2020届高考英语二轮培优新专题限时检测(二十八) 任务型阅读(三)

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2020届高考英语二轮培优新专题限时检测(二十八) 任务型阅读(三)

专题限时检测(二十八) 任务型阅读(三)‎ ‎(限时24分钟)‎ A ‎(2019·苏、锡、常、镇模拟)‎ Do the Right Thing In life, people feel most satisfied when they choose options that side with their most deeply held values. Here's how to stay true to yours.‎ If you hope to have your life shaped according to your ideals, you have to know what those ideals are. Perhaps begin sessions by identifying the concepts that are most important from a list: honesty, structure, family and so on. Those qualities are influenced by your parents, your culture and society as a whole, but you have to take ownership of your own decisions.‎ Almost all of these qualities are things most of us desire to hold dear. To determine which principles are more than just desires, reflect on situations that resonate (共鸣) with yourself.‎ Identifying your values will guide you in the right direction, but a few strategies can help you follow through. Before you make a big decision, do something that will put you in high spirits: exercise, socialize with friends, volunteer. Researchers theorize that such activities improve our mood, which promotes dopamine (多巴胺) levels in certain areas of the brain, improving our cognitive abilities and helping us weigh different options.‎ Trouble is, the toughest decisions often arrive at the most inconvenient times. When you're under force, ask a family member, a friend or, in certain cases, a professional for advice. They can provide advice that's not slightly influenced by the work deadline, or leaky roof gradually weakening your mental energy.‎ Of course, people make decisions that contradict their ideals all the time. There are lots of values we hold dear and they frequently come into conflict with one another. It's not so much that people don't know what they want; it's that there are many things we desire, and we don't always know how to compromise.‎ While a single decision can seem like a tugofwar between competing desires, broader life choices don't need to be a definitive eitheror question. One who likes traveling worldwide might temporarily put off a grand trip to explore locations closer to home, or commit to setting aside time for vacation with their family every summer, no matter what else comes up.‎ Surround yourself with people who, besides sharing your passion, can also prevent you from hesitating. A group can remind you,“Hey, we're doing this because we love it.”If you're still struggling, even after seeking out community support, there's no shame in revising your core values. If you're determined to take part in a charity program but spend the evening with friends instead, it may be time to accept that friendship is more important to you than volunteerism. Better yet, find opportunities to continue the charity program with your friends.‎ You may learn that what you believed was a core priority actually has much more to do with ‎ living up to what your parents, coworkers or others expect. If your values agree with who you really are, no one will have to ask you to make those choices.‎ Do the Right Thing Passage outline Detailed information Problem It's most satisfying to make choices which (1)________ your values. But how can you stay true to yours?‎ Solutions ‎ to the ‎ problem ‎►Know your values ‎●Identify your values. It can help (2)______ your life according to your ideals.‎ ‎●Many (3)________ as a whole influence life concepts, but you have to take ownership of your own decisions.‎ ‎●Consider situations resonating with yourself when (4)________ which principles are more than just desires.‎ ‎►Find the best time ‎●Do something putting you in a good (5)________ before making big decisions.‎ ‎●(6)________ other people at the inconvenient times.‎ ‎►Balance all options ‎●Learn to make (7)________ among desires.‎ ‎●Avoid limiting choices to a definitive eitheror question.‎ ‎►Stay the course ‎●Stay with people who encourage you to stay true without a slight (8)________.‎ ‎●It is not (9)________ to revise your core values sometimes, but better find opportunities to make some compensation.‎ Conclusion ‎●Your values may agree with the (10)________ of your parents, coworkers or others.‎ ‎●If your values agree with who you really are, no one will have to ask you to make those choices.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,就如何做出正确选择提出了四点建议。‎ ‎1.match 第一段第一句提到“... when they choose options that side with their most deeply held ‎ values”, side with意思是“匹配”,所以此处填同义词match。‎ ‎2.shape 根据第二段中的“If you hope to have your life shaped according to your ideals ...”可知,识别你的价值观,它可以根据你的理想塑造你的生活。故填shape。‎ ‎3.factors 根据第二段中的“Those qualities are influenced by your parents ... but you have to take ownership of your own decisions.”可知,有很多因素影响你的选择。‎ ‎4.determining/deciding 根据第三段中的“To determine which principles are more than just desires, reflect on situations that resonate (共鸣) with yourself.”可知,空处是状语从句的省略,应用现在分词。‎ ‎5.mood 根据第四段中的“Before you make a big decision, do something that will put you in high spirits”可知,在做重大决定前,应让自己的精神状况良好,这里in high spirits和in a good mood为同义词。‎ ‎6.Consult 根据第五段中的“When you're under force, ask a family member, a friend or, in certain cases, a professional for advice.”可知,当麻烦来临而你却又在不方便的时刻,咨询一下你身边的人。ask sb. for advice=consult sb. 表示“征求某人的意见,咨询某人”。‎ ‎7.compromises/choices 根据第六段中的“... it's that there are many things we desire, and we don't always know how to compromise.”可知,我们要学会面对欲望做出让步/选择。‎ ‎8.hesitation 根据倒数第二段中的“Surround yourself with people who ... can also prevent you from hesitating.”可知答案。‎ ‎9.shameful/disgraceful 根据倒数第二段中的“... there's no shame in revising your core values ...”可知,改变自己的想法并不是一件丢人的/不体面的事情。‎ ‎10.expectation(s) 根据最后一段中的“You may learn that ...living up to what your parents, coworkers or others expect”可知,你的有些价值观可能符合身边人的期待。‎ B ‎(2019·苏、锡、常、镇模拟)Human love isn't neatly ordered or easily predictable. But that doesn't mean that mathematics hasn't got something because, love, as with most of life, is full of patterns. Mathematics is, basically, all about the study of patterns, patterns from predicting the weather to the fluctuations (起伏) in the stock market, to the movement of the planets or the growth of cities. And if we're being honest, none of those things are exactly neatly ordered and easily predictable, either.‎ So let us talk about how to pick a perfect partner using a bit of mathematics that is called Optimal Stopping Theory.‎ Imagine that you start dating when you're 15 and ideally, you'd like to be married by the time that you're 35. And there's a number of people that you could potentially date across your lifetime, and they'll be at varying levels of goodness. The math says then that what you should do in the first 37 percent of your dating window, you should just reject everybody as serious marriage potential. And then, you should pick the next person that is better than everybody that you've seen before. If ‎ you do this, it can be mathematically proven, in fact, that this is the best possible way of maximizing your chances of finding the perfect partner.‎ But unfortunately, I have to tell you that this method does come with some risks.‎ For instance, imagine if your perfect partner appeared during your first 37 percent. Now, unfortunately, you'd have to reject them. Now, if you're following the maths, I'm afraid no one else will appear that's better than anyone you've seen before, so you have to go on rejecting everyone and die alone.‎ Okay, another risk is, let's imagine, instead, that the first people that you dated in your first 37 percent are just incredibly dull, boring, terrible people. Now, that's okay, because you're in your rejection phase. But then imagine, the next person to come along is just slightly less boring, dull and terrible than everybody that you've seen before. Now, if you are following the maths, I'm afraid you have to marry them and end up in a relationship which is, frankly, not most satisfying.‎ Okay, so this method doesn't give you a 100 percent success rate, but there's no other possible strategy that can do any better.‎ And actually, I also think that subconsciously, humans, we do sort of do this anyway. We give ourselves a little bit of time to play the field, get a feel for the marketplace or whatever when we're young. And then we only start looking seriously at potential marriage candidates once we hit our midtolate 20s. I think this is convincing proof, if ever it were needed, that everybody's brains are prewired(天生的) to be just a little bit mathematical. Therefore, it can be mathematically proven that this is the best way to find the perfect partner.‎ The Mathematics of Love Main Points Supporting Details The reason ‎ mathematics ‎ can help with ‎ human love ‎●Love is full of unpredictable patterns.‎ ‎●Mathematics (1)________ patterns that are not neatly ordered.‎ The best ‎(2)________‎ way to pick a perfect partner Pick (3)________ of the first 37 percent, and then choose the next better person that comes along.‎ ‎(4)________‎ ‎ coming with ‎ the Optimal ‎ Stopping Theory ‎●Cause: Your perfect partner is rejected when he/she appears during the first 37 percent.‎ Result: You will die alone as you will reject anyone coming (5)________.‎ ‎●Cause: The next person is slightly (6)________ than any of the first 37 percent, who you have rejected and who are just incredibly terrible.‎ Result: Following the maths, you have to choose him/her, (7)________ in a ‎ partner not most satisfying.‎ ‎(8)________ ‎ the Optimal ‎ Stopping Theory ‎ is the best strategy ‎●Subconsciously, humans play the field before seriously starting looking for a potential person for (9)________.‎ ‎●Human brains are naturally mathematical because we often (10)______ some time getting a feel for the marketplace before making serious decisions.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了如何利用数学概率理论寻找最佳伴侣。‎ ‎1.studies 根据第一段中的“Mathematics is, basically, all about the study of patterns”可知,数学是研究规律的。study“研究”。‎ ‎2.mathematical 根据第三段最后一句“If you do this, it can be mathematically proven, in fact, that this is the best possible way of maximizing your chances of finding the perfect partner.”可知,可以从数学上证明,这是最大化你找到完美伴侣的机会的最好方法。所以用mathematical“数学的”。‎ ‎3.none 根据第三段中的“...you should just reject everybody as serious marriage potential”可知,你应该拒绝所有人,故用pick none of替换reject。‎ ‎4.Risks 根据第四段中的“I have to tell you that this method does come with some risks”可知,这个方法是有风险的。‎ ‎5.after 根据第五段最后一句“Now, if you're following the maths, I'm afraid no one else will appear that's better than anyone you've seen before, so you have to go on rejecting everyone and die alone.”可知,以后有可能再也不会出现比之前看到的更好的人,所以你只能孤独地死去。anyone coming after“之后出现的任何人”。‎ ‎6.better 根据第六段中的“the next person to come along is just slightly less boring, dull and terrible than everybody that you've seen before”可知,后面遇到的人只比之前的人好一点点,用slightly better。‎ ‎7.resulting 根据第六段最后一句“Now, if you are following the maths, I'm afraid you have to marry them and end up in a relationship which is, frankly, not most satisfying.”可知,根据数学,你必须选择他/她,结果却是一个不太令人满意的伴侣。result in“导致”。‎ ‎8.Why 根据最后一段最后一句“Therefore, it can be mathematically proven that this is the best way to find the perfect partner.”可知,这一段主要是解释为什么“Optimal Stopping Theory”是选择伴侣的最佳策略。‎ ‎9.marriage 最后一段中的“And then we only start looking seriously at potential marriage candidates”中“potential marriage candidates”对应题设中的looking for a potential person for ‎ marriage。‎ ‎10.spend 根据最后一段中的“We give ourselves a little bit of time to play the field”可知,此处表示花费时间做某事。spend some time (in) doing sth.“花费时间做某事”。‎

