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真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 1 Module 2 My New Teachers Section Ⅰ Introduction & Reading-Pre-reading A good teacher is a good companion on the journey of students’ life and an instructor (指导者) helping you make the right choice in life. Teachers are the greatest people in the world, because teachers teach pupils not only how to read and write, but also how to be a real man. They are also kind to everybody and they do not want anyone to fall behind others. When students are in trouble, they help them in time. Surely the most important quality(品质) of a good teacher lies in his sense of responsibility and love for his students. Nowadays, do you know how to be a good teacher? In my opinion, it has three aspects (方面). The first is that the teacher must know the subject and like it. That means that he must continue to study. The second is that the teacher likes students and enjoys their company in groups. If you do not like, then give up teaching. The third is kindness. That means he must help the slow students and correct their confusion (困惑). In short, a good teacher must know more about the world, have wider interest 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 2 and spend all his life broadening the horizons of his spirit. What are my new teachers like then? Please step into this module following me and I’ll introduce them to you one by one. Section_Ⅰ Introduction_&_Reading_—_Prereading [原文呈现] My New Teachers They say that first impressions① are very important. My first impression of Mrs Li was that she was nervous② and shy③. I think perhaps she was, as it was her first lesson with us④. But now, after two weeks, the class really likes working with her. She’s kind and patient⑤, and she explains English grammar so clearly that⑥ even I can understand it! — She avoids⑦ making you feel stupid! I’ve always hated⑧ making mistakes⑨ or pronouncing a word incorrectly⑩ when I speak English, but Mrs Li just smiles, so that ⑪ you don’ t feel completely ⑫ stupid! I think maybe she goes a bit⑬ too slowly for the faster students, but for me it’s wonderful! I feel I’m going to make progress⑭ with her. [读文清障] ①impression/Im’preʃn/n.印象 first impression 第一印象 ②nervous/’nɜːvəs/adj.紧张的;焦虑的 ③shy/ʃaI/adj.害羞的;羞怯的 ④as 引导原因状语从句。 ⑤patient/’peIʃnt/adj.耐心的 ⑥so ... that ...如此……,以至于……, that 引导结果状语从句。 ⑦avoid/ə’vɔId/vt.(故意)避开 avoid doing sth.避免做某事 ⑧hate /heIt/vt.讨厌;不喜欢 hate doing sth.讨厌做某事 ⑨make mistakes 犯错误 ⑩incorrectly/ˌInkə’rektli/adv.不正确 地 ⑪so that 因此,引导结果状语从句。 ⑫completely/kəm’pliːtli/adv.十分地; 完全地 ⑬a bit 一点儿,有点儿 ⑭make progress 取得进步 我的新老师 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 3 [第 1 段译文] 人们说第一印象很重要。我对李老师最初的印象是她既紧张又害羞。我想她这样也许是 因为这是她给我们上第一节课的缘故吧。但现在,两个星期过去了,全班同学都很喜欢上她 的课。她友善、耐心,把英语语法解释得如此清楚,甚至连我都能理解!——她不会让你感 到自己很笨!我总是不愿意犯错误或者在说英语时念错词,但李老师只是笑笑,因此你就不 会感到自己是个大笨蛋!我想对于那些学习较好的学生来说,她的进度也许有些慢,但对我 来说正好!我觉得跟着她学习一定能取得进步。 I’d guess that Mrs Chen is almost sixty. She’s very strict⑮— we don’t dare to say⑯ a word unless she asks us to⑰. She’s also very serious⑱ and doesn’t smile much. When she asks you to do something, you do it immediately⑲! There are a few students in our class who keep coming⑳ to class late but they’re always on time○21 for Mrs Chen’s lessons. Some of our class don’t like her, but most of us really appreciate ○22 her because her teaching is so well organised○23 and clear. And a few students even admit○24 liking her! During scientific○25experiments, she explains exactly what is happening○26 and as a result ○27 my work is improving. Physics will never be my favourite ○28 lesson, but I think that I’ll do well in○29 the exam with Mrs Chen teaching me○30. ⑮strict/strIkt/adj.严格的;严厉的 ⑯dare to do sth.敢做某事 ⑰unless 引导条件状语从句,to 后省略了 say a word。 ⑱serious /’sIəriəs/adj.严肃的 ⑲immediately/I’miːdiətli/adv.立即,即 刻 ⑳keep doing sth.一直做某事 ○21on time 按 时,准时 ○22appreciate/ə’priːʃiˌeIt/vt.欣赏;感激 ○23organised/’ɔːgəˌnaIzd/adj.有组织的; 有系统的 ○24admit /əd’mIt/vt.承认 admit doing sth.承认做过某事 ○25scientific/ˌsaIən’tIfIk/adj.科学的 scientific experiment 科学实验 ○26what is happening 为 what 引导的宾语从 句。 ○27as a result 结果 ○28favourite adj.特别 喜爱的 ○29do well in 在……方面做得好 ○30with Mrs Chen teaching me 为 with 复合 结构。 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 4 [第 2 段译文] 我猜陈老师差不多有 60 岁了。她很严厉——我们不敢说一句话,除非她让我们说。她 也很严肃,不苟言笑。当她要求你做某件事时,你要马上做!班上有些同学上课总是迟到, 可上陈老师的课都很准时!我们班有些学生不喜欢她,但我们多数人确实欣赏她,因为她讲 课既有条理又清楚。有一些学生甚至承认喜欢她!做科学实验时,她准确无误地解释发生的 一切,就这样,我的学习正在进步。虽然物理从来不是我最喜欢的课,但我认为有陈老师教 我,我会考得不错的。 Mr Wu’s only been teaching us for two weeks and he’s already very popular. I think this is because he really enjoys teaching Chinese literature ○31 — he loves it, in fact○32! He’s got so much energy, this is one class you do not fall asleep○33 in! He’s about 28, I think○34, and is rather goodlooking. He talks loudly○35 and fast, and waves○36 hishands about a lot when he gets excited. He’ s really amusing○37 and tells jokes○38 when he thinks we’re getting bored. Even things like compositions and summaries ○39 are fun with Mr Wu. I respect○40 him a lot., ○31literature /’lItrətʃə/n.文学 This/That is because ... 这是/那是因为……, because 引导表语从句。 ○32in fact 事实上 ○33fall asleep 睡着 ○34I think 此处为插入语 ○35loudly/’laʊdli/adv.大声地 ○36wave/weIv/vt.(挥)手;(招)手 ○37amusing/ə’mjuːzIŋ/adj.有趣的;可笑的 ○38joke/dʒəʊk/n.玩笑;笑话 tell jokes 讲笑话;开玩笑 ○39summary/’sʌməri/n.总结;摘要;提要 ○40respect/rI’spekt/vt.&n.尊敬;尊重 [第 3 段译文], 吴老师只教了我们两个星期就已经很受大家欢迎了。我觉得这是因 为他很喜欢教中国文学——事实上,他很热爱中国文学!他精力充沛,这是一节你不会想睡 觉的课。我猜他大约 28 岁,长得相当英俊。他说起话来响亮快速,激动时,不停地挥动双 手。他很能逗乐,当他觉得我们开始无聊时就给我们讲笑话。上吴老师的课,甚至像作文和 总结这样的事情都充满了乐趣。我很尊敬他。 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 5 Prereading Please match the following words with their proper meanings. 1.amusing A.adj.聪明的 2.energetic B.adj.有组织的;有系统的 3.intelligent C.adj.有趣的;可笑的 4.immediately D.adj.精力充沛的 5.organised E.adv.立即,即刻 6.patient F.vt.&n.尊敬;尊重 7.respect G.vt.(故意)避开 8.avoid H.adj.耐心的 9.appreciate I.vt.感激 10.scientific J.adj.科学的 答案:1~5 CDAEB 6~10 HFGIJ Leadin Look at the following pictures and answer the questions. Who is your favourite teacher? Why do you like him or her best? 答案:The answer is open. Whilereading Fastreading 1.Look through the text and match the following descriptions with the teachers. 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 6 A.physics B.English C.Chinese literature D.strict, serious and doesn't smile E.nervous, shy, kind and patient F.enjoy teaching, energetic G.talks loudly and fast, waves a lot, amusing H.clearly, slowly, smiles a lot I.well organised and clear (1)Mrs Li:B,_E,_H (2)Mrs Chen:A,_D,_I (3)Mr Wu:C,_F,_G 2.Skim the text and match the main idea with each paragraph. (1)Paragraph 1 A.Mr Wu is a good teacher because he is goodlooking, energetic and humorous. (2)Paragraph 2 B.Mrs Li is a good teacher because she is kind, patient and tolerant. (3)Paragraph 3 C.Mrs Chen is a strict but good teacher because her teaching is well organized and clear. 答案:(1)~(3) BCA Carefulreading (Ⅰ)Read the text and choose the best answers. 1.The author’s first impression of the English teacher is “________”. A.nervous and shy B.strict C.kind and patient D.goodlooking 2.If you are a slower student, which teacher will be suitable for you? A.Mrs Li. B.Mrs Chen. C.Mr Wu. D.None. 3.According to the text, Mrs Chen ________. A.is not appreciated by her students B.is not good at making friends C.organises her teaching well D.helped the author pass the physics exam 4.We know from the text that Mr Wu ________. A.doesn’t teach the author any more B.can make his classes lively and interesting 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 7 C.hates to see his students sleeping in his class D.is angry when his students feel bored in his class 答案:1~4 AACB (Ⅱ)Read the text and answer the following questions. 1.Why do most students in the class like Mrs Chen? Her_teaching_is_well_organized_and_clear. 2.What does Mr Wu do when he gets excited? He_talks_loudly_and_fast,_and_waves_his_hands_about_a_lot. 3.Why is the author’s physics improving? Because_Mrs_Chen_explains_experiments_exactly. Studyreading Analyze the following difficult sentences in the text. 1.I’ve always hated making mistakes or pronouncing a word incorrectly when I speak English, but Mrs Li just smiles, so that you don’t feel completely stupid! [句式分析] [尝试翻译] 我总是不愿意犯错误或者在说英语时念错词,但李老师只是笑笑,因此你 就不会感到自己是个大笨蛋! 2.She’s very strict — we don’t dare to say a word unless she asks us to. [句式分析] 句中 unless she asks us to 为省略的条件状语从句,为了避免重复,把 不定式 to say a word 简化为 to。 [尝试翻译] 她很严厉——我们不敢说一句话,除非她让我们说。 3. During scientific experiments, she explains exactly what is happening and as a result my work is improving. [句式分析] [尝试翻译] 在做科学实验时,她准确无误地解释发生的一切,因此,我的学习正在进 步。 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 8 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A Here are a few interesting facts about Teachers’ Day around the world: China celebrates Teachers’ Day on September 10. The tradition began in the 1980s to improve teachers’ lives and status and encourage everyone to respect teachers. In India, Teachers’ Day is celebrated on September 5, in honor of Dr. Radhakrishnan. He was India ’ s second president and a person who believed in good education. Traditionally on this day, the teaching is done by the senior students while the teachers get a muchdeserved break from their work. The United Nations has made October 5 World Teachers’ Day. This special day was started to let the world see what teachers have done and listen to the teachers’ worries and the things they want to change. In the United States, National Teachers’ Day is always on the Tuesday of the first week of May, so the actual date is different every year. The history of celebrating this day goes back to 1944. In Germany, Teachers’ Day is celebrated on June 12 every year. People will express their respect to teachers with many activities. Teachers always receive prizes, presents, beautiful cards and other things. Teachers’ Day is celebrated in Brunei (文莱) on September 23. January 15 is Teachers’ Day in Venezuela (委内瑞拉). North Korea celebrates Teachers’ Day on September 5. 语篇解读:本文属于说明文。文章介绍了世界各国的教师节的情况。 1.How many countries mentioned in the passage have their Teachers’ Day? A.7. B.8. C.6. D.9. 解析:选 A 简单计算题。全文共介绍了七个国家的教师节的情况,注意 the United Nations 意为“联合国”,它不是一个国家。 2.What can we infer from Paragraph 3? A.Radhakrishnan was the first president of India. B.Radhakrishnan attached great importance to education. C.On Teachers’ Day the teachers in India are still working hard. D.Teachers’ Day is celebrated on September 5 in India. 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 9 解析:选 B 推理判断题。根据第三段中的“He was India’s second president and a person who believed in good education”可知 A 项错误,B 项正确;根据该段中的 “Traditionally on this day, the teaching is done by the senior students while the teachers get a muchdeserved break from their work”可知,在印度,在教师节那天教 师是休息的,故 C 项错误;D 项为明示信息,不是推断出来的。 3.Which of the following countries makes September Teachers’ Day besides China according to the passage? A.India, Brunei and North Korea. B.Venezuela, North Korea and Brunei. C.Germany, North Korea and India. D.India, Brunei, North Korea and the United States. 解析:选 A 细节理解题。根据第三段、倒数第三段和最后一段可知选 A。 4.What purpose did the United Nations create World Teachers’ Day for? A.To encourage everyone to respect and honor teachers. B.To let the world realize teachers’ contributions and encourage people to care about and help teachers. C.To see what teachers have done in the year. D.To have a dialogue with teachers. 解析:选 B 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“see what teachers have done and listen to the teachers’ worries and the things they want to change”可知,B 项正确。 B One day, Jack’s parents told him that his grandpa would retire after working for forty years. Jack said in surprise, “I’m only seven, so it means grandpa has been ...er ... A really long time!” His parents said, “Yes. That’s why we are going to have a surprise party for him.” Jack loved his grandpa and wanted to do something special for him. He remembered the business card his grandpa had given him two years before. He knew that his grandpa would no longer have the position on that card, so he decided to build a new one for his grandpa. When the big day came, Jack was ready. But he didn’t want to put his gift together with others’. He carried it around with him the whole evening. When all the other people left, he took his grandpa’s hand and brought him over to a chair and gave him the gift. 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 10 His grandpa smiled, “Well, it must be a beautiful gift. May I open it now?”“Sure!” Jack said excitedly. As grandpa opened the gift, tears came into his eyes. Jack gave him the greatest gift he had ever got! They were business cards with his new position FULLTIME GRANDPA! Jack said, “Now your fulltime job is my grandpa!” “Well, how much do I get paid?” his grandpa asked, smiling. “As many hugs as you want!” With these words, Jack gave grandpa a hug. “Well, I guess that means I’m the richest man in the world!” said grandpa. 语篇解读:本文讲述了 Jack 的爷爷退休了,Jack 送了他一份特别的礼物,让爷爷很感 动的故事。 5.Who was going to retire? A.Jack’s grandma. B.Jack’s grandpa. C.Jack’s mother. D.Jack’s father. 解析:选 B 细节理解题。根据文章第一句“One day, Jack’s parents told him that his grandpa would retire after working for forty years.”可知,是 Jack 的爷爷将要 退休。 6.What did Jack decide to do for his grandpa? A.To build a new position for him. B.To draw a picture for him. C.To sing a song to him. D.To buy a gift for him. 解析:选 A 细节理解题。由第三段最后一句“He knew that his grandpa ... build a new one for his grandpa.”可知,他决定给爷爷建立一个新的职位,因此选 A。 7.Which of the following is TRUE? A.Jack was the first one to give his gift to his grandpa. B.Jack was the last one to give his gift to his grandpa. C.Jack gave his gift to his grandpa together with other people. D.Jack gave his gift to his grandpa together with his parents. 解析:选 B 推理判断题。由第五段“When all the other people left ... gave him the gift.”可知,Jack 是最后一个送爷爷礼物的。 8.Why were there tears in grandpa’s eyes? A.Because he would lose his position. B.Because he was not cared for. C.Because he was moved by Jack’s gift. 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 11 D.Because he was unhappy. 解析:选 C 细节理解题。由倒数第二段第二句“Jack gave him the greatest gift he had ever got!”可知,这是爷爷收到的最好的礼物,所以很感动,故选 C。 C I was on a train the other day, in an empty compartment (火车中的小房间), and I wanted to read the last part of a detective story. Then the door opened and a mother with two small children asked me, “May we sit here, madam?” At first I wanted to say, “Well actually, I’m reading an exciting book and I’d like to finish it. Could you find another compartment?” But of course I said, “Yes, certainly.” I still had not finished that book. Unfortunately, I found it very difficult to say “No” to those magic_words“May I ...?” or “Would you mind if I ...?” Of course people usually ask permission to do quite harmless things, like using the telephone, turning the light on, opening the window and things like that. But then there are some funny requests. Some people even ask if they may wash their hands or take their coats off. On the other hand, very few smokers will bother to ask permission to smoke! But what about those difficult requests like, “Do you mind if I come round for a cup of coffee?” or “Is it all right if I bring the children to the party? They’ re very good really.” The trouble is, I just don’t have the nerve (勇气) to refuse well, do you? 语篇解读:本文记叙了作者无法拒绝别人的请求的一次经历,进而讲述了人们有困难时提出 的各种请求。 9.The writer describes those requests as “magic words” because they______. A.are amusing B.are harmless C.always work D.are easily understood 解析:选 C 词义理解题。“magic words”在这儿的意思是:当人们听到那些请求时, 一般是很难拒绝的。 10.According to the writer, asking permission to smoke is ______. A.a foolish request B.a difficult request C.an unnecessary request D.none of the above 解析:选 D 推理判断题。作者认为,很少有吸烟的人在吸烟之前礼貌地征求别人的意 见。 11.Difficult requests are those which ______. 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 12 A.are never permitted B.are never refused C.make other people uneasy D.make other people unfortunate 解析:选 C 推理判断题。文章中“difficult requests”指的是给别人带来不便的请 求。 12.Which of the following may express the main idea of the passage? A.I’m a polite person. B.Requests of different kinds. C.How to make a request. D.How to answer a request. 解析:选 B 主旨大意题。文章讲述了人们有困难时提出的各种请求。 Ⅱ.阅读七选五 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。 My mother is a diligent and kind woman. She is very busy from morning till night. As a teacher, she works hard.__1__Both my brother and I love her dearly as she loves us. My mother has been teaching math at a middle school in my hometown. She goes to work early in the morning and does not return home until late in the afternoon.__2__She treats them with patience and teaches them well. For her excellent quality and very good teaching results, she has been elected as a model teacher several times. __3__Every day, when she comes back home from work, she sets about doing housework, sweeping the living room and bedrooms or cleaning the furniture, and putting everything in good order. She seems to be busy all the time. As she has been very busy working every day, she looks older than her age. But she looks as cheerful and happy as ever. Mother never buys expensive dresses for herself, but she often buys some inexpensive but high quality clothes for us.__4__She just eats a plain meal outside when she is too busy to cook herself. She lives a busy yet simple life, without any complaints. Often she says to us, “Work while you work, and play while you play. That is the way to be happy and gay. If you do not work, you will become lazy and be of no use to society.” What a piece of good advice this is!__5__This advice of hers will 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 13 always serve as a guide to my behavior. My mother is great indeed, and I always feel proud of her. A.She enjoys listening to classic music. B.As a mother, she takes good care of us and gives us every comfort. C.She loves her students and cares for them. D.She never goes to expensive restaurants to enjoy meals. E.My mother is hardworking and never wastes money. F.I never forget it and always bear it in my mind. G.Can you tell us something about your mother? 答案:1~5 BCEDF

