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‎2020届二轮复习 短文改错专题训练30篇学案 新题型专练(一)‎ A Dear Peter, ‎ I am writing to ask that you are able to do me a favor. I want to have a pen friend, hopefully, a girl in her early twenties, and with interests similarly to mine. In my mind, he is someone interesting in traveling, swimming, and playing table tennis. However, it would be better for her to have a pet dog as I have been kept one at home for some time. With such a pen friend, I hope I can share with her our experiences in traveling, taking care pets, or whatever we have in common. I believed I will improve my English by doing so and learn more about her countries. I am looking forward to hear from you soon. ‎ ‎ Best regards,‎ ‎ Li Hua B Dear Bob,‎ I saw your note yesterday evening. You suggested that we went to the concert this Sunday. I’m terribly sorry, and I have to say good-bye for my uncle. He is going to England to do him PhD and he will leave off this ‎ Sunday. To be honesty, I’d like to go with you to the concert. I hear the performance will last two week, so how about go there next Saturday? Please let me know that it will be OK. Give me call.‎ Thanks.‎ Li Hua 新题型专练(二)‎ ‎ ‎ A When I am a child, I always wished to become an adult so that I could do all what I liked. I wanted to have more space where I was able to follow my own heart without follow my parents’ instructions. As time going by, I have grown up gradually, but I find things are quite different from what I expect. I do have the free to do more things alone. Moreover, I have to take on much responsibilities. I have to take the charge of my life and face challenges bravely. Now I am determined to work hardly and go to college so that I can have a bright future. ‎ ‎ Li Hua B Tom and Dick are next door neighbor who both work in same office. They often walk together to and from work. Once they were walking to home together while it suddenly started to rain. Tom quickly opened his umbrella and said proud, “My wife really has great foresight. She said this morning it would rain and tell me to carry my umbrella.” Dick smiled ‎ and walked up to her under the protection of the umbrella, said, “Mine has even great foresight. She didn’t let me carry one as she knew you’d share yours to me.”‎ 新题型专练(三)‎ A Once upon a time there was a boy who fond of reading. However, he was very poor to buy any books. That was the reason that he had to borrow books from a rich man who had a lot of books. The boy knew clearly that he has to finish reading the books he had borrowed and return it to the owner as soon as possible. A rich man, who was ready to lend any of his book to the boy, read few of his own books. With time going on, the boy read a lot but finally became a famous writer in his time. Though the rich man had such many books, he remained a man with little knowledge because of he seldom read his books.‎ B Dear Mr White,‎ I am writing tell you a piece of good news. Last week our school hold a Spoken English ‎ Competition. I stood out in the competition and won a first place. In my view, it is your kind help which has helped me gain the achievement. During your spare time, you often spent such much time helping me with your spoken English that I made rapid progress. In the competition, I ‎ followed your advices on how to behave, which led to my success. I’m grateful to you for your help and decide that I will make up more efforts and try to make great progress in the future.‎ I’m looking forward to hear from you soon. ‎ ‎ Yours sincerely,‎ ‎ Li Hua 新题型专练(四)‎ A The small river in my hometown has been serious polluted in recent years. Day and night large quantities of waste water is being poured into it from factories nearby. The pollution is so serious that there aren’t any fish or plants live in it any more. Of course, the water cannot be drunk by domestic animals or human beings, too. Many villagers have to carry fresh water from faraway places to drink, that makes their life more difficult.‎ I think everything must be done to stop water pollution. The government should take effective measure to shut down the chemical factories. Beside, the villagers must work together clear up the river as soon as possible. It is hoped for that the water will become clear in the near future. ‎ B As the world enters the 21st century, the development in the science and technology will bring us more hopes and chance we’ve never imagined before. People are hoping have a peaceful and highly developed world. To catch up with the new development and to be success in the new century, the young generation is required to have different kind of skills and abilities, such like the computer science and the English ‎ language. Otherwise one will be leaving behind. Young people should study much hard at school or prepare themselves mentally and physically to meet with the challenge of the new century.‎ 新题型专练(五)‎ A Dear Diary,‎ Here I am in the middle of a city, 350 miles far away from our farmhouse. Do you want to know why we move last week? Dad lost his job, and as mum explained, “He was lucky to find other one. ”His new job meant I had to say goodbye to my classmate, my school or just everything else I love in the world. To make matters bad, now I have to share a room with my younger sister, Maggie. Tomorrow is first day of school. I am awfully tiring, but I know I’ll never fall sleep. ‎ Good night and remember, you, dear diary, is my only souvenir from my past life and my only friend. ‎ ‎ Yours, ‎ ‎ Rosemary B Mr. Johnson is a hardworking teacher. Every day, he spends too much time with his work. With little sleep and hardly any break, so he works from morning till night. Hard work have made him very ill. “He has ruined his healthy. We are worried about him. ”That is which other teachers say. Yesterday afternoon, I paid visit to Mr. Johnson. I was eager to see him, but outside her room I stopped. I had to calm myself down.‎ ‎ Quietly I step into the room. I saw him lying in bed, looking at some of the picture we had taken together. I understood that he missed us just as many as we missed him. ‎ 新题型专练(六)‎ A I hardly remember my grandmother. She used to holding me on her knees and sing old songs. I was only four when she passes away. She is just a distant memory for me now. ‎ ‎ I remember my grandfather very much. He was tall, with broad shoulder and a beard that turned from black toward gray over the years. He had a deep voice, which set himself apart from others in our small town, he was strong and powerful. In a fact, he even scared my classmates away during they came over to play or do homework with me. However, he was the gentlest man I have never known. ‎ B The book I’m reading of talks about afternoon tea in Britain. It is said to have started in the early 1800’s. Have tea in the late afternoon provides a bridge between lunch and dinner, that might not be served until 8 o’clock at night. This custom soon becomes another meal of day. Interesting, it had a connection by the British porcelain(瓷器)industry.‎ ‎ Tea in China was traditionally drank from cups without handles. When tea got popular in Britain, there was a crying need for good cup with handles to suit British habits. This made for the grow in the porcelain industry. ‎ 新题型专练(七)‎ A.‎ We feel very much honoring to invite you to take part in our trip to Zigui County, Hubei Province, that is the hometown of Qu Yuan, a famous Chinese poet. Our class has planned to make it a six-days trip, from July 20th to 25th. It was aimed to help learn more about the Dragon Boat Festival, one of the tradition Chinese festivals, which is observed in the honor of memorizing the great poet. During the trip we will hold such activities that visiting Zigui County, taste Zongzi with the villagers and listening the stories about Qu Yuan. We will meet at the school gate at 8:00 a.m. on July 20th then take a train there. We are looking forward to seeing you soon.‎ B I like reading very much . When I am a little girl, I was interested in reading picture books in science. My mother is a Chinese teacher. She is always encouraging me read more. She believes it reading is a good habit, but it can help develop my thinking and learning abilities. Different from others, I always read the books of Jin Yong. My most favorite book is ‎ The Hero of Shooting Eagle. It is one of Jin Yong’s masterpiece. It tells us that as long as we hard-working, everything can be success. Reading is a good way to do everything. I become more confident. If you want to be a wise man, please reading!‎ 新题型专练(八)‎ A Our school has had a survey on reading. It shows that 55 percent the students spend their time reading textbooks after the school. Only 10 percent enjoy read literature. Why are so many students unwilling to read serious works? According to the survey, they have no enough time because they have too many work to do. Some complain that literary work are so thick that they have hardly enough patient to finish them. Others who only concentrates on how to get high scores simply admit that reading literature won’t help them at all with their exams. What’s more, some students show no interest in literature. In fact, books play important role in our life. Not only can reading make us relaxing, but it also helps us learn the customs and cultures in the past and at the present, at home and abroad. ‎ B Ladies and gentlemen,‎ May I pay your attention, please? Now we are looking for a passenger, Mr. White, he is from America. And he is now leaving Beijing to ‎ America by Flight 2748. But we were told that Mr. White forgot his passport as well his wallet in Friendship Hotel where he had stayed. The manager of the hotel has just telephoned to tell us about it. The manager has been sent his secretary bring the passport and the wallet here, and she will come sooner. Will Mr. white go to gate of our airport and wait for your passport and wallet?She will arrive at about ten minutes.‎ 新题型专练(九)‎ A A healthy diet and regular exercise may help to prevent obesity among children. Took Mary for example. Mary used to being a healthy girl. But over a year ago, she got into the habit of eating a lot junk food and snacks. Besides, he spent a lot of time lying on the sofa, watching TV, and doing little exercise. As a result, she put up so much weight that she found it difficulty to climb the stairs. So Mary decided to change the unhealthy lifestyle. She began to have a balancing, healthy diet. She also took part in various sports activity such as swimming, skating, running and playing the basketball. Months later, Mary became as fit as before.‎ B In modern times, people suffer from various health problem. So it is important to develop a healthy lifestyle to prevent from disease. Here is some tips for you:‎ First of all, we should walk or ride a bike instead of drive cars so that we can take more physically exercise. Second, we’d better take part all kinds of outdoor activities rather than watch TV or play computer games ‎ for a long time, which does great harm to your health. Besides, we should reject junk food and soft drinks. Having a balanced diet provides us with enough nutrients or makes us energetic. More importantly, we should take positive attitude towards life, which can help us to face challenges bravely. In conclusion, whether you lived a healthy life depends mainly on your attitude.‎ 新题型专练(十)‎ A A good teacher-student relationship will make learning enjoyable and interested for the students. When I first learned English, I was extreme lucky to have a teacher who aroused my great interest in learning the new language. He was very patient and smiled a lot. She was such friendly that she never criticized us. As if someone made a mistake, she would say “Never mind” and then corrected it. All of us loved and respected her. Beside, we achieved high grades and gained great interest in the English.‎ For a word, a good teacher-student relationship can be mentally beneficial. The students gain knowledge eagerly, the teacher gains satisfaction from the job.‎ B Live a low-carbon life is getting popular as people are becoming concerning about the environment. In my daily life, I try to live a low-carbon life like follows. First of all, I go to school by a bike instead ‎ of bus or car. Secondly, I have formed the habit of turning off the lights and other electrical equipment after I go out. Beside, I try to reuse old thing. For example, I never throw away old newspapers. I use it to clean the window glass. Last but not least, I try to get people around me involved a low-carbon life. I believe as long as everyone does anything to live a low-carbon life, there will be great improvements in our environment.‎ 新题型专练(十一)‎ A Alice Walker makes living by writing. And her poems, short stories and novels has won many prizes for her. She was born in Eatonton, Georgia. She went to public schools there, and then to college in Atlanta before come to New York to attend another college, in which she graduated in 1966. For a time she lives in Jackson, Mississippi, with her lawyer husband and little daughter. Once again she met with Langston Hughes, the great American poet. She promised that she would write a book for children someday. She was 22 years old that year. He was kindly and gave her a lot of books. His kind help gave her lots of courage but she was very thankful to her. So far, Alice Walker has written a number of books and become famous.‎ B Many of us feel somehow nervously whenever we are taking an important exam. Nervousness not only does harm to student’s health but disturb their studies. So it’s necessary for our students to learn to relax. I ‎ think it’s very important to have a right attitude for exams. Exams are only a means of checking how we have learned. Therefore, there is no need to worry too much the results of the exams. Before an exam, make a scientific study plan and keeping a peaceful mind must help to reduce the pressure from the exam. We can also relax ourselves by doing sports and listening to music. Beside, enough sleep and a balanced diet will work as well.‎ Follow my advice and so you will enjoy your school life.‎ 新题型专练(十二)‎ A Dear Tom,‎ I’m Li Hua, a student of Rongguang Middle School. I learned quite by chance what you needed a book to improve your Chinese. I happen to have it, which I think might help you.‎ The book, entitled New Practical Chinese, is intending for beginners at your level. Not only it include the basic conversations in our daily life, it is also the window through which you can get to know Chinese culture and customs. Edited by three language experts, it is wide used by many foreign learner.‎ If it is convenient for you, let’s meet at the entrance to Jiangnan Park at 3 p.m. on this Sunday. If so, try to find other time that is suitable for both of us.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua B Don’t you think the world would be an easier place to live in, if we both spoke the same language? There are thousands of different languages speaking around the globe, so there is no wonder that we have difficulty understanding one another. If you are going to choose a language, that everyone in the world will learn, which will you choose? Chinese is spoken of by more people than any other languages. English has already selected as the international language of business and science. Many other people have tried to find the answer to this problem. In 1887, a Polish word expert introduced Esperanto-a total new language to the world. Thousand of people take it seriously and began to learn to speak it.‎ 新题型专练(十三)‎ A I received your letter dated April 16 the day ago yesterday. Every of our family are greatly delighted to learn whether you are getting along very well with your lessons. Time passes quickly. In dozens of day, you'll finish middle school. What please us most is that you do very good to make up your mind to enter for the college entrance examination this summer. What wonderful it is! Dad, as well as Mom and I , are with you. We wish you to make better use your time .The fuller preparations if you make, the surer of success you'll certainly be.‎ B ‎ Last summer I spent a two-weeks vacation at my aunt's. She lived in the small mountain village, with a river run nearby. Early one morning, I wanted to swim in the river, which some woman villagers were washing clothes. I found a good place for swimming. I was just about to jump into the river while there came a cry, “Help! Help!” I looked at in the direction of the cry and I found that a little boy had been fallen into the river. I rushed over without delay, jumped into the water swam quickly towards the boy. Holding on to him over the water, he struggled to the bank. At last, the boy was saved.‎ 新题型专练(十四)‎ A Dear Mum and Dad. ‎ ‎ I expect you’re surprised get a letter from me so soon after the card I sent you. The fact is that 1 won’t be home in Saturday as planned. I’ve had a slightly accident and hurt my back—but not worry, Mum, it’s not serious. What happened was that. I was climbing the hill with Wu Bin while I missed my footing and fell over. But when I try to sit up I had a pain in my back. I could hardly move. P1ease don't worry me. Wu Bin and his family are taking good care of me. I’11 be get well soon and there’s no need for you to travel here. I’11 write again very fast. ‎ All my love Li Ming B In recent years, study abroad has been popular in our country. More ‎ and more middle school students would like to go to abroad. Is it good to study abroad? In my opinion, on one hand, it had some advantages. Studying abroad can provide better studying condition. People can make rapid progress on their foreign language study and it can also help widen their view. Meanwhile, young students can learn advancing science and technology foreign countries and spread cultures of different nations. On the other hand, it has disadvantages. For example, because the lack of living experience and poor capability to take care of themselves, they may feel alone and homesick. In addition, highly living expenses and tuition fees will become a heavy burden upon their parents.‎ 参考答案 新题型专练(一)参考答案 A Dear Peter, ‎ ‎ I am writing to ask that you are able to do me a favor. I want to have a pen friend, ‎ ‎ if/whether hopefully, a girl in her early twenties, and with interests similarly to mine. In my mind, he is ‎ ‎ similar she someone interesting in traveling, swimming, and playing table tennis. However, it would be ‎ interested Besides ‎ better for her to have a pet dog as I have been kept one at home for some time. With such a pen ‎ friend, I hope I can share with her our experiences in traveling, taking care ∧ pets, or whatever ‎ of ‎ we have in common. I believed I will improve my English by doing so and learn more ‎ ‎ believe ‎ about her countries. I am looking forward to hear from you soon. ‎ ‎ Country hearing Best regards,‎ Li Hua ‎ B Dear Bob,‎ ‎ I saw your note yesterday evening. You suggested that we went to the concert this Sunday. ‎ ‎ go I’m terribly sorry, and I have to say good-bye for my uncle. He is going to England to do him PhD ‎ but to his ‎ and he will leave off this Sunday. To be honesty, I’d like to go with you to the concert. I hear the ‎ ‎ honest performance will last two week, so how about go there next Saturday? Please let me know that it ‎ ‎ weeks going if/whether will be OK. Give me ∧call.‎ ‎ a ‎ Thanks. ‎ ‎ Li Hua 新题型专练(二)参考答案 短文改错(一)‎ ‎1. am改为was 2. 去掉all或what改为that 3.‎ ‎ follow改为following ‎4. As改为With或going改为goes 5. expect改为expected ‎6. free改为freedom 7. Moreover改为 However 8. much改为more ‎9. 去掉the 10. hardly改为hard ‎ 短文改错(二)‎ ‎1. neighbor改为neighbors 2. in 后面加上 the 3. 删去第二个to ‎4. while改为 when 5. proud改为proudly ‎6. tell改为 told 7.her改为 him 8. said改为saying ‎9. great 改为greater 10. to改为with 新题型专练(三)‎ ‎ ‎ A ‎ ‎ ‎ B Dear Mr White,‎ I am writing ∧tell you a piece of good news. Last week our school hold a Spoken English ‎ ‎ to held Competition. I stood out in the competition and won a first place. In my view, it is your kind help ‎ ‎ the ‎ which has helped me gain the achievement. During your spare time, you often spent such much ‎ that so ‎ time helping me with your spoken English that I made rapid progress. In the competition, I ‎ ‎ my ‎ followed your advices on how to behave, which led to my success. I’m grateful to you for your ‎ advice help and decide that I will make up more efforts and try to make great progress in the future.‎ ‎ greater ‎ I’m looking forward to hear from you soon. ‎ ‎ hearing Yours sincerely,‎ ‎ Li Hua 新题型专练(四)参考答案 A ‎1.serious—seriously 2.is—are 3.live—living 4.too—either ‎5.that---which 6.everything—something 7.measure—measures 8. Beside --- besides 9. clear ---- to clear 10. hoped for ---- hoped ‎ B ‎1.in the --in 2. chance—chances 3.have—to have ‎ ‎4.success—successful 5.kind—kinds 6. such like—such as ‎7.leaving—left 8.hard—harder 9.or—and ‎ ‎10. meet with---- meet 新题型专练(五)参考答案 Passage A ‎ ‎ 1.删去far 2.move ---moved 3. other ----another 4.classmate ----classmates ‎ ‎ 5.or---and 6.bad---worse 7.在first前加the/ my ‎ ‎ 8.tiring---tired 9.sleep---asleep 10.is-are ‎ Passage B ‎ 1.with---on 2.删去so 3.have---has 4.healthy---health ‎ 5.which---what 6.在paid后加a 7.her---his ‎ ‎ 8.step---stepped 9.picture---pictures 10.many---much ‎ 新题型专练(六)参考答案 Passage A ‎ ‎1.holding----hold 2.passes----passed 3.much---well/ clearly 4.shoulder---shoulders ‎5.toward---to/into 6.himself---him 7.he was strong 前加and ‎ ‎8.删去a 9.during---when 10.never---ever Passage B ‎1.删去of 2.Have---Having 3.that---which 4.becomes----became ‎5.day前加the 6.Interesting----Interestingly 7.by---with/to ‎8.drank---drunk 9.cup---cups 10.grow----growth 新题型专练(七)参考答案 ‎ A. 1. honoring – honored 2. that—which 3. six-days---six-day ‎ ‎ 4. was—is 5. tradition--- traditional 6. the 去掉 7. that---as 8. taste—tasting 9. / to 10. /and ‎ ‎ B. 1. am-- was 2. in—on 3. / to 4. it--- that 5. but—and 6. most 去掉 7. masterpiece—masterpieces 8. / are 9. success--- successful 10. reading--- read 新题型专练(八)参考答案 A篇 ‎1.percent后加of 2.去掉the 3.read 改为reading 4.many—much ‎ ‎5.literary 后的work 改为works. 6.patient—patience 7.concentrates-conventrate.‎ ‎8.play后加an 9.relaxing—relaxed 10.the 去掉 B 篇 ‎1. pay--- have 2. he--- who 3. to--- for 4. forgot---left 5. well 后加as ‎ ‎6. 去掉been 7. bring 前加to 8. sooner—soon 9. gate 前加the 10. at—in ‎ 新题型专练(九)参考答案 A篇1. Took—Take 2. being—be 3. / of 4. he--- she 5. doing--- did 6. up--- on 7. difficulty--- difficult 8. balancing—balanced 9. activity—activities 10. the 去掉 B 篇 ‎ 1. problem—problems 2. from 去掉 3. is—are 4. drive--- driving ‎ ‎5. physically---physical 6. / in 7. your---our 8. or--- and 9. / a 10. lived--live 新题型专练(十)参考答案 ‎(一)‎ ‎1. interested改为interesting 2. extreme 改为extremely ‎3. He 改为She 4. such改为 so ‎5. As 改为Even 6. corrected 改为correct ‎7. Beside 改为Besides 8. the English 去掉the ‎9. For 改为In 10. the teacher前面加 and ‎(二)‎ ‎1. Live改为 Living 2. concerning 改为concerned ‎3. like改为 as 4. by a bike去掉a ‎5. after改为 before 6. Beside改为 Besides ‎7. thing 改为things 8. it 改为them ‎9. involved后面加 in 10. anything改为something 新题型专练(十一)参考答案 ‎ (一) ‎ ‎1.living前面加 her/ a 2. has改为 have ‎3. come改为 coming 4. in改为 from ‎5. lives 改为lived 6. 去掉 again ‎7. the 改为a 8. kindly 改为kind ‎9. but 改为and 10. her改为 him ‎(二)‎ ‎1. nervously改为 nervous 2. disturb 改为disturbs ‎3. our 改为us 4. for 改为to/ towards ‎5. how改为 what 6. the results前面加about ‎7. make改为 making 8. must改为 can ‎9. Beside 改为Besides 10. and so you 去掉so 新题型专练(十二)参考答案 ‎ (一)‎ ‎1. what改为 that 2. it 改为one ‎3. intending改为 intended 4. Not only 后面加does ‎5. the window把the改为 a 6. wide改为 widely ‎7. learner改为 learners 8. on this Sunday 中去掉on ‎9. so 改为not 10. other改为 another ‎(二)‎ ‎1. both 改为all 2. speaking改为 spoken ‎3. there改为 it 4. that 改为which ‎5. spoken of 去掉of 6. languages 改为language ‎7. selected前面加 been 8. the answer中的 the改为 an ‎9. total 改为totally 10. take改为 took 新题型专练(十三)参考答案 改错A ‎1.before 2. Every→All 3. whether→that 4. day→days 5. please→pleases ‎ ‎6. good→well 7. What→How 8. are→is 9. use后加 of 10.去掉 if ‎ 改错B ‎1. two-weeks →two-week 2. the →a 3.running 4. which→ where 5. woman→women 6. while→when 7. 去掉at 8. 去掉been 9. swam前加 and 10. he→I ‎ 新题型专练(十四)参考答案 A篇 ‎1.第一句在get前加to. be surprised to do sth.是固定搭配,意为“惊讶地做某事”。‎ ‎2.第二句in→on表示“在星期几”应用介词on。‎ ‎3.第三句slightly→slight accident是名词,应用形容词修饰。‎ ‎4.第三句not→don’t破折号的句子是祈使句,其否定形式应用“don’t+动词原形”。‎ ‎5.第四句that→this这里用this引出下文,而that只能指代上文。‎ ‎6.第五句while→when when意为“在这时”,while没有这种用法。‎ ‎7.第六句try→tried根据文章大意可知这件事发生在过去,故应用一般过去时。‎ ‎8.第八句worry后加about worry about sb.意为“担心/担忧某人”。‎ ‎9.第十句去掉be或get be/get well都可以表示“身体变好、恢复好”,在此处be与get重复。‎ ‎10.最后一句fast→soon fast主要强调走、跑步或竞技的速度快;而soon主要表示时间快、不久。故应用very soon(不久)。‎ B篇 ‎1.第一句study→studying此处应用动名词短语作主语。‎ ‎2.第二句去掉第二个to abroad是副词,故此处不需要加介词。‎ ‎3.第四句had→has本文的主体时态是现在时,该句还应注意“on(the)one hand…On the other hand”结构中的时态的一致性,故将had改为has。‎ ‎4.第五句condition→conditions表示“条件”时,常用复数形式conditions。‎ ‎5.第六句on→in make progress in是固定搭配,意为“在……取得进步”。‎ ‎6.第七句advancing→advanced advanced表示“先进的,发达的”,是形容词。‎ ‎7.第七句在foreign前加from learn sth. from…是固定搭配,意为“向……学习……”。‎ ‎8.第九句because后加of because后应该接句子,而because of后接名词或名词短语。‎ ‎9.第九句alone→lonely alone意为“独自的,单独的”,强调形体上的单独;而lonely意为“孤单的、寂寞的”,强调精神上感到孤独的,具有强烈的感情色彩。‎ ‎10.最后一句highly→high,此处应用high修饰living expenses and tuition fees,意为“高生活费和学费”。highly为副词,意为“非常,很;高度地”。‎

