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考点十 并列连词和状语从句 - 2 - - 3 - 第 1 步   技法探究 一、并列连词 并列连词是用来连接两个或多个并列的词、短语或句子的词 , 主要表示并列、选择、转折、因果等关系。并列连词在句子中位置比较固定 , 必须位于所连接的并列单位之间 ; 两个并列连词不能并用。 1. 表示并列关系的连词 表示并列关系的连词有 and,both ...and...,not only...but also...,neither...nor... 等。 例 :He started to shout and sing. 例 :Both New York and London have traffic problems. 例 :Not only the students but(also)their teacher is enjoying the movie. - 4 - 2. 表示选择关系的连词 表示选择关系的连词有 or,either ...or... 等。 例 :Will you have tea,(or)coffee or lemonade? 例 :You can either write or phone to request a copy. 3. 表示转折关系的连词 表示转折关系的连词有 but,yet,while 等。 例 :Learning the guitar isn ’ t difficult,but you have to practice. 例 :She trained hard all year yet still failed to reach her best form. 例 :I drink black coffee while he prefers it with cream. 4. 表示因果关系的连词 表示因果关系的连词有 for 。 例 :We listened eagerly,for he brought news of our families. - 5 - 二、时间状语从句 1.when,while,as 的用法 一般情况下 , 若主句表示的是一个短暂性动作 , 从句是一个持续性动作 , 三者都可以用。 (1)when 引导的时间状语从句中的谓语可以用非延续性动词 , 也可以用延续性动词 , 而 while 从句中的谓语必须是延续性动词。 例 :Were you writing when the teacher came in? When/While my mother was cleaning the room,I was washing my clothes. (2)when 引导的从句的动作和主句的动作可以是同时发生 , 也可以是先后发生 ;while 则强调主句的动作发生在从句动作发生的过程中或主从句两个动作同时发生。 例 :When the clock struck twelve,all the lights went out. While they were talking,the bell rang. - 6 - (3)as 引导的从句的动作与主句动作同时发生。若从句动作的时间概念淡化而主要表示主句动作发生的背景或条件时 , 只能用 as 。 例 :The students took notes as they listened. The atmosphere gets thinner and thinner as the height increases. 2.before 的用法 before 引导时间状语从句时表示主句动作发生在从句动作之前 , 翻译时比较灵活 , 常译为 “ 在 …… 之前 ; 不等 …… 就 ; …… 之后才 ” 。 例 :Check your report carefully before you hand it in. 例 :The film had already begun before they got to the cinema. 例 :Several days had gone by before I knew my dictionary was lost. - 7 - 3.until/till 的用法 (1) 主句是肯定句时 , 主句的谓语用延续性动词 , 指动作一直持续到从句谓语表示的动作发生为止 , 意为 “ 直到 ……” 。 例 :You may stay here until school is over. I waited for him in the office until the meeting was over. (2) 主句是否定句时 , 主句的谓语用短暂性动词 , 指动作一直到从句谓语表示的动作发生时才开始 , 意为 “ 直到 …… 才 ……” 。 例 :He didn ’ t go to bed until his wife came back. - 8 - 4.since 的用法 (1)since 引导的时间状语从句用一般过去时 , 谓语通常是短暂性动词 , 主句常用完成时态。 例 :I have been teaching in this school since I left college. (2)since 常出现在 “It is/has been+ 一段时间 +since...” 句式中 , 表示 “ 自从 …… 以来已经多长时间 ” 。从句谓语动词是延续性动词或表示状态的静态动词 , 从句表示的时间是从该动作结束时算起 ; 从句谓语是短暂性动词 , 则从该动作开始时算起。 例 :It ’ s been two years since we came here. 例 :It ’ s been a year since I smoked. - 9 - 5. 表示 “ 一 …… 就 ……” 的引导词的用法 as soon as,immediately,directly,instantly,the moment/ minute,no sooner... than,hardly /scarcely...when 等引导时间状语从句时 , 都表示 “ 一 …… 就 ……” 之意。 例 :The moment/minute the little girl saw her mother,she burst out crying.(=The little girl burst out crying immediately she saw her mother.) 例 :No sooner had he reached home than it began to rain. 例 :Hardly had I walked into the house when the phone rang. 注意 : 名词 ( 短语 )the moment,the minute,each time,every time,any time,the first/last time 也可用作连词 , 引导时间状语从句。 - 10 - 三、原因状语从句 原因状语从句一般用 because,as,since 等来引导。 1.because 语气最强 , 表示必然的因果关系 , 用来回答 why 的提问。 例 :She ’ s got the job because she has the advantage of knowing many languages. 2.since 语气稍弱 , 表示对方已经知晓的原因或事实 , 意为 “ 既然 ; 因为 ; 由于 ” 。 例 :Since it was late,I shall go home now. Since we are free,let ’ s go to the cinema. 3.as 语气最弱 , 往往不是明显的原因 , 只是对结果的附带说明。 例 :As he wasn ’ t there,we left a message. - 11 - 四、让步状语从句 1. 让步状语从句一般用 (al) though,as,while,even though/ if,no matter+ 疑问词 , 疑问词 -ever 引导。 例 :Though he had a cold,he still worked in his office. 例 :While I like the style of the coat,I do not like its color. 例 :He will come on time even if it rains. 2.as 引导让步状语从句时 , 从句的表语、状语、谓语部分的实义动词需置于句首 , 若表语是可数名词单数 , 其前不能有冠词。 例 :Proud as they are,they are afraid to see me. Try as he might,he still couldn ’ t lift the big case. Child as he is,he learns many things from the books. - 12 - 3. 疑问词 -ever 与 “no matter+ 疑问词 ” 引导让步状语从句时可以互换。 例 :Keep calm,whatever /no matter what happens. Wherever/No matter where you go,I ’ ll go with you. 注意 : 疑问词 -ever 既可以引导让步状语从句也可以引导名词性从句 , 而 “no matter+ 疑问词 ” 只能引导让步状语从句。 - 13 - 五、目的状语从句 目的状语从句用 so that,in order that,in case 引导 , 从句谓语常含有 may,might,can,could,will,would 等情态动词。当主从句主语一致时 , 可以把从句转化成不定式。 例 :We turned on the light so that we could see clearly what it was.→We turned on the light,so as to see clearly what it was. 例 :I don ’ t think Susan will be sad but I ’ ll go and comfort her in case she is. - 14 - 六、结果状语从句 结果状语从句用 so...that...,such... that,so that 引导。 so 是副词 , 修饰形容词或副词 ;such 是形容词 , 修饰名词 , 名词前有表示数量的 little( 少 ), few,many,much 等修饰时用 so 。 例 :He was so angry that he couldn ’ t say a word. He earned so little money that he could hardly support his family. It was such delicious food that they ate it up. The teacher spoke loud so that everybody heard him. 七、地点状语从句 地点状语从句用 where,wherever 引导。 例 :Where there is smoke,there is fire. You can put the book wherever you like. - 15 - 八、条件状语从句 条件状语从句用 if,unless,as /so long as 等引导 ,unless 相当于 if...not 。 例 :I will buy a computer if I am able to save up enough money. I ’ m happy as long as you are happy. 九、方式状语从句 方式状语从句用 as,as if/though 引导。 as if/though 引导的从句常用虚拟语气 ( 但是当说话者认为句子所述的是真实的或极有可能发生或存在的事实时 ,as if 从句要用陈述语气 ) 。 例 :You must do the work as you are told. She treats her husband as if he were a stranger. It looks as if it ’ s going to rain. - 16 - 十、比较状语从句 比较状语从句由 as,than 引导 , 从句中通常省略与主句相同的部分 , 或用助动词 do,does,did 代替与主语部分相同的谓语。 例 :There are as many people in our town as(there are)in your town. She ’ s a better player than(she was) last year. - 17 - 第 2 步   真题试做 1 .(2017· 广东 )I used the first smile card      I was getting my dogs some food in a pet store.  2 .(2017· 浙江 6 月高考 ) Pahlsson screamed      loudly that her daughter came running from the house.  3 .(2017· 北京高考 )— Peter,please send us postcards      we’ll know where you have visited.  —No problem. when 解析 : 从句的动作和主句的动作同时发生 , 故用 when 引导。 so 解析 : 由后文的 that 可知此处是 so...that... 结构 , 表示 “ 如此 …… 以至于 …… ” 。 so 解析 : “ 我们就知道你参观过哪里了 ” 是 “ 寄一些明信片 ” 的结果 , 前后句是因果关系 , 所以用 so 连接。 - 18 - 4 .(2017· 北京高考 )If you don’t understand something,you may research,study,and talk to other people      you figure it out.  5 .(2017· 天津高考 )She asked me       I had returned the books to the library,and I admitted that I hadn’t.  until 解析 : 此处表示 “ 如果你不懂一些东西 , 你可以研究、学习 , 并和别人交谈 , 直到你弄明白 ”, 此处应用 until 引导时间状语从句 , 表示 “ 直到 ” 。 if/whether 解析 : 所填词引导宾语从句 , 在从句中不作成分 , 但表示 “ 是否 ” 意义 , 故用 if 或 whether 。 - 19 - 第 3 步   模拟通关 1 .(2019· 广东广州模拟考试 )I first got a few books from the library      they didn’t help very much.  2 .(2019· 广东佛山月考 )Give them their happiness      you will get your own happiness.  3 .(2019· 广东肇庆适应性检测 )They are open for one more day,      I’m going to see it tonight.  but/yet 解析 : 根据语意可知 , 前后存在转折关系 , 故填 but/yet 。 and 解析 : 本句是 “ 祈使句 +and+ 陈述句 ” 句式。 so 解析 : for one more day 导致了 go to see it tonight, 所以本空填表示结果的连词 so 。 - 20 - 4 .(2019· 广东中山诊断考试 )I would like to have seen some dingoes( 野狗 ),      I didn’t.  5 .(2019· 广东珠海月考 )And they may be      round or square.  6 .(2019· 广东潮州期末调研 )Luggage may not be brought into the building      a guard has checked it first.  but 解析 : 根据 would like to 与 I didn’t 的对比判断 , 本空填表示转折的 but 。 either 解析 : 根据 round 和 square 判断填 either;either ...or...“ 或者 …… 或者 …… ” 。 unless 解析 : 此处表示 “ 如果门卫不先进行检查 , 行李就可能不会被带进这幢楼 ”, 故填 unless“ 如果不 , 除非 ”, 引导条件状语从句。 - 21 - 7 .(2019· 广东东莞月考 )It will be great      you can tell me some information about chopsticks.  if 解析 : 此处表示 “ 如果你能告诉我一些关于筷子的信息 ”, 所填的词表示条件 , 故用 if 。 8 .(2019· 广东汕头月考 )...because no matter      we study,we can still achieve a lot in a certain field if we try our best.  9 .(2019· 广东江门适应性检测 )She only uses that name      she paints.  where 解析 : 此处表示 “ 无论我们在哪里学习 ”, 故填 where 。 when 解析 : 此处引导时间状语从句 , 故填 when 。 - 22 - 10 .(2019· 广东四大名校联考 )To our surprise,       much effort has been made,the cause of the accident has not been found out.  although/though 解析 : 根据句意可知 , 这里应该是用连词 although 或 though 引导让步状语从句。

