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2019 届二轮复习语法专题 定语从句考点精讲 定语从句在句中起形容词的作用,修饰名词或代词,作定语;被修饰的名词或代词叫先行词;引导定语从句的词叫关系词,它一方面代替前面的先行词,另外又在从句中充当一个成分。 关系词 先行词 作用 备注 关 系 代 词 who 人 主语 关系代词 whom, which, that 在从句中做宾语时,常常可以省略;但在介词后面时不能省略,介词后也不能用 that whom 人 宾语 whose 人,物 定语 that 人,物 主语,宾语 which 物 主语,宾语 as 人,物 主语,宾语 as 做宾语时一般不省略 关 系 副 词 when 时间 时间状语 相当于“介词 +which” where 地点 地点状语 相当于“介词 +which” why 原因 原因状语 相当于“ for+which” that 引导的定语从句 一 . 下列情况只能用 that, 不能用 which 1. 先行词是 all, everything, anything, nothing, little, much, the one 等不定代词时。 He told me everything that he knew. 他告诉了我他知道的一切。 2. 先行词被 all, any, every, each, little, the very, the only 等修饰时。 This is the very book that I am looking for. 这正是我在找的那本书。 3. 先行词被最高级或序数词修饰时。 This is the best film that I have ever seen. 这是我看过的最好的电影。 4. 先行词既有人又有物。 We talked about the persons and things that we remembered. 我们谈论我们记得的人和事。 二 . 下列情况不能用 that 1.that 不能引导非限定性的定语从句。 Football, which is a very interesting game, is played all over the world. 足球是一项有趣的运动,全世界都踢。 2. 介词后不用 that (介词后指人用 whom, 指物用 which )。 The prize for which he worked so hard was a new bicycle. 他如此努力为之工作的奖品是一辆新自行车。 I like the person to whom the teacher is talking. 我喜欢正和老师谈话的那个人。 whose 是一个表示所属关系的词,在定语从句中作定语,相当于 my , his , her , its , their 等修饰人或物。 of which 可以代替 whose 指物,词序一般是“名词+ of which” 或“ of which + the+ 名词”。 of whom 可以代替 whose 指人,词序是“名词+ of whom” 。 Many children , whose parents are away working in big cities , are taken good care of in the village. 父母亲在大城市里打工的许多孩子在村庄里被照顾的非常好。 whose 和 of whom, of which 引导的定语从句 The newly-built cafe , the walls of which are painted light green , is really a peaceful place for us , especially after hard work. 这家新建的墙体被涂成浅绿色的咖啡厅对我们而言确实是个安静场所,尤其是在辛苦工作之后。 “介词 +which/whom 中介词的确定” 1. 与定语从句中的动词构成搭配。 The man (who/whom/that) I talked with at the meeting is from Beijing University. = The man with whom I talked at the meeting is from Beijing University. 在会议中与我谈话的那个人是北京大学的。 注意 :但是在下面一句中 for 不可以提前,因为 look for 是固定的动词词组,如果把 for 提前,动词的意思会改变。 This is the person (who/whom/that) you are looking for. 这就是你要找的那个人。 2. 与定语从句所修饰的先行词构成搭配。 He built a telescope , through which he could study the skies. 他架起一架望远镜,通过它他可以研究天空。 In the dark street , there wasn’t a single person to whom she could turn for help. 在漆黑的大街上没有一个人能为她提供帮助。 3.of + which/whom 表示所属关系。 ( 表所属关系也可用 whose) Recently I bought an ancient vase , the price of which ( = whose price) was very reasonable. 最近我买了个古董花瓶,它的价钱很合理。 先行词为 point , case , situation 等 词时所构成的定语从句 point , situation , case 等,从表面上看它们不是表地点的,但有表示类似地点的意义,因此它们作先行词时,如果关系 词在从句中作状语,那么这个关系词要用 where ;如果不作状语,则用关系代词 that/which 。 先行词为 point , case , situation 等 词时所构成的定语从句 It’s helpful to put children in a situation where they can view themselves in anther way. (where 在定语从句中作状语 ) 把孩子放在一个能使他们从另外一个角度认识自己的环境中对他们有益。 Now there is just one point that/which I wish you make quite clear. (which/that 在定语从句中作宾语 ) 现在我希望你弄清楚的只有一点。 as 与 which 在引导定语从句时的区别 1.as 与 which 都可以代指主句中的一部分或整个句子的内容,有时可以互换。 He married her , as (which) was natural. 很自然地,他和她结婚了。 Whenever I met her , which was fairly often , she greeted me with a sweet smile. 不管我何时遇见她,她都用甜甜的微笑迎接我,这是常事儿。 2. 但在下列情况下一般只能用 as (1)as 引导的定语从句可以放在句首,而 which 则不能。 As we know , more than seventy percent of the earth is covered with water. 正如我们所知,地球 70% 以上都是水。 (2)as 表示“正如,正像”,而 which 常译成“这,这一点”。 此时, as 从句中常有 know , expect , happen , point out , plan , suggest 等单词或短语。 He came back home late , as we expected . 正如我们所料,他回家晚了。 (3) 当先行词被 the same , such , as,so 修饰时,定语从句需用 as 引导。 I bought the same book as you have. 我买了一本跟你一样的书。 I’ll give you such things as you may need. 我将给你你需要的东西。 He’ll marry as pretty a girl as he can find. 他将与他能找到的最漂亮的女孩结婚。 (4) 但是当先行词被 the same 修饰时, that 也可引导定语从句,但意义有所不同。 the same...as ( 指同样或同类的 ) , the same...that ( 指同一个 ) This is the same watch as I lost. 这块表与我丢的那块一样。 This is the same watch that I lost. 这就是我丢的那块表。 Ⅰ. 单句填空 1 . In his report, the official showed special concern over the increasing crime rate, _______ was a symptom of society’s moral decline. 【 解 析】 句意:在这位官员的报告中, 他特别关注犯罪率的增加,这是社会道德下降的征兆。这里which引导的是一个非限制性定语从句,which指代的是前文的the increasing crime rate。 【答案】1.which 2.A housing bubble is an economic si tuation ________ occurs w hen house pric es rise muc h too fa st. 【解析】 句意:房地产泡沫是一种经济形势,这种经济形势在房价上升太快的时候就会发生。引导词代替先行词situation,并在从句中作主语。 【答案】2. which 3.Mr.Liu always reminds us to go over carefully after the test paper is finished, _______ would otherwise result in careless mistakes. 【 解析 】 句意:刘先生总是提醒我们完成试卷后应仔细检查一遍 , 否则会因粗心导致错误。 which 引导一个非限制性定语从句,它是用来指代上文整句话的内容。 【 答案 】which 4.I’m told that www.languagepractising.com is a free website _________ learners can not just learn various languages but also chat online. 【 解析 】 句意:有人告诉我 www.languagepractising.com 是一个免费网站 , 学习者不仅可以学习各种语言还可以在线聊天。先行词 website 可以被看作是一个表示地点的名词,用 where/in which 来引导一个定语从句,引导词在从句中作地点状语,意即: in the free website… 。 【 答案 】where/in which 5.A successful life is a life _________ challenges are met and difficulties overcome. 【 解析 】 句意:一个成功的人生是迎接挑战和克服困难的一生。 life 为具有抽象地点概念的名词,作先行词, where 在从句中作地点状语。 【 答案 】 in which/where 6.Car racing is an adventurous sport, popular with young men, _________ quick mind and skill matter much more than anything else. 【 解析 】 句意:赛车是一项冒险的运动 , 受年轻人欢迎 , 在这项运动中思维敏捷和技巧尤为重要。 where 相当于 in which ,引导一个定语从句,表地点,引导词在从句中意为“在运动中”。 【 答案 】where 7.I’ll never forget such a beautiful place _________ I spent my childhood there with my grandma. 【 解析 】 句意:我永远不会忘记这样一个美丽的地方 , 因为我和我奶奶在那里度过了我的童年。这是一个陷阱题,稍不注意就会因前面的 such 而误用 that ,因 place 而误用 where 。实际上,空格后的部分是一个完整的句子,前后为因果关系。因此 because/for 在这里引导原因状语从句。 【 答案 】because/for 8.Stephen Hawking believes that the earth is unlikely to be the only planet __________ life has developed gradually. 【 解析 】 句意:斯蒂芬 · 霍金认为地球不可能是唯一一个有生命进化的星球。这是一个陷阱题,稍不注意就会因前面的 the only 而误用 that ;因空后的名词而误用 whose ;因先行词是 planet 而误用 which 。选用什么样的引导词来引导定语从句,关键是看引导词在从句中的作用。这里从句的句子成分是完整的,即:引导词在从句中不作主语或宾语,而是作地点状语,因此用关系副词 where, 相当于 on which, 即: on the planet 。 【 答案 】where/on which 9.If you are travelling _______ the customs are really foreign to your own, please do as the Romans do. 【 解析 】 句意:如果你在那些风俗习惯你完全不熟悉的地方旅行 , 请一定要入乡随俗。句中 travel 是不及物动词,用 where 引导的是一个地点状语从句。 【 答案 】where 10.—I’ve been told that you are not content with your present job. —Yeah. I am looking for a job __________ I can put my talent to good use. 【 解析 】 句意: —— 我听说你对你目前的工作不满意。 —— 是的,我在找一份可以让我好好发挥才能的工作。先行词是 job 时,如果引导词在从句中作状语,常用 where/in which 来引导定语从句,意即 : in the job I can… 。 【 答案 】where/in which 11.The process of curing a disease is like a war ________ different soldiers fight against an enemy. 【 解析 】 句意:治疗疾病的过程就像一场战争 , 在这场战争里,不同的士兵抗击一个敌人。本句的先行词是 war, 可以理解为是具有抽象概念的名词,“在战争中”即 in the war, 因此是 in which/where 。 【 答案 】where/in which 12. Next, try talking with a student who is as shy as you or who ________(share) the same interest as you. 【 解析 】 句意:试着与一个和你同样害羞的或与你有同样爱好的同学交谈。本句的定语从句的先行词是 a student ,是单数形式,故 share 也使用单数。 【 答案 】shares 13.I am sure it was because of her _______ I became a story teller. 【 解析 】 考查 it is…that 的强调句结构。 【 答案 】that 14.He is an optimistic and learned man, for _______ we students all show respect. 【 解析 】 句意:他是一个乐观、博学的人,我们同学们都尊重他。 whom 引导非限制性定语从句,且作介词 for 的宾语。 【 答案 】whom 15.Though it is 30 years since we last met, I still remember the scene _________ we got separated on a rainy day. 【 解析 】 句意:虽然距离我们上次见面有 30 年了 , 但我仍然记得我们在雨天分别的场景。先行词是 scene ,引导词在从句中作状语,用 where 引导定语从句。 【 答案 】where 16.You should be careful of such a person ______ flatters you in your presence and speaks ill of you in behind. 【 解析 】 句意:你应该小心那种人 —— 在你面前奉承你 , 在你背后说你的坏话。当先行词前有 such ,引导词在从句中作主语或宾语时,用关系代词 as 。 【 答案 】as 17.He came to a point _______ there was no more road to follow, and before him he could see nothing but a thick forest. 【 解析 】 句意:他来到一个地方,前面没有路了 , 在他面前除了一片茂密的森林外 , 他什么也看不见。当先行词是 point 时,如果引导词在从句中作状语,用关系副词引导这个定语从句。 【 答案 】where 18.It is with great regret _______ I am writing this letter of apology to you. 【 解析 】 句意:我怀着深深的懊悔给您写这封信道歉。注意此句是强调句( it is…that… ),并非定语从句。 【 答案 】that 19.Instead we should spend more time playing sports or talking with our friends, which ______(help) us relax and communicate. 【 解析 】 考查定语从句中主谓一致问题。 which 为从句引导词,指代前面整句话的内容。 【 答案 】helps/will help 20.In the UK, what impressed exchange students most was the Student Activity, _________ they could get lots of information outside. 【 解析 】 句意:在英国 , 令交换生印象最深的是学生活动 , 在那里他们可以获得大量的信息。当先行词是 activity 时,一般用 where/in which 来引导一个定语从句,引导词在从句中作地点状语。 【 答案 】where/in which 21.The pen with _______ he is writing actually is a gift from his parents. 【 解析 】 考查定语从句引导词,在介词后且先行词为 sth. 。 【 答案 】which 22.The first English novel ________ I read is called Alice in Wonderland. 【 解析 】 考查定语从句的引导词的选择。当先行词是最高级、序数词或被最高级、序数词修饰时,定语从句的引导词只用 that 不用 which 。 【 答案 】that/ 不填 23.Who is the woman _______ shook hands with you just now? 【 解析 】 当主句已有疑问词 who/which 等时,定语从句只能由 that 引导。此句中 that 作从句的主语。 【 答案 】that 24.Children who are not active or ______ diet is high in fat will gain weight quickly. 【 解析 】 句意:那些不活动或者在饮食方面富含脂肪的孩子会容易长胖。句中 or 连接两个并列的定语从句,先行词都是 children ,显然 diet 是从属于 children 的,从句中缺少一个与人有关的作定语的引导词,故用 whose 引导。 【 答案 】whose 25.I’m sorry, but I really don’t like the way ________ he speaks to his parents. 【 解析 】 考查先行词是 the way 时,定语从句引导词的选择。 【 答案 】that/in which/ 不填 26.The word “right” has the same pronunciation ______ the word “write”. 【 解析 】as 引导的定语从句修饰表人或物的先行词,即先行词可以是人也可以是物;在定语从句中可以作主语、宾语或表语;常用于 the same…as…/such…as…/as(so)…as… 句型, as 不论在定语从句中作何成分,均不能省略。 【 答案 】as 27.He was one of the volunteers who __________(praise) by the players of the visiting teams. 【 解析 】 句意:他是被客队球员赞赏的志愿者之一。此句先行词为 volunteers ,故从句中谓语动词要用复数形式。 【 答案 】were praised 28.Who can think of a situation ________ this Chinese idiom is frequently used? 【 解析 】 句意:谁能思考一下这个汉语成语经常被使用的场景?引导词在从句中作状语时,引导词可用 where 或 in which/at which 。 与 situation 用法类似的名词有: condition ( s )(条件、状况); spot (地点); place( 地方 ) ; position (位置); stage (阶段); case (情形、病例、案例); point (物理等概念上的点,程度,阶段); business (企业、事业); meeting (会议、集会); earth (地球、世界); society( 社会 ) ; world ( 世界 ) ; surroundings (环境)等。 【 答案 】where/in which 29.He soon spent all the money, most of _______ was earned in a dishonest way. 【 解析 】 句意:他很快就花光了所有的钱,这些钱的大部分都挣得不诚实。 【 答案 】which 30.The great poets and their masterpieces ______ boomed in the Tang Dynasty are regarded as a national treasure. 【 解析 】 句意:繁荣于唐代的那些伟大诗人以及他们的作品都被视为国宝。当先行词既有人又有物时,引导词用 that 。 【 答案 】that Ⅱ. 单句改错(含本单元的词汇和语法) 1.The reason why she gave for not coming to the party puzzled all of the people present. 【 解析 】 句意:一旦你意识到广告中使用的技巧 , 我认为你就不急于购买了。 once 是用来引导一个条件 / 时间状语从句的,意为“一旦”。 【 答案 】1.Once 2.Everyone will go through life’s stages of ups and downs, where self-respect plays a key role in the maturity of a person. 【 解析 】 句意:网上信息在你买房上可以给你很大帮助,但是直到你亲眼看到了那个地方后,你才能真正说出你是否喜欢那个地方。分析句子结构可知应填 until , not…until 直到 …… 才。 【 答案 】2.until 3.I’d like to share a story when music overcomes a physical barrier and makes a connection with a young student. 【 解析 】 句意:我想分享一个故事 , 故事里音乐使人克服身体上的障碍 , 连接了一位年轻学生的心。 where 相当于 in which 即: in the story 。 它用在一个抽象地点概念名词后引导定语从句。 【 答案 】3.when→where 4.Science and technology are advancing so quickly that there is a possibility today may be a reality tomorrow. 【 解析 】 句意:科技发展如此之快 , 今天的可能也许就是明天的现实。 what 引导的主语从句本身有词义,意为 “ …… 的东西 / 事情”。 【 答案 】4.there→what 5.He will never give up the chance to go abroad for further education whenever the situation is. 【 解析 】 句意:不管是什么情况,他永远不会放弃出国进修的机会。引导词逻辑上是 the situation is… 的表语,因此用代词 whatever 。 【 答案 】5.whenever→whatever 6.It is very funny that many people who lost weight gain it back after some time and end up back when they started. 【 解析 】 句意:真是很有趣:很多人减肥一段时间后又反弹了 , 最终又回到了原点。句中 end up 是不及物动词,其后跟的是一个地点状语从句。 【 答案 】6.when→where 7.You can’t complain of being lonely while you don’t make an effort to meet people and make friends with them. 【 解析 】 句意:如果你不努力去和别人相见,与别人交朋友,你就不应抱怨孤独。 when 可以用来表示条件,意同 if, 而 while 没有这种用法。 【 答案 】7.while→when 8.Whitney Houston’s sudden death suggests that drug abuse is such a serious problem that we should deal with properly. 【 解析 】 句意:惠特尼 · 休斯顿的突然死亡表明 , 药物滥用是一个严重的问题,我们应当正确处理。当先行词前有 such 修饰时,应用 as 引导这个定语从句。 【 答案 】8.that→as 9.The Niagara Waterfalls, the largest of them is shaped like a semicircle, are 670 meters wide, and fall 56 meters in an awesome white sheet of water. 【 解析 】 句意:尼亚加拉瀑布,宽 670 米 , 飞流直下 56 米,其中最大的一个,形状像一个半圆 , 白色水幕,令人叹为观止。本句是一个非限制性定语从句,引导词用 which 代替先行词,并在从句中作后置定语。 【 答案 】9.them→which 10.Schools where serve healthier foods, offer nutrition education and reward students for nutritious eating habits can make a major difference in preventing childhood obesity. 【 解析 】 句意:那些提供健康食品 , 开展营养教育并奖励有良好饮食习惯的学生的学校在预防儿童肥胖方面有很大的作为。引导词在从句中作主语,因此应用关系代词 that/which 。 【 答案 】10.where→that/which 11.Furthermore, I am given enough personal space, what I appreciate so much. 【 解析 】 句意:此外,给了我足够的个人空间,对此我不胜感激。此处用非限定性定语从句的引导词。 【 答案 】11.what→which 12.Travelling abroad, you should follow the customs of the country where you are visiting. 【 解析 】 分析句子结构可知,此处应用关系代词。 【 答案 】12.where→which/that/where 13.Everyone has a unique character, and a place where truly suits him or her. 【 解析 】 句意:每个人都有他独特的品质,也有一个完全适合他的地方。 that/which 代替先行词 a place 在定语从句中作主语。 【 答案 】13.where→that/which 14.I led them to the nearby bus stop and advised them to take Bus No.20, who could take them there directly. 【 解析 】 此句中先行词为 bus ,且为非限定性定语从句,故用 which 。 【 答案 】14.who→which 15.We should try to develop good eating habits to build ourselves, preparing ourselves for which our future may require. 【 解析 】 句意:我们要养成良好的饮食习惯来使自己强壮,我们的未来会需要我们做好准备。注意定语从句和名词性从句的区别。这里由 what 引导的从句作介词 for 的宾语。 【 答案 】15.which→what 16.I was born in Hainan, a place where name will create a picture of beautiful beach and clear water in our mind. 【 解析 】 句意:我出生在海南,一个名字就能在我的脑海中形成漂亮的海滩和干净的海水的图画的地方。由句意可知用 whose 引导定语从句。 【 答案 】16.where→whose 17.In the London Eye, there are 32 capsules, each of them can hold up to 25 people. 【 解析 】 句意:伦敦眼共有 32 个乘坐舱,每个舱可以容纳 25 人。 【 答案 】17.them→which 18.It was raining hard outside, that made it difficult for me to go home for lunch. 【 解析 】 非限定性定语从句的引导词不能用 that 。 【 答案 】18.that→which 19.On an autumn afternoon, we were sent to a farm which we learned to plant potatoes. 【 解析 】 句意:秋天的一个下午,我们被送到农场,在那儿我们学习种土豆。关系副词 where 可用 prep.+which 来表达。 【 答案 】19.which→where/∧which on 20.You should try to sleep for at least 8 hours every day, that will help you be active and energetic for your day at school. 【 解析 】 句意:你每天至少要睡 8 个小时,这才能让你在学校精力充沛。 【 答案 】20.that→which 21.So they also serve as a reminder to everyone who one should dare to dream rather than live with great regrets. 【 解析 】 句意:他们还提醒每一个人 —— 要敢于梦想,而不是生活在遗憾当中。此处是同位语从句而非定语从句。 that 引导从句作 reminder 的同位语。 【 答案 】21.who→that 22.It was at the church where I showed you around last week that the accident took place. 【 解析 】 句意:上周我带你参观的教堂正是事故发生的地方。强调句型中的被强调部分(此句为地点状语 at the church )后紧跟一个定语从句修饰。 【 答案 】22.where→that/which/where 23.In a situation that we are surrounded, with our people injured, what else is there to do? 【 解析 】 句意:试想在那种情况下,我们被人团团围住,不停有自己人被打伤,我们还能怎么办? situation 做先行词时,定语从句引导词用 where 或者介词 +which 作状语。 【 答案 】23.that→where/in which 24.To prevent cybercrime more efficiently, it is important to make new laws and create international standards for them similar to what concerning international airspace. 【 解析 】 句意:为了更有效地防止网络犯罪 , 出台新的法律很重要 , 并制定如同国际领空一样的国际标准。 similar to 后用代词代替相同的名词 laws; 其后的 concerning 是一个介词短语,不是一个句子,因此不该用一个连词。 【 答案 】24.what→those 25.Which we all know, confidence plays a vital role in one’s performances and enables people to behave better. 【 解析 】 放在句首表“正如 ……” 只能用 As , 且此句中 as 在从句中作宾语。 【 答案 】25.Which→As 26.We climbed to the top of the mountain where we enjoyed a breath-taking scenery. 【 解析 】 句意:我们爬上山顶,在那儿欣赏令人叹为观止的景色。此处是 from+where 引导的定语从句作地点状语。 【 答案 】26.∧ where from 27.The phrase filled my mind was “How can I serve more?” 【 解析 】 filled 可以用 filling 作后置定语,也可以改成定语从句。 【 答案 】27.filled→filling/∧filled that/which 28.I think what we did is meaningful, that can help us form a good habit of environmental protection. 【 解析 】 非限制性定语从句的引导词为 which 而不是 that 。 【 答案 】28.that→which 29.Occasions are quite rare that a firm is unable to fulfill an order, or at least cannot do so within the usual accepted period of time. 【 解析 】 句意:公司无法或者至少不能在通常规定的时间内履行订单的情况很少见。先行词为 occasions , 在从句中起状语的作用,表示“在这些时候”,用关系副词 when 引导定语从句。 【 答案 】29.that→when 30.Everything which I experienced during the social practice is unforgettable. 【 解析 】 定语从句中先行词是 all, much, everything, little, none, few 等不定代词时,其引导词只能用 that 而不能用 which 。 【 答案 】30.which→that

