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‎2019届一轮复习译林版选修六Unit3Understanding each other单元学案 写作句型锤炼 主体段落常用句型锤炼:as引导的定语从句 先熟读背诵——精彩句型烂熟于心 ‎1.As is known to us/As we all know, knowledge is power.‎ 众所周知,知识就是力量。‎ ‎2. As is always the case with language learning, Mandarin learning also calls for lots of practice.‎ 和学习语言一样,学习普通话也需要大量的练习。(2015·四川卷·满分作文)‎ ‎3.This is such a difficult question as nobody can work out.‎ 这是一个那么难的问题,没人能解决。‎ ‎4.This is the same computer as I bought the other day.‎ 这台电脑和我前几天买的那台电脑属于同一款。(同一类)‎ ‎5.As has been said above, grammar is not a set of dead rules.‎ 正如上面所说的,语法不是一套死规则。‎ ‎6.I've never seen such a talented young man as he is.‎ 我从未见过像他这样才华横溢的年轻人。‎ 后临摹仿写——妙语佳句信手拈来 ‎1.他们用孩子们能听懂的简单的英语交谈。‎ They__talked__in__such__simple__English__as__children__could__understand.‎ ‎2.这个书包和我昨天丢失的(书包)相似。‎ This__is__the__same__schoolbag__as__I__lost__yesterday.‎ ‎3.我会提供给你一些你可能用得着的东西。‎ I__will__provide__you__with__such__things__as__you__may__need.‎ Ⅰ.重点单词—识记·联想·运用 ‎[会书写]‎ 一、核心单词 ‎1.hug vt.& vi.& n. 拥抱,抱紧 ‎2.retell vt. 复述,转述 ‎3.ensure vt. 保证,担保,确保 ‎4.wedding n. 婚礼 ‎5.musical adj. 音乐的 n. 音乐剧 ‎6.reception n. 招待会;接待;接受 ‎7.throughout prep.& adv. 自始至终;贯穿整个时期;遍及 ‎8.alike adj. 相像,十分相似 adv. 十分相像地;同样地 ‎9.familiar adj. 通晓;熟悉 二、阅读单词 ‎1.gesture n. 手势;姿势;示意动作 ‎2.account n. 描述,叙述;账目 ‎3.carve vt. 雕刻 ‎4.plain n. 平原 adj. 清楚的,明显的;坦诚的;朴素的 ‎5.steam vt.& vi. 蒸,蒸发 n. 蒸汽 ‎6.arrow n. 箭;箭头标记 三、拓展单词 ‎1.permit vt.& vi.允许,准许 n.许可证→permission n.允许,许可 ‎2.prohibit vt.(尤指以法令)禁止→prohibition n.禁止;禁令 ‎3.offence n.冒犯;侮辱→offend vt.& vi.触怒;冒犯;犯过错 ‎4.adjust vi.& vt.适应,习惯;调整,调节→adjustment n.调整→adjustable adj.可调整的,可调节的 ‎5.accustomed adj.习惯于;惯常的→accustom vt.使习惯于 ‎6.celebration n.庆典;庆祝活动→celebrate v.庆祝 ‎7.expectation n.期望,盼望→expect vt.期望,盼望;预料,预期→expected adj.预料中的,被等待的 ‎8.minority n.少数民族;少数,少数人→majority n.多数;多数人 ‎9.religion n.宗教→religious adj.宗教的;虔诚的 ‎10.slight__adj.轻微的→slightly adv.轻微地;稍微地 ‎11.bravery n.勇敢→brave adj.勇敢的 ‎12.govern vt.统治;控制,支配→governor n.主管人员;统治者→government n.政府 ‎ ‎13.bride n.新娘→bridegroom n.新郎 ‎14.greet vt.和某人打招呼→greeting n.招呼;问候;问候语 ‎15.congratulate vt.向(某人)道贺,祝贺→congratulation n.祝贺;贺词 ‎[会积累]‎ ‎1.前缀“a-”表语形容词小结 ‎①alike 相似的;同样的 ‎②ashamed 感到羞耻的 ‎③asleep 睡着的 ‎④awake 醒着的;清醒的 ‎⑤alive 活的 ‎2.“金融”相关名词一览 ‎①account 账目;账户 ‎②budget 预算(案)‎ ‎③capital 资金;资本 ‎④cheque 支票 ‎⑤interest 利息 ‎⑥finance 财政,金融 ‎3.arrow形似词荟萃 ‎①narrow adj. 窄的 ‎②borrow v. 借 ‎③sorrow n. 伤心 ‎④sparrow n. 麻雀 ‎4.“允许”与“禁止”‎ ‎①permit v. 允许 ‎②allow v. 允许 ‎③forbid v. 禁止 ‎④ban v.& n. 禁止 ‎⑤prohibit v. 禁止 ‎5.后缀“-ation”高频名词 ‎①celebration 庆祝;庆典 ‎②congratulation 祝贺 ‎③expectation 期望 ‎④graduation 毕业;毕业典礼 ‎⑤consideration 考虑 ‎⑥conservation 保护;保护区 ‎⑦appreciation 欣赏;感激;感谢 ‎⑧adaptation 适应,改编本 ‎6.“多数”与“少数”‎ ‎①major adj. 主要的 ‎②majority n. 大多数 ‎③in the majority 占多数 ‎④minor adj. 少数的 ‎⑤minority n. 少数 ‎⑥in the minority 占少数 ‎[会应用] 用所给词的适当形式填空 ‎1.It’s reported that January’s sales were slightly (slight) better than average.‎ ‎2.You must ask permission (permit) if you want to leave early.‎ ‎3.They are celebrating the Dragon Boat Festival and many people are joining in the celebration.(celebrate)‎ ‎4.It is brave of her to go into the burning building,so we all respect her for her bravery.(brave)‎ ‎5.He often says that he doesn’t believe in any religion but meanwhile he respects others’ religious freedom.(religion)‎ ‎6.To my surprise,instead of mailing a greeting card,she greeted me with a hug and said “Merry Christmas”.(greet)‎ ‎7.He expected that everyone would burst out laughing when he finished his joke but beyond his expectation nobody laughed.(expect)‎ ‎8.It took a while for her to accustom herself to the school life.That meant after a while she became accustomed to living in the new school.(accustom) ‎ ‎9.Many friends came to congratulate him on his marriage,and some sent e-mails to express their congratulations.(congratulate)‎ ‎10.To adjust herself to the study abroad,she had to make some necessary adjustments to her habits.(adjust)‎ Ⅱ.核心短语—识记·联想·运用 ‎[会书写]‎ ‎1.let__alone 更不用说 ‎2.show__sb__around 带某人参观、游览 ‎3.take__up 占据(时间或空间)‎ ‎4.have__power__over 控制,支配 ‎5.be__aware__of 知道,意识到 ‎6.shake__hands__with__sb 与某人握手 ‎7.be__home__to 为……的所在/栖息地/家园 ‎8.adjust__to 适应 ‎9.be__familiar__with 对……熟悉;通晓 ‎10.provide...with... 给……提供……‎ ‎11.be supposed to do sth 应该做某事 ‎12.get accustomed to doing sth 习惯做某事 ‎13.after all 毕竟,终究 ‎14.do without 没有……也行 ‎15.belong to 属于 ‎16.in fact 实际上 ‎17.take place 发生;举行 ‎18.congratulate sb on sth 祝贺某人某事 ‎19.be connected with 与……有联系 ‎20.meet with 遇见,碰到 ‎[会积累]‎ ‎1.“v.+up”短语集锦 ‎①take up 占据(时间或空间)‎ ‎②pack up 打包 ‎③build up 逐渐增加 ‎④bring up 抚养;使……长大 ‎⑤set up 建立;竖立 ‎⑥put up 建造;举起;张贴 ‎⑦make up 组成,构成;虚构,编造 ‎⑧come up 走近;上来;上升 ‎⑨give up 放弃 ‎⑩break up 打碎;拆散;结束 ‎2.“be +adj.+with”高频短语荟萃 ‎①be familiar with 对……熟悉 ‎②be satisfied with 对……满意 ‎③be mad with 因……发疯 ‎④be bored with 厌烦……‎ ‎⑤be busy with 忙于……‎ ‎⑥be popular with 受……欢迎 ‎⑦be angry with 对……发怒 ‎⑧be strict with 对……要求严格 ‎⑨be patient with 对……耐心 ‎⑩be content with 对……满意 ‎[会应用] 选用上表左栏短语填空 ‎1.He doesn’t seem to be__aware__of the coldness of their attitude towards his appeal.‎ ‎2.Each great man belongs__to his time and can come only at his proper moment.‎ ‎3.It’s not surprising you are tired.After__all,you were up until three last night.‎ ‎4.Though having lived in the city for years,I still didn’t get__accustomed__to its rapid pace.‎ ‎5.China is a vast country which is__home__to an amazing variety of landscapes,plants and animals.‎ ‎6.Neither could theory do__without practice,nor could practice do without theory.‎ ‎7.When I suddenly stepped into the dark cave,it took me a few minutes to adjust__to the darkness.‎ ‎8.I know how busy you must be and naturally I won’t want to take__up too much of your time.‎ Ⅲ.经典句式—分析·背诵·仿写 句型公式1:have trouble (in) doing sth意为“做某事有困难”。‎ ‎[教材原句] Many foreigners have trouble getting accustomed to it.‎ 很多外国人很难习惯这一点。‎ ‎[句型仿写] When Peter speaks in public,he always has__trouble__thinking__of the right things to say.‎ 彼得当众讲话时,他总是难以想到合适的内容来说。‎ 句型公式2:One/The reason why...is that...意为“……的(一种)原因是……”。‎ ‎[教材原句] One reason why there are so many French words in English is that the French ruled England for quite a number of years.英语里有如此多的法语词汇的一个原因是法国人曾统治英格兰很长时间。‎ ‎[句型仿写] The__reason__why__he__was__late__was__that__he missed the first bus this morning.‎ 他迟到的原因是他今天早上没赶上早班公共汽车。‎ 句型公式3:dislike/like/hate/appreciate/depend on+it+宾语从句 ‎[教材原句] They dislike it when people do not look at the cards,so remember not to just put them in your pocket without looking.他们不喜欢人们不看名片,所以要记住,不要看都不看就把名片塞进口袋。‎ ‎[句型仿写] I__would__appreciate__it__if you can give me some advice on how to solve these problems.‎ 如果您能给我一些关于如何解决这些问题的建议,我将不胜感激。‎ Ⅳ.语篇填空—回顾·补全·热诵 根据课文内容,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ Ma Li has to do her homework on cultural ‎ differences,1.so she has gone to the student centre to find information for her homework.There are different 2.reactions (react) in the West and the East when they get presents.Westerners like to open them as soon as they get them.3.When it comes to wedding traditions,there are also differences.In Korea,it 4.is__believed (believe) that roosters can drive bad spirits away 5.from the wedding ceremony,and hens can ensure good luck for the marriage.In Brunei,at wedding 6.receptions (receive) men and women have to sit in separate areas — the men with the bridegroom,and the women with the bride.What’s 7.more,if you go to Brunei,you would have to take off your shoes before 8.going (go) into someone’s house.There are sometimes great cultural differences even 9.between native English speakers.The British celebrate Bonfire Night every year,many Americans are not familiar 10.with the festival.‎ ‎[核 心 词 汇]‎ ‎1.ensure vt.保证,担保,确保 ensure (doing) sth 保证(做)某事 ensure sb sth 保证/确保某人(得到)某物 ensure sb from/against... 保护某人免受……的伤害 ensure that...=make sure that... 确保/保证……‎ ‎①All the necessary steps have been taken to__ensure__their__safety.‎ 已采取所有必要措施以确保他们的安全。‎ ‎②Take this medicine,which will ensure__you__a__good__night’s__sleep.‎ 吃了这药,它将保证你一晚睡眠良好。‎ ‎③Warm clothing will ensure us against/from suffering from the cold.‎ 衣服穿得暖和,我们就不会挨冻。‎ ‎2.congratulate vt.向(某人)道贺,祝贺 ‎(1)congratulate sb on/upon (doing) sth 祝贺某人(做了)某事 congratulate oneself (on sth) (因某事)庆幸自己 ‎(2)congratulation n. 祝贺,贺词 congratulations to sb on (doing) sth 为某事祝贺某人 Congratulations! 恭喜!‎ ‎①I warmly congratulated him on getting(get)the first place in the competition.‎ 我热烈祝贺他在竞赛中获得第一名。‎ ‎②Leaders from all over the world offered their congratulations (congratulate) on the opening of the 19th CPC National Congress.‎ ‎ 世界各国领导人祝贺中共十九大的胜利召开。‎ ‎③You should congratulate yourself on having done an excellent job.‎ 你应该为你出色的工作感到自豪。‎ ‎3.prohibit vt.(尤指以法令)禁止,不准;阻止 ‎(1)prohibit (one’s) doing sth 禁止(某人)做某事 prohibit sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事 ‎(2)prohibition n. 禁止,阻止;禁令 a prohibition on/against ……的禁令 ‎①It was the bad weather that prohibited their going (go) to the science museum.‎ 是糟糕的天气阻止了他们去参观科学博物馆。‎ ‎②It’s necessary to prevent/stop/keep people from using mobile phones in some places.‎ ‎→It’s necessary to prohibit people’s__using__ mobile phones in some places.‎ ‎→It’s necessary to prohibit people__from__using__ mobile phones in some places.‎ 有必要禁止人们在一些场所使用手机。‎ ‎③The prohibition (prohibit)against smoking on campus is strictly carried out.‎ 校园内严禁吸烟。‎ ‎[名师指津] “禁止/阻止某人做某事”的表达还有:‎ ‎①discourage sb from doing sth ②ban sb from doing sth ③prevent sb (from) doing sth ④keep sb from doing sth ⑤stop sb (from) doing sth ⑥forbid sb from doing sth ‎4.adjust vi.& vt.适应,习惯;调整,调节;整理,整顿 ‎(1)adjust to (doing) sth 适应(做)某事,习惯(做)某事 adjust...to... 将……调整到……;使……适应……‎ adjust oneself to (doing) sth 使自己适应(做)某事 ‎(2)adjustment n. 调整,适应 make adjustments to 对……做出调整 ‎①It’s quite funny watching the new foreign teachers trying to adjust__to doing that.(教材原句)‎ 看新来的外教努力适应这个动作的样子真是太滑稽了。‎ ‎②The desks and seats can be__adjusted (adjust)to the height of any child.‎ 这些桌椅可以调整以适应孩子的身高。‎ ‎③It’ll take you some time to adjust yourself to the new climate.‎ 你适应这种新气候需要一段时间。‎ ‎④Because of the new situation,they had to make many adjustments (adjust) to their plan.‎ 由于新的形势,他们不得不对计划进行了许多调整。‎ ‎5.accustomed adj.习惯于;惯常的 ‎(1)get/become/grow/be accustomed to (doing) sth 习惯于(做)某事 ‎(2)accustom vt. 使习惯于 accustom sb/oneself to (doing) sth 使某人/自己习惯于(做)某事 ‎①Many foreigners have trouble getting__accustomed__to__it.(教材原句)‎ 很多外国人很难习惯这一点。‎ ‎②All the students in our school are accustomed to reading__(read) English in the morning.‎ 我们学校所有的学生都习惯了早上读英语。‎ ‎③Accustomed(accustom)to living in the countryside,I found it ‎ hard to live in the city.‎ 习惯于生活在农村,我发现很难在城市生活。 ‎ ‎6.familiar adj.通晓;熟悉 be familiar with... 精通……,熟悉……‎ be familiar to... 为……所熟悉 ‎①I believe these donated books will make you more familiar with China.‎ 我相信这些捐助的书会使你更加熟悉中国。‎ ‎②His name is familiar to me,but I haven’t met him.‎ 他的名字我很耳熟,但我未曾见过他。‎ ‎[名师指津] be familiar to的主语可以是人,也可以是物,宾语通常是人;be familiar with的主语只能是人,宾语是所熟悉的内容或物。‎ ‎7.account n.描述,叙述;报道;账户 v.解释,说明;考虑;认为 ‎ ‎(1)take sth into account/consideration 认真考虑某事 on account of 由于,因为 on no account 决不(置于句首时,句子用部分倒装)‎ open an account 开一个账户 ‎(2)account for 对……做出解释和说明;是……的原因;(在数量和比例上)占,占据 ‎(3)accountant n. 会计 ‎①The heavy rain may have accounted for the absence of so many students this morning.‎ 大雨可能导致了今早很多学生缺席。‎ ‎②On no account should__you__leave the baby alone in the ‎ house.你切不可将婴儿独自留在家中。‎ ‎③I sincerely hope that you will take my suggestions into account.我真诚地希望你将认真考虑我的建议。‎ ‎[名师指津] 表示“决不”的短语还有:‎ ‎①in no case    ②by no means ‎③at no time ④in no way ‎⑤under/in no circumstances ‎8.let alone 更不用说,更别提 let/leave sb alone 别烦/不打扰某人 let/leave sth alone 别碰某物;别管某事 ‎ let sb down 使某人失望 let out 使出来,放出;出租(某物);泄露(秘密)‎ let in 使进来,进入 ‎①He could barely keep body and soul together,let__alone support his family.‎ 他连自己的生活都难以维持,更不用说养家了。‎ ‎②Please leave/let__me__alone.I need a quiet place to think it over.‎ 请不要打扰我。我需要一个安静的地方思考。‎ ‎③At the sight of a snake lying on the ground,she let out a scream.‎ 看到地上有一条蛇,她尖叫起来。‎ ‎[名师指津] let alone“更不用说”,相当于一个插入语,但其后所接的词的形式要求与前面的平行一致,一般用于否定句之后。其同义短语是not to mention。‎ ‎9.take up 占据(时间或空间);开始从事,承担;拿起;接受;继续 ‎[一词多义] 写出下列句中take up的含义 ‎①I have no idea what he will do with them all,and it took up a lot of time.(教材原句)占据(空间)‎ ‎②The teacher took up the lesson where he had left off.继续 ‎③I’ve settled that I’ll drop medicine and take up physics.开始从事;承担 ‎④Are you going to take up the challenge of lasting a whole week without arguing?接受 take down   写下;拆除 take in 收留;吸收;欺骗;领会;理解 take off 脱掉;起飞;成功 take on 雇用;呈现;承担 take over 接任;接替;采用 ‎⑤He didn’t take__in what he read because his mind was focused on something else.‎ 他没有领会他阅读的东西,因为他的思想在其他事情上。‎ ‎⑥I had to take__on all her work because she was ill.‎ 由于她生病了,我不得不承担起她所有的工作。‎ ‎[重 点 句 型]‎ ‎1.Many foreigners have__trouble__getting accustomed to it.‎ 很多外国人很难习惯这一点。‎ 句中用了have trouble (in) doing sth结构,意为“做某事有困难”。‎ have (much,little,no)trouble/difficulty (in) doing ‎ sth=have(much,little,no) trouble/difficulty with sth 做某事有(很多)/(几乎)没有困难 ‎①—Did you have difficulty finding (find) Ann’s house?‎ ‎—Not really.She had given us clear directions and we were able to find it easily.‎ ‎——你找到安娜的家有困难吗?‎ ‎——不是很难。她已告诉过我们很清晰的方向,我们很容易就找到了。‎ ‎②Tom and his father had some trouble with Chinese customs during the travel.这次旅行中,汤姆和他的父亲在中国习俗方面遇到了一些麻烦。‎ ‎[名师指津] 对于have trouble/difficulty doing sth的考查,常把trouble/difficulty 提前,后跟定语从句,省略介词in,导致have与后面的动名词连在一起,要注意辨别。‎ ‎③You can hardly imagine the difficulty we had solving(solve) the problem.‎ 你简直想象不到我们解决这个问题时遇到的困难。‎ ‎2.One__reason__why there are so many French words in English is__that the French ruled England for quite a number of years.‎ 英语里有如此多的法语词汇的原因是法国人曾统治英格兰很长时间。‎ 在此句型One reason why...is that...中why引导定语从句修饰 the reason; that 引导表语从句,说明the reason 的内容。类似句型有:‎ ‎(1)The reason for which/why...is that...……的原因是……‎ ‎(2)That/This/It is why...“那就是为什么/因为……”,why从句表示结果 ‎(3)That/This/It is because...“那就是因为……”,because从句表示原因 ‎①The reason why/for__which he failed the exam was that he had been absent from the class for a long time.‎ 他考试不及格的原因是他好长时间没来上课。‎ ‎②There was a lot of work to do.That__is__why I didn’t go to the cinema that day.‎ 有很多工作要做。那就是我那天没去看电影的原因。‎ ‎[名师点津] 主语为名词reason时,表语从句中的连接词要用that/which,而不用why或because。‎ ‎③The reason that/which he explained to us was that he hadn’t read the book before.‎ 他给我们解释的理由是他之前没有读过这本书。‎ ‎[当 堂 达 标]‎ Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.These cats look exactly alike(十分相似的),so how can you tell which is which?‎ ‎2.My mom is busy preparing rooms for the reception(接待) of guests.‎ ‎3.The bride (新娘) looked beautiful and the whole ceremony went very well.‎ ‎4.If you have just opened a bank account (账户),can you get a loan from the bank?‎ ‎5.The disease spread throughout (遍及) the whole ‎ country,getting most people into a panic.‎ ‎6.He looks so familiar(熟悉的),but I can’t remember his name.‎ ‎7.In order to ensure(确保) success,we must make a complete and thorough plan.‎ ‎8.To show sadness,he hangs his head and holds a hand up to his face in a gesture (手势) of grief.‎ ‎9.The Spring Festival celebration is a spiritual feast (宴会) for the Chinese.‎ ‎10.Less than twenty percent of the students in their school are girls.That is to say,girls are in the minority (少数).‎ Ⅱ.单句语法填空 ‎1.If you want to ensure your catching (catch) the plane,take a taxi.‎ ‎2.He must be very happy to receive congratulations (congratulate) on his success.‎ ‎3.The boy rushed off as soon as his father gave him permission (permit).‎ ‎4.It seems that local laws prohibit building (build) near the parks.‎ ‎5.People have been accustomed to carrying (carry) a cell phone with them at any time.‎ ‎6.Exposure to the English language which is used in our daily life can make people familiar with them.‎ ‎7.How do you account for making so many mistakes in your ‎ homework?‎ ‎8.Throwing their hats into the air,the fans of the winning team let out loud shouts of victory.‎ ‎9.The glass doors have taken the place of the wooden ones at the entrance,letting in the natural light during the day.‎ ‎10.Peter will take up his post as the head of the travel agency at the end of next month.‎ Ⅲ.单句改错 ‎1.The reason why he got so angry was because he found his son lying to him.because→that ‎2.Please don’t hesitate to turn to us for help whenever you have trouble in your study.in→with ‎3.She came to congratulate me to my winning the first place in the English contest.第二个to→on ‎4.We must adjust ourselves to live in the changing society unless we want to be left behind.live→living ‎5.He was familiar with me but I couldn’t think of his name at once.with→to Ⅳ.句型转换 ‎ ‎1.Your excellent experience in teaching will guarantee you a post.‎ ‎→Your excellent experience in teaching will ensure you a post.‎ ‎2.I was a bit late but I couldn’t disappoint them completely.‎ ‎→I was a bit late but I couldn’t let them down completely.‎ ‎3.If you travel into space in a spaceship,you must adapt yourself to weightlessness.‎ ‎→If you travel into space in a spaceship,you must adjust yourself to weightlessness.‎ ‎4.He had no difficulty settling the problem with you helping him.‎ ‎→He had no trouble settling the problem with you helping him.‎ ‎[课 下 作 业]‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A ‎(2018·湖南省东部六校高三联考)‎ Lavinia “Vinnnie” Ream made a name for herself as an artist at a young age.In 1864,after creating small likenesses of General Custer and many Congressmen,several senators (参议员)asked 17-year-old Ream to make a marble bust (半身雕塑像)—and this was just over a year after she had picked up the skill.The senators allowed Ream to choose her subject,and she picked the president.‎ ‎ Her friends in the Senate personally asked Lincoln to pose (摆好姿势) for the sculpture,but he declined.After hearing that she was a struggling artist from a Midwestern background not dissimilar to his own,however,Lincoln changed his mind.“He granted me sittings for no other ‎ reason than that I was in need,” she later wrote.“Had I been the greatest sculptor in the world I am quite sure I would have been refused.”‎ ‎ Not only did the president agree to the sitting,he gave her a half hour of his time every day for five months.“It seemed that he used this half-hour as a time for relaxation,for he always left instructions that no one was to be admitted during that time,”Ream said.“He seemed to find a strange sort of companionship in being with me,although we talked but little.” He occasionally talked about his son Willie,who had died two years before.The stories sometimes moved him to tears,and he told Ream that she reminded him of Willie.“Lincoln never told a funny story to me.He rarely smiled,”Ream later recalled.‎ ‎ After Lincoln was killed at Ford’s Theatre,Congress hired Ream to create a memorial statue of the fallen president.Though she had already proved that she could create a remarkable likeness of Lincoln,not everyone was convinced she would be up to the task of sculpting a full-sized version.“Having in view the youth and inexperience of Miss Ream,and I will go further,and say,having in view her sex,I shall expect a complete failure,” Senator Jacob Merritt Howard said.‎ ‎ But Ream had the last laugh: Her work still graces (给……以光彩) the Capitol Rotunda today.‎ ‎【语篇导读】 本文是记叙文。文章讲述了美国前总统林肯曾经为一位年轻女艺术家每天腾出半小时时间以便她能制作他的雕塑。‎ ‎1. Before making the bust of the president,Ream ________.‎ A.was very rich B.had been very famous C.was a friend of the president D.had been sculpturing for years 答案 B [细节理解题。由文章开头的“Lavinia‘Vinnnie’Ream made a name for herself as an artist at a young age”可知,Ream在为总统做半身雕像之前已经很有名了。]‎ ‎2.Why did Lincoln promise to make time for the sculpture?‎ A.He liked Ream.‎ B.He pitied Ream.‎ C.He admired Ream’s work.‎ D.He was asked by a senator.‎ 答案 B [推理判断题。由第二段可知,总统起初拒绝为雕像摆姿势,但是在听了Ream困难的家庭背景后,总统改变了主意。由该段中的“struggling”和“no other reason than that I was in need”可推断,总统是因为同情Ream才答应了这件事。]‎ ‎3.Why did Lincoln give Ream half an hour each day according to Ream?‎ A.He wanted the sculpture to be perfect.‎ B.He felt the need to talk to her.‎ C.He needed the time to relax.‎ D.He felt lonely by himself.‎ 答案 C [细节理解题。由第三段中的“It seemed that he used this half-hour as a time for relaxation,for he always left instructions that no one was to be admitted during that time”可知,林肯之所以每天给Ream腾出半个小时时间主要是为了放松。]‎ ‎4.What was Jacob’s attitude towards Ream creating a full-length statue of Lincoln?‎ A.He was hopeful of it.‎ B.He was objective about it.‎ C.He was uncertain about it.‎ D.He strongly disapproved of it.‎ 答案 D [推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的“Having in view the youth and inexperience of Miss Ream,and I will go further,and say,having in view her sex,I shall expect a complete failure”可推断,Jacob坚决反对让Ream为林肯塑造全身雕像。]‎ B ‎(2018·石家庄高三质检)Many young people these days adore the advertised magazine body and become too focused on attaining this image instead of worrying more about what lasts and even grows over time.But could you imagine being considered beautiful for years,and suddenly being ugly after moving to another continent? It is a sad reality that people don’t realize how vacillating the idea of beauty can be from one country to another.‎ ‎ Think of the most typical American girl you know.Is she blonde-haired with white skin and light blue eyes,and does ‎ she love shopping or sports? Now place this girl in the heart of Africa,where beauty is placed on what you can control.The Maasai tribe in Kenya focuses on how clean people are,and how stylish their piercings (穿孔) are.This tribe’s culture is to be a brave fighter,so they will cut their skin with patterns in it to show that they are strong.If you don’t look fierce,you are not beautiful.‎ Other countries like North Korea and South Korea have their own unique views on beauty.In an interview,a woman who has lived in both North Korea and South Korea claims that beauty in North Korea is based more on your ability to be a good woman and wife.She says that women in North Korea are less concerned about fashion and beauty in the physical sense.She says they did have a time when big eyes were a big deal and everyone wanted to get double eyelid surgery.This is something extreme and could perhaps be influenced by Western culture.But don’t you think the idea of getting surgery done to look more attractive is crazy?‎ ‎【语篇导读】 本文主要介绍了不同群体的文化差异使得人们对美的观点不尽相同。‎ ‎5.What does the underlined word “vacillating” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?‎ A.Inconsistent.    B.Reasonable.‎ C.Unusual. D.Similar.‎ 答案 A [词义猜测题。根据第一段第二句可知,许多年里,你都被认为是美丽的,在你搬到另一个大陆时突然会被认为是难看的。由此可知美会随着地点的不同发生变化,因此此处指人们没有意识到不同国家的人对美的观点是不一致的。]‎ ‎6.The Maasai tribe in Kenya is mentioned to show that in their eyes ________.‎ A.getting dirty is stylish B.looking fierce is beautiful C.strong people cut their skin D.American girls love shopping 答案 B [细节理解题。根据第二段的“If you don’t look fierce,you are not beautiful.”可知,肯尼亚的Maasai部落认为看起来凶猛就是美丽的。]‎ ‎7.According to the woman interviewed,women in North Korea now ________.‎ A.care a lot about their appearance B.put the beauty of eyes in the first place C.pay great attention to their ability D.are crazy about double eyelid surgery 答案 C [细节理解题。根据最后一段的“claims that beauty in North Korea is based more on your ability to be a good woman and wife”可知,朝鲜的女性现在更加关注她们成为好女人和好妻子的能力。]‎ ‎8.What does the text mainly tell us?‎ A.Inner beauty is of great importance.‎ B.Ideas of beauty vary among culture groups.‎ C.Different ways are needed to admire true beauty.‎ D.Fashion magazines easily influence young people.‎ 答案 B [主旨大意题。根据第一段的最后一句可知,不同国家的人对美的观点是不同的,即不同的文化群体对美的观点不尽相同。]‎ Ⅱ.短文改错 There are many people think that wealth is better than health.I used to think so until one day I had read a story about Howard Joyce.He was an European billionaire who got everything he wanted.Therefore,in the last twenty years of his life,his health began to get worse and he led a miserably life.Although the best doctors called for him,he could still find no relief.I have realized that health is worth all the money in the world.If you have million of dollars but you are at poor health,you will not be able to do what you want to do.So I would like to advise you not to hurt yourself to trying to make money.Instead,take care of your body and be happy with which you do.Health is more important.‎ 答案 There are many people / that wealth is better than health.I used to think so until one day I read a story about Howard Joyce.He was European billionaire who got everything he wanted.,in the last twenty years of his life,his health began to get worse and ‎ he led a life.Although the best doctors called for him,he could still find no relief.I have realized that health is worth all the money in the world.If you have of dollars but you are poor health,you will not be able to do what you want to do.So I would like to advise you not to hurt yourself to to make money.Instead,take care of your body and be happy with you do.Health is more important.‎ Ⅲ.书面表达 ‎(2018·全国100所名校示范卷)假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Jenny想学习中文,给你发来一封电子邮件询问学中文是否很难。请你给她回一封信,简要介绍学习中文需要注意的事项,并表示你愿意提供帮助。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎                                    ‎ ‎                                    ‎ ‎                                    ‎ ‎                                    ‎ ‎【参考范文】‎ Dear Jenny,‎ I’m glad that you are so fascinated with Chinese.As a language used by a large population in the world,Chinese ‎ has become more and more popular with foreigners.To study Chinese,you are advised to learn from elementary Chinese,like Chinese pinyin and characters.Believe it or not,its grammar is quite similar to that of English,so there is no need to worry about it.‎ However,just like any other languages,Chinese has its special characteristics,such as its tones and each Chinese character with its unique structure,making it harder for foreigners to learn.So they may fall into a difficult situation,feeling discouraged,not knowing what it conveys.As your pen friend,I feel it a duty to offer my help whenever you meet with difficult language points while studying Chinese.‎ Best regards.‎ ‎ Yours,‎ ‎ Li Hua

