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‎2018届二轮复习 并列句核心考点练与析 Ⅰ.语法填空考点聚焦 考向1 并列句中的连词 ‎1.It was time for her to have a new baby, it was also time for the young panda to be independent.(2016·四川)‎ 答案 and 解析 句意为:是时候再生一个孩子了,熊猫宝宝也到独立的时候了。It was time for...和it was also time for...之间是并列关系,故用and连接。‎ ‎2.But the river wasn’t changed in a few days even a few months.(2014·新课标全国Ⅰ)‎ 答案 or 解析 a few days和a few months为选择关系,因此要用or连接。‎ ‎3.We were told that our rooms hadn’t been reserved for that week, for the week after.(2014·广东)‎ 答案 but 解析 not...but...为固定结构,表示“不是……而是……”。‎ ‎4.So Nick called to his son,“Go to the village and buy some salt,but pay a fair price for it:neither too much too little.”(2013·广东)‎ 答案 nor 解析 neither...nor既不……也不……,为固定搭配。‎ 对于特殊句式的考查主要涉及主谓不一致、含有助动词的谓语结构错误和替代词的错用等。‎ 应对策略 ‎1.对于连词的考查,注意首先判断两个或两个以上的单词、短语或单句之间是否有连词,再根据不同的句式结构,判断连词是否运用正确。解题时,可以注意以下几个方面:‎ ‎(1)把握前后两句话之间的衔接关系,判定是并列句、名词性从句、定语从句还是状语从句,根据连词在句中作何成分,判断正误;‎ ‎(2)注意but(转折)、and(并列)、or(或者/选择)、so(因此/结果)等逻辑关系词之间的混用;‎ ‎(3)注意although/though/while不与but连用;since/as/because不与so连用。‎ ‎2.遇到特殊句式,要注意主谓一致、强调句、倒装句、省略句、祈使句、感叹句、反意疑问句等的构成特点。‎ 专题1‎ 专题2 ‎ 专题3 并列句和状语从句 ‎◆连词的分类 连词常分为并列连词(也叫等立连词)和从属连词两大类。‎ ‎◆并列句与并列连词的核心考点 ‎1.并列句的基本概念 并列句是由两个或两个以上并列而又独立的简单句构成的。在并列句中,这些简单句常由并列连词连在一起。并列连词所连接的简单句被称为分句。‎ ‎2.常见的并列连词 ‎(1)表示递进或顺承关系:常用的并列连词有and,not only...but (also)...等。‎ He had plenty of money and he spent it freely.‎ Not only did he speak more correctly,but he (also) spoke more easily.‎ ‎(2)表示选择关系:常用的并列连词有or,either...or...等。‎ Either you are right,or I am.‎ ‎(3)表示转折关系:常用的并列连词有but,yet,whereas等。‎ Jane said she was ill,yet I saw her in the street just now.‎ Some of the studies show positive results,whereas others do not.‎ ‎(4)表示因果关系:常用的并列连词有so,for等。‎ It must have rained last night,for it is wet all over.‎ The shops were closed,so I didn’t get any milk.‎ ‎(5)when也可用作并列连词,意为“那时,这时”,相当于and at this/that time。常用于下列句式:①sb.was doing sth.when...;②sb.was about to do/going to do/on the point of doing sth.when...;③sb.had (just) done sth.when...。‎ We were having a meeting when someone broke in.‎ We were about to set off when it suddenly began to rain.‎ ‎(6)while作为并列连词,意为“而,却”,表示对比。‎ He likes pop music,while I am fond of folk music.‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.You have to move out of the way or/otherwise the truck cannot get past you.‎ ‎2.Mike was usually so careful,yet/but this time he made a small mistake.‎ ‎3.Find ways to praise your children often,and you’ll find they will open their hearts to you.‎ ‎4.At school,some students are active while some are shy,yet they can be good friends with one another.‎ ‎5.Everything was placed exactly where he wanted it for the graduation ceremony.‎ ‎6.Hot as/though the night air was,we slept deeply because we were so tired after the long journey.‎ ‎7.It is hard for the Greek government to get over the present difficulties unless it gets more financial support from the European Union.‎ ‎8.However hard you try,it is difficult to lose weight without cutting down the amount you eat.‎ ‎9.The doctor told the patient to go on a diet because he was overweight.‎ ‎10.There once was a very rich man.He was so generous to everybody around him that many people in his neighborhood knew him.‎ Ⅱ.单句改错(每小题1处错误)‎ ‎1.His new job meant I had to say goodbye to my classmates,my school just everything else I love in the world.‎ ‎2.My father is hardworking goes to work in the field every day.‎ ‎3.I have been missing you very much I went to college a year ago.‎ ‎4.In the end,we drove to a service station and waited there the road was clear.‎ ‎5.Mom,though I may not often say it,I do love you.Nobody can take your part in my heart. I am,I will always love you.‎ ‎6.It is in the downtown area, it is easy to go anywhere from the hotel by public transport.‎ ‎7.I called my parents, I did not tell them what had happened.‎ ‎8.To deal with the problem,I think,they should first go all out to plant trees trees will help save water.‎ ‎9.Her hair was black and purple,and she wore black sports shoes and a black sweater, in the summer.‎ ‎10.Some friends of his go to see him every day, they take him lots of good books and fresh fruit.‎ ‎(一)在书面表达中往往缺乏并列句意识,主要存在以下两个方面的倾向:‎ ‎1.机械排列简单句 I believe I am fit for it.I’m writing to apply for the position.‎ 如果我们把意义相关的这两个句子用适当的连词连接起来,可得到下面的句子:‎ I believe I am fit for it,so I’m writing to apply for the position.‎ 比较一下,同学们是不是感觉后者要优于前者呢?并列连词的使用可增强句子之间的逻辑性和美感,使句子之间显得更加紧凑。‎ ‎2.逗号连接两个简单句 I’m enthusiastic and easygoing,I’m easy to get along with and can cooperate well with others.‎ 在该句中含有两个简单句,中间用逗号起了连接作用,显然这是不符合英语语法规则的。我们不妨做如下改动:‎ I’m enthusiastic and easygoing,so I’m easy to get along with and can cooperate well with others.‎

