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‎2019届一轮复习人教版选修8 Unit 3-Inventors and inventions学案设计 单元核心词汇语篇记忆 ‎  Currently I've become one of the personnel of the Patent Office. I am dynamic and never work passively. Soon I am competent to identify whether a patent claim is valid based on the criteria. An inventor files a patent application with the expectation that he can make a fortune by selling it. Yesterday two applications seized my attention. Someone submitted a system that could predict abrupt climate changes. He said he had tested the system with caution and made sure it was stable as well as practical. The other was a simple game, through which small kids would learn merrily to distinguish shapes and colors.‎ 默写识记 ‎◆默写单词 ‎1.distinguish vi. & vt. 使……有所不同;辨别 ‎2.abrupt adj. 突然的;意外的 ‎3.convenient adj. 便利的;方便的;就近的 ‎4.caution n. 小心;谨慎 ‎5.expectation n. 预料;期待;期望 ‎6.merry adj. 愉快的;高兴的 ‎7.seize vt. 抓住;捉住;夺 ‎8.file n. 文件;档案;文件夹 ‎ vt. 提交;将……归档 ‎9.innocent adj. 清白的;无罪的;天真的 ‎10.ripe adj. 熟的;成熟的 ‎11.bear vt. 忍受;忍耐;负担 ‎12.practical adj. 实际的;实践的;实用的 ‎◆记住词义 ‎1.patent n. 专利证书;专利权 ‎2.powder n. 粉末;火药 ‎3.stainless adj. 无锈的;不锈的;没有污点的 ‎4.criterion n. (评判的)标准;尺度 ‎5.valid adj. 有效的;确凿的 ‎6.identification n. 鉴定;辨认;确定;身份证明 ‎7.current n. (水或气)流;电流 ‎ adj. 现在的;当前的 ‎8.stable adj. 稳固的;稳定的;安定的 ‎9.court n. 法庭;法院;朝廷 ‎10.associate vt. 联想;联系 ‎11.competence n. 能力;胜利;本领 ‎12.personnel n. 人力资源;人事部;全体人员 ‎◆写出短语 ‎1.call up 给……打电话 ‎2.set about 开始;着手 ‎3.set out (to do) 开始(做)‎ ‎4.dive into 迅速把手伸入;一心投入 ‎5.hang on 不挂断;稍等;紧紧握住 ‎6.out of order 次序颠倒;发生故障 ‎7.get through 接通(电话);(设法)做完;通过 ‎8.ring off 挂断电话 联想拓展 形容词后缀less ‎1.stainless 无锈的 ‎2.wireless 无线电的 ‎3.fruitless 无成果的 ‎4.jobless 失业的 ‎5.motionless 不动的 ‎6.speechless 说不出话的 ‎7.breathless 透不过气来的 短语串记 ‎1.call for 要求;需要;去接某人 ‎2.call at 参观/拜访某地 ‎3.call back 叫回;回电话 ‎4.call on/upon 拜访,访问;号召 ‎5.call on/upon 拜访,访问;号召 ‎6.call off 决定取消;下令停止 ‎-----------‎ ‎7.set about doing  着手或开始做 ‎8.get down to doing 着手或开始做 ‎9.go about doing 着手或开始做 ‎10.settle down to (doing)sth.‎ ‎ 着手或开始做 ‎-----------‎ ‎11.dive into 专心做某事 ‎12.put one's mind into 专心做某事 ‎13.put one's heart into 专心做某事 ‎14.apply oneself to 专心做某事 ‎15.be absorbed in 专心做某事 ‎16.be buried in 专心做某事 ‎17.be occupied in 专心做某事 ‎18.be lost in 专心做某事 ‎-----------‎ ‎19.now and then 偶尔;有时 ‎20.up and down 上下 ‎21.here and there 到处,处处 经典例句 ‎①One in four people are now jobless in inner areas like Tottenham and Peckham.像托特纳姆和佩卡姆这样的内陆地区失业人口达1/4。‎ ‎②Alex was almost speechless with rage and despair.亚历克斯又生气又绝望,几乎说不出话来。‎ ‎③He arrived breathless at the top of the stairs.他爬上楼梯顶时气喘吁吁的。‎ ‎④They called for the immediate release of the hostages.他们要求立即释放人质。‎ ‎⑤The union threatened a strike but called it off at the last minute.工会威胁要罢工,不过在最后一刻取消了行动。‎ ‎⑥We set out to find the truth behind the mystery.我们开始着手揭开谜团背后的真相。‎ ‎⑦ It's time I got down to thinking about that essay.我该认真思考一下那篇论文了。‎ ‎⑧We applied our minds to finding a solution to our problem.我们绞尽脑汁寻求解决问题的办法。‎ ‎⑨She was pacing up and down in front of her desk.她在办公桌前踱来踱去。‎ 词汇异空间——派生词汇 原词 词义 派生词 词义 identify vt.‎ 辨别;确认(身份等)‎ identification n.‎ ‎1.鉴定;辨认;身份证明 merry adj.‎ 愉快的;高兴的 merrily adv.‎ ‎2.高兴地;愉快地 abrupt adj.‎ 突然的;意外的 abruptly adv.‎ ‎3.突然地;唐突地 convenient adj.‎ 便利的;方便的;就近的 convenience n.‎ conveniently adv.‎ ‎4.方便;便利 ‎5.便利地;方便地 caution n.‎ 小心;谨慎 cautious adj.‎ cautiously adv.‎ ‎6.小心的;谨慎的 ‎7.‎ 小心地;谨慎地 expect v.‎ 预料;期待;期望;认为 expectation n.‎ ‎8.预料;期待;期望 innocent adj.‎ 天真的;清白的;无罪的 innocence n.‎ innocently adv.‎ ‎9.清白;无辜 ‎10.清白地;无罪地;天真地 associate vt.‎ 联想;联系 association n.‎ ‎11.社团;协会;联合;联想 practice n.‎ 训练;实践;惯例 practical adj.‎ ‎12.实际的;实践的;实用的 ‎[原创]语境填空(用所给词的适当形式填空)‎ Most pupils have 1.expectations (expect) that they can participate in varieties of 2.practical (practice) activities off campus. Many student 3.associations (associate) often organize such activities, offering great 4.convenience(convenient) for the pupils. However, experts and parents are 5.cautious (caution) about pupils taking part in social activities. Pupils are 6.innocent(innocence),and they are easily taken in. Besides, many often ignore their security when 7.merrily (merry) involved in these activities. Schools must warn their pupils not to trust those who take interest in them 8.abruptly (abrupt) but hesitate to show their 9.identification (identify) cards.‎ 词法新图谱——核心词汇 ‎●灵活多变的动词 词汇 词性 意义 现在分词 过去分词 vi.& ‎ 区别;辨别 distinguish vt.‎ distinguishing distinguished seize vt.‎ 抓住;捉住;夺 seizing seized file vt.‎ 提交;将……归档 filing filed bear vt.‎ 忍受;忍耐;负担 bearing borne associate vt.‎ 联想;联系 associating associated dial vt.‎ 拨(电话)‎ dialing dialed tap vt.& vi.‎ 轻打;轻拍;轻敲 tapping tapped Ⅰ.[原创]语境填空(用所给词的适当形式填空)‎ Wang Yong 1.is distinguished (distinguish) as the 2016 Annual Top Ten Policemen. Not 2.bearing (bear) any criminal escaping punishment, he has devoted himself to his work. So far he 3.has seized (seize) more than 2000 robbers and thieves in his 20year police career. Mr. Wang is also a thoughtful man and he 4.has filed (file) all the information 5.associated (associate) with the criminals he has caught. He tries to help them within his power if policies permit. He regularly 6.dials (dial) the former prisoners asking about their performances. Sometimes, he goes to visit them in person,7.tapping (tap) their shoulders to encourage them to behave well. ‎ ‎【导学号:11470150】‎ Ⅱ.[原创]语境改错 There are amazing things about babies. They learn to see by distinguish between areas of light and dark. They start to use their whole hand to seize on toys and objects around 5 months of age. They are found tapped on smart phones when they are as young as 6 months. Someone ‎ says babies learn to do things because certain acts associated with physiological “drives”. However, this is not the case. Bear on mind that your baby is eager to experience the joy of success just like an adult. To request more details about how babies learn, please to dial the phone number +610894149099 to contact us.‎ ‎【答案】 ‎ There are amazing things about babies. They learn to see by between areas of light and dark. They start to use their whole hand to seize toys and objects around 5 months of age. They are found on smart phones when they are as young as 6 months. Someone says babies learn to do things because certain acts associated with physiological “drives”. ‎ However, this is not the case. Bear mind that your baby is eager to experience the joy of success just like an adult. To request more details about how babies learn, please dial the phone number +610894149099 to contact us.‎ ‎①distinguish between...and...“区分或辨别……和……”;distinguish...from...“把……与……区分开”;distinguish oneself “表现突出;出名”;be distinguished for/as...“因/作为……而出名”。‎ ‎②bear doing/to be done“耐……”;can't bear doing/to do sth.“不能忍受做某事”;can't bear sb.doing/to do sth.“不能忍受某人做某事”;bear a heavy burden“肩负重担”;bear responsibility“承担责任”。‎ ‎③seize sb.by the arm “抓住某人的胳膊”;seize the ‎ chance/opportunity“抓住机会”;seize on/upon“抓住/利用(机会或借口等)”。‎ ‎④associate...with...“把……和……联系在一起;由……联想到……”;be associated with...“和……有关”。‎ ‎●相依为命的词搭配 搭配 例释、联想、拓展 动介 set about 开始;着手 dive into 迅速把手伸入;一心投入 decide on 选定;决定采用 People set about building their new homes with the help of the government. ‎ 在政府的帮助下,人们开始建设新的家园。‎ 动副 hang on  不挂断;稍等;紧紧握住;坚持 call up 给……打电话;使人想起;唤起 get through 没法联系上(尤指打通电话);(设法)做完;通过 set out (to do) ‎ ‎ 开始(做)‎ hang up挂断(电话);hang around/about(在……附近)闲逛;hang over笼罩 The smell of the sea called up memories of her childhood.大海的气息勾起了她对童年的回忆。‎ 介名 out of order 次序颠倒;发生故障 in case 假使;免得;以防;以防万一 contrary to one's expectations出乎某人的预料,与某人的预料正相反;live up to one's beyond (one's) expectations ‎ 没有想到;比预期的更好 ‎ expectations达到某人的期望;不辜负某人的期望 Ⅰ.[原创]语境填空(填入一个适当的词)‎ After he decided 1.on changing his job, Tom set 2.about making preparations for a new one. He called 3.up several companies asking whether they needed a computer operator. In spite of a lot of difficulties, he managed to hang 4.on and finally a large company agreed to give him a chance. He got 5.through their interview and was admitted to the company. He had an extra duty: repair the computers when they were 6.out of order. In return, he was offered a very good salary, which was quite 7.beyond his expectations. He dived 8.into his new job with great enthusiasm.‎ ‎ 【导学号:11470151】‎ Ⅱ.[原创]语境改错 Li Hua called me on, asking if I could go with him for a hike the next day. I told him to hang about for a while and then I set out checking my schedule to see if I would be available then. It was beyond me expectations that I would have no other appointment. So I accepted his invitation. That evening, we set about to make necessary preparations for the hike. Based on the weather forecast, we decided into bringing raincoats with us in case of it rained.‎ ‎【答案】 ‎ Li Hua called me , asking if I could go with him for a hike the next day. I told him to hang for a while and then I set ‎ checking my schedule to see if I would be available then. It was beyond expectations that I would have no other appointment. So I accepted his invitation. That evening, we set to make necessary preparations for the hike. Based on the weather forecast, we decided bringing raincoats with us in case it rained.‎ 句法新天地——重点句型 before+从句“趁着还没”‎ ‎[教材原句]  The next morning I got up early before the sun was hot.‎ 第二天早上, 天还不热, 我就早早起来了。‎ ‎ 此句中的before引导的是一个时间状语从句,before可译为“趁着还不”。‎ We can set off early before it gets hot.‎ 我们可以趁着天不热早点出发。‎ Please put them away before they are missing.‎ 趁着它们还没有丢,把它们收好吧。‎ before引导时间状语从句,其意义可根据具体语境译为“在……之前;……(之后)才……;(不多久)就……;趁着还没……;以免……;还没来得及……就……”。‎ It was a long time before I got to sleep again. ‎ 很长一段时间之后我才重新入睡。‎ Lock your bike before it gets stolen.‎ 锁好你的自行车, 以免被偷。‎ Before John stopped her she ran out.‎ 约翰还没来得及阻止她, 她就跑了出去。‎ 祈使句+and+陈述句 ‎[教材原句]  Follow it up, explore all around it, and before you know it, you will have something worth thinking about to occupy your mind.‎ 跟踪下去,不断探索,不知不觉中,你就会发现某种值得思考的东西占据着你的头脑。‎ 本句为“祈使句+and+陈述句”句型。祈使句相当于if引导的条件状语从句。‎ Work harder, and you will succeed in your studies.‎ ‎= Working harder, you will succeed in your studies.= If you work harder, you will succeed in your studies.‎ 如果你更加努力学习,在学习上你就会成功。‎ ‎(1)祈使句+破折号+陈述句(破折号起and的作用,从正面预测结果)。‎ ‎(2)祈使句+or/otherwise+陈述句=If...not...,+主句。‎ ‎(3)名词词组+and+陈述句。‎ Try some of this juice — perhaps you'll like it.‎ 尝尝这种果汁,也许你会喜欢的。‎ If you don't study hard, you will fail in your exams.‎ ‎= Study hard, or/otherwise you will fail in your exams.‎ 如果你不努力学习,考试会不及格的。‎ It is really very dangerous. One more step, and the baby will fall into ‎ the well.‎ 真危险。再多迈一步,这个小孩就会掉进井里。‎ being+形容词 ‎[教材原句]  Being very stable, it has proved invaluable in the design of bridges.‎ 由于具有良好的稳定性,在桥梁设计中,它被证明是极其有用的。‎ Being very stable是现在分词短语,在句中作原因状语。“being+形容词、过去分词、副词、介词短语、名词”通常在句中作原因状语,此结构一般放在句首,有时也可置于句尾。‎ Being very shy, he couldn't ask her to go to the movies with him.‎ 由于很害羞,他不敢开口邀请她一起去看电影。‎ Being unemployed, he hasn't got much money.‎ 由于没有工作,他没有多少钱。‎ The girl feels homesick, being away from home for the first time.‎ 由于是第一次离开家,这个女孩有点想家。‎ 上面句子中的being其逻辑主语与句子主语是一致的,但如果不一致的话,就要给being加上自己的主语,构成独立主格结构。‎ School being over, you can hardly find any students there.‎ 因为已放学,所以在那儿你找不到学生。‎ There being no rain for months, all the crops are dying out.‎ 因为几个月没下雨了,庄稼都快要死光了。‎ 即时演练 Ⅰ.[原创]语境填空 ‎1.Being (be) very clever, Jack was considered to have achieved his ambition successfully.2. There seemed to be no cause for concern. However, his mother later discovered that he was performing illegal ‎ business. 3.Worried (worry) about her son's future, she had a serious talk with Jack. “Now 4.comes (come) the time for you to pull back 5.before it is too late.” She warned, “Go one step further,6.and you will end up in prison.” 【导学号:11470152】‎ Ⅱ.[原创]语境改错 There were no customers at this hour, my mother closed her shop. Before long she appeared in front of me. “Drink the milk while it becomes cold and then go to sleep as soon as possible,” she said to me. A competition was to take place the next day. Be very good at science subjects, I had a good chance of gaining high grades. Convincing that I would not let her down, she still expected me to sleep well and refresh my mind before the competition. “Don't stay up too late, you'll feel tired tomorrow.”‎ ‎【答案】 ‎ There no customers at this hour, my mother closed her shop. Before long she appeared in front of me. “Drink the milk it becomes cold and then go to sleep as soon as possible,” she said to me. A competition was to take place the next day. very good at science subjects, I had a good chance of gaining high grades. that I would not let her down, she still expected me to sleep well and refresh my mind before the competition. “Don't stay up too late, you'll feel tired tomorrow.”‎ 冷知识详单——查缺补漏 Ⅰ.单句填空 ‎1.Tired, Jim was fast asleep with his back against a big tree.‎ ‎2.I can't say which wine is best—it's a matter of personal taste.‎ ‎3.I've been working out in the gym since January. I was a bit out of shape.‎ ‎4.Only after you have had that recognition can you say that you are truly an inventor.‎ ‎5.The day is coming when telegraph wires will be laid on to houses just like water or gas.‎ Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.You will gradually get better at it—it's just a matter with practice.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎2.We didn't plan our art exhibition like that but it worked on very well.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎3.Only when she had studied the data again she realize there was a mistake.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎4.There's no way you can give a good talk unless you have something worth talk about.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎【答案】 1.with→of 2.on→out 3.again后加did 4.第二个talk→talking Ⅲ.[原创]语境改错 I had longed for a chance to live in an African country for a couple ‎ of years. The day finally came that I was sent to work in Egypt. However, things didn't work on as had been expected. Merely after I got there did I realize how difficult it was to live in a completely different culture. It was not just matter of getting used to it. You had to learn how to integrate yourself into their society. Sometimes I got discouraged with situations that went against to my belief or my will. Living abroad is something really worth thought about.‎ ‎【答案】 ‎ I had longed for a chance to live in an African country for a couple of years. The day finally came I was sent to work in Egypt. However, things didn't work as had been expected. after I got there did I realize how difficult it was to live in a completely different culture. It was not just matter of getting used to it. You had to learn how to integrate yourself into their society. Sometimes I got discouraged with situations that went against my belief or my will. Living abroad is something really worth about. 【导学号:11470153】‎ ‎①against a tree“靠在树上”;against one's belief or will“违背某人的信仰或意愿”。‎ ‎②a matter of “关乎……的问题”;‎ just a matter of “只不过是个……的问题”。‎ ‎③work out“锻炼;训练;结果;解决;算出;制定”。‎ ‎④only after/when/if...放在句首,主句要用部分倒装语序。‎ ‎⑤the day is coming when...是常用句型,when引导定语从句修饰day,意为“……的日子就要来了”。‎ ‎⑥worth doing“值得做”,此结构中的doing与主语虽是被动关系,但动名词要用主动形式表达被动意义。注意与worthy的区别:worthy of being done或worthy to be done。‎ 微写作链接——知识运用 ‎[写作提示]‎ 我喜欢与别人交往(be associated with),向往稳定的(stable)工作环境。当听说有报社招收实习记者时,我就着手(set about)申请了。他们给我打电话(call up),让我填(fill in)一些表格。我准备了很多以防(in case)面试时会被问及意想不到的问题。我住的离报社很近,这样对我工作来说很便利(convenient)。如果申请通过,我会专心(dive into)做好工作,不辜负领导的期望。‎ 洋话连篇 作文就是这么简单!!‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎[规避错误]‎ 下面是李明的习作,其中有5处语法错误,请你帮他纠正过来。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎【答案】 第一句:dreamed→dreaming 第二句:去掉第一个about 第三句:tell→telling 第四句:unexpectedly→unexpected 第六句:去掉not

