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‎2019届二轮复习阅读理解专题阅读七选五模拟试题10篇训练之四 ‎[一]‎ There are two types of party attendees (参加者): Those who count the minutes until they can go home, and those who stay until the early hours of morning.‎ Regardless of which category you fall into, though, you must have secretly wondered about the best time to head out the door. Not only do you want to avoid being impolite, but you also don’t want to overstay your welcome.Thankfully, Thomas Blaikie can help you out with this delicate matter.‎ According to Blaikie, there is a golden time to leave the gathering without appearing rude. If it’s a sitdown dinner party, but you have to leave for something urgent, you should remain until all courses have been served.It’s considered rude to leave before dessert. Aim to say your goodbyes at 11:15 p.m.Don’t be the last person to leave.‎ ‎ 14 Chatting with a drink in your hand can easily make you lose track of the time.And don’t worry about hurting your host if you must turn down an offer.After all, your host is tired out.‎ This advice depends on how well you know your host, of course. He also might appreciate it if you stayed behind to help clean up.In that case, you’ll need to know the best cleaning tips for a dinner party.‎ A.As for the weekends?‎ B.On a weeknight, it is best to leave at 10:30 p.m.‎ C.Undoubtedly, they have spent much time on the party.‎ D.Thank the host for the party when you are ready to leave.‎ E.Blaikie recommends politely turning down any afterdinner drinks.‎ F.A good friend might be hurt if you did happen to turn down an offer.‎ G.Finding the most natural moment to leave the party can be an art form.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了什么时候离开聚会最合适以及如何拒绝主人的餐后邀请。‎ ‎11.选G 空前谈到人们参加聚会时都思考过什么时候离开最合适。空后谈 到既要避免不礼貌地过早离开,又要考虑不过度逗留。所以本空选G“找到离开聚会最自然的时间可能是一种艺术形式”。‎ ‎12.选B 空前谈到了礼仪专家Blaikie认为礼貌地离开聚会有一个黄金时间,因此本段应该谈离开聚会的具体时间。所以,本空谈在工作日的晚上聚会的话,10:30是离开的黄金时间。‎ ‎13.选A 本段第一句是主题句,再结合本空后面一句“Aim to say your goodbyes at 11:15 p.m.”可知选A。“Aim to say your goodbyes at 11:15 p.m.”实际上回答了如果在周末晚上聚会的话,什么时候离开最合适的问题。‎ ‎14.选E 根据空后的内容可知,本段在谈应该拒绝关于餐后饮品的邀请,因为这样会把控不了时间,况且主人也很累了。因此E选项作为本段主题句是最恰当的。‎ ‎15.选F 本段第一句谈到了这些建议要根据你对主人的了解程度来使用。本空后面的“He also might appreciate it if ... clean up.”暗示了好朋友可能真的希望你留下来帮助他清理。据此可推知,如果你拒绝餐后的邀请,你的好朋友可能会伤心。故选F。‎ ‎[二]‎ Can we be really happy and content with our life? Actually, we rarely come across a person who can claim to be perfectly content with what he has. We all wish to have more than what we already have. Soon we would want something more or something different.‎ Why are humans never satisfied? One of the reasons is comparing with others. When comparing ourselves with others, we tend to rarely focus on our own unique talents and abilities, or what we already have. 2 ‎ Curiosity can also make us not satisfied with our life because it makes us pay more attention to things we don’t know about or don’t have. 3 Thus, we never feel completely content.‎ ‎ 4 We enjoy anything that’s unexplored. A good change in our life does keep up happy for some time, but soon the unavoidable boredom jumps in, and once again we wish for some more changes in life, which keeps us dissatisfied with our life.‎ Though humans can never really be completely content, we can be much ‎ more satisfied with ourselves if we try to determine how much is enough to keep ourselves happy, and limit ourselves to the pursuit (追求) of only that much. 5 As a result, we can finally make ourselves more content. In addition, it’s better to live in the present moment and do things we really want to do.‎ A.Human curiosity is a doubleedged sword.‎ B.We never feel content also because we want to change.‎ C.We do so many things just to improve others’ opinions about us.‎ D.We always want to find out more about what we aren’t familiar with.‎ E.But even if all our wishes came true, the satisfaction wouldn’t last a very long time.‎ F.So we tend to become unhappy, thinking about what others have but we do not have.‎ G.Setting up achievable goals can keep us away from disappointments and regrets.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章分析了人们不满足的原因,并提出了一些如何让我们保持快乐、满足的建议。‎ ‎1.选E 上一句说“我们都想拥有更多”,本空紧接着说“即使是所有的愿望都实现了,满足感也不会持续很长时间”,前后句之间是句意上的转折关系。‎ ‎2.选F “当我们与别人作比较时,就很少注意自己独特的才能”,这样的结果就是“我们变得沮丧,开始想别人拥有我们却没有的东西”。‎ ‎3.选D 本空进一步阐述“好奇心会让我们对自己的生活不满意”。‎ ‎4.选B 从下一句的内容“我们都喜欢未探索过的事情”以及“A good change ...”可知,我们不满足还因为我们想要改变。‎ ‎5.选G 本空是对前面一句的总结:设立一个可以达到的目标,我们就不会有那么多的失望和懊悔。‎ ‎[三]‎ Being mindful is the practice of actively paying attention and making the effort to be purposely aware of your surroundings and the people with whom you communicate. Becoming more mindful needs a lot of practice and it isn’t something that happens overnight. 6 ‎ ‎•Slow down. Deadlines are everywhere, and many of us feel like we need to hurry through each thing in order to experience the next. The truth is that moving too fast leaves us open to mistakes, both personally and professionally. 7 Slow down and pay attention to what you are doing. You are likely to be more successful and also find more enjoyment.‎ ‎•Be aware. Consider the people you see and what they are doing, the smells that surround you, and the sounds that you hear. It seems basic, but this is where you are right now. Have you really noticed all the aspects of your present experience?‎ ‎•Think deeply in silence. The act of quieting your mind is a powerful way to gain control and focus. 9 A few minutes a day is enough to allow you to feel centered and calm.‎ We move fast each day and feel it necessary to “get it all done”, so many of us find ourselves stressed and anxious. 10 Measuring each day by how many things you have finished on your list isn’t truly living.‎ A.This doesn’t have to take long.‎ B.Check out these tips for ways to get started.‎ C.The art of being mindful is being lost quickly.‎ D.At different points in your day, stop and just look around.‎ E.We can’t possibly fully enjoy the present moment in this way.‎ F.And experiences that happen in a rush are not fully experienced.‎ G.By being mindful, we can focus on the things making life worth living.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。每天人们似乎总是急于把事情做完,因此对当下周围的人和事不够专注。本文给出了几条建议帮助我们静下心来留意经历过的每件事情。‎ ‎6.选B 本空引出下文的内容。下文介绍了如何在生活中做一个有心之人。‎ ‎7.选F 根据上一句中的“The truth is that moving too fast leaves us ...”可知,太匆忙会让我们出错,并且匆忙中得来的体验并不能被充分地感受到。这两句共同说明匆忙的不利之处。因此下一句内容告诉我们要慢下来,专注于当下做的事情。‎ ‎8.选D 下一句内容举例说明我们要留意周围的事情,因此本空是说在一 天中的不同时刻,停下来,向四周望望。‎ ‎9.选A 根据下一句“A few minutes a day is enough”可知,冥想并不会花费我们很长时间,一天中只花几分钟的时间用来冥想就足以使我们保持集中和冷静。‎ ‎10.选G G项意为:保持留心使得我们能集中精力做那些让我们的生活更有意义的事。本空与下句构成对比,都提到了living。‎ ‎[四]‎ Competition is all around us. It’s responsible for bringing the best out of people and enabling us to survive a fastpaced world. Sometimes we see young boys crying because their teams lost in interschool tournaments. Sometimes we find young teenagers lie and cheat just to win. So it’s important to develop healthy competition in children.‎ When it comes to encouraging healthy competition in kids, the first thing to do is set goals for them to work towards. 13 If you burden them with too high a goal they can’t achieve; they’ll lose confidence.‎ In addition, children may be easily affected by wrong ideas from popular media. Sportsmanship and team spirit will help them grow into sound human beings who aren’t easily annoyed by small losses or too excited by vietories. They may also dislike cheating or lying. So give the examples where one of the family members refused to cheat to win.‎ ‎ 15 After they take an exam, don’t ask about how much they expect to score; instead, ask what they wrote about. If your son played a basketball match at school, don’t ask him whether his team won or lost; ask him how many scores he got and encourage him to score higher next time.‎ A.You mustn’t push them too hard.‎ B.These are all effects of unhealthy competition.‎ C.It makes the strong stronger and the weak weaker.‎ D.However, children can be worst hit by competition.‎ E.Sending your children the right signals in life is also important.‎ F.Therefore, it’s up to you to develop in them, the right kind of spirit.‎ G.Let your kids know that you’re more interested in how they performed.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。父母应该如何引导孩子正确对待竞争呢?本文给出了几条建议。‎ ‎11.选D 本空前的内容说明了竞争的积极作用,而本空后的两个例子告诉我们有时候青少年不能用平常心对待竞争,因此本空内容承上启下,告诉我们竞争会对青少年有消极的影响。‎ ‎12.选B 本空是对空前两句话的总结:这些是不正当的竞争对青少年的消极影响。因此,良性竞争很重要,故作者在下文提出了几条建议来引导孩子正确对待竞争。‎ ‎13.选A 根据本空后的内容可知,如果给他们定太高的目标,他们就会失去信心。因此作者在本空给的建议是:不要太强逼孩子。‎ ‎14.选F 因为孩子们很容易被大众媒体传播的一些错误思想影响,所以你要教他们什么才是正确的精神。本空前的内容是原因,本空内容为结果。‎ ‎15.选E 本空为本段的中心句:生活中给孩子传递正确的讯息也很重要。‎ ‎[五]‎ ‎30 years ago, I was rocking my baby boy in my arms. 16 My wife was half asleep and half watching TV in the living room.I poured myself a glass of iced tea in the kitchen, and walked into the front yard.‎ ‎ 17 On the hill next to our house the neighbor’s children were running after fireflies (萤火虫), hoping to catch one in a jar.I sat down in my chair and watched them for a while.‎ As fast as they could run, though, they couldn’t seem to catch the slow moving lighting insects.Finally, tired, they sat down on the grass and just watched the little guys flying through the air, flashing their light on and off. 18 It felt so good to get to see one of nature’s many miracles (奇迹) lighting up my front yard on a warm summer night.‎ Over the years since then I have appreciated and enjoyed all of the wonderful light in this world. 19 I have found it in nature, books, music, animals, prayer, and most of all in the lives of those around me.I have never tried to catch this light, however.I have learned that true light and true love must come from within. 20 ‎ A.Let them remind you to shine your own light as well.‎ B.When he fell asleep I put him gently down for a good night.‎ C.I have taken it into my heart and welcomed it into my soul.‎ D.I slowly drank my tea and joined them in their appreciation.‎ E.They must flow freely between us and cannot be caught in a jar.‎ F.The next time you see some fireflies, take a seat and enjoy their light.‎ G.As soon as I stepped into the yard I heard the sweet sound of laughter.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。一个夏夜,作者在院子里看到邻居的孩子们捕捉萤火虫,他们捕捉失败后开始看着萤火虫漫天飞舞。作者由此发出感慨:真正的光芒和爱一定来自内心。‎ ‎16.选B 上文提到作者哄孩子睡觉,下文提到作者在厨房给自己倒了一杯冰茶并走进前院。故B项“When he fell asleep I put him gently down for a good night.”符合语境,he指代上文中的“my baby boy”。‎ ‎17.选G 第一段末提到“walked into the front yard”,故G项中的“As soon as I stepped into the yard”与之呼应。‎ ‎18.选D 上文提到孩子们捉不到萤火虫后坐在草地上看着一闪一闪的萤火虫漫天飞舞,下文提到“It felt so good to get to see ...on a warm summer night.”,故空处应是作者也观赏萤火虫的内容。D项符合语境。‎ ‎19.选C 通读本段可以发现,下文句式都与该段第一句呼应,因此空处应用现在完成时。故选C项,且C项中的it指的就是上文中的“all of the wonderful light in this world”。‎ ‎20.选E 空前提到“我学到了真正的光芒和爱一定来自于内心”,结合上文作者在院子里的所见和感受,故E项“它们必须在我们中间自由地流淌,而不能被装在罐子里”,即真正的光和爱是自由的、不受束缚的,符合语境。‎ ‎[六]‎ Christmas is a time for relaxing, having fun and spending time with family and friends. 16 It can be difficult to find the motivation for study when everyone around you is having so much fun.So, here are my top five tips for revising effectively over the Christmas break.‎ ‎•Set aside a few hours a day to revise.‎ Find the best time to revise and make sure that you stick to your timetable! For example, I find that I work best in the morning. 17 ‎ ‎•Plan something fun to do every day.‎ Even if it’s just going for coffee with a friend or watching a film at home, this will give you something to look forward to and motivate you to finish your revision.‎ ‎•Explain to your family why your revision is important.‎ ‎ 18 So, make efforts to tell them why your exams are important.Perhaps you can agree to do something nice with them when your exams are over.‎ ‎• 19 ‎ It is important to take some time to relax.When you do get back to revising, you’ll probably find it easier to concentrate.Pick the most important days for you and your family to concentrate on celebrating Christmas!‎ ‎•Remember that it won’t last forever.‎ You might have to spend your Christmas revising this year, and perhaps for a few more years, but soon enough you’ll be free of exams forever. 20 Have a great Christmas and make sure you find a balance between studying and celebrating.Good luck with your exams!‎ A.Spare your time for your family.‎ B.Make sure that you take a few days off!‎ C.So I get up fairly early and do a few hours of revision.‎ D.Sometimes it can be difficult for family to understand you.‎ E.However, for many of us, it is also the time to prepare for January exams.‎ F.Otherwise, you may probably fall into trouble with your friends and family.‎ G.And after spending time revising, your future Christmases will seem even better!‎ 语篇解读:‎ 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了在圣诞节期间如何有效分配复习功课和参加娱乐活动的时间。‎ ‎16.选E 根据上文的“Christmas is a time for relaxing, having fun and spending time with family and friends.”和下文中的“It can be difficult to find the motivation for study”可知,空处应填一个起承上启下作用的句子,故E项“然而,对我们中的许多人来说,这也是该为一月份的考试做准备的时候了”符合语境。‎ ‎17.选C 根据上一句可知作者在早上学习的效果最好,故选C项“因此我起得很早来进行几个小时的复习”来承接上文。‎ ‎18.选D 根据本段的小标题Explain to your family why your revision is important.及下文中的“So, make efforts to tell them why your exams are important.”可知,复习功课时获得家人的理解是很重要的。根据“so”可知,前后存在因果关系。故选D项“有时家人理解你可能是困难的”来引出下文。‎ ‎19.选B 根据第五段的内容可知,作者建议在复习功课时要做到劳逸结合,故B项“确保你休息几天”符合语境。‎ ‎20.选G 根据本段的小标题Remember that it won’t last forever.及空处前后的内容可知,G项“花费时间复习(功课)后,你未来的圣诞节似乎会更美好”符合语境。‎ ‎[七]‎ When hiring managers post jobs, they get more applications than they want to go through. 16 Avoiding these common job application mistakes will help keep your application out of the garbage.‎ ‎ 17 ‎ The instructions are very important.Failing to follow instructions will get your application thrown away because it shows the hiring manager that you lack attention to detail.‎ Ignore the required attachments (附件).‎ When a job posting requires more than an application form, the organization is telling you that they will use these additional materials to make the decision. 18 Therefore, the hiring manager will throw out applications that do not include all the required attachments.‎ Apply for a job you are obviously overqualified for.‎ Someone with 20 years of experience in academic research who applies for a technician (技术员) position can obviously perform the tasks; however, this person is almost certainly a bad hire. 19 ‎ Leave the reader confused.‎ Often hiring managers want a clear picture of what each candidate will bring to the job. 20 Be as brief as possible while giving a thorough explanation of why you would be good for the job.‎ A.Work out the details carefully.‎ B.Using too many long or rare words will bore readers.‎ C.Pay no attention to instructions on the application form.‎ D.This person would find the position boring and leave soon.‎ E.They try to sort out people who are unlikely to be successful in the job.‎ F.Applying for a job you are unqualified for wastes your time and the employer’s time.‎ G.If you ignore these materials, the hiring manager is missing information to compare you with other applicants.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。当我们在申请工作时,我们的职位申请表如何才能不被招聘者丢到一边?文章建议我们要避免一些不必要的错误。‎ ‎16.选E 根据空前的内容可知,招聘者要浏览很多的申请表,所以他们要努力淘汰一些他们认为不能胜任该职位的申请人。‎ ‎17.选C 由本段的内容可知,作者告诫我们一定要注意招聘广告上的说明,如果不按照要求做的话,那招聘者会认为你不注重细节。因此C项作为小标题,告诉我们一个求职者会犯的错误:忽略申请表上的指示。‎ ‎18.选G 根据空后的内容“Therefore, the hiring manager will throw out applications that do not include all the required attachments.”可知,如果你忽略了这些东西,招聘者就不能用这些信息来把你与其他人相比较,这样就可能会因为相关附件的缺失而导致我们的申请表被扔到一边去了。‎ ‎19.选D 根据前文可知,对于一个能力大于实际职位需要的人来说,他们有可能会在工作之后不久就会感到无聊而因此离职,因此这也不是一个成功的招聘。‎ ‎20.选B 根据空后的“Be as brief as possible”可知,此处建议我们要言简意赅,否则会让招聘者感到无聊,不想再继续看下去。‎ ‎[八]‎ A volunteering vacation can be a meaningful way to spend your time off, but to make the trip satisfying both for you and the cause you are supporting, several factors (因素) need to be considered.Here is some advice on planning the ideal (理想的) vacation:‎ ‎ 16 There are hundreds of causes to volunteer for, and finding one close to your heart will lead to a more worthwhile trip.Possibilities include wildlife conservation, education, environmental protection, health and nutrition.Also, consider any personal and professional skills that you can contribute. 17 ‎ Choose your destination and setting.Your volunteering trip will be more enjoyable if you use it to reach a favorite destination.If Southeast Asia is on your mind, helping with tree-planting programs in Bali would benefit the environment and let you appreciate the scenic island. 18 Is volunteering outdoors in a hot or snowy climate appealing, or do you prefer being in an air-conditioned office?‎ Ask the right questions. 19 Be aware that most volunteering programs require a weeklong commitment.Ask other questions like: How many hours of work per day is required?Are there days off?Will you be working individually or as part of a team?And what are the goals of your efforts? 20 Ask if the cost includes only accommodations or meals and transportation too.‎ A.Figure out your cause.‎ B.Find a well-respected organization.‎ C.And think about the surroundings you want.‎ D.Your duty there is to help, as well as to rest and relax.‎ E.The more you know about your trip, the more successful it will be.‎ F.Despite the word “volunteer”, these vacations usually cost you some money.‎ G.If you’re a doctor, for example, working at a health clinic could be an ‎ ideal fit.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。很多人选择在假期一边旅行一边做志愿活动,这样看似双赢的事,如果计划不周,则可能既毁了你的假期,又帮不了别人。本文给你提出了一些非常重要的建议。‎ ‎16.选A A项中的cause与该空后的“There are hundreds of causes to volunteer for”相呼应,下文紧接着介绍了一些可以选择的常见的志愿活动。‎ ‎17.选G G项中的doctor与该空前一句中的“personal and professional skills”相呼应。此处是说,除了考虑大家通常会选择的志愿活动,还可以跟自己的技能结合起来。例如,如果你是医生,那就可以考虑在诊所帮忙。‎ ‎18.选C 由本段的主题句可知,本段主要包括两个部分,一是目的地,二是工作(做志愿活动)的环境。该空前讲的是目的地,该空后的内容“你愿意在酷热的或是寒冷的户外工作,还是喜欢在有空调的办公室工作?”是关于工作环境的,故C项符合此处语境。‎ ‎19.选E 由本段的主题句可知,本段主要讲要考虑各个方面的问题。该空后列举了一些重要的问题,故该空起承上启下的作用,即“你越是考虑得细致全面,你的假期就会越成功”,故选E项。‎ ‎20.选F F项中的“cost you some money”与该空后的“the cost”相呼应,即虽是志愿活动,但通常还是要自己出一定的费用,所以必须提前弄清楚这些费用都包括哪些,尤其是最基本的吃、住、行。‎ ‎[九]‎ One of my earliest memories was watching my mom talk on our old phone. I was fascinated that she could talk to someone who wasn’t actually in the room with her. 16 I was wondering how she managed to talk with someone she couldn’t see.‎ ‎ 17 Later, we had mobile phones that could be carried around the room. Then came computers and smartphones. These days I can send an email around the world in a second. My daughter’s smartphone has a hundred apps and a dozen social media accounts. She stores all of her information in a mysterious place known as “the cloud”, where she can take it out at any time. It seems that we are more connected in this world than ever before.‎ ‎ 18 Few take the time to talk face to face. Instead of looking into the eyes of our loved ones, we stare at our screens. It seems as if the most connected generations are also the loneliest.‎ Don’t let technology take our time and ruin our life. Make the time to meet, to pray and to communicate with each other. Take a walk on the beach with a friend. Have a long conversation with the phones off and the hearts on. 19 ‎ Remember that we are here to love each other, help each other and make this world a better place. 20 But when it can’t, turn it off.‎ A.That was a long time ago.‎ B.Connect offline as well as online.‎ C.Smartphones have both advantages and disadvantages.‎ D.We should communicate with each other with phones off.‎ E.When your technology can help to do these things, then use it.‎ F.However, what bothers me is that we rarely associate with each other nowadays.‎ G.When she left the room, I slowly walked over to the phone and stared at it for a while.‎ 语篇解读:本文作者描述了家中通信工具的变化,指出人们现在很少互相见面交流,并建议人们合理利用科技,创造更美好的生活。‎ ‎16.选G 根据空处前一句可知,作者对于妈妈能够和一个与她不在同一个房间的人说话感到很好奇,这吸引了作者。G项“当她离开房间的时候,我慢慢地走到电话那儿并盯着看了一会儿”符合文意,故选G项。‎ ‎17.选A 根据空后的“Later, we had mobile phones ... Then came computers and smartphones. These days I can send an email”可知,作者阐述了随着时间的变化,家中的通信工具也发生了改变。A项“那是很久之前的事儿了”符合文意,故选A项。‎ ‎18.选F 根据空处所在的位置可知,空处为段落主题句。根据下文可知,本段主要讲述现在我们很少面对面交流了。F项“然而,令我感到担心的是,我们现在很少互相交流了”能很好地概括段意,故选F项。‎ ‎19.选B 根据上文可知,作者认为不能让科技占据我们太多的时间,摧毁我们的生活,我们应该花时间互相见面交流。B项“‎ 既要在网上联系也要在网络之外联系”符合文意,故选B项。‎ ‎20.选E 空处前一句提到我们来到这个世界是为了相互关爱,相互帮助,使世界变得更美好;后一句提到当科技不能(帮助你)做到这些时,就关掉它。所以空处应表示当科技能够帮助你做到这些时就使用它,故E项符合文意。‎ ‎[十]‎ As parents, sometimes it may feel like all your kids do is sit in front of a screen. 16 If we’re realistic, that’s probably not going to happen.But if you keep things properly managed, screen time can be beneficial.‎ ‎•Acknowledge that screens aren’t all bad.‎ ‎ 17 Watching television or playing games on the computer can be fun, entertaining and a good way to relax.There are also many programs, games and apps that are educational and your children will likely have some homework to do on a computer.‎ ‎• 18 ‎ While screens can be beneficial, if your kids spend too much time in front of them they will miss out on other activities.Things like playing outdoors, reading and doing sports are extremely important for balance. Facetoface communication with family and friends teaches valuable social skills — something that can’t be learnt via social media.‎ ‎•Educate yourself.‎ To strike the right screen time balance for your house, start by learning what technology is around, what it’s best used for and for the ages it’s appropriate. 19 Other parents might be able to offer some insight (见解) too.‎ ‎•Set limits for your kids and yourself.‎ It’s a good idea to put some rules in place around screen time.Let your kids know how they are allowed to use screens — what for, when and for how long. 20 They’ll be more receptive to the rules if they’ve had input.Of course, let the screentime limits you set for your kids be a guide for yourself as well.‎ A.Don’t let screens take over.‎ B.Manage your family’s screen time.‎ C.You can do your own research or talk to your kids about it.‎ D.Discuss these rules as a family so your kids can have a say too.‎ E.Children and teenagers can benefit from ageappropriate technology.‎ F.You might even feel like you want to ban screens from your home altogether.‎ G.If you’re eating dinner, set the work emails aside and chat about your day as a family.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了在家庭中管理“屏幕时间”的方法。‎ ‎16.选F 根据本空前面的“feel like”可知F项“你甚至会想要在家里禁止一切屏幕设备”符合语境。本空后面一句中的that指代F项中的“ban screens from your home altogether”。‎ ‎17.选E 本段主要介绍了看电视或使用电脑等屏幕设备的好处,再结合小标题“Acknowledge that screens aren’t all bad.”可知,E项“孩子们和青少年可以从适合其年龄段的科技设备中获益”符合语境。‎ ‎18.选A 本段主要介绍了过多地使用屏幕设备的弊端,故用A项“不要被屏幕设备所左右”作小标题最符合本段的主旨。‎ ‎19.选C 根据本段的小标题“Educate yourself.”可知C项“你可以自己作研究或和孩子们谈谈”符合语境,本空与其后面一句“别的父母也可能会提供一些他们的见解”是并列关系。‎ ‎20.选D 根据本空前面的“some rules”和后面的“the rules”可知D项“全家人都来讨论这些规则,这样你的孩子们也有机会发表他们的观点”符合语境。本空后面一句“如果他们参与了制定这些规则,他们会更容易接受”是对该句的解释说明。‎

