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英语试卷 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。‎ December 15,2014‎ Dear Alfred,‎ I want to tell you how important your help is to my life.‎ Growing up, I had people telling me I was too slow, though, with an IQ of 150+ at 17, I'm anything but stupid.The fact was that I was found to have ADHD(注意力缺陷多动障碍).Anxious all the time, I was unable to keep focused for more than an hour at a time.‎ However, when something did interest me, I could become absorbed.In high school, I became curious about the computer,and built ‎ my first website.Moreover, I completed the senior course of Computer Basics, plus five relevant pre-college courses.‎ While I was exploring my curiosity, my disease got worse.I wanted to go to college after high school, but couldn't. So, I was killing my time at home until June 2012 when I discovered the online computer courses of your training center.‎ Since then, I have taken courses like Data Science and Advanced Mathematics.Currently, I'm learning your Probability course.I have hundreds of printer paper, covered in self-written notes from your video.This has given me a purpose.‎ Last year, I spent all my time looking for a job where, without dealing with the public, I could work alone, but still have a team to talk to.Luckily, I discovered the job—Data Analyst—this month and have been going full steam ahead.I want to prove that I can teach myself a respectful profession, without going to college, and be just as good as, if not better than, my competitors.‎ Thank you.You've given me hope that I can follow my heart.For the first time, I feel good about myself because I'm doing something, not because someone told me I was doing good.I feel whole.‎ This is why you're saving my life.‎ Yours,‎ Tanis ‎21.Why didn't Tanis go to college after high school?‎ A.She had learned enough about computer science.‎ B.She had more difficulty keeping focused.‎ C.She preferred taking online courses.‎ D.She was too slow to learn.‎ ‎22.As for the working environment, Tanis prefers_______.‎ A.working by herself B.dealing with the public C.competing against others D.staying with ADHD students ‎23.Tanis wrote this letter in order to_______.‎ A.explain why she was interested in the computer B.share the ideas she had for her profession C.show how grateful she was to the center D.describe the courses she had taken so far I don't think I can recall a time when I wasn't aware of the beauty of the ocean.Growing up in Australia, I had the good fortune of having the sea at my side.The first time I went to Halfmoon Bay, I suddenly had the feeling of not being able to feel the ground with my feet anymore.‎ For my 10th birthday, my sister and I were taken out to the Great ‎ Barrier Reef.There were fish in different colors, caves and layers of corals.They made such an impression on me.When I learned that only 1 percent of Australia's Coral Sea was protected,I was shocked.Australian marine(海洋的) life is particularly important because the reefs have more marine species than any other country on earth.But sadly, only 45% of the world's reefs are considered healthy.‎ This statistic is depressing, so it's important for us to do everything to protect them.The hope that the Coral Sea remains a complete ecosystem has led me to take action.I've become involved with the Protect Our Coral Sea activity, which aims to create the largest marine park in the world.It would serve as a place where the ocean's species will all have a safe place forever.‎ Together, Angus and I created a little video and we hope it will inspire people to be a part of the movement.Angus also shares many beautiful childhood memories of the ocean as a young boy,who grew up sailing, admiring the beauty of the ocean, and trying to find the secrets of ocean species.‎ ‎24.From the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1, we can learn the author_______.‎ A.seldom went surfing at the sea B.forgot his experiences about the ocean C.never went back to his hometown D.had a wonderful impression of ‎Halfmoon‎ ‎Bay ‎25.According to the second paragraph,Australian marine life_____.‎ A.is escaping from the Coral Sea gradually B.depends on reefs for living greatly C.may be faced with danger D.is protected better than that in other oceans ‎26.The Protect Our Coral Sea activity is intended to_______.‎ A.contribute to a complete ecosystem B.prevent more marine species from being endangered C.set up a large nature reserve for reefs D.raise more teenagers' environmental awareness ‎27.Angus and the author created a little video to_______.‎ A.urge more people to take action to protect the marine species B.inspire more people to explore the secret of the ocean C.share their childhood experiences about the ocean D.bring back to people their memories of ocean species ‎“Did you hear what happened to Adam Last Friday?” Lindsey whispers to Tori.‎ With her eyes shining,Tori brags,“You bet I did,Sean told me two days ago.”‎ Who are Lindsey and Tori talking about? It just happened to be yours truly, Adam Freedmam. I can tell you that what they are saying is (a) not nice and (b) not even true.Still, Lindsey and Tori aren't very different from most students here at Linton High School, including me.Many of our conversations are gossip(闲话).I have noticed three effects of gossip: it can hurt people, it can give gossipers a strange kind of satisfaction, and it can cause social pressures in a group.‎ An important negative effect of gossip is that it can hurt the person being talked about.Usually,gossip spreads information about a topic—breakups, trouble at home, even dropping out—that a person would rather keep secret.The more embarrassing or shameful the secret is, the juicier the gossip it makes.Probably the worst type of gossip is the absolute lie.People often think of gossipers as harmless, but cruel lies can cause pain.‎ If we know that gossip can be harmful, then why do so many of us do it? That answer lies in another effect of gossip: the satisfaction it gives us.Sharing the latest rumor(传言)can make a person feel important because he or she knows something that others don't.Similarly, hearing the latest rumor can make a person feel like part of the “in group”. In other words, gossip is satisfying because it gives people a sense of belonging or even superiority(优越感).‎ Gossip also can have a third effect: it strengthens unwritten,unspoken ‎ rules about how people should act.Professor David Wilson explains that gossip is important in policing behaviors in a group.Translated into high school terms,this means that if everybody you hang around with is laughing at what John wore or what Jane said, then you can bet that wearing or saying something similar will get you the same kind of negative attention.The do's and don'ts conveyed through gossip will never show up in any student handbook.‎ The effects of gossip vary depending on the situation.The next time you feel the urge to spread the latest news, think about why you want to gossip and what effects your “juicy story” might have.‎ ‎28.The author uses a conversation at the beginning of the passage to______ .‎ A.introduce a topic B.present an argument C.describe the characters D.clarify his writing purpose ‎29.An important negative effect of gossip is that it______.‎ A.breaks up relationships B.embarrasses the listener C.spreads information around D.causes unpleasant experiences ‎30.In the author's opinion,many people like to gossip because ‎ it______.‎ A.gives them a feeling of pleasure B.helps them to make more firends C.makes them better at telling stories D.enables them to meet important people ‎31.Professor David Wilson thinks that gossip can______.‎ A.provide students with written rules B.help people watch their own behaviors C.force shcools to improve student handbooks D.attract the police's attention to group behaviors The character “duang” is so new that it does not even exist in the Chinese dictionary.But it has already spread like wildfire online in China, appearing more than 8 million times on China's microblog site Weibo, where it spawned a toptrending hashtag that drew 312,000 discussions among 15,000 users.On China's biggest online search engine Baidu, it has been looked up almost 600,000 times.It's been noticed in the west, too.‎ But what does it mean? “Everyone's duanging and yet I still don't know what it means!Looks like it's back to school for me,”said Weibo user Weileiweito.Another user asked,“Have you duanged today? My mind is full of duang duang duang.”“To duang or not to duang, that is the ‎ question,” wrote user BaiKut automan.‎ ‎“Duang”seems to be an example of onomatopoeia(拟声词),a word that phonetically imitates a sound.It all seems to have started with Hong Kong action star Jackie Chan, who in 2004 was featured in a shampoo commercial where he said famously to defend for his sleek(光亮的), black hair by using the rhythmicalsounding “duang”.The word resurfaced again recently after Chan posted it on his Weibo page.Thousands of users then began to flood Chan's Weibo page with comments, coining the word in reference to his infamous shampoo appearance.‎ The word appears to have many different meanings, and there's no perfect translation, but you could use it as an adjective to give emphasis to the word that follows it.A kitten might be “duang cute”, for example.Or you might be “very duang confused” by this blog.For readers of Chinese characters, the Jackie Chan theme is also apparent from the quirky way in which the word is written: a combination of Chan's Mandarin(普通话、中文 )name.‎ ‎32.What does Paragraph l mainly talk about?‎ A.Many countries use the word “duang”.‎ B.Debates arise online about the word “duang”.‎ C.Chinese dictionaries will contain a new character.‎ D.The word “duang” is used very often on the Internet.‎ ‎33.From what the persons mentioned in Paragraph 2 said,we can ‎ learn______.‎ A.“duang”is popular among students B.young users can use “duang” freely C.using “duang” is recognized as a fashion D.different people have their own understanding of “duang”‎ ‎34.Why did Jackie Chan use the word “duang” in 2004?‎ A.To invent a new character.‎ B.To advertise for an action film.‎ C.To show off his good hair in an ad.‎ D.To ask his fans to flood his Weibo page.‎ ‎35.The underlined word “quirky” in the last paragraph probably means “________”.‎ A.unusual B.modern C.perfect D.quick 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ How to relax your mind Nowadays,people everywhere seem to find less and less time available to them, and more and more things to achieve.It's quite common to find people running around like headless chickens meeting deadlines that they create.One doesn't have to live this way,in stress and struggle. 36 ‎ Breathing—I can't stress enough the importance of learning how to breathe properly, and not only when you're stressed, but at all times that you can.Learning how to breathe properly at all times is essential.You should try to deepen and lengthen your breath to lower the stress level and promote relaxation. 37 ‎ Relaxing—We often think that just going to the gym and working out is the right way to go to relax ourselves. ‎38 A good hard workout is good from time to time, but you are still running at full steam ahead and not giving yourself time to relax.So lighting some fragrant candles,taking a slow hot bath or a shower,or meditating for even 10 minutes will do wonders to help you relax your mind and get out of the stress zone.‎ Let it all out— 39 So calling or meeting up with a person who can listen to and empathize with us is often a great way to relax.It's important that we don't go into victim mode and get too negative.When we let out our frustrations,it should be done in a positive manner, and with light heartedness, even joking about the stress we're under.‎ ‎ 40 — Probably one of the most difficult skills at first to master, but in the end one of the most rewarding to learn in our fast-paced society is the attitude of gratitude.We can do some gratitude list making right on the spot to get out of our heads and to be away from all that we wish we had but don't, and to be thankful for all that we do have.I swear learning how to do this will relax you in a way that will change your life for a better one.‎ Hopefully this article helped you to find an answer to your question about how to relax your mind from stress.Try these techniques and let us know, what works best for you.‎ A.Be thankful to your friends.‎ B.Be grateful for what you have.‎ C.But this pace doesn't do much for our mind or stress levels.‎ D.You can either lie down on the floor or sit comfortably to relax yourself.‎ E.In this article we will present a few tips on how to relax your mind from stress.‎ F.In addition,deeper breathing helps to get rid of harmful substances in your lungs.‎ G.Sometimes we need to just let out our frustrations and worries to a close friend.‎ ‎ 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ Years ago, a critical event occurred in my life that would change it forever.I met Kurt Kampmeir of Success Motivation Incorporation for breakfast.While we were 41 , Kurt asked me,“John, what is your 42 for personal growth?”‎ Never at a loss for words, I tried to find things in my life that might 43 for growth.I told him about the many activities in which I was 44 .And I went into a 45 about how hard I worked and the gains I was making.I must have talked for ten minutes.Kurt 46 patiently,but then he 47 smiled and said,“You don't have a personal plan for growth, do you?”‎ ‎“No,” I 48 .‎ ‎“You know,” Kurt said simply,“growth is not a(n) 49 process.”‎ And that's when it 50 me.I wasn't doing anything 51 to make myself better.And at that moment,I made the 52 :I will develop and follow a personal growth plan for my 53 .‎ That night,I talked to my wife about my 54 with Kurt and what I had learned.I 55 her the workbook and tapes Kurt was selling.We 56 that Kurt wasn't just trying to make a sale.He was offering a 57 for us to change our lives and achieve our dreams.‎ Several important things happened that day.First, we decided to 58 the resources.But more importantly,we made a commitment to 59 together as a couple.From that day on, we learned together, traveled together, and sacrificed together.It was a 60 decision.While too many couples grow apart,we were growing together.‎ ‎41.A.working B.preparing ‎ C.thinking D.eating ‎42.A.suggestion B.demand ‎ C.plan D.request ‎43.A.appeal B.look ‎ C.call D.qualify(具备资格)‎ ‎44.A.involved B.trapped ‎ ‎ C.lost D.bathed ‎45.A.lecture B.speech ‎ C.discussion D.debate ‎46.A.calculated B.listened ‎ C.drank D.explained ‎47.A.eagerly B.gradually ‎ C.gratefully D.finally ‎48.A.admitted B.interrupted ‎ C.apologized D.complained ‎49.A.automatic B.slow ‎ C.independent D.changing ‎50.A.confused B.informed ‎ C.pleased D.hit ‎51.A.on loan B.on purpose ‎ C.on sale D.on balance ‎52.A.comment B.announcement ‎ C.decision D.arrangement ‎53.A.life B.progress ‎ C.performance D.investment ‎54.A.contract B.conversation ‎ C.negotiation D.argument ‎55.A.lent B.sold ‎ C.showed D.offered ‎56.A.recalled B.defined ‎ C.recognized D.declared ‎57.A.tool B.method ‎ C.way D.rule ‎58.A.provide B.buy ‎ C.give D.deliver ‎59.A.grow B.survive ‎ C.move D.gather ‎60.A.difficult B.random ‎ C.firm D.wise 第Ⅱ卷 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分20分)‎ 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ Happiness is like a small stone dropped into a pool to cause a circle of ripples. 61 Stevenson has said, being happy is a duty. There is no exact ‎ definition of 62 word “happiness”. Happy people are happy 63 all sorts of reasons. The key is not wealth or physical well-being, since we find beggars, the disabled and so-called 64( fail ), who are extremely happy. 65(stay) happy is satisfaction of soul and character. 66 is not selfish to try to achieve it. It is, indeed, a duty to ourselves and others. ‎ Being 67(happy) is like an infectious disease. It causes people to stay away from the sufferer. He soon finds himself alone and sad. There is, 68,a cure for it: if you don’t feel happy, pretend to be! ‎ It 69 (work). Before long you will find that you attract people. You discover how deeply rewarding it is to be the center of wider and wider circles of good will. Then the make-believe becomes a reality. You become 70 (real) happy.‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分15分)‎ 第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2.只允许修改 10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ During the summer holiday, I thought I should do anything meaningful instead of touring. So I got a job at a fast food restaurant but worked there as a cleaner. I worked 7 hours day for three weeks. The job was boring and seemed endless, in which made me so tired that I nearly stopped it halfway. After all, I stuck to it with determinations. Every day, I started off for work early in the morning, and went home later in the evening. Finally, I finished the job before the new school term begins. Now, I understand how labor means. I think it is a successfully experience, which is worth remember forever.‎ 第二节 用合适的单词完成下列句子(共5小题;每空0.5分,满分5分)‎ ‎81.孩子们已经适应炎热天气了。‎ The children have ______ themselves ______ the heat.‎ ‎82.有人建议我们应该立刻采取行动。‎ It____ ______ that we should take measures at once. ‎ ‎83.史密斯先生的钱包在公共汽车上被偷了。‎ Mr. Smith _____ his wallet _______on a bus.‎ ‎84.那孩子似乎被狂风暴雨吓得要命。‎ ‎8.It_____ _____ the child was frightened to death by the violent thunderstorm.  ‎ ‎85.他的父母反对他去美国深造,因为他们认为他年龄太小了。‎ His parents _____ ______ his going to the USA for further study, because they thought he was too young.‎ 答案 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 语篇导读 这是一封书信,作者有注意力缺陷,因此没能实现大学梦,但是一家培训中心的网站给了作者在线学习的机会,让她的生活有了目标,并且找到了一份好工作。‎ ‎21.解析:B 细节理解题。题干的“不去读大学”告诉我们,本题的答案应该定位在第四段。该段说,作者的病情变得更糟了,因此不能去读大学,而这个疾病是第二段说到的ADHD,具体表现是注意力不能集中较长时间(unable to keep focused for more than an hour at a time),这与B项叙述吻合。‎ ‎22.解析:A 细节理解题。根据题干的working environment,我们找到第六段的looking for a job,该段说到作者希望的工作环境:I could work alone,but still have a team to talk to。A项的working by herself与该句的work alone表达的意思是一致的,因此选A。‎ ‎23.解析:C 写作目的题。作者在文章开头直接说明写信的目的“告诉你你的帮助对我的人生是多么重要”;然后描述自己的病情,未了的大学梦,以及收信人开办的网站给作者带来的影响,因此本文的写作目的是C:表明作者对于这个培训中心的感激。‎ 语篇导读 本文旨在号召人们保护海洋生物。‎ ‎24. 解析:D 推理判断题。根据“I don't think I can recall a time when I wasn't aware of the beauty of the ocean”和“I had the good fortune of having the sea at my side”可知,作者喜欢海洋,画线句意为“我突然有了一种不想再踏上陆地的感觉”,说明Halfmoon Bay给作者留下了一个美好的印象。故选D。‎ ‎25 解析:C 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Australian marine(海洋的)life is particularly important because the reefs have more marine species than any other country on earth.But sadly,only 45% of the world's reefs are considered healthy”可推知,澳大利亚的海洋生物可能处在危险之中。故选C。‎ ‎26. 解析:B 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“which aims to create the largest marine park in the world.It would serve as a place where the ocean's species will all have a safe place forever”可知,其目的是保护海洋生物免受危险。故选B。‎ ‎27解析:A 细节理解题。根据最后一段的第一句可知,他们的目的是鼓励人们参与保护海洋生物的行动。故选A。‎ 语篇导读 很多人都喜欢背后说人闲话。本文主要介绍了人们说闲话的原因以及说闲话给人们带来的影响。‎ ‎28.解析:A 推理判断题。根据文章开头的对话内容和下文内容可知,作者使用对话的主要目的在于引出本文的话题“人们为什么喜欢说闲话”,故选A项。‎ ‎29.解析:D 推理判断题。从文章第三段中的“I have noticed three effects of gossip…in a group”和第四段中的“An important negative effect of gossip is that…talked about”可推知,说闲话的一个重要的负面影响是给被别人说闲话的人带来不愉快的体验,所以选D项。‎ ‎30解析:A 细节理解题。从第三段中的“it can give gossipers a strange kind of satisfaction”和第五段中的“gossip is satisfying because it gives people a sense of belonging…”可知,很多人喜欢说闲话是因为他们可以从中获得某种满足感,所以选A项。‎ ‎31解析:B 细节理解题。从全文倒数第二段中的“Professor David Wilson explains that gossip is important in policing behaviors in a group”可知,说闲话会帮助群体成员观察自身的行为习惯。所以选B项。‎ ‎32.解析:D 段落大意。根据第一段第二句可知,该段主要介绍了“duang”这个词在因特网上的广泛使用,故D项正确。‎ ‎33解析:D 推理判断题。根据第二段第二句以及本段中其他两个人对“duang”的看法可推知,本段主要介绍了不同的人对“duang”有着不同的理解,故D项正确。‎ ‎34.解析:C 细节理解题。根据第三段第二句可知,成龙在2004年使用“duang”是为了在广告中展示他的好头发,故C项正确。‎ ‎35.解析:A 词义猜测题。根据本文最后一句可知,“duang”字的写法是成龙姓名的中文写法的结合,这是一种不同寻常的表达方式;据此可以判断,画线词意为“不寻常的”,故A项正确。‎ ‎36.E 解析:该空前一句说明了我们不要在压力和挣扎中生活,下文是几种减压方法,故选E,起承上启下的过渡作用。‎ ‎37.F 解析:本段的主题是呼吸,故选F。F项讲述了深呼吸的益处。‎ ‎38.C 解析:该段的主题是放松,该空前一句提到,人们常常认为去体育馆和锻炼是放松的方式,而下文的but表示转折,所以此处表示的是这种节奏对于缓解压力是不够的,故选C。‎ ‎39.G 解析:本段标题是释放压力。该空后提到给能倾听的人打电话或者见面释放沮丧情绪是一种放松的方式,故选G。‎ ‎40.B 解析:根据下文的“the attitude of gratitude”可知,我们要学会感激,故选B。‎ ‎41解析:D 根据上文中的“breakfast”可知,应选择eating,表示他们在一起吃饭。‎ ‎42解析:C 根据下文中的“You don't have a personal plan for growth”可知,本题选择plan,表示个人成长计划。‎ ‎43.解析:D 作者听到问题后竭力寻找能够回答问题的答案,qualify符合,配得上,符合句意。‎ ‎44.解析:A(be) involved (in)参加,符合句意。‎ ‎45.解析:B 根据下文的“I must have talked for ten minutes”可知作者滔滔不绝地说了起来,就像是在演讲,因此选择speech。‎ ‎46.解析:B Kurt耐心地听着,因此选择listened。‎ ‎47.解析:D 听完之后,Kurt终于发表了自己的看法。finally符合句意。‎ ‎48.解析:A 根据作者的答语“No”可知,作者同意Kurt的说法,承认自己没有这样的成长计划。因此选择admitted。‎ ‎49.解析:A 根据文章内容可知,成长不是一个自发的过程,而是需要计划的,因此本题选择automatic。‎ ‎50.解析:D ‎ 根据本段的内容可知,作者此时领悟到了Kurt所说的话。hit表示“使……突然想起”。‎ ‎51.解析:B 本句的意思是作者以前一直没有有目的地去让自己更好地成长。on purpose有意地,符合句意。‎ ‎52.解析:C 根据句中的“I will develop and follow a personal growth plan…”可知,作者此刻作了决定,因此选择decision。‎ ‎53解析:A 根据下文可知,作者制订了人生成长计划,因此选择life。‎ ‎54.解析:B 根据上文可知选择conversation,作者把他与Kurt之间的谈话告诉了妻子。‎ ‎55.解析:C 作者向妻子展示了Kurt出售的书和磁带,因此选择showed。‎ ‎56.解析:C 作者与妻子认为Kurt不仅仅是在销售东西。recognize承认,意识到,符合句意。‎ ‎57.解析:C Kurt给我们指明了一条改变我们生活、实现我们梦想的道路。way方法,途径,后面常用不定式作后置定语。‎ ‎58解析:B 根据上文的“was selling”可知,本题选择buy。‎ ‎59.解析:A 此处表示与妻子一起成长,故选择grow。‎ ‎60.解析:D 根据最后一句可知,他们的决定是明智的,因此选择wise。‎ ‎61. 解析: As为关系代词引导定语从句,译为“正如”,指代后面整个句子 ‎ ‎62. 解析:the表特指后面的单词“happiness” ‎ ‎63.for解析:介词“因为” ‎ ‎64.failures解析:“失败者”指具体的失败的人或事为可数名词 ‎ ‎65.Staying解析: 动名词作主语 ‎ ‎66.It解析: 形式主语 ‎ ‎67.unhappy解析:根据后面的意思“不开心就像是一种传染病”。 ‎ ‎68.however解析: 转折之意,根据其用法,做副词用时后面用标点符号“,”隔开。 ‎ ‎69.works解析:译为“起作用” ‎ ‎70.really解析: 副词修饰形容词 ‎ ‎71. anything→something解析:肯定句,译为“一些事情” ‎ ‎72. but→and解析:此处是并列的意思并无转折之意 ‎ ‎73. day前加a/pe r解析:此处意思是“每天或一天 七个小时” ‎ ‎ 74. 删掉in解析: which为定语从句中的关系代词,在定语从句中作主语 ‎75. determinations→determination解析:“决心”为不可数名词 ‎ ‎ 76. later→late解析:此处意思为“晚地”而不是“之后”的意思 ‎ ‎77. begins→began解析: 文章主体时态为过去时 ‎ ‎78. how→what解析: what充当宾语从句中means后面的宾语 ‎ ‎79. successfully→successful解析:此处是形容词修饰名词 ‎ ‎80. remember→remembering解析: be worth dong sth 为固定句型 ‎81.解析:.adapted to 固定词组“适应” adapted为过去分词。‎ ‎82. 解析:is suggested 主语从句结构,It为形式主语。‎ ‎83. 解析:had stolen 固定词组have sth done此处译为“某人遭遇到不幸的事”。‎ ‎ 84. 解析:seemsseemed that固定句型 “ 似乎、好像……”‎ ‎85解析:.objected towere against固定词组“反对”‎

