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‎2018届二轮复习 话题写作:文化交流与社会礼仪 第一节 话题背诵 ‎1.assist vt.帮助,协助 ‎2.assistance n.帮助,援助,支持 ‎3.caution n.警告;谨慎,小心 ‎4.command n.& vt.命令 ‎5.communication n.交际,交往;通讯 ‎6.conversation n.对话 ‎7.decline vt.拒绝 ‎8.departure n.离开,出发 ‎9.dial vt.& vi.拨(电话号码) ‎ ‎10.exchange n.& vt.交换,调换;交流 ‎11.express vt.表达;表示;n.快车,特快专递 ‎12.expression n.表达;词句;表示;表情 ‎13.greet vt.问候;向……致敬 ‎14.greeting n.祝贺;问候 ‎15.pardon n.原谅,宽恕,对不起 ‎16.part vi.分离;分开 ‎17.persuade vt.说服,劝说 ‎18.prohibit vt.禁止 ‎19.reason vi.评理;劝说;n.理由,原因 ‎20.reject vt.拒绝 ‎21.respect n.敬意,尊重 ‎22.behave vt.守规矩,行为 ‎23.believe v.相信,认为 ‎24.casual adj.随意的 ‎25.celebrate v.庆祝 ‎26.experience v.体验;n.经历;经验 ‎27.inform vt.告诉;通知 ‎28.introduce v.介绍 ‎29.occasion n.场合;时机;理由 ‎30.respond vi.回答,回应,作出反应 ‎1.adopted words外来词 ‎2.be familiar with熟悉;通晓 ‎3.body language身势语 ‎4.bring in引进 ‎5.broaden one’s horizons开阔视野 ‎6.crosscultural communication跨文化交流 ‎7.cultural background文化背景 ‎8.cultural conflict文化冲突 ‎9.cultural diversity文化差异 ‎10.cultural exchange文化交流 ‎11.cultural shock文化冲击 ‎12.exchange students交换生 ‎13.have an appointment with sb.与某人有个约会 ‎14.in public当众, 公开地 ‎15.in response to作为对……的回答;反应 ‎16.in terms of就……来说;从……角度 ‎17.local culture本土文化 ‎18.local customs and practices风土人情 ‎19.look down upon/on轻视, 看不起 ‎20.make a brief introduction to对……做简单介绍 ‎21.multicultural society多元文化社会 ‎22.make an appointment with sb.与某人约会 ‎23.make an impression on... 给……留下深刻印象 ‎24.national identity and value民族认同和价值观 ‎25.put up with忍受 ‎26.remove prejudice and misunderstanding消除偏见和误解 ‎27.think highly of重视 ‎28.turn up出现,到达,来到 ‎1.I don’t have a good command of English,especially spoken English,so I’m afraid I’ll have difficulty fitting in very soon.‎ 我不精通英语,尤其是口语,恐怕我很难在短期内适应。‎ ‎2.I felt very pleased and excited,for this was the first time I had ever talked with a foreigner in English,and I did give him a little help.‎ 我感到很高兴,也很兴奋,因为这是我第一次用英语和外国人讲话,并且我确实给了他一点帮助。‎ ‎3.I know you love Chinese paintings.Here is a piece of good news for you.‎ 我知道你喜欢中国画,有一条好消息要告诉你。‎ 第二节 话题写作 情景专练1‎ ‎(2014·陕西)假定你是中学生李华。美国一个中学校长代表团即将访问你校并出席英语周的一项活动。请根据写作要点和写作要求写一篇欢迎词。‎ 写作要点:‎ ‎1.表示对客人的欢迎;‎ ‎2.介绍此项活动(如活动目的、内容等);‎ ‎3.表达对客人的祝愿。‎ 注意:词数不少于100。‎ Ⅰ.记增分素材 ‎1.代表on behalf of ‎2.对某人表示热烈欢迎express one’s warm welcome to sb.‎ ‎3.按照预订时间as scheduled ‎ ‎4.发展某方面的兴趣develop interest in ‎ ‎5.由……组成consist of/be made up of ‎6.参加take part in ‎ ‎7.从……当中获益benefit from ‎8.祝某人过得愉快wish sb.a pleasant/good time Ⅱ.练高分句式 Dear American guests,‎ On behalf of our school,I would like to express our warm welcome to you.We are lucky to have you here in the middle of our English Week activities.‎ ‎(1)As scheduled,we have English Talent Show today(我们今天将按照原定计划举行英语才艺展).The purpose of this programme is to develop our interest in English learning and practical abilities in listening and speaking.(2)The programme consists of the following activities(此项目包括以下活动):recitation,singing,word spelling,storytelling and so on.The Show will begin at two o’clock this afternoon at the Student Centre.Dear guests,(3) you are welcome to take part in some activities(欢迎你们参加一些活动).I hope we students will benefit from your presence.‎ I sincerely wish you a pleasant time with us.Thank you.‎ 情景专练2‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(2016·河南郑州一模)假如你是李华,你的英国笔友Andrew不久前去美国留学,他给你写信说很不适应那里的生活。请你根据以下提示用英语给他写一封回信,鼓励他勇敢面对。‎ ‎1.尊重当地的风俗习惯;‎ ‎2.与美国学生多交流;‎ ‎3.积极参加户外活动;‎ ‎4.注意与人交往时的礼仪。‎ 注意:词数100左右。‎ Ⅰ.记增分素材 ‎1.习惯于be/get used to/be accustomed to ‎2.参加involve oneself in/take part in/participate in/join in ‎3.正如谚语所说just as the saying goes ‎4.玩得高兴have fun/have a good time ‎5.与某人相处get along/on with sb.‎ Ⅱ.练高分句式 Dear Andrew,‎ How nice to hear from you again!(1)I think it is natural for you not to get used to the life there(我认为你不适应那儿的生活是很自然的).Here I have some suggestions for you.‎ First of all,you should respect the local customs there and try to involve yourself in the natives’ lives.Just as the saying goes,“When in Rome,do as the Romans ‎ do.” Secondly,don’t be afraid to communicate with American students and make friends with them.Friendship will bring you happiness.What’s more,it is better for you to join in more outdoor activities with your friends,(2) which may help you relax and have fun(这将有助于你放松和玩得高兴).Finally,mind your own manners and remain modest and honest when getting along with your friends.‎ I do hope my suggestions will help.(3) May you adapt to your new life and enjoy your stay there(祝你适应新的生活,在那儿过得快乐).‎ Yours sincerely,‎ Li Hua

