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必修二 Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines 语境运用 语境词汇运用 ‎▶词汇拼写(注意单词或短语的形式变化)‎ ‎1.      (建立) in the early 20th century, the school keeps on inspiring children’s love of art. ‎ ‎2.So far we have done a lot to build a low-carbon      (经济), but it is far from ideal.  ‎ ‎3.Throwing their hats into the air, the       (狂热爱好者) of the winning team let out loud shouts of victory. ‎ ‎4.His first novel has received good       (评论) since it came out last month. ‎ ‎5.Scientists have many theories about how the       (宇宙) came into being. ‎ ‎6.Please go a    the ship quickly. There’s only 10 minutes left. ‎ ‎7.It is still under discussion whether the old bus station should be r      with a modern hotel or not. ‎ ‎8.The foreign guests, most of whom were government officials, were warmly       (欢迎) at the airport. ‎ ‎9.John was late for the business meeting because his f      had been delayed by a heavy storm. ‎ 答案 1.Founded 2.economy 3.fans 4.reviews 5.universe 6.aboard 7.replaced 8.welcomed 9.flight ‎▶单句填空(注意单词或短语的形式变化)‎ ‎1.It is a widely held      (believe) that violent crime has a great effect on children’s growth. ‎ ‎2.The police investigation hasn’t found any new        (evident), which really lets the public down. ‎ ‎3.The        (culture) background of China is totally different from that of the US. ‎ ‎4.We are very      (delight) to have you become one of the members of our team. ‎ ‎5.The author received tons of       (congratulate) on his great success in writing. ‎ ‎6.The      (history) research on ancient Chinese buildings has been carried out. ‎ ‎7.Don’t admire his      .You will      your ambition if you work hard.(achieve) ‎ ‎8.      is the action of      or the amount of      .(produce) ‎ 答案 1.belief 2.evidence 3.cultural 4.delighted 5.congratulations 6.historical  7.achievement,achieve 8.Production,producing,products 经典句型仿写 ‎1.他爷爷是第一批在这个地方的定居者,现在这个地方是一个度假中心。(the+序数词+动词不定式)‎ His grandfather was       what is now a famous holiday center. ‎ ‎2.正当我在大街上走着的时候,碰巧遇到了一位我的朋友。(while引导时间状语从句)‎ ‎      , I happened to meet one of my friends. ‎ ‎3.一个周五正当我们打包东西时,我女儿听到了呼救声。(be doing...when...) ‎ One Friday, we        my daughter heard cries for help. ‎ ‎4.这是我们全家第一次一块看这部电影。(This is the first time...) ‎ This is the first time we       the film together as a family. ‎ 答案 1.the first to settle in 2.While I was walking along the street 3.were packing when ‎4.have seen

