and Access passes, visit go.nps.gov/y5uu6f. Sustainability Grand Canyon National Park incorporates sustainability into all aspects of its operations. Use your refillable water bottle to fill up on free Grand Canyon spring water at major trailheads, visitor centers and grocery stores. Please recycle – recycling containers are conveniently located and as common as trash bins. Discover what else you can do to protect the environment while traveling here and beyond at go.nps.gov/1b2rzt. 60. People with physical disabilities can find detailed information on park facilities designed for them by visiting ________. A. go.nps.gov/y5uu6f B. go.nps.gov/1rtxl2 C. go.nps.gov/136ojl D. go.nps.gov/1b2rzt 61. What is the admission fee if you and your parents plan to go on a ten-day vacation to Grand Canyon National Park by driving a car? A. $35. B. $60. C. $70. D. $120. 62. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? A. Visitors have year-round access to every corner of the national park. B. Hikers who can only speak Chinese cannot explore the North Rim without an interpreter. C. The Grand Canyon features its one of the world's most visually breathtaking landscapes. D. Visitors are forbidden to leave any trash in the National Park to maintain sustainability. (C) The two-hour show on March 25, 2019 put on by Tim Cook may be remembered as a milestone for the company – and the entertainment industry. Mr. Cook did not announce his company’s latest device. Instead, he unveiled a set of products and services, including video streaming (在线播放), news games and even a credit card. 7 Apple’s 900 million iPhones worldwide grant it access to a massive potential audience. Analysts speculate that Apple will eventually offer them something similar to Amazon Prime, where customers pay a fixed monthly fee for some combination of news, games, cloud storage, music and video, and which could possibly connect with the company’s iPhone subscriptions (订阅). Apple TV+, which got prioritized by Mr. Cook, will offer original programming in more than 100 countries. The money Apple plans to spend on original shows – perhaps $1 billion to $2 billion thus far – is dwarfed by that of Netflix, which will spend as much as $15 billion this year on original and licensed content, or Disney, whose own video-streaming is expected shortly. But Apple’s high-profile shows are for now meant chiefly to draw customers to its universe of apps and services. That includes subscription services for games, a long list of big American magazines and a few newspapers. You can pay for it all using your new Apple Card, developed with bankers at Goldman Sachs (高盛,著名投资银行). The credit card puts Apple in direct competition with banks: it has no fees and will give users 2% cash back on purchases made via Apple Pay, the company’s payments system – or 3% on purchases of Apple kit and service. Although Apple continues to earn most of its money from devices, its business in services is growing quickly, accounting for nearly $40 billion of revenues of $266 billion in 2018. The new subscription offering, which is easier to click and buy than their predecessors (先前版本), should accelerate that trend. Its new partners hope to be along for the ride. Analysts at Goldman Sachs estimated that Apple may turn 10% of the 85 million monthly users of its free News app into paying subscribers, wining a cut of newspaper and TV subscriptions sold through its services. Some content providers are cautious. The New York Times and The Washington Post have rejected Apple’s advances on behalf of its news service. Netflix and Disney will not take part in Apple TV+, which they view as more a threat than an opportunity. 63. The underlined word dwarfed in paragraph 3 most probably means ________. A. made to appear insignificant B. reduced to a great extent C. limited to a fixed scale D. grown to its full potential 64. We can infer from the article that ________. A. Apple invested heavily in its entertainment services along with its latest devices B. Apple Card may be favoured because it offers discounts on purchases of Apple products C. The popularity of Apple devices may bring forth huge profit potentials in its new service D. Apple’s new move is seen as an opportunity as well as a threat by its competitors 65. What is most likely to be further discussed if the article continues? A. What action Apple might take to attract potential subscribers. B. Who might gain huge benefits from Apple’s new service. C. How Goldman Sachs won the support from Mr. Tim Cook. D. Why some companies are alert to Apple’s strategy changes. 66. What is the best title for this article? A. Tech Giant Apple Stages New Moves B. A Great Challenge to the Entertainment Industry C. The Entertainment Industry Calls for Cooperation D. A New Bottleneck for Tech Giant Apple Section C Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need. 8 A. Beware of the high temperature of a microwave oven. B. But doing this you will give yourself a dull cup of tea. C. What he didn’t insist on was that the water should be boiled just once. D. However, they both argue against the use of tea-imprisoning devices. E. He said the milk should be poured into the cup last, not first. F. A better solution is to heat it with microwave for 10s. How to Make a Good Cup of Tea In his essay, A Nice Cup of Tea, George Orwell laid out 11 basic principles to make a good cup of tea, from warming the pot beforehand to stirring the leaves before pouring. He insisted that “the water should be actually boiling at the moment of impact, which means that one should keep it on the flame while one pours”. ____67____ “Some people add that one should only use water that has been freshly brought to the boil, but I have never noticed that it makes any difference,” he went on to state. However, on that point at least, it seems he was wrong. William Gorman, one of Britain’s leading tea experts, has now put forward that the water used for making a cup of tea should never be boiled more than once. “Usually when people’s tea goes cold they reboil the kettle and make another cup. ____68____ You need freshly drawn water for a good cup because reboiling it takes all the oxygen and nitrogen out of it, ruining its layered flavor.” Besides, Mr. Gorman advocates another practice of making tea, one that Orwell would surely have protested. Mr. Gorman said, “____69____ When you microwave tea, all you’re doing is just moving the molecules around and getting it back up to a decent temperature. It is not impacting the flavor at all.” ____70____ In some countries teapots are fitted with little dangling baskets under the spout, to catch the stray leaves, which are supposed to be harmful. Actually one can swallow tea-leaves in considerable quantities without ill effect, and if the tea is not loose in the pot, it never infuses properly. They agree by doing this, you actually risk losing a good cup of tea. IV. Summary Writing Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible. Population Change of European Birds The breeding bird populations in Europe have seen a great shift over the past three decades, driven by both climate crisis and human interferences, according to one of the world’s largest citizen science projects on biodiversity. Overall, 35% of birds increased their breeding range. Dr. Iván Ramírez, senior head of conservation at BirdLife Europe and central Asia, said: “Those birds that have been legally protected have been doing better than those which are not protected. This is a really important message within the European Union. We have one of the oldest policies – the Birds Directive – and we can prove that it works.” In addition, as the climate warms, forests are stretching into northern and agricultural regions. In parts of northern Europe, there has also been tree planting (mainly for wood and paper) and land abandonment (specifically in Mediterranean areas), which benefited many woodland species such as woodpeckers and warblers but caused damage to a number of other species as well. The research shows a total of 25% of birds now occupy a smaller area. Generally, farmland birds are bigger losers, suffering overall declines in population and reduced distribution because agricultural intensification means there is less food, such as insects and remainder from harvesting. The State of Nature in the EU 2013-2018 assessment showed 80% of key habitats were in poor or bad condition, and intensive farming is a major driver of decline. The UK’s farmland birds have declined by 55% since 1970. 9 “Predictably, there are winners and losers. We can see how some species have expanded across the continent rapidly and have begun to colonize UK wetlands. In contrast, we can see ranges shrinking as species of northern Europe feel the impact of climate change, and species such as the dotterel are declining in numbers and range in northern Britain,” he said. V. Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 72. 自古以来,中国人便用简单的原材料制作美食。(out of) 73. 交警示意他停车,因为他忽视了单行街道标志。(signal) 74. 令我们高兴的是,这里的食物都按小份供应,光盘行动的标语随处可见。(serve) 75. 这部电影制作精良,主题鲜明,剧情真挚动人,被人们奉为永久的经典。(whose) VI. Guided Writing Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese. 李华的家乡是一个有着悠久历史和文化的古镇,但是近年来由于游客激增以及过度开发,古镇的人文 环境与自然环境遭到了严重的破坏。目前地方政府正在征集各方建议以更好地保护古镇的自然与人文。 假设你是李华,请你给地方政府写一封信,谈谈你对保护家乡古镇的看法。你的信必须包括: 1、 简述你对保护古镇所选择的建议。 2、说明你的理由。(信中不能提到真实姓名和学校) 10 2020 学年第一学期奉贤区高三学科质量调研 英 语 参考答案 I. Listening Comprehension(共 25 分。第 1 至 10 小题,每题 1 分;第 11 至 20 小题,每题 1.5 分。) 1-5 DBCDA 6-10 ACBCD 11-13 BAA 14-16 BDA 17-20 ACAD II. Grammar and Vocabulary(共 20 分。每小题 1 分。) 21.when 22. worry 23. being permitted 24.that 25.although/ though/ while 26. estimated 27. less confident 28.Comparing 29. himself 30.are prepared 31-40 BGIAD CHEJK III. Reading Comprehension(共 45 分。第 41 至 55 小题,每题 1 分;第 56 至 70 小题,每题 2 分。) 41-45 BADAB 46-50 CBDDC 51-55 ACADD 56-59 CCDA 60-62 BCC 63-66 ACDA 67-70 CBFD IV. Summary Writing(共 10 分) European bird populations have changed dramatically due to climate change and human intervention. Over one-third of birds have expanded breeding range, especially those legally protected. Global warming enables forests to expand further, benefiting woodland inhabitants. However, intensive farming and climate change caused reduced number and range of some bird species, farmland birds in particular.(54) V. Translation(共 15 分) 72. The Chinese have made/have been making fine/decent/delicious food out of simple raw ingredients since ancient times. 73. The traffic policeman/officer signaled/signaled to him to stop/pull over, because he overlooked/neglected/ ignored the single-lane sign/one-way street sign. 74. To our delight, the food here is served in small portions/servings and the signs of “clear/empty your plate(s)” can be seen everywhere. To our delight, the food here is served in small portions/servings and the signs “clear/empty your plate(s)” are everywhere. What delights us is that the food here is served in small portions/servings and the signs of “clear/empty your plate(s)” can be seen everywhere. What delights us is that the food here is served in small portions/servings and the signs “clear/empty your plate(s)” are everywhere. 75. The carefully-made film, whose theme is distinct and plot is moving, is regarded/praised as an undying classic/a timeless classic/a long-lasting classic. 11 2020 学年第一学期奉贤区高三学科质量调研 英语试卷 听力录音文字 Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about it. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. M: Could you have the dress ready before Friday, madam? W: Sorry. I’m afraid we can’t. You know making the traditional Chinese buttons takes time. Q: What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers? 2. M: Your new dress looks nice. How much is it? W: I’ve got three of them. 300 dollars each. But it’s buy two get one free. Q: How much does one dress actually cost? 3. M: I just came from the hospital. The doctor mentioned I’d better take some pain killers. W: Have you brought the prescription with you? Q: Where does this conversation probably take place? 4. M: I’ve watered the flower and added some fertilizers. How come it is still not doing well? W: Well. Why not move it into the house? Maybe that’ll help. Q: According to the woman, what may the flower need? 5. W: I heard you caught a cold. How are you feeling today? M: I can’t complain. At least I’m out of bed. Q: How is the man today? 6. M: I’m stuck with my English homework. W: Why don’t you pick your sister’s brains? She’s good at English. Q: What does the woman mean? 7. M: Don’t you sometimes get distracted, studying online the whole day? W: Just the opposite. I actually work better at my own pace. Q: What can we learn about the woman? 8. M: Do we have all the tables for tonight’s dinner? W: I am afraid we are one short unless somebody is not coming. Q: What does the woman mean? 9. W: Frank, I can see you simply couldn’t give up smoking. M: Nonsense. Smoking is the easiest thing in the world to give up. I’ve done it hundreds of times. Q: What can we learn from this conversation? 10. W: You’ve been dealing with the budget report for nearly an hour. Anything wrong? M: I keep adding and reading the numbers, but they just don’t balance. Q: What is the man doing? Section B 12 Directions: In section B, you will hear two passages and one longer conversation. After each passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions. The passages and conversion will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. A question we often ask others is “What do you normally do after school or work?” Some common answers are, “Well, I go to the gym.” “Um, I just go home and watch TV.” “I meet my friends for dinner.” or “I just go to bed because it’s late and I’m tired.” Unlike any of these typical responses, I’m proud to say that I love to dance salsa after a long and tiring day of work. Salsa is a kind of dancing that evolved in the mid-1970s in New York. My dancing life began not because I wanted to do it, but because my mother was sick and tired of seeing me running around after school doing nothing. So she enrolled me into a ballet course when I was six. I fell in love with it instantly and continued with ballet dancing for about ten years. Then, I left my native country of New Zealand to start my career as an English teacher, which eventually brought my dancing life to a stop. It wasn’t until I rediscovered salsa in a lovely studio while working in Asia that I renewed my passion for dancing. Since then, I have been trying to attend dancing classes twice a week after work. It’s a great way for me to relieve stress and pressure, and dance my way towards feeling energetic and happy again. Questions: 11: Why did the speaker’s mother enroll her in a ballet course? 12: When did the speaker’s dancing life come to a stop? 13: What is the passage mainly about? Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage. The word advertising refers to any kind of public announcement that brings products and services to the attention of people. Throughout history, advertising has been an effective way to promote the trading and selling of goods. In the Middle Ages, merchants employed “town criers” to read public messages aloud to promote their goods. When printing was invented in the fifteenth century, pages of advertisements could be printed easily and were either hung in public places or put in books. By the end of the seventeenth century, when newspapers were beginning to be read by more people, printed materials became an important way to promote products and services. And several companies started businesses for the purpose of making newspaper ads for merchants. Advertising spread quickly throughout the eighteenth century. Ad writers were starting to pay more attention to the design of the ad text. Everything, from clothes to drinks, was promoted with clever methods such as repetition of the firm’s name or product, words organized in eye-catching patterns, the use of pretty pictures and expressions easy to remember. Near the end of the nineteenth century, companies that were devoted to the production of ads came to be known as “advertising agencies”. The agencies developed new ways to get people to think of themselves as members of a group. Throughout the twentieth century, advertising agencies promoted consumerism as a way of life, spreading the belief that people could be happy only if they bought the “right” products. Questions: 14. What was advertising like in the Middle Ages? 15. Which characteristic is not mentioned about the 18th century advertising? 16. What does the passage mainly talk about? 13 Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation. W: Good morning, Mr. Lee. May I have a minute of your time? M: Sure, Catherine. What can I do for you? W: I’m quite anxious about transferring over to your school. I’m afraid I won’t fit in. M: Don’t worry, Catherine. It’s completely normal for you to be nervous about transferring schools. W: Yes, I know, but I’m younger than most of the students in my year and that worries me a lot. M: Well, you may be the only younger one in your year. But, you know, we have a lot of after-school activities you can join and in this way, you’ll be able to meet new friends of different age groups. W: That’s nice. I love games and hobby groups. M: I’ m sure you do. So you’ll be fine. Don’ worry so much and try to make the most of what we have offered here. Also, remember that you can come to me anytime of the day if you need help. W: Thanks so much. I definitely feel better now. As a matter of fact, I’ve already contacted one of the girls who’d be living in the same dormitory with me, and she seemed really nice. I guess living on campus I’ll have a chance to have a closer circle of friends. M: All students are very friendly with new arrivals. Let me check who’d live with you. Okay, there are Hannah, Kelly and Bree. Bree is also a new student here like you. I’ m sure you two will have more to share with each other. Questions: 17: How does Catherine feel about transferring to a new school? 18: What does Mr. Lee encourage Catherine to do? 19: What does Mr. Lee promise to do for Catherine? 20: What do we know about Catherine’s schoolmate Bree?

