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只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 1 四川苍溪县 2017 高考英语阅读理解(一轮)编练 阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的 A,B,C 或 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 I needed to buy a digital camera, one that was simply good at taking good snaps(快照), maybe occasionally for magazines. Being the cautious type, I fancied a reliable brand. So I went on the net, spent 15 minutes reading product reviews on good websites, wrote down the names of three top recommendations and headed for my nearest big friendly camera store. There in the cupboard was one of the cameras on my list. And it was on special offer. Oh joy. I pointed at it and asked an assistant, “Can I have one of those?” He looked perturbed (不安). “Do you want to try it first?” he said. It didn’t quite sound like a question. “Do I need to? “ I replied. “There’s nothing wrong with it? “ This made him look a bit insulted and I started to feel bad. “No, no, But you should try it,” he said encouragingly. “Compare it with the others.” I looked across at the others: shelves of similar cameras placed along the wall, offering a wide range of slightly different prices and discounts, with each company selling a range of models based around the same basic box. With so many models to choose from, it seemed that I would have to spend hours weighing X against Y, always trying to take Z and possibly R into account at the same time. But when I had finished, I would still have only the same two certainties that I had entered the store with: first, soon after I carried my new camera out of the shop, it would be worth half what I paid for it; and second, my wonderful camera would very quickly be replaced by a new model. But something in the human soul whispers that you can beat these traps by making the right choice, the clever choice, the wise choice. In the end, I agreed to try the model I had chosen. The assistant seemed a sincere man. So I let him take out my chosen camera from the cupboard, show how it took excellent pictures of my fellow shoppers. . . and when he started to introduce the special features, I interrupted to ask whether I needed to buy a carry-case and a memory card as well. Why do we think that new options (选择) still offer us anything new? Perhaps it is because they offer an opportunity to avoid facing the foot that our real choices in this culture are far more limited than we would like to imagine. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 2 1. The shop assistant insisted that the writer should . A. try the camera to see if there was anything wrong with it B. compare the camera he had chosen with the others C. get more information about different companies D. trust him and stop asking questions 2. What does the writer mean by“it would be worth half what I paid for it” (Paragraph 2)? A. He should get a 50% discount. B. The price of the camera was unreasonably high. C. The quality of the camera was not good. D. The camera would soon fall in value. 3. The writer decided to try the model he had chosen because he . A. knew very little about it B. didn’t trust the shop assistant C. wanted to make sure the one he chose would be the best D. had a special interest in taking pictures of his fellow shoppers 4. It can be inferred from the passage that in the writer’s opinion, . A. people waste too much money on cameras B. cameras have become an important part of our daily life C. we don’t actually need so many choices when buying a product D. famous companies care more about profit than quality 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 3 【参考答案】1—4、 BDCC 写人记事(阅读理解)由 (2012 四川,A)改编 On a hill 600 feet above the surrounding land,we watch the lines of rain move across the scene,the moon rise over the hills,and the stars appear in the sky.The views invite a long look from a comfortable chair in front of the wooden house. Every window in our wooden house has a view,and the forest and lakes seldom look the same as the hour before.Each look reminds us where we are. There is space for our three boys to play outside,to shoot arrows,collect tree seeds,build earth houses and climb trees. Our kids have learned the names of the trees,and with the names have come familiarity and appreciation.As they tell all who show even a passing interest,maple (枫树) makes the best fighting sticks and white pines are the best climbing trees. The air is clean and fresh.The water from the well has a pleasant taste,and it is perhaps the healthiest water our kids will ever drink.Though they have one glass a day of juice and the rest is water,they never say anything against that. The seasons change just outside the door.We watch the maples turn every shade of yellow and red in the fall and note the poplars’ (杨树) putting out the first green leaves of spring.The rainbow smelt fills the local stream as the ice gradually disappears,and the wood frogs start to sing in pools after being frozen for the winter.A family of birds rules our skies and flies over the lake. 1.What can be learned from Paragraph 2?( ) A.The scenes are colorful and changeable. B.There are many windows in the wooden house. C.The views remind us that we are in a wooden house. D.The lakes outside the windows are quite different in color. 2.By mentioning the names of the trees,the author aims to show that . A.the kids like playing in trees 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 4 B.the kids are very familiar with trees C.the kids have learned much knowledge D.the kids find trees useful learning tools 3.What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?( ) A.The change of seasons is easily felt. B.The seasons make the scenes change. C.The weather often changes in the forest. D.The door is a good position to enjoy changing seasons. 4.What is the main purpose of the author writing the text?( ) A.To describe the beauty of the scene around the house. B.To introduce her children’s happy life in the forest. C.To show that living in the forest is healthful. D.To share the joy of living in the nature. 语篇解读:本文为记叙文,题材为人物故事类,作者描述了一家人在大自然中生活的乐趣。 答案及剖析:1.A 推理判断题。根据文章第二段中的描述 Every window in our wooden house has a view ,and the forest and lakes seldom look the same as the hour before.可知作者居住的地方景色 艳丽多变,故选择 A 项。 2.C 推理判断题。文章第四段提到 Our kids have learned the names of the trees...come familiarity and appreciation...可知孩子们学到了很多关于大自然的知识,故选择 C 项。 3.A 猜测句意题。本句话的意思为:季节的变化就在门外。后面具体描写大自然是如何随着季节变化 的,因此可知作者一家贴近大自然,季节的变化是很容易被感觉到的,故选 A 项。 4.D 推理判断题。文章几乎没有直接描写作者感受的词汇或句子,但是所描述的身处大自然中的情景、 看到的季节变化、每天在大自然中所做之事都体现出作者一家人在大自然中生活的快乐,因此本题选择D 项。 【长难句子分析】 如同他们向那些稍有点暂时兴趣的人所讲述的那样:枫树可做最佳的打架用的棍棒,白松则是最好的攀登树 种。 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 5 Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read. 【2013 界长宁区质量抽测】(A) When I was in college, a man named Henry worked as a custodian (看门人) in our student union building. White-haired, with a Pennsylvania Dutch accent, Henry could usually be seen in a baseball cap, a T-shirt and a pair of jeans. He was the custodian, and he was the most respected and most well-known person in the building. Everyone loved Henry, and it was because of all the implicit ways he expressed his love for everyone around him. Henry didn’t have to say, “I love you.” He lived his love. Henry was always excited when he met someone new, and he wanted to know everything about them. He felt it was important to do things for people he valued. And Henry seemed to value everyone he met. He brought in articles or cartoons for certain people, went out of his way to introduce people to each other, kept dozens of names and birthdays in his wallet so he could send cards, and helped students keep in touch with graduates who had written to him. He even assisted students who didn’t have enough money to buy their books. Henry taught me --- and many others he supported --- how to live life to the fullest. Not by skydiving or exploring some foreign countries, but by appreciating where you are in life and valuing those around you. The funny thing is that despite all he did and taught us, Henry truly believed that he was the lucky one --- that he was the one who was gaining so much by getting to know us. But all of us who remember Henry know that we were the ones who were truly blessed. We will never forget the man who taught us that best way to say “I love you” often has little to do with the words. 65. What does the word “implicit” in Paragraph 2 most probably mean? A. Unstated. B. Appropriate. C. Indelicate. D. Charming. 66. According to the passage, working as a custodian in a college, Henry ______. A. made international travels to live a full life B. was a role model of how to be a caring person 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 6 C. was busy organizing former students’ reunions D. gathered plenty information about the needy students 67. Henry was always excited to meet new people because ______. A. it would make people think highly of him B. he was the most popular person in the college C. it was part of his responsibility as a custodian D. he treasured everything around him in his life 68. Which of the following word cannot be used to describe Henry? A. Gracious. B. Adventurous. C. Supportive. D. Sympathetic. 【参考答案】65~68、ABDB 较难题目特训:科普知识类 How Room Designs Affect Our Work and Feelings Architects have long had the feeling that the places we live in can affect our thoughts, feelings and behaviors. But now scientists are giving this feeling an empirical(经验的, 实证的) basis. They are discovering how to design spaces that promote creativity, keep people focused, and lead to relaxation. Researches show that aspects of the physical environment can influence creativity. In 2007, Joan Meyers-Levy at the University of Minnesota, reported that the height of a room’s ceiling affects how people think. Her research indicates that higher ceilings encourage people to think more freely, which may lead them to make more abstract connections. Low ceilings, on the other hand, may inspire a more detailed outlook. In addition to ceiling height, the view afforded by a building may influence an occupant’s ability to concentrate. Nancy Wells and her colleagues at Cornell University found in their study that kids who experienced the greatest increase in greenness as a result of a family move made the most gains on a standard test of attention. Using nature to improve focus of attention ought to pay off academically, and it seems to, according 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 7 to a study led by C. Kenneth Tanner, head of the School Design & Planning Laboratory at the University of Georgia. Tanner and his team found that students in classrooms with unblocked views of at least 50 feet outside the window had higher scores on tests of vocabulary, language arts and maths than did students whose classrooms primarily overlooked roads and parking lots. Recent study on room lighting design suggests that dim (暗淡的) light helps people to loosen up. If that is true generally, keeping the light low during dinner or at parties could increase relaxation. Researchers of Harvard Medical School also discovered that furniture with rounded edges could help visitors relax. So far scientists have focused mainly on public buildings. “We have a very limited number of studies, so we’re almost looking at the problem through a straw(吸管),” architect David Allison says. “How do you take answers to very specific questions and make broad, generalized use of them? That’s what we’re all struggling with.” 1. What does Joan Meyers-Levy focus on in her research? A. Light. B. Ceilings. C. Windows. D. Furniture. 2. The passage tells us that . A. the shape of furniture may affect people’s feelings B. lower ceilings may help improve students’ creativity C. children in a dim classroom may improve their grades D. students in rooms with unblocked views may feel relaxed 3. The underlined sentence in the last paragraph probably means that . A. the problem is not approached step by step B. the researches so far have faults in themselves C. the problem is too difficult for researchers to detect 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 8 D. research in this area is not enough to make generalized patterns 4. Which of the following shows the organization of the passage? CP: Central Point P: Point Sp: Sub-point(次要点) C: Conclusion 【参考答案】1-4 BADC

