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2019 届二轮复习 构词法记词 -1 01 02 高考词汇 串记 a 在 …… 状态,位置(前缀) | ab 相反;离开;加强 ( 前缀 ) | ac 使得;加强 ( 前缀 ) | be 在;靠近;使 ( 前缀 ) | circum 圆形,环形 ( 前缀 ) | com , con 共同 ( 前缀 ) | contra 相反 ( 前缀 ) | de 离开;去掉;加强 ( 前缀 ) | dis 不;分开;相反 ( 前缀 ) | dia 穿过,横过;流转 ( 前缀 ) | en 进入;促使 ( 前缀 ) | ex 朝外,出 ( 前缀 ) | fore 在前 ( 前缀 ) 高考词汇精练 I. 根据 提示写出单词的正确 形式 II. 写出 单词的正确 含义 III. 根据 语境写出所给单词的正确 形式 IV. 用 所给动词的适当形式 填空 V. 选 词 填空 VI. 单句写作 高考词汇精讲 a 在 …… 状态,位置(前缀) aboard / ə 'b ɔː d/ [ 记 ] a + board 在+木板 ( 上 ) [ 例 ] aboard a steamboat abroad /ə'brɔːd/ [ 记 ] a + broad 在+宽广 ( 到国外 ) [ 例 ] go abroad alive /ə'laɪv/ [ 记 ] a + live 在+活的 [ 例 ] remain alive alone /ə'ləʊn/ [ 记 ] a + lone 在+孤独的 [ 例 ] stay alone prep ./ adv . 在 ( 飞机、船、火车 ) 上 adv. 在国外 adj. 活着的 ( 用作表语和后置定语,不能作前置定语 ) adj./adv. 单独的 ( 地 ) a 在 …… 状态,位置(前缀) awake /ə'weɪk/ [ 记 ] a + wake 在+醒来 [ 例 ] wide awake away /ə'weɪ/ [ 记 ] a + way 在+路上→已经上路离开了 [ 例 ] far away from home adj. 醒的 adv. 离开 alike /ə'laɪk/ [ 记 ] a + like 在+像 [ 例 ] look alike asleep /ə'sliːp/ [ 记 ] a + sleep 在+睡觉 [ 例 ] fall asleep adj. 相像 的 adv . 一样地,相似地 adj. 睡着的 ab 相反;离开;加强 ( 前缀 ) abnormal /æb'nɔːml/ [ 记 ] ab + normal 相反+正常的→不正常的 [ 例 ] abnormal behavior abuse /ə'bjuːs/ [ 记 ] ab + use 加强+使用→滥用 [ 例 ] child abuse absurd /əb's зː d/ [ 记 ] ab + surd 加强+荒诞的→荒唐的 [ 例 ] sound absurd adj. 不正常的 v./n. 滥用;虐待 adj. 荒唐的 ac 使得;加强 ( 前缀 ) accompany /ə'kʌmpənɪ/ [ 记 ] ac + company 加强+陪伴 [ 例 ] accompany sb to a bookstore acknowledge /ək'nɒlɪdʒ/ [ 记 ] ac+knowledge 使人+ ( 有 ) 知识→ 让人知道→承认 [ 例 ] acknowledge one’s error acquaint /ə'kweɪnt/ [ 记 ] ac + quaint 使+知道 [ 例 ] acquaint sb with sth acquaintance /ə'kweɪntəns/ [ 记 ] acquaint + ance 使熟悉+名词后缀 [ 例 ] meet some acquaintances vt. 陪伴 v. 承认 vt. 使熟悉 n. 熟人 be 在;靠近;使 ( 前缀 ) behalf /bɪ'hɑːf/ [ 记 ] be + half 在+半→占一半→利益 [ 例 ] on behalf of our school betray /bɪ'treɪ/ [ 记 ] be + tray( 摆 ) 在+盘子 ( 上 )→ 全然暴露出来→泄露 [ 例 ] She betrayed her friends. n. 利益;代表 v. 背叛;泄露 circum 圆形,环形 ( 前缀 ) circle /'s зː kl/ [ 记 ] 前后两个半圆 (c) 合起来就是个 圆圈 [ 例 ] stand in a circle semicircle /'semɪs зː kl/ [ 记 ] semi + circle 半+圆圈 [ 例 ] draw a semicircle circulate /'s зː kjəleɪt/ [ 记 ] circul + ate 环形+动→循环 [ 例 ] circulate at a high speed circumstance /'s зː kəmstəns/ [ 记 ] circum + stance 周围+立场→情况 [ 例 ] under certain circumstances n. 圆圈 n. 半圆 v .( 使 ) 循环;流通 n. 情况 circum 圆形,环形 ( 前缀 ) circuit /'s зː kɪt/ [ 记 ] circu + it 环形+走→巡回 [ 例 ] on a circuit show circus /'s зː kəs/ [ 记 ] 马戏团表演的场地是圆形的 [ 例 ] watch a circus show n. 巡回;电路 n. 马戏团 com , con 共同 ( 前缀 ) combine /kəm'baɪn/ [ 记 ] com + bine 共同+连接→结合, 连接 [ 例 ] combine two rooms committee /kə'mɪtɪ/ [ 记 ] commit + tee 使承担义务+多人→委员会 [ 例 ] a parents' committee connect /kə'nekt/ [ 记 ] con + nect 共同+连接→连接 [ 例 ] connect two cities connection /kə'nekʃən/ [ 记 ] connect + ion 连接+名词后缀 [ 例 ] close connection v. ( 使 ) 结合 n. 委员会 v. 连接 n. 连接;联系 com , con 共同 ( 前缀 ) common /'kɒmən/ [ 记 ] com + mo(o)n 共同的+月亮 [ 例 ] many points in common concentrate /'kɒnsəntreɪt/ [ 记 ] con + cent(e)r + ate 共同+中心+做→集中 [ 例 ] concentrate attention adj. 共同的;普通的 v. 集中 contra 相反 ( 前缀 ) contrary /'kɒntrərɪ/ [ 记 ] contra+ary( 后缀 )→ 相反的 [ 例 ] on the contrary contrast /'kɒntrɑːst/ [ 记 ] contra-=against 相对; st=to stand 站立。“ to stand against 相对而立”→对比 [ 例 ] in sharp contrast contradiction /ˌkɒntrə'dɪkʃən/ [ 记 ] contra + dict + ion 相反+说+名词后缀→矛盾 adj. 相反的 n. 反面 n. 对比 n. 矛盾 de 离开;去掉;加强 ( 前缀 ) decline /dɪ'klaɪn/ [ 记 ] de + cline 使+下坡→下降 [ 例 ] decline an invitation defeat /dɪ'fiːt/ [ 记 ] de + feat 加强+技艺→ ( 就能够 ) 打败 [ 例 ] defeat a basketball team delete /dɪ'liːt/ [ 记 ] de + lete 加强+去掉→删除 [ 例 ] delete a sentence desert /dɪ'z зː t/ [ 记 ] de + sert 使+插入 ( 埋入 )→ 埋掉→遗弃 [ 例 ] a deserted baby vi./n. 下降 vt . 婉言拒绝 vt. 打败 vt. 删除 vt. 遗弃 dis 不;分开;相反 ( 前缀 ) dislike /'dɪslaɪk/ [ 记 ] dis + like 不+喜欢 [ 例 ] dislike cold weather disaster /dɪ'zɑːstə/ [ 记 ] dis + aster 不好的+星→灾星→灾难 [ 例 ] relieve a disaster dismiss /dɪs'mɪs/ [ 记 ] dis + miss 分开+送走→开除;解散 [ 例 ] dismiss a driver v./n. 不喜欢 n. 灾难 v. 开除;解散 dia 穿过,横过;流转 ( 前缀 ) dialogue /'daɪəlɒg/ [ 记 ] dia + logue 流转+话语→对话 [ 例 ] a dialogue between two teachers diagram /'daɪəgræm/ [ 记 ] dia + gram 穿过+图表→图表 [ 例 ] design a diagram n. 对话 n. 图表 en 进入;促使 ( 前缀 ) enlarge /ɪn'lɑːdʒ/ [ 记 ] en + large 使+大→扩大 [ 例 ] enlarge a picture v. 扩大 ex 朝外,出 ( 前缀 ) expose /ɪk'spəʊz/ [ 记 ] ex + pose 朝外+摆放→暴露 [ 例 ] expose one's forehead exit /'egzɪt/ [ 记 ] ex + it 朝外+走→朝外走的地方→出口 [ 例 ] two exits explore /ɪk'splɔː/ [ 记 ] ex + pl + ore 出+人和绳+矿→下矿看→探索 [ 例 ] explore a cave extra /'ekstrə/ [ 记 ] ex + tra 朝外+ ( 谐音 ) 抓→从外面抓来的→额外的 [ 例 ] extra tasks v. 暴露;揭露 n. 出口;太平门 v. 探险;探索 adj. 额外的 ex 朝外,出 ( 前缀 ) explicit /ɪk'splɪsɪt/ [ 记 ] ex + plic + it 出+折叠+走→打开折叠→清楚的 [ 同 ]clear extension /ɪk'stenʃən/ adj. 清楚的 n. ①[C 、 U] 延长部分;扩大部分 ② [U] 电话分机;分机号码 fore 在前 ( 前缀 ) forecast /'fɔːkɑːst/ [ 记 ] fore + cast 在前+扔 ( 出来 )→ 预报 [ 例 ] weather forecast foresee /fɔː'siː/ [ 记 ] fore + see 在前+看见→预见 [ 例 ] foresee one's future v./n. 预报 v. 预见 I. 根据 提示写出单词的正确形式 1 . ____________ adj . 相像的 adv . 一样地 2 . ____________ adv . 离开 3 . ____________ vt . 陪伴 4 . ____________ v . 承认 5 . ____________ n . 利 益;代表 6 . ____________ v . ( 使 ) 结合 7 . ____________ n . 委 员会 8 . ____________ adj . 共同的;普通的 9 . ____________ v . 连 接 10 . ____________ n . 连 接,联系 11 . ____________ v . 集 中 12 . ____________ adj. 相反的 n . 反 面 13 . ____________ vt. 打败 14 . ____________ v . /n . 不喜欢 15 . ____________ v . 开 除;解散 16 . ____________ v . 暴 露;揭露 alike away accompany acknowledge behalf combine committee common connect connection concentrate contrary defeat dislike dismiss expose II. 写出 单词的正确含义 1 . aboard adv . ____________ 2 . abnormal adj . ____________ 3 . abuse v . /n. ____________ 4 . absurd adj . ____________ 5 . acquaint vt . ____________ 6 . acquaintance n . ____________ 7 . betray v . ____________ 8 . semicircle n . ____________ 9 . circuit n . ____________ 10 . circulate v . ____________ 11 . circus n . ____________ 12 . contradiction n . ____________ 13 . decline vi./n./vt . ____________ 14 . delete vt . ____________ 15 . desert vt . ____________ 16 . disaster n . ____________ 17 . explicit adj . ____________ 18 . extension n . ① [C&U]____________ ② [U]____________ 在 ( 飞机、船、火车 ) 上 不 正常的 滥用 ;虐待 荒唐 的 使 熟悉 熟人 背叛 ;泄露 半圆 巡回 ;电路 ( 使 ) 循环;流通 马戏团 矛盾 下降 ;婉言 拒绝 删除 遗弃 灾难 清楚的 延长部分电话分机 III. 根据 语境写出所给单词的正确形式 1 . At one time, she is fine, but at another, she is ____________(normal) . 2 . Under these _______________( circumstance), we are developing our special manners and values, which has raised people's concern. 3 . Could you please tell me whether there is a(n) ____________ (connect) between smoking and lung cancer? 4 . This year we have gone through too many natural ____________ (disaster), such as earthquakes, floods and so on. abnormal circumstances connection disasters IV. 用 所给动词的适当形式填空 1 . They were accused of ____________ (abuse) their power to keep prices artificially high. 2 . Children, when ____________ (accompany) by their parents, are allowed to enter the stadium. 3 . He has a heavy accent, and once he opens his mouth, he ____________ (betray) himself. 4 . The condition prevents the blood from ____________ (circulate) freely . abusing accompanied betrays circulating IV. 用 所给动词的适当形式填空 5 . We think it is important that theory should ____________(combine)with practice. 6 . The manager ____________ (concentrate) on his job, so he did not hear the loud noise outside his office. 7 . The army was well-trained and well-armed, and had little difficulty ____________ (defeat) the enemy. 8 . _______________ (expose) to radiation is rather dangerous. be combined concentrated defeating Being exposed V. 选词填空 1 . Their criticism did not discourage me. ________________ , I worked even harder. 2 . The twins ________________ but have very different characters. 3 . For those who are ________________ home, the phone is important in staying connected. 4 . You're sleepy all day, but when it's time for bed, you can hardly ________________. Obviously you are suffering from jet lag. 5 . I ________________ at a party and since then we have been in touch with each other. 6 . __________________our school, I would like to express our warm welcome to you. On the contrary look alike far away from fall asleep on the contrary , make one's acquaintance , far away from , fall asleep , look alike , on behalf of made his acquaintance On behalf of VI. 单句写作 1 .人们普遍认为应该依据整体素质来评价学生。 (It is widely acknowledged that...) 2 .我的老师总是提醒我,一旦设定了学习目标,在任何情况下都不应该放弃。 (under no circumstances) 3 .甚至过去不喜欢英语的学生现在也变得对这门功课感兴趣。 (dislike) 4 .我英语学习中的最大问题是如何扩大词汇量。 (how to) It is widely acknowledged that students should be evaluated in terms of overall quality. My teacher always reminds me that under no circumstances should I abandon my learning goals once I set them. Even the students who used to dislike English have turned out to be interested in the subject. The greatest problem with my English is how to enlarge my vocabulary.查看更多