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专题三 完形填空 总纲目录 应试策略 考情分析 真题研析     项目 卷别       语篇类型 语篇主题 命题角度 词数 难度 主题语境 语境内容 动词 名词 形容(副)词 其他 同类 2019 课标全国卷Ⅰ 记叙文 人与自然 乞力马扎罗山是否被污染 8 7 5 0 252 难 课标全国卷Ⅱ 记叙文 人与社会 帮助他人找回小狗 9 5 5 1 277 中 课标全国卷Ⅲ 说明文 人与社会 高科技解决光照难题 8 5 7 0 250 易   2018 课标全国卷Ⅰ 夹叙夹议 人与自我 学棋悟道 9 7 4 0 265 难 课标全国卷Ⅱ 记叙文 人与自我 父巧救子 9 3 7 1 270 中 课标全国卷Ⅲ 记叙文 人与社会 一诺千金 10 6 4 0 271 易 2017 课标全国卷Ⅰ 记叙文 人与自我 发现美式 手语 10 5 5 0 242 难 课标全国卷Ⅱ 记叙文 人与自我 特殊的礼 物 9 8 3 0 240 中 课标全国卷Ⅲ 记叙文 人与自我 免费环球 机票 9 7 4 0 242 易     2019课标全国Ⅰ 语篇类型:记叙文 主题语境:人与自然 词数:252          难度:★★★★★ 语境内容:乞力马扎罗山是否被污染 真题研析 第一步 析原文     Every year about 40,000 people ❶ attempt to climb Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa. They  41     with them lots of waste. The  42     might damage the beauty of the place. The glaciers(冰川)are disappearing, changing the  43     of Kilimanjaro. Hearing these stories, I'm  44     about the place—other destinations are described as “purer”natural experiences. However, I soon   45     that much has changed since the days of ❷ disturbing reports of   46     among tons of rubbish. I find a   47     mountain, with toilets at camps and along the paths. The environmental challenges are  48     but the efforts made by the Tanzania Nati - onal Park Authority seem to be  49     . The best of a Kilimanjaro  50     , in my opinion, isn't reaching the top. Mountains are  51     as ❸ spiritual places by many cultures. This  52     is especially evident on Kiliman - jaro as  53     ❹ go through five ecosystems(生态系统)in the space of a few kilometers. At the ❺ base is a rainforest. It ends ❻ abruptly at 3,000 meters,  54     lands of and rocks.  58     you climb into an arctic-like zone with  59     snow and the glaciers low growing plants. ❼ Further up, the weather   55     —low clouds ❽ envelope the mountainsides, which are covered with thick grass. I   56     twelve ❾ shades of green from where I stand. Above 4,000 meters is the highland   57     :gravel( 砾石 ), stones that may soon disappear. Does Kilimanjaro  60     its reputation as a crowded mountain with lines of tourists ruining the atmosphere of peace?I found the opposite to be true.   41.A.keep   B.mix   C.connect   D.bring 42.A.stories   B.buildings   C.crowds   D.reporters 43.A.position   B.age   C.face   D.name 44.A.silent   B.skeptical  C.serious   D.crazy 45.A.discover   B.argue   C.decide   D.advocate 46.A.equipment   B.grass   C.camps   D.stones 47.A.remote   B.quiet   C.tall   D.clean 48.A.new   B.special   C.significant   D.necessary 49.A.paying off   B.spreading out   C.blowing up   D.fading away 50.A.atmosphere  B.experience   C.experiment   D.sight 51.A.studied   B.observed   C.explored   D.regarded 52.A.view   B.quality   C.reason   D.purpose 53.A.scientists   B.climbers   C.locals   D.officials 54.A.holding on to  B.going back to   C.living up to   D.giving way to 55.A.changes   B.clears   C.improves   D.permits 56.A.match   B.imagine   C.count   D.add 57.A.village   B.desert   C.road   D.lake 58.A.Obviously   B.Easily   C.Consequently   D.Finally 59.A.permanent   B.little   C.fresh   D.artificial 60.A.enjoy   B.deserve   C.save   D.acquire   ◆文体特征 速读文章可知本文为记叙文,根据首句可预测文章可能讲述与“乞力 马扎罗山”有关的故事或经历。 ◆素养解读 本文主题语境为人与自然,语境内容为乞力马扎罗山是否被污染,重 在引导学生增强环保意识,积极参与社会实践。 ◆重点词汇     ❶ attempt to do sth.试图做某事 ❷ disturbing adj .令人不安的 ❸ spiritual adj .精神的;心灵的 ❹ go through 经历 ❺ base n .基底,底座(此处指山脚) ❻ abruptly adv .突然地 ❼ further up 进一步向上 ❽ envelope v .笼罩 ❾ shade n .浓淡深浅;色度 第二步 巧做题   41   审题  考查动词词义辨析。   解题     D 语境辨词法。句意:他们随身带来了(bring)大量的垃圾。A:保持,遵守;B:(使)混合;C:连接,联合。 42   审题  考查名词词义辨析。   解题     C 语境辨词法。根据第一句话可知,每年大约有4万人来到这里,故答案为C项。句意:这些人群 (crowds)可能会破坏这个地方的美丽。A:故事;B:建筑物;D:记者。 43   审题  考查名词词义辨析。   解题     C 常识辨词法。句意:(山上的)冰川正在消失,改变了乞力马扎罗山的外观特征(face)。A:位置,职位;B:年龄,时代;D:名字。 44   审题  考查形容词词义辨析。   解题     B 逻辑关系法。根据后文的描述可知,作者对这里被破坏得面目全非的故事将信将疑(be skeptical about),故选B项。句意:听到这些故事,我对这个地方产生了怀疑 …… 。A:沉默的,不出声的;C:认真的,严肃的,严重的;D:疯狂的,着迷的。 45   审题  考查动词词义辨析。   解题     A 语境辨词法。句意:然而,自从那些天的关于被大量垃圾包围的营地的让人不安的报道以来,我不久就发现(discover)这件事发生了很大的改变。B:争论,辩论;C:决定;D:提倡,拥护。 46   审题  考查名词词义辨析。   解题     C 原词复现法。根据语境,此处应该是那些登山者在山上的营地(camps)。结合下句话中的with toilets at camps也可知答案为C项。 47   审题  考查形容词词义辨析。   解题     D 语境辨词法。结合后文对这座山的环境的改变的描述可知,这座山并不是垃圾遍地,而是 干干净净的(clean)。句意:我看到的是一座干净的山,营地和路边都有厕所。 48   审题  考查形容词词义辨析。   解题     C 逻辑辨词法。环境挑战是非常重大的(significant)。A:新的;B:特殊的,专用的;D:必要的,必 需的。 49   审题  考查动词短语辨析。   解题     A 语境辨词法。但是坦桑尼亚国家公园当局所付出的努力好像正在得到回报(paying off)。 B:分散;C:爆发,爆炸;D:衰弱。 50   审题  考查名词词义辨析。   解题     B 语境辨词法。句意:在我看来,攀登乞力马扎罗山的经历(experience)中最好的并不是爬到山顶。A:大气层,氛围;C:实验;D:景象,视力。 51   审题  考查动词词义辨析。   解题     D 固定搭配法。句意:山被许多文化看作是(be regarded as) 精神所在地。A:学习,研究;B:观察,遵守;C:探索。 52   审题  考查名词词义辨析。   解题     A 语境辨词法。当登山者在爬山的几公里内就能穿越五个生态系统时,看到的这种景象(view)在这座山上特别明显。B:质量,素质;C:原因,理由;D:目的,意图。 53   审题  考查名词词义辨析。   解题     B 同根词复现法。根据上文可知,此处是指那些登山者(climbers)亲眼看到的景象。 54   审题  考查动词短语辨析。   解题     D 语境辨词法。在山底是热带雨林。热带雨林在海拔3千米的地方戛然而止,给低矮的植物让路了。D:为 …… 让路;A:抓住不放;B:返回;C:达到,不辜负。 55   审题  考查动词词义辨析。   解题     A 语境辨词法。再往上攀登,天气就发生了改变(changes)。B:清除,使干净;C:改善,提高;D:允许,许可。 56   审题  考查动词词义辨析。   解题     C 语境辨词法。句意:从我站立的地方我数到了(count)12处绿荫。A:比得上,使相配;B:想象;D:增加。 57   审题  考查名词词义辨析。   解题     B 常识辨词法。句意:在海拔4千米以上是由砾石、石头和岩石组成的高地沙漠(desert)。这里只有各种各样的石头,没有绿色,称得上是一片沙漠了。 58   审题  考查副词词义辨析。   解题     D 平行辨词法。最后(Finally),你会爬到一个区域里,这里有常年不化的(permanent)雪和可能会很快消失的冰川。A:明显地,显而易见地;B:容易地;C:因此,结果。 59   审题  考查形容词词义辨析。   解题     A 语境辨词法。根据空前“一个类似北极的地区”可知,这个地区终年积雪。A:永久的;B:很少的,很小的;C:新鲜的,清新的;D:人造的。 60   审题  考查动词词义辨析。   解题     B 语境辨词法。乞力马扎罗山应该得到(deserve)一座挤满了破坏这里祥和氛围的游客的高山这个名声吗?我认为相反的描述才是正确的。A:享受,喜欢;C:拯救,挽救,保存;D:获得,习得。 考点突破 1.重首句,易入题 完形填空的题眼往往出现在文章的开头。通过把握首句,可以确定文章的话题、主 题、背景、人物、时间、地点、事件等,从而把握文章的发展方向,达到顺利“入题”的目的。 例1     (2019课标全国Ⅰ) Every year about 40,000 people attempt to climb Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa. 直接信息 首句清楚地交代了故事发生的地点(非洲最高峰乞力马扎罗山)、人物(游客)和事件(到乞力马扎罗山旅游) 预测信息 下文可能介绍与乞力马扎罗山旅游相关的事件或影响 2.寻复现,找答案 完形填空选项的设置,命题人往往通过原词复现、同根词复现、同义词复现、近义 词复现、上下词复现等方式重现已经出现过的词汇。做题时,在把握语篇、透析语境的前提下,应留心选项中是否有与上下文中相对应的词汇,运用词汇复现技巧快速锁定答案。 (1)原词复现——在上下文中同一词汇重复出现 例 2   (2017 课标全国 Ⅲ) A Toronto man is offering a free round-the-world air ticket to the right woman. But   41     apply. You must be named Elizabeth Gallagher and have a Canadian   42     . Jordan Axani, 28, said he and his then girlfriend, Elizabeth Gallagher, booked heavily discounted round-the-world air tickets in May, but their  43     ended and he did not want her ticket to  44     . The ticket had a strict no-transfer(不可转让)  45     , but since passport information was not required when  46     , any Canadian Elizabeth Gallagher can  47     it. “I just want to see the ticket go to good use and for someone to  48     a lot of joy,” said Axani. He posted his  49     on a social networking website, and received thou sands of e-mails, including thirty from actual Elizabeth Gallaghers with the   50     passports. “More   51     , there are hundreds of Canadians who are interested in   52     their name to Elizabeth Gallagher,”Axani said.“It was absolutely out of   53     , thousands of e-mails, people around the world   54     their stories of travel.” 42 A.origin  B.passport  C.accent  D.friend 思路点拨  本题考查原词复现。根据下文第50空后的passports可知要想获得这张 机票,必须持有加拿大护照。 答案     B    (2)同/近义词复现——意思相同、相近的表达方式,或者解释性的词汇复现 例3     (2018课标全国Ⅰ) More than that, I'd always wanted to learn chess. And, even if I weren't     43     enough about free credits, news about our  44     was appealing enough to me. 43 A.excited  B.worried  C.moved  D.tired 思路点拨  根据上文“wanted to”可判断第43空答案为excited,意为“兴奋的”。 答案     A 例4     (2019课标全国Ⅰ) Above 4,000 meters is the highland  57     :gravel (砾石), stones and rocks. 57.A.village  B.desert  C.road  D.lake 思路点拨  根据空后描述的砾石、石头和岩石,可知海拔4000米以上就是高原荒 漠。 答案     B    (3)反义词复现——意思相反或对比性解释的词汇复现 例5     (2019课标全国Ⅱ) Ehlers eventually succeeded in coaxing the animal to him. Nervousness and fear were replaced with  49     . It just started licking(舔) Ehlers' face. 49.A.surprise  B.joy  C.hesitation  D.anxiety 思路点拨  空白处下一句It just started licking Ehlers' face(小狗开始舔Ehlers的脸) 说明小狗见到Ehlers很高兴,与之前的紧张和害怕形成对比。 答案     B (4)同根词复现——词形变化的词汇复现 例6      It was a cold January in 1925 in Nome, Alaska. The town was cut off from the rest of the world due to heavy snow. ... How could the medicine get to Nome? The town's  39     was already full of ice, so it couldn't come by ship. Cars and horses couldn't travel on the     40     roads. Jet airplanes and big trucks didn't exist yet. 40 A.narrow   B.snowy   C.busy   D.dirty 思路点拨  根据上文中的due to heavy snow可知此处应该是:汽车和马无法在被雪 覆盖的路上行驶。 答案     B    (5)上下词复现——总括与分述的词汇复现 例7     (2016课标全国Ⅱ) Sitting back in the car on the way to the airport, I figured it all out. Rani's     59     —her warm smile, her nods, her ‘I'm here for you’  60     —were all silent signals that didn't travel through wires. 59 A.forgiveness  B.eagerness C.friendliness   D.skillfulness 思路点拨  根据下文中的her warm smile, her nods表明Rani很友好。其中smile、 nods是下义词(具体行为),friendliness是上义词(概括)。 答案     C 3.看语境,辨词义 完形填空的四个选项词性相同,意义相近。如果脱离语境或只看句子的一部分,可 能会有两个或两个以上的答案。做题时,要从整体上把握文章内容,区分文章的结构层次和逻辑关系,同时认真比较所给选项,从中选出最佳答案。 例 8     (2019 课标全国 Ⅱ) It's about 250 miles from the hills of west-central Iowa to Ehlers' home in Minnesota. During the long trip home, following a weekend of hunting, Ehlers     41     about the small dog he had seen     42     alongside the road. He had     43     to coax ( 哄 ) the dog to him but, frightened, it had     44     . Back home, Ehlers was troubled by that  45     dog. So, four days later, he called his friend Greg, and the two drove  46     . After a long and careful  47     , Greg saw, across a field, the dog moving  48     away. Ehlers eventually succeeded in coaxing the animal to him. Nervousness and fear were replaced with  49     . It just started licking (舔) Ehlers' face. 41A.read   B.forgot   C.thought   D.heard 思路点拨  第一段最后一句中的 to coax the dog to him but, frightened...提到了小 狗,说明在打猎回家的路上,Ehlers 想起了他在路边看到的那只小狗。 答案    C 42A.fighting  B.trembling  C.eating  D.sleeping 思路点拨  根据第一段最后一句话中的frightened可知,小狗见到打猎的Ehlers时很 害怕,由此可推知当时小狗见到猎人受到惊吓而发抖,所以选trembling。 答案     B 43A.tried  B.agreed  C.promised  D.regretted 思路点拨  根据第二段中的Ehlers eventually succeeded in coaxing the animal to him.可知,Ehlers曾试图(tried)把小狗哄到他身边来,但是没有成功。 答案     A 44A.calmed down  B.stood up C.rolled over  D.run off 思路点拨  but表示转折,说明Ehlers没能把小狗哄到他身边来,小狗跑掉了(run off)。 答案     D 4.析逻辑,索答案 完形填空中有些题目侧重考查对人物话语逻辑性的精准判断以及对特殊语境下的 情绪演变、行为态度、语言褒贬和方式转变的理解判断。常见的命题方式包括心理揣测、动作交互、因果关系、转折关系、让步关系、递进关系、增补关系、对比关系 等。解决此类问题时要关注连词的功能、词语的多义性、词语的情感色彩和动作发生的先后顺序,借助具体语境和人物的特定身份,顺着原文的思路,依据上下文进行合乎逻辑的推断。 例9     (2019课标全国Ⅲ) The 3,500 residents cannot all  56     the sunshine at the same time.     57     , the new light feels like more than enough for the town's   58  residents. 57A.Instead  B.However  C.Gradually  D.Similarly 思路点拨  根据上文cannot all和下文more than enough可知,此处表示转折,However符合语境。 答案     B 5.据搭配,知答案 完形填空中,有时会涉及短语,以动词短语为主,偶见介词短语等。解题时,可以通过 仔细观察和回忆所学知识,进行有效推断,选择正确答案。 例10     (2018课标全国Ⅰ) In order to  50     the class, among other criteria, we had to write a paper on how we plan to     51     what we would learn in class to our future professions and,  52     , to our lives. 51A.add   B.expose   C.apply   D.compare 思路点拨   此处指我们要写一篇论文说明我们计划如何把在课堂上学到的东西 运用到我们未来所从事的职业中。本题考查固定搭配:apply sth. to 把 …… 运用 到 …… 。 答案    C 6.重平行,觅逻辑 文章中的意群总是通过一定的逻辑关系连在一起,特别是并列平行的结构。这些结 构要么通过标点符号体现,要么通过并列连词连接。一般来说,这些平行结构所表达的语境是一致的,考生解题时要特别注意这一点。 例11     (2019课标全国Ⅲ) ...When the light   52     , Rjukan residents gathered together. “People have been     53     there and standing there and taking  54     of each other,” Ro says. 53A.driving   B.hiding C.camping   D.sitting 思路点拨  53空与下文的standing there使用了并列连词and。根据上文Rjukan resi- dents gathered together和下文standing there可知,小镇居民都聚集在广场上,或坐着 或站着,A项driving,B项hiding和C项camping都不符合语境,只有D项sitting符合语 境。 答案     D 7.依常识,定答案 完形填空虽然是独立的语篇,但有时会渗透很多科技、文化、历史、地理、风俗民 情等方面的知识。同学们在做题时如果能积极主动地调动自己已有的文化背景和生活常识,特别是注意中西文化的差异并巧妙加以利用,将会有效简化分析与判断过程,节省宝贵时间,取得“事半功倍”的效果。 例12     (2018课标全国Ⅱ) Two weeks earlier, my son, Ben, had got in touch. He'd moved to England with his mum when he was three and it had been 13 years since I'd  41     seen him. So imagine my     42     when he emailed me saying he wanted to come to visit me. 42A.delight   B.relief   C.anger   D.worry 思路点拨  根据常识可知,和儿子13年未见,要见到自己的儿子了,作者肯定很“高 兴”。 答案     A 8.破难句,解句意 完形填空的文章中会出现一些长句或难句,而它们往往会影响一些答案的选择。这 时就要在理解上下文逻辑关系的基础上有针对性地对句子结构、句子特点进行分析,准确理解句意,明确所填选项在句中的语法功能,从而做出正确判断。 例13     (2017课标全国Ⅲ) Axani wrote in his post that he is not  55     anything in return and that the woman who uses the  56     ticket can choose to either travel with him or     57     the ticket and travel on her own. 57A.return   B.take   C.reserve   D.hide 思路点拨 本句为主从复合句。动词wrote后面两个that分别引导宾语从句,在第二 个宾语从句中who引导定语从句,先行词为the woman。搞清句子结构对选择答案 是有帮助的。根据上下文可知此处表达:使用这张额外机票的女士既可以选择和他 一起旅行,也可以拿着这张机票单独旅行。 答案     B 9.巧排除,降难度 在掌握文章大意和细节的前提下,考生可以通过试填试题中的选项选出最吻合语 境、最衔接语义的选项,这种解题方法被称为“排除错项”。 例14     (2018课标全国Ⅰ) During my second year at the city college, I was told that the education department was offering a“free”course, called Thinking Chess, for three credits. I     41     the idea of tak - ing the class because, after all, who doesn't want to  42     a few dollars?More than that, I'd always wanted to learn chess. 41 A.put forward  B.jumped at C.tried out   D.turned down 思路点拨  根据下文who doesn't want to  42     a few dollars和More than that, I'd al- ways wanted to learn chess.可推断,我决定参加这门课程的学习,由此排除A、C和D 三个选项。jump at欣然接受(机会、建议等),符合题意。 答案     B   巩固技能练 题组一 Cloze 1 (2019山东胶州 3 月模拟)   ▶ 记叙文 I' ve learned a lesson that accepting kindness is important, too. I'm a social worker and have been  1     more time recently with those unlucky people that some might say are less  2     . I had a wonderful interaction (互动) this past week, when I had the  3     of being the receiver of kindness. I was speaking to a gentleman who had bad luck and was in  4     . We were just talking for a while and getting to  5     each other. Towards the end of our evening he said he wanted to   6     me a hamburger at the nearby fast food restaurant. Before the day, I would have   7     that he let me buy him a meal, since he had a greater  8     than I. But my kindness experience had taught me the  9     of being a good receiver, too. So I told him if he  10     wanted to do that I would be  11     to share a meal with him. It was great! He was so happy to be able to  12     something like that and he was  13     the entire time. I felt glad to  14     the wonderful feeling of someone's giving. We  15     some great conversation and I could see it  16     so much to him. As we parted ways, instead of me feeling bad that he probably spent his last few   17     on our meal, I smiled and felt with a wonderful   18     of connection and gratitude. It's not only fun to be a receiver of kindness,   19     this also gives someone else the chance to be the   20     . That is important, too. 1.A.wasting   B.killing   C.spending   D.saving 2.A.active   B.fortunate   C.famous   D.familiar 3.A.chance   B.price   C.right   D.method 4.A.return   B.prison   C.common   D.trouble 5.A.know   B.hate   C.love   D.encourage 6.A.borrow   B.buy   C.make   D.show 7.A.noticed   B.demanded   C.ordered   D.insisted 8.A.need   B.life   C.wish   D.wealth 9.A.truth   B.power   C.importance   D.base 10.A.exactly   B.really   C.selflessly   D.briefly 11.A.happy   B.generous  C.sad   D.peaceful 12.A.create   B.refuse   C.ignore   D.do 13.A.regretting   B.shouting   C.smiling   D.praising 14.A.send out   B.take away   C.calm down   D.go through 15.A.missed   B.avoided   C.shared   D.judged 16.A.changed  B.remained   C.lost   D.meant 17.A.choices   B.dollars   C.efforts   D.times 18.A.sight   B.pride   C.act   D.sense 19.A.and   B.or   C.but   D.so 20.A.giver   B.helper   C.receiver   D.donator 答案      [语篇解读] 本文为记叙文。人们往往重视做好事、给予别人好处,而作者却认为, 做一个接受者,接受别人的恩惠也非常重要。给对方一个做好事的机会,会给对方 带来快乐。 1.C 根据下文I had a wonderful interaction(互动) this past week可知,作者近来花费 (spending)更多的时间跟处境艰难的人相处。故选C项。 2.B  根据下文a gentleman who had bad luck可知,作者最近交往的人是一些不太幸 运的(fortunate)人。故选B 项。 3.A  根据下文being the receiver of kindness可知,作者与一位男士交流,有了一次做 善意的接受者的机会(chance)。故选A项。 4.D  根据上文who had bad luck可知,此人目前处境困难(trouble)。故选D项。 5.A  根据上文We were just talking for a while可知,作者跟这人仅仅谈了一会儿就 相互了解了(know),故选A项。 6.B 根据下文a hamburger at the nearby fast food restaurant可知,这人想在附近的快 餐店里给作者买(buy)一个汉堡。故选B项。 7.D 根据下文 that he let me buy him a meal可知,要是在那天以前,作者会坚持(in- sisted)为对方买。故选D项。 8.A 上文提到这人处境艰难,他应该比作者更需要(need)帮助。故选A项。 9.C 根据下文being a good receiver, too可知,作者的经验让他明白了做一个好的接 受者的重要性(importance)。故选C项。 10.B  根据此处上下文的So I told him if he...wanted to do...可知,如果此人真的(re- ally)想买,作者就愉快地接受。故选B项。 11.A  根据下文to share a meal with him可知,如果真的要请他,作者会很高兴(hap- py)与其一块用餐。故选A项。 12.D  根据下文something like that可知,此人很高兴能够做(do)那样的事情。故选 D项。 13.C  根据上文He was so happy可知,就餐期间,此人一直面带微笑(smiling)。故选 C项。 14.B 根据下文the wonderful feeling of someone's giving可知,作者能带走(take away)一个人给予的奇妙感觉,感到很高兴。故选B项。 15.C  根据下文some great conversation可知,交谈自然是相互的。故选C项。 16.D  根据此处的上下文I could see it...so much to him可知,作者能看得出,这对他 意义重大。故选D项。 17.B  根据常识可知,几美元(dollars)才能买到汉堡。故选B项。 18.D  根据前后文的felt with a wonderful...of connection and gratitude可知,作者有 一种奇妙的连接和感激的感觉(sense)。故选D项。 19.C  根据上文It's not only fun to be a receiver of kindness可知,此处是not only... but (also)...句型。故选C项。 20.A 此处指这也让别人有机会成为给予者(giver)。故选A项。 Cloze 2 (201 9 河南郑州模拟)   ▶ 记叙文 A few days ago I was sitting in a Thai restaurant enjoying a meal when I got a phone call from a friend I hadn't spoken to for a long time. In my enthusiasm and  1     I talked slightly louder than usual voice and in Spanish, my mother tongue. A few minutes into the  2     , a lady sitting at the table beside mine got up, seemingly  3     , and asked the restaurant staff to relocate her to a table as far away as possible from the man who seemed to be  4     . I sank in my seat out of  5     . I ended the call soon afterwards and felt the urge to go over and  6     . Before getting up I looked around to see where she was,  7     , at the table furthest away from me. I noticed that the lady was  8     and staring out of the window. I  9     a tinge (一丝) of sadness — perhaps a desire for aloneness and peace. But I had  10     destroyed it minutes earlier. Right then I  11     my plan for a conventional apologetic gesture. Seeing the Smile Cards in my wallet I took one out. On signing my restaurant bill I asked my server to    12     charge the lady's meal to my credit card and hand her the Smile Card instead of her bill. Did she take it the wrong way, I  13     ? Did she get confused? Did she refuse the ano - nymous (匿名的)  14     ? And so on. I just waited and felt nervous to learn the  15     . To my pleasant surprise, things  16     to be the best possible way. The waiter approached me in a stream of  17     , telling me, “In many times she had  18     here before, I had never seen the old lady smile as she did upon  19     the Smile Card and the $ 0 check. She thanked me even though I  20     that someone else did the job.” 1.A.anger   B.sorrow   C.nervousness   D.excitement 2.A.call   B.restaurant   C.discussion   D.interview 3.A.informed   B.cheered   C.offended   D.separated 4.A.impolite   B.happy   C.gentle   D.excited 5.A.enthusiasm   B.embarrassment C.disappointment   D.satisfaction 6.A.donate   B.cooperate   C.apologize   D.exchange 7.A.instead   B.indeed   C.again   D.also 8.A.moved   B.thankful   C.proud   D.alone 9.A.arranged   B.ignored   C.broke   D.detected 10.A.obviously   B.naturally   C.pleasantly   D.purposefully 11.A.prepared   B.abandoned   C.suggested   D.enjoyed 12.A.partly   B.eventually   C.secretly   D.formally 13.A.wondered   B.discouraged   C.expected   D.continued 14.A.service   B.point   C.advice   D.offer 15.A.approach   B.outcome   C.difference   D.reason 16.A.turned out   B.put out C.took out   D.made out 17.A.pity   B.doubt   C.joy   D.sorrow 18.A.quarreled   B.worked   C.smiled   D.dined 19.A.selling   B.receiving   C.making   D.wrapping 20.A.explained   B.suspected   C.argued   D.complained 答案      [语篇解读] 本文为记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者几天前在餐厅用餐时发生的事 情。作者当时由于接到了很久未联系的朋友的电话而声音略大,使得坐在附近的一 位女士要求调换座位远离作者。作者这才觉得自己打扰了他人。最后作者通过匿 名付账以及送微笑卡的方式向对方道歉。 1.D 根据and之前的enthusiasm可知作者此时很热情,根据情理推断选择D项,表示 作者此时心情很激动才导致说话声音有点大。anger 生气;sorrow 悲痛,悔恨;ner- vousness 紧张;excitement 兴奋。 2.A 根据第一句中when I got a phone call from a friend可知,作者此时在接电话。 故选A项。 call 电话;restaurant 餐馆;discussion 讨论;interview采访。 3.C 根据下文可知这位女士要求坐到远离作者的位置,故此时由于作者大声打电 话,这位女士感到不快。故选C项,这位女士似乎感到很气愤。 offended气愤的。 4.A 根据上文可知这位女士要求坐到远离作者的位置,因此这里是说他是不礼貌 的。故选A项。impolite不礼貌的。 5.B 根据上文可知这位女士感到很气愤,故要求坐到远离作者的位置上去。根据 常理,作者此时听到这样的话应该感到尴尬,不好意思。故选B项。enthusiasm 热情; embarrassment 尴尬;disappointment 失望;satisfaction 满意。 6.C 根据常理,作者冒犯了别人,感到不好意思,应该去道歉。故选C项。 donate 捐 赠;cooperate 合作;apologize 道歉;exchange 交换。 7.B 根据上文的asked the restaurant staff to relocate her to a table as far away as pos- sible from the man可知,这位女士要求远离作者,而此时作者发现她坐在离自己最远 的地方,故选B项,表示“的确如此”。instead 代替;indeed 确实,的确;again 又;also 也。 8.D 根据下文的perhaps a desire for aloneness and peace可知选D,表示“独自一 人”。 moved 感动的;thankful 感激的;proud 自豪的;alone 独自的。 9.D 根据下文的a tinge(气息) of sadness可知选D最为恰当,表示作者觉察到了一种 悲伤的气息。arrange 安排;ignore 忽视;break 打破;detect 发现,洞察。 10.A  通过上文可知 , 作者接电话时打扰了这位女士 , 而这位女士正希望得到平 静。故选 A 项 , 意为作者明显打扰了这份平静。 obviously 明显地 ;naturally 自然地 ; pleasantly 愉悦地 ;purposefully 故意地。 11.B 根据上文I ended the call soon afterwards and felt the urge to go over and apol- ogize.可知作者想要去道歉,但是下文说作者并未这样做,故选B项,指放弃这一计 划。 prepare 准备;abandon放弃,遗弃;suggest 建议,暗示;enjoy享受。 12.C 根据下文的Did she refuse the anonymous(匿名的)  14     ?可知这是匿名的。 故选C项,秘密地为这位女士结账。partly 部分地;eventually 最终地;secretly 秘密地; formally 正式地。 13.A  通过一系列的问号可知 , 这是作者内心所想的 , 故选 A 项。 wonder 想知道 ; dis - courage 使沮丧 ;expect 期待 ;continue 继续。 14.D  对于这位女士而言 , 这是别人提供给她的 , 故选 D 项。 service 服务 ;point 意图 , 目的 ;advice 建议 ;offer 提供 , 给予。 15.B 通过上文可知,作者悄悄地为那位女士结账还赠送了一张微笑卡以表示自己 的歉意。而此时作者在这儿焦急地等待,其实是想知道事情的结果是什么。故选B 项。 approach 途径,方法;outcome 结果;difference 区别,区分;reason 理由。 16.A 根据此空后面的to be选择A,构成短语 turn out to be,意为“证明是;结果是”。 put out 扑灭;take out 取出,拿出;make out 理解,辨认出。 17.C  根据下文的 I had never seen the old lady smile as she did 可知 , 服务员从未看到 女士像这样笑 , 故此时服务员也很开心 , 选择 C 项。 pity 同情 , 遗憾 ;doubt 怀疑 ;joy 高 兴 , 愉快 ;sorrow 后悔。 18.D  通过常识可知 , 在餐馆应该是进餐 , 故选 D 项。 quarrel 吵架 ;work 工作 ;smile 微笑 ;dine 吃饭。 19.B 根据上文可知,这个卡片是作者送给这位女士的,故对于这位女士而言,应该 是收到卡片。故选B项。sell卖;receive 收到;make 制作;wrap 包装。 20.A 此处指服务员向这位女士解释是其他人为她做的,故选A。explain解释;sus- pect怀疑;argue 争论;complain抱怨。 Cloze 3 (2019山东济南模拟)   ▶ 记叙文 I grew up with two elder sisters.If I wasn't courteous(有礼貌的)to them,they'd fix me.So courtesy wasn't really  1     in my childhood home. My sisters  2     every chance to train me how to be a courteous  3     .They made me open doors for them or help them into their  4     at dinner. Years later I went away to college.The first time I walked into the library,I no ticed a woman walking behind me and I   5     the door open for her.   6     ,she glared at me,asking loudly,“Do you think that because I'm a woman I'm not   7     enough to open a door for myself?”She slammed( 摔 )the door shut, leaving me astonished and   8     .My face burned with   9     .I decided   1 0     that there would be no more courtesy! As I stood there,another lady  11     the door,her arms  12     with textbooks. Instinctively(本能地)I  13     to open the door for her.  14     I realized what I had done,I prepared myself for shouts.However,I received a warm smile and a look of  15     . “ Thanks!”she said brightly.“It's nice to see we still have a few gentlemen around here!” Of course,if I were REALLY a gentleman,I would have  16     to help with her books.Despite this,I appreciated the good  17     I got from performing all act of simple courtesy.To do otherwise would be to  18     my lifetime of training. Courtesy brings pleasant,refreshing light to our lives whether we are the giver, the  19     or just an interested observer.Courtesy doesn't  20     change our lives, but it can certainly transform the way we feel about life. 1.A.important   B.available C.delightful   D.optional 2.A.made the most of   B.got ready for C.gave way to   D.put forward 3.A.colleague   B.assistant C.companion   D.gentleman 4.A.dresses   B.chairs C.dishes   D.mouths 5.A.answered   B.unlocked C.held   D.forced 6.A.Instead   B.Even so C.Unexpectedly  D.Sure enough 7.A.strong   B.confident C.courageous   D.experienced 8.A.impatient   B.speechless C.anxious   D.desperate 9.A.fear   B.excitement C.embarrassment   D.envy 10.A.in advance  B.in a flash C.once more   D.by chance 11.A.approached  B.passed C.pulled   D.entered 12.A.surrounded  B.crowded C.covered   D.overloaded 13.A.regretted   B.refused C.reached   D.hesitated 14.A.Until   B.Although C.In case   D.The moment 15.A.doubt   B.relief C.guilt   D.curiosity 16.A.offered   B.agreed C.promised   D.waited 17.A.thought   B.process C.feeling   D.advice 18.A.correspond with   B.lead to C.go against   D.hold on to 19.A.judge   B.receiver C.loser   D.reporter 20.A.necessarily   B.normally C.casually   D.naturally 答案     [语篇解读] 本文是一篇记叙文。作者小时候,姐姐们就教育他要有礼貌,要 做一名绅士。上大学时,一次作者主动为女士开门,却被指责歧视女性,这让 他非常尴尬。但另一位女士对作者的礼貌行为表示感激,这让他感觉到礼貌 不一定会改变我们的生活,但一定能改变我们感知生活的方式。 1.D 根据前一句(如果我对她们不礼貌,她们就会修理/惩罚我。)可知:在作 者童年时期,礼节对他来说并非选修的(optional)。important重要的;available 有空的,可以得到的;delightful高兴的。 2.A 句意:我的姐姐们充分利用(made the most of)每一个机会来培训我成为 一个有礼貌的绅士。get ready for为 …… 做好准备;give way to让 …… 先行;put forward提出。 3.D 根据倒数第二段中的“gentleman”可知答案为D项。colleague同事; assistant助手;companion同伴。 4.B 为了让弟弟更绅士,姐姐们训练他为她们开门,用餐前帮她们入座 (chairs)。dress衣服;dish盘子;mouth嘴巴。 5.C 根据第二段中“They made me open doors for them”可知作者受过姐 姐们的训练,当看见后面有一位女士要进门时,他主动帮她拉住门(held the door open)。answer回答;unlock打开;hold握住,保持;force强迫。 6.C 根据后文“Do you think that because I'm a woman”可知对方指责作者 歧视女性,这是作者没有预料到的,故答案为C项。instead相反,而不是;even so 即使如此;unexpectedly出乎意料地,意外地;sure enough确实,果然。 7.A 你是不是认为因为我是女性就连自己开门的力气都没有?strong强壮 的;confident有信心的;courageous勇敢的;experienced有经验的。 8.B 对方摔门离开,让我十分惊讶也无言以对(speechless)。impatient不耐烦 的;anxious焦虑的;desperate绝望的,渴望的。 9.C 作者好心帮助她,却被对方误解,这让作者十分尴尬。fear恐惧;excite- ment兴奋,激动;embarrassment尴尬;envy嫉妒。 10.B  句意:刹那间(in a flash),我决定以后不再对别人有礼貌了!in advance 提前;once more再一,又一;by chance偶然。 11.A 根据下文作者本能地为她拉住门,说明对方正走近(approached)门。 pass通过;pull拉;enter进入。 12.D 句意:当我站在那儿时,另外一位女士向大门走来,怀里抱着课本。sur- round包围;crowd使 …… 拥挤;cover覆盖;overload使 …… 负担过重。D项突出 强调对方手里的书非常多,故答案为D项。 13.C 句意:我本能地伸手(reached)为她开门。regret后悔,遗憾;refuse拒绝; hesitate犹豫。故C项正确。 14.D 句意:我一(The moment)意识到自己所做的事时,就做好了被吼的准 备。until直到 …… 才 …… ;although尽管;in case以防。 15.B  句意:然而我得到的是温暖的微笑和欣慰的表情。doubt怀疑;relief欣 慰;guilt内疚;curiosity好奇。故B项正确。 16.A 假如我真是一位绅士,就该主动(offered)帮助对方拿书(而不是只帮她 开门而已)。agree同意;promise承诺;wait等待。 17.C 我礼节性的举手之劳就获得了这么美好的感觉(feeling),我感到很享 受。thought想法;process过程;advice建议。 18.C 句意:如果我没那么做就违背了(go against)我有生以来受过的培训。 correspond with与 …… 一致;lead to导致;hold on to紧握,不放开。 19.B 根据前面的giver可知本空应为receiver。句意:不管我们是给予者、接 受者(receiver)或只是感兴趣的旁观者,礼节都会给我们的生活带来宜人的、 清新的光芒。judge裁判;loser失败者;reporter记者。 20.A 礼节未必(not necessarily)改变我们的生活,但它一定能改变我们感知 生活的方式。necessarily必要地;normally正常地;casually随意地;naturally自 然地。 题组二 Cloze 1 (2019山东烟台模拟)   ▶ 记叙文 I always come across random acts of kindness in my life. Many years ago, I was  1     Costa Rica when I found myself in an  2     situation: my credit cards and bank cards went out of  3     abroad, and I only had $5 to my  4     . I had no way to get money. I didn't know anybody in this country. I only knew basic Spanish, and besides the cash the only   5     I had was a return ticket to my country in almost two   6     . Back then, there was no such thing as mobile phones, and   7     email was very limited. To find help, I decided to go to the countryside. With the only coins I had, I  8     the bus terminal(终点站)and found a village, which  9     almost the exact amount. About 4 hours later, I arrived at Santa Rosa Abajo at midnight. I knocked door to door,  10     in my very poor Spanish that I was a foreigner travelling in Costa Rica with no money but I  11     to stay here for over ten days. I begged them for a  12     —such as cooking, cleaning and looking after their kids. Everybody  13     , “Oh my, but so poor are we that we have no  14     food or space. Maybe you can try the next  15     .” And they'd point me to another house.   16     , I arrived at a Chinese restaurant. The owner of the restaurant was very   17     . She gave me food and called the Red Cross to come to   18     me. With the help of the Red Cross, I spent my   19     days in Costa Rica. This is one of the best trips I've ever had, because I realized that when you're in a position to be able to  20     help, it actually makes you feel happy. 1.A.circling   B.considering   C.entering   D.visiting 2.A.absurd   B.impossible   C.awkward   D.ordinary 3.A.use   B.range   C.control   D.date 4.A.advantage   B.wonder   C.name   D.credit 5.A.necessity   B.possession   C.memory   D.impression 6.A.hours   B.days   C.weeks   D.months 7.A.again   B.even   C.yet   D.thus 8.A.looked for   B.headed to   C.stayed at   D.thought of 9.A.created   B.earned   C.saved   D.cost 10.A.explaining   B.reminding C.apologizing   D.informing 11.A.managed   B.needed   C.failed   D.agreed 12.A.job   B.meal   C.room   D.conversation 13.A.accepted   B.nodded   C.replied   D.withdrew 14.A.extra   B.cheap   C.prepared   D.wasted 15.A.time   B.chance   C.family   D.restaurant 16.A.Normally   B.Naturally   C.Directly   D.Finally 17.A.sensible   B.rich   C.confident   D.generous 18.A.rescue   B.comfort   C.interview   D.encourage 19.A.frightening   B.training C.exciting   D.remaining 20.A.understand   B.receive C.refuse   D.give 答案      [语篇解读] 作者在哥斯达黎加陷入困境,他只好挨家挨户地求助,最后得到好心人 救助,这让他深受感动。 1.D 句意:多年以前,我访问哥斯达黎加的时候,发现自己身陷尴尬的境地:我的信 用卡和银行卡在国外无法使用,我只有五美元。根据后文可知,作者去国外访问,故 选D项。 2.C absurd荒谬的;impossible不可能的;awkward尴尬的;ordinary普通的。根据语 境可知,作者的处境很尴尬。 3.A 根据abroad可知,作者当时在国外,因此不能使用银行卡和信用卡,故选A项。 out of use不被使用。 4.C to one's name某人拥有,此处指作者身上仅有的现金,故C项正确。 5.B 除了现金,我唯一有的就是一张返程票。necessity必需品;possession所有物; memory记忆;impression印象。 6.C 根据下文I was a foreigner travelling in Costa Rica with no money but I  11     to stay here for over ten days可知,作者要在哥斯达黎加停留十天以上,故返程票是两 周之后的。 7.B 句意:那个时候,没有像手机这样的东西,甚至电子邮件都很有限。分析语境可 知选B项(甚至)。 8.B  带着身上仅有的硬币 , 我去了汽车终点站 , 找到一个村庄 , 这几乎花费了所有的 钱。 head to 前往。根据前文 To find help, I decided to go to the countryside 可知 , 作者 要去乡村寻求帮助,故选B项。 9.D create创造;earn挣;save挽救;节约;cost花费。根据文章可知,作者只有几个硬 币,因而乘车几乎花掉了所有的硬币。 10.A 句意:我挨家挨户地敲门,用很蹩脚的西班牙语解释我是一个在哥斯达黎加 旅行的外国人,身上没钱,但是我需要在这里待十天以上。根据语境可知,作者在寻 求帮助,故向对方解释自己的境况。 11.B   manage to do sth . 成功做成某事 ;need to do sth . 需要做某事 ;fail to do sth . 没能 做某事 ;agree to do sth . 同意做某事。作者向他人解释自己需要在这里住十几天 , 故 选 B 项。 12.A  句意 : 我祈求他们给我一份工作 , 比如做饭、打扫、照顾孩子。根据 such as 后的内容可知,作者在寻求一份工作。 13.C 句意:每个人都回答:“哎呀,但是我们都很穷,没有额外的食物和空间。也许 你可以去下一家试一试。”引号中为他人的回复,故C项正确。 14.A extra额外的;cheap便宜的;prepared准备好的;wasted白费的。 15.C 根据And they'd point me to another house.可知,大家都拒绝了作者的请求,让 他去下一家试试。 16.D  句意 : 最后 , 我来到了一家中餐馆。 normally 正常地 ;naturally 自然地 ;directly 直 接地 ;finally 最终。 17.D  句意 : 餐馆老板非常慷慨。根据后文可知 , 中餐馆老板慷慨地救助了作者 , 故 选 D 项。 18.A 句意:她给了我吃的,还打电话给红十字会来救我。rescue拯救;comfort安慰; interview面试;encourage鼓舞。 19.D 句意:在红十字会的帮助下,我度过了在哥斯达黎加的剩余的日子。remain- ing剩余的。 20.B 句意:这是我最美好的旅行之一,因为我意识到,当你处在一个能够获得别人 帮助的境地时,这的确让你感到愉快。根据作者获得别人帮助的经历可知答案为B项。 Cloze 2 (2018 广东佛山高三教学质检二 )   ▶ 记叙文 On June 23, 1970, I had just left the army after completing my one-year duty in Viet- nam . I was on a   1     returning home in Texas. I had been warned about the   2     of our fellow countrymen. There was no  3     welcome for us when we came home from that unpopular war. I sat, in uniform, in a window seat,  4     eye contact with my fellow passengers. No one was sitting next to me, which added to my  5     . A little girl suddenly appeared in the passage. She  6     and, without saying a word,  7     handed me a magazine. I accepted her  8     , her quiet “welcome home”. All I could say was, “Thank you.” Her small gesture of  9     was the first I had experienced in a long time. I always believe in the connection between   10     when they reach out to one another. That girl   11     has no memory of what happened years ago. She might have been told to do that by her mother. It doesn't matter   12     she gave me the magazine. The   13      thing is that she did. Since then, I have followed her example and tried in different ways for different people, to  14     for them. Like me on that plane ride long ago, they will  15     know why a stranger gave a hand. But I absolutely know that my  16     since then are all because of that little girl. Her kindness of offering a magazine to a  17     , scared and lonely soldier has been  18     throughout my life. I have to believe that my small  19     have the same effect on others. And to that little girl, now a  20     , I would like to say again: thank you. 1.A.bus   B.train   C.plane   D.boat 2.A.stories  B.difficulties C.unfriendliness   D.enthusiasm 3.A.hometown   B.school   C.cold   D.immediate 4.A.seeking   B.noticing   C.keeping   D.avoiding 5.A.pride   B.loneliness   C.anger   D.excitement 6.A.smiled   B.listened C.turned around   D.bent down 7.A.naturally   B.proudly   C.shyly   D.worriedly 8.A.offer   B.donation   C.accompany   D.contact 9.A.invitation   B.sympathy   C.agreement   D.inspiration 10.A.soldiers   B.strangers   C.families   D.girls 11.A.similarly   B.finally   C.immediately   D.undoubtedly 12.A.when   B.how   C.why   D.where 13.A.memorable   B.satisfactory C.important   D.valuable 14.A.do the same  B.find a seat C.get things ready  D.pass a magazine 15.A.always   B.never   C.happily   D.obviously 16.A.feelings   B.ideas   C.models   D.attempts 17.A.busy   B.young   C.excited   D.tired 18.A.accepted   B.spread   C.honored   D.neglected 19.A.actions   B.benefits  C.donations   D.sacrifices 20.A.stranger   B.wife   C.mother   D.woman 答案      [语篇解读] 作者参加了一场不得人心的战争——越南战争。在从越南回到美国 的飞机上,没人坐在作者身边,但一个小女孩给作者送去了一本杂志,并说“欢迎回 家”,这是作者好长时间没有得到过的“同情”,非常感激。从那时起,作者以她为 榜样,尝试以不同的方式对待不同的人,为他们做同样的事情。他相信他的小小行 为会对别人也有同样的效果。 1.C 根据I had just left the army after completing my one-year duty in Vietnam以及 最后一段中Like me on that plane ride long ago可知选C项。 2.C  根据下文 There was no   3     welcome for us when we came home from that unpopular war. 可知 , 我曾被警告过我们同胞的不友好。故选 C 项。 story 故事 ; diffi - culty困难;unfriendliness不友好;enthusiasm热情。 3.A 根据when we came home from that unpopular war可知,家乡不欢迎我们。故选 A项。 4.D 我穿着制服,坐在靠窗的座位上,避免和其他乘客有目光接触。seek寻找;no- tice注意到;keep保持;avoid避免。 5.B 没人坐在作者身边,这增加了他的孤独感。故选B项。pride骄傲;loneliness 孤 独;anger 生气;excitement兴奋。 6.A  根据常识可推断既然小女孩欢迎我那么就应面带微笑。 smile 微笑 ;listen 听 ; turn around 转过身 ;bend down 弯腰。 7.C  根据下文 her quiet “welcome home” 可推断小女孩害羞地递给我一本杂志。 naturally 自然地;proudly 自豪地;shyly害羞地;worriedly担心地。 8.A 作者接受了小女孩的杂志,她静静的“欢迎回家”。offer 提供,给予;donation 捐款;accompany陪伴;contact接触。 9.B 根据上文的No one was sitting next to me可知,这是作者长时间没有体验过的 “同情”。故选B项。invitation邀请;sympathy同情;agreement同意;inspiration鼓舞。 10.B  根据我和小女孩的一面之缘可推断 , 当陌生人互相接触的时候 , 我总是相信 陌生人之间的联系。 stranger 陌生人。 11.D  那个女孩无疑对数年前发生的事情没有记忆。 similarly 相似地 ;finally 最后 ; immediately 立刻 ;undoubtedly 毋庸置疑地。 12.C 她给我杂志的原因并不重要,重要的是她做了。 13.C 解析见上题。memorable 难忘的;satisfactory满意的;important 重要的;valu- able有价值的。 14.A 从那时起,我以她为榜样,尝试以不同的方式对待不同的人,为他们做同样的 事情。do the same做同样的(事);find a seat 找到一个座位;get things ready把事情准 备好;pass a magazine传递一本杂志。 15.B  就像很久以前我在飞机上一样 , 他们永远不会知道为什么一个陌生人会伸出 援助之手。 always 总是 ;never 从不 ;happily 高兴地 ;obviously 明显地。 16.D  但我绝对知道 , 从那以后 , 我的努力都是因为那个小女孩。 feelings 情感 ;idea 主意 ;model 模型 ;attempt 尝试 , 努力。 17.D 根据上文可判断当时我很疲惫。故选D项。busy 忙碌的;young 年轻的;ex- cited 兴奋的;tired劳累的。 18.B 她把一本杂志给一个疲惫的、恐惧的和孤独的士兵的善举感染了我的一 生。accept接受;spread传播;honor尊重;neglect忽视。 19.A 我必须相信,我的小小行为对别人也有同样的效果。故选A。action行动; benefit利益;donation 捐献;sacrifice牺牲。 20.D 对于那个小女孩,现在是一个女人,我想再说一遍:谢谢。 Cloze 3 (2019河北唐山一模)   ▶ 记叙文 The stage lights dimmed, and I took a quick look from behind the heavy black curtains at the audience. Blinded by the lights, I quickly  1     . It seemed that a great number of eyes were looking at me. I took a deep  2     as the music of my dance began to play. I entered the stage and began my  3     , the graduation test of the classical Indian dance. After a decade of learning this art form, I had  4     been considered ready to take on the most difficult act. The test is the most important event in a dancer's life as it pays   5     to all the factors in one's life that   6     the dance form: one's culture and family. The performance is undertaken only by the most  7     and determined students. It is a difficult process that requires much  8     . For more than six months, I spent two to three hours every day  9     these dances. Many times, I  10     myself to my physical and mental breaking point, but still I would not stop. I could not give up. There was always so much more to do and so much more to  11     . I   12     a lot about myself in those tiring hours. I learned that I was far too   13     to give up, and I was too proud to prove myself   14     after I had set an unrealistic goal. Even with physical pain and mental   15     , I forced myself to meet my  16     . Even when I was at the end of my  17     , there was always something driving me on, forcing me not to give up. Fortunately, I made it. What I had done  18     the success. It was in those hours that I learned what a dancer  19     was. That time was evidence that I could     20     something I set out to do. 1.A.reached out  B.set off C.pulled back   D.broke away 2.A.sleep   B.breath C.thought   D.sorrow 3.A.career   B.attempt C.response   D.performance 4.A.eventually  B.easily C.absolutely   D.desperately 5.A.debt   B.respect C.interest   D.visit 6.A.develop   B.rescue C.introduce   D.promote 7.A.beautiful   B.focused C.intelligent   D.considerate 8.A.talent   B.strength C.comprehension D.commitment 9.A.recording   B.discussing C.practising   D.designing 10.A.pushed   B.devoted C.treated   D.applied 11.A.forget   B.design C.learn   D.research 12.A.discovered B.abandoned C.controlled   D.undertook 13.A.brilliant   B.brave C.stubborn   D.discouraged 14.A.careless   B.nervous C.frightened   D.wrong 15.A.function   B.stress C.level   D.action 16.A.budget   B.deadline C.expense   D.expectation 17.A.limit   B.purpose C.preparation   D.destination 18.A.increased  B.deserved C.expanded   D.exposed 19.A.completely  B.chiefly C.originally   D.truly 20.A.change   B.supply C.accomplish   D.explain 答案      [语篇解读] 本文是记叙文。文章讲述了“我”通过刻苦训练,顺利通过了舞蹈毕业考试。通过这次经历“我”认识了自我,并学到了很多宝贵的人生道理。 1.C 根据第一段第一句(舞台上的灯暗了下来,我从厚厚的黑色幕布后面快速地看了一眼观众。)可推知作者当时很紧张。再根据本句中“Blinded by the lights”(被灯照得睁不开眼)可推知作者本能地迅速往后退(pulled back),故答案为C项。reach out伸出;set off出发,开始;break away脱离。 2.B 根据前几句可知作者当时很紧张。为了缓解紧张心情,当舞曲响起时, 作者深深地吸了一口气(breath)。sleep睡眠;thought思想;sorrow难过。 3.D 句意:我登上舞台,开始了表演(performance)——印度古典舞蹈毕业考 试。career事业;attempt企图;response反应。 4.A 根据前面的“After a decade of learning this art form”可知答案为A 项。句意:学习这种艺术形式10年后,我终于(eventually)被认为准备好展示这 段最难的表演。easily容易地;absolutely绝对地;desperately绝望地。 5.B 句意:那次考试在一名舞者的生活中是最重要的事情,因为它会尊重(re- spect)一个人在一生中发展(develop)舞蹈形式的所有因素:一个人的文化和家 庭。debt债务;respect尊重; interest兴趣;visit访问。 6.A develop发展;rescue营救;introduce介绍;promote促进。 7.B 根据上段对于这次考试重要性的介绍以及本段作者准备这次考试的过 程介绍可知:这次表演只有那些最专注的(focused)和意志坚定的学生参加。 beautiful美丽的;intelligent智能的;considerate体贴的。 8.D 句意:这次表演并不容易,需要很多的投入(commitment)。talent天赋; strength力气,力量;comprehension理解。 9.C 句意:在半年多的时间里,我每天都用2至3个小时来练习(practising)舞 蹈。record记录;discuss讨论;design设计。 10.A 很多次,我都把自己逼到(pushed)身心的极限,但我还是不愿停下来。 devote献身;treat治疗;apply应用。 11.C 根据第四段第二句中的learned可知答案。句意:我不能放弃,总是有很 多事情要去做,很多东西要去学(learn)。forget忘记;design设计;research研究。 12.A 句意:在那些让人疲惫不堪的时间里,我发现了(discovered)很多关于自 己的东西。abandon抛弃;control控制;undertake承担。 13.C 句意:我认识到我过于固执(stubborn)而不愿去放弃。我也太过于骄 傲,以至于在我制定了不切实际的目标之后,也不会去证明自己是错误的 (wrong)。brilliant杰出的;brave勇敢的;discouraged丧失信心的。 14.D careless粗心的;nervous紧张不安的;frightened感到害怕的;wrong错误的。 15.B 句意:即使身体疼痛,精神上有压力(stress),我也要迫使自己达到自己的 预期(expectation)。function功能;level水平;action行动。 16.D budget预算;deadline最后期限;expense消费;expectation期待。 17.A 即使到了极限(limit),也总有一些东西驱使着我向前,迫使我不放弃。 purpose目的;preparation准备;destination目的地。 18.B 幸运的是,我成功了。我所做过的一切都值了(deserved)。increase增 长;expand扩大;expose暴露。 19.D 正是在那几个小时里我明白了什么才是真正的舞者。completely完全 地;chiefly主要地;originally最初;truly真实地。 20.C 那段时间也证明了一旦我着手做某件事情就能完成(accomplish)它。 change改变;supply提供;explain解释。 拓展提升练 题组一 Cloze 1 (2019北京海淀模拟)   ▶ 夹叙夹议 When I was a kid, my parents sent me to a summer camp in New Hampshire. At the camp we did tons of great things like swimming, sports and archery(箭术), but for me, the most memorable  1     was an overnight trip of mountain climbing. If you've ever  2     a mountain, you know it's a physical challenge,  3     when you're carrying your food and shelter on your back. When campers got  4     they certainly started complaining. “How much farther is it?” “I can't go any farther.” “My  5     is too heavy. Can you carry it for me?” The reply of the  6     was, “Suck it up.” The truth is that the complaining campers were  7     near the point of  8     . If they had been, the teachers would have noticed the  9     and given them care. The kids simply weren't used to the physical challenge. Once they realized they weren't getting any sympathy they  10     the discomfort, and in most cases  11     having a great time. I don't  12     a single camper complaining at the  13     of the mountain. There are two ways to deal with an  14     situation. You can complain, or you can make the best of it. If you complain, you might feel like you're getting that  15     en ergy out, but you're probably not going to cause a positive change. It's much more likely that your complaining will cause the  16     of those around you. No one likes a complainer. They're  17     and they hurt the group. Complaining makes life  18     for everyone. Instead, if you determine to master your own  19     , move past it and focus on a  20     , it's my experience that you'll realize it wasn't bad in the first place. 1.A.experience   B.behaviour C.occasion   D.situation 2.A.seen   B.reached   C.climbed   D.described 3.A.especially   B.normally   C.obviously   D.naturally 4.A.ashamed   B.tired   C.puzzled   D.shocked 5.A.food   B.water   C.shelter   D.backpack 6.A.parents   B.teachers   C.guides   D.partners 7.A.somewhere   B.anywhere   C.nowhere   D.everywhere 8.A.camp   B.exhaustion   C.mountain   D.destination 9.A.signs   B.activities   C.gestures   D.scenes 10.A.shared   B.understood   C.suffered   D.overcame 11.A.couldn't help  B.ended up C.insisted on   D.gave up 12.A.recall   B.forget   C.disturb   D.forgive 13.A.foot   B.top   C.back   D.base 14.A.unbelievable  B.unexpected C.unusual   D.unpleasant 15.A.great   B.spare   C.negative   D.potential 16.A.dislike   B.respect   C.sympathy   D.enthusiasm 17.A.amazing   B.shocking C.worrying   D.annoying 18.A.poorer   B.harder   C.easier   D.better 19.A.life   B.mind   C.suffering   D.mistake 20.A.trip   B.plan   C.solution   D.dream 答案     [语篇解读] 作者通过自己爬山的经历悟出了一个道理:面对困难不停地抱怨对自 己、对他人都没有好处,事实上问题也没有那么糟糕。 1.A 根据下文可知,文章叙述了自己彻夜爬山的经历,故A项正确。 2.C 根据上文和下文的you know it's a physical challenge可知,这是有过爬山经历 的人才知道的,故C项正确。 3.A 此处起到了补充说明的作用。爬山是对体力的挑战,尤其是当你背着食物和 遮蔽物时。especially尤其;特别。 4.B 爬山是对体力的挑战,根据“我不能继续走了”的抱怨,可以得知野营员们累 了的时候就开始抱怨。 5.D 根据上文提到的your food and shelter on your back可知,有人说“我的背包太 重了。你能帮我背吗?”,其余选项只是背包中的部分物品,故排除。 6.B 根据下文中的the teachers可知。 7.C 根据下文The kids simply weren't used to the physical challenge.可知,抱怨的野 营员们远没有筋疲力尽,他们只是不适应这种对体力的挑战。nowhere为否定副词, nowhere near远没有。 8.B 爬山是对体力的挑战,故B项正确。exhaustion筋疲力尽。 9.A 根据given them care可知,如果老师发现他们有筋疲力尽的迹象时会照料他们 的。sign迹象。 10.D 他们一旦意识到不会得到同情时,就会克服不适。overcome克服。 11.B 根据语境可知,野营员们抱怨之后得不到同情就会克服不适,大部分情况下 最终会度过一段快乐时光,故B项正确。end up doing sth.以做某事结束。 12.A 句意:我不记得有任何一个野营员在山顶抱怨。 13.B 此处指“山顶”,故B项正确。 14.D 下文介绍了应对不愉快的情况的两种方式,故unpleasant正确。 15.C 根据语境可知,抱怨的人也许觉得释放了负能量,但不太可能带来积极的改 变。negative否定的;负的;消极的。 16.A 由下句No one likes a complainer.可知,抱怨会让周围的人反感,故dislike正确。 17.D They指代抱怨的人,他们令人讨厌、有损集体。annoying令人讨厌的。 18.B 此处叙述抱怨的害处:抱怨让每个人的生活都更加艰难(harder)。 19.C 根据上文的discomfort可知用suffering“苦难”。 20.C 根据语境可知,遇到苦难时要专心解决它,故用solution。 Cloze 2 (2019湖北十堰高三模拟试题)   ▶ 夹叙夹议 It was my first year of graduate school and my professor was standing on the platform. He was telling us about a  1     he made years ago. About a decade earlier, my professor had been a sales manager at a large company. They were  2     a national campaign and preparing for a major brand launch. My professor was  3     the operation. For almost two months before the launch day, he was  4     all over the country to talk with major partners.   5     crossing the country on flights, he was also trying to   6     his department. For weeks he would have meetings all day, answer   7     and phone calls all night, and   8     three or four hours of sleep. The week before the big launch day, his body  9     . He had to be rushed to the hospi- tal. Major organs had started to  10     from the long-term stress. He spent the next eight days in hospital,  11     to do anything as the launch day came and went. Imagine that your  12     and energy are a bucket of water. In your daily life, there are things that  13     your bucket up. These are inputs like sleep, nutrition, laughter, and other forms of  14     . There are also forces that drain(使排出) the water from your bucket. These are  15     like stress from work or school, relationship problems, or other forms of anxiety. The forces that drain your bucket aren't all  16     . To live a productive life, it can be important to have some things  17     out of your bucket. Working hard in the gym, at school, or at the office allows you to produce something  18     . But positive outputs are still outputs and they drain your energy  19     . These outputs are gradual. Even a little leak can result in significant water loss  20     time. 1.A.prediction   B.decision   C.fortune   D.mistake 2.A.at the end of   B.in the middle of C.at the mercy of  D.on the way to 3.A.sponsoring   B.leading   C.assisting   D.adopting 4.A.researching  B.driving   C.flying   D.inspecting 5.A.Before   B.Though   C.While   D.Since 6.A.run   B.promote   C.expand   D.observe 7.A.emails   B.charges   C.problems   D.doors 8.A.pull in   B.squeeze in C.take in   D.bring in 9.A.gave up   B.gave in C.gave out   D.gave away 10.A.disappear   B.suffer   C.function   D.fail 11.A.ready   B.unwilling   C.eager   D.unable 12.A.health   B.status   C.success   D.reputation 13.A.break   B.pack   C.fill   D.cover 14.A.rest   B.recovery C.entertainment   D.accommodation 15.A.restrictions   B.consequences C.examples   D.outputs 16.A.uncontrollable   B.unpredictable C.uncomfortable  D.unfavorable 17.A.flowing   B.slipping C.escaping   D.growing 18.A.typical   B.valuable   C.casual   D.exotic 19.A.suddenly   B.surprisingly   C.partly   D.thoroughly 20.A.over   B.beyond   C.after   D.before 答案      [语篇解读] 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者通过分享自己的教授当年因过度劳累 而使身体出问题,进而影响了重要工作的故事来告诫我们:凡事要劳逸结合。 1.D prediction预测;decision决定;fortune大笔的钱;mistake错误。根据下文内容可 知,作者的教授讲述了自己当年犯下的不注意劳逸结合的错误(mistake)。故选D。 2.B at the end of在 …… 结束时;be in the middle of忙于 …… ;at the mercy of任由 … … 摆布;on the way to在去 …… 的路上。他们正忙于一项全国性的活动。 3.B sponsor赞助;lead领导;assist协助;adopt采纳。根据下文描述的教授与重要合 伙人洽谈、整天开会等忙碌的情形可推知,教授领导这项业务。故选B。 4.C research研究;drive开车;fly飞行;inspect检查。根据下文中的crossing the coun- try on flights可知,教授乘飞机在全国奔波。故选C。 5.C before在 …… 之前;though尽管;while当 …… 时;since自从。在乘飞机飞往全国 各地工作的期间,他还努力管理着自己的部门。故选C。 6.A run奔跑,管理;promote提升;expand扩展;observe观察。run在此处表示“管理, 经营”。故选A。 7.A email邮件;charge收费;problem问题;door门。连续几周,他总是白天开会,晚上 回复电子邮件和接电话,并挤出三四个小时的时间睡觉。故选A。 8.B 见上题解析。pull in赚(钱);squeeze in挤出时间;take in吸收;bring in带来。故 选B。 9.C give up放弃;give in屈服;give out停止运行;give away赠送。根据下文中的He had to be rushed to the hospital.可知,长期超负荷工作导致教授身体垮掉,不得不住院 治疗。故选C。 10.D disappear消失;suffer遭受痛苦;function起作用;fail失败,失灵;衰退。长期的压 力致使他的主要器官已经开始衰竭。故选D。 11.D ready准备好的;unwilling不乐意的;eager渴望的;unable不能够的。教授在医 院里度过了接下来的八天,不能做任何事情。故选D。 12.A health健康;status地位;success成功;reputation名声。根据上文提到的关于教 授身体出问题的内容可知,此处表示设想你的健康和精力就像一桶水。故选A。 13.C break打破;pack打包;fill填满;cover覆盖。在日常生活中,各种事情把你的 “桶”填满。故选C。 14.B rest休息;recovery恢复;entertainment娱乐;accommodation食宿。根据空前的 sleep, nutrition, laughter可知,空处所填词应能涵盖以上词语,指能填满你的“桶”的 东西(即恢复健康和精力的东西),故选B。 15.D restriction限制;consequence结果;example例子;output输出。前面提到了in- puts,根据空后的stress, relationship problems可知,空处所填词含义应与inputs的含义 相反,故选D。 16.D uncontrollable不可控的;unpredictable不可预测的;uncomfortable不舒服的;un- favorable不宜的。让你的“桶”中的水往外流的力量不都是不宜的,故选D。 17.A flow流动;slip滑倒;escape逃跑;grow生长。这里把释放压力形象地比喻成让 某些东西从桶中流出来。故选A。 18.B typical典型的;valuable有价值的;casual随意的;exotic有毒的。此处指你可以 产出一些有价值的东西,故选B。 19.C suddenly突然地;surprisingly令人惊讶地;partly部分地,一定程度上;thoroughly 彻底地。但是积极的输出仍然是输出,它们会一定程度上消耗你的精力。故选C。 20.A 甚至是一点点泄漏也能随着时间的推移导致显著的水分流失。over time随 着时间的推移,故选A。 Cloze 3 (2019湘赣十四校一次联考) ▶ 议论文 At a beautiful beach a little boy on his knees packs the sand into a bucket. He turns the bucket upside down and  1     it. To the  2     of the little architect, a castle tower is created. He works all afternoon packing the walls, building sentries(哨兵) with bottle tops and bridges with sticks. And a sandcastle will be built. In a big city with  3     streets and traffic, a man works in an office. He packs papers into piles, holds the phone between his  4     and shoulder and  5     the keyboard with his fingers. Contracts get signed and to the joy of the man, a  6     is made. His pension will be sentries and capital gains will be  7     . An em pire will be built. The two builders of the two castles have very much  8     . They both  9     smallness into greatness. They both make something beautiful out of  10     .And for both, the tide will rise and the  11     will come. Yet that is where the  12     stop. The little boy sees the end of his castle while the man  13     it. As the dusk approaches and waves near, the child  14     to his feet and begins to clap as the waves wash away his  15     . There is no sorrow, no  16     and no regret. He smiles and goes home. The man in his office is not very  17     like the child. As his empire is fading, heis terrified, trying to  18     it. “It's my castle!” he  19     at the incoming tide. Go ahead and build your dreams, but build with a child's heart. When the sun  20     and the tides take place, just applaud. Salute the process of life and go home with a smile. 1.A.kicks   B.lifts C.breaks   D.covers 2.A.surprise   B.relief C.amusement   D.delight 3.A.lonely   B.busy C.clean   D.empty 4.A.hand   B.neck C.arm   D.ear 5.A.fixes   B.touches C.hits   D.checks 6.A.profit   B.point C.record   D.wish 7.A.bridges   B.tools C.buckets   D.beaches 8.A.in hand   B.in common C.in need   D.in total 9.A.increase   B.cut C.shape   D.put 10.A.something  B.anything C.everything   D.nothing 11.A.award   B.victory C.future   D.end 12.A.similarities  B.competitions C.differences   D.changes 13.A.follows   B.accepts C.ignores   D.enjoys 14.A.jumps   B.struggles C.sticks   D.bends 15.A.dream   B.gift C.masterpiece   D.memory 16.A.excitement  B.hesitation C.fear   D.desire 17.A.wise   B.naughty C.curious   D.active 18.A.finish   B.protect C.improve   D.collect 19.A.glances   B.stares C.yells   D.points 20.A.sets   B.shines C.rises   D.burns 答案      [语篇解读] 本文为议论文。作者通过将男孩建造沙堡和一位男士建设商 业帝国相比较,介绍了他们的共同之处,也介绍了他们的不同之处,从而告诫 人们要带着一颗童心铸就自己的梦想,要享受生命的过程。 1.B 根据常识可知小男孩先用沙子将桶填满,然后将桶倒扣在地上,最后将 桶提起(lift),这样就可以做成一个塔楼。kick踢;break破坏;cover覆盖。 2.D 由下文“a castle tower is created”(塔楼建好了)可知:这会使小男孩儿 很高兴,故答案为D项。to the delight of sb.意为:令某人高兴的是 …… 。sur- prise惊喜;relief解脱;amusement消遣。 3.B 由本句中的“a big city”可知街道和交通是繁忙的(busy),此空与第一 段第一句中的beautiful形成对比。lonely寂寞的;clean干净的;empty空的。 4.D 根据常识可知当一个人忙碌时,接电话时往往会将电话放于耳朵和肩 膀之间(holds the phone between his ear and shoulder),以便腾出手做别的工 作。hand手;neck脖子;arm胳膊。 5.C 用手指敲击键盘用动词hit。touch的意思为“触碰”,不符合实际,故被 排除。fix修理;check检查。 6.A 合同签字生效,使这位男士高兴的是,一笔赢利(profit)就这样到手了。 point点;record记录;wish希望。 7.A 此句与第一段中的“building sentries(哨兵)with bottle tops and bridges with sticks”进行对比,作者将pension比作 “sentries”,将capital gains比作 “bridges”,故答案为A项。 8.B 根据后面三句可知作者要表达的意思是:这两座城堡的两个建筑者有 许多共同之处。have sth. in common“有共同之处”。in hand在手头;in need 需要;in total总共。 9.C 句意:他们都把渺小的塑造成伟大的。本句中shape为动词,意思是“塑 造”。increase增加;cut切;put放置。 10.D 句意:他们都是从一无所有(out of nothing)中创造出美丽的东西。 something某事;anything任何事;everything一切。 11.D 对于他们两个而言,潮水会涨起,一切都会结束。award奖品;victory胜利; future未来。 12.A 根据本句中的Yet可知前几句在讲小男孩儿和那位男士的相似之处,而本句为过渡句,表示:然而他们的相似处(similarities)就到此为止。competition比赛; difference不同;change变化。 13.C 从本句开始作者介绍小男孩儿和那位男士的不同。根据本句中的while (表对比),可知设空处与sees相对比,故答案为C项。句意:小男孩儿看到了城堡的终结,而那位男士却忽略了它。follow跟随;accept接受;ignore忽视; enjoy欣赏。 14.A 根据下文中的“There is no sorrow”及“He smiles and goes home”可知当海浪冲走他的杰作时,他一跃而起(jumps to his feet),开始鼓掌欢呼。struggle to his feet意为:挣扎着起来,不合本题要求,故被排除。stick和bend两个动词不和 “to his feet”构成短语,故全被排除。 15.C 根据第一段对小男孩儿的介绍可知,那座城堡就是小男孩儿的杰作 (masterpiece)。dream梦想;gift礼物;memory记忆。 16.C 根据本句中的“sorrow”“regret”可推知本题答案为C项(fear)。此外根据下一段第二句中(terrified)也可推出本题答案。excitement激动;hesitation犹豫; fear害怕;desire欲望。 17.A 根据下文那位男士的表现可知:那位男士不如那个小男孩儿明智(wise)。naughty调皮的;curious好奇的;active活跃的。 18.B 句意:随着他的帝国日渐衰落,他感到恐惧,并试图去保护(protect)它。 finish结束;improve改进;collect收集。 19.C 结合上文及引号里的内容可推知答案为C项。他对着即将到来的潮水大喊(yells):“那是我的城堡!”glance瞥见;stare盯着;point瞄准。 20.A 根据倒数第三段中“As the dusk approaches and waves near”(随着暮色临近,海浪临近)可推知答案。set落下;shine闪耀;rise上升;burn燃烧。 题组二 Cloze 1 ▶ 说明文 Using public toilets can sometimes be challenging.  1     researchers in China have come up with a new  2     that they say can help  3     a poisonous problem bothering public toilets: the overpowering odor( 恶臭 ). Unlike chemical solutions,   4     are expensive and can   5     the environment, the new biotreatment is being thought of as a cost-effective way of protecting the environment to   6     75 percent of the bad smell in bathrooms, according to researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The  7     behind the treatment lies in a special  8     of two types of bacteria as well as the elements of oranges. The prepared mixture, which comes in liquid or powder form, feeds on human waste when applied, thus  9     the growth of odor-making bacteria. How - ever, not yet available in  10     , the odor-killing technology is still undergoing  11     . Many experiments with the solution are being  12     in the Huanglong Nature Preserve and Jiuzhaigou National Park. We can see the technology is especially suited for use in the nonflushing ( 非冲水 ) toilets often found in these types of nature preserves, since water regulations in these areas are often very   13     and pipes are difficult to   14     . Portable bathrooms, while   15     ,are relatively expensive to maintain compared with the biosolution . “This way  16     can see that not only are your  17     nice, but the toilets and the other facilities at the site are pleasant as well and the technology has other  18     as well, such as the treatment of rubbish,” said the administrator of Jiuzhaigou National Park. If  19     to its effectiveness prove true, the technology is likely to be  20     by the Chinese health authorities. 1.A.Because   B.If   C.But   D.While 2.A.technology   B.way   C.machine   D.psychology 3.A.confirm   B.analyze  C.find out   D.deal with 4.A.which   B.they   C.that   D.those 5.A.benefit   B.protect   C.harm   D.influence 6.A.lead to   B.take in      C.keep out   D.make use of 7.A.identity   B.science   C.instruction   D.procedure 8.A.seed   B.poison   C.mixture   D.discovery 9.A.preventing   B.keeping  C.causing   D.forbidding 10.A.gardens   B.forests      C.homes   D.supermarkets 11.A.discussing   B.using   C.testing   D.analyzing 12.A.planned   B.simplified   C.classified   D.debated 13.A.strict   B.harmonious   C.drafted   D.canceled 14.A.polish   B.twist   C.make   D.fix 15.A.optional   B.clean   C.superb   D.convenient 16.A.lawyers   B.tourists   C.burglars   D.merchants 17.A.goods   B.animals   C.mountains   D.guides 18.A.phenomena  B.disadvantages      C.applications   D.characteristics 19.A.results   B.guesses   C.doubts   D.claims 20.A.accepted   B.refused   C.abandoned   D.banned 答案      [语篇解读] 本文为说明文。文章主要介绍了一种去除公厕恶臭的方法。 1.C 根据下文可知这种新方法能去除公厕的臭气,上下文构成转折关系,故选C。 2.A 根据第三段中“the odor-killing technology”与第四段中“the technology is especially suited for...”可知答案为A。 3.D 根据下文可知“新技术有助于解决或处理一个恶劣的问题”。A:确认;B:分 析;C:发现,查明;D:处理,应对。 4.A  此处考查非限制性定语从句,从句中缺主语,故使用关系代词which。 5.C 根据常识可知化学解决方案对环境有害。A:有利于;B:保护;C:伤害;D:影响。 6.B  新技术能够吸收厕所中75%的臭气。A:导致;B:吸收;C:(使)留在外面,扣留; D:利用。 7.B 这种处理方式背后的科学在于两种混合物质。 8.C 根据下文提示“The prepared mixture...”可知答案为C。 9.A 根据下文推理,此处指抑制产生臭气的细菌生长。A:阻止;B:保存,保持;C:导 致;D:禁止。 10.D 此处指这种产品还没在超市供应,故选D。 11.C 这种技术正在被测试,因此还不能应用到公共厕所。A:讨论;B:使用;C:测试; D:分析。 12.A 根据上题推断,有关测试正在风景区计划当中。 13.A 风景区的用水规定相当严格,水管也很难安装。A:严格的;B:和谐的;C:草拟; D:取消。 14.D 参照上一题解析。A:擦亮,润色;B:搓,捻,绕;C:制造;D:固定,修理,安装。 15.D 与生物处理办法相比,便携式厕所虽然方便但保养费用相对昂贵。A:可选择 的;B:干净的;C:极好的;D:方便的。 16.B 通过这个办法,游客会发现,不仅你这里的山美,景区的厕所和其他设施也很好。 17.C 参照上一题解析。 18.C  该技术还有其他用途 , 比如应用于垃圾处理。 A: 现象 ;B: 缺点 ;C: 应用 , 申请 ;D: 特色 , 特点。 19.D  根据上文推理 , 如果事实证明 , 关于其有效性的说法是真的 , 该技术可能会被 中国卫生机构全面采纳。 20.A 参照上一题解析。A:接受;B:拒绝;C:放弃;D:禁止。 Cloze 2 ▶ 议论文 In our modern world,when something wears out,we throw it away and buy a new one. The  1     is that countries around the world have growing mountains of  2     because people are throwing out more rubbish than ever before. How did we  3     a throwaway society? First of all,it is now easier to  4     an object than to spend time and money to repair it.  5     modern manufacturing (制造业) and technology,companies are able to produce products quickly and inexpensively.Products are plentiful and  6     . Another cause is our  7     of disposable (一次性的) products.As  8     people,we are always looking for  9     to save time and make our lives easier.Companies  10     thou - sands of different kinds of disposable products:paper plates,plastic cups,and cameras,to name a few. Our appetite for new products also  11     to the problem.We are  12     buying new things.Advertisements persuade us that  13     is better and that we will be happier with the latest products.The result is that we  14     useful possessions to make room for new ones. All around the world,we can see the   15     of this throwaway lifestyle.Mountains of rubbish just keep getting bigger.To   16     the amount of rubbish and to protect the   1 7     ,more governments are requiring people to recycle materials.  18     ,this is not enough to solve(解决) our problem. Maybe there is another way out.We need to repair our possessions  19     throwing them away.We also need to rethink our attitudes to  20     .Repairing our possessions and changing our spending habits may be the best way to reduce the amount of rubbish and take care of our environment. 1.A.key   B.reason   C.project   D.problem 2.A.gifts   B.rubbish   C.debt   D.products 3.A.face   B.become   C.observe   D.change 4.A.hide   B.control   C.replace   D.withdraw 5.A.Thanks to   B.As to   C.Except for   D.Regardless of 6.A.safe   B.funny   C.cheap   D.powerful 7.A.love   B.lack   C.prevention   D.division 8.A.sensitive   B.kind   C.brave   D.busy 9.A.ways   B.places   C.jobs   D.friends 10.A.donate   B.receive   C.produce   D.preserve 11.A.adapts   B.returns   C.responds   D.contributes 12.A.tired of    B.addicted to C.worried about   D.ashamed for 13.A.newer   B.stronger   C.higher   D.larger 14.A.pick up   B.pay for   C.hold onto   D.throw away 15.A.advantages   B.purposes C.functions   D.consequences 16.A.show   B.record   C.decrease   D.measure 17.A.technology   B.environment      C.consumers   D.brands 18.A.However   B.Otherwise   C.Therefore   D.Meanwhile 19.A.by   B.in favour of   C.after   D.instead of 20.A.spending   B.collecting   C.repairing   D.advertising 答案      [语篇解读] 本文为议论文,题材为环境保护类。在现代社会,随着科技的发展,人 们养成了随时丢弃东西的坏习惯。事实上,如果修补一下我们的所有物,我们就可 以减少大量的垃圾,保护好我们的环境。 1.D The problem is that...意为“问题在于 …… ”,由下文11空后的to the problem可 知答案。 2.B 由15空后面的Mountains of rubbish...可知此处选B。 3.B 我们是怎样变成了一个一次性物品充斥的社会的呢? 4.C 替换物品比花时间和钱去修补来得更加容易。 5.A 由于现代制造业和技术(的迅猛发展 …… )。A.因为;B.至于;C.除了;D.不管。 6.C 由上文的inexpensively可知答案。 7.A our love of disposable(一次性的) products “我们对一次性产品的热爱”。 8.D 由下文的save time 可知我们过着忙碌的生活。 9.A look for ways to do...寻求做 …… 的办法。 10.C 由5空后的produce可知这里是原词复现。 11.D 我们对新产品的渴望也导致了这个问题。contribute to导致。 12.B 我们买新东西上瘾了。A.厌倦;B.沉迷;C.担心;D.为 …… 感到羞愧。 13.A 由本段段首中心句可知答案。“产品越新就越好”。 14.D 由文章第一句话和下文的make room for new ones 可知答案。 15.D 由下文的内容可知答案。A.优点;B.目的;C.功能;D.后果。 16.C 由下文可知这里是“减少垃圾,保护环境”的意思。文章最后一句话点题, decrease是reduce的同义词。 17.B 由文章最后一句话可知答案。 18.A 由上下文可知这里表示转折。 19.D 我们需要修补我们的所有物而不是扔掉它们。A.通过;B.支持;C.在 …… 之 后;D.而不是。 20.A 由下文中的changing our spending habits 可知选A。 Cloze 3 ▶ 记叙文 In my whole life I've been interested in martial arts. But it was only when I  1     in New York where there was a kung fu club that I really enjoyed it and fully  2     why they call it an art. It is fighting and  3     yourself, but it's also under - standing your body more, making it  4     and healthier. Kung fu is a big  5     of Chinese culture. I have always watched kung fu movies (who doesn't know Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan or Jet Li?), because I loved their  6     . When I started to practice kung fu, I realized how   7     it was and a simple kick demanded months of practice. But I loved it! A whole new world was opening to me. After I  8     four years of kung fu in New York, I wanted to go to the  9     where this martial art originated. I went to China with a travel organization. It was a trip that  10     some kung fu and t'ai chi lessons. It was a(n)  11     group, so there were people from all over the world. We went from Hong Kong to Guilin, Yangshuo, Xi'an, Luoyang and Shaolin and  12     Beijing. We took two kung fu lessons in Yangshuo with the Gao brothers, who had a family style which was  13     Bu Di Zhen. We took one t'ai chi lesson in Xi'an and two  1 4     kung fu lessons in Shaolin. I was  15     by Yangshuo and the Gao brothers. Yangshuo and the Gao brothers. Yangshuo is a(n)  16     town in the middle of mountains and near the Li River. The Gao brothers' family  17     of kung fu practice was close to mine in New York. I could only  18     of my next trip to China. The next year my dream  19     :I went to China again, together with some friends of my kung fu club. We  20     one month in Yangshuo, just to practice kung fu which made me understand more of China's rich culture. 1.A.settled   B.shared C.traveled   D.went 2.A.accepted    B.admired C.understood   D.sensed 3.A.defeating   B.saving C.hurting   D.protecting 4.A.stronger   B.taller C.bigger   D.fatter 5.A.barrier   B.part C.origin   D.tradition 6.A.behaviors  B.deeds C.qualities   D.movements 7.A.easy   B.tough C.special   D.perfect 8.A.practiced   B.conducted C.observed   D.prepared 9.A.city   B.town C.country   D.suburb 10.A.taught   B.managed C.watched   D.included 11.A.local   B.native C.national   D.international 12.A.officially   B.directly C.finally   D.naturally 13.A.called   B.seen C.shown   D.given 14.A.another   B.more C.less   D.extra 15.A.disappointed B.amused C.impressed   D.confused 16.A.beautiful   B.important C.interesting   D.different 17.A.habit   B.style C.feature   D.rule 18.A.think   B.dream C.approve   D.know 19.A.came over  B.came out C.came up   D.came true 20.A.recorded   B.searched C.spared   D.contributed 答案     [语篇解读] 本文为记叙文。文章讲述了作者学习中国武术的经历。 1.A 句意:我整个一生都对武术感兴趣,但只有当我在有功夫俱乐部的纽约 定居(settled)下来时,我才真正喜欢上它并完全懂得(understood)了为什么人 们称之为艺术。share分享,分担;travel旅行;go去。 2.C  accept接受;admire羡慕;understand懂得,明白;sense感觉到。 3.D 句意:它是搏击同时也是自我防卫(protecting)。它还让你更加了解自己 的身体,从而使它变得更加强壮(stronger)和健康。 4.A  stronger更强壮;taller更高;bigger更大;fatter更胖。 5.B 句意:功夫是中国文化的重要组成部分(part)。 6.D 句意:我总看功夫电影(谁不知道李小龙、成龙、李连杰呀?),因为我喜 欢他们的动作(movements)。behavior行为,举止;deed行为;quality质量。 7.B 句意:当我开始练习功夫的时候,我才意识到它有多么困难(tough),哪怕 是简单的一踢就需要几个月的练习。easy容易的;special特殊的;perfect完美的。 8.A 句意:当我在纽约练了(practiced)4年功夫后,我想去武术的起源国(country)。conduct管理,引导;observe观察,遵守;prepare准备。 9.C 根据下句“I went to China...”可知答案为C项。city城市;town镇子; suburb郊区。 10.D 句意:那次旅行内容包含(included)一些功夫和太极课程。旅行不会教 功夫和太极课,故排除A项(taught)。manage经营,管理;watch观看。 11.D 根据下文的“so there were people from all over the world”可知答案 为D项(国际的)。local当地的;native本地的,土著的;national国家的,民族的。 12.C 作者是按先后顺序介绍所到达的地点,故答案为C项。我们从香港出 发去了桂林、阳朔、西安、洛阳,还去了少林寺,最后一站(finally)我们来到 了北京。officially正式地,官方地;directly径直地,直接地;naturally自然地。 13.A 根据后面的Bu Di Zhen可知本题答案为called,意为:被称为。 14.B 句意:我们在西安上了一节太极课,在少林寺又上了两节(two more)功 夫课。 15.C 句意:阳朔和高氏兄弟给我留下了深刻印象(impressed)。disappointed 感到失望的;amused感到开心的;impressed印象深刻的;confused迷惑的。 16.A 句意:阳朔是一个坐落在群山之间、丽江之畔的美丽的(beautiful)小 镇。important重要的;interesting有趣的;different不同的。 17.B 根据上文中的“who had a family style...”可知答案为B项。句意:高 氏兄弟的家传(style)功夫和我在纽约练习的形式非常相似。 18.B 句意:我只能梦想(dream)着下一次来中国的旅行了。think of考虑; dream of梦想;approve of赞成;know of了解。 19.D 根据本句冒号后面的内容可知答案为D项。句意:第二年,我的梦想成 真了:我再一次来到了中国,这次是和我在功夫俱乐部的几个朋友一起来的。 one's dream comes true“某人的梦想成真”。 20.C 根据设空处后的“one month”可知答案为C项(抽出)。我们在阳朔停 留了一个月,仅仅是为了练习功夫,这使我更多了解了中国丰富的文化。 record记录;search搜索;contribute捐献。

