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‎2018届人教版必修2一轮复习:Unit 4 Wildlife Protection教案设计 I. 单元教学目标 技能目标 Skill Goals Talk about wildlife endangerment Talk about the ways to protect wildlife Review the Present Progressive Passive Voice Write letters on how to protect rare wildlife and the environment II. 目标语言 功能句式 Intention & purpose Refuse one’s proposal I’m going to ... I’m so sorry that ...‎ I will ... I’m afraid that ...‎ I feel like doing ... Thank you very much but ...‎ I intend / mean/ plan to ... I have to say this but ...‎ I’d like to ... The problem is ...‎ I’m ready to ... It was very nice of you but ...‎ I would rather not to tell you ... It’s a shame that ...‎ Why didn’t you tell me that...?‎ Express one’s opinion Give reasons In my opinion, ... … so that …‎ I believe ... … because …‎ I think that ... … so …‎ 词汇 ‎1. 四会词汇 ‎ wildlife protection loss reserve zone peace fur rub mosquito insect powerful attention fierce wild decrease carpet respond distant relief laughter mercy certain importance secure income dinosaur incident dust ending ‎2. 认读词汇 endanger Milu deer species Daisy antelope Zimbabwe rhino WWF millipede county habitat threaten Indonesia extinction unexpected Mauritius disappearance faithfully Colobus ‎3. 固定词组 die out in peace in danger of protect... from pay attention to come into being no longer in relief burst into laughter according to so that ‎4. 重点词汇 hunt contain affect die out in peace in danger (of) in relief burst into laughter protect … from … pay attention to appreciate succeed employ harm bite come into being inspect according to so that 结构 The Present Progressive Passive Voice 重点句子 ‎1. As a result these endangered animals may even die out. P25‎ ‎2. What other endangered animals do you know? P25‎ ‎3. In relief Daisy burst into laughter. P26‎ ‎4. Our fur is being used to make sweaters for people like you. P26‎ ‎5. No rain forest, no animals and no drugs. P26‎ ‎6. One day she drove her car into the local game reserve… P28‎ ‎7. They lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago, long before humans came into being and their future seemed secure at that time. P30‎ II. 教材分析与教材重组 ‎ 1. 教材分析 ‎ 本单元以保护动物为话题,旨在通过本单元的学习使学生了解很多动物已经灭绝或濒临灭绝,从而认识到保护动物的重要性和必要性;通过探讨保护动物的措施和建议,引导学生发表自己的见解和看法;通过进一步讨论提出有效的保护措施,唤起学生保护动植物、维护生态平衡、保护我们家园的责任感。并能写信表达自己保护动物的方法与建议,力求正确表达自己的意图并解释原因,并能正确使用被动语态的现在进行时。‎ ‎1.1 Warming Up首先帮助学生明确保护野生动物的原因以及方向。旨在通过图片和表格引导学生讨论当今我国珍稀动物的现状。以panda、Milu Deer、South China Tiger 为例,通过对这些珍惜动物所面临的问题、在中国的栖息地以及采取措施其后对比所做的报告,学生能够用已有的知识和经验讨论在中国处于保护状态下的濒临灭绝动物。从而有效地引导学生关注本单元话题,关注动物生存现状。‎ ‎ 1.2 Pre-reading是Reading的热身活动。通过回答两个问题引导学生讨论自己所知道的濒临灭绝的动物并思考灭亡的原因。同时要求学生通过阅读文中的图片和标题来猜测文章的内容。‎ ‎ 1.3 Reading是一篇童话故事,讲述Daisy 乘坐飞毯跨越时空,在不同个国度、不同地区与生存状态不尽相同的和藏羚羊、大象、猴子对话的神奇经历,展示了Daisy逐渐认识保护动物重要性以及学习如何保护动物的经历。动物们讲述了各自的处境,唤起了Daisy对动物的热爱以及保护动物的责任心。从而号召人们热爱动物,保护动物,从我做起。‎ ‎ 1.4 Comprehending考察学生对阅读内容的进一步理解与对所学知识的综合运用、迁移。练习1要求学生根据阅读文的内容回答问题。这四个问题设计到濒临物种生存现状,保护这些物种所取得成效的措施、保护动物栖息地的重要性以及决定保护成果能够的必要措施。练习2通过填空练习,学生分析课文结构,内容特点。为写作做好铺垫。练习3帮助学生综合运用、迁移所学知识。通过列举WWF所面临的一个棘手问题,要求学生小组讨论找出合理的解决方案。‎ ‎ 1.5 Learning about Language分词汇和语法两部分。其中Discovering useful words and expressions是本单元单词的英文释义练习、在具体文章中的运用和相关词汇的分类与运用;Discovering useful structures 是以文章内容为载体的 ‎ “被动语态的现在进行时”的操练。由此可以看出本教材已明显地由以结构为特征的传统语法训练转变到以交际功能为特征的功能语法训练,充分体现了新教材话题、功能、结构相结合的特点。‎ ‎ 1.6 Using Language是对所学知识的综合运用。‎ ‎ a. Reading and listening是课文的延伸,先读一段关于恐龙的说明文,简单介绍其种类及灭亡原因;然后听一段关于dodo的材料并根据所听材料做题,抓住细节且要顾及中心思想。‎ ‎ b. Speaking and writing 借dodo的故事引导学生选择他们知道的一种濒临灭绝的动物并分析这种结果的原因。在讨论的过程中练习打算,目的及意图的表达法。与其他小组交流自己所选的动物及拯救措施,选取较优的计划报告给全班同学。之后,根据讨论的内容,借助课本所提供的功能句式WWF写一封信,希望该组织能帮助学生实现这一保护措施。教材已为学生列出写作步骤,学生只需根据本单元内容组织语言,丰富内容。‎ ‎ 总之,通过本单元的系统学习,让学生了解当今珍稀动物的境况,激发他们热爱自然,保护自然的热情;并能够丰富语言知识,提升用英语表达观点的能力。‎ ‎ 2. 教材重组 ‎ 2.1 从话题、内容和功能上分析Warming Up 与Workbook中的LISTENING & TALKING一致,旨在启发学生讨论、思考本单元话题,可以整和成一节任务型“听说课”。‎ ‎ 2.2 可将Pre-reading、Reading、Comprehending三个活动整和成一节“阅读课”‎ ‎ 2.3 将Using Language中的Reading与Workbook中的READING TASK整和成一节“泛读课”‎ ‎ 2.4 将Learning about Language与Workbook中的USING WORDS & EXPRESSIONS, USING STRUCTURES结合在一起, 上一节“语法课”。‎ ‎ 2.5 将Using Language中就已经灭绝的物种dodo展开的听说写上一节“语言学习课”。‎ ‎ 2.6 将Workbook中的LISTENING TASK、SPEAKING TASK和 WRITING TASK上一节“语言实践课”。‎ III. 课型设计与课时分配 (经分析教材,本单元可以用六课时教完)‎ ‎ 1st period Listening and Speaking ‎ 2nd period Intensive Reading ‎ 3rd period Extensive Reading ‎ ‎ 4th period Learning about Language ‎ 5th period Using Language ‎ 6th period Integrating Skills IV. Teaching plans for each period 分课时教案 ‎ The First Period Listening and Speaking ‎ Teaching goals 教学目标 ‎1. Target language 目标语言 重点词汇和短语 die out loss reserve hunt zone in peace wild decrease hunting ‎2. Ability goal 能力目标 Enable the students to talk about endangered wildlife、the reasons for disappearing and the importance of protecting wildlife.‎ ‎3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 ‎ Help the students learn to talk about endangered wildlife, the reasons for disappearing and the importance of protecting wildlife. ‎ Teaching important points 教学重点 How to talk about endangered species of wildlife and environmental protection and how to express refusing and give reasons. ‎ Teaching methods 教学方法 ‎ Elicitation, discussion, pair work, ask-and-answer activity.‎ Teaching aids 教具准备 The Multimedia Computer, a projector, a board and a tape recorder.‎ Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方法 Step I Lead-in Get the students to talk about some endangered animals to lead them to this unit’s topic.‎ T: Morning, everyone! Look at the screen, please. I will show you pictures of some animals. ‎ Show them the pictures of some endangered animals.‎ ‎1 2 3 ‎ ‎4 5 6‎ T: Talk about them in your own words. ‎ The students may refer to the following aspects: 1. what the animal is; 2. Its appearance; 3. reasons why it becomes less and less; 4. what has been done to protect it; 5. other things you know about it: where it lives; what it feeds on…‎ S: The first one is Golden Monkey. It’s very beautiful and smart It is also known as Golden Snub-nosed Monkey (仰鼻猴)or Sichuan Golden Snub-nosed Monkey. It is endemic to China. It is threatened by habitat loss.‎ S: The second lovely animal is Giant Panda. It can only be found in China. It feed mostly on bamboo, a tall woody plant full of fiber. It lives in a few mountain ranges in central China, in Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Gansu provinces. It’s our national treasure. We should try our best to protect it.‎ S: The third one may be a deer.‎ S: No! It’s Tibetan Antelope. Tibetan antelopes coming from the family of Bovidae are mainly distributed over Qinghai Province, Tibetan Autonomous Region and Xinjiang Autonomous Region in China. It is in danger now because many of them have been killed. ‎ T: Wonderful! Thank you. You know so much about wildlife. How about the fourth one?‎ S: I am sure it is a kind of leopard, but I don’t know what kind of leopard it is exactly. ‎ T: Well, it is called Clouded Leopard (云豹), which are one of the first class protected animals. It is found in southern China, the eastern Himalayas, north-east India and south-east Asia. How about the fifth one?‎ S: Tiger! ‎ T: What kind of tiger is it? … It’s South China Tiger. We’ll learn it today. OK, let’s go ‎ on. ‎ S: In Picture 6, there are two Giant Salamanders (娃娃鱼), which can swim against the current and cry like babies. ‎ T: Excellent work! Well, can you find anything common among them? What is it? ‎ S: They are all in danger.‎ T: Well done! They are all endangered animals. If you want to know more about them, let’s come to Unit 4 Wildlife Protection.‎ Step II Warming up Get the students to do Warming up.‎ Scanning T: Next, read through the words in Warming up part, and then find out: Why did so many wild animals die out?‎ Get the students to look through this part. Later ask someone to give the answer.‎ T: Who’d like to say something about this question? ‎ S: If their habitat is threatened or they cannot find enough food, their numbers may decrease. As a result these endangered animals may even die out. ‎ T: That’s it!‎ Discussing Get students to talk about the report in Warming up in pair.‎ T: Today, more and more people realize the importance of protecting endangered wildlife. Here is a report on some endangered wildlife in China. Next, read the report. Then discuss with your partner about these animals. You may refer to the following aspects: 1. What the endangered animals are; 2. What the problem is; 3. List one of their habitat in China; 4. How the animal is after concern Four minutes for free talk, then ask some students to share their opinions with the whole class. ‎ Sample conversation: ‎ S1: What endangered animal do you know?‎ S2: Our National Treasure—Pandas.‎ S1: What’s the problem?‎ S2: They are in danger for lack of bamboo, but recently their number is increasing because more bamboo has been grown.‎ S1: It’s said that although China was the only home for Milu Deer, we brought them from England.‎ S2: Yes. They disappeared in China because of too much hunting. What a pity!‎ S1: So do South China Tiger. They are said to be fierce but some hunters are fiercer! ‎ S2: I cannot agree with you any more.‎ T: Well done! Do you know any other endangered wildlife in China that is being protected? Think about that and then make a list. ‎ Sample answer: ‎ ‎ ‎ Crested Ibis/Brown Eared Pheasant/Red-crowned Crane/Wild Yak /Chinese Alligator ‎ Step III Listening Get the students to do LISTENING on page 62. Help them learn more about wildlife problems.‎ T: You know so much about wildlife. You must be very care about them. In fact, people around the world care about these endangered animals. They write to some experts and tell about their worry about the wildlife around them. Aunty Gladys is such a writer who usually answers these letters. Now, come to LISTENING on page 62. And find out what the problems people worry about.‎ First, get the students to look though the questions in Listening. Play the tape for the students and ask them to listen to the tape carefully. While listening, the students should grasp the key words and get the main idea. Then play the tape once more. After that, let the students answer the questions and check the answers together. Sum up the useful expressions in the material (about environmental protection). Later, play the tape a third time for them to write down the main idea of the passage. At last, check the answers with the whole class.‎ Step IV Talking ‎ Get students to do TALKING on page 62. Help them discuss what people can do to help the endangered animals.‎ T: Next, let’s come to TALKING on page 62. In pairs discuss what advice you might give to one of these worried letter writers. You can write notes of your ideas in the boxes below. ‎ Show the useful expressions on the screen. You can give a model. It’s up to the English level of your students.‎ Step V Discussing Help the students discuss what they have learned today and encourage them to talk about the importance of wildlife protection. ‎ T: What did we learn today?‎ S: Endangered wildlife.‎ S: What their problems are.‎ S: What have been done to them…‎ T: Animals are our friends. We live depend on each other. We should protect them. How do you think about this?‎ S: Animals are our friends. It’s a shame that man killed wildlife for their fur. We don’t have the right to kill them. ‎ S: I’ll talk with people around me seriously. I’ll tell them that I’m so sorry that so many animals are in danger now. The problem is that if man doesn’t realize the dangerous situation, many of the animals will die out soon. We should try to protect endangered animals. I’ll collect some information about wildlife protection and shows the information to people around us. ‎ Step VI Assignment T: Boys and girls you did very well today. I hope you can listen to the listening material again after class to get familiar with it. And here is your homework: 1. Collect information of endangered wildlife, especially Tibetan Antelope, about why they are in danger of disappearing; 2. Preview the next part—Reading on page 26.‎ ‎ The Second Period Intensive Reading ‎ Teaching goals 教学目标 ‎1. Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语 fur rub protect ... from ... contain powerful affect pay attention to in danger of carpet respond in relief burst into laughter mercy harm certain importance mosquito insect appreciate succeed secure income employed b. 重点句子 Daisy had always longed to help endangered species of wildlife.‎ In relief, Daisy burst into laughter.‎ I’m protecting myself form mosquitoes. ‎ But what an experience!‎ ‎2. Ability goal 能力目标 Enable the students to discuss and suggest solution to the wildlife problem WWF has to deal with.‎ ‎3. Learning ability goal 学能目标 Help the students to get to know “how to help wildlife” by reading, discussing and suggesting.‎ Teaching important point 教学重点 How to improve the students’ ability of reading about wildlife protection.‎ Teaching methods 教学方法 ‎ Task-based learning and scanning.‎ Teaching aids 教具准备 The Multimedia Computer, a projector, a board and a tape recorder.‎ Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方法 Step I Lead-in Lead the students to learn HOW DAISY LEARNED TO HELP WILDLIFE.‎ Step II Pre-reading Get the students come to Pre-reading.‎ T: You must have done your homework very carefully. What have you done to prepare ‎ your homework?‎ S: Consult books. Collect information on the Internet. Go to the library.‎ T: Wonderful! And you have learnt a lot about the endangered animals. Have you previewed the passage? … What’s it about?‎ S: But Daisy learnt about how to protecting wildlife by a special way. ‎ S: It’s about how Daisy learned to help wildlife by a wonderful experience with some animals.‎ T: That’s right. We talked about endangered wildlife yesterday. Would you please name some? ‎ S: Panda, Milu Deer, South China Tiger, Chinese Alligator, Tibet Antelope and so on.‎ T: OK! Now look at the screen, please. Discuss the two questions in pairs. I’ll give you three minutes and then I’ll ask some of you to report your work. ‎ ‎1. Why are they in danger of disappearing?‎ ‎2. What do you think we should do to protect wildlife?‎ Three minutes later:‎ T: Now, who’d like to talk about the first question? Volunteers?‎ S: They are lack of food.‎ S: Some of them are over-hunted.‎ S: Their habitat is in danger.‎ T: Well done! How about the second questions?‎ S: I’d like to try. Wildlife is human friends. They can keep the balance of nature and make the whole world colorful. I think to protect wildlife is to protect ourselves. ‎ S: I think we should treat plants and animals the same as our friends. We shouldn’t cut or kill them freely. We also should protect the environment around us to let them have enough food and good living conditions.‎ S: We should collect money to help protect the endangered animals, too. They are dying out!‎ Step III Reading Get the students to learn about the passage—HOW DAISY LEARNED TO HELP WILDLIFE.‎ a. Get students to look through the passage and answer the questions in part 1 in Comprehending ‎ T: Next, let’s learn how Daisy learned to help wildlife. Turn to page 26. Read the text quickly and answer the following questions:‎ Show the students the questions on page 27.‎ ‎1. Why has the antelope in Tibet become an endangered species?‎ ‎2. Why are elephant numbers increasing in Zimbabwe?‎ ‎3. How does the government of Zimbabwe help protect wild animals?‎ ‎4. Why is it important to protect the rainforest?‎ ‎5. What must be done if wildlife protection to succeed?‎ Sample answers:‎ ‎1. They’re being killed for the wool beneath their stomachs. Their fur is being used to make sweaters. As a result, they are now an endangered species.‎ ‎2. The government helped to protect elephant.‎ ‎3. They allowed tourists to hunt only a certain number of animals if they paid the farmers. Now the farmers are happy and the numbers of elephant are increasing.‎ ‎4. Animals live together. No rainforest, no animals, no drugs.‎ ‎5. To protect wildlife, we shouldn’t kill animals and use their fur to make sweater; only hunt animals that are allowed; protect rainforests where animals live. ‎ b. Get students to read the passage carefully and fill in the chart in part 2 in Comprehending. ‎ Sample answer:‎ Paragraph Main idea Supporting details ‎1‎ Why we need wildlife ‎ protection ‎1. Animal: Tibetan Antelope ‎2. Situation: being hunted for the fur under its stomach ‎3. Result: numbers are decreasing rapidly ‎2‎ What need to be done to wildlife protection ‎1. Animal: elephant in Zimbabwe ‎2. Situation: Farmers hunted them without ‎ mercy ‎3. Result: The farmers are happy and numbers are increasing ‎3‎ and ‎4‎ The importance of wildlife protection ‎1. Animal: monkey in rainforest ‎2. Situation: live together with other animals ‎3. Result: no reinforest, no animals, no drug Step IV Language points T: Now let’s deal with some language points. Turn to page 26 and look at the sentence.‎ ‎1. Daisy had always longed to help endangered species of wildlife.‎ ‎ long to: to want to do something very much, especially when it seems unlikely to happen soon ‎ e.g. Kyoto is a city I have always longed to visit.‎ ‎2. Our fur is being used to make sweaters like yours.‎ is being used 是被动语态的现在进行时:am / is /are being done be used to do 是动词 use…to do… 的被动语态 be / get used to doing 表示“习惯于……”‎ used to do “过去常常做……”‎ ‎3. In relief, Daisy burst into laughter.‎ ‎ relief: a feeling of comfort or happiness when something frightening, worrying, or painful has ended or has not happened ‎ burst into laughter: suddenly started laughing ‎4. I’m protecting myself form mosquitoes.这种药保护我免受蚊子的叮咬。‎ protect ... from ... 保护……免受……的伤害 e.g. The hat can protect you from the strong sunlight.‎ ‎5. You should pay more attention to the rainforest where I live and appreciate how the animals live together. ‎ appreciate: to understand or enjoy the good qualities or value of someone or something ‎6. The Carpet rose again and almost at once they were in a thick rainforest.‎ ‎ thick: it is used to describe trees / bushes etc.: growing very close together, or having a lot of leaves, so there is not mush space in between ‎7. “When I find a millipede insect, I rub it over my body. It contains a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes…”‎ ‎ rub +on / into / over etc.: to put a substance into or onto the surface of something by pressing it and moving it around with your hand, a cloth etc.‎ Step V Discussing Get students to do part 3 in Comprehending.‎ We can not force the poor farmers to move to another place. They may lose their secure income and become angry. So the best way is to protect the animal and help the poor farmers have a secure income.‎ The poor farmers can be employed to work in the park. They should be taught the importance of wildlife protection and how to treat these wildlife animals. They can live together harmoniously and without harm.‎ As to these who do harm to the animals, they should be punished. They should be fined or sentences to jails. However, that may not change the situation totally. People should be taught the importance of wildlife protection.‎ For it’s a wildlife park, people coming into the park may hurt the animals. So rules protecting wildlife are necessary.‎ First, prohibit people taking tools may hurt animals, such as knife, fire, gun…‎ Second, ask people not to throw away their rubbish randomly.‎ Third, encourage people not to disturb these animals.‎ Fourth, people should learn about the wild animals, such as how fierce they are, what they’d like to eat, what they’d like to do…‎ Step VI Listening T: Now I will play the tape for you. You can just listen or look at your books or read in a low voice together with tape. It’s up to you. ‎ Step VII Homework ‎1. Write a summary of the text.‎ ‎2. Try to recite the text. ‎ ‎3. Find more information about dinosaur.‎ ‎ The Third Period Extensive Reading ‎ Teaching goals 教学目标 ‎1. Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语 come into being dinosaurs inspect incident dust according to fierce ‎ b. 重点句子 ‎ They lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago, long before humans came into being and their future seemed secure at that time.‎ What is even better is when countries help each other and build a good relationship.‎ There are now so many of them that a new park has been opened for them in Hubei Province.‎ ‎2. Ability goal 能力目标 Enable the students to talk about the possible reasons for the disappearance of dinosaurs.‎ Enable the students to read and talk about the Milu deer.‎ ‎3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help the students learn to talk about the possible reasons for the disappearance of dinosaurs. And read and talk about the Milu deer.‎ Teaching important points 教学重点 Read the passages about dinosaur and the Milu deer and find out information requested.‎ Teaching methods 教学方法 Ask-and-answer activity to check the students’ understanding of the text.‎ Individual, pair or group work to finish the task.‎ Teaching aids 教具准备 The Multimedia Computer, a projector and a board.‎ Teaching procedures & ways 教学步骤与方法 ‎ Step I Revision Ask the students to complete the summary of the text to help them review what they have learnt last period.‎ Show the following summary to the students:‎ One day, Daisy ____ a strange dream. She flew in a wonderful ____ to ____ with an ____ in Tibet. The antelope told her they were hunted because of their ___ which can be used to make ___like hers. In three years they may all be ____ Later, she ____to Zimbabwe where she talked with an ___and got to know the farmers there no longer ____them. That’s because the ____decided to help and the farmers finally made a lot of ____. At last she ___ at the thick rain ____where a monkey told her “No rain forest, no ____and no ___.” Although finally everything was ____, she had ____so much!‎ Suggested answers:‎ One day, Daisy dreamed a strange dream. She flew in a wonderful chair to talk with an antelope in Tibet. The antelope told her they were hunted because of their fur which can be used to make sweaters like hers. In three years they may all be gone. Later, she flew to Zimbabwe where she talked with an elephant and got to know the farmers there no longer hunted them. That’s because the government decided to help and the farmers finally made a lot ofmoney. At last she arrived at the thick rain forest where a monkey told her “No rain forest, no animals and no drugs.” Although finally everything was gone, she had learned so much!‎ Step II Lead-in T: Before our class, I’d like to share a beautiful picture with you. ‎ Show students picture 1.‎ ‎1. 2. ‎ T: Do you know what it is?‎ S: Comet.‎ T: No. Actually, it is a dying star. On Thursday, August 16, 2007, dying star, Mira, is discovered with vast tail. Mira was born billions of years ago as a star similar to our ‎ sun but is now a slowly dying "red giant". And we may never see it again. Also many animals disappeared from the earth for ever. Can you show me an example?‎ S: Dinosaurs. They lived on the earth millions of years ago. ‎ T: Yes. If human don’t protect animals, most of them will disappear. And at that time, people will feel regret.‎ Step III Reading 1‎ Get the students to read the passage ANIMAL EXTINCTION on page 30.‎ Reading T: Next, let’s read a short passage on page 30. After reading, you should find out its main idea. You may talk about it with your partner.‎ Give the students two minutes to read. Two minutes later:‎ T: Now report your work.‎ S: It mainly talks about the possible reasons for disappearance of dinosaurs.‎ T: That’s right. Now read the text for a second time. Find out answers to these questions.‎ Show the following questions to the students.‎ ‎1. When did the dinosaurs live on the earth?‎ ‎2. What did the scientists find about the rare new species of dinosaur discovered in Chaoyang County, Liaoning Province?‎ ‎3. When and why did the dinosaur die out?‎ Sample answer:‎ ‎1. Tens of millions of years ago, long before humans came into being.‎ ‎2. They found that it could not only run but also climb trees.‎ ‎3. Dinosaur died out suddenly about 65 million years age. Some scientists think it came after an unexpected incident when a huge rock from space hit the earth and put too much dust into the air. Others think the earth got too hot for the dinosaurs to live any more. Nobody knows for sure why and how dinosaurs disappeared from the earth in such a short time.‎ Discussing Get the students to discuss the possible reasons for the disappearance of dinosaurs.‎ ‎1. Some scientists think it came after an unexpected incident when a huge rock from space hit the earth and put too much dust into the air. ‎ ‎2. Others think the earth got too hot for the dinosaurs to live any more.‎ ‎3. The structure of Earth has changed where continents had moved, major ridge expansion took place, and land has sunken under sea or risen above water.‎ ‎4. The birth rate fails to keep up with the death rate.‎ ‎5. Volcanoes were active during this time and could have also killed the dinosaurs.‎ Step IV Reading 2‎ Get the students to do READING TASK—THE RETURN OF THE MILU DEER on page 65.‎ T: Many animals have disappeared during the long history of the earth. Dinosaur is the most famous animal. And here is another animal. Once they disappeared from China. And in 1985, our government reintroduced this animal. Guess what animal is it?‎ S: Milu deer. ‎ T: Quite right. Today we’ll read a passage about the Milu deer. Read the passage on page 65 and fill in the following chart.‎ Show the following chart to the students.‎ Appearance of the Milu deer Features of the Milu deer Reasons for disappearance The life of the the Milu deer in Britain How they returned Present situation Value of the cooperation Four minutes later, ask the students to discuss their answer with their partner and then check the answer together. ‎ Suggested answers:‎ Appearance of the Milu deer A species with large horns.‎ Features of the Milu deer They lived together and ate grass and soft part of trees ‎ such as small branches.‎ Reasons for disappearance Milu deer were often hunted for food or sport in the past. The Ming and Qing dynasties did not protect them and many were killed. That is how the Milu deer disappeared in China.‎ The life of the Milu deer in Britain They liked the cool, wet weather in England and their number increased year by year.‎ How they returned When in 1985 the government of China wanted to reintroduce the Milu deer, the Duke of Bedford was happy to help.‎ Present situation ‎ There are now so many of them that a new park has been opened for them in Hubei Provice. At the moment the Milu deer live in centers where they are being well protected and cared for.‎ Value of the cooperation This is a good example to show the friendship and understanding between two countries.‎ T: Now read the text for a second time and tell me what the author really wants to tell us?‎ Get the students to look through the passage and then give the answer.‎ T: Tell me your idea.‎ S: By telling us the story of Milu Deer, the author wants to tell us that it’s even better when countries help each other and build a good friendship.‎ Step V Language points ‎1. They lived in the earth tens of millions of years ago, long before humans came into being. ‎ 恐龙生活在几千万年前,远远早于人类的起源。‎ come into being = begin to exist 表示“开始存在;发生;产生”‎ e.g. We don’t know when the world came into being. ‎ ‎2. Nobody knows for sure... ‎ ‎ for sure: 通常用在口语中,表示“的确;确实地(certainly)” ‎ ‎ Step VI Assignment Recite the two passages about dinosaurs and Milu deer in their own words.‎ ‎ The Forth Period Learning about Language ‎ Teaching goals 教学目标 ‎1. Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词汇 ‎ bite bitten b. 语法 ‎ The present perfect passive voice.‎ ‎2. Ability goal 能力目标 Enable the students to use the words and expressions of wildlife protection.‎ Master the usage of the present progressive passive voice”.‎ ‎3. Learning ability goal 学能目标 ‎ Help the students use the words and expressions of wildlife protection and the present continuous passive voice. ‎ Teaching important points 教学重点 ‎ Enable the students use the important words of this unit correctly and properly.‎ Master the usage of the present continuous passive voice.‎ Teaching difficult point 教学难点 How to use the present continuous passive voice.‎ Teaching methods 教学方法 Practicing, speaking and discussing. ‎ Teaching aids 教具准备 The Multimedia Computer, a projector and a board.‎ Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与步骤 ‎ Step I Revision Get the students to recite the two passages learnt last period in their own words in order to help them review what they have learnt.‎ T: Morning, boys and girls! Last period we read two passages about dinosaurs and the Milu deer. Now who’d like to describe them in your own words? Volunteers?‎ S: Dinosaurs lived on the earth long before humans came into being. There were many different species of them, of which a rare new one was able to run as well as climb. The reasons for their dying out are not sure. Maybe that is because of a large rock or due to the hot weather.‎ S: The Milu deer used to be common in China. They lived together and lived on grass. But as a result of over-hunting, they disappeared from China. Luckily, some were taken to Britain before that. With the help of Britain government, Chinese government brought back some. Now there are more and more Milu deer in China.‎ T: Well done!‎ Step II Words and expressions Get the students to do exercises in Dicovering useful words and expressions.‎ a. Get the students to do exercises 1 & 2.‎ T: Let’s come to language study of this unit. Turn to page 28 and do exercises 1&2. You are expected to complete them independently. 3 minutes for you.‎ Give the students several minutes to do. Later check the answers together. ‎ b. Get the students to do exercise 3.‎ T: In this unit we have learnt many words and expressions about wildlife protection. Next, use what you have learnt to finish exercise 3. You can discuss with your partners. ‎ Give the students some time to do this part and then check the answers together.‎ Sample answers:‎ Places ‎ Situation ‎ Endangered species ‎ Wildlife protection ‎1. habitat 2. Tibet ‎3. Zimbabwe 4.Indonesia ‎5. Wolong Nature Reserve ‎6. Nanhaizi Milu Park ‎7. rainforest ‎8. Baishaozu National Natureal Protection Zone South China tiger antelope rhino Milu deer elephant monkey die out under protection threaten ‎ decrease endangered loss ‎1. The South China tiger which has been over-hunted has nearly died out.‎ ‎2. The Tibetan Antelope which are being killed for the wool is now an endangered species.‎ ‎3. Rhinos which lived in a wildlife park in Indonesia are now an endangered species.‎ c. Get the students to do exercises in USING WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS on page 63 in their workbook. Later check the answers together.‎ Step III Using structures Get the students to do Discovering useful structures.‎ a. Help the students learn the Present Progressive Passive Voice.‎ T: Next, let’s look at a sentence.‎ Show the students the following sentence:‎ We are being killed for the wool beneath our stomachs.‎ T: Can you say something about it?‎ S: It is in passive voice.‎ S: It is in the present progressive tense.‎ T: Yes. That is what we’ll learn today—the Present Progressive Passive Voice. Can you tell me how is it formed? ‎ S: is/are being + past participle = present progressive/continuous passive voice ‎ T: Well done! Can you pick out other sentences using the present progressive passive voice form the passage? ‎ Give the students several minutes to find out thee sentences. Later ask some of them to give the answers. ‎ Sample answer: ‎ ‎1. Our fur is being used to make sweaters for people like you.‎ ‎2. I wonder what is being done to help you.‎ ‎3. So good things are being done here to save local wildlife.‎ b. Practice 1‎ Make the students to do exercises 2- 4 to learn to use the Present Progressive Passive Voice. ‎ T: Next, let’s do some practice.‎ Question Answer Who is studying the rhino?‎ Who is protecting the African elephant?‎ Who is hunting the Tibetan antelope?‎ Who is taking photos of the panda?‎ Who is killing the whales?‎ Who is attacking the mice?‎ What is being done for the Milu deer?‎ What is being done for the rhino?‎ What is being done to the rainforest?‎ What is being done to millipedes?‎ Sample answers:‎ Question Answer Who is studying the rhino?‎ The rhino is being studied by the biologists.‎ Who is protecting the African elephant?‎ The African elephant is being protected by the farmers there.‎ Who is hunting the Tibetan antelope?‎ The Tibetan antelope is being hunted by the hunters.‎ Who is taking photos of the panda?‎ The panda is being taken the photos by tourists.‎ Who is killing the whales?‎ The whales are being killed by the fishermen.‎ Who is attacking the mice?‎ The mice are being attacked by the snakes.‎ What is being done for the Milu deer?‎ They are being kept in Manhaizi Milu Park, Bejing What is being done for the rhino?‎ Its habitat is being approached by poor farmers.‎ What is being done to the rainforest?‎ It is being paid more attention to.‎ What is being done to millipedes?‎ They are being rubbed over the monkey’s body.‎ Sample answers to exercise 3:‎ S1: What should you do if your friend is being attached?‎ S2: If my friend is being attacked, I should call the police station.‎ S1: What should you do if you are being followed by a stranger?‎ S2: If I am being followed by a stranger, I should walk straight to the police station or places where there is security guard.‎ S1: What should you do if you are being kept waiting?‎ S2: If I am being kept waiting, I should call the people who kept me waiting.‎ S1: What should you do if you are being asked difficult questions?‎ S2: If I am being asked difficult questions, I should keep calm and think it carefully.‎ S1: What should you do if you are being bitten by mosquitoes?‎ S2: If I am being bitten by mosquitoes, I should beat them to death.‎ S1: What should you do if you are run after by a dog?‎ S2: If I am being run after a dog, I should squat down.‎ S1: What should you say if you are being punished by your parent for something you did wrong?‎ S2: If I am being punished by my parent for something I did wrong, I should keep silent and later say sorry for what I did wrong.‎ S1: What should you say if you are being praised?‎ S2: If I am being praised, I should say, “Thank you.”‎ Sample answers to exercises 4:‎ ‎1. What is being done in your school to improve your English studies? What suggestions do you have?‎ a. English programmes are being broadcasted everyday in our school to improve our listening ability. ‎ b. English books, magazines and newspapers are being read every morning to improve ‎ our English studies. ‎ c. English corner is being held every week to improve our English studies.‎ d. Keeping English diaries are being required to improve our English studies.‎ e. Choosing to reading and listening materials we are interested in is encouraged to improve our English studies. ‎ I think we should read easy English story book regularly. ‎ I think we should learn some new words everyday.‎ I think we should visit an English speaking forum and read a news article on the Internet every day.‎ I think we should do 10 minutes listening practice everyday.‎ I think we should watch an English film at least once a month.‎ I think we should follow a soap, comedy or radio or TV drama. ‎ ‎2. What changes are being made in your town to improve the environment? What do you suggest?‎ a. Factories that pollute the air and the water are being closed down to improve the environment.‎ Citizens are being called on to take bus instead of private cars.‎ Many dirty streets are being covered by grass and trees.‎ Nature gas is being used widely to replace coal, petroleum. ‎ Using our won bags to the market are being called for to improve the environment.‎ b. I think we should learn and tell people around us the importance of improving the environment.‎ I think we should read a book instead of watching television. It uses less power and gives you more. ‎ I think we should join an organization and get free trees to plant in our neighborhood.‎ I think we should create litter pick-up group to keep our town beautiful all year round.‎ c. Practice 2‎ Get the students to do exercises in USING STRUCUTRE on page 64 in their workbook.‎ T: Let’s come to page 64 and practice the present progressive passive voice further. ‎ Give the students some minutes to do these exercises. Later check the answers together.‎ Sample answer to exercise 1:‎ Note: under: in the process of being…‎ ‎1. I’m afraid that the road to Wolong Nature Reserve is being repaired.‎ ‎2. How much money we should spend on endangered tigers is being discussed.‎ ‎3. The side effects of the new drug are being researched.‎ ‎4. The request to buy a video for each classroom is being considered.‎ ‎5. The project to make a new home for pandas is being developed.‎ T: How do you think of exercises 1& 2? ‎ S: They are quite easy! ‎ T: OK. Here is a difficult one for you: When did the railway for Qinghai to Tibet started? ‎ S: The launch of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway was on Thursday, June 29, 2006.‎ T: Well done! So we can travel to Tibet and enjoy beautiful sceneries there. Have you ever been there? … Well, Hu Xiao has just come back from a visit to Tibet. First, help him complete the report.‎ Get the students to do exercise 3. Later check the answer together.‎ T: Finished? Well, tell me what Hu Xiao worries about?‎ S: This beautiful countryside is being spoiled by careless visitors. He worries about the effect this will have on the local wild life.‎ T: That’s it. Now discuss possible solutions in small groups.‎ Get the students to discuss possible solutions in small groups. Several minutes later:‎ T: Would you like to talk about your solution?‎ S: Limit the number of visitors to Tibet.‎ S: Ask the visitors to obey what is required in Tibet compulsorily.‎ S: Punish the visitors who threw away their wastes.‎ S: Send the visitors some pamphlets about the wildlife in Tibet telling them how important it is to protect these endangered animals.‎ S: Call for the visitors to collect their wastes.‎ T: Well done! ‎ Step IV Assignment T: Boys and girls, today we have practiced the useful words and expressions and also the present continuous passive voice. After class you should review them. And here is your homework: Preview USING LANGUAGE. Collect some information about dodo and an endangered animal you know.‎ ‎ The Fifth Period Using Language ‎ Teaching goals 教学目标 ‎1. Target language 目标语言 ‎ a. 重点词汇和短语 fierce so that … according to b. 重点短语 INTENTION PURPOSE I’m going to ... to help / save …‎ I intend/mean/plan to... to protect … from …‎ I will ... so that…‎ I’d like to ... in order to …‎ I’d rather not… but do …‎ I’m ready to ... to teach them a lesson I feel like doing ... to punish those who do harm to wildlife ‎2. Ability goal 能力目标 Enable the students to write a letter to WWF and ask WWF to help them save their endangered animal.‎ ‎3. Learning ability goal 学能目标 Help the students learn to write a letter to WWF and ask WWF to help them save their endangered animal.‎ Teaching important point 教学重点 Listen to the material about dodo to get the main idea.‎ Learn to express intention and purpose and write a letter to give their advice of help. ‎ Teaching difficult point 教学难点 Use give phrases to express intention and purpose.‎ Teaching methods 教学方法 Listening, discussing, speaking and writing.‎ Co-operative method for the letters correcting.‎ Teaching aids 教具准备 The Multimedia Computer, a projector and a board.‎ Teaching procedures & ways 教学步骤与方式 ‎ Step I Revision Show the students some sentences and ask them to change them into passive voice.‎ T: Morning, everyone! What grammar we learnt last period?‎ S: The present progressive passive voice. ‎ T: OK. Let’s do some practice.‎ Show students the following exercises.‎ Rewrite the sentences in passive voice 1. Sheila is drinking a cup of tea. 6. We are not playing football. ‎ 2. My father is washing the car. 7. Farmer Joe is milking the cows. ‎ 3. She is taking a picture of him. 8. I am writing a poem. ‎ 4. He is not wearing a tie. 9. Are they talking about the meeting?‎ 5. Is she preparing the party? 10. Is she watering the flowers?‎ T: Who’d like to give the answers?‎ S: A cup of tea is being drunk by Sheila.‎ S: The car is being washed by my father.‎ S: A picture of him is being taken by her. ‎ S: A tie is being worn by him.‎ S: Is the party being prepared by her?‎ S: Football is not being played by us.‎ S: The cows are being milked by Farmer Joe.‎ S: A poem is being written by me.‎ S: Is the meeting being talked about by them?‎ S: Are the flowers being watched by her?‎ T: Well done! ‎ Step II Listening Get the students to listen to the story of dodo.‎ Discussing Encourage the students try to predict in pairs how dodo might have become extinct.‎ T: During previous periods, we have talked about some endangered animals and also the reasons why they are endangered. We also talked some extinct animal. Can you list some?‎ S: Dinosaur.‎ S: Dodo.‎ T: Well, most of you mentioned dodo. What do you know about dodo?‎ Show the students some related pictures about dodo.‎ S: The bird was flightless.‎ S: The dodo is a lesson in extinction. First sighted around 1600 on Mauritius, an island in the Indian Ocean, the Dodo was extinct less than eighty years later. ‎ T: You’ve done your homework well. Next, discuss with your partner and try to predict how it might have become extinct.‎ Give the students several minutes to discuss, later ask them to give their opinions.‎ S: Since dodo is a kind of bird, it might be the destruction of the forest (which cut off dodo's food supply) caused the extinction of dodo.‎ S: Because dodo lived in an island and was flightless. It might because of the animals that the sailors brought with them, including cats, rats, and pigs, which destroyed Dodo nests. ‎ T: Well done! Next, listen to the tape about dodo and finish exercises 3 & 4.‎ Ask the students to look through the exercises 3&4, then play the tape recorder and get ‎ them to finish doing exercises 3&4. Then check the answer with the whole class.‎ Step III Speaking and writing Get the students to come to Speaking and writing on page 31.‎ Speaking T: It is a pity that in the story nobody helped the dodo. Imagine you were with the lovely dodo and try to help it. Talk in pairs what you might do using the useful phrases.‎ Show the students the following chart:‎ Intention purpose I’m going to ...‎ help the dodo.‎ I intend/mean/plan to ...‎ hide it in a cave.‎ I will ...‎ punish people if he or she kills a dodo.‎ I feel like ...‎ attacking man myself.‎ I’d like to ...‎ put man in a cave.‎ I’m ready to ...‎ teach man how to be friends.‎ I would rather not tell you ...‎ what I think of man.‎ S: I’m going to do something to help dodo, for it was so lovely. I mean to drive it away in order to hide it in a cave. And I will dig a hole at the gate of the cave to trap man as he kills a dodo. I feel like attacking man myself if they would do harm to dodo. And I’d like to teach man how to be friends. I would rather not tell you what I think of man. In fact man is the most dangerous enemy of dodo and all the endangered animals.‎ S: I can’t agree with you more. Man hunts all kinds of animals to make clothing, to eat their meat and even to get their bones cruelly. I’d like to see we humans treat them as my friends.‎ T: Well done! Now, in pairs choose another endangered animal which you know about. Analyze why this animal is endangered.‎ Sample answer:‎ Endangered animal: Whales Brief introduction: Whales, dolphins and porpoises belong to the family ‎ of marine (海生的) mammals known as cetaceans. Unlike fish, cetaceans are air-breathing, warm-blooded mammals that bear live young and nurse them on milk. Cetaceans play an important role in the life of the ocean, serving as flagships for the health and well-being of the whole marine ecosystem. ‎ Reasons for being endanger: Along with hunting, collisions (碰撞、冲突) with ships, and the degradation of their habitat due to pollution, the greatest threat to whales, dolphins and porpoises is entanglement in fishing gear, also known as by catch. ‎ Possible result: If current trends continue unabated, several cetacean species and many populations will be lost in the next few decades. ‎ Protection: With the support of its members and international conservation partners, WWF is working to ensure that whales, dolphins and porpoises will swim in our seas for generations to come.‎ What I might do to save it: ‎ I intend to write a letter to the UN and urge nations not to sell out the whales.‎ I’m going to write to some nations and call for stopping whaling.‎ I’d rather not eat anything made from whale…‎ I plan to share my new knowledge with others. Tell them about whales and explain why they are endangered. Encourage others to learn more about whales. Let them know that together, we can all make a difference.‎ Step IV Writing ‎1. Write the letters independently Writing tips ‎1. Collect your ideas for the letter. Write an outline of your ways to help it.‎ ‎2. Decide the intention and the purpose of each of your ways.‎ ‎3. Begin your letter with your address and the solution. Then write the ways as the body of the letter.‎ ‎4. Finish the letter with your best wishes and your signature. ‎ Sample version:‎ Class 3 Grade 1‎ Tai Yuan No.1 Middle School Shan Xi, China Nov.22, 2004‎ Dear WWF:‎ ‎ I live in an inland city. Here many people eat shark’s fin. However this part is only a very small part of the whale and the rest part of the whale are thrown into the sea again. The whale will die because of losing too much blood. They are endangered. Here is my plan to save the whales: ‎ ‎ First, I intend to write a letter to the UN and urge nations not to sell out the whales. I’m going to write to some nations and call for stopping whaling.‎ Second, I’d rather not eat anything made from whale…‎ Third, I plan to share my new knowledge with others. Tell them about whales and explain why they are endangered. Encourage others to learn more about whales. Let them know that together, we can all make a difference.‎ ‎ Please help the poor whales and they will survive with your help.‎ Yours sincerely,‎ Megan If time permitting, ask several students to read their letters out.‎ Step V Assignment T: Boys and girls, you did very well today. We have listened to the tapes about dodo, talked about how to help them and written a letter to offer help. After class you should go on to care for wildlife protection and do your best to help them. OK, here is your homework: sum up what you have learned from this unit, such as, content; words and expressions and sentence structures; collect pictures of various birds.‎ ‎ The Sixth Period Integrating Skills ‎ Teaching goals 教学目标 ‎1. Target language Key sentences structures:‎ The birds tables should be made of … because…‎ They feeding tray should be put on … so that…‎ The nesting boxes should be hung … so the birds…‎ The observers can use bushes as hides so that…‎ The water container should be put … because…‎ ‎2. Ability goal 能力目标 Enable the students to write a short passage on how to design a place for watching birds.‎ ‎3. Learning ability goal 学能目标 ‎ Help the students learn how to write a short passage on how to design a place for watching birds.‎ Teaching important point 教学重点 Teach the students how to write a short passage on how to design a place for watching birds.‎ Teaching difficult point 教学难点 Sentences used to express reasons.‎ Teaching methods 教学方法 Listening, discussing, speaking and writing.‎ Teaching aids 教具准备 The Multimedia Computer, a projector and a board.‎ Teaching procedures & ways 教学步骤与方法 Step I Lead-in Ask the students to show the pictures of various birds they have collected.‎ T: Everybody, would you please stick the pictures of birds to the wall of our classroom?‎ Get the students to stick these pictures quickly. Then ask them to go back to their sits.‎ T: Well, let’s look at these birds.‎ ‎ ‎ T: Would you please tell us what these birds are called?‎ S: Birds in the first pictures are named Jackass Penguin.‎ S: They are Laysan Albatross in the second picture.‎ S: In the third picture, there is Northern Fulmar.‎ S: Red-tailed Tropicbird is flying in the fourth picture. ‎ S: Magnificent Frigatebird.‎ S: It is Masked Booby in the last picture.‎ T: Great! How do you think about these birds? Do you think they are important?‎ S: They are beautiful and make our world colorful. They are very important to our world.‎ S: Birds eat insects. They are a natural way to control pests in gardens, on farms, and other places. ‎ S: They aid in the pollination (授粉)of plants. ‎ S: Birds also have a good system for spreading seeds.  ‎ S: Bird feces provide good fertilization for the seeds with which they are dropped, giving seeds very good conditions with which to grow. ‎ S: Above all things, what birds gave us was the dream of flying.  Perhaps without birds, we never would have imagined the possibility of flight.  Because they could do it, we envisioned the ability for ourselves and made the vision a reality.‎ T: Wonderful!‎ Step II Listening Get the students to do LISTENING TASK on page 66.‎ T: Birds are so important. However, in recent years, many birds are endangered, especially those whose habitat is usually in the coast. And more and more research centers, organizations, clubs etc. are set up to protect birds. IBRRCC is one of them. Do you want to know how they work? … Hu Xiao is interviewing Alice Jones, a volunteer for the International Bird Rescue Research Center, about her work. This class we’ll learn the birds protection. Before we listen to the tape, I’d like you to look at the pictures on Page 66. Predict what the listening will be about.‎ Get the students to talk about the two pictures on Page 66. After they finish talking, ask some of them to give their opinions.‎ T: Well time is up. Who’d like to say something about the two pictures?‎ S: The first picture is about birds in the coast area.‎ S: These birds are polluted.‎ S: Some people are washing a bird that is polluted.‎ S: Hu Xiao and Alice Jones may talk about how to rescue the birds.‎ S: And also what pollutes the birds.‎ T: Well, next, listen to Part A again and then write down what is the most difficult part of the work according to Alice. ‎ Play the tape recorder and get the students to do exercise 2. Later, get the students to do exercises 3&4, and then check the answers together.‎ Step III Speaking Get the students to do READING TASK on page 66.‎ Sample answers: ‎ What else threatens birds besides oil spills?‎ ‎1. A recent status report compiled for WWF reviews more than 200 scientific articles. It finds a clear and escalating pattern of climate change impacts on bird species around the world, suggesting a trend towards major bird extinction from global warming.‎ ‎2. Man-made noise is increasing in the wild. Because birds communicate mainly by sound, a loud environment interferes with their communications and reduces pairing by almost 15 percent.‎ ‎3. Recreational and commercial boat traffic.‎ ‎4. Pesticide use indirectly affects bird populations, particularly through their food supplies.‎ How can we protect the birds?‎ ‎1. Enforce legislation to charge and fine offenders for polluting the coastal marine environment.‎ ‎2. Hold the movement of observing birds to increase people’s love for them. ‎ ‎3. Send handbills in the universities, elementary school to make them understand that birds also have their own emotions. ‎ ‎4. Hold picture exhibition about bird in schools. Let all the children receive the loving birds’ education.‎ How can we help people understand the importance of protecting the environment so that birds can live in peace?‎ a. Facts speak louder than words. Choose a certain area, make a survey about the relationship between the environment and the number of birds. Birds make good indicators of the general health of the environment because there is a large amount of bird population data available and they cover a wide range of habitats. The falling number of farmland birds in particular show how changing farming practices have affected their habitat and food source.‎ b. Get people know that birds closely relate to us by holding lectures, exhibitions and sending them handbooks. ‎ c. Find places for bird watching get people to learn more about birds.‎ Step IV Writing Get the students to do WRITING TASK on page 66.‎ Discussing Get the students to discuss their ideas and writing plans before writing.‎ T: Today, more and more people realize the importance of protecting birds. And they try to build some places or park for people watching birds. These people try everything to attract as many as birds as possible. Suppose you would like to attract more birds come to your area. Study the picture on page 67 carefully. Then write a short passage of about 120 words on how to design a place for watching birds. Then plan that follows may help you.‎ Get the students to study the picture on page 67 first. They may study it from the following aspects: What things have been done for the birds: the birds have large are to enjoy themselves, enough food to eat, house to rest, many trees to stay on; the environment there is clean and quiet; What the visitors are allowed to do and not allowed to do: the visitors hide in the bush, they are not allowed to disturb these birds; they can take photos of these birds, ‎ Several minutes later, ask some of the students to talk about their ideas. Then give them some minutes to discuss the questions in suggested writing plan:‎ ‎1. Decide on an area that can be turned into a bird watching place ‎ (a. park or garden; b. a piece of wood far from the city; c. beside some lake or sea; d. nature reserve; e. village or countryside)‎ ‎2. Brainstorm some ideas for attracting birds to the area ‎ (a. plant more trees; b. prohibit sound pollution. Ask people not to drive to that area, keep quiet)‎ ‎3. Think about what birds need. Make a plan to improve this place ‎4. Draw a mind map the one below and show what you need to do to attract birds.‎ Writing Get the students to write their plans. Make sure they can write according to their draft and the functional sentences given on page 68.‎ Sample writing:‎ There is a piece of woods on the edge of our city. It’s the fresh air, soft ground and quietness there that make both birds and people enjoy themselves. It’s an ideal place for bird watching.‎ What we need first is to attract as many birds as possible to come here. And we’ll try to keep what the woods are now. Besides we’ll supply some necessary things for birds. The bird tables should be made of woods without any decoration because birds can take the tables with no hesitation. The feeding tray should put on wooden tables or crotch(树杈) so that birds can find the food easily. The nesting boxes should be hung on some strong branches so the birds can live safely and comfortably. The water container should be put next to the place where feeding trays are so that birds can find water easily. Also the water container should be put firmly, because it may be turned over. Then more and more birds will come here. Their sounds can be music and they’ll be the host of this woods. To enjoy these birds, the observer can use bushes as hides so that they can see how birds live free and easy.‎ While we enjoy bird watching, we protect the birds and the environment. It’s the thing that hits two birds with one stone.‎ Step V Project Get the students to come to Project on page 68‎ Sample version for Choice 2:‎ Abandoned Ibis chicks rescued It couldn’t have been worse timing for the colony of White-faced Ibis who had chosen a rice field in Sacramento Valley to nest in. The three acre plot was harvested on Saturday, July 21, forcing hundreds of parents to abandon their babies and nests. 78 live baby ibis were rescued, along with almost 100 eggs, and taken to International Bird Rescue Research Center (IBRRC) in Cordelia. The California Dept. of Fish and Game is investigating; all migratory birds are protected by Federal laws. ‎ Extra staff had to be added to handle the magnitude of birds now in care at the center, including hundreds of orphan baby ducks, egrets, herons and other patients. Eighty-nine ibis eggs are in incubators at the center, and some have hatched, adding to the population in intensive care. ‎ Rarely seen, baby ibis look very much like little dinosaurs. As they grow, the stripes on their beaks will disappear, their brown eyes will turn red, and their dirty white and pale brown feathers will become a rich brown with metallic purple, bronze and green highlights. At the juvenile stage, it is hard to imagine that these gangly birds becoming beautiful and elegant flyers.‎ The ibis in care range in age from hatchling to two to three weeks old and won’t be ready for release until they have grown feathers and have fledged (able to fly) at around six weeks of age. ‎ While not endangered, white faced ibis populations plummeted due to pesticides, and especially DDT, which was finally banned in 1972 in the United States. Survival for ibis remains challenging as natural marsh habitats disappear to development, forcing many birds to nest in irrigated fields, vulnerable to disturbance.‎ Step VI Assignment T: In this unit, we’ve known of wild life protection. Suppose you were a mayor of a city, what will you do to protect the wildlife? ‎ S: Reduce the pollution from factory.‎ S: Plant more trees and grow more grass.‎ S: Build bird tables in the open air and in the woods.‎ S: Call for all the citizens to love wildlife.‎ S: Try to persuade TV station to broadcast this kind of programs.‎ T: As a student, what will you do to improve the environment?‎ S: Write letters to the officials to put up projects.‎ S: Make pictures to show the importance of protecting wildlife and put them up in public.‎ S: Try to persuade TV station to broadcast this kind of programs.‎ S: Call on all my friends and school to improve the environment.‎ T: Well done! Here is your homework: ‎ Checking yourself ‎1. What do you know about wildlife?‎ ‎2. What can we do to help protect wildlife?‎ ‎3. Please try to name as many animals as you can.‎ ‎4. Summarize phrases used to express intentions and purpose.‎

